
We bleach now

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Is this series selling in Japan?

It's apparently doing alright and the anime is doing ok as well

this industry is so fucked

I dont read or watch Boruto what's this kids problem?

What the fuck is happening in the naruto universe?

This looks like an edit, but I guess I could believe something this retarded could happen in Boruto. Kawaki clearly admires Naruto, and yet why did we see Kawaki in the future say ominous things regarding Naruto, as if he killed him?

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ugly ass design

Manga is doing very poorly. It's only the anime and video game sales (Boruto being one of TV TOKYO's most profitable IPs) that keeps this series afloat.

If you watched Dragon Ball, we're at the equivalent of the Android arc.

Then where the heck is Cell
>in before Madara dorato

He is a the vessel which means he probably got posses by the main bad guy, Both to is just saying how Kawaki had this much strength in him

Kawaki is Cell.

He’s the best villain?

this nigga finna go full bankai

He's the best good guy.

Been a while since I saw that image. Has the "Boruto is actually the villain in this scenario" theory been disproven yet?

Naruto probably got taken to be a new cock sleeve vessel for Karma or something and Kawaki is the only one who can enable Boruto to use his byakugan to teleport to their bad guy lair to rescue him or some shit like that. Shit definitely isn't what it seems.

more like poor fanfiction

Wait what? Isn't this the guy who eventually murders naruto?

I still wait.

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Kawaki is a good boy.
Naruto outta make him a son in law

>Dad was a drunk who kicked his ass when he was drunk
>Dad sells him off for a briefcase full of money
>New dad tells him he loves him and promises him purpose in life
>New dad proceeds to use him as a test subject for a experiment where dozens of other kids have died
>Watches a kid die graphically from the experiment
>Has experiment done to him
>experiment works and he gets a god seal
>New dad proceeds to kick his ass repeatedly for years
>New dad tells him constantly that he's worthless by himself but has worth because of the seal he bestowed upon him
>New dad does experiments on him and turms him into a cyborg
>Dads friends use him as a punching bag to test regenerative abilities going as far as breaking limbs
>He escapes a transportation blimp
>Befriends konoha ninja
>Gets adopted by Naruto
>Begins to feel love for the first time

I still can't believe that someone would write a story with this sort of beginning.
Not necessarily because all of the designs, the story implications, or the utter disregard for any sort of prior happenings, but more along the lines of why would anyone outright doom one's own characters to meet at a predetermined plot nexus like this? What if you started writing something and then realized that you suddenly preferred an entirely different direction for your cast? That stupid, shitty color spread is a sword of Damocles just hanging over this entire series. That scene must occur now, and it's no doubt a stranglehold on the story's progression in one way or another. I don't even read this, and I can tell that it's shitshow just based on that first part of that first chapter.

So i'm gonna guess Boruto is the villain and killed his own dad because he was giving the other kid more attention then him. That would be pretty fucking kino desu

God, I fucking hate his design so much. Cringe and unmemorable as fuck.

Naruto survived 83 episodes of straight filler after the Sasuke Retrieval Arc. Nothing's changed and you shouldn't be surprised by anything after that.

Yep, not to mention theres a timeskip in this story so literally all of the first half is gonna be fillers

Basically Naruto adopted him and hes literally took 1st spot as best son from Boruto(not really much of challenge desu)

He actually has Naruto in safety drinking tea along Sauce


This can't be serious user. Tell me this isn't true.

Boruto is 10x worse already
>110 episodes
>only adapted one manga arc

After ~130 episodes of some of the best shounen fuckboy content of all time. This shit series started with like ~40 episodes of soft ass filler, had a ~15 episode, mediocre arc with some decent moments/fights, then immediately 180'd right back to the Slice of Life trash ever since. This shit is not comparable in any way.

Oh and
>INB4 'i-it's all canon guys"

>comparing something in two different metrics

Okay. We're nearly 120 episodes in, and the only manga content that's been adapted thusfar is the manga's tracing of a 90 minute movie that was released 4 years ago.

Naruto's filler was better too, though.

God, has the more valid criticism from a storytelling perspective but I can't get over how fucking 2001-era twelve year old tier edgelord this entire page is.

Not him, but let's not get carried away now.

name one boruto filler that beats naruto & friends stopping The Lightning Thief from winning the marathon

Why is this story so unnecessaryily edgy

Any Naruto x Kawaki doujins yet?

Because it's secretly molding gen z into gen y, hence bringing back the edginess of 10-20 years ago.
>zoomer-looking characters with fades and piercings and shit, boruto's belt not properly secured
>they actually act respectfully towards adults (boruto after the momoshiki arc)

The Hidden Mist Arc is easily better than that + many other OG Naruto filler arcs. Yagura's grandson is more memorable than any character from that arc.

This arc was so bad that I could realize it as a kid. The main villain was so bad they retconned him in Shippuden. It couldn't even manage to keep continuity despite having the next arc spelled out for them. At the end, Sasuke leaves on the boat with a few scrapes and bruises. Next episode, he wakes up in a hospital bed in an even worse condition. C'mon now.


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He's gonna be the good guy. Boruto is the bad guy. I'm sure they'll contrive something to explain "I'll sent you where I sent the seventh."

Why are you so resistant to the idea that Naruto may die? It's his son's coming of age story.

>Manga is doing very poorly.
Source? I heard it's doing alright.

I meant the page as written implies Kawaki killed him, but they could contrive it so someone else killed him or he dies later or whatever. Though I actually don't want him to die. I always liked older characters better even when I was a kid, I just like Naruto better than Boruto right now. He doesn't have to die for his son to come of age, that's so typical.

>Konoha is actually under siege with Naruto fighting elsewhere
>Kawaki means that he will literally send Boruto to where Naruto is as backup or whatever
>Boruto is just impressed Kawaki is holding his own agains the invaders

Does Kawaki rape him and he just lets it happen or is Naruto the one that offers?

Either this is being played for them being gravely wrong or it actually means Kawaki is going to be molded into an actual hero because of Naruto's influence.

I don't think it really even implied that Kawaki killed him to begin with. People just assumed that because he was the only Boruto villain that had been introduced at the time.

Here is how it could go down.

>Boruto and Kawaki actually both go traitor.
>Either Kawaki was just playing along or had a change of heart unlike Boruto.
>Events are possibly leading to taking down Naruto - either by Jigen, the Otsutsuki clan, or even Boruto himself - but Kawaki sends him away before it could happen.
>Boruto is like "I didn't think you'd go this far." Because Kawaki betrayed him.
>"I'll send you were I sent the Seventh." Is Kawaki telling Boruto he will make him confront his dad.
>The Age of Shinobi being "over" means everyone finally found the solution for actual peace, but Boruto still wants to be a ninja because he thinks it's necessary for protection in the grand scheme of things and completely disagrees with getting rid of it.

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Boruto fillers have the advantage of having a much larger cast, a blank period of 10+ years that they can fill out with their own headcanons, a bunch of filler novels that they can adapt and a lot more freedom other than sending the MC on missions to filler villages.

What about Sasuke? He'll dome anyone that goes traitor

>mfw hanabi and moegi lost the konohamarub owl to some literal who

He's even taking time out of his day to teach him jutsu.

Killed by Jigen, obviously.

Which should have happened in the original series with Naruto.

>Manga is doing very poorly
No it's not

Calling it now. Boroto is going to tank.

Then a few decades later they'll release a new Naruto movie RE:LAST and reboot the series with Naruto as the main figure again and Boruto will get Gohan'D.

I for one can't wait for Boruto Blanco 100 por ciento and El Hermano de Salsa

That's a pretty popular storytelling device you fucking retards. Lots of shit starts in the middle of the story only to jump back after a couple of scenes. It's the
>*freeze frame* *record scratch* Yep, that's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up here

Sumire's return when?

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Throw Iruka a fuckin bone. At least get him in a relationship so we know he isn't eating ramen noodles in a cup alone. Have him fuck Fat Anko

It's doing 200k in 4 weeks kys.

It's not about being in medias res, it's about
1-naruto being dead, seemingly killed by kawari
2- fighting with boruto who now has the same seal
3- over a Konoha totally in ruin
4- with the ninja way over forever
5-after a point in the story (now) where kawari swore fidelity to Naruto

there are just too many huge plot point converging

Source? also how does that compare to other monthly's?

I'm more concerned for Kishi's new manga,

- started really slow
- barely any hype or discussion even on youtube/tumblr/reddit.
- little to no fanart on pixiv

I guess Kishi is just doing this as a passion project.

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It needs an anime adaption for normalfag exposure to become a hit.

The thing is, the entirety of the exchange is so unbelievably vague the writers can really take it anywhere they want to. In fact some of their dialogue is obviously meant to be misleading.

>barely any hype or discussion even on youtube/tumblr/reddit.
Because it's not an anime. As soon as people get wind of it getting animated, people are going to be slobbering over it.

It's improving at least. Not sure what fan art there would be at this stage? We have Hachi, Ann, Nanashi, that's pretty much it right? We haven't had that many cool poses/moves from Hachi, Nanashi fucked off and hasn't shown us the cyborg form yet, and there's nothing for fujoshits to play off of yet either.

>implying Boruto didn't turn traitor to Konoha and Kawaki isn't actually trying to bring him to Naruto to be sentenced
Fucker literally has a crossed out headband.

That's Sasuke's headband... And anyways the crossed out headband doesn't mean traitor, it's specifically an Akatsuki thing.

I'm enjoying the latest chapters so far,
Kishi still has a fetish for kage bunshin/clones

(also the Mangastream translation is a fucking mess, if you want to follow this series read the Jaiminisbox version)

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I did enjoy it from the beginning but it does seem to kick off with a bigger unf now

Each manga volume always sells less than 400,000 copies in their entire run. I believe Boruto manga overall barely sold over 1 million copies in all of 2017. The manga is not as popular as Naruto, because let's be honest, a monthly series such as Boruto won't gain a lot of traction.

Samurai 8 is even nearing the back ends of current WSJ issues now. If you don't know, the placement of the manga in a WSJ issue is usually based on popularity, so the more popular series are in the front, and series that are about to get axed from the magazine are in the back. Samurai 8 is in the second half of that magazine, so it is in danger territory right now.

You can tell there are bunch of idiots working in Pierrot right now. They should 've adapted the manga to the point they bring back kawaki in to the story and then make original episodes /arcs building kawaki, boruto and naruto's relationship. But instead they rather make fillers on subject matter that doesnt have to do with the overall story

Kawaki fuck Hima and also Hinata like a NTR's history and desutroy Konoha, like a Chad.

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Boruto Episode 118

-Boruto fights against Remon's fiancee

-Boruto got amnesia

-Boruto has remon clasp

-Boruto was hunted by Akitsuki guards

-Boruto falls into the river

-Akitsuki banishes Konohamaru and has sent a complaint to Naruto

- In Konoha, Danzo 2 has given Konohamaru house arrest

-Boruto comes home. Hinata says he takes off his dirty clothes and he has to bathe.

-Sarada is angry because Konohamaru has house arrest

-Boruto gets his memory back later because of Lemon Burger and this chick flick movie.

-Konohamaru has made a few reserche

-Boruto and Konohamaru want to rescue Remon

>Bunch of idiots working in Pierrot

I agree. Recent anime episode proved it.

>Souma is said to steal memories, yet Boruto's memories weren't stolen; they were laid dormant until he could recall them. That's completely different.
>Konohamaru goes under house arrest but no other ninja are there to supervise his arrest, and they did not place any sort of monitoring device on him at all. So he easily gets away when Boruto comes back to him.
>Anime made a huge deal when Boruto turned traitor and left the village without his village's approval. Boruto did the same shit again and headed back to a village where he knows that he and Konohamaru got in trouble for intervening.

That episode from 6 weeks ago was the most retarded, as it only existed in the first place because the writers didn't want to promote anyone but Shikadai to Chunin yet, so they made some retarded bullshit up about how Naruto could only promote one Genin.

>We bleach now
It's been like that since Manga Momoshiki's fusion reveal

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I unironically beleive this is continuation Naruto in futuristic setting.
Those fellas look like 40K version of the Momoshiki clan.
Also pic related, Denki might be ancestor of the MC as well.

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They made Akitsuki look like Toneri on purpose didn't they?

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Heard this smug cunt will be returning to the anime soon, is that correct?

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I've said this for many times and I'm saying it again: Anime Boruto should become flagship of the series.
Manga holding Anime back so they had to resort writing shitty plots that won't gonna affect the manga at all.

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So should i watch the anime or just read the manga?


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>yet Boruto's memories weren't stolen; they were laid dormant until he could recall them. That's completely different.
I mean to be fair, Boruto had Remon's hair pin that protects memories being stolen from the Souma. It probably didn't completely take all his memories because of this and thats why he was able to piece together his memories when he inadvertently retraced his steps.

neither its phoned in garbage

>and video game sales
The last game sold poorly too.

I probably dropped it long ago if it's not because of that start scene honestly

You wish you were

Did he took control of Abu Toneri al-Mooni's Mujahideens now?

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Who are those bearded Jihadi and his loli concunbine?

The last game was sold poorly because it was buggy mess on release and has poor gameplay elements.

It's not exactly popularity. More like marketing. The series go near the back when the editors feel like it maxed out on it's audience and to minimize the loss of exclusive readers when it's gone. Considering it's Kishimoto's manga, it's probably far less popular then we realize but SJ is giving it a benefit of the doubt.

Pierrot houses some of the most incompetent garbage in the anime industry, what else is true? Why make fillers now when you have the opportunity to make better fillers when kawaki is introduced into the story.

>he never watched Gurren Lagann

>1-naruto being dead
doesn't say that
>2- fighting with boruto who now has the same seal
we don't really know what the fuck that means, them fighting each other is a nice tease though, I don't see how it ruins anything seeing that they're sasuke and naruto basically
>3- over a Konoha totally in ruin
So? They can snap fingers and bring it back, that already happened.
>4- with the ninja way over forever
Doesn't say that
>5-after a point in the story (now) where kawari swore fidelity to Naruto
So? Do you really need it to be a twist that Sasuke type character is actually a rival to Naruto type character?

>>New dad proceeds to use him as a test subject for a experiment where dozens of other kids have died
>>Watches a kid die graphically from the experiment
>>Has experiment done to him
>>experiment works and he gets a god seal
>>New dad proceeds to kick his ass repeatedly for years
>>New dad tells him constantly that he's worthless by himself but has worth because of the seal he bestowed upon him
>>New dad does experiments on him and turms him into a cyborg
>>Dads friends use him as a punching bag to test regenerative abilities going as far as breaking limbs
What chapter is this

go back

Bort will ruin it just like he ruined this supposed Konohamaru arc.

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27 & 29. That last part isn't true though.

Is Kawaki a bastard of three fathers like Lü Bu?

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Thanks homie

Man I don't even care...


If he kept the trap around it'd be more popular. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

Is this how Kishi tops El Hermano?

how did they do it?

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If you cut the slut part of her out, she's actually cute. Who would have thought?

She is only a slut in Ikemoto's fanfiction

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Daily reminder that Sarada will be on Top and Boruto will be on Bottom when they get married

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Is this anime even good?

Is he the MC of Boruto manga?

Those eyes look awful. Can't he just get two vanilla rinnegans?

You only figured that out NOW!?
Not when they were doing filler AFTER THE MANGA ENDED?
Not when they picked up Black Clover and said 'Let's go at a pace SO SLOW that Episode 8 is covering material in CHAPTER 6'?
Not when they decided to start making Boruto THE MOMENT Naruto ended because they can't live in a world where they're not the second biggest shounen company after Toei for half a year to a year?
THIS is what makes you realize that?

Reminder that they still haven't adapted chapter 700

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Isn't the first chapter of Boruto basically a retread of this?

>Be daughter of the most powerful ninja in the world
>Leave her as a minor side character for comedy purposes
Are they really going to do this again? Leave the hyugas as a joke.

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Just wait, she will grown up one day.

She'll probably become a real character after the timeskip

But she is an Uzumaki

how many times that fucking faces have been destroyed by now?

I always wanted to see Itachi fight Madara and Obito.

shitty forced ship

Nope (except episode 65), but the upcoming Urashiki arc seems promising.

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So If Konohamaru marries her then that definitely confirms he's dying in the manga right? I nean why would they give him a outta no where love intrest.

lemon is qt and all but it should've been konohamaru's waifu from the first OVA

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Why did Konohamaru used to wear a diaper on his head?

Why? Are MC and Main girl no longer allowed to hook up?

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that poster is probably some fujo faggot

>Are they really going to do this again? Leave the hyugas as a joke.
Kodachi already said that Himawari doesn't want to be a ninja. Also Ninjas will probably be extinct by the time she's old enough to enroll in the academy. Kids mostly do irl school now in universe and get jobs like firemen and construction workers.

This scene will just be another "Itachi was actually crying that night" all over again

Couldn't bother to watch Boruto anime. Does it have OST as great as Naruto's?

yeah it's actually pretty good

>H-he was intended to be good from the start! I-I swear! Itachi is a hero, heard me?

It is not as action packed as Part 1 or Part 2 is. The OST for the show is a alot more mellow

I don't remember if the manga differs from the anime here but it was shown not long after he was properly introduced that there was more to the story than sasuke thought. During the Valley of the End fight the flashbacks clearly showed the Uchihas were plotting something

tbf gurran lagan didn't spoil a major character death in the first scene

Iruka decided to go volcel. He's probably a virgin at this point

If this happened id actually forgive Kishimoto for that fucking war arc

>Why are you so resistant to the idea that Naruto may die? It's his son's coming of age story.
Killing off an Ex-mc when the story focuses on their child is kinda becoming a cliche It would kind of sour the rest of naruto knowing he dies later on. Plus killing off one of the big three leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Theirs no hype, traction or marketing for it that's why. i didn't even know it was out. No one on Yea Forums has talked about it and most naruto fans don't know it exists. Like said an anime could really help.

Do you think the leader of the otsutsuki clan will make an appearance and / or will be a main / endgame villain

If true massive kek. I dropped at about ep 60. It didn't seem to have any direction whatsoever other than
>dad bad!
>sauske good!

But he's going to kill Naruto.

They did, and I myself thought so when watching. But that certainly doesn't make Itachi a tragic hero no matter how much the narrative wanted to paint him as one through tricks like "h-he cried that night, you just didn't know, pls feel bad for him".
I think that in Kishi's original plans the coup and Itachi stopping it were there, but Itachi was still not as innocent god savior and real shadow Hokage as the series presented him later. Kishi just needed to shoehorn a motivation for Sasuke to suddenly start caring about that Konoha shithole, and that's it

The scene in pic related where he attacks the Uchihas investigating Shisui's death and then makes a speech about how the Uchihas were too focused on the clan. I don't really think it's a stretch to say he'd cry while killing everyone.

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It's true, they only adapted that and a few novels i think

So Boruto is a worse protagonist than Deku and Asta combined, what else is new

Boruto is way fucking better than deku

>Doesn't attempt to do anything about it
>"Lmao here's your quirk, bro"
>Lmao it comes with 7 other quirks
If you think Dekuck the Bakugou fanboy is better than Boruto, you ovbiously are braindead.

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So stupid to make something like Boruto. Don't they get that after your MC becomes actual God Tier then the only path for storytelling is something along the lines of "Nardo's powers being stolen" or "Nardo is incapacitated". It makes for a boring story. And let's be honest. Nobody likes Boruto. NOBODY.

I do

Thats what they did with GT and it didnt work (although super is way worse)

Uchiha are genetically destined to be beautiful. Sakura was also considered to be a ninja Stacy. Issa win-win as long as Sarada doesn't inherit the crazy.

don't be a faggot user

Sakura is a ninja stacy

>dOn'T bE a FaGgOt user

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the filler characters in naruto are the worst designed anime characters of all time

those designs are fine though

>complaining about twitter when official animators post their shit there
>still complaining about other websites when 4chanNEL is the worse out of all of them
>implying I didn't save that from Yea Forums anyway

Nigga shut up

Those characters in Sauce's journey filler were pretty good though. It would have been nice to see them expanded on or to see them have further interactions with hobo Sasuke. At the very least have him have a friendship with the blood eye chick since it was pretty amusing to have her treat him with some affection without the thirst and he didn't mind it at all.

just go back you faggot

I need more Salad

>Are they really going to do this again? Leave the hyugas as a joke.
That's just what they want you to believe, hiding in plain sight.

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I like boruto as a character more. I've always hated underdog stories, bort isn't a typical shonen MC.


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Nowdays EVERY modern shounen MC gets the obligatory "This isn't your typical shounen MC!!!" and this is so fucking pathetic
>Wow, Asta doesn't have the power!!! So unique
>Wow, Boruto is not a underdog!! Clearly never done before
>No way, Deku is calm, insecure and "smart"! M-massaka!!
>Emma is a genius and a girl!! That's not a shounen MC for you!
Back then only Hunterfags used to be this dumb and oblivious
>Wow, Gon got angry and edgy!! What a subversion, that's some seinen material here

this is what would've happened if salad was actually sakura's daughter

keikaku dori

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But I thought that Bort was the Sasuke of this gen

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>Kodachi already said that Himawari doesn't want to be a ninja.
I thought he only said they had no plans for her?

Karinfag, do you wanna die on this hill?

What are the odds that the time skip is a bait and switch, and kawaki didn't actually betray the village

pretty low i think

at most i can see both boruto and kawaki being in the wrong, maybe they both go rogue for some reason and something happens to kawaki to lead to the destroyed konoha

Oh, don't worry, when Kawaki is finally introduced in the anime, they are going to load the gap between him coming to Konoha and Jigen popping out of his Karma with filler like they're doing now.

this, i'm glad they're waiting a while before getting to kawaki because too much kawaki filler might kill it


Dunno, but i reckon Kaguya will be revived through some sort of asspull though she won't side with her fellow kinsmen as she got branded as literal race traitor.

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Dropped when i saw they made Anko fat

They havent even introduced Kawaki yet?

the game was rigged from the start though.

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Why would this be an asspull? This is the most necessary thing that needs to happen in Boruto, to explain why the fuck an alien rabbit came out of nowhere.

>Ebisu is implied to be the best teacher in Konaha here
Uhhh not sure if this is canon or not. Did Kishi write this? He might've been on crack

Ebisu wrote that about himself, the article is written from his point of view

ebisu is supposed to be the best (or close to it) teacher in konoha, even kakashi said as much

Ebisu himself told his to Naruto when Kakashi fucked off with Sasuke during Chunin exams

Have we ever seen him without his glasses on? What if he secretly has a rinnegan

Orochimaru wishes he was half a brilliant as Hiashi

He also claims to have taught "many Hokage candidates" not sure who the hell he could be talking about

Another case of 'show don't tell' I suppose.
Because boy he was a fucking awful teacher.
>"Alright Naruto I'm going to teach you chakra control. When you're going to fight a guy who can seal Chakra."

Dont think of teacher like Jiraya teaching Naruto a super cool jutsu. He is a replacement for the academy and we have no reason to beleive that in teaching the fundamentals he isnt the absolute best.

he trained him for less than a day, it's not like that was all he'd teach him

Konahamarus crew maybe? Moegi will be the 8th hokage, since Konahamaru is obviously gonna die and the snot kid is just to lame

Kaguya will become Borutos last minute love interest

Imagine the literal GOD baby holy shit

Still ya think the guy would have tossed in some conditioning, fucker was about to fight one of the best taijutsu users in the class.
You can't just do 1 training a day. Especially when you have a shit starting point like Naruto.

He trained Konohamaru for 2+ years and look at how useless he is. And his only good move is something Naruto taught him

Konohamaru should've replaced Choji when Choji was supposed to die after taking the red pill honestly

Is he right?

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>10 seconds of training with naruto
>konohamaru can now defeat one pain
Naruto is the best teacher in the village.

A leader who only cares about peace is a weak one. As long as there are other nations that have different ideals than peace is unobtainable

0 unless you count Boruto running the train into one of them in episode 1.

stop only reading mainstream shit you absolute NPC

Naruto taught him Kage Bunshin too.

Naruto in the very short interactions he had with Boruto taught him more than Ebisu did during his full time job.

I really hope this is ironic.

All the academy arcs are canon and important to the story you retard. Everything post Momoshiki in the anime is utter garbage though.

>Leave the hyugas as a joke.
Unless you are an Uchiha or you can spam rasengans you don't matter in this setting
Tis the rules of nature

It's doing alright, not great but not terrible either. It'll be in trouble if the sales keep declining though.

What are you expecting from the timeskip?

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qt salad
chocho not being fat
qt himawari

Maybe some half-decent arcs

From the looks of it, Kara is the antagonists of "Part 1" of Boruto, and the Otsutsuki Clan will be the antagonists in the timeskip where Boruto and the gang train to get stronger after dealing with Kara.

Don't you fucking compare Gurren Lagann to this mess.

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i hope it's the other way around desu, kara are more interesting

that Salad design is kino

This. Gurren Lagann is garbage compared to Boruto.


Fuck you

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>chocho not being fat
I'd rather she be fatter

kill yourself immediately

Like OBESE. A level of fat that is considered impossible to reach by the most trained Akimichi.


I wonder if we'll get a filler that shows what Kawaki's dad did with all that money Jigen gave him when the manga gets adapted.

Hokage Salad waking up Tobirama from his grave

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How about a leader who only cares about peace because he knows he can glass every other village with

And Madara emerges and just drags the struggling Tobirama back down into the ground.

God i wish Madara would drag me around

I want Madara to drag his huge staff around my body

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Cute loli!!!

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>Lolis with baby faces, slutty clothing and high heels
That man is a toddlercon

Based Fisherman is gonna have his own arc!!!

I guess she was more or less wanted to forge her own path but then she got betrayred

They are going to kill him off so his presence won't contradict the manga, aren't they?

Is she a semen demon?

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Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura & Kakashi are going to kill Urashiki.


>All the academy arcs are canon and important to the story you retard
It's so important Sumire, Iwabe, and Denki like 3 times in the manga so far and they've done nothing important. And there has been no mentions or reference any of the arcs from the anime. Even barely even talk about Jogan, which was incredibly important to the boruto anime for about the first 3 arcs, I don't watch the anime any more so I don't know if it's still important or not.

our guy

how can anyone say kishi isn't the best writer in japanese history

Only Sumire appeared in the manga.

I'm pretty sure Iwabe and Denki appeared like in the background before.

How was today´s episode?
I only saw the next episode preview & I know for sure the Lemon arc ends next week.

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That's a popular narrative device movies which are significantly shorter than a long running manga and are fully scripted and planned out before you ever see that freeze frame
For something like Boruto it's absolutely insane

Christ, that just makes the anime even more useless.

It was a clever move to keep people hooked through this barrage of filler with the hope it all pays off one day.

Her own episode when?

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Naruto says he'll kill every other nation in order to maintain peace in a somewhat recent novel.

Honestly, can a single character in the new gen take Kara when Naruto has to get serious to beat one?

It was a nice set up episode that had a little bit of decent fighting for like 15 seconds
Shit hits the fan next episode tho. Konohamaru is going to try and use the reaper death seal

I don't remember him saying that any novel released.


>Naruto says he'll kill every other nation in order to maintain peace
fucking based

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When did Naruto become so blood thirsty and based?

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I’m almost 100% sure jigen is trying to revive kaguya

Hurting a shota in Konoha gives you death penalty.
That´s seventh hokage´s law.
Also all shotas must asleep with the seventh at least once in their lifetime.
That´s seventh hokage´s law.

The Uzumaki are Hagoromo's descendants as well

The novels should be considered their own separate universe at this point.

I thought that was Shikamaru

Literally the lest effective way to do that.

Yea it was

she can switch.

Nah, Kara are the Akatsuki. They'll be the villains up until the very end of part 2, where the real final villain will show up last minute.

Discount Akatsuki. None of the ones we've been introduced to yet are interesting.

How can you not think Kashin Koji is interesting?

One Piece should end with that.

He could be just Jiraiya.

I'm so sorry Naruto
Your son...IS DEAD
We found his body washed up on a river bank in the boonies.

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He won't be

For a second I thought his ass is exposed

He will be

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No he won't, doesn't fit the themes at all

>It's alright. I have a better son now



His moves are just not-rasengan, toads, fire. Nothing new. He didn't have much banter with Delta in their conversation. I'm willing to be convinced otherwise but personally he's not interesting yet. Manga as a whole is getting better though, so he will probably get better too.

I think this was the worst thing the new author could have done. With this he has to shoe-horn whatever he does to fit this exact moment instead of being able to be creative towards the end.

It's so jarring how obvious it is that he is related to Jiraiya yet Jiraiya hasn't been mentioned once in the entire Bort manga.


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Jiraiya will only come up once Naruto encounters Koji and sees the similarities.

Pretty much just Bort and Kawaki.

Ah, so it's Naruto and Sasuke all over again. Bravo, Kodachi. Can't wait for the 5th Shinobi War to start where Boruto and Kawaki is protecting everyone from jobbing while trying to take down the enemy at the same time.

How the fuck does Naruto make more money than Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh?


kawaki would be a better main character than the undeserving boruto.

Why does everyone hate Boruto?! Saying he's a brat isn't a valid excuse because he grew out of it 80 episodes ago and Naruto admitted he was mostly to blame not Boruto!
Exactly ZERO valid excuses

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I don't hate him but I'm tired of every single piece of Boruto media rehashing the problems with his dad. It's not really the fault of the character, just the franchise.
>movie ties up the brattiness plot in 90 minutes
>manga ties up the brattiness plot in 10 chapters
>anime takes 60 episodes to do the same thing

Yeah. Even Mitsuki, who was originally supposed to be a big deal, is completely irrelevant now.

He's boring.

Kawaki's existence has rendered Mitsuki obsolete. He's Boruto's new buttbuddy now.

What does it feel like the fight next chapter is gonna be ass.

Boruto is Mitsuki's sun though. They're gonna pick up this plot point, right?

Nardo’s filler back then was a trillion times better than Shitpoodam

I dislike him for being a Naruto without any of the few things that made Naruto compelling but with nearly all his worse traits like muh nakama obsession, being loud and smug, using the same jutsus all the time and how he has to hog all of the screentime in every single filler.

Samurai 8 is fucking trash and the first chapters already have red flags all over the place.

>Boruto is Mitsuki's sun though
That's just a dumb excuse to turn the new kid into an autistic Bort fangirl

Boruto awakens the Jougan when Kawaki kills MItsuki who sacrifices himself to save Boruto

Samurai 8 is trash. It only took me the 1st chapter to figure it out.

Boruto is all of Naruto's shit traits and none of his good ones. Naruto, for being an arrogant, lazy, self-entitled, narcissistic, and whiny little shit, at least had a dream worth pursuing and the strong desire to be loved. Boruto is just a spoiled brat who wants fame for the sake of fame and to beat his daddy because he wants to prove himself.

Boruto doesn't have a magic karma demon inside of him either, so he has no real obstacle to overcome.

It is known.

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So is the manga worth reading? The anime is shit outside of specific episodes like Naruto and Sasuke vs Momoshiki.

Hiashi > Shikamaru > Shikaku

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Like Obito being Tobi?

That fit the themes perfectly though considering he shaped Kakashi and by extension Naruto since like chapter 4 or whenever when Kakashi explains all his comrades are dead and teamwork is the most important thing. He originated those ideals for the main characters.

>had to seal kaguya
>apparently nardo's increased in power so much since then that a single rasengan was able to absolutely BTFO and OUTRIGHT KILL a combined alien god
>he still apparently jobs

Nah actual pedos hate high heels because they're a sign of sexual maturity, which is the opposite of what they're attracted to.

Hawawa is CUTE

Ayy Lmao Rabbit was assigned to Earth to look after Chakra tree and collect&send it's Chakra to Ootsutsuki clan. Think something as like "tributary state"
However once she arrived to earth she had change of heart, decided to settle down and have a comfy life with Tenji.
However things got shaken when Tenji's enemies force him to kill Kaguya while she is pregnant, webm related.

Then she went to Chakra tree, ate it's fruit, and then casted the Infinite Tsukyomi.
After that incident she bore twins, Hagoromo and Hamura respectively. However both of them rebelled against mommy because she hastily powering up Chakra Tree by sacrificing Humans (and Hagoromo's waifu was one of them) incase of Fellow Ayy Lmao's invasion.
More Like Mommy gf

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Madara is a cute alien moon god and I want to marry him. When is his glorious return?

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but which Uchiha Madara?

angel and demon

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fucking Ikemoto...

why Oonoki is there?

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looks like digital, pretty disgusting desu

>Why the Sasuke expy become a retarded villain in a Naruto manga?
Dunno, man. Truly, it a mystery for the ages why an edgy edge boy full of edge turned to the dark side. Truly. A great mystery. Yep. Mhm.


This exact plot device is what really fucked over Zetman, too.

I mean nobody in Naruto cared for Naruto either. The Uchiha story was always the driving point.

Why do the Kages produce do much FAKE NEWS?
I literally hate all of them for manipulating the general public

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Why is he crying?

Oonoki died and Boruto finds some symbolic thing that onoki told him to look for
It sounds sweet but the writing and execution for this 20 ep arc was terrible so it doesn't really work

Juubi jinchuuriki after absorbing gedou mazou with the power of both rinnegan and a rinne sharingan on his forehead, equipped with a chakra-depleting black staff and 9 gudoudama floating behind him preferably.

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I'm glad it's doing well
I'd be seething if the anime got cancelled before it gets to the good parts in the manga

I hope soon we'll be getting AO's Cyborg Surprise...

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I remember the thread when this first came out was fun. Lots of memes were posted.

rent free x rent free

back pain x dragon quest

Hope they explore more of how he survived the ten-tailed beast bomb and the resulting ptsd he got in the anime.

I'm still waiting for tacticool stuff

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More Sumire when ?

Because their world is so fragile now that the slightest implication of war-like conflict would send everything spiraling back to the old days.

Will Naruto kill Jigen next chapter?

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Ao is fucking based, underrated


Medias, you illiterate plebe.

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No you are the same trash you've always been. How did the curse mark get even shittier?

it's because he and his classmates are kitsch and their existence is an artistic blunder.

This is information from Sasuke Retsuden besides shipping: Kurama says Naruto has the same diseases as Hagoromo and the Sage was cured in a place called Redaku. Sakura and Shikamaru hypothesize that Naruto’s illness has something to do with Naruto’s chakra system experiencing a malfunction because the chakra from his Tailed-Beast.

Everything shown in naruto are watered down alien techniques
This is called Käma

If Salad and Bolt make babies, will they unify all they automatically unify all the magic eye shit?

I mean weapons existed in Naruto universe albeit in not widely used till Boruto era where it gets sold in Black Markets, probably non ninja gaijins are the ones who smuggles that stuff into Konoha.

Attached: Konoha Black Market 01.jpg (1920x1080, 775K)

Bombs, drugs, shotgun shells, high caliber rounds, and even more stuff, you name it.

Attached: Konoha Black Market 02.jpg (1920x1080, 688K)

>tfw have to make a fanedit that gets rid of the shittiest parts of pain's fight because nobody else has so far

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Link it when you upload it to jewtube.

i'll uploadit to mega or dropbox in the next few days and link it here and maybe make a r*ddit thread for it too so you can find it if you google it

trying to fix this scene right now

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So are all those stuff suppressed by ninja culture?

Konoha has police, the Uchihas were the ones who started it


It would be something like:
>not!Soviet Union fell and plenty of their equipments went into black market
>not!Drug Cartels from not!South America managed to Smuggle some finest white powders to Konoha
>not!US goverment trying to undermine Ninja World by selling weapons and equipment to non Ninjas to stir shit up

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Kawaki-sama please fuck my sister.

kawaki is pretty based you can't blame him for that

And mom and Salad.

bleach is never coming back

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He wouldn't even need to beg him. Himawari would be on it herself. And Naruto would watch in pride and say "That's my boy".

i'm surprised how easy it was to improve the pain fight, it's not perfect but the most egregious examples are gone now, either obscured or cut (but in a way that the audio doesn't have a noticeable jump)

the only thing i couldn't really change much was pic related, but i added some small effects to make it a little less jarring

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There are only like 3 brief scenes that need fixing. The scene you posted unironically was fine.

It's nowhere near as bad as the others but still looked a little odd to me, the effects i put on it are really subtle anyway so you probably won't notice it.

i'm waiting for the video to finish rendering and i'll see how it came out, tomorrow i'm going to make sure the subs are all timed properly, render it again and probably upload it afterwards

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Good taste

Hiashi is fucking BASED

>eyelid piercings
Isn't that uncomfortable. How the fuck do you even close your eyes. I mean it's one thing to have lip or nipple piercings but I feel like this is way beyond too far.

It's an eyebrow piercing.

I can see that now but it still sounds extremely uncomfortable

Why would you ship those two? Even Mitsuki and blort is better

That's anime merch probably.

Naruto merch is cooler-looking than the other two you mentioned.