ITT: Canon homosexuals

ITT: Canon homosexuals

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Other urls found in this thread:

Its hard to resist Komari's tiny little body, even for girls.

COOL please, just let tohru fuck kobayashi alredy

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literally every jojo character

She wanted a dick inside her, so no.

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Hotaru is prison gay. There are no men out in the country.

iruru can give anyone she wants a dick, so tohru can probably do the same aswell

Attached: tohru licks.gif (320x180, 660K)


Tohru's tail is long and fat, she can simply fuck Kobayashi with that.

How would you react if your 11 year old daughter had a room like this?

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>ITT: Canon homosexuals
ITT: Canon homosexuals? OP of course

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hahah! :D


ITT: Canon homosexuals - my answer is, of course, OP :D


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At least Atra tasted the midget murder dick

Nice try op
You're still a fag though

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Encourage her, of course.

help her make more plushies, also what is the source ?

>also what is the source ?

Attached: Boku_no_Pico_Episode_01_[ENG]_001514.jpg (1920x1080, 155K)

Make two more kids just in case, bribe the neighbor to put blind eye on what my daughter does with their daughter, donate to iPS research, ask her if she could film it.

Accept it as a natural part of puberity and remind her that girls still need condoms with each other.

How about a homosexual cannon?

Attached: Nanoha69.jpg (320x290, 26K)

Only if one of them is a filthy std-ridden whore. Surely your daughter only sleeps with pure girls like herself?

>We'll never hear her again.
Still feels bad.

I cant believe he's not a lady

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Could have gotten them from her mother while in the womb, you gotta be carefull. Safe sex is very important.

This is why you should always wear gloves when holding hands.

What about it?

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But fucks based oldman. She is BI

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She became bissexual tho.

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Homosexual with cannons.

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Source ?

Was that show good? I liked Fune wo Amu.

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Boku no Pico.

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Yes, it's VERY good. For what I've read it's the rare case of the adaptation beating the source material.

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faggot, give me the real source

la blue girl

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>spoon feeding

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Who can blame her? Komari is literally perfect

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>and remind her that girls still need condoms with each other.
How would they look? Rubber panties?

These, and dental dams.

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Post proofs no less than 3 I'll wait.

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It's cute how the plushies were still there in the movie.

Attached: [FFF-Vivid] Non Non Biyori Vacation [BD 1080p AAC] [3D65299C].mkv_snapshot_00.12.37_[2019.08.04_05.3 (1920x1080, 290K)

They'll still be there when she's 80.

He was just being a good bro


Too bad Komari-chan won't have the chance to get that old.

Hotaru will have plenty of time to learn taxidermy.



Hotaru is genuinely creepy and the show's quality is negatively affected by the lesbian pandering.

Attached: Greatest love story ever told.webm (640x480, 950K)

is she actually lesbian though i thought she was just freakishly obsessed, cause of the sempai meme

Shit taste

Her love for Komari is clearly romantic and sexual.

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>romance bad
fuck off dude

>"noooo!!! my waifu needs to love dick and talk about dick all the time !! fuck /u/fags they are ruining the anime industry"
are you autistic ?

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She's a primary school student, it's way too early for that.

I'm pretty sure Minna had a dead male lover

She has clearly hit puberty, so no.

>sperging out and creating a strawman because your fetish was criticised

imagine thinking that yuri is bad

>where do you think you are

>dumb yuri fanservice is good
At least make lesbians normal likable people and also this .

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I would imagine you put it on your peg dick, which you have to resort to, seeing as God didn't see it fit to endow you with a real one, but still planted the craving for other women into you like the funny guy he is.

>At least make lesbians normal likable people
hotaru is the most likeable character in the show, i dunno what you are talking about

unless every character turns out to be gay it isn't fanservice, its just romance on a slice of life anime (which is common and cool)
this looks really stupid

Didn't she immediately go to find old men to fuck because there's no action in countryside?


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not gay, he just got infected with dumbass by Iskandar

The other two are just crazy.

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sorry s/u/bhuman faggot she loves old man cock



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I'd just shrug it off and let her go through her phase in peace. That's probably what Hotaru's parents are doing anyway.

Yes, Junko could

This monkey.

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Disqualified for being rrrgi-sexual.

1 drop of cum rule

All Jojos are, that's the entire point.

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Safe sex is not stupid

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All 3 of the main cast

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Everyone in this picture.

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Tell her to film it once she finally fucks her.

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Has there been any timeskip in the manga yet?
I want to see Hotaru grow even taller and her breasts grow even bigger.

Merely good friends. Potatoes can not be homos

Wait, wait, wait, THERE IS A MOVIE?????????????????????????

Next you're telling me you haven't heard of the S3 announcement or that you haven't watched even S2 yet

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And now she has an alive female lover.

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This is not a headcanon homosexuals thread

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>Barnaby has literally millions of thirsty fangirls in-universe
>is just vaguely disgusted by them
The world isn't fair.

See it from his point of view:
>there are women pawing all over me but they are not Kotetsu-san.
>The world isn't fair

I think #1 wants #4

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why oh why have i started reading this

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I would love to have such parents like Nanoha and Fate mamas.

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Miku is such a good girl for teaching her juniors about safe sex,

Attached: Boku-1_14-Sena-hair-smell-lol.jpg (640x360, 35K)

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lucky for her then

Attached: -a- - ITT- Canon homosexuals - Anime - Manga - 4chan 8-4-2019 3-10-21 PM.png (422x27, 9K)

Good, Kodaka don't deserved her.

Hundreds of homos here

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My husband definitely is.

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I love Tohru so much.


she's not gay you fucking tranny faggot
kill yourself

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>Karma plowing that ass and mouth every other week

Attached: [Erai-raws] Machikado Mazoku - 03 [1080p].mkv - 0037.jpg (1920x1080, 276K)

kawaii desu

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>Girl lusts over another girl
>Not gay
Thank you for the update resident incel

Fuck yuri, and fuck yuri apologists

Derick is bi; he outright said that gender doesn't matter to him.

I know; he just got added on with Valery and Max & Yuri because I didn't want to take up two picture spaces, I'll post Valery separately next time but he might be bi too since his preferences aren't mentioned yet, Max also liked a guy before but it seems like she only wants Yuri now but she might still be bi too.

>Girl lusts over another girl

kill yourself tranny faggot

Was Max’s crush a gay dude or a trans woman who wasn’t out yet?

The second one I think since he wore a dress; she dressed up as a man for prom to make a 'proper pair' to support him but it didn't work out.

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Any chance you could upload the anthology? Can only find dead torrents of it.

The latter.

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surprised Ucchi wasn't posted yet.

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>Sakurako using a permanent marker on Himawari
Every time


Attached: [Coalgirls]_Mai_Hime_24_(960x720_Blu-Ray_FLAC)_[CB0A7C31].mkv_snapshot_12.48_[2019.04.01_01.42.53].j (960x720, 71K)

wasn't everyone a lesbian in this anime ?

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I would say half of the Hime's are gay but for Otome counterparts they are gay.


Attached: [Coalgirls]_Mai_Hime_19_(960x720_Blu-Ray_FLAC)_[22FF15F5].mkv_snapshot_07.48_[2019.01.01_01.38.22].p (960x720, 1.23M)

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Not canon.

Is Mai horny for Akira-kun?

No, she might just not think it's appropriate for her brother to become a father so soon.

God I will never not laugh at yaoi hands

Which one?

three houses anime when


The stalker behind the window.

no she is bi

New Mai Hime series when?

>not a single SKU charater ITT
This board got so plebeian.
And I can't post pictures, shit.

nice fan theory

Why does that matter, she still wants him.

>official art
>fan theory
Are het tards really this delusional?

Attached: .jpg (640x480, 47K)

Someone didn't see the last season. She's straight as a needle

official art doesn't mean it's canon.

the only reason akane even started caring about rikka because she noticed yuta was paying attention to rikka over her.
because they are the same person with rikka being akane's true self.

that is why she gave herself the protagonist seat close to the back window placed yuta in the seat next to her and akane in the far corner of the classroom. but still yuta choose to pay more attention to her real self than the fake self she created right next to him.

for her to be romantically attracted to herself makes no sense unless she is asexual in the real world.

>Market Pandering is now canon
>Despite the fact the show makes it clear she loves Yuuta

I think this is the first time anyone has posted Saint October other than me in the last 10 years.

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That is assuminig that it is something more than a mere fanservice to sell merch. Also they don't look like they are marrying each other desu.

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cringe hetniggers
based ucchichad

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Attached: Wataten do I look cute.png (723x643, 396K)

:( i loved her VA
rest in peace

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based and yuripilled

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I've just watched the first two episodes yesterday but in the ending her red string of fate is tied to the other girl in her class. That's pretty blatantly homosexual man.

it's okay, Mama will help you carry on your homosexual activities

Attached: Wataten Noa's mom is pro gay.png (646x253, 132K)

>fell for the Kyoani lies

Do you hate Kurololi?

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It's quite forgotten. It took a decade or so until it had full subs.
Golden age of fansubbing my ass.

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This nigga knows what's up

With muscles like that and a gorilla faced attitude you just know.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Enen no Shouboutai - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_08.59_[2019.08.04_14.50.42].jpg (1280x720, 205K)

You won't trick me this time

This can't be legal

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I want to Maki to wreck me with her gorilla sized arms.

God, I still use it as an example for why fansubs can't support the anime industry. I was stuck on episode 16 for 10 fucking years.

Better than Fushigiboshi no Futagohime. Been waiting for 13 years and we're still stuck on episode 6 of the second season. I'll be dead before I see the end.

Attached: Fushigiboshi_no_Futagohime_001.jpg (300x294, 59K)

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I heard Gyu wasn't as good anyway

But more twins! And Leone! And the seed princesses! And Leone! And Altezza! And Leone! And all the music, and dancing and Leone!

I just want to see more Fushigiboshi no Futagohime.

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nice image tumblr refuge.

but you can platonic ally hold someone hand
if you couldn't then most people would be in romances with their mothers


>gay until the graduation
Marimite was pretty much the archetypal example of it.

Did you even watch it?

Attached: BaRyhW7.png (979x583, 816K)

Does he ever show the slightest interest in a female?

I mostly blame going to the boonies that caused Hotaruns homisexuality, there are no males besides from Komaris brother and even he is never around.
So with the absence of guys she became fixated on Komari.

Oh man, Samurai Flamenco was so amazing to experience.

Actually, everyone's gay in this anime.

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i love this gay couple


Almost everyone in Valkyrie Drive, of course.

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He was teaching them to help themselves.

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Your mom


boku no hero academia

Why haven't normalfag terms been banned yet?

Call Komari's parents and negotiate a dowry, then set up a comfortable bedroom in the basement that locks from the outside.

if it's inevitably going to happen, it's better to handle it in a way that gives everyone peace of mind and doesn't end in cops searching everyone's houses.

The mods are discord normalfags.

I want to bathe my tongue in the sensation of Kumiko's A-Cups while my hands explore her glorious fluff mane of hair

ahaha is this really how it ends? They lez out while raising his kid?

I want to shave off her faggot ass stupid haircut.

>They're doing a 3rd season of this while Watamote remains 80% manga only despite rising sales in the last 3 years.

Are they just embarrassed about getting Nemo's hair color so wrong?

nu-Riyo is a lot more fabulous

Yeah, Atra and Kudelia married each other.

They were going to have a 3P end, but murder manlet got offed by the protagonists.

Attached: 7NyRz5c.jpg (1667x937, 643K)

what's the source of your faggotry? I'm sorry but we don't offer therapy here user

Attached: giphy (1).gif (600x338, 2.9M)

Should be a public ban. Or at least a permaban.

Has anyone though to make a lmgtfy but for image searching something here?

There are so many resources to find sauce now days that it shouldn’t be necessary. I don’t think I’ve ever had to spend more than 10 minutes at most in the last few years.

Kodomo no Jikan

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Do the board a favor and both of you kill yourselves, you quadruple nigger faggots.

>not all fingers

Make me


Non issues of an insignificant, ignorable population of mutilated men, and underage shitposting from Yea Forumstards have no place on Yea Forums.

Over half the cast of Saki, confirmed as such by Ritz herself.

Attached: echidna.jpg (1918x2515, 589K)

In the continuation it's been rumored Kudelia is pregnant with IPS on having Atra's cells.

Attached: [Coalgirls]_Mai_Hime_SP22_(960x720_Blu-Ray_FLAC)_[70C235AA].mkv_snapshot_00.52_[2019.02.25_20.42.05] (960x720, 92K)

Best yuri couple of all anime history.

All the girls in QB are gay as fuck.

Who are more delusional Yea Forums, yurifags or fujos?

more than half of the "pairings" here are just friends. God damn it go outside and make some friends it will really help you.

>give the gay guy fire powers
This was the most hilarious shit, I swear.

Yuta is so lucky.

/u/niggers and fujofags are the dregs of society. Anyone can hot 2D in any sexual situation, it's subhumans who think their delusional one sides mindset has any place on this board or this site. That's not an endorsemnt of 3DPD homos fags in any way. 3DPD subhumans can fall 6 feet into the earth.

>hetfaggots and vanilliashitters are the dregs of society.

>it took this long for this to be posted

Attached: Darling in the FranXX - Ikuno and Naomi - pistil-to-pistil connection.jpg (843x600, 257K)

Go cry on your contaiment board


imagine being this mad over people having a different ship then you


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But what's the point? Just use a glove. What STD can infect fingers? Sexual organs/mouth I understand (the skin is a different material).

>imagine caring about ships
Absolutely subhuman.

T. Someone who never read Jojo

If you think about it, those are just reverse fingerless gloves.

absolutely subhuman

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>The mods and jannies are discord trannies

From what I heard the second season is going to be LIT

>I hate gay couples
Project any harder and you might be a Kodak.

then stop complaining about people wanting to see a character that likes another character getting together you absolute braindead retard

Stop acting like homosexuals are owed anything.

>God damn it go outside and make some friends it will really help you.
That sounds like a very normalfagish thing to do.

the only faggot im seeing in this thread is you, go back to your containment board

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Franxx sequel of Naomi as the MC when?


Never even lurked that board. A girl touching another girl isn't /u/ stop pretending that /u/ and /y/ is synonymous with Yea Forums.


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>romance in anime ISN'T anime!!
good bait, i actually fell for it until you fucked it up

>bait me in with webms
>season is split in half by 2 groups
>both torrents have 0seed/leach/complete
Fucking hell.

I'm glad you understood my post that 3DPD non issues don't matter in the leaser in any context on this board.

whatever cocksucker, post gay character instead of complaining

Attached: kyoko.gif (400x398, 2.98M)

>grew up watching get backers along with all the usual shit like dragon ball, naruto and pokemon. Loved the shit out of it.
>always assumed the moments where those two were shown hugging and looking gay with each other were common things for japanese men like with Naruto and Sasuke but a bit more nuanced and didn't think much of it
>kinda forgot about the show for a long time until I decided to look it up again last year
>mfw the sudden realization that my favorite "manly" anime as a kid was fujobait all along

Attached: your mom gay.jpg (706x706, 74K)

Whatever cock mangler, go pretend LGBT matter has any importance to anyone of worth.

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DitF: AO

>149 posters
>"gay characters have no importance"

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who let /jp/ out of their containment board?

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Maybe if you bite your nails to the point that they bleed you can get something into your blood stream.

>triggered tumblrinas ass blasted over homos being shit on and crossboarders/minority of 3DPD carpet munchers
Not really.
t. fag.

>go outside
Normalfags are retarded.

Attached: WHY ARE YOU SO MAD.png (503x393, 113K)

No one posted 2hus though let's fix this

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surprised itou wasn't posted yet

Attached: itou.png (1006x894, 745K)

Because 3DPD and their non issue "wrongings" don't understand how inconsequential they are.

Yurincels BTFO my normalfag

Attached: SataniaKek.jpg (740x668, 107K)

You mean femcels.

why does reimu love this old hag so much ?

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yeah satania is gay

Attached: raphi's wife.jpg (1126x1500, 156K)

Ok, loser

Attached: SataniaThumbsUp.png (501x425, 246K)

>females under the delusion they are owed anything
As in the same thing as any stupid fuckwit under the delusion they are owed anything If you want to treat any person as equal that applied to the both of two gender.

the moment a female looks at raphi she instantly turns into a lesbian, that is a fact

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That wasn't Tohru, that was COOL's dick. His characters have to suffer because he can't control himself.

Stop pretending your containment board belongs on Yea Forums landwhale.


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>the Anemone clone will be voiced by Anemone's VA

>yuri anime doesn't belong on Yea Forums
how new are you ?

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im uncultured who is that??


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>yuri equals /u/ subhumans
HHAHAHAHAHAH no. /u/ is like the retarded cousin that thinks they are allowed to speak at family gatherings.

To be fair to them, there are two fire users; Nathan and Judge Petrov (so far Yuri isn't attracted to anything except his concept of justice) and there are also 2 homos, with Barnaby having just regular 100 power while being mostly into one man.

>/u/ is like the retarded cousin that thinks they are allowed to speak at family gatherings.

I think that's /pol/

chloe is a STUPID spoiled brat that DOES NOT DESERVE kanna's love, she is a bitch and a whore and stupid and also an idiot while also being dumb

Attached: Angry saikawa.png (1600x900, 1.31M)

>/u/ is like the retarded cousin that thinks they are allowed to speak at family gatherings.
i think thats every Yea Forums board

Attached: 1564176131439.gif (421x450, 392K)

/pol/ and /lgbt/ complaining about non issues.
I fixed your post champ.

>Used to be a hardcore anti-yurifag
>Literally get mind/dickbroken into being a yurifag, go on a binge reading yuri manga and watching yuri anime, wondering why the fuck I never read them in the first place, heart beating fast the entire time

The Y chromosone is dying, this is a fact. I can only hope there's an afterlife so I can look on from the heavens and weep as I bear witness to a perfect world of girls loving girls. Even better if there's reincarnation and I'm reborn as a cute girl.
Just know that if you're an anti-yurifag, you really need to get some taste. All women love yuri. Most men, even as dumb as we are, love yuri. You are a minority. You're completely alien to the human race and are quickly dying out as society becomes more and more advanced and of course naturally more feminized.
Grow up.

Attached: 71074867_p0.jpg (1720x1290, 2.21M)

Rin is not bi. She is full lesbian for Seiba. Maybe she started out bi, but being around Shirou let alone presenting her defenseless anus to him would be enough to knock the hetero out of any girl.

Attached: Rin_Tohsaka.png (1024x1536, 543K)

Oh, my. Do you need a nap or how about a cup off tea?

Attached: o2n43r2p.png (422x273, 97K)

Yurifans are such losers. Omg, literally get a life, what is wrong with you guys

Attached: AbeArmscrossed.jpg (575x1024, 96K)

I think Shirou dodge a bullet by not fucking some used up slag that's been fucked by some dirty whores and cum drained englishmen, as is her god given obligation to produce a male heir.

That they don't undertsant their obliogation to societhy and humanity as a whole???

This user gets it. Gays can't produce offspring!

Attached: ZI25OIVMEMI6TFARUYEPTUGC2M.jpg (1484x1199, 115K)


Attached: 1564769801957.jpg (800x600, 182K)

Abe supreme leader of objective corrective society when?

dont bully kanna's girlfriend

Attached: saikawa.gif (498x278, 558K)

Based abebros. Yuritrannies loading their handguns to kill themselves right now

Attached: AbeSuit.jpg (426x529, 39K)

name a more based character then akane, you can't

Attached: akane.gif (500x281, 589K)

Attached: __igawa_asagi_and_igawa_sakura_taimanin_series_and_etc_drawn_by_kagami_hirotaka__68e570459e7117e3641 (850x1200, 160K)

hey Yea Forums and /pol/!! you better leave right now!! i can't belive she let her sister become used goods by chinatsu

Attached: anti bully ranger.jpg (833x696, 143K)

too much yuri on this thread and not enough yaoi

Attached: no homo.png (900x1416, 868K)

Pretty sure they tried to wrongfully sue some bakery in Colorado. The fags were obviously in the wrong for trying to pretend their wants trumped his rights. The baker was only in wrong from turning away potential income. Basically both groups were retards who didn't understand their place.

It's not Chloe's fault Saikawa lives in a dog house.

Attached: n11.jpg (1065x1510, 452K)

shut the fuck up

Attached: ErenThumbsUp.png (118x131, 17K)

who cares about the real world faggot, post cute girls kissing each other

Why is Tohru so gay?

Attached: 1528263152579.jpg (1000x1349, 197K)

I have posted 3 gay males in this thread.

both are also the best characters on yotsuba

Attached: asagi and her girlfriend.jpg (900x600, 97K)

Post more canon yaoi then nobody ain't gonna hate you for it.

look at kobayashi, how can you NOT be gay for her ?

Attached: kobayashi thicc.jpg (1450x2048, 439K)


Attached: YotsubaBanishment.jpg (901x485, 192K)

POst more dykes being NTRd by men first.

Kobayashi is basically just a japanese salaryman who happens to have a vagina. There's almost nothing feminine about her. As far as gayness goes, Tohru's on the lower end.

I'll never understand why /lgbt// doesn't realize it's the same level of unwanted subhuman as /pol/

Shit fetish.

>POst more men being NTRd by dykes.

Attached: 1563995127237.png (541x1836, 1.26M)

Attached: 75840968_p8.jpg (485x695, 142K)

ok they are not the best characters, the best character is YANDA
i wonder why you go on threads you dislike

Attached: 1564206770026.jpg (370x412, 73K)

stop replying to him, he is clearly mentally ill and sexually frustated and giving him attention will only make it worse, post cute dragons instead

Attached: Lick.jpg (720x1100, 135K)

Stop reading and posting Yotsuba, stupid yuricuck

Attached: YotsubaHeadlock.jpg (442x497, 29K)

I wonder why you think homosexuality is acceptable?

>post cute dragons instead
Kobayashi secretly likes it

Attached: 62665929_p0.jpg (1137x1271, 759K)

Back to yout subhuman tumblrina containemnt board. Fags in any form unwelcome.

its not even a secret at this point, she asks tohru to clean her sweat with a towel and sleeps on the same bed as her

Attached: 1563469012498.jpg (844x1200, 175K)

bakugou is gay, but he also fucked your favorite girl

Attached: Tch2.png (395x395, 164K)

Attached: 1563844631053.jpg (871x560, 68K)

it must be sad for him not to be able to enjoy this

Attached: love.jpg (640x549, 63K)

Unironically more ban worthy than trans fags delusional into thinking they are wanted.

I just like watching cute girls doing cute things to eachother, is that so wrong?

Attached: 1529471642749.png (716x680, 124K)

Attached: 37589238_p0.jpg (1280x960, 402K)

dont reply to him you troglodyte

Attached: 1563762356034.jpg (714x1000, 763K)

Wizards fapping is one thing, lesser is another.

Don't post neanderthal.

Attached: 1549311985994.png (1048x900, 634K)

vigne and her wife have a better relationship together

Attached: vigne and her wife.jpg (2160x1920, 392K)

thanks, now tohru's precious smile is in HD!!

Attached: i have no tits.png (500x500, 165K)

>No Chika
>Leaving out the girl who fetched other girls

gayer then ucchi

Attached: tomoko.jpg (2160x1920, 647K)

Misaka is wasting her time on Touma and Accelerator

Attached: 1564889021680.png (642x579, 546K)


canonically has a girlfriend

Attached: nadeshiko and her girlfriend.jpg (423x598, 65K)

Wtf is happening

>don’t reply to opinion i disagree wi H as if I were correct
Don’t cut yourself on that edge.

Cute gays in bed.

Attached: 33744724_p0.jpg (890x580, 334K)

i really wish chinatsu had fallen in love with akari instead of yui, would be cool to see something like a jealous akane

Attached: chinatsu2.jpg (1280x720, 93K)

>shitting on tumblr subhumans is now banworthy
Normalfags and subhumans were a mistake.

But Akari is in love with Chinatsu so we can still see jealous Akane.

i hope that happens some day

Attached: kissu.jpg (844x1171, 514K)

Reminder that male gays are for suffering

Attached: 44255999-44256314_013.png (500x280, 158K)

This tourists are no welcome.

jealous chinatsu is best

Attached: jealous.png (701x424, 640K)

Bigot Mods are not allowed
>Bigot Mods are not allowed
Bigot Mods are not allowed
>Bigot Mods are not allowed
Bigot Mods are not allowed
>Bigot Mods are not allowed
Bigot Mods are not allowed

Nah he’s only a faggot for Gon

post tsundere lesbians

Attached: sakurako.gif (500x281, 986K)

Being an off-topic sperg that can't contain himself is.

>linking to. Tumblr infested shithole
No fag.

It has even had shit sadpanda didn't on a few occasions, who cares what dumb politics they're obsessed with if they deliver the goods

am i blind or does it look the same ?

Attached: Ucchi icon.png (430x435, 129K)

Yeah, this is why fansubs never could hold together anime.

No. This is all you've got. Put up with it.

Tourists In any form don’t belong here. Tumblr niggers included. Not just your biased warped mindset retard.

>dumb politics they're obsessed with
which ones ?
why are you still on this thread

Attached: cutie.jpg (500x353, 35K)

Your politics=/=acceptable politics.

>this wasn't the first post
Yea Forums(nel) is really going downhill.

splash splash splash splash splash splash splash splash splash splash splash splash splash splash splash

Attached: 1564100841644.gif (389x413, 1.83M)

>defending tumblr
Untinically kill your self. You don’t belong here.

My bad, thought the one I had was better.

Attached: 1550627938979.jpg (743x891, 141K)

Attached: 1564377859626.png (400x383, 181K)

Attached: 1563713081584.png (972x867, 687K)

The actual first post wasn't bad.

Attached: [FFF-Vivid] Non Non Biyori Vacation [BD 1080p AAC] [3D65299C].mkv - 0006.jpg (1920x1080, 318K)

Attached: Who.png (1920x1080, 1.73M)

>inb4 /u/ fag pretends how gays are owed anything more than anyone else

Why are You still in this board and not where you belong?

Attached: 1.png (951x816, 1.03M)

ame ame ame

Attached: 1557196221531.gif (376x522, 1.53M)

Attached: tohru pin.png (791x1291, 666K)

since iruru got in heat on the manga and only didn't fuck kobayashi because tohru protected her, i am waiting for the time where tohru is the one in heat instead

Attached: tohru in heat.png (864x900, 784K)

Tohru should be taller.

Attached: 1529197305078.png (529x799, 326K)

Tohru's pure love would prevent her from doing anything she would regret later.

Attached: 1553649849560.png (460x344, 79K)

The gayest.

Attached: Cross_Ange___02_SD.mkv_snapshot_16.47_[2019.08.05_02.13.02].png (848x480, 486K)

>implying kobayashi wouldn't enjoy it

Attached: tohru.jpg (750x691, 65K)

She needs to take her out first

Attached: 1552533065452.png (1920x1080, 2.57M)

i REALLY hope they become girlfriends at the end of the series

Attached: 52733902_p0.jpg (1070x1110, 298K)

Zola was too perfect for Cross Ange

Isn't Lefiya and Ryou lesbians too in Danmachi world?

Lefiya is bisexual and Ryou is bisexual too because she's close to Bell as always. Also you forgot about Loki and Aiz are maybe gay too.

Why do you always try to shitpost with the same things over and over? It rally does make no sense.

I'll just address you by your reddit username, SuperOniiChan.

No one believes they are the same person. You are just trying to force that as a "meme".
People have explained to you, specially, how they are different people many times over. Even citing official sources which out right state Akane and Rikka are different people, and that Rikka is a childhood friend of Akane from the real world.

Which you always ignore, because literally all you care about is trying to force your "anti yuri meme". You don't care about what's actually true.

>the only reason akane even started caring about rikka because she noticed yuta was paying attention to rikka over her.
You can't actually be stupid enough to think anyone will fall for this. Akane literally gives zero fucks about Yuta and even wanted him killed.

>they don't look like they are marrying each other desu.
Haha, yeah, right. That's why it looks exactly like a "just married" photo of almost every single wedding out there.

that's not Lefiya.

>official art doesn't mean it's canon.
the absolute state of this board

Attached: 1561600061973.jpg (1024x979, 64K)


>two replies to the same old post in two minutes

Attached: 61a59d8be9eb9beb09d4ef5a9d0e67df1f4a500de6262c7447caebe30866494f.png (439x452, 72K)

Yuri is never getting a love interest. His POV in the novel made it obvious he's too fucked in the head.

I mean, of all the brain dead level retarded things he said in that post, that's the one correct thing.

Official and canon mean two different things. Official just means it's commercially published under an IP. Canon means it's written specifically by an author to fit narratively into a story's timeline.

Yeah, one someone replies to a really stupid post pointing out how stupid it is, other people take notice.

That said, you're retarded, as always. And it's funny, because you fucking freak out when people call you out on samefagging. Yet you do it all the time yourself.

You two autists deserve each other. Then again yaoi is on topic so...

Attached: illya-boys-girls.jpg (680x384, 36K)

Could've posted the entire cast of the show.

i guess that makes sense

based tsuntsun couple

That is an absolutely adorable board indeed.

Yeah, I know; I was talking about the characters and their powers/preferences for comparison since Nathan and Yuri both use fire.
Though as a concept it isn't completely set in stone yet, he can still find someone as messed up in the head as he is who agrees with his justice (like Jake and Kriem) but the only heroes he respects somewhat are Tiger (& Sky high in the manga) while he considers Barnaby an active threat.
I agree that it didn't seem like his story was heading in a romantic direction in any of the side materials except that one alternative universe looking poster where he catches scarf-tan; so yeah, he might stay single like you said.

Vampire Gabu > Angel Gabu

Attached: vampire gabu twintail.jpg (850x1202, 183K)


>dong status: expanded

Rikka isn't even real you fucking tard

I'm retarded and Strawberry Panic and Marimite had somehow conflated into one show in my memory.



Attached: [HorribleSubs] Konohana Kitan - 12 [720p].mkv_snapshot_19.03_[2017.12.21_01.13.09].jpg (1280x720, 436K)


Attached: 1549116060268.jpg (2252x3200, 891K)

Attached: 1537088246513.jpg (1277x1338, 259K)

Take your (You) and post more.

Everyone from shinsekai yori

I don't think having sex with a another species is necessarily gay.

Attached: images (2).jpg (193x262, 8K)

Attached: 1553282239833.gif (640x360, 3.16M)

You're right, it's just bestiality.

Imagine trying to fuck a girl so nasty you can't fingerbang her without protection.

Attached: 1548227524309.jpg (966x1200, 121K)

No, the other one or both.

Attached: a26eebcdb29cbbb101de75c0d0adc879.png (1076x1620, 1.61M)

Getbackers got a lot of manime tards.
Imagine not watching cute girls to prove you're straight. Normalfag logic at its finest.

Is this the Evangelion thing youngsters keep talking about?

I thought it was about proving your "manliness" not "straightness". Watched the fuck out of mahou shoujo regardless.

Is this how lesbians reproduce?

Because that joke has been made over a hundred times. It's not that funny anymore.

Yes, but that is facilitated through the hands alone. The rest is just foreplay.

Of course.

fine here this one is full of it

Attached: Pisces_Aphrodite.png (720x544, 597K)

Attached: b9b6aea7.png (475x370, 368K)

picked up

Who wouldn't?

Attached: koma.jpg (1276x1015, 825K)

Aphrodite is in love with himself only.

Just liking Komari isn't enough to qualify for homosexuality. You need to want to get under her pants AND you need to be female.

Attached: [FFF-Vivid] Non Non Biyori Vacation [BD 1080p AAC] [3D65299C].mkv - 0014.jpg (1920x1080, 299K)

Have another (you).

most accurate depiction of lesbians in anime. they don't even sleep in the same bed

they toned it way down in season 2

dissapointing, best part of the show was her

all of them except natsumi

Attached: fags.jpg (2560x1440, 1.68M)

Accepting sweets as payment for sex does not mean you are actually enjoying the sex.

no thats Misty

Attached: bis-fa03-misty.jpg (375x252, 20K)

oh fuck really ? i started watching it because of this thread and i was thinking it would only go up, thats sad

Attached: 1563084261710.png (607x399, 214K)

Attached: 001.gif (540x303, 2.97M)

Attached: Non Non Biyori Feet Vacation.webm (1024x576, 2.96M)

What happens in okinawa stays in okinawa.

there is no 1 on that picture

i think #3 fucks #2 every single day

Attached: cute.jpg (1024x599, 110K)

In the Fate route, she's a lesbian.
In every other route, she's bisexual.

Why do you think just repeating yourself will mean anything? You're so fucking autistic.

Magical girls being magical

Attached: saint-october-1531.jpg (314x450, 46K)

>stirring shit up when all was good and peaceful for a second time
Ok at this point you are just trolling. Stop beating a dead horse and enjoy the pics.

Attached: Here we go.jpg (478x352, 68K)

>saying anything I don't like is stirring up shit
>not letting me have the last word is stirring up shit
Hey, here's an idea? You just kill yourself, that way your total mental break downs stop ruining threads.

Sell the dolls for a profit and tell her she can keep a couple of them if she keeps making new dolls at a steady pace.

Also force her to cosplay as Komari when we get a booth to sell our dolls at Comiket

Attached: 1436818460551.png (482x600, 162K)

I love (you)

Sequel when?

Attached: princessu.jpg (720x990, 738K)

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Attached: valentines day.png (1254x1464, 1007K)


Attached: feet holding.jpg (1280x720, 129K)


Attached: 1564208307844.jpg (571x459, 42K)

H-how lewd! H-hazukashi desu

Attached: excited_dark.gif (540x432, 405K)

Why do you think just repeating yourself will mean anything? You're so fucking autistic.

>saying anything I don't like is stirring up shit
>not letting me have the last word is stirring up shit
Hey, here's an idea? You just kill yourself, that way your total mental break downs stop ruining threads.

Attached: Universe itself is facepalming.jpg (1000x563, 194K)

That was my first post in the thread, retard.

>gets blown the fuck out
>this repeating himself will somehow make it look less retarded
>thinks spamming reaction images is smart

No, it wasn't. Your lying will never fool anyone you autistic retard. And even if it wasn't your first post in the thread, what in the living fuck would make you think your mindless substancless garbage posts would actually prove anything?

So because you make a one line shitpost you're somehow now objectively write about something? Even though many cases of official citation prove you wrong?


>that schizo autist that thinks everyone who disagrees with him on his weird headcanon is actually a single person

Rikka isn't real in the show. None of them are except Akane. Akane isn't in love with her or any of them because they aren't real. At the end of the show Akane goes back to the real world to be a nerd there.

No amount of screeching or accusing other people of samefagging will change that, just like no amount of anti-psychotics will cure your mental illness.

>gets blown the fuck out
>this repeating himself will somehow make it look less retarded
Considering i was laughting at your doubleposting this comment becomes even more hilarious.
>thinks spamming reaction images is smart
This is an imageboard so why not post images? If it triggers you this much here is a not-reaction one and even on-topic. You most certainly should not be triggered by yuri, right?

Attached: Bishoujo.Senshi.Sailor.Moon.full.1583702.jpg (1126x793, 400K)

My apologies, i forgot about the "canon only" rule.

Attached: Sailor_Moon-Crystal_HaruMichi.jpg (1004x565, 82K)

Oh, well I guess because you say they're not real that everyone should ignore all the official citation and actual proof that they are. I guess people should ignore how literally the whole story almost revolved around the fact that they are real people. Or how the director out right said that Rikka's mother is a hyper being like Gridman and Alexis. Yeah, your samefagging and shitposting sure does change reality.

>can still do literally nothing but repeat himself

Yeah, there's a very obvious reason that post was being made again, and you know why. Why do you think playing stupid fools anyone?

>d- durrr ur triggered i epic troll!
No. And you're the only person who acts like this.
It's even more stupid because you ALWAYS trying to use this "durrr it image board!!!" excuse.

Your genuinely obsession with trying to "trigger" people is easily the most cringy and pathetic thing to ever happen on this site, maybe even the whole world.

>this schizo thinks I'm arguing with him seriously

When someone on Yea Forums is clearly a fucking nutcase I just kind of tune them out. You're being tuned out, you fucking wacko.

Thanks for always making it so obvious who you are. You're literally the only person who uses this word, and even more so uses it with such irony. Because you have total mental break downs when people see through your samefagging, then you turn around and accuse everyone of samefagging yourself.

And no, what makes it obvious who you are in not that you disagree, but how you act while you disagree. e.g. You refuse to ever actually address anything anyone says to you, explain yourself, or give any type of reasoning at all.


>d- durrr ur a nutcase so i epic will lol i name call so i win durrr!!!!
Point out one post in the whole history of your time on this site where you have ever once actually made a valid argument and didn't go straight to name calling, spamming and shitposting.

Oh right, you can't. Because you've never done it.

What makes it SO FUCKING OBVIOUS who you are is that you are insanely ass hurt about being called a samefag. And how you will never do anything but cry about how you're called a samefag to the exclusion of everything else.

>if someone calls me a samefag that means them saying 2+2=4 is wrong!!!!!!
This is how retarded you are.

>ever happen on this site, maybe even the whole world
This behavior and choice of words is eerily familiar... And i am not talking about gridman threads either.

Reminds me of that guy who frequents Madoka threads. Ack or something.

Yeah, I'm sure you're used to getting shit on mocked. Because you've been a pathetic failure literally your whole life.

Why are you replying to yourself like this? Why are you trying to pretend that anyone at all believes your boogieman is real?

Oh right, because this is the only way you have to cope with how shit your life is.


>so obvious
>only one person uses schizo to refer to the many mentally ill weirdos that think anime is serious business

You constantly make typos and grammatical errors while accusing everyone of being the same person. Not only are you mentally ill, you are clearly ESL cancer. Tell me third worlder, do you really have so much time to obsess over which anime characters are lesbians or not while hiding from the tigers in your mud hut?

It is wrong, because I'm not samefagging. Your belief that everyone who disagrees with you is a samefag marks you as a keenly disturbed individual, one that thinks there's a vast internet conspiracy to deride your headcanon about lesbians in a 2d show no one cares about that aired more than half a year ago. You are mentally disturbed and any sane society would have institutionalized you already.

"You are samefagging" and "2+2=4" are independent statements, you fucking subhuman retard. Weather they are correct or not having nothing to do with each other. Even if the "you're samefagging" statement was wrong (which it's not), that doesn't mean the "2+2=4" statement is.

And you trying to pretend that's the case is something that ONLY you do, and something you ALWAYS do. Which is why you stand out. You always try to tunnel vision on the fact that if someone calls you out on your samefagging that everything they say is wrong. The idea of independent concepts is totally lost on you.

Another word that only you say.

>only one person uses schizo to refer to the many mentally ill weirdos that think anime is serious business
Only one person, you, spams the word "schizo" in lieu of actually addressing what people say and making valid arguments. And of course, you are the only person so obsessed with saying "triggered".

I saw him in the DitF threads as well. Is it a troll or an insane waifufag?
>replying to yourself like this
As one wise user once said:
>Yeah, one someone replies to a really stupid post pointing out how stupid it is, other people take notice.
Than again if you want to trigger heterofags post more yaoi and yuri pics in the thread about canon homosexual couples.

Attached: Sailor-Moon-Yuri-yuri-manga-and-anime-12904154-640-484.jpg (640x484, 76K)

Okay this is epic

> troll or insane waifufag?
It's usually a bit of both. His shtick is kind o funny though he should hold himself back more often because he ends up ruining threads with spam.

Yeah, yours are the really stupid posts here. And as always, you are the only person who thinks your boogieman is real.

>telling me to stop shitposting is ruining threads! let me shitpost is peace and stop not letting me have my safe space!!!
Do you really think people haven't noticed in the six years you've been doing this that you've never once actually given proof your boogieman is real, nor have you actually explained how telling you to stop shitting up threads is somehow a problem?

And yes, it's obvious you are replying to your own posts, like you always do.


stop fighting like a bunch of retards, post gay couples instead

Attached: yoshida mako.jpg (935x1323, 133K)

>gets blown fuck out repeatedly
>can do nothing but spam and shitpost
>can't even sort of cope with reality

>your boogieman is not real said the boogieman
>can do nothing but spam and shitpost
Oh, the irony.
Also what said: post pics or stop shitting up the thread.

Attached: sailor-moon-rei-minako.jpg (574x455, 130K)

Attached: 1513863007135.gif (250x250, 992K)

>thinks that all the people who have been calling him a retard for the past 6 years are actually one singular person who is stalking him

Remember kids: don't drink while pregnant

Vigne is straight though, and gabu sells herself for MMORPG shekels.


Kill yourself

>valid arguments

You are mentally ill, there is enough of an argument to dismiss you entirely.

>gets blown the fuck out
>can do nothing but give none answers
>can do nothing but spam
>thinks spamming sailor moon will somehow give him a new "persona"
Stop replying and stop being asshurt, stop trying to attack people You are the only ruining the thread, like always.

Calling OP a fag will never not be funny, now kill yourself

>if i call you a samefag that means i'm right! if you call me a samefag that meens ur schizo!
See how obvious it is who you are? You're the only person who acts like this.
A blatant hypocrite that is insanely asshurt over being proven wrong all the time. So the best you can do is try to personally attack people.

>duyrrr math scares me so ur wrong for saying anything with numbers!
If I'm mentally ill for (correctly) calling you out on samefagging, what are you for calling "me" (incorrectly) out on samefagging?

You dismiss people because you have literally no other way of coping with reality.

>spamming sailor moon
At least spam something on-topic. Maybe you should too?
The irony is to great for me to fully comprehend.

Attached: HOW.jpg (320x458, 26K)

>if i call it irony that meen i win!!!
Nope. Do you really think it's not obvious who you are through the sheer fact you NEVER explain or back up anything you say?

Why are her thighs so meaty and delicious?


Kurumi is a treasure and Asuka is an idiot.

Fuck off chink

She has ulterior motives.

>Having a bloodline

>this thread is gay

I like it

Attached: sakura-trick.gif (500x281, 877K)

Attached: sakura-trick-kiss.gif (425x239, 611K)

Attached: P169PS2.jpg (1920x1080, 134K)

What the fuck

Attached: 1477300988413.png (730x652, 489K)

Attached: 1560030940282.jpg (145x145, 33K)

best wincest yuri couple

Attached: 20.png (1278x909, 1.33M)


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pigtails from Okada's new show


sauce? image search not helping.

>he doesn't know the lesbian nails meme

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Patrician taste

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They don't know how to animate Ucchi

do it like this and give her a deep fucking voice

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Pucci and Dio

this crazy bitch

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Lies akane is not attracted to Ranko. Remember the episode where Ranma forgot that she's a man?

Both the main writer and the director claim that Kudelia and Atra were 100% heterosexual and their marriage was a sham.

Source? In any case, it's not canon because the people that actually made the show don't believe in lesbianism

>Both the main writer and the director claim that Kudelia and Atra were 100% heterosexual and their marriage was a sham.

Thanks for the translations of the homos

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She's bisexual though. Canonically has sex with men

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Anime soon

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Don't die just yet

Was he gay?

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So it's like that one movie with Adam Sandler where he gay-marries his friend to get tax breaks?

This actually sounds like a clash between a different faction within the staff who wanted a yuri end and the director/main writer who didn't, because otherwise it's really odd to literally have two female characters married but "100% straight"

The only way it works is the fact they're raising manlet's kid

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Tatsuya Nagai wanted to kill-them-all in Tomino fashion but Mari Okada and the writers beg him to reconsider over and over again and the ending was the best they could get

>this thread

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Their homosexuality definitely not canon, but plenty of homosexuals have had kids in history. The idea of a sexual identity is pretty recent. In the past, people might have enjoyed fucking dudes, but that didn't stop them from starting families on the side.
The west's propaganda isn't so much creating gays, as it is teaching them to be exclusively gay.[/boring politics]

Shouldn't her face be much more wrapped up? Like barely visible?

Anyone actually have the source? I read many times that Kudelia and Atra are married for convenience but never actually read the interviews. I can believe it considering Okada is into Class S rather than lesbianism, like most nips, and Nagai wanted to emulated kill-them-all Tomino but I'd still like a source

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>Remember the episode
Of all the possible arguments you might have made, you picked the anime-original one?

Canon lesbian

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