2012 was a hell of a year for anime

2012 was a hell of a year for anime

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Only Space Brothers is good.

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you're just plane wrong, you meant to say Kids on the Slope

Good shows:
Shinsekai Yori
Space Brothers
Kids on the Slope
Psycho Pass

The rest are shit.

Hyouka, gatari, nharlotep girl, kokoro connect omfg, more gatari, nazono kanojo X, girls und panzer, yuri yuri, jinrui, joshiraku, chuu, psychopass

holy shit these were all in one year??

back up that ass too fat

2013 was better

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Half of the shit on this list ranges from mediocre (Evol, Sakamichi no Appolon, Jormundgand, Nazo no Kanojo X, Chuu2) to just plain awful (Kuroko no Basket, SSY, Accel World, AO, Psycho "Urobutcher can't write proper audience surrogates" Pass) and you didn't even bother including Milky Holmes, Aikatsu, or 2199. Fix your mistake, OP.

Did anyone finish that dog scissors anime? I dropped it after one episode bc the premise looked so stupid. I wonder how it ended.

You're just plane wrong

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>Captain Earth
>Zankyou no Terror
>Black Bullet
>Fairy Tail
>Akame ga Kill
>Shitgatsu wa Kimi no Kuso
>Psycho Pass 2 (not even liked by fans of the first season)
>Cross motherfucking Ange
What is this chart trying to illustrate?

anime worth watching clearly

>E7 AO
I refuse to believe anyone seriously considers it good.

That grid is full of trainwrecks (somehow just noticing Mekakucity Actors) that literally no one has ever enjoyed outside of mediocre seasonal shitpost threads, in some cases not even then. Tell me, do you even watch half the anime on these charts before making them?

Legitimately good
Created air order autists, Kizu should've been first after Bake
>Accel World
Not as fun as SAO was.
>Neko Kuro
See Nise
The airing anime sucked, BDs improved it a lot.
Also caused multiple shit memes newfaggots would constantly spout and made JoJo's way too fucking popular and way more cancerous

this, honestly

Lmao fucking edgy faggot

>Created air order autists,
If someone thinks any order other than chronological is fine then they're a fucking dumbass

Novel Order and Chronological Order are both fine. The author doesn't mind either of them.
Watching Kizu after Second Season is fucking retarded though because by then it doesn't really even matter all that much.

>Nichibros Symphogear and Jojo all aired in the same year

I could've sworn the Jojo anime aired much later than both of those.

>Space Brothers
>Kids on the Slope
t.seething moetard

Jinrui was an unpolished gem. Girls und Panzer was a masterpiece in terms of direction. Hidamari Sketch is Hidamari Sketch. Yuru Yuri and Joshiraku were fun. Psycho Pass was interesting and well-made. JoJo was great if you're into that sort of thing. 2012 was a good year.

Kill la kill single handedly saved anime for the decade.

I agree.