Pedos on suicide watch

Pedos on suicide watch

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Sjws or the left are pro pedo so those complaints don't make any sense. If anything funi would be right leaning.

Being realistic is not a bad translation, but it totally takes away the joke, because of the cultural difference.
In Japan / China / Korea the age of consencion is 14, and it is not uncommon to see older men with young girls, unlike drugs that are total taboo in Asia.

kinda makes the joke better really

>mods delete your thread
>keep making them
You're gonna be range banned if you keep ban evading

Why does Yea Forums still allow non-paying accounts or phoneposters to create threads?
Just constant russian psy op going on.

It also completely kills the intended connotation.

>russian psyop
Back to twitter.

pedos on absolute cope

Japan is 16

I don't mind the translation to pedophile because when a loli's stepping on me I want them to be as insulting as possible desu

It's still up

What was the original? Lolicon? Isn't out pretty accurate then?

yeah thats a based

only self-hating pedos object to this accurate translation

Good post.

>change the meaning of the word
What? Lolicon means pedophile.

Sort of? Westerners associate lolicon with 2D, but I'm not sure how it is for nips.

nope because now pedophile=child molester

Google it. The national aoc is 14 if I recall correctly but every state? county? Has set it at 16.


It's not even now. Americans all think and have thought that pedo=rapist.

>google it
Nothing solid shows up. Wikipedia says 18, but links to a page in nip. Give me a reliable source.

Most are 18, including Tokyo. Furthermore parental consent is generally required for all sexual relationships where a party is under twenty. Japan's effective age of consent is actually among the highest in the world
This was the first result on google when searching age of consent japan. It seems most prefectures are 16 or 18.

OH NO NO NO NO pedobros how will we ever recover?

user, do you not recgnize trolling when you see it?

Fuck the law.

A lot of mentally defective post-Gamergate newfags really believe that though

Based as fuck, imagine thinking that lolicon (dude attracted to little kids) isn't translated into pedophile (dude that likes little kids) Kill yourself if you're a lolicon

And fuck the lolis!

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>twitter thread
Get the fuck out Yea Forumstard

I fear politics seeping into Yea Forums discussions more than I do them seeping into anime.

I saw what became of Yea Forums and had to abandon it, even though most games are still fine. Don't make me do the same here. Don't go full retard, Yea Forums. I'm begging you.

>Using the correct translation is SJW shit

Twitter is truly filled with whiny little shits.

>parental consent
I genuinely can't believe that actually holds in court.
Nice reliable source you have there.
"The Act also bars females below the age of 16 years and males of less than 18 years from getting married without parental consent."
Contrasting to several other results that show up, such as:
"The age of marriage is 16 for girls and 18 for boys with parental permission, and 20 otherwise (as stated in " ナス邃「窶慊カ窶「ナクナスニ停?邸", the Child Welfare Act of Japan."
Wikipedia, etc.

I'm not claiming which one is wrong, but neither actually counts as reliable. Please find something serious.

BASED. Pedos should kill themselves.

Yeah, because they carry the mindset of moronic stormfronters, who always believed that liberals endorse pedophilia because LGBT. But it still ain't true.

Yea Forums is still somehow holding in. What we need to keep doing is reporting and moving on, if the fucking staff do their job then we'll be able to hold off the /pol/roaches and Yea Forumstrannies for quite a while.

That also shows that "i'm not some lolicon, i like busty 15 years olds" types are delusional.

The deranged people I'm talking about are the ones who think the right is pro-pedophilia, not ones who think (some of) the left is

which is why it doesn't translate well by calling someone a pdeophile these days you're basically calling them a child molester


Yeah, calling your customers pedophiles is probably a bad business move. Isn't Funimation owned by Sony ?

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It’s been getting worse since the Kyoani fire and sas panda shutdown

that right too

Why do you want to kill this thread ? It seems very relevant to /a given how many animes have young girls coupled with fanservice ?

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Liberals endorse whatever the current program is.

Today I will remind them

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I don't deny what I am. Only ironic lolicons do. They should go back to complaining about western game journalism.