Does Yea Forums actually like the moe artstyle

>Lacks facial features and lips and noses
>Washed out colors
>Female, male, and adult faces are used interchangeably

Attached: Kagami.png (1085x610, 565K)

Other urls found in this thread:

moe isnt an artstyle there's moe anime with dozens of different artstyles

Yes obviously we do or we wouldnt watch anime
I think its superior to realistic faces because it conveys more with less and you can project on to it whatever you want, the simpler the face the more things it can make you feel
like this

Also this, but we know what dumb OP meant

>the moe artstyle

Dot nose
line lisps
features associated with moe

Really? It seems to suffer from a lot of same face.
taking out feature like the nose and lisps reduces the amount of unique features a character can have.

Of course its sameface but thats not a negative thing.
Their hair, voice, demeanor, body type, behavior etc is what makes you connect with them in fact you could argue that because they cant rely on making characters unique via just faces they have to try harder to make their personalities stand out even if they are reused personality types which of course theyd be anyways since humans can only behave in so many ways.
Its easier to connect with a very simple drawing of a face than with a photograph and this is science not just me being a schizo, look it up.

OP you are a retard and a faggot and I hope you fucking die tonight.

user, not the OP, but can you please hold me?

Attached: Star.Trek.TOS.S01E05.The.Enemy.Within.720p.BrRip.x264-[MULVAcoded].mkv_snapshot_00.22_[2019.06.30_23 (960x720, 363K)

It's so Kawaii

Attached: png.png (1086x521, 840K)

Fuck no but I can't speak for these other idiots.
It's funny that it was all coming from one studio too, and now that they are gone, maybe anime can get better overall.

You moefags are the worst people here.
You're violently angry when people like things you dont like (normal things) and you wish your misfortune on others instead of dealing with it in a healthy manner. There's no way you're the adult in the room.
Why do you all have to write such long posts to make excuses for your bad taste? Just accept that not everyone likes the awful shit you like, don't try to justify it, just shut up, god dammit.
Moe is shit.
You like it? fine.
Not everybody has to. Your reasons for liking it aren't even valid.

Whenever I see a "mature anime" use that style I can't take it serious

OP is a fag so I'm changing the subject. I read the Jap otaku hate gyaru and that these subcultures don't get along. I believe it's true since you barely saw any of them for years after they'd become ubiquitous in real life. So how come lately there's been a cute gyaru trend ie Hajimete no Gal, 3D Kanojo, Dumbbell, etc

How do you connect with "uguu kawaii" characters? They're exaggerated to hell and back, they're just cute to look at.

I find doppio moe, does that mean characters that look like him are moe?

Attached: 1556828617916.png (2048x1114, 2.09M)

I didnt even say that I liked it, Im just describing why its popular and effective.
My bad for trying to make a proper post in a shitposting thread.
Wont happen again.

Nothing stop you from going to r/anime instead of coming here.

It's probably a matter of always being there between high school trends IRL and those trends in anime, that is authors write about stuff they experienced themselves when they were younger.
Also pure gyaru is gap moe, so it works when otherwise wouldn't.

>It's funny that it was all coming from one studio too
Sometimes it's really scary thinking there are people on the anime board who believe shit like this. That this might be an opinion someone seriously holds. As if they haven't actually watched an anime in the last decade and are just here to shitpost. But that can't be right.

You don't even understand what does moe means, just kys asap.

You're a homosexual

That's a really bad BDrip you have there.

Do gyarus even exist anymore in real life

Define moe

I've pretty much liked every single show that Dogakobo has produced so yeah I guess I do

It's an old show. I don't think there are any better. It's a cute dog still, though.

There are. The ToS and especially the TNG BDs are actually really fucking good.

>Yea Forumsedditards can't into abstraction

Attached: 1504759474211.jpg (1247x940, 122K)

>Actual color
>Gasp! a nose
>Say it ain't so! lisp definition
Moefags can't stand it

Attached: Heero.png (803x609, 695K)

When an "abstraction" becomes overused it becomes boring to look at.

Shit, I probably just grabbed the wrong one then. I've downloaded both, but they fill a ton on my hard drive, I've downloaded both and I hope TNG at least isn't shit quality. Thanks for the heads up, user.

I find Kagamine really cute and I have got off to the LS girls a bunch of times, but sometimes the head shapes distract me like in that image.

>moe artstyle

define the art style Lucky Star uses then

Attached: yawn.png (679x535, 567K)

Sorry about the third sentence, I've been drinking and I just screwed up there.

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There a lot of different styles though?

Attached: 1556544875568.jpg (1500x2112, 1.6M)

Same dot nose
Same hairstyles
Same line lisps

If I die tonight, I wouldn't to look at a played out industry standard art style.

Attached: yawn3.png (1082x609, 1.16M)


>the moe artstyle

Attached: Que.jpg (374x347, 39K)

Tried to find a good doujin of this but came across an Azumanga one instead where the tan girl gets raped and another where Yukari lets the class rape Osaka for not being a good student.

I don't think this series has any good ones, not in english anyway.

So you want something bright, masculine, huge-nosed and unique?

>>Washed out colors
What's the issue here? I love the somewhat muted colors thing in some shows.

Attached: yawn2.png (1083x504, 778K)


>the moe artstyle
this is just as batshit retarded as that "forced animation" insult people always use against hidamari sketch and FLCL

>long posts
you have the longest post in this thread

Attached: 1563473429975.png (625x626, 66K)

It's boring to look at

The saturated colors are a fucking eyesore.

Muted looks like the artist gave up halfway through

use english

Use an argument


ya it's cute

!This is my Waifu! thanks Japan for making an unforgettable character design

Attached: it's so cute.png (1083x607, 753K)

muted colors or washed out fool

I guess the price of pandering to the "My waifu is soo kawaii crowd" is samefaced recycled characters whose only different is a ribbon in their hair or a fang.

Because if you got a perfection, why uglyify it?

> perfection

>people actually falling for the retard's bait

Attached: 1497202233263.jpg (604x768, 76K)

This board would be 10x better if everyone actually knew what "moe" meant.

ahaha cope

I unironically live for this shit.

Attached: Yuru.Yuri.full.904806.jpg (776x1098, 178K)

This user is underage and also a newfag

what does it mean

>The moefags fear facial features

Attached: heero laugh.png (801x610, 877K)

none of these are actual issues

yes they are

The typical moefag defense

Please stay on Yea Forums or your shounen generals (same thing really) until you grow up and watch enough anime. Personally I'd rather have you give up on anime and move on to another hobby though.

hello person from 2010
I'm from 2019

Really! is 2019 anime better than 2010?

You mean 80s by "real anime"

no why would your nitpick make anime better?


Attached: kirara designs.jpg (3800x2854, 2.04M)

actually ending the moe era made it worse
now it has ISEKAI

It would actually bring more unique art styles in this stagnant industry.


Damn, I'm glad it's 2010

>sangatsu is now moe

Attached: 1476527765223.jpg (720x405, 82K)

A least the adult looks like an adult. Instead of the interchangeable face most moe shows have

Attached: 147707268112234.webm (1024x576, 335K)

Real life people have all the same artstyle, are they boring to look at?

>Real life people have all the same artstyle, are they boring to look at?
No, those that actually draw to create unique characters don't use a this point an industry standard style so the character can be "cute"

Disgusting, how did it live so long without a nose?

>In the videos, Thomas and the other characters have exaggerated facial expressions which are often set for a relatively long period of time. This allows the child with ASD to relate to the emotions, expressions and feelings of the characters. This is especially valuable for children who have difficulty understanding people and their thoughts and feelings.

Attached: A94679BD-2B3B-4C1C-AD05-077B02D9515A.jpg (630x420, 36K)

That explains a lot

Yes I do.
What is Yea Forums?

Hey, if you lived without a brain anything is possible

That's impossible clearly I have one

I love it

Attached: subarashiki hibi4.png (1019x767, 1.12M)

>Sameface is exclusive to Moe/CGDCT
Watch more anime

>moe artstyle

Attached: 1547351915654.jpg (1280x1440, 229K)

>not knowing the meaning of moe
the absolute state

Attached: f71.png.jpg (750x1000, 675K)

Shonentards actually believe that "moe" is some sort of genre and have no idea that the same shonen they watch are generally infested with it.


Japanese people don't like the wide nostrils in their noses despite being smaller than the average East Asian nose. No wonder they portray anime noses as dots or long straight lines for older characters.

>Personally I'd rather have you give up on anime and move on to another hobby though
>having only one hobby

Attached: 1473269351951.png (908x466, 722K)

Maybe i am minority but i do miss when character had visible noses and not just little dot. And i also miss when adult characters especially women actually looked like adult women and not just teenager with big tits.

Attached: 1544853909893.jpg (1205x1672, 587K)

I miss the 80s when characters didn't have noses.

Attached: 1.jpg (640x480, 39K)

That art is disgusting

Sure there was artstyles even back then like that but i would say in average of that time was more realistic in terms bodytypes and now i am not saying i am expert on this but this is juts my opinion.

That looks way too moe for the 80s

On girls at least noses seemed to be getting smaller for a long time. At one point distinct noses became associated with the ugly characters, and you can still see quite a few series include them on the least attractive girls.

Attached: [MaruChanSubs] Chibi Maruko-chan (1990) 001 (English Subs)-[22.57.309-23.01.013].webm (232x240, 335K)

It's from an early 80s hentai.
Early 80s designs tend to be a lot more cuter, rounder and more cartoony than late 80s, I find. A lot of what shaped moe to come came from that era.