158 text spoilers are saying Miko will appear on the chapter. Maybe we're getting a normal stuco chapter before jumping into another flashback?
158 text spoilers are saying Miko will appear on the chapter. Maybe we're getting a normal stuco chapter before jumping into another flashback?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Miko will appear in the chapter
Picked up
>Miko will appear in the chapter
Picked up.
>Miko will appear in the chapter
thank god I never picked up this show to begin with
Remember when this manga was about the stuco...
>Miko will appear in the chapter
Picked up
This image is peak Reddit.
>other romcoms get better with every chapter
>Kaguya keeps getting worse
Kaguyabros... we got too cocky...
Fuck Ishigami and fuck Lino.
Absolute worst part of the series. A bland otaku self-insert and his insufferable cunt of a love interest.
>other romcoms get better with every chapter
I fucking wish
I want to put a baby inside IIno’s highschool belly.
>last chapter's oyaji is probably related to Tsubasa
Does anyone actually believe we're not getting Abe'd soon
And by what metrics is Kaguya getting worse ?
Literally read the current arc?
Translation: "I found out that if I keep claiming that Kaguya is going to shit people will give me lots of (You)s."
Keep seething. This manga peaked quite a while ago.
I liked the last arc, it gave screen time to secondary character and setup for an even better arc.
We're not peaking until 4 pages
Can you give a non shitpost explanation for why it's bad without meaningless buzzwords
>text spoilers are saying Miko will appear on the chapter
Who the fuck give a shit about Miko
Just give me a normal Kaguya Pres chapter
After the F-Hayasaka arc
Miko is a genuinely unsettling person, especially when she's on her own, and no comedy is involved.
very good
alcoholic 15-year-olds are the worst
Lino was a mistake
Lino changed the face of manga forever, She really is the Jesus of the 21'st century.
I Can Be Your Angle Or Yuor Devil
>a stucon member shown up in a chapter!
Is it really worth a thread or called a "spoiler"?
Mikofags are insufferable.
>hating thread
>contributing to thread
Can't believe she's dead.
Would kaguya manga be improved if it was a harem instead?
nobody likes airplanes
Usually Aka tends to use the very next chapter to fix a misconception about a character that causes a shitstorm. The same shit happened with Tsubame after the slut shaming and Iceguya for and the 'DID'.
Because some retards can't understand subtext, Aka will have to spell it for them.
Irrational hatred of lino is a symptom of mental illness.
spell it out for what.
She being a petty jealous bitch who cockblock Ishigami because she prioritize her own feeling is no misconception.
Good thing none of the hatred is irrational
Incelgami was a mistake.
Not even a Mikofag, also, i'm mentioning it because most people assumed we were jumping straight into another flashback.
He was okay when he was just a loser serving as a comedic prop in student council chapters, but he got "character development" and is now just the protagonist of an otaku wish fulfillment side-plot.
>Miko's sexual desire is stronger than Ishigami's
Is there any evidence to back this up?
>Lino: willing to fuck anyone who remotely compliments her
>Ishigami: unwilling to fuck a big titty senpai who he's been crushing on
Miko a shit.
Water is wet.
>158 text spoilers
how? there is no chapter this week
What are you talking about?
Miko is part of Stuco through...
This. Being Aka is suffering
also here an example of what you just said
Ishugami and Miko are in the stuco.
There is nothing on the last page about there being no chapter this week.
No it's not
What he said is absolutely true,
you white-knight waifufag.
Why does Aka enjoy having his male leads suffer. Ishigami and Prez don't deserve this shit.
We need more Fuji
Remember he was s chad in middle school.
Nothing of how he handled that incident says chad, bro
Stopped reading this shit after the forced schizo kaguya arc, does it get any better?
I dropped this manga in the spoilers of chapter 158, does it get any better?
that ice arc was just too good goddamnit
No, it gets even worse. This series is on the chopping block.
Good to know, see you next week.
The preview for last chapter said it was going to be about the main couple's winter vacation. So, she'll probably either be part of a framing device, or run into them on their date.
Actually, we didn't end last chapter with a "what happened with X" like the previous times when a flashback happened, so not really.
We'll probably get a chapter with the stuco, and then it'll end setting up another flashback. The preview did NOT state it was about their winter vacation, it only said something about "two people who opened themselves to one another".
Personally, I think Miko sucks.
Miko is a okay if she wasn't so attached to ishigaymi's character.
I mean, she's a sub. Of course she does.
Remember when we thought aka was a good writer?
>two people who opened themselves to one another
So... Ishigami and Miko?
> 次号、そして肝心の二人の冬休み!?
It says, "Next issue, and now the main couple's winter vacation!?".
>the main couple's winter vacation
So Ishigami and Miko then.
>he thinks 肝心 mean opened themselves to one another
Retarded EOP
She's spent the entire damn series seeing sex where it isn't there, and he's worked for months with two of the hottest chicks in school and hasn't felt a thing, except -maybe- during that one joke about their boob size.
How will he bear the cold edge of Miko's slave collar, anons?
by finally becoming an hero
Kaguya scares him and a boner for Fujiwara just deflates whenever she opens her mouth to talk.
Nah. The character development was okay. Going from hating everything and being afraid of interacting with people only to learn the world wasn't so bad was nice. Him being the righteous dark knight who was unfairly accused and then getting the chance to make friends with not one, not two, but three of the most popular kids in school and then proceed to woo one of them was not.
>kaguya in the title
>where the fuck is kaguya
>where the fuck is the plot
Aka is just dragging because of the animation. People need to make a living out of drawing chink cartoons weekly.
Who the fuck are the other 2? Prez became Ishigami's friend normally and Kaguya considers him like a younger brother but the gift advice was the first time they met up outside of council affairs.
but muh self insert character development, bro
Remember when this manga was good?
Shit thread
I'd fuck Ishigami
Hey bro you got the wrong thread, The Toubun thread is two doors down.
as he is now, Ishi would have made a better girl than a boy.
I want Ishigami to fuck girl Ishigami
Do Incels like Ishigami really behave this way? Why is he such a bitter looser.
Reminder that Iino did nothing wrong and rightfully called out Ishigami on his faggotry and even saved his sorry ass after he tried to kill himself after getting rejected.
He got mad because it didn't work out the way the simulations said it would.
Leave ishigami to me.
>where the fuck is kaguya
Kaguya still appear next chapter, it's only been four chapters since the last time we saw her and she had the most screentime by far in the last 40 chapters. Thus your complaint is absolutely retarded.
>where the fuck is the plot
Are you a legit autist ?
Also, where the fuck is mind game?
I didn't say his lack of distraction doesn't make sense, I just said it's a fact. A man dumber than Ishigami would have reacted differently.
Unless heroism comes with a sniper rifle included, I don't think that would help.
Would you eat a Fujiwara?
shes too thin to be a sandwich
The main purpose of this arc is to define what the new character's dynamics will be now that Prez and Kaguya are a couple. Right now there is no reason for them or for any other character to do any mind games unless you completely ignore all their character development until now. But this arc being called 'new game' means they will probably be back in another form by the end. So either wait or fuck off, but stop making shit up because it only ruins the threads.
>call it a comedy
>it isn't funny
Hacka Hackasaka, everybody.
Reminder that the troll is worthy only of our contempt, and they cannot ever defeat the greatness of the Kaguya-sama threads.
Let there be a great morning with the first date! GLORY!
No, too much effort and the consequences would be fatal.
I want Lacie to step on me.
>not another ramen king chapter
it's trash
Just read the last arc with Ishigami and try to rethink everything that just happened.
I don't know how but Aka managed to make Iino and Tsubame to look like assholes and Ishigame like a retard.
Not that the manga is bad though, but I seriously hope that we don't get more Ishidrama soon, and if we get, that is better than the previous time.
Dude, if you as an author can't express your ideas clearly then obviously you are the problem. Fuck, you can read and read again the Ishi arc and still not understand under what mindset you can say that what Tsubame did was both good and not retarded (which is what Aka seems wanted to portray).
And then when he comes and says "no, everything is good!" it comes off as a retcon or damage control. If you want to express something do it clearly so that you don't fall under this circumstances where the author seems to be defending a shit character.
Having a modicum of IQ is needed to read Kaguya otherwise you come off as a blithering retard.
Sorry for not sucking Aka's dick then. I never said I didn't like Kaguya, but it's clear obvious that what Aka tried to do with Ishigami didn't come off as clear as he wanted.
He once talked about the experience that inspired him to write this arc right?, as far as I remember the situation was less dramatic (no pseudo love triangle nor confession bs), so I guess that's why he fucked up.
If understanding simple themes and story beats is sucking Aka's dick call me a fucking vacuum, Now fuck off otterfag.
>what Tsubame did was both good and not retarded (which is what Aka seems wanted to portray).
Are you retarded?
Of course this is not what Aka tried to say.
As compare to the Ms. perfect she used to be, Tsubame is now a flawed character who makes human mistakes; which is a good thing.
Did you also complain about Iceguya and how Aka made her a bitch?
>hurr durr simple themes
I fucking told you why the hell the story comes off different to what Aka wanted. I may as well understand it better than you.
And hey that's perfect. Did she need to be forgiven that fast?, fuck no. That's stupid. That seemed to be Aka's reaction to what people thought, rapidly having to do something cuz he can't let people hate Tsubame. But hey, at least this way we can get more juicy love triangle drama!
And I liked Iceguya (especially how it ended), it was kind of akward though.
Butthurt Mikofag detected.
Sorry Aka didn't try to appeal to you faggots and have Ishigami act ooc and distanced himself from Tsubame which is what you people were hoping for.
Oh boy and where to start about Miko. Was it even necessary to make Miko so autistic? I guess the stairwell scene kinda makes her look empathic but it is still retarded. It's as if Miko becomes more and more stupid with each arc.
And I'm not a waifufag like you, retard. I just didn't like how Aka handled Tsubame, nor Ishigami, nor Iino in that arc.
Have we moved on from calling Tsubame a slut?
>I want the Rick and Morty audience
What did Aka mean by this?
No Ishigami is mine!
Yeah how dare Aka have Ishigami and Tsubame resolve this whole thing maturely and talked it out like a normal person, instead of dragging this shit for another 1x chapters?
Fuck Aka.
>resolve this whole thing maturely
Those two pages are "solving things maturely"?
Maybe, just maybe if the midget didn't interrupt they would have speak about it more.
Just a thought though.
The fuck are you talking about Ishigami wanted out of that situation so hard he instantly bowed down to Miko's order instead of fighting her like she said.
Or they could leave it for another different arc, where Tsubame tries to fix her relationship with Tsubame, getting character development and coming to a conclusion and maybe they get together
Any different way possible is better than what we got
>Ishigami wanted out of that situation so hard
Nice headcanon.
>he instantly bowed down to Miko's order
Because he is guilt ridden?
I assume this is what going to happen next.
Ishigami wouldn't mind but Tsubame will probably still feeling awkward about it.
Maybe she will consult Kaguya again which will explain her mind process better while not being too drama heavy.
No, too much fat.
Because it is out of character for them to leave things this way.
Tsubame would want to apologise and make up with Ishigami as soon as possible.
Ishigami wouldn't hate Tsubame because of this.
They only make up after winter break, which hadn't even started at Christmas so they had at least two weeks to think about it. iI's not like it's that hard for them to make up once they have both reflected about it especially considering they both realized their mistakes right away.
Behave what way? Ishigami never hurts anyone but Fujiwara, who deserves it.
The top graphs look both wrong, especially the right one.
Miko has been shown to be rational about investigating the possibility of betrayal, although she does find it unforgivable.
He will be the one to collar her.
No way, look at her “Fujiwara is only like that because I’m a bad girl,” stuff. The official doujin wasn’t far off when it suggested she would find the idea of her deadbeat husband taking out his frustrations on her during sex by hitting her hot.
>So either wait or fuck off, but stop making shit up because it only ruins the threads.
No. I want to shitpost about Kaguya and nitpick shit because its better than my favorite romcom right now. Currently Kaguya is top 1 romcom manga right now and I hate that fact because I'm a fat retard who likes shit about cucking your own sister or about retarded quintuplets instead of a comfy romance like Kaguya.
Hopefully it focuses on prez and Kaguya leading into the next flashback because I can't give a shit about that shit tier love triangle.
What if Kaguya and Prez get involved in the shit tier love triangle?
Turning them into side characters of a subplot doesn't magically make it better.
Leave Ishigami to me.
to keep her safe from all those nasty other boys, of course.
Shotgun wedding arc when?
Leave Ishigami to me.
Can’t spell subtext without buttsex.
Can’t spell Hayasaka without dead inside.
>Can’t spell subtext without buttsex.
>Hayasaka is dead inside
Now and even more so in the future.
idk, all the talk about weak wimminfolk didn't seem to be coming from a place of compassion.
About 2 months after Christmas, when Kashiwagi's period stops coming.
Being Maki is suffering
What talk? That was Yea Forums. Fujiwara brings his criticism on herself.
She’s already a bit like one of those yapping little dogs women carry in their handbags.
All this shit arc
>Still no Mikado arc
Hacka a fucking Hack!
soon bros.. right?
Giving him a starring role was a mistake. He was better as a side character.
Where do I read the full colored version?
>manga called "Kaguya wants to be confessed to"
>no Kaguya
Those Ishigami chapters with his dumb harem are too fucking long. He should just wrap it up already.
So this manga really is completely dead huh, No leaks yet means literally no one reads this shit.
or they are too busy reading and discussing to throw some scraps to you p*ratecucks
Miko is a slut
generic tsundere plot
What if Aka goes full IB mode and has her lose the baby in a drama arc?
nah, better reveal that the child is from Prez
then a nice boat from Kaguya except she gets away with everything since her family will cover everything up
Drama arcs are better when people act in character and that would be out of character.
Next chapter should have him, maybe Iino just does her incredibly bland and unfunny gag and fucks off.
The only one who can save this shitfest, Fujiwara tried but it wasn't enough.
There's no leaks on weekends. The best we can hope for are spoilers on monday.
There are leaks on weekends if there's a break week, aren't there? Speaking of which, we should be due for another break after this chapter, right?
There are when something important happens or the leaker can troll people with out of context panels.
This week's chapter probably has neither.
>Prez getting someone pregnant because he thought women get pregnant from kissing would be out of character
>Kaguya acting yandere would be out of character
Yanjan app
I miss Kashiwagi-san and her big boobs.
When will she return?
Prez knows how sex works that's pretty clear from the manga, so he'd never fuck up. Kaguya I could maybe see but still seems kinda unlikely.
*zooms into your thread*
>paid for the chapter
>only allow you to read it for 24 hours
Anywhere to read it for **free**?
Aka's anatomy is weird. The canonically bigger breasted characters are Tsubame and Fujiwara sisters.
the doujin artist is a retard who does not understand the manga characters
Kill yourself JB shill.
pregnant women have canonically large breasts
Glad to see that people are starting to hate ishigami.
Ive hated him ever since his dumb fuck drama bullshit in the sports festival. Piece of shit character. Atleast Lino has some funny scenes, all of them being with Kaguya and/or the president. Who we havent seen in 3 weeks. Aka has lost his fucking mind.
>Miko has been shown to be rational about investigating the possibility of betrayal, although she does find it unforgivable.
There's a difference between Miko being rational and Miko's feelings in personal matters. In her latest arc, we can pretty clearly see she gets pretty jealous even when she's not in a relationship.
>Aka's anatomy is weird.
Don't see what that has to do with tits.
>The canonically bigger breasted characters are Tsubame and Fujiwara sisters.
Well, they're the only ones it's really been drawn attention to with. No-one ever had much of a reason to comment on kashiwagi's chest.
She's been pretty big for a while now, though.
>actually Kaguya will be the teen mom
I'm rereading for the first time and I'm 100% sure what happens in the moon gazing chapter and sugoroku chapter in major foreshadowing. He's Kaguya in the story though. He's gunna go to Stanford and leave her with something as a promise he'll return. Meanwhile. she'll make her own fortune from a small amount of money after disowning the Shinomiya's. In the sugoroku chapter (57) it foreshadowed him getting accepted to Stanford
Oh shit and the next chapter he's out buying a book about learning english. Man, Aka really hid a lot of foreshadowing in the earlier chapters that I didn't really pick up on first time reading
>what is tsubasa doing
shotgun weeding and teen pregnancy arc soon
>shotgun weeding
That sounds like an extremely inefficient yet still somehow awesome hillbilly pastime.
>muh genuine
A baby boy or a baby girl first?
baby boy, to continue the family tradition
So this really is going the way of Soma, What a shame.
>Just read the last arc with Ishigami and try to rethink everything that just happened
Okay? Ishigami went to Tsubame's party hoping to confess, runs into Miko who put too much effort into looking good because it's her first time, Tsubame gets touchy feely with Ishigami which makes Miko jealous, Miko gets drunk trying to ignore it and falls asleep, party ends and Tsubame tricks him into staying the night, tries to sleep with him until he confesses, making her have second thoughts, he runs off because he doesn't like her reasons, bumps into Miko who reminds him that he fucked up, he tries to kill himself and she saves him, breaking her arm, which puts him into her debt, which she takes advantage of at school, meanwhile Ishi makes it up to Tsubame and promises to make himself worthy of her
That's about it. Not seeing what's so bad unless you either hate characters having flaws or you think drama is inherently bad
Please tell me this manga is getting axed.
>Dude, if you as an author can't express your ideas clearly then obviously you are the problem
It's not his fault so much of his audience are literal autists who hate characters having more than one stock trait cause "Muh 3dpd!"
>you can read and read again the Ishi arc and still not understand under what mindset you can say that what Tsubame did was both good and not retarded (which is what Aka seems wanted to portray).
If that's what you got out of it then that's on you
>And then when he comes and says "no, everything is good!" it comes off as a retcon or damage control.
Except there's nothing that contradicts anything that was previously shown or stated
>defending a shit character.
Tsubame is objectively a much better character now that she has some semblance of a personality
Ishigami has always carried the manga. Kaguya and Prez are boring.
>he tries to kill himself
no, he just trips.
If anything, he doesn't really try to stop himself from falling, but he was falling because he tripped.
manga sale is good so no
Is Tsubasa using the vibrator remote?
>I fucking told you why the hell the story comes off different to what Aka wanted
Not him, but no you didn't. You just don't like how it turned out
>Did she need to be forgiven that fast
What did she even need to be 'forgiven' for? Hurting your self insert's feelings?
And then we have retards like who invest themselves in a non existent waifu war, completely misinterpreting character discussions
Genius Girl, best girl, a cute, a cute! How does she do it bros?
i just wanna see my gf hayasaka again bros
Miko is best girl. Are you retarded?
We are enemies now.
You misspelled Miko
Ishigami hasn't done anything interesting for about 40 chapters
He manned up and confessed to the girl of his dreams, in much less time and with much less effort than Prez
fuck Miko
i miss karen
post fem pres
Just give her a small compliment and shes in your bed.
Ah yes great question indeed, have you tried reading the Manga?
How will he subvert our exceptions tomorrow?
Looking forward to the Maki and Ishigami live action reenactment of Columbine then
yes, and it wasn't terribly interesting
manned up isn't the right word.
You faggots are really doubling down on the character war here. Calm down, spoilers are coming today.
Tsubasa, prez , and Fuji's suitor manned up and confessed. Ishigaymi conveniently confessed on accident thanks to hack writing. Learn the difference.
and then he did it two times more with full intent and understanding of his actions
ruining the mood.
if he hadn't the morning would be even worse
And it's all part of a really boring love triangle subplot that brings nothing but shit drama.
How great.
still worse boy. He should have stayed 1D like Fujiwara.
Maybe Aka shouldn't make a dramafest every single time he gets focus.
I'm scared when he decided to expand on Fuji he'll do something similarity shitty.
not eh user you responded to but this part
>Ishi makes it up to Tsubame and promises to make himself worthy of her
just doesn't make sense to me:
So Ishigami confesses to the girl he likes, she says shes doesn't want to be in a relationship because of IRL shit but she willing to have sex with him as a way of thanking him for his feelings for her.
Ishi dislikes this because he doesn't want a relationship (or sex) that is born out of sympathy and so he refuses.
So far so good it makes sense.
But now why would Ishigami feel the need to become a better person so that he is worthy of Tsubame?
Him not being "worthy" wasnt a factor in this at all. How would becoming a better person change the fact that she is planning to go to a Uni far away? She is still gonna be as busy with IRL shit regardless of how he changes as a person. I'm personally surprised at how Ishigami doesn't think less of Tsubame after she was willing to fuck him as a way of thanking him.
Is Ishigami supposed to be this forgiving? Is the takeaway from this really that Tsubame wasn't that into Ishigami?
I don't quite get it.
Finally, the worst arc in manga history is over.
>Tsubame doesn't like me enough to date
>I should improve myself so she falls for me for real!
It's a fucked up version of what prez did, because Kaguya, despite how cold she was, would never pull a Tsubame.
Give me 20 more ice arcs just to never see an ishi arc again.
It's sad this arc makes me actually miss early ice arc. How the fuck did Aka manage and the worst part is that we have to suffer through it for another three in-manga months, which can last up to a year.
You're right which why i don't really get the resolution on this, i'm down for Tsubame having flaws and doubts and doing stupid shit in the heat of the moment but why would Ishigami feel like he is in the wrong?
Shit it really puts into perspective that Kaguya, who regularly has Elliot Rodgers thoughts about her best friend, still wouldn't do what Tsubame did to Ishigami.
Kaguya would verbally beat him down until he wanted to die, which probably would hurt less than what Tsubame or Miko did that night.
Tsubame's "Because I wanted to thank you" was caused by ishi asking a question she had no simple answer for.
There's no good explanation for what she did unless she's actually terminally ill.
It makes no fucking sense on any level especially if she's a virgin.
Or Aka is just dumb.
>157 chapters
>expectations still haven't been subverted
Bravo, Aka. Bravo.
My expectations of Ishigami's arc being entertaining were subverted.
Makes sense if she thinks that's normal. Even if she's not a slut, some of her cheerleader friends probably are. She's clueless about how to deal with a sincere confession, to the point of almost accepting Kaguya's advice.
>she was drunk and horny, alone on Christmas night with the boy that had her questioning herself.
No explain at all.
Honestly I feel aka is shit at writing anything that isn't comedy.
>No explain at all.
She has no kind of romantic or sexual experience, at all, and as she's explained herself before, she's a really romantic girl.
So I'm not buying she was willing to have her first time there with Ishigami because she was a bit drunk. Even
>I wanted to get over it before uni
would have been a better explanation.
Aka really ruined this manga, Remember when Prez was a chad who made girls wet now hes a beta male who won't EVER have sex.
And worst of all Ishigami he used to be literally me! ME! now he's a dense harem protagonist Aka is such a fucking failure this really went the way of Soma.
Ishigami arc = Central arc
>Makes sense if she thinks that's normal.
It is normal. First time I had alone time with my girlfriend we totally went for it.
bro its Christmas and she was in the mood.
He can do romance, both light hearted stuff and big, climatic moments.
He just goes fullretard in the drama department.
Iceguya = Azami
She's not related to Miyuki though
I mean the pity sex. I know some people who break up that way but still.
But you're right, Tsubame's behavior is not that hard to explain, yet people here expect her to be a nun.
Also fuck you for blogposting, normalfag.
It wasn't pity sex, she was just trying to trap herself.
>now he's a dense harem protagonist
I think this is what bothers me the most. Part of his character early on was that he was so perceptive when it came to other people's true feelings due to his autism and the nature of his work.
its character development.
I don't know, that actually seems more like character *regression*. A character usually starts out as a dense fuck and then develops into a perceptive person, here it's the opposite.
Aka had to downgrade his character to make him an MC now that kaguya and pres are side characters
I don't, Kashiwagi a corrupting whore.
>sex with her boyfriend
You guys do realize that, a person can easily spot love development from other people, but be entirely blind when it comes to themselves right? Gotta remember he doesn't have the highest opinion of himself in the first place, and he wasn't aware he confessed to her in the festival. He is now stated he'll make her fall for him from now on anyway, but it's not like he has anyone else on his plate for it to be a harem, Iino so far just finds him annoying, and wants him to stop being mean to her (even though she doesn't help much with her attitude).
OK maki
Maki she's pregnant now, you should give up already.
I really hope Aka can recover.
>Iino so far just finds him annoying, and wants him to stop being mean to her
lol no, if I learned anything from reading all those romance manga, it's that conflicts like this are always the seed of a future love interest. She 100% likes him deep down but lying to herself.
In the future yes, so far there's no justification to call it love, aside from that one stunt with the festival images.
>its another series ruined by the edgy character
Not like this, Aka.
Tsubasa x Kawasaki = realistic teen romance
Prez x Kaguya = idealistic dream romance
Ishi x Tsubame = normalfag x autist romance
>sex before marriage
>not a whore
Jesus Christ is crying on heaven.
Mistakes into miracles
>idealistic dream
>Ishi x Tsubame = normalfag x autist romance
Go Ishi x Miko for full autist romance.
>is a lazy retard with terrible grades, would be at the bottom of the entire school if not for Kaguya's help
>is a worthless proto-NEET, addicted to wish fulfillment media in the form of videogames and trashy isekai light novels
>ostracized by his entire class for being a violent, edgy autist, school-shooter in the making
>complete disappointment to his family, is a failure of a person even after being born with a silver spoon in his mouth
>thinks he's going to take over his father's company despite this, would be an unemployable bum if not for his family's wealth
>tried to throw himself down a flight of stairs because a girl didn't want to go out with him
>acts morally righteous despite being human trash
Name a more worthless person.
Pro-tip: you can't.
Miko go to sleep
>Character drama is bad
I don't get this
its annoying when he could have had prezguya dates already
When the character (Ishigami) is bad, yes.
tfw hes the new MC
Ishigami is great. It's his fans that are the real problem. They take everything that involves him way too personally, leading to the shitfest that was the past few chapter threads
I like Ishigami a lot
I like Ishigami too I think Aka has been misusing him lately.
A shit.
In what way?
dem mikos.
fat gobelin
>normalfag x autist romance
Which is exactly why it won't work out. They're just too incompatible
Yes and yes
When drama has a decent payoff it's fine the current Ishigami arc has nowhere near the payoff that the Sports day arc had
>the current Ishigami arc has nowhere near the payoff that the Sports day arc had
Probably because it's not even remotely find yet
>both parties needed to confront the extremely ugly parts of each other to make it work
Idealistic romance would have finished at the festival and have the manga end right there with an epilogue set years later.
Of all the autistic shit and of all the faggotry you guys do all the fucking time, this is both peak autism and peak faggotry.
10/10 would upheld justice for
You do realize shitposters are just being real loud and repetitive right? It's nothing new recently.
That was taken from the nips on twitter and translated.
Their romance is hella idealistic, the bad parts are just a natural continuation as Aka needs to make money.
Yes, it's all shitposters, people can't possibly dislike this, nope, just like the ice arc, all shitposters and trolls, don't worry.
Seems about right for peak autism and peak faggotry.
>Ishigami this
>Ishigahmee that
>Ishigami gami gami gami gami
Can you all please talk about other stuff that isn’t Ishigami? This is getting so annoying and it’s making me angry. Ishigami is so fucking shit and I seriously can’t understand how you don’t get tired of talking about him without ever stopping. What about Miyuki? What about Papagane? WHY ARE YOU IGNORING THE OTHER GUYS, ITS NOT FAIR. Ishigamifags are the worst, I hate them and I hate Ishigami. Ishigami a shit. A SHIT.
I'll talk about them once they get the spotlight again
>sex with someone who isn't the MC
>not a whore
Let us hope this week announces the beginning of the prez/Kaguya flashback, probably from prez's PoV after the climax of ice was hers.
Based Mikado
Ishigami's easier for anons to self-insert into than the others
>Hey guys have I told you how much I hate X?
>X is really bad because reasons guys
>Meme term to display how bad X is
>But X should get with my pick so I can forgive it, yep
>I'm totally not being disingenuous about my feelings on the matter by plaguing the entire thread with it and pretending it's normal
Sports festival arc threads agree, and the Tsubame threads are just the cherry on top.
Ishigami is truly the self inserter's top choice, probably the reason Aka created him in the first place.
They really give off an aura of two people who are always secretly helping each other without the other noticing.
Lets talk about Iceguya. Why is she so cute?
Bad tsundere, glad she's dead.
You mean best tsuntsundere! I want to hug and kiss her!
>all shitposters and trolls
Considering the lack of solid arguments being made, what else are we to believe?
cute pout
>Ishigami likes Tsubame
>Tsubame likes Ishigami too but can't go through with it yet
>Miko doesn't like Ishigami
>Ishigami doesn't like Miko
>Ishigami is a complete loser but is still trying to do what little good he can
>Miko is a loser who is completely oblivious to her own faults and is in constant need of help
>Miko is overall a negative force in Ishigami's life but he's too much of a moralfag to let her go
>People are STILL trying to force the Ishigami x Miko ship when it's clear that they aren't right for each other at all and Ishigami actually has someone else he likes
explain yourselves
Leave Ishigami to him
That people simply dislike the Ishigami drama and shitpost about it.
A Yea Forums staple.
Probably why he's getting shit on in the manga, Aka is making fun of self inserters and they don't even know it. Won't be surprised if he ends up with no one.
people aren't speed readers, that's why
I want to make her even more angry! then have angry se...
shit edit
Kaguya a cute
Today I will remind them
You misspelled 'a baby' there.
Yeah, but right now she's just horny.
good point
How can I get a iceguya of my own?
But user! Based /OurGuy/ Ishigami did nothing wrong and Tsubame a roastie slut!
>Aka is making fun of self inserters and they don't even know it. Won't be surprised if he ends up with no one.
Sounds too good to be true.
I'm sure even the most hardcore Tsubamefags know deep down how this is gonna end. Still fun to watch the"waifu war" in action though
He was the focus of the latest arc.
When we were in the middle of Ice Kaguya and the later half of the sports festival, people were talking about Miyuki all the time.
Calm the fuck down.
Considering he treats him seriously and even gave him one of the corniest and most generic drama backstories possible, I doubt it.
He's one of the main characters
>Miko is overall a negative force in Ishigami's life but he's too much of a moralfag to let her go
She's kept him out of official trouble for some time. The only negative effect she has on him is taking his games away or nagging him. As for letting her go, he's not really picked her up.
>Miko is a loser who is completely oblivious to her own faults and is in constant need of help
Miko's never been given an internal monologue, but she's been shown plenty aware of several faults. It's why she asks if the rest of the Student Council thinks she's useless or annoying, or why she assumes it'd bother Ishigami if she joined him at the party. Miko doesn't have a high opinion of herself at all, which is what makes her so vulnerable to external validation.
>Miko doesn't like Ishigami
Hard to tell without an internal monologue, but she's acting jealous as fuck and Aka is clearly angling it to suggest she has feelings for Ishigami. It's possible that's all a ruse, but that'd make it much harder to interpret her behavior.
All the girls are best girls, all the boys are best boys. except Ishigami.
That would be phenomenal, it's too bad it will never happen.
Post more Iceguya
How do you feel about chibi Iceguya ?
Fuck sleep.
Its not like shes hugs the heart because its special!
>Name a more worthless person.
Just be better every day user.
Stop you're making her blush !
I almost forgot what Kaguya looked like. Thanks for posting her anons
I want to make her blush more!
spoilers soon
Iceguya is the perfect woman, mean enough to remind you to be a man, soft enough to absolutely melt when you do,
And an absolute cunt if you don't do what she wants while playing retarded female mindgames related to you reading her mind.
This will be on the test!
I miss the comfy pre-anime threads.
I miss jag too.
Remember stalker-chan?
Imagine the after heated argument make up se... tho
Kaguya goes to USA arc When?
It was just shit translation.
What Ishigami actually said was
>I'll do my best to make you fall for me
Ishigami is still missing the point here (Tsubame already likes him) but it was better than he thinking he is unworthy.
End game bros.
Waste of time
user have you even read the manga?
the amount of red flags in that pic is really impressive
Meant for
If prez was a more normal human being, they would have ended up together, no question.
Based. I'm still amazed how a 9.5/10 manga went downhill to a 6.5/10
You talk as if anyone in the stuco is remotely normal.
Honestly out of the romcoms I’m reading now, I think I like Kaguya the most, which is interesting cause it was previously maybe 2nd or 3rd, and just there. I suppose people are allowed to dislike the current developments, but I find them mostly interesting. I wasn’t a huge fan of the Iceguya arc, but I’m sure I’ll like the date chapters or whatever
She could still win
Maybe in your delucional fanfics
Aka needs to take a break and think about where he really want to take the story. The quality has really gone downhill after the festival kiss. Maybe we should delay season 2 of the anime for a year and have a few drama CD releases instead.
Meant for
But She likes muscular dark skined boy.
>Implying F won't be the ultimate boss
Read the first volume xtra
Prez can get a tan!
Se... x!
How indecent!
Based lino working anons into a shoot
This is your Kaguya for tonight.
Needs to smile less.
This was a weird addition to this pasta.
Guys, I can't stay mad at miko
where are the spoilers, user?
>ctrl+f onodera
>0 results
WTF is this travesty, Onoderachads??
Where's the source on this image?
>muh compatibility
>let me just repost this one panel for the 1000th times and treat it as absolute fact
Gotten real sick of this meme.
Ishigami and Tsubame gets along well and enjoy spending time with each other.
Lino just project her idea of righteousness onto Ishigami and can't talk to Ishigami without verbal abuse.
In fact Tsubame is way more compatible than Lino even was.
Lino won't even allow Ishigami to do his own things while Tsubame will probably try to get into his hobbies because she enjoys trying out new things,
Tsubame can also teach Ishigami a thing or two about bartending.
I still think shes cute
Yes she is.
Some nice foreshadowing of Miko getting friendzoned and a good friendship ending.
She would make a good bridesmaid in Tsubame and Ishigami's wedding.
Why does anyone care this much about who ends up with who? Holy shit.
cute chubby kaguya
Fight me!
Cute husband feeding his wife and mother of his children.
SS+ Rare Kaguya?
says the girl that will end up alone.
We knew as early as volume five that he's awful at seeing himself objectively. Remember the cats vs dogs fight when he and Kaguya pretty much did everything short of actually confessing without realizing?
He pretty much was 99% sure that Kaguya liked him, but that 1% was enough to make him a wreck. He was putting on airs from the very beginning and we knew that since fucking chapter 4.
>Left since there wasn't much to talk about last week but the threads were still pretty comfy.
>Come back for spoilers and they're a shitfest again.
It's not fair.
Have you made yourself ready for the glorious date mishaps between President and Kaguya?
There is no date enjoy your Ishigami chapter
You can literally see his twitter handle right there.
That one artist who does little comics for the series. That's just a preview apparently, he'll make a proper comic with Shirogane as a shota, and Kaguya going "ara ara" on him
fuck yeah
Remember that reddit infested these threads way back since before the fireworks arc and shit opinions are shit.
I'm curious how many people will be courteous and pretend they don't know these two are dating. I'm also curious who will be oblivious.
Looks like the usual Yea Forums autism to me
It probably won't happen for while but I'd really like it if they open up to each other about trying to get the other to confess for so long.
Are you talking about Ishigami or Shirogane?
What the title of this manga again?
Onodera soma love is war
Miko Lino Wants to be Confessed to
Fake Love
Aka is a hack: endless filler chapters
Only Hayasaka chapters are filler.
Unlimited Filler Works
Every chapter w/o Hayasaka is filler
Kissless virgin!
>Kissless virgin!
Exactly, she is just like me! Just 10 years younger
Scientifically proven
we slep
That's not even remotely cute. Kill it with fire.
>Complaints literally boil down to "I hate change"
When a romcom becomes formulaic and static, we complain about that. When a romcom changes significantly, we complain about that.
This is why these threads are cancer
It's Iino Miko not Miko Iino.
Fuck off namefag
nobody cares about your opinion
I would go for some Miko Lino myself desu
Ishigami-kun no Hanayome
01001001 01110100 00100111 01110011 00100000 01001100 01101001 01101110 01101111
Oh I wish or hayasaka with pres
It's monday where are the spoilers im dying
I want Miko to be the very end game. I think Ishigami should go out with Tsubame first.
You know what I really hate about this manga, Even though Aka wrote that all the girls like Shirogane he has no other love intrests!
If this were another, Better manga he would have atleast 4 girls to chose from but Aka turned Prez into a fag who is insecure because he sucks at writing.
It really pisses me off that Prez can't chose a better girl FUCK!
>why isn’t this haremshit? I want to self-insert as a turbo Chad who can fuck all the girls!
Momo and Shirogane seem to have an unexplained relationship.
The school principal seemed to have picked up on it while waking by and encountering Momo.
The only problem with Momo is that she was made with anal in mind, She can't bare his children if he's constantly in her pooper.
I thought Kaguya was a butt slut?
>competing with a zaibatsu archer princess for her husbando's time
Yeah, lemme know how that works out for you. Besides, before the election most students were pretty classist toward Shirogane.
baseball team
>Aka turned Prez into a fag who is insecure
user, read the manga from chapter 1 (ONE) and do not speedread the next 156 chapters
Based speedreader
Are there any other Romcoms out there to slake my thirst? Kaguya is the first since TWGOK ended to interest me.
Komi-san can't communicate is alright.
No it's not Komi has literally no personality plus it's harem shit.
The magic was only when was only Tadano and Komi
After that i don't like it that much
>The absolute state of Kaguya threads
It seems Otters won in the long run...
I like boku no kokoro no yabai yatsu for the cutesy romance shit
But the translation is slow as fuck
Fuji started pulling us out of the hole, Prezguya will finish the job. I will not become an otter!
Miko looks like that?
Imagine when she grows even more
future JAV career!
If he didn't like psychos maybe
The important part is no matter who he ends up with
The baseball team is a must.
>When F explodes the manga will go full IB
Aka just do it
I fucking dare you.
I don't see aka doing another series after this, he should go for it.
and then a was an otter
A lot of authors write specific stories to vent an emotion/tension in their life/experience, and once that emotion is gone, so is their 'muse' for the story.
Only when her womb is with a baby
I saw a bit of the anime and honestly was not impressed. It seemed more like a romantic SoL than true a romcom.
I wonder if Wakaki was like that. I don’t even know what he’s doing now, but it can’t be very good if no one’s talking about it .
W-What anime user?
Are you from the future?
Sorry, I confused this Komi-san with Senryu Shoujo. Well I’ll have to look into it.
romshipping faggots
go toubon or bokuben
jesus, Kaguya is tiny
This Ishigami is supposed to fit into Kaguya's uniform during Sports Festival.
It's okay user, Komi and Senryu Shoujo are basically the same thing anyway. Easy mistake.
One hit wonders, man. They don't always make sense.
spoilers when. gook scans are now out
>post it
No don't
This thread is 50 posts from bumplimit
do it
i hate miko
>The arc of those 2 (+1) person begin again
>The secret of XX-san got exposed.
I knew pres was a manwhore
ishigami‘s face is too round, hair looks like a wig
kaguya looks great
jesus christ how did they fuck up chika so bad? they should have casted a beautiful hot piece of ass, not ...that
Yea, Ishigami is supposed to be like 165-170 I think while Kaguya is like 160
>hot piece of ass
there are some rare exceptions
and I have porn to prove it
>the story has just begun
ara ara heh
thats the thing all the hot girls are doing porn
that‘s chika‘s fate too, so why didn‘t they just cast a jav actress?
>that‘s chika‘s fate too
Doesn't anyone else think that support something in private but not being willing to actually tarnish your reputation with it in public is the height of cowardice and a really shitty thing to do?
What's the deal with this spoiler dude? Seems more like he's trying to be the inofficial source for weekly manga previews with how he omits everything concrete.
more like lino's fate
Soneone is pregnant or what?
What reputation? Associating with each other would've only made them the subject of more mockery.
And they still didn't like each other's actual personalities. A friendship born out of obligation only makes people feel worse, not better.
The result of Pres sex training.
Miko & Osaragi friendship flashback when?
Usually you'd be right but in cases of bullying, attracting attention only worsens the problem. Miko has enough bad reputation already without a loser like Ishigami trying to defend her.
Plus, bullying in Shuchi'in is tame as fuck. It seems to limit itself to snide remarks and flaunting daddy's influence. No gofers, no violence and no pretending you're dead.
There are gravure idols that could have been casted as Chika.
Instead Chika's actress is disappointing.
Also, Ishigami doesn't look emo enough.
Would that even be necessary? He was good at kissing the first time.
Sounds boring as hell. Save it for a tank extra if you need to.
it was only good because of mommy fuji!
I just read the spoilers and yup the fearmongers were right this really did go the way of Soma.
That kinda makes sense. They'd have money to staff the school entirely with effective teachers, and business is all about not pissing off potential partners in the future and not making unnecessary enemies.
>no violence
(Unless you're sent to Cambodia.
he was always a normie in disguise
oh goddammit.
There's no El Hermano though.
Anyone else hoping this ends with NTR?
>he thinks there is no el hermano in kaguya when el hermano (de maki) aka mikado exist
Just (You)
was Fuji teaching Hayasaka too?
I really want him to be introduced. I wonder if he is a turbosperg about studying like Prez or if he is just naturally a genius.
>Im telling you Kaguya, this Mikado doesn't exist.
He's a genius that also works hard.
He will cuck Prez in due time
The boys in Kaguya are all pure and good boys, he will actually help Prez and prove himself to be a bro.
>mfw aka brings him in as Kaguya's fiance in a telenovela shitty drama way.
weak personlaity like being bullied by maki of all people
Miyuki is also bullied by Kei. Aka just has a grudge against imoutos.
I want to suck Miko
isn't Maki nee-san?
Is she? Maybe it's sisters in general then.
He might remain an academic rival but there's no chance of NTR at this point. Even if he tried to steal her he'd have no chance at all.
Not only mikado but also need more boys for our best girl.
>just naturally a genius.
More likes this.
How retarded do you have to be to not only think that a rival to Miyuki can even appear in Kaguya's eyes, but also actively hope for it? Do you idiots even read the manga or just look at the cute girls drawn by Aka?
it's been hinted since chapter 4 that even though prez is very smart. He still comes at 2nd place and was beaten by mikado shijo in a mock exam.
and it's been ''''''''''''hinted''''''''''' that the qualities of Shirogane that made Shinomiya fall for him aren't 'lol he smart'
What does that have to do with Kaguya?
Yes, he beat Shirogane in an exam. And Shirogane is pretty obsessed with beating him as shows.
Him managing to become a love rival still makes no sense when Kaguya's completely fallen for Shirogane. At most, Shirogane might get paranoid about that kind of situation, but it would never actually happen. His freakout over the idea of an arranged marriage will probably be the most we'll see of that idea, too.
How do you know Mikado doesn't have the same qualities? Bam, NTR.
because prez's qualities come from a very specific set of mental issues he's living with
Momo's advice was to fake being a Chad, though.
So Iceguya was attracted to the Fake Chad Persona that Momo told Shirogane to do.
Nice Guy Persona would not have worked on Iceguya.
kaguya is hinted to hate his father and she will meet him at new years eve or day
he will probably not allow her to go to US and the idea of force marriage is common in elite families for cheap drama. plus january 1 is kaguya / maki / mikado's bday
That fake persona just got her attention at the start. It has nothing to do with why she loves him now. His "nice guy" side is incredibly important.
>Momo's advice was to fake being a Chad, though.
Momo's advice hooked her attention to his display of dominance
his caring and charitable demeanor's been pulling this carriage into marriage since then
she wouldn't be so giggly and cheerful in flashforward if that was true
Please don't make a new thread,
Please don't read this manga.
>Please don't make a new thread,
well ok
>Please don't read this manga.
fuck you
>tfw Aka finally reveal that that guy is, in fact, random faceless npc #2834572862
I can't wait
>Mikado Shijo. The top academic student in all of Japan. A sporting prodigy. The man arranged to marry Kaguya.
>For Miyuki Shirogane, he represents the wall that no amount of studying has ever broken through. All his efforts to this point had been fruitless. To see the personification of his failure has wounded his spirit.
>For Kaguya Shinomiya, he represents the power of her father that she must challenge. To marry Mikado would mean being forever parted from Shirogane. Worse, it would mean that she would gradually lose everything that made her grow during her time at Shujin.
>For the rest of the Student Council, he was a foul presence that troubled their beloved President and Vice-President.
>But for Maki Shijo, his twin sister...
>"You sure you've taken a shower today?"
>Mikado was nothing but her lame baby brother! Academics? Sports? Grace? No! Maki knew her brother as the boy who spent so much time playing soccer that he reeked of sweat! The boy who went crying to their mother when they fought as babes! The brat who wet the bed until he was seven! This was the man everyone got so worked up about?!
>This was Mikado Shijo's weakness! The older sister who endlessly bullied him!
Shouldn't the lovebirds notice Maki has changed personalities since they got together?
The girl is a friend of hers, isn't she?
At least this is not 5toubun.
What a big pile of shit.