New Game!

Was it the greatest SOL of all time?

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*blocks your path to SoLOAT title*

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It's the greatest story ever told.

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K-ON is, and New Game isn't even Doga Kobo's best, which is YrYr.

Is New Game comparable to Blend S? Haven't watched NG yet.

I want to commit a crime

As someone who watched blend s after new game, yes they are very similar. The artwork is practically identical and if you liked blend s humor then you'll like new game humor too

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If Hifumi was MC I'd be more inclined to give the title to New Game

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Fuck no, especially if you take into account the second season.

As a software developer, this show hit home.

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No, it's gay.

She's my wife
I said New Game! not New Game!!

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Not really.

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I'll go watch it now. Thanks.

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Irrelevant catchphrases and spam is against the rules, shiposter. Stop sucking the mods' little dicks so they will start doing their job.

Just a warning, you won't find a girl as good as Kaho in new game.

Hifumi got teen pregnant and gave birth to it. One good reason why she's so anxious all the time.

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>muh rules
Cry more.

but how? are the kind of nigger who likes to reinvent the wheel or something?
why do you call yourself a software developer if you can not follow the simplest rule in programming.

please stop writing code, radeej.

Nope. That's Yuru Yuri.

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Not him, but some people do like to do at least one project where they build everything from scratch so they can get a better understanding of the underlying principles and thus do better work when they do use an existing engine. Or in some cases they feel that no existing engine available to them adequately suits what they want to do, so rolling their own is the best option.

El Chavo del 8.

Nevermind, I thought you were asking which one.

for normalfags Newgame, for moefags K-on and for patricians Non Non Biyori

I never watched this show but bless the doujins that came from it.

comin through

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Wider is better.

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I wish I could drink that bath water.

You do small projects from scratch to learn...

So you can help.

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If not, you could try the easy way

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Why are all the girls in New Game so soft yet so fertile looking?

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I cannot believe it took this many posts for someone to post the best SoL

why are the wides at my house to kill me??

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Because there's no better way to die.

That's why you never get anything done.
Everyone's making cool shit, while you're wasting time making basic engines.

No. Too lewd/pedobait

>painfully standard high school nostalgia for depressed japanese salarymen/women
It had gotten old for non-japanese viewers a decade before k-on aired. Doubly so for weebs who in many ways missed out IRL on the high school life shows like that portray in saccharine mockery.

K-ON is the best SOL ever made, retard

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Just because kyoani just burned down doesn't mean you have to suck their cocks. K-On was mediocre at best

>People only like things for reasons I imagine in my head. I have perfect fucking taste and you're all just wrong.

exactly, thank you for understanding

Considering they weren't working on S3, I hope they're still burning in hell

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>high school nostalgia for depressed japanese salarymen
Congrats, you just described the entire genre
Stop being a faggot and go make a thread bemoaning the death of "manime" or something

Most of the girls are cute, but the show was boring af

Looks more like CP to me.

It's a drawing and she's an adult

She's 18 and works at a major gaming company. Not all women look like leather handbags.

She's 20 now.

1. K-On
2. New Game
3. Kiniro Mozaic
4. Gochuumon
5. Anne Happy

Sansha Sanyou a shit.

Sure, and she's 18 and a police chief.
user, please...

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Literally go back to /r/anime.

/r/anime? Why would I go there? Stop shilling Reddit, you faggot. They're not going to pay you.

/r/anime bans all New Game discussion for being "loli".


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It's so funny, I just started at a game company this week as a programmer together with another guy, who has at least 6 years of experience in gamedev (I was still in high school 6 years ago).

So now I totally feel like Nenecchi in the second season. But it's a dream for me to work in game development, so I will do my best.

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Is it true that video game developers have work conditions like Japanese animators? The software developers I asked told me to stay the fuck away from the video game industry. Buyer's market, with wages and benefits set by dumb game-addicted kids with a "dream" who work 16 hour shifts for an apple and a shoestring.

not really
it's not entirely false in that companies can get away with shit because the game industry is a "dream job" but its not like being an animator where you literally get paid like a slave

sometimes, but the industry's generally getting better. The issue was shit management, and over the past decade every major game company has been bought out by corporate conglomerates who specialize in management itself, so in most companies it's not a problem anymore.
They're also keenly aware of where the talent is and how much it's worth, so you're only competing with dumb college kids if you're working at that level.
That aside it's not a great industry to get into. 90% of devs work on shovelware garbage. If you want to make your dream game then you have to suck cock for 20 years or be an indie dev and suck journo cock instead. It is not an industry to get into if you want to make money, since any other programming job has better advancement and stability.
t. indie dev with AAA dev buddies

You can find companies with that kind of mentality in every industry. However, I don't think this is the general mindset. I started at a smaller company with less than 30 people in total, including me six of them are programmers. The atmosphere is really friendly.

These kind of overworks with 16 hour shifts are not even permitted by law, at least not where I live. But even then, you can change to another company or job whenever you want.

I cannot confirm what are the conditions where you live, but I think it would be stupid to avoid something you have interest in for the rest of your life because of some "wise people with huge experience". In my previous job I've met a lot of them. They are usually 30-40+ people who sit around all day drinking coffee, and thinking that they already learned everything there is to learn. In the mean time, they are wasting away their lives, and hate their jobs, but are afraid to change.

corporate conglomerates buying game companies is what led to bad work conditions to start with

Junior devs a cute.

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Crunch is always the result of shit time management, and it was endemic in the games industry because people who know how to make games don't necessarily know how to manage a team or plan properly
It's still around but nowhere near as bad as it used to be, because everyone realised that burning out your entire talent pool was surprisingly bad for sustaining a business for longer than five years

You can read Blood, Sweat and Pixels. It's a pretty good and balanced account of what it's like.

Basicly this is what I've seen/heard as well.

You can get "better" jobs everywhere in the world of software development, but it doesn't matter if you hate it.

I worked for a multinational corp. previously and in the end I've begun to hate it so much, I've legit considered multiple times to change to some blue collar job. (just kidding, but it was awful)

Crunch was usually the result of your publisher, who doesnt know anything about video game development, setting unrealistic deadlines and you struggling to meet them
employee retention is generally getting worse, not better, there's a much bigger talent pool to draw from now that everyone knows how to make games and they're teach it at schools, big companies fire people all the time

>You can get "better" jobs everywhere in the world of software development
not really, you get paid little less maybe and the work is harder, but you get to work on games instead of really boring shit, so it's a tradeoff

Sorry, that was exactly what I was trying to say, I just couldn't translate it into English properly.