The sword will get her revenge one day, but not today.
Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV
Maria is the worst wife/mother possible.
Why is this brown slut acting like this? Does she think anyone would find a dumb toaster like her attractive?
>hurff durr the inspector is acting like a douchebag and the scene doesn't actually show Miku being cut down, but surely Millaarc must have killed her
They're not even trying are they.
has anyone updated the chart to include this episode yet?
Rate the Henshins
Hibiki > Kirika > Tsubasa > Maria > Shirabe > Chris
She didn't ask for this
>Elsa and Vanessa havent done anything bad yet, now Millarc...
Because Milaarc deliberately takes on all the wetwork so their hands can stay clean.
I fucking hate the moon but I hate the Tokyo government building even more.
Elsa exists, that's bad enough.
What did Hibiki and Miku do in the bath after the guns scene?
>Miku unbottling her feelings to Hibiki
>"we'll talk later"
>that cliffhanger
She's gonna be the final boss isnt she?
>next episode
>Miku is actually dead and bleeding out
>Hibiki gets Millaarc mind raped
>back to being Berserker
I wish it was possible.
Tsubasa's Swords are NOT Wings!!!
They can't keep Hibiki so busy that she doesn't have a chance to talk to Miku before the finale, right?
They peed.
If we get mikugear and carol genocide this season i will be able to die happily
Best transformation reminder.
So, why did Elfnein choose a 70 year old song (in-universe)?
Do you think Elsa's tail is plug-and-play? Like, could she be incapacitated by sticking a flash drive full of furry porn in there?
Could be Carol slightly influencing her.
on each other?
Kirika > Hibiki >>> Shirabe > the rest.
They really couldn't have Tsubasa do a fucking sword dance in the transformation? Really? Tsubasa's is by far the laziest transformation.
Why was Tsubasa SG01 but Hibiki SG03 "Dash"? What does the Dash mean?
It comes from Hibiki's sacrist model designation, SG-r03' (pronounced "dash"). It's there to differentiate it from the original SG-r03 Gungnir sacrist, you know, Kanade's.
Read the keywords.
The ' is to differentiate Hibiki/Maria's Gungnir (The one made unofficially) from the one Kanade had (Which was just SG-03)
Nah, I've seen worse.
>and carol genocide
Of course the mikufag has shit taste
>Clearly an apostrophe
Whine to the nips, that's how they pronounce it.
How long until Hibiki makes up for being a jackass?
Switch Maria and Shirabe and you've got yourself perfect taste.
>Best S2 song
>Not KORT EL FES or Zababa
I'm not even a mariafag but c'mon
What are they building?
What if instead of making Miku wear the Shem-ha, they use her blood or something to make the Shem-ha usable to other people?
Bikki > Tsubasa > Maria > Kirika > Shirabe > Chris
That is the twist
>fake cliffhanger is an obvious cop-out
>Millaarc's going to kill the old man
>Tsubasa's going to get to the scene before Hibiki does
>Tsubasa's going to see Millaarc, Miku and Elfnein as all Millaarcs
>Tsubasa's going to impale Miku
>Millaarc's going to feel really bad but kidnap Elfnein anyways
>Hibiki's going to get there and be furious but catch-on that Tsubasa's been mindraped and think that Millaarc intended for this to happen
>sword is broken
Best henshin.
Best song.
I want Tsubasa and Nogi Wakaba to meet.
Tsubasa will suffer more next episode!
>implying we won't get berserker Bikki once she sees her bloodstained sunshine
Gaijins when?
What if the obvious fake cliffhanger is some sort of bait?
It's almost too obvious really.
>Carol choosing a song about reuniting with a loved person
My heart, if only.
I hope Tsubasa gets over her mindrape soon. It's not funwwatching her be depressed and ruining everything.
>Carol Return Hints
>No Fine Return hints anywhere
Feels bad fellow Fine Fags
Well we're approaching the halfway point so something big is gonna go down soon.
>Concert-chan got better after the concert
>Just lost some vital organs, not all of them, so she is fine
>Jam-transfusion was delayed after a power outtake, but no issue.
>Walking down a street carelessly, sees two girls
>Then gets beheaded by accident
>season ending pregnancy
Fine and Mamu can fuck off and need to never be mentioned again in the show.
magical frames
they're in the OP
they'll be back
When has this show done anything that shocking?
Imagine if the fountain of blood there actually winds up coming from Miku and she dies permanently for real, and most of the rest of the season is Hibiki mourning her dead wife, like would that be fucked up or what
did i miss the gaijin?
someone should do this for xv
Make it happen
Just act like the Verfags and treat everything as a at hint her imminent return, it's not like it'll make the post episode threads any worse.
Are you ready for his return?
No gaijin this week, Tsubasa is all we need.
Feels too obvious. I'm expecting that the twist will be that that is Millaarc's blood.
Or Elfnein jumped in the way.
Or Tsubasa went full PTSD and saved the day or made things worse.
How can anyone not be a verfag?
You know, Hibiki wouldn't have any problems understanding Tsubasa's pain if she had just let Fine destroy the moon.
The plot twist cliffhanger is that Millaarc will be beheaded by Cyber-Ver who hijacks the story.
Does this count for the Chris bingo?
I've been to both observatories. They're nice and free. Why do you hate the building?
>very cool henshin that fully embraces her martial arts theme
>excellent "covering" scene initially, making full use of 3D panning
>same for the martial arts part
>cool scarf pull
>great song
>however, takes a while to get going, bagpipes aren't used enough (why do they seem to become less prominent each season?)
Overall 9/10, I do miss the bagpipes being more prominent and they didn't draw all the potential out of the butt shot, but it's an extremely good henshin, accomplished everything a bikkifag should want.
>lewdest henshin in symphogear
>possibly even lewdest henshin in all of non-H anime?
>literal fucking poledancing
>creative movement in general
>incredible detail, excellent use of shading to accentuate her body, all of this practically frame-by-frame
>you might even say "Every Frame a Painting"
>good song, amazing start
Overall 10/10, nothing to say about it really
>bad camera angles, too zoomed in at times, too much spastic movement
>happens way too fast, you can't see shit
>on top of it all vision is obstructed by flashing lights (ex: initial covering could have been great based on the angles but its all obscured by random ribbons or whatever)
>basically no 3D space movement unlike EVERY OTHER henshin
>cleave bounce bullet reload wasn't actually that great because the angles sucked
>copy BANG but forget the boobs jiggle and dont make her target the camera/viewer
>mediocre song
Overall 4/10, just mediocre and uninspired. By anime standards it might fare better but from the perspective of just this show, it loses points because we know they can do better.
Cyber-Ver has returned from the moon and he's here to abduct Miku for GOD
>everyone drops what they were doing to go punch the moon
>great motion and camera angles
>sadly lacking in lewdless
>cute as heck finisher
>good music, good start, however the tune is repetitive and doesn't change until the henshin is over
Overall 7/10, it could have used some more focus on clearly defined body shapes (in other words, lewdness), compared to AXZ it's a massive stepdown. You might think that's ok because her theme was cuteness, not lewdness. However, I can't help but consider it untapped potential.
>initial covering could have been slightly better I think, doesn't show too much
>gymnastics part was pretty good
>"boob breaker" was amazing
>arguably the best "mecha building" parts of any henshin
>AMAZING audio support of the scene, I don't even like the song that much but the way it builds up during the song makes it look all the cooler
>could have been lewder?
Overall I'm gonna give it 8/10, I just really like the boob breaker and the music.
>initial covering was pretty damn well done
>really liked the slow motion swordplay while the camera was moving around
>swords becoming "feathers" is genius
>great finisher
>surprisingly, we did get some lewdness
>music was "okay" im gonna say
I think it deserves a 9/10, much like with Hibiki it basically does everything a Swordfag could want
agree with Mamu but Fine needs to come back
>tfw Tsubasa is even dumber than you are
>Why can't we just break the law, dess!
>calls anyone else dumb.
Kyaroru's face kills me every time.
>Millaarc kidnaps Elf9 and takes her to the chateau
>Carol's presence accidentally activates some relic
>which Dr Ver consumes to restore his life
If Hibiki is free of the curse of Balal, why the fuck does she not understand Tsubasa's feelings?
Vanessa suddenly waxing into her backstory was kinda jarring. I felt like they could have maybe fit it in before the meeting with Fudo so it didn't just get dropped in the middle of their meeting.
I could see Ver having fused with the Chateau.
>Ver AI controlling a giant castlebot
kirika wins off the pole dance alone
Because Tsubasa isn't.Plus, you gotta speak the one language, I assume.
Hibiki can't understand Miku either, and both are free of the curse
>Hibiki and Miku are both free of the curse
>still argue with each oter
She is free of the original sin (the forbidden fruit thing), not of the curse. The curse is just human communication jamming by the moon.
She's a baka.
The curse of balal is a lie, humans are just assholes
>STILL no male gear
You gotta communicate in the one unified language of Babylon then, I suppose.
Following laws is for people who can't think.
Oh, hey, Maria.
>tfw you're a brainlet but your waifu loves you anyway
can someone who understands runes translate that?
>t. Maria
She only pretends to love her so she can shit on her with no repercussion.
You better do something about this Maria.
Shirabe doesn't know what they're talking about either.
>I really really love the tsurugi and wan't to mate with her.
Shirabe knows enough to shut up.
>Better to be thought a fool than open your mouth and prove them right.
Will we get a TsubaMari _hug?
You mean KanaTsuba?
Why does she only show up to get bullied?
Why can't Kirika have a moment with Tsubasa for once?
If Carol awake in next episode, what will be her first line?
They hate each other.
With how much XV is mirroring S1, I imagine something like this happening.
>Tsubasa is fucking crazy seeing everyone as Milas
>Maria takes the hit to be able to grab her and calm her, breaking the mind control
Chris was too straight for XV, that's why they removed her screentime.
Oh boy, I can totally see that happening.
Miracles good.
do you guys thing vanessa got the message from bikki?
Chris mainly exists to make Symphogear Radio jokes.
How can you hug ash?
>She breaks it with a forehead flick
Hibiki or Maria should hug her
on one hand i want Bikki to do it so she returns the favor and actually helps her on the other hand i really want Maria to finally do something so all the Maria fags get something
Please god don't ruin that fantastic moment in S1 by linking it to Mariashit.
>Group hug
Hibiki, Chris and Shirabe all have favors to repay. Maria needs to save her love.
Holy fucking shit I can actually see Shitbiki doing that. I will fucking nuke Kaneko if they make that selfish sociopathic cunt act like a savior towards Tsubasa.
More importantly, how much will they show us of Maria and Tsubasa's awkward first night?
What if the blood flow was MIlaarc cutting herself
this would probably make me leak a few
i love it make it happen user
all 3 hug the fuck out of her and Maria tips the scales and makes her finally accept the love
You mean Kanade and Tsubasa?
>what is Hibiki
>selfish sociopathic cunt
user, that's a little too far. She's a dumbass, but not a cruel one.
>Tsubasa is going berserk
>The other girls are trying to restrain her. Biki grabbing her under the shoulders, Chris holding her tightly around the waist, DMJii holding either arm.
>Maria walks slowly up to her. Gently strokes her cheek and flicks her on the forehead before warmly embracing her
>All the while Tsubasa's screams give way to tears
Bikki should be the one to save her.
But only after Sword thinks Bikki is Milaarc and we finally get the Bikki vs. Sword fight we were promised in the first season.
Tsubas and Maria never got to finish their fight in G either. Hell after 4 I don't think they even met again until the finale.
What the Gajin response picture like today?
Kanade is so dead and forgotten that she doesn't show up in the OP, when even Chris' parents got in. You need to move on.
Man fuck GX. Now every time I hear Hibiki get a little whiny and start talking about not punching things I get more angry than I really should.
Some drawfag should make a variation of this with Vanessa.
Some people dislike true heroes for some reason.
>I didn't leave the bridge for this
>Why aren't you having fun
>I feel like tripping
Yeah, I had the same feeling. The spat between Hibiki and Miku started making me almost unreadonably upset, because I was having GX flashbacks.
Gaijin doing mild karaoke with 1-2 other things in the background, probably.
What a sexy little kid.
Yeah, it was pretty bullshit. If I was on a date with Elf9, I'd shower her with affection and attention and headpats and kisses and gifts...
>Tsubasa and Maria never got to finish their fight in G either.
Tsubasa was kicking Maria's ass. They said as much. Maria had zero chance.
Oh shit.
What if to cure the status ailment they use the headsets again and we get a Tsubasa versus Team Gungnir fight in Tsubasa's head?
absolute art user
would be cheese but i love cheese
also rewatching it now
Tsubasa isnt even mad shes just stressed as fuck and how she feels inadequate makes her scared that if she ever has to do something she wont be able to, she isnt broken but shaken, the karaoke thing wasnt as bad she just needed a moment or two to talk it out some more and maybe give E9 some tips
She helped all her friends when they felt inadequate
>child sings her heart out while parents have a domestic in the background
Not gonna lie, I thought that said
>Maria walks slowly up to her. Gently strokes her cheek and sits on her head
for a moment.
Everyone should be Millaarc except front guy is dressed like angry Tsubasa. And throw in concerned Elf9 in the background
Nothing from the usual user yet, but
>burnt city background
>1 gaijin singing like Elf9
>1 gaijin with water guns
>a bunch of Millaarcs everywhere
I guess it would be something like that.
We're not trying to kill her.
sword in a building
WOW STOP PICKING ON ELF9 ALREADY. I genuinely felt bad for her today.
So we ever get a reason for the delay on Nana's CD? Because I want it now more than ever.
Three Millaarcs and an impaled noise instead of the gaijin could work.
I imagine cause B-side is literally such a huge spoiler that they had to push it back. Even though we pretty much know all about Hibiki's drama because of hers.
Carol would beat the shit out of ElfNigger for dressing like this
Miku will slap Hibiki next episode
Ame no Habakiri>Defender'z Brand>Geka Bijin>Beyond the Blade>Gekkō no Tsurugi
How will she do that when she's in Fudo's gay baby jail?
Ver will help her escape with the power of love.
Well they can't push back all the albums so a few spoilers are gonna need to get dropped and of all the girls right now Tsubasa seems to have the most shit going on.
So how does everyone like Tsubasa's new song?
>i miss Carol
Gekkabijin > Ame no Habakiri >>> Rest > Newest song
It's quickly one of my favorites as I posted just above. Also reverse Gekko and Beyond. I got them mixed up.
It kinda sounds like a love song.
"shes the clumsy one" so we getting Carol back arent we, i wasnt sure at first when i saw it live if i heard that right
also i really hope Vanessa made the right call but i cant see vamp helping them now because they need to fuel gandaddy's plans
Miku will have decapitated Millaarc with god powers
I need to seriously listen to every sword song and finally rate them somehow but I'm glad I'm not the only one who loves the new one
>"To you of the wind."
Well that could mean a lot of things.
But Sword is really the one she offended, and she's too broken to care.
>no extra spare bodies
>bringing Carol back
>anime permanently getting rid of Elf9
Choose one
Tsubasa's songs are the hardest for me to rank. They've been consistently amazing.
Hopefully giant autoscorers
nice blogpost
It's just "the clumsy one (and not the dark haired one)".
She just heard Miku say her name.
>To the wind of you
Imagine the smell
> classic Gears are r01 - r02
> Team Dork are i01 - i02
> Maria is x00
Yet more hints that her Gear is special. Maybe made from the relic on the missing arm of Fine's lover.
>“SG” stands for “Symphogear”. The “r” and “i” stand for “regular” and “irregular”. This is based upon the facts and circumstances regarding their development. The “x”, which is unique to Airget-lahm, indicates “unidentified sacrist”, since it was unable to be classified after analysis. Furthermore, the extra apostrophe after Gungnir’s ID number is to separate it from another unit developed from a fragment of the same sacrist. It also signifies that this unit was developed after the original “03” was. On the whole, whenever the gears are called upon, their model number is usually abbreviated or left out altogether in favor of simply referring to them by the base sacrist. As an addendum, the below list includes the model numbers for the Symphogear units that have been lost:
Rudy is a good boy.
Can Gears even go Berserk anymore, now that the Ignite module burned out?
Yeah ranking her songs is pretty difficult and I thought it was hard enough to try and do the same for Hibiki and Chris which i still can't really rate perfectly
Being bad with names also makes it difficult when you guys talk about them
>Elfnein singing
My heart
Did you skip the first season?
What the fuck was his problem?
Ignite just allowed them to harness the berserk power in a more useful form. They could all still berserk given the proper conditions.
Ryona/Guro/Snuff fetishists everyone
literally me
>I must act like an edgelord now so my death at the hands of Millaarc is "justified"
Carol is a better singer than Elfnein
Where is the bingo?
I will post this every thread until they dock.
The bath callback to Chris being autistic in the specials made me feel warm inside
Will Hibiki forgive Tsubasa?
The twist will be that they did actually kill Miku.
Imagine if the loli at the concert acted like that
>is cute as fuck
>has amazing taste in songs
>will inevitably resurrect Carol
Why do we hate her again?
I like it.
>will inevitably resurrect Carol
That's why.
Even it being justification doesn't make sense. She's already killed plenty of people so it's not out of line for her. If it's for the audience, why would we care?
Carol is a better Elfnein
So today's gaijin reaction image will be 2 of them bored with one being electrocuted. One singing karaoke with Elf9 behind them, One missing his head with blood geyser, and one holding Tsubasa's gigantic sword over his head with hypo stain-glass window eyes.
I like how Carol and Elfnein both have songs that are covers instead of originals (Green Green and now Mata Au Hi Made)
She should inevitably resurrect the autoscorers instead. She could make tiny versions of them that 'help' her with alchemy by sitting on her desk and talking shit.
Carol actually shows up, tell them she wont help or destroy the world because her other self is having the time of her life with her friends and the happiness makes her want to experience more of the world
Tells elf9 that she has some great friends and nods to Hibiki and the girls in approval
>If it's for the audience, why would we care?
That's the point. If the inspector was just some cute OL-type girl who was just doing her job then people would get mad at Millaarc more, instead of this sleazy dude so you don't give a fuck.
But the autoscorers are also Carol.
She's the mastermind that sits above Fudou.
They should have had some sleazy OL-type girl.
Who tried to molest all the gears.
I would like that as it would give an actual explanation as to why Maria's gear seems to have the ability to imitates others attacks.
Maybe it's a song about what a great guy her grandfather-father is?
Isn't that Tomosato's job?
But that's just Fine
>arm is still fucked up
Kirika was right, they overdid it.
I want Fine back.
It sure is.
>molesting Hibiki
She can try.
They might fuse personalities or Carol might become the berating voice in Elf9's head.
Carol was pretty much brainfried at the end of GX. Even if Elf9 brings back memories of her, that doesn't mean this Carol is necessary malicious.
Tomosato is a midget molester.
So, she only molests elf9 and Chris?
That would have been amazing
>Time for your 'inspection' with onee-san!
>Go ahead and take off your clothes, don't worry, it's okay, we're both girls
Not Chris, she smells.
But she smells of Tomosato.
Please be nicer to Tomosato, she's a good woman.
Yeah, she smells like Tomosato's hot stuff.
No, she won't share Elf9.
Still more appropriate than Tsubasa's choice in songs the last time she sang for one of these date nights.
I mean even the remnants themselves are getting away with a lot more than they should in the eyes of some fags because they're cute girls.
But will she share her hot stuff?
Sometimes simple is best so I think the gaijin should all just be replaced with Milaarc. Maybe one of them being cut in half if you want that.
Totally Fine.
I would also sneak in Tsubasa's unhappy face here. Maybe surrounded by a Mila or two
Makes you wonder if that's going to fuck her over at some point.
Shirabe was lucky that Fine tanked the soul damage for her, or she might be permanently a cripple after taking the scythe to the spine.
If you follow that logic, many of the gears should be dead already.
That sounds fine with me.
>Shirabe was lucky that Fine tanked the soul damage for her, or she might be permanently a cripple after taking the scythe to the spine.
Or, you know, dead, the most likely outcome.
What's his name? Ryona McGurofag?
Hibiki does something bullheaded again. Will she ever learn?
I wonder what would have happened to Shirabe if Kirika managed to 'shave off some of that fighting spirit' like she was trying to do?
No other geah got hit by Kirika's OP zesshou though.
will he neckfuck miku's headless corpse?
Zoid really enjoys lore speculation
Once Miku impregnates her and keeps her in the house for 9 months.
No, Bikki will.
the part she sings as she is sprinting up the skyscraper to attack the flying noise was hype as fuck
That's not speculation. That's Kaneko's movie autism.
Kirika used her zesshou with an overdose of linker and 10 min later she was walking like normal and stuff... they forgot that zesshou with linker burns your life and she's suposed to be dead.
Zesshou with linker is safer than without for them (see: AXZ episode 10), but she shouldn't have gotten away scot-free either. G was weird.
I was referring to his other tweets, I should have specified that
This fucking guy.
Is there a link to all their transformations?
Anyone got a webm of sword's transformation?
>they forgot that zesshou with linker burns your life and she's suposed to be dead.
But that was never how that shit worked. It was only how that retard Hibiki thought it worked. LiNKER saves your life and lets you abuse it for some cheap liver damage. Zesshou without LiNKER of being special like Tsubasa, Chris or Hibiki and you die. That's why Kanade died.
I always thought because they can use the zesshou in different ways that the one in G was just the start
Like Chris and her reflectors wouldn't kill her really it's the tanking that would, same for Kirika in AXZ and how she tanked a nuke during it
But if she was already hurt or tried to really fight someone and went all in? Thats a different story
Jii and Dess were playing chicken
I am in love with Miku.
shut up Hibiki we know already
Flat like a sword should be
>Carol "Malus" Dienheim
>joining the good guys
Carol will always be evil.
That's some god damn dedication.
Carol will also always be dumb.
That's Type K Linker, the one Kanade used. Ver's improved version, when properly tuned to the users, doesn't put as much strain on the body.
I don't understand the snowmen. Were they actually snowmen, alca-noise she saw as snowmen, or humans she saw as snowmen?
Just watched the episode. Fuck Elfinein, it's like they're going even more out of their way to show her as an usless hindrance to everyone.
> That's why Kanade died.
Kanade's compatibility was also shit. The Zesshou was merely the straw that broke the camel's back, as her body way wrecked from all the LiNKER abuse.
The better question is why Tsubasa, a highly-attuned natural Gear user, got so wrecked when she used it the first time.
>Fuck Elfinein, it's like they're going even more out of their way to show her as an usless hindrance to everyone.
As long as they bring Carol back, it's going to be daijoubu.
Because she still used it wrong and channeled the Zesshou energy through her body, rather than her Armed Gear. Serena did the same thing, but was also burdened by all the energy she had absorbed from the Nephilim.
But that's why it's going to be so much more satisfying when the next episode starts with Elfnein tanking the hit for Miku, using alchemy to blow away Milaarc and healing or better yet turning into Carol and blasting off Milaarc's good arm.
Because Tsubasa did it wrong on purpose to try and make sure that Chris died with her. She was gunning for that good old murder suicide so she could be with Kanade again after avenging her, but she fucked that up.
but her 5d backgammon almost paid off.
And the damage could still be there, she could still be hurting as fuck just how they felt pain and cramped up while using gears without LiNKER
Because the zesshou are still supposed to be dangerous, otherwise they could just spam them.
No, there was a timeskip of a couple days.
She'll change her middle name to Bonus.
Will Maria be able to heal Tsubasa, or will she:
1. Get stabbed by Tsubasa
2. Get interrupted by the Chernobyl plot
>I'm looking forward to the appearance of a villain who can surpass him. Also, I didn't think of Ver as evil when I interpreted him.
Chris said instead of zesshou guns she could just charge up her gear for longer but it leaves her open
In s1 the reflectors are huge and theres a lot more of coverage, in G theres less coverage as she didn't zesshou it
Its more or less 100% pure power output but it's forced, instant, it's your ace you play only if you need it but it also depends on how you use it
Kirika was still up and walking around in time to see Hibiki get stuck in the god cocoon.
Thank the medical staff and rushing her back to the emergency room instantly
The overdosing saved her life
> Carol will always be evil.
Not if she has forgotten why she was evil the first place. She doesn't necessarily recover all her memories.
Carol made two crucial mistakes:
1) Not getting the essential control relic when she still had all Autoscorers available.
2) Rushing out her replacement body for no fucking reason.
She had centuries to prepare, yet fucked it up due to poor planning in the end.
Maria is a modern mom who knows how to multitask. She'll get stabbed by Tsubasa, heal her and have a Chernobyl subplot all at the same time.
where atre the gaijins?
We're not getting them.
You have to go back.
I got some vague spoilers before watching the latest episode, so i sat through the "Milaarc" slaughter, half expecting Tsubasa to cut down Miku. That would've been terrible. I'm glad i assumed wrong.
If the blood is from the inspector guy, why the fuck would they order him dead like that, right there?
If it's not, then whose is it? A part of me wants to say it's MIllaarcs but I have no clue how that would happen either.
Serena would have survived if not for the falling rocks.
What's the best way to watch geah?
I expected Tsubasa to cut Hibiki during her rampage.
The scene felt pointless as it is. I guess it's building up to some point where she'll attack the other gears, but still her only hitting noise made the scene way less impactful than they probably intended.
Don't worry. Tsubasa's going to mistake Miku for Millaarc in the beginning of next episode and behead her.
Since Dur da Blá could use Zesshous and phonic gain, doesn't that make it an Amalgam?
She's probably piercing one of the blood bags to power-up or whatever.
Watch the livestream, rewatch the raw, then watch HS since they come out first, then rewatch with your preferred type-set subs.
Vanessa calling in before that is key. Mila's been taking out the cameras so Fudo can't see what will happen. Vanessa wants to at least pretend to take Hibiki up on her offer since she's starting to have her doubts about Fudo's promises. So they will still kidnap Elf9 but she will have Miku return with the message.
Milaarc likes to behead people, and the blood gushing out to the sky seems like it was from someone being beheaded. They won't kill Miku so it can only be the weird dude.
Vanessa called Mila didn't she?
Vanessa also had that moment after Hibiki tried talking, maybe she understands that Fudo isn't someone you can trust?
Or maybe they actually killed Miku
Why would she forget she was evil, but remember useful stuff like alchemy?
Nope, her organs were already shredded from the energy intake she had to absorb from the Nephilim. The rocks were just the final fuck you to make sure she's dead.
That would make sense. I didn't think about the whole camera thing. Still think Miku will be kidnapped though.
I just hope they don't drag the "Miku is totally dead guys!" drama too long.
CR since you would be supporting the creators too.
No, you idiot.
commie are a bunch of cocksuckers, don't support them
I remember reading somewhere that she would have been hospitalized for a while but would have pulled through like Tsubasa did if she got medical attention.
>watch the same episode 4 times
> supporting crunchies SJW agenda
I like this one the most.
>implying we're not getting RoboSerena next
Because if you're going to burn memories you're going to burn the ones that torment you, not the ones that allow you to make cool toys and powerful weapons.
Probably not because
>her organs were already shredded from the energy intake she had to absorb from the Nephilim
Typical dumb Dessfag.
Vamp's left arm can't catch a break.
Where did you get that bit of information?
it wasn't a zesshou, Carol said her energy beam had power equivalent to 7 nillion zeshous. stop speed watching.
>I only watch anime once ever, speed through them and then add it to my MAL.
Chris said otherwise.
This is the person who comes in with dumb questions about things explicitly stated in the show.
Well, maybe Commie's translation just sucked.
She didn't need to hurt anyone. She's gonna look at how much damage she did and become even easier to sculpt by Fudoh
But at the ending she looked like she forgot everything
not that user but i'm coming up to nearly 1k anime and i've never rewatched any of them
the way i see it, i would rather watch something new rather than something i've already seen
And the way I see it you're an idiot. But hey congrats on padding your list out, shame you'll never actually understand any of it. You piece of shit faggot.
> he has to watch something multiple times to understand it
brainlet detected
She said that her memories were all hazy or something like that, which is also what she says in the lyrics to tomorrow. She probably still had some memories of her father for example, cause Elf9 mentioning him got a reaction out of her. Maybe sleeping in Elf9's subconscious gave her time to piece together some fragments of the memories she still had left.
Why do none of these get translated?
>He doesn't rewatch things to understand foreshadowing, framing, animation, build up and patterns.
>He things UNDERSTANDING just means the plot.
> foreshadowing
why should i care i've already seen how it ends
oh yeah let me just rewatch this anime knowing full well what happens because that will be fun
> framing
i don't even know what this is
> animation
if it looks good enough i can make a webm, or i can keep watching new anime to find more good bits of animation
> build and patterns
see my foreshadowing comment
exterminate is the best opening
It's like one, uses tremendous amount of phonic gain and a massive tuning fork because the relic is still an instrument
You can appreciate the little things after you know what happens and how it ends and also catch tons of new details
One thing I never really understood in all those years was this - was Carol really lying here that she forgot? It did sound very convincing that she actually burned those memories.
But if those memories were gone, how could she get them back after getting a new body?
It's depressing to think this is probably not just bait.
It's a song for herself.
So far this is Tsubasa's development depicted in her B-sides:
Flight Feathers - start of her journey (as an international artist and an individual with renewed views in life)
Koi no Okehazama - from the karaoke
Sora E... - moving on from Kanade, accepting that she's gone and even so they could still sing together as long as she keeps her in mind
Luminous Gate - accepting herself as she is and opening herself to new possibilities
Yes, and Meteor Light is the best ED.
why do you think it's depressing
Because you have to ask
thanks for the non answer
What a narcissist.
>Maria still hasn't shown off Shadow Stitch which she would have definitely learned after training with Ogawa and Tsubasa
Miku x Elf9 duet when?
Nana's chuuni self-insert is the most important person in the world, after Nana.
>heiki hecchara
>dato shitemo
>yamete tomete
Which meme catchphrase are we getting next? XV still needs a GUNGNIR DATTO and jouzai senjo.
Why do people say that Tsubasa is Nana’s self insert? Other than the obvious point being voiced by her?
This is my interpretation. In the end we learn that Carol was intentionally distorting her father's last words as an excuse to get revenge on the world. She knew from the start that her father only wanted her to learn more about the world and know a lot of people. What she's saying to Hibiki there there is that she forgot how she came to have this twisted view of her father's words. The point at which her grief turned into a determination to destroy the world.
Sure, it's just speculation, but it's how I managed to make sense of it.
Jesus Christ how new are you?
Elf9 is trying her damnest to remember.
There's a 100% chance Fudo will say Jouzai Senjo at some point. Who knows about GUNGNIR DATTO though.
Nana has better legs than Tsubasa.
They have a lot of points in common that none of the other Nana characters share with her.
Sora E... is so great and underrated.
Nana herself would disagree with you on that.
She wouldn't if she saw her own quads in a mirror.
Last time Hibiki did something like this, Tsubasa slapped her.
Who cares what Nana thinks
What Nana thinks is the only reason this show exists.
Everyone with any sense.
>jouzai senjo
Where was that one used? I can't remember hearing that.
Read it again.
>Elf9 being cute
>Elf9 singing
>Elf9 interacting with the cast
>Elf9 being plot relevant
Fuck you all, I'm happy.
XV has been really good for Elf9 so far. Now she just has to revive Carol for everyone to like her
I'm surprised Hibiki didn't say "Itteru koto ga zenzen wakarimasen!" when Elf9 started technobabbling.
You forgot
>Miku being a cunt and ruining the mood just as Elf9 was starting to learn what having fun is.
Well, Hibiki kinda had it coming.
I want to dock with you.
Biki, shut up. Your party was making things worse. Get a goddamn clue, it's been five fucking seasons, this retard shit isn't cute anymore.
Since when do Japs care about spoilers? They spoil their own shows all the time lmao
Elf9 should stop trying to be cute and just be Tomosato's cumsock.
>Hey guys, this singing thing really is fun, maybe i should leave my workplace more often and stop messing with my own brai-
>no one was paying attention all along
Then maybe it's just way to maximize nana bucks I dunno marketing.
She's not that good.
>retard shit isn't cute
Kirika proves you wrong
But that's not a happy part...
Though Elf9 stuttering with the mic still on was cute.
They actually care about them quite a lot. They screened the first episode and nobody just said what the episode was about. In cases where episodes get leaked early or something, they won't talk about it on social media until the actual airing.
Even Kiri wasn't this retarded.
Everyone would have paid attention if her singing and choice of song were better.
>and choice of song were better.
Leave the thread.
Elf9 probably thinks fun is inherently connected to domestic arguments and guilt now.
>went to sleep after the episode
>dreamed about Mikugear
The moment Miku has any plot relevancy this happened. I hope she won't go missing and fade again into the background for too long.
> Everyone would have paid attention if her singing and choice of song were better.
> choice of song
Imagine her putting up an evil, smug smirk and start singing GENOCIDE, just to troll everybody.
Things that should have happened.
>"Rurulila, rurulila"
>everyone looks at elf9 with worried looks
>"just kidding haha"
>Elfnein gets up
>evil choir buildup starts playing
Now I'm sad this didn't happen.
Can hope for the inevitable end-of-season happy time party she'll sing at.
> Elf9 has taken a liking to singing
> mindlessly hums the melody of GENOCIDE with the occasional >"Rurulila, rurulila" here and there
> everybody is shitting themselves
A shame Elf9 is going to get kidnapped, this would have been fantastic.
I think that's foreshadowing Elfnein/Carol is going to cut that thing off next episode.
If we all think GX is shit and think Carol is a bad villain with dumb plans why do you all want her back?
I don't and I'm very judgemental of all these faggots that suddenly do.
So I guess we're through the 100% guaranteed henshins, now we just have the ones that are possible but definitely not guaranteed:
Maria (Gungir)
I highly doubt Maria ever uses Gungir again though. Funny enough that seems like the least likely one.
For the memes, of course. Why do you think everyone wants Ver and Fine back
>implying they didn't kidnap Miku and leave Elfnein there for Hibiki to find, giving her drive to complete her Carolrection
Carol is a pleb filter
As dumb as GX and Carol were, both were so dumb they're fun. At least to me.
> why do you all want her back?
Great character design and one of the best songs in the franchise.
Plus, she hasn't gotten a "real" redemption like the other Symphogear villains yet. Becoming the host of Elf9 doesn't really count.
Those are all speedwatchers and samefags, ignore them.
Ver and Fine are good characters in their own right.
If Carol didn't have LE EPIC GENOCIDE MEME, people would give less fucks about her than they do about Phara.
>being this new
>good character in his own right
it's all funny faces and Sugita for him
at least Carol has a reason to come back this season
>Ver and Fine are good characters in their own right.
Objectively speaking, the only thing they have more than Carol is memes.
Adam blows all 3 out of the water.
Carol never getting one and ultimately just being a vengeful, evil alchemist because nothing of her original self, motives or memories were leftover is honestly my favorite part about her character. Would hate for her to come back for a proper full redemption.
Slut9 was so good.
I don't disagree.
>at least Carol has a reason to come back this season
Giving something for Elf9 to do isn't really a reason and you know that.
>Get home from work
>Rewatch episode with subs
>Can't stop watching elf9's karaoke scene
Now, if only someone changed the audio to GENOCIDE AND GENOCIDE.
She did get redeemed. Because everything that was good about her was moved into Elf9 who tried to stop her crazy.
>show full of cute lesbos
>also introduce a man so sexy he yurns you gay
It's just not fair.
> Ver
> good character
He works as a goofy side-villain, but as a main villain, he was a disgrace. Adam and Fine at least had agendas "for the greater good", while Carol had daddy issues and Ver just wanted to destroy humanity to breed some bitches afterwards.
Fine >> Adam > Carol = Ver
t. Tiki
They were after Elf9 in the first place, why would they just leave her there?
Try watching the video muted with Genocide in the background. It doesn't go very well with the scene - her mouth movements are too slow and there are too many cuts to Team Drama.
>Ver just wanted to destroy humanity to breed some bitches afterwards.
And what's wrong with that?
>bring carol back
>no braid
>no goofy robes and hat
>no daurdabla
>no genocide
>no hagrol
> And what's wrong with that?
Nothing, especially he wanted to breed Maria and Kirika.
[Michael Jackson sounds]
For some reason it took me until I rewatched AXZ to actually like Adam. Found him supremely obnoxious and annoying when the season first aired. Not to mention how dumb his satan form looked.
>end up with Elf25
I want to see Elf9 in her old body with daurdabla
It attracts retards like you to the series and that's bad for everyone.
Just look around you! You didn't protect a damn thing!
Fuck you, I'm here since S1 EP1.
And no dolls.
>Fine >> Adam > Carol = Ver
Ironically enough, the Ver prison break scene and his interactions with Carol made for arguably the most fun villain moments in the franchise.
Miku (Gungnir)
From the thumbnail, it looks like she's a Nazi.
I'm honestly curious what their evacuation protocol and subterranean bunker network looks like by now.
They had maybe AT MOST 10 minutes, probably just around 5, to evacuate that entire area and most of that destruction was Tsubasa.
Was half expecting all those melting snowmen to be part of the illusion and be actual people.
Because she's the best villain in Symphogear and one of the best villains in anime overall.
>Hibiki dies saving Miku from being the bad guys captive.
>Miku takes up the mantle of Gungir for the final battle.
It will never happen, the showrunners lack the balls to do it, but I'd love it if they did (and Hibiki is my favorite character, so it's not like I just want to see her dead or anything).
You need to lay off /pol/ for a bit user.
>not Gen (Aegis) or Fudou
>we all think GX is shit
Don't fall for forced memes created by people with daddy issues.
She can regrow it
She can rebuild it
She can sing it again
Alchemy can make the impossible a reality
I feel like a retard for not remembering what the song she was singing is called.
Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru
Could Gen tank a zesshou?
I can't believe Miku is fucking dead
Villains with different goals and motivations interacting has always been a favourite trope of mine
>Hibiki says Tsubasa's the reason why everyone could live in this world
>Tsubasa destroys the very city she protected for so long
This scene hurts so much.
Dont worry, I doubt anyone's going to fall for your shit posts.
Ah fuck, of course!
Thanks user.
YuuYuu crossover event in XD when?
He actually might if he starts singing himself.
Alchemists were a mistake.
>7 years of cliffhangers that were usually resolved before the OP even played next episode
>this isn't one of those
Good lord just imagine.
I like alchemists.
You were a mistake.
Shut up, random peasant that burned Carol's daddy alive.
Tiki, you stop being so horny.
I don't like Tiki.
The best cliffhanger was still Hibiki getting her arm bitten off, since it implied severe consequences, even though it was immediately speculated that she could regrow it via berserk, which turned out right.
I miss Prelati.
Carol needs to be brought back because she's much sexier than dumb Elf9.
I love dogs.
Surely we'll get another Amalgam next episode, but who?
Half expecting Maria and Tsubasa, the former having to use hers to stop Tsubasa from going on too much of a rampage again.
Or it's going to be Miku.
Based on that image alone, I feel like impregnating Elf9's featureless body more than Carol's perfect body.
I miss Miku already. RIP.
I hope Amalgam stays MC-exclusive.
So that one faggot seethes forever.
Carol never had a perfect body, but Elf9's was even more imperfect.
>Prelati/Shirabe duet
>Cagliostro/Chris duet
Yes, user. That faggot is the one seething. And he totally exists.
Miku is obviously not dead and I don't want to either but I wouldn't mind if she loses an arm or so. Her piano career would end that way, though.
I am aware.
>If we all think GX is shit and think Carol is a bad villain with dumb plans
No, 'we' don't.
>somehow her gear activated, she's in full berserk killer mode again and the blood fountain was Milaar being mutilated
Ohmai that'd be something.
I like Dogs too, but I hate bitches.
Why do alchemists always try to cross cute girls with dogs?
Yes we do.
It's a fetish.
If Amalgam need imaginary friend then most likely Chris, if not then Maria.
Because if it works it would be amazing.
How else are you gonna produce cat/dog girls? I bet Prelati was behind this research.
>Prelati/Shirabe duet
Maybe this time Shirabe will dump the retard in favor of someone that can show her a good time.
Tsubasa paired with Prelati is also possible.
>Tsubasa forcefully activates it
>Prelati panicks because she's breaking it and her own body
>needs Maria hugs to calm down
>Tsubasa + Prelati duet as they absolutely obliterate Milaarc
Cute Elfnein-Chan saving this shitty episode.
Reminder that Japan now allows human-animal crossbreeding experiments.
I wonder how the boss alchemists felt about the rejects. It's said all of the Illuminati looked down on them but I don't think SG would have been too harsh on them, plus I imagine Adam would have tried to stick his robo knob inside Vanessa's robo cunt at least once.
>Ohhooo Vanessa. It is I, Adam. I must confess Im very interested in seeing how well our research team did at recreating your...let's call it womanly charm.
>It's in the sink, go help yourself.
Her body was literally built with being perfect in mind and it was heavily implied that the ones working on it were not doing so without any sexual intent.
You can bet that Adam as the boss checked the quality of his products.
Yeah but I don't think they will use Prelati before Cag and Prelati will most likely duet with Shirabe.
>think back to that warbly, unsure voice in Oreimo
>cut to today and that singing
Damn near brings a tear to my eye.
So you can fuck your dog in the name of science now?
More science is always good. It's what separates us from the animals. And soon combines us with them.
Top dad didn't get his redemption arc either.
I'm addicted to Elf9's karaoke scene, please come out soon bonus disc.
He doesn't fucking deserve it.
The stated goal is to create animals that can grow human organs for transplant.
But eventually we will either end up with cat girls or super soldiers.
Catgirl super soldiers.
Top dad isn't a villain, though.
Yes he is.
We can already grow human ears on the backs of rats and could for a while now. I don't think cat girls are the endgame for those experiments we'll need some new laws for that shit.
Yes that mother fucker did get one, which we saw when he passed Hibiki her gear and again when he cradled Elf9 because the bridge crew lost their minds, humanity and super powers in GX.
Shield the sword
Next episode is HibiMiku though
Always know that they will be the first to deliver on the genetically engineered catgirl for domestic ownership.
By the time Hibiki gets there, only Miku's bloody bag will be left.
By the time Hibiki gets there, only Miku's bloody bag will be left.
Tsubasa looks weird with makeup.