Lord El-Melloi II Case Files

Grave for (You)

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Continuing the strange fake discussion:
>Prelati brings the box that was used to hold Avalon before the 4th Fuyuki HGW to act as Artoria's Catalyst
that's like three degrees of separation, did she really expect it to work?

Kay is best bro and best knight. Even if he is just a box in this show.

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I hope we get to see him in person in some adaptation some day

I hope we get to see him use his Camelot NP against the Lion King in the movies during a flashback to like let refugees get away from his crazy brother or something.

At least wait for the other thread to be archived before starting a new thread.

>Kay's essence protecting and comforting his great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandaughter



a cute

>SF takes place in the same canon and after FSN

Better than nothing, I guess.

Fake War
Fake Rules
Real War
Fake Rules still apply

Niggas be crazy in SF.

For those of you who don't know, Waver's goofy stance this episode is probably supposed to be modeled on the standard Isosceles stance used in modern handgun shooting IRL. He makes it look way less effective than it is in reality because Waver is horribly out of shape on top of being incredibly feeble as a mage.
>calling yourself a Lord when you can only fire a single Magic Missile per cast and get so much recoil from it that it looks like you're trying to control a .44 Magnum


Makes me wonder if you can use a random copy of the Count of Monte Cristo bought in your average book store and get either Dumas or Dantes.
How strict are the catalysts?

It doesn't really? Narita attached it to Fate/school life, but that might have been a joke. A version of F/SN still happened, but the details of the 5th War make it seem like every single route happened.

If you're Flat-tier, you'd probably get Dantes, yes

The details are there, the school life connection seems solid

>after FSN
It happens before FSN and the last case happens the same day Shirou summons Saber


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It seems they need to have some actual history, unless you are Flat.

The box held avalon for centuries and still carried some magical energy which Prelati thought was from avalon.

SF, not CF

retard here
can someone explain the fate timeline and where things are canon with what

is there a chart?

user said SF, not CF

Which NP is better, Rhongomyniad or Excalibur?

SF, not Case Files

I've only started reading it now but if Rin's at Clock Tower and Waver still teaches as El Mellon 2, it must be really similar.

It probably would've worked too if Saber hadn't already retreated to Avalon by then and become impossible to summon.

>How strict are the catalysts?

Catalysts have considerable variance in how specific they are. Kairi's piece of the Round Table is capable of summoning any of the Knights and gave him Mordred because their personalities are somewhat alike, while the only Servant who Avalon is going to summon is Saber. A random copy of the Count of Monte Cristo is probably only at best a weak catalyst for either Dumas or Dantes and might not actually do anything at all.

Main timeline:
>Fate/Zero (kinda) -> Case Files -> Fate/Stay Night -> Fate/Hollow Ataraxia
FGO timeline:
Fate/strange fake timeline:
>Fate/school life -> Fate/strange fake
Fate/Apocrypha timeline:
Fate/Extra timeline:
>Fate/Extra -> Fate/Extra Last Encore -> Fate/Extra CCC -> Fate/Extra CCC Fox Tail -> Fate/Extella -> Fate/Extella link

>Each class is also endowed with various skills, each able to influence combat in its own distinct way. For example, Caster has the power of Bounded Field Creation, while Assassin has the ability of Presence Concealment.
What the fuck sort of skills do the knight classes have, exactly. Archers have Independent Action I think, and people like Cu had Protection from Arrows, but I have no fucking idea what sort of unique skills do Sabers and Lancers really possess. And Rider as well, since even Saber had Riding skills.

They're pretty equal.
Rhongomyniad (the tower) is one of the pins that keeps the world of men separated from the Reverse Side. EX Anti-Fortress.
Excalibur is the strongest holy sword meant to defend the planet itself. A++ Anti-Fortress.

Saber and Lancer both have strong magic resistance.

Independent Action, Magic Resistance
Magic Resistance, Riding
Magic Resistance

You might get Dumas' son too.

Magic Resistance?

Knight classes always have magic resistance.

soo the other timelines arent connected to one another?

General rule is that a "version" of those events will always happen unless the world line shifts completely.
Like how in Apocrypha the 4th and 5th war will never happen because the Greater Grail was taken to Romania.

Mostly not
One example of them affecting one another comes to mind but it's just a theory at this point.
Ishtar inexplicably loses Gugalanna in the Babylonia singularity in FGO and is unable to use it against Tiamat. Meanwhile Ishtar in strange fake summons Gugalanna out of nowhere to wreck Snowfield. The only one with the authority to use Gugalanna is Ishtar or her parents. So the prevailing theory is that strange fake Ishtar stole it from FGO Ishtar.

I have a big question and I demand answers.

i understand that Fateverse or any timeline with servants save SF simply cannot coexist with DAAs, but why the fuck is this the case? From what I understand, True Ancestors are still a thing, and Zelretch still flexed on Crimson Moon, so when does the schism happen?

You've got cases like Roa or Zepia never putting their autistic theories into action, and a few more who straight up died, but there's still plenty more and room for others to get bitten. All of these are reasonable timeline shifts, but why scrape away the whole thing?

>Fate/Extra -> Fate/Extra Last Encore -> Fate/Extra CCC -> Fate/Extra CCC Fox Tail -> Fate/Extella -> Fate/Extella link
No, no. no. no no.
"Extella Zero," closest to Fate/Extra -> Extella -> Link.
CCC and Foxtail are possible "what if" alternate timelines, but details of them make them impossible to lead to Extella.
Extra (Bad end) -> Last Encore is by all means a dead-end world line because it takes place after the quantum-space timelock detailed in Extella.

Sabers and Lancers always have high magical resistance.
The former normally totes some form of Charisma and Riding, and benefits from on average having the highest parameter stats.
The latter normally totes low-ranking Luck and some variant of Battle Continuation making them the longest-lasting servant class.
Rider's gimmick is that they get a grab-bag of NPs to use.

So Wills basically got spirited away to Tir na Nog? What's so bad about that? It sure beats getting killed by infighting among your magus relatives or imprisoned/assassinated by the Law department because you stood in the way of their plans.

Lancer gets fucked over as always, and they still manage to be really good nonetheless. As for Rider, the abundance of NPs reminded me of how ridiculously overpowered Medb is supposed to be, given she's the ultimate gold digger.

>when does this schism happen?
No one knows
If DAAs are roaming around the Human Order is weak and Gaia is not helping humans. Without Gaia and Alaya cooperating, summoning Heroic Spirits is a laughable concept. In Fate worlds (Human Order is strong) Gaia uses Heroic Spirits as Grand Servants to protect itself while Alaya uses Counter Guardians.
In Tsukihime worlds (Human Order is weak) Gaia uses True Ancestors and Alaya has nothing or might not even exist.

If the Human Order is strong, DAs never gain enough power to become DAAs.

Also lancers get high agi stat

Doesn't Ishtar in Strange/Fake outright say that she got the Bull of Heaven she uses in the Grail War from a timeline that was disconnected from all others?

>Tir na Nog
I assumed it was Avalon, considering that's where fairies are supposed to live. Regardless of the place, if it's similar to Avalon (where the mana density is so high it would instantly kill any normal human being) he's fucking dead anyway.

Charisma is hardly related to saber class. It's just attribute of heroes who were leaders or kings.

He's going to explode because of the density of the mana in the air.
Modern humans can't survive in the age of gods or the otherside of the world.

Can they make a Prototype anime? Arthur is best Saber

The mana density of wherever he ends up in the Reverse Side should kill him, but I'd assume his fairy waifu will protect him.

There are other fairy lands than Avalon, but Avalon is the equivalent of Reverse Side Britain so he might end up there anyway. I hope he doesn't mind Merlin growing his waifu a dick.

I can't recall and I can't be assed to look it up. You might be right.

You should assume that everything that happened from Fatee/Zero to Hollow Ataraxia happened in Strange Fake. It's officially a different timeline because of fuckups with the DEEP LORE, but Narita's intention was to always make it fit with the main canon.

Narita's intention was to fit it with Fate/school life, which is a modified Heaven's Feel route

DAA exist because the Human Order is weak and Alaya doesn't stop them.
Because the Human Order is strong, DAA never blossom to their fullest power level because humanity is meant to be the "top species," which doesn't fully make sense. Most figures still exist but don't "evolve."
DA are still a thing, TA are still a thing, Primate Murder gets found by Merlin instead of Arc's sister and gets turned into Fou.

>the first magi introduced gets unceremoniously Kiritsugu'd by a sniper team
fuck, I'm enjoying SF already

Read on

They gain gain juat as much power.
Ort, Zel, PM amd the White Wing Lord are all the same.
Is just that they aren't as many uber powerful vampires and they never come together to plot the total world domination while snacking on entire human cities and playing real scale Age of Empires with their zombie armies

>they die when they're killed
oh, also there's a meme reference on the very next page, insane, sasuga translator kun

There's also the theory that Saint Germain somehow fucked with Richard presence, sending him to the False/True War, which is why Richard the Lionheart is a fake in FGO.

They can gain, not gain gain

>I understand that Fateverse or any timeline with servants save SF simply cannot coexist with DAAs, but why the fuck is this the case?

The individual beings who become the Dead Apostle Ancestors in Tsukihime still exist in Fate, but something different happens in the past of both settings that causes the beings who become the Dead Apostle Ancestors to not organize into a Legion of Doom style organization and become a serious threat to human history. We don't know what the exact point of divergence is yet, but I would guess that the reason it happens is directly tied to the reason why Heroic Spirit summoning is possible in Fate but not possible in Tsukihime. Maybe the Earth warmed up to humanity at some point and decided to recognize it as its champion?

DAs in general are anti humanity beings, when the human order is strong (so servants summoning is posible) the DAs dont get strong enough to reach DAAs levels.
Why the human order is so trong we dont know, but some of the things that happen is that arc doesnt exist in fate timelines and that gaia and the counter force use heroic spirits as a better way to solve big problems

But then why do True Ancestors exist in the Fate timeline? Or did I get my facts wrong and they don't? I believe Zelretch is still a bloodsucker here.

True ancestors were created specifically because Gaia wanted to shit on some humans, so what other reason could there be for their presence, specially if there's peace with Alaya?

>Primate Murder gets found by Merlin instead of Arc's sister and gets turned into Fou.
That little shit from the gacha scam? What in the everloving fuck?

Fou reveal was quite well done.

True Ancestors were summoned by Gaia in Fate timelines, but somehow Gaia was fine with humanity being top dogs so she doesn't need them, I guess they're more of a backup plan. I suppose whatever determines whether it's a human order weak / strong timeline happened after the TAs were summoned.

Do you know why the "Archer" chapter is in...uhh.. Spanish, while the rest is English?

>La Guerra del Santo Grial falsa.

>That little shit from the gacha scam? What in the everloving fuck?
In Human Order strong timelines Primate Murder is a Beast. Fou got beaten by the power of love/friendship though because he learned to like humans.

I have no idea, I noticed that myself. I think it's a fuckup by the blog since I know it's been translated. Maybe just read the first chapter in the manga version?

>True ancestors were created specifically because Gaia wanted to shit on some humans, so what other reason could there be for their presence, specially if there's peace with Alaya?

Going by Hinako's deal, there's already something different about True Ancestors in Fate. Hinako powers up tremendously by drinking blood (she's physically equivalent to a normal human who doesn't age if she doesn't drink any), but she doesn't have a psychological compulsion to drink it in the same way that Arc did and the other True Ancestors are described as having in Tsukihime.

>Narita's intention was to always make it fit with the main canon
Pretty sure the original idea was just to fit with the setting at the time, remember that SF was originally a aprils fool joke to use as a prologue to a "make you our story" game way before fate got timelines so different

I found another pdf, I think I'll just read the Archer chapter there and go back since the rest is fine and that version is easier on the eyes.

Merlin finds Primate Murder, who instead of a DAA, has the capacity of growing into Beast IV, as the Fate world's version of Cath Palug. Merlin thinks "well shit, this could be bad." Merlin proceeds to constrict its mind and body via magic into Fou. When Merlin retreats to the Garden of Avalon, Fou is left on earth to be his eyes to the world. [Time gap that's never explained.] Fou finds a few people he actually enjoys the company of in Chaldea.
Fou ultimately expunges his built up energy to revive dead Mash during the fight against Goetia, assuming that they'll lost all of their memories and power as a Beast Candidate and basically just be a dumb animal.
Then LB3 happened and he started speaking again, meaning that Fou is reverting.

It's all leading up to ORT anyways which means that Narita won't be using ORT at all in SF even though Zelretchs entire involvement revolved around the fear of the False/True War waking up ORT.

Bringing the Beast of Comparison along on your journey to watch as you repeatedly extinguish failed worlds so that yours can live probably was not the best idea.

This isn't as bad as Edison, it only means that we know they'll succeed in not waking it up.

When has Merlin ever done anything right?

Who had ORT as their goal anyway? Was it Jester or Francesca? Jester already abandoned his original goal at least

It was pretty hilarious when he catfished Roman.

Well of course it's leading up to ORT. The 7th Lostbelt is literally taking place in South America with a Grand Servant and Nasu is gonna stop working on FGO after the Lostbelts.

Besides, of course fucking ORT might actually get annoyed if some dumbass tries to terraform the region it's existing in. That's it's fucking job.

She explicitly takes it from "a world that doesn't connect anywhere". Sounds a lot like a singularity.

>I'm going to make a 12 year old girl king of england
>I'm going to give her a dick
>I'm going to teach her psycho sister as my magical apprentice
>I'm going to turn PRIMATE FUCKING MURDER into a mascot character
>I'm going to pose as an idol online to communicate with one of the few people who bears the weight of humanity's future on their shoulders
I think supplying mana for Chaldea is about it.

I hope it's something like teaming up with ORT to fuck Grand Berserker up in an ironic twist

Jester started with waking up ORT, then got side tracked by "her fucking despair is gorgeous I want her to suffer more" with Zealot.
The only thing really keeping the Dead Apostles and Ancestors in play right now is that Richard, Saladin, and Hassan all battled one together during the end of the third crusade.

>I think supplying mana for Chaldea is about it.
Bro, Chaldea is an extremely shady magical experiment by Marisbury and his ultimate plan to reach the Root. So that might be a fuckup as well.

I hope we get to see Saladin in a flashback
I hope Saladin is a brown loli

Hold on a sec.

Doesn't the end of this episode mean that Waver totally fucking failed in helping out the spiritual evocation departmen? He might have proved Will's innocence, but the whole thing was about not letting the land get confiscated and alter the balance of power, and now there's no heir to the family because Will was a waifufag who didn't have kids and just masturbated to fairies?

Yep. And Policies got what they wanted.

Wait, is the Alien God actually ORT?

inb4 Tiné is a descendant of Saladin.

Explain something to me here, since we're talking about Merlin.
>Age of Gods, Arthurian Legend, etc etc all are real.
>Charlemagne's paladins are explicitly fictional, Karl De Grobe is the true life of the man.
>He still has memories of seeing the Velber monolith with Astolfo
>Bradamante knows Merlin and he isn't horribly confused what the fuck she's talking about
What? Is he just memeing with her?

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Don't do this to me. give me a hook nosed, beard-havin', armor wearin', middle aged guy. I want some respectable Sabers out there.

You can make Genghis Khan a step loli exchange, riding a pony.

Nah, Tine is 100% pure Native American
but she'll end up a descendant of Geronimo and look like a Saladinface, which will trigger the flashback. This also allows FGO to have a Saladin pseudoservant.

Genghis Khan will end up being another stupid alien, probably an older version of Altera

lmao Modern "magecraft" strikes again. Sasuga Lord El Fuckup the Second.

>He still has memories of seeing the Velber monolith with Astolfo
Some form of Astolfo existed I guess, and the heroic spirit got the legends stapled on him
>Bradamante knows Merlin and he isn't horribly confused what the fuck she's talking about
She's a dumb bimbo who Merlin convinced to turn into a dumber anal bimbo because it'd be a funny practical joke

Don't think too hard about it

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But Merlin explicitly acknowledges AND SPEAKS DIRECTLY TO HER.
When he shouldn't know who the hell she is because A) she isn't real and B) he fucked off to GoA when camelot fell.

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There's only one Merlin across the timelines. He probably did meet a Brapamante in some alternate universe.

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I want to slap the joy out of Waver's faggot face

>There's only one Merlin across the timelines

Attached: ProtoMerlin.png (720x1070, 868K)

A good rule of thumb for real vs. fictional: A Servant with a Heaven or Earth attribute is someone whose existence comes from mythology, while a Servant with Man attribute is someone whose existence comes from human history. It is the reason why Berserker Vlad is Earth but EXTRA Vlad is Man.

How is he able to be in every timeline at once?

>Fate/Zero (kinda) -> Case Files -> Fate/Stay Night -> Fate/Hollow Ataraxia
Not a Fate fan. Limited Type/Moon knowledge. I think it's a cute and comfy world.
Unironically only care about this timeline. I wanna see Hollow Ataraxia anime.

Forgot to add: Bradamante, Merlin, and Astolfo are all Earth attribute.

Gray... for you...
Reines... for me... and my fat, throbbing dick

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at least he didn't end up in a wheelchair this time

This man knows what's up.

the other mages never reached the root. He got his elven waifu.

What did Flat use to summon his heroic spirit?

So the tower is supposed to be the last defense against fey?

So where are our cute af pixiv pics of Gray?

A toy knife from a video game raffle which was about murders in london that he "borrowed" from Mr. Big Ben London Star.

So in Lord El-Melloi II Case Files when did the redhead die? Was it an after credit scene because in the episode before the last I saw she was hanging out with the police lady in the sauna.

A toy knife from a vidya raffle.

Does the elf actually love him or is she using him to harvest souls?

How the fuck was he supposed to do anything differently? There's no other way out of the situation.

Yes. After credits.

Damn the boy got talents.

If he had Waver nearby Alex probably will pop out.

I want to fuck waver bros

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so who would be the strongest female magus in the clock tower if we include gray?

>El Melloi Girl
What in the FUCK

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Some version of Bradamante existed too

Waver-chan a cute!

He summoned the story of Jack the Ripper, not Jack the Ripper the person. It's more strange than you think.

How does that matter? He failed to do a favor for spiritual evocation as the workshop is clearly going to be absorbed by the main family, so no favors from Bram.

In the novels he ends in a wheelchair, but it's just temporary

It's supposed to separate the mystical from the mundane to stop the mystery of the fey from deteriorating and to stop the destruction of both worlds. the lance of longinus is similar.

The Lord of Policies, Lorelei Barthomeloi

We'll never find out

He really is the next El "Hotwheels" Mellon

Hotwheels is Ash.

Lorelei, or the Director if the Director is female


El-Melloi Family
>Papa (Kayneth Archibald El-Melloi) - a man who loves his wife above all else, and despises his son.
>Mama (Sola-Ui Nuada-Re Sophia-Ri) - a woman who loves her eldest son above all else.
>Onii-chan (Lancer) - an older brother who loves his younger sister above all else. He becomes over protective of her when he realized Waver is in love with Iskander

Don't forget the Sensha Otoko OTP

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FGO should be in Human Order Strong category, anyway

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I've heard her name a few time
she's from tsukihime right?

FGO is confirmed as a Weird World

is there any hope? Strange Fake was also a joke at one point.

Nope. The Alien God is pic related

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Who's that?

Is that Female Enkidu?


Her only apparences were Character Material, one of the Tsukihime 2 teasers and a Carnival Phantasm still image, where she appears with a bunch of Tsuki 2 teaser characters

>There are people on this thread that don't know the glory that was April's Fool 2009 and what it spawned


Lorelei is the girl with the riding crop

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Yeah Nasu said that on his blog or an interview but then nothing in FGO has elements of Tsukihime worldline so far which makes me confused like Zepia still stays with Atlas, Fou is a Beast and will not become Primate Murder in this timeline, Roa got killed by Dantes,...

so how do we know she's so strong?


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Is the Case Files FGO event canon?

She hunts DAAs for fun, has a bunch of special snowflake traits and aligments that make her super strong (Blue Blood sorcery trait and Almight element, iirc), is the only other person to ever have the title of Wizard Marshall and probably a bunch of other stuff. Aka, there's a bunch of WoG and hype about this character and that's it.

Why's Marisbury so fucking sexy? I always pictured him as fat af like Goldorf.

Redpill me on Singularity X

I don't remember
how did he die?

What happened to the waifu bro now that he entered the Avalon gate?

Jobbed to illness, on paper.
But we've never seen the body.

He ded. Never trust the fucking fae.

True Ancestors are around at least

Within FGO, yes

Has no one asked the author this question over on JP twitter?

I know, but the difference between Fate Worldline and Tsukihime Worldline is about the 27 DAAs, not True Ancestors (i mean Rani and her creator know abour TA but Type-Moon doesn't even exist in Extra timeline).

>Waver's voice squeaks under pressure

Bros. I really really really really really want to fug reines

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Does reverse bullying happen often?

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The details are quite unclear but according to nips spoiler, they show his death in Babylonia ep 0

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>Case Notes present Type-Moon in such an interesting light I wanna learn of it
This can't be happening bros

I know it's all useless kitsch and F/GO cashgrabbing, but still

Truly the most respectable lord

This post made no sense to me

Do you want to cum on her eyeballs when they flame on?

Even though she showed a cuter and more vulnerable side this arc, I still want nothing more in life than for Reines to femdom the shit out of me.

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Savor the Mystery


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> Fuck paying El-Melol

Why does everyone have Mystic Eyes in this show?

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Mystic Eyes are pretty common

Because you're dealing with a ton of high-end magus.

She's so fertile. FERTILE

I feel like I am watching Naruto.

mystic eyes are low tier

Because they aren't a bunch of regular highschool children from the sticks.

Well Mr. Beastman, it is a gathering of autists (magi).

Clock Tower is a place where people with special powers gather. Plus all Nasuverse characters are special snowflakes.
And as was said in the episode, Mystic Eyes are sething that can be bought and sold at an german demon fairy vampire train


Because only a few like Distortion or Death Perception are super bullshit tier.

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Could Waver kill Kirei

depth perception*
My eyes are mystic eyes too

He almost did end up summoning Iskander. Flat was begging Waver to let him participate, and Waver was considering letting him use the cape piece for a catalyst if he wouldn't give up. But, Flat saw the toy knife in Waver's mail, thought it was the real thing and a catalyst Waver got for him, and in the most ass backward way possible summoned the concept of the mystery of Jack the Ripper as sane Berserker. The whole thing taking seven lefts to make a right.

Taking these two things together, does that mean Cursed Arm was the Hassan that Richard fought alongside? Because I really love the idea of Richard and Cursed Arm being bros.

I wish my mystic eyes had depth perception...
Such a bullshit ability...

God, I can't fucking wait for C96.

Seeing how shit he is at combat I think not. He is a great strategist, but not so much on being any sort of front line. Thankfully everyone he is friends with does that job for him. I think he could have at least figure out some of shit he was doing behind closed doors.

Every thread.

Having these is like winning the lottery bro

>sadpanda is back until some jew starts a (((humanitarian mission))) in Moldova
But that won't be until far after C96. My dick is ready.

>Waver didn’t get paid

This really is a mercenary anime

I think CA belongs to the generation after the one Richard was with, at the earliest, going by when Camelot apaprently takes place.

No, it was Altair.

>"Thank you El melon, now i can leave to live the dream"
>Not getting you the favor you signed up for btw, enjoy no grail war
The absolute madman

Camelot singularity divergence is supposed to be at 1273 AD. So that would be around the very last crusades.
Richard reigned... almost 100 years before.
So probably 2 hassan before CA.

Ah. Damn. Oh well, it was nice to think about.

Would Reines sell me her used panties if I asked nicely?

maybe, but then she'd just steal gray's and pawn those off to you

I see nothing wrong with that.

That's kind of hot

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You gotta play it smart, ask her to give you the pair she's wearing at the moment.

Why is she posing like that?

This mother fucker is FUCKING his BIG-TITTED FAIRY WIFE and basically? You’re a fucking retard.

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She wants children with strong magical circuits.

You're meant to imagine the smell. Under all her fancy perfume Reines probably has a stuffy and sour flavor.

Should I read Tsukihime or wait for the remake?

Is there any way for Liongo to save his lineage without a grail?

>Should I read Tsukihime
Fixed that for you, the latter part was kind of redundant.

Don't worry. The remake will be right after they re-air all the Tsukihime skits of Carnival Phantasm, like they did the Fate ones last year.

You fucking bastard don't even joke about that or I'll fucking kill you.
I've been waiting since two thousand and fucking eight. ELEVEN YEARS.

Trying to tease her onii-chan

Why do people like proto arthur so much,the only thing really interesting thing about him is his armor design desu

I remember thinking it'd come out as a 10th anniversary celebration. What a fool I was. Especially now that I'm getting excited for it maybe being a 20th anniversary celebration.

>Could Waver kill Kirei

He probably sic Gray at him

I honestly want a Fragments anime just so we can get that out of the way.
There's not a lot of "finished" works left to do.


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Did you rike it?

>but I'd assume his fairy waifu will protect him
Until she gets bored of him and decide to find a new boytoy. Do not trust the fair folk! Do not fall for disney lies!

Tell me about TYPE-MOON, why is he remaking it for the past 12 years?

I've heard that they're waiting for some Tsukihime related rights to expire, dating back from when Lunar Legend came out. Specifically the rights with Geneon.

Is there a need to? Waver flats out shout out that
1) the dude was Enchanted (similar to what fae mythos are like in our world)
2. the dude's fucked as humans can't live there.

Because he's a dude
Not a fucking otaku waifu

Nasu: I'm working on the Tsukihime remake now that I'm done with Fate/Extra.
Also Nasu: Here's Fate/Extra CCC, a kind of extra route I namely came up with after playing Bayonetta.
Also also Nasu: Here's Fate/Grand Order. A mobile game so me and my writer friends can have one big collab project and have an absurd amount of artists contribute and be a money mill.
Also also also Nasu: Here's Fate/Extella, Fate/Extella Link, and Fate/Extra - Last Encore.
This is the cute Emperor of Roses that keeps delaying your remake.

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Did she even say she loved him back? It looked more like she felt sorry for him and wanted to help (after murdering his father) but that doesn't mean she would let him impregnate her with his thick human semen.

Troyca has saved fate.

Speaking of Fate, has there been any progress on Empire of Dirt? It feels like forever since I last saw news on it.
He's literally an otoge male lead, he's just as perfect as Arturia is, except he's also more boring.

>you will never share a room with Reines and get to smell her morning breath


Nasu's like, super impulsive as a writer.
He lazes playing videogames for weeks, before going into a frenzy and writting hundreds of pages of work in a hurry.
If he tries to write outside of a writting frenzy he just deletes the texf as soon as he writes it, because he thinks it isn't good enough. Or he just stops a few paragraphs in to go play videogames.
Takeuchi and/or financial concerns could make him work on a more sane and regular schedule.
But now Takeuchi is a CEO, artist and too busy while Nasu is well on his way to become the first self made shut-in billionary neet

If the Fairy Land is the same as Avalon, he pretty much died the moment the gate was closed because the mana density is too much for modern humans bodies.

He's more boring to you because you're a cumbrain
To me he's more faithful to what I think should be King Arthur
Also he really can't be more boring than SABAI and companies V16 edition

I want to see arthur be just as weak mentally as artoria as well as being more stoic and less perfect,I mean immediately becoming friends with mordred is so weird to me,but I guess we need the knight in shining armour trope like there's so much potential with him,but everybody likes him for his face and power level faggotry

Gray for ____

the one and only Lord, Jesus Christ.

He's faithful because he has a penis that isn't just a one time thing is what you're saying

Lord El-Melloi II

Reminder Atlas blows Clock Tower out of the water in terms of accomplishments.
I wish Rani got any love. Fucking Jinako is in a more popular spot than her.

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Reines NEEDS the aniue cock right this instant.

Who is the strongest female magus (you) could potentially bang if you were a no name?

Normal humans, yes. Magi, werewolves, and other “special” folk should be fine.

Are you a muggle? Rin or Sakura.
Are you a no name but a magus? You might be able to win over Luvia.

Gray is a small girl. SMOL.

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what about gray
isn't she stronger than rin and sakura?

Gray isn't a magus (true).

Shishigou is a smol guy

I wish they'd shorten or outright skip these scenes.

>Rani's heart (aka her Saint Graph/Spirit Origin Core) is called Tears of Osiris. Its structure is on the same rank with Moon Cell's and since Hakuno cannot cure anything that is above Pseudo-Spiritron rank, he couldn't cure her heart. The only thing that can repair Rani's heart is the Moon Cell: her life would not be saved unless she became the winner.
This is sad honestly. I'm happy that she still survives in her Extra route ending.

>"But this is really quite a terrible place... the magic in the air is so thick, it might as well be a vacuum. Just single breath would sunder any living man of this era. The paradise of legend, indeed... perhaps can it be better employed as a weapon?"
Seems like it's every modern humans in general(magi included).

Extella Link proves that Hakuno (ringa de regalia) can bullshit anything out of their memories of someone.
Just make a new Rani.

Couldn't he have gotten equipment for it like Gudao did in Babylon?

Unlike the people working on FGO, CF writer actually gives a shit about lores and details.

>Unlike the people working on FGO, CF writer actually gives a shit about lores and details.
But what does that have to do with getting equipment that will let him breathe over there?

Because FGO just asspulls whatever shit they need for things to work.

That Fairyland is not necessary to be Avalon, Fionn and Diarmuid confirmed that multiple Fairylands exist back in 2019 New Year when they're talking about Tir Na Nog
>No no no. The Land of Eternal Youth (furigana: Tír na nÓg) is place where fairies live, but it's not an otherworld, Diarmuid.
>The world of faries... fairyland is this planet's dream, something akin to a reality marble.
>It has beautiful dreams and evil dreams. It would seem these dreams decide a fairy's disposition.

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DAAs don't exist in FGO, I don't even think DAs do. TAs are completely different as well.
FGO should be in its own category because it feels like the human order was so strong that all the rules changed.

>don't play gacha or any of the games
>only read the main VNs (fate and tsuki) and watch the various anime
>mfw when reading this thread
I have no idea what the fuck anyones talking about
fate has gone too far

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Y’know, Waver m’boy, you shouldn’t get so down on yourself! I’ll tell you. when I was your age I was a fucking TWINK, m’boy! I looked like a fuckin trap, and what you kids these days don’t seem to know about, is that us Greeks fuckin LOVED traps! Traps, shotas, femboys, you name it! Man, I used to get pounded in my ass everyday! I mean like, Leonidas ain’t a Lancer for no reason, Waver! I remember this one time when he was really getting into it...the crazy old fuck actually screamed his Noble Phantasm “Thermopylae Enomotia
Guardian of the Flame Gate” before shooting a huge load into my “Flame Gate”! Holy fuck I forgot to tell you about Aristotle! He was not only an amazing mathematician and philosopher, but he could give a good thrust if you know what I’m saying! Here, we got some spare time, come over here and lemme show you the good ole’ “visual novel” Mana Transfer! You gotta try new things sometimes, Waver!

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Because those kinds of mystic eyes aren't that uncommon above upper-tier magi. What's actually rare are the SUPER mystic eyes held by specific individuals. There are many different types of mystic eyes. Among them, some are so rare and unique that it's thought that they don't exist at all in the modern era. The Mystic Eyes of Death Perception are the highest known tier of mystic eyes, both in quality and rarity. It's so rare that most people don't believe it exists.

What would you do with a Reine?

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So grey is actually Arturia? I don't really understand what waver was trying to say.

Gray's fashion show OVA where??

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Gray is bootleg Altria.

Zepia is a thing in fgo and still a DA

But he's not a DAA. That's the whole point. The group known as the "Twenty-Seven Dead Apostle Ancestors" doesn't exist.

Yeah but thats general for all fate timelines, also it was an answer to this
>I don't even think DAs do.

>gray is a picture of king arthur
someone needs to update that "don't talk to me or my son ever again" picture of all the saber faces with "Or the picture of me painted by one guy"

Strictly speaking, I don't think the term "Dead Apostle" has ever come up once in any Fate media. "Vampires", sure, but I can't recall "Dead Apostles" ever being said.

What happens to Grey is she meets Seibah?

Pretty sure Jester's straight up called a Dead Apostle in Fake.

Fate/strange fake is a "strange" world where both DAAs and Servants exist.

does it come up in kerry's backstory?

She'll turn into her clone except physically matured to whatever her age is
so basically seiba with bigger assets

You should rewatch Fate/Zero then.


Pretty sure sherry was called a dead apostle and the others were called ghouls

Can someone give me the run down on Nasuverse timelines?

Shishigo should have a partner. Can they summon/create a Mordred "portrait" from the same place where Gray came from?


>can they
yes, same method as used on gray
>would they
absolutely not

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>Strictly speaking, I don't think the term "Dead Apostle" has ever come up once in any Fate media. "Vampires", sure, but I can't recall "Dead Apostles" ever being said.

It was stated Kirei in his peak is equal to a Dead Apostle in Fate/Zero

Are you secondaries even trying anymore?

Fate/Zero is a "subtly different" parallel world. :-)



>I don't think the term "Dead Apostle" has ever come up once in any Fate media

>any Fate media
Try harder.

This picture is giving me Spy x Family vibes.

So Gray actually had to work as a gravekeeper? Aren't there labor laws in the UK?

Was it stated where waver picked up gray from?

some fucked up cult village a few months before the novels start

It was her village's thing.

are the novels worth reading?

FGO Zepia and Sion are bloodsucker but Nasu didn't speficially state their types (though Sion's vampiric impulse is very very very very weak that she is not even considered a vampire). FSN Zepia is called Superior Dead Apostle btw.

only the first two are fully translated

>Gray running a black market with Waver's private photos and items he uses

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>absolutely not
It would be pretty easy to get a Mordred variant into the story if they want to. Just have a rival village that believes Mordred is the true king and did the same thing as Gray's village ...

>FGO Zepia and Sion are bloodsucker but Nasu didn't speficially state their types
Shouldn't he be the same type as FSN's?

Tsukihime isn't canon

>gets to hold Gray whenever he wants
it's not fair

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Yes i think so too, he should be

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Is there anything better than a smug girl getting the teasing she deserves?

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He doesn't fully appreciate it so it evens out.

Holy shit are you seriously gonna keep repeating this "In the world of magi, how or why is irrelevant" shit? WE FUCKING GET IT ALREADY.

You shouldn't dish out what you can't take

Don't magi murder each other all the time? Who cares if some of them die?

Using Reines as catalyst in child-making ritual!

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A smug girl getting the raping she deserves

Is that really an A+ Anti-Fortress NP?

Are you sure it's not the Weaver stance?

>Actually need to use a modern handgun firing stance in order to not get blown away by the recoil of your own goddeamn spell
Holy fucking shit.

It's not Weaver. In an orthodox Weaver stance, your strong arm is pushed out straight at eye level, your supporting arm pulls back against it in a way that hooks your elbow downward, and you have your head cocked to bring your dominant eye in line with your sights. With Isosceles, you've got both of your arms are extended in front of you like you're pointing with both hands, your knees are slightly bent because you're in a half-crouch oriented forward, and your head is brought forward to be on the same plane as your sights. It's called Isosceles because of the shape formed by your arms and torso when viewed from above.

So what's Rin's stance then? Is it the "Miss your target every fucking time" stance?

the murders are starting to attract too much normalfag suspicion.

Rin wasn't actually trying to kill Shirou.

It's only a problem if it catches mundane attention. You can kill as much as you'd like if you're secretive enough. The Association only cares about the existence of magecraft getting revealed to the public.

The closest thing would be an old school FBI point shooting stance. The reason that stance is no longer taught is because it sucks compared to modern ones.

Yes but it's not like her gandr would have killed him. It just would have given him a concussion or made him really sick.

It's no wonder the other Lords don't take him seriously.

If you play through the bad end in that scene, you can see she's basically just trying to scare him enough that he gives up his Command Spells.

Gray-tan is so cute.

This is what the Isosceles stance is actually supposed to look like when you're doing it right: youtube.com/watch?v=WzHG-ibZaKM. If you think this old guy makes it look easy, it's because he's very possibly the best competitive shooter alive today.

>Waver's weaker than an old man

Realistically, as long as he has the debt hanging over his head, Waver is obligated to impregnate her and produce an heir to the El-Melloi crest, right? His sense of duty and guilt would overrride his homolust for Iskandar.

why isn't bram fucking her?

that's what happens when you're a nerd who sits around playing Sega systems and studying magic and info without actually improving yourself

Waver is a true idort. His shelf had am Xbox, PS2, and Gamecube, among other consoles I don't remember.

Since MEoDP forces the concept of death onto something (similar to Hassan), both Shiki's would have been given seal designations if they were ever found out right?

What are those floating ball things? What can they be used for?

At least they admit she's a copy pasta.

>Charlemagne's paladins are explicitly fictional
Hold up, I thought fictional entities are unsummonable and you can only get what "actually" existed (even if they have legendary aspects affecting them and that's why Vlad has a NP that turns him into a DA). Hence
>some random farmer dude instead of the fictional Sasaki Kojirou
>some village boy instead of the fictional Angra Mainyu
>"Actual" female King Arthur even though the legends all record a male

>Since MEoDP forces the concept of death onto something
It doesn't, it only lets them perceive the death that already exists. That's why Shiki couldn't see lines on Arc under a full moon without extreme difficulty, because Arc can't easily die under those conditions.

>wheels furiously turning in Shishigou's head trying to figure out how he can get his own Gray

Honestly the reason I want a Prototype anime/VN is because from the released material and the trailer it seems to be similar to Tsukihime and Kara no Kyokai and not the watered down Shounen that is Fate. I am not saying Edgy Nasu was that great, but it was better.


This is only true in Fate route timeline right?

part of mercury maid

I disagree.
I would say KNK > Mahoutsukai >>> Tsukihime >>> Fate HF > Fate UBW >>>>>>>>>>> Fate SN
Don't really care bout Extra.

Actually, you know what? I changed my mind, HF is better than Tsukihime. But only HF, definitely not UBW or FSN.

>mercury maid
can you fuck mercury?
asking for a friend

The main problem with Kojiro is that he is fake but instead of summoning his legend, Medea summoned a ghost that fit better with said aspects of that legend and hence gained the Kojiro name. In a way, he is kinda like a Hassan.

>Kairi talks about his dead daughteru
>He'll never meet Mordred in this timeline and get the chance to be a cool daddy to a daughteru and get proper closure
It hurts.

Angra is weak because he doesn't even has a name and was deleted from the Avesta. It's directly mentioned in HA.

>step 1: get a piece of the round table
>step 2: sign up for a knockoff grail war in romania
>step 3: form team daddy issues

It's not a problem so long as you don't care if you survive the experience.

Wait, Kairi can use reinforcement too?

It's literally babby tier magecraft. It's so fucking easy that even Shirou can do it.

I honestly never thought the franchise would get to the point where a satire of Saberfaces could become a serious plot point.

Tohno's MEoDP definitely don't have such a power. Ryougi's are way more bullshit and poorly defined, so who knows in her case.

Projection and reinforcement are basics among the basics. Even a half-baked magus can do them.

Reinforcing your body directly takes quite a bit more skill since you'll seriously injure yourself (or worse) if you fuck up, but reinforcing objects isn't supposed to be super hard. If anything, you can tell how bad a magus Shirou is by the fact that he struggles to even reinforce a pipe at the beginning of F/SN.

Apo was pretty shitty, but team daddy issues was great.

Doesn't have quite the same oomph as

Saved Gray. Pretty much the same thing.

Regardless of timeline, Kairi is just a fun and lovable big guy. He really was too good for Apocrypha.

Well at least he didn't die this time.

Does the cripple sister from Apocrypha also live happily in this timeline? What about that Astolfo's bitchy master? Or that Shota that got processed into the Golem?

I am drunk while reading this thread what the fuck is a DAA

Caules says his sister ran away from home because fuck being a magus. No idea about the other two.

Tertiary's begone

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I'm quite certain that everyone featured in Apocrypha is now living more happily simply by virtue of not being stuck in the Apocrypha timeline.

They said she is not a magician anymore so i suppose she is neither crippled anymore and she can have a good normal life

But she'll never get giant horse cock in this timeline.

Why isnt Bram fucking Waver?

Waver is saving himself for his King.

So I know that Paracelsus rediscovered the Four Great Elements and also added Void as the fifth, which forms as the basis of modern magecraft. But what are the "Three Humors"? I know that it formed the basis of medical theory back in the middle ages, but it's also complete bullshit and failed to save anyone. What are the Three Humors in the Nasuverse?

Yo if it came down to it, it wouldnt be Waver's choice

Isn't it 4 humours?
Blood pleghm black bile and yellow bile?


Well then I dunno what's going on here.

I recall El melon 2 mentioned elements being hot/cold/wet/dry which is also a thing with the 4 humours and how they are also aligned to the elements.

What does Gray's mouth taste like?

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Dog dick and shoe polish.

Rude! This is not true!

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better question is which one is better between the lance, the sword and Gil's EA.

>fucking a fairy
What a lucky bastard

Have sex.

Hard to gauge. In normal grail war, Ea should overpower other too. But when fully unsealed, Rhon and Excalibur probably have more raw power.

How do you know how a dog dick smells user?

Wait a minute, this seiba lance that gray use seems OP as fuck. How come seiba didn't use this back at FSN and was just struggling with the invisible sword?

Because she was Saber, not Lancer. You don't get to bring another OP NP with you to different class.

Grey is so fucking cute


seiba was summoned as a saber, duh
you can't use a spear as a saber

What's what your mouth tastes like? Got it.

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Because she doesn't has as a Saber.

Sound like a pretty bullshit excuse. Gaycher get to dualwield and summon shield while blondie archer can shoot unlimited NP swords as a archer class

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rongo miniado just doesn't sound as good as EXU CALIBAR
also is it just me or el mellon sounds like he's about to cry like 40% of the time he speaks

What about Hifumi's mouth?

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Redman's NP is UBW, everything else is extension of this single NP of his. Gil's arrows are Gate of Babylon, archer is perfect class for him. In caster class he can't use most of his shit.

Your mother go to great lengths describing it while I eat your dad's ass.

My dad is not a dog, bro.

No one said he was.

Also many other heroes don't get a lot of shit to bring with them because of class limitations. Herc doesn't have his bow, Cu has much weaker version of his runes, Deermud doesn't have his swords, Artoria lacks her spear and dagger, Gilles has no sword.

Grey is a strong, independent woman who only needs Waver


Redman is a faker, a counter guardian, and a cheater because he has a reality marble that can't be altered by class restrictions.
Gilgamesh is a cheater in general except when he's Caster, because Caster restrictions mean he's limited to magic casting items in his vault.

Although everyone in Strange Fake is a cheater too, but that can be attribute to the fact that the war is fake and true at the same time.

Caster is because he deliberately imposes restrictions on himself by sealing away most of his treasury. I don't know what the exact logic is, but apparently this was necessary in order to protect Uruk.

Artoria in F/SN was still alive and doesn't have nearly all the noble phantasms she'd have as a real heroic spirit.

Nice digits, Waver does not deserve to be happy.

He probably forced himself into caster class to summon other heroic spirits. And he later cheated anyway by summoning himself as archer.

I'm into other fanbases and I know how cancerous (and wrong) youtube "professionals" can be when explaining stuff to newbies. Are there any solid Nasuverse lore youtubers?

It's Female (Clay) Enkidu

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Probably only in Japan or Hong Kong. The western ones usually inject too much fanfiction, or can barely read Japanese, if at all, so they have a lot of really bad translations that mess up a lot of information.
Anything really good would probably be some autist writing up thesis papers and spending shitloads of money collecting as much of the magazines, data books, obscure LNs and novels, etc. the same way some of the older Gundam fans did in the early 2000s.

That doesnt make sense really, there should have been plenty of mages in babylonia that could have done that for him.

Do the nips have their own wiki?

Just watch the anime and lookup terminology on the wiki.
Go any deeper and you'll realise how it's really just ends up being "lol it's just magic" or "lol different timeline". Best (or least worst) things about nasuverse lore are general ideas and concepts.

Haha, fuck no. Gilgamesh was probably the only guy who can summon and maintain seven Servants at once.

At that point in history there were probably a lot of top tier mages and each one could probably summon at least one servant.

From what I recall, Gilgamesh was putting Uruk's magi to work on other things. Gilgamesh was supplying multiple Servants and still had mana to spare.

>hop in, loser. You want these rock CDs right?

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But I like free jazz.

what do these chicks see in waver
don't they notice he's only interested in men?

>Just watch the anime and lookup terminology on the wiki.

Thoughts on TMdict?


Girls play around with men they know won't do anything. It's fairly common.

Welcome to anime, friend.

Dead Apostle Ancestor

Originally they were meals for the True Ancestors, who would prepare humans in advance for the times when their vampiric impulse became impossible to control. Of course, to keep them from escaping, the True Ancestors sucked their blood and brought them under their control.

These humans who had their blood sucked by the True Ancestors in turn began to suck blood themselves. Though, in their case it was mostly as a means of survival. After all, it stands to reason that the apostles serving the extremely long-lived True Ancestors must be possessed of similarly long lives as well.

However. At some point, after sucking the blood of others for such a long time, they began to feel a sense of superiority from the very act of sucking blood itself. They strengthened their abilities, their will, and eventually escaped from the control of the True Ancestors into the world of man, where they repeated the act of drinking blood over and over again to maintain their existences.

hey, the girls had good reason to like shirou, he had mad ups

>But only HF, definitely not UBW or FSN.

Why not UBW or FSN?

Hes all soft under the stern facade he tries to maintain
Thats cute

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potential killed by saberface, sad!

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Everyone wants what they can’t have

Waver is a top-tier instructor in the clocktower and isn’t 500 years old, so that’s bound to attract some students. Then those who take his classes discover that beneath his gruffness he’s a huge softy, which is also cute

I am the grave of my scythe ... for you...

how couldnt you like grev4u?? all Fate shows need a saberclone to remind you every couple of minutes that you're watching a Fate anime.

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You are supposed to project into waver.
It's escapism, can't you see.

Have you ever been attracted to your teacher?

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what if I project into reines?

Hes way too smart for me to self-insert

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What the fuck is Fate School Life

>waver hates her because she's a saberface
>her being a saberface is a literal plot point too
Don't you guys get it? You're supposed to identify with waver over your dislike of the saberface

How the fuck do Magic Circuits work?

It's some genetic thing right? In Theory, can't they just gather the semen of the best mages or keep fucking the best female mages to selectively breed Aryan Supermages or some shit? I mean, Mages are a bunch of amoral fucks who don't bat an eye at most atrocities. I don't see why they can't play a little with Eugenics.

Homosexuality is anti-root.

Gag series that follows the students in Fate/SN. The 5th HGW is going on in the background.

They're selfish amoral fucks who don't want other mages getting their shit. They do use eugenics though, but sometimes breeding super mages nets a negative result.


>Richard the Lionheart loves and wants anything that's related to Artoria
>even knows Artoria is a girl
>wants her sword, her lance, her knives, her armor, everything
>Gray is in Strange Fake
Would Richard try to fugg Gray?

No, but he'd fanboy over her

In the sense that he'd give her flowers and try to romance her like an enthralled schoolboy.

>In fact, neither Aozaki Touko nor Araya Souren have many Magic Circuits. Touko has about 20, Araya about 30.

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You mean big muscular bara Greeks, right? He clearly doesn't give a fuck about the rest of the Clock Tower fujos that are also trying to get his ass.

quality > quantity

what did she mean by this

Touko's circuits are Quality EX according to her Mahoyo stats.

the rest of the sentence ellaborates that they have other abilities beyond their lineage anyway

Sounds like another layer of bs to be honest.
At least with plain numbers it's easy to understand, but then they had to introduce the quality factor.

It's just a way to say she is a super genius with the actual quality to use that.

It was introduced long ago. Shirou is noted for having above average number of circuits, but they're are all shit tier.

>ywn cum inside a cute female magus over and over in the name of science

Was this not Sugita? His voice was the coolest thing about Goetia

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>in the name of science
But mages hate science.

>the first self made shut-in billionary neet
That's Notch.

I actually like Goetia as a villain in the final singularity. You can feel his frustation and his goals be crushed, but then he ultimately finds an answer when he gets to be mortal for a short span of time. He just needed a MC that it's not a selfinsert for him to clash against.

They're shit tier, but they're specialized towards utilizing his Reality Marble. There's always shit like that. It's like how Archer has a Magecraft rank of "C", but it conditionally shoots up to A+ when he's using specific spells (Gradation Air). There's always shit like that.

That's what all the snooty mage families do, then you have the Einzberns that magically engineered Ilya to be a fucking crest monster even though she still had Kiritsugu's above average at best heritage

She was doing full-on finshot in the VN. Blowing holes on walls and everything.
Her Gandr definitedly could've killed him

Every element hold those two treats (earth is cold and dry, air is warma and wet, etc), but I'm not sure how that translates to the humours, specially because all of them should be fucking wet.

Did anyone buy the official Fate/complete material English localization?


arcana is literally science

>giving money to N*su

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By not trying to fuck with people by speaking in Welsh, probably.

Like Lancer Seiba?

Grave For You is such a damn goofy catchphrase. Does it really sound cool to the Japs? It's silly.

The English translated Japanese is a lot more sensible than the nonsense Engrish.

The actual words put in japanese make more sense. It's more about "engraving in me a grave for you".

Everyone may be used to the UBW chant by now but it's no better than Gray's chant.

You can say the same about baka gaijin getting tattoos of random mangled japanese/chinese phrases. Remember that Ariana Grande tattoo fuck up?

the grave stuff is worse due to the rhyming making it sound sillier than normal engrish

Yeah, Lancer Artoria's body is her final form.

Holy fuck Waver scored big, too bad he gay.

Oh, fuck, that's gold

Shirou can survive that much by that point.

UBW chant's engrish makes no sense. The translation of actual japanese chant does.

it's the same for Gray's chant: someone in the old threads posted the traslation from the original novel....


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Gray a cute!

Attached: cute gray.webm (1280x720, 545K)

>get atleast two comfy lore threads a week cause of this show
What a treat

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Doesn't the grail heavily subsidized the maintenance of servants? Or was that just the summoning factor?

Yes, but mind you Illya could keep Hercules by herself (despite he being a Berserker demigod with an aways on NP), Rin could keep Saber as a familiar in UBW good ending, etc.

No? All sabers from all timeline go to Avalon, that's Arthur's basic legend. She never ever becomes an HS.

Except Lion King.

>Lord El-Melloi II Case Files

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Illya is essentially a walking mana factory and was modified to be the best possible master/grail vessel ever from birth. Although that's not to say someone of her level being normal during the Age of Gods wasn't a thing. Due to all the demigods running around probably having great magic circuits.

I doubt Saber could actually be functional as a Servant though in the good ending due to the ridiculous mana costs she has.

It's like Karna as a normal servant, you either have unlimited mana and tell him to go ham and win the war, you die because he used a couple NPs and turned you into a mana raisin, or tell him to not use any and keep yourself from being drained.

Lion King is fgo and so is garbage and only makes sense because Nasu retconned and twisted helf his built up lore to pander to a maximum people for the juicy gacha bucks.

I like Gray. Does she never show up outside of Case Files in the wide Fateverse?

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she appears shortly in strange fake

They do do that. The big issue is who gets to pass on their teaching/philosophies to the products of these programs which leads to a bunch of politicking and shady bullshit that hampers the overall results.

It was all within my calculations.

I don't understand. Is the scythe Athur's spear in disguise or is it the talking cube?

The cube is containing the spear and sealing its power until Gray needs to draw it out.

Cage seals the cube, the cube seals the spear, the spear seals the AoG

I thought the cube was sealing the scythe?

absolute state

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Cage seals Cube. Cube seals Scythe. Scytle seals Spear. Spear seals Tower of Light. Tower of Light seals the Age of Gods

Some sealing fuckery going on here

The more mystery it has the more power it retains. Once it loses it's mystery and therefore power, the AOG is back in action.

Ok, I'll check that out later thanks.

The right amound of chunni bullshit for me

That's the sort of chunni stuff that makes me happy.

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>Then LB3 happened and he started speaking again, meaning that Fou is reverting.
Fou's speaking again? Awesome!

*blocks ur path*

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why does kay need the cage? is he a naughty cube?

God that was so hard to watch kek

Something something Logos React Replica something
Dunno if he's naughy, but he's very abrasive

>ORT and the Primate Murder together
Oh boy what a shitshow that’ll be

Your post seems to imply that Waver doesn't notice other guys being after him and only wants one big bara greek but you used the word 'fujo.'
You know that word it is short for fujoshi and is only used for women, right?