Be 1999 + 20

>be 1999 + 20
>berserk 30th anniversary
>no news on new chapter or anything
I fucking hate idol and lolishit

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>1999 was 30 years ago

did Miura ran out of ideas or did the idolm@ster already took complete control over his mind?

You should hate Miura instead for not doing his job.

Is Casca still retarded?
Is the obnoxious JRPG party still a thing?
Is Schierke still perfect?

Feels like I haven't read a chapter in 4+ years

casca isnt retarded anymore but reunion with guts ended on a fucking cliffhanger and since then we got nothing but shitty griffith chapters
other than that yes and yes

will Guts and Casca get married in elfhelm?
also, last champter shows griffith disappearing in a fullmoon night in last page of last chapter, what now?

the end griffith is gone the people and apostles get together and guts and company are in happy fairy land casca was just screaming because she stubbed her toe


>place all humanity in one single place
sounds suspicious to me i dunno about you

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t. lolifaggot

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It's really weird to think that people have been following Berserk since before I was born (June, 1997).

The legendary useless BOAT arc started in 2009, yes 10 years of nothing.

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Boat arc ended, retard. Like 2 or 3 years ago.

Ok don't cry i feel your pain, then 8 years of nothing does it feel better now ?

I think I recall muira saying berserk was about 70% done awhile ago.

So maybe it will be finished in 20 years?

>gather all of humanity in a single place
>fulfill Griffiths dream
>rest of godhand says lol thanks and feasts on the entire human race
>guys and Griffith fight side by side for good times sake
>all is forgiven
>Guts Griff and Casca live forever together in a 3 way one love relationship

First volume was published on Nov 26 1990. Maybe well get something next November

Hey at least Miura is still 53! That's like 30 years of waiting!

we are so fucked

That's 17 years left of "writing" if you assume he retirrs at 70. Berserk is never going to get a proper ending.

>tfw i can't even remember the sticky
What happened.

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they went on a cute elf island and casca screamed

You now realise shutting down sadpanda was an attempt to get Miura's ass back to work.

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I know user, I mean what happened to the series to reach this state.




poor bastard is beyond tired of it 30 years will do that to you

C'MON guys, let's be reasonable. All we need from the madman is the script and a mangaka (another one if needed) to do the gentle job of adapting it on paper. By now, the quality or design of caracters is not even an issue. So we can all die in peace.

Berserk has no bad arcs, all of it is good. It just seems like the recent parts are bad because you've been reading the manga at a snail pace waiting for new chapters to release.

You know what must be done. Contact Murata.

Sea god sub-arc was mediocre. But like the flower related post arc, and the end of the sea god arc where on par. Also I get it's kind of the point. It's basically a mirror of the Bazuso fight in the begining. Except there is no griffith watching him this time. Granted, I could see griffith wanting to posess Guts again. If in this new retreading instead griffith sees guts as a true friend because of the emotion within the vessel of his son, then that would both break the cycle and build drama like no other. Granted, who knows how the narrative splays out from here

No, and I like OPM.

25 years, assuming 6 episodes/year. More likely 30 years.

So, should I start getting into the manga now that dark horse is making the huge deluxe editions?

Just read online, it's not worth your money

what pentagram and animal blood do we use?

I prefer physical copies of written and illustrated works. Mainly because I am off the grid living for months at a time innawoods in a small cabin to get away from humanity. I got a lot of solo board games, books, comics, and manga. Was just curious if I should toss berserk on the pile.

That's respectable. It's a pretty good manga despite the fact it will probably never end. Definitely worth a read.
I read so much and so quickly that I couldn't live without digital media, I'd have neither the space or the money for physical copies.

Good to know. I'll add it to my list.

sacrifice the nearest dark skin girl closest to you

Actually, it's its 40th anniversary.

Murata is clean in the design, and his faces are too simple, but you have to see when he tries to imitate the style of Miura, for me he can do it

Unironically nothing will change because he’ll add more filler than Muira ever did so he can fuck off

fucking hell

Is blaming idolmaster still the epic meme for Miura? He wasn't really that into it in the first place. And I doubt he's still into it even today.

You nerds should just accept that the guy is just a fucking lazy hack.

Griffith seems to have long term plans for Falconia, with the orphanages, educating commoners and whatnot, and I can't see him literally sacrificing his dream

Fuck off kid.

>completely merge the physical and astral world
>genocide all the astral world fucks, including other god hand members
>create an age of reason and technology
>thereby absolutely destroying superstitions, completely eradicating what remains of the astral world
>Griffith becomes god emperor of mankind

Really makes you feel old huh? I can't believe 1999 was 30 years ago.

We were born to suffer


I'll be turning 30 next year where did the time go?

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>berserk will never get a live action movie on par with the first LotR adaption

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Time only goes faster the older you get. Your parents were right

t. mid 30s.

Miura's a hack

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Why the fuck would anyone want that

Welcome to the modern industry, it's cancer.


get fucked nerd.

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New Chapter Soon frens

So, Berserk is a wizard, like me?

>implying Berserk is a virgin
You just know that someone's pleasured themselves with a replica of the Dragonslayer.

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He is a knight-barbarian multi class.