

Attached: lolibros....png (600x671, 360K)


there is no place for us in this normalfaggot world


Quit making this same thread, faggot.

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Can we spin this around and make funimation look racist? Say some bullshit like it's ethnocentric and not taking into consideration the kawaii culture of Japan and separation of 2d and 3dd.

So is this like the 12th time you've made this thread this week?

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As it should be. There should be no safe place for pedos in this world.

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Pedos BTFO

All the more reason to stand with Vic. Hopefully he assrapes moronica and burns Funi to the ground.

he already lost in court you fucking idiot

Where is the lie?

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That study was only showing faces.

Seeing as lolicon comes from Narbokov's Lolita wherein he describes nypmhets as 9-14, it's more accurate to call it hebephilia than pedophilia.

What, the court of twitter? Because ron soye broke down during deposition

serves them right. Protecc megumin at all costs

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>judge throws out your lawsuits
Good job retard

>but she can't marry kazuma
What are you even protecting?

protecting her innocence from you pedophiles

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>be agains pedos
>stream pedo anime
the state Fuanimations.

Based funi
Pedos seething
There is no escape, day of the rope soon

fuck wrong image

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Pedochads own the anime industry
dilate tranny.

>Sankaku Complex

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>>judge throws out your lawsuits
Then why is the defense asking for a jury?


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More like
>be anti pedo aka not mentally ill
>bait pedos to watch your subs/dubs
>put pedos in their place

>Using something agains his original message

nice job exposing yourself pedo


pedobros how do we cope???

The mental gymnastics

Then why they are streaming anime with sexualized underage anime girls if they hate it and sell it?

Pick one.

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by taking a bullet to the brain. Loli witch demands it

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Pretty sure this study only took like 30 people

Chad fuck cunny meanwhile you fap to some roastie with that did the cock carousel

The very symbol of peak masculinity, the ancient greeks, were hella pedos.

Fuck off normalfags

That study was literally made on pedophiles.

it's not sourced so who the fuck cares

I don;t know what;s worse, Op being a faggot making this shitty thread several times a week, or the Yea Forumsermin siding with anyone like they are welcomed.

>he honestly believes this
When will pedos stop coping?

Cunny is the last bastion against normalfaggotry.

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Don't mind me, just waiting for the loli spammer.

edgar allan poe married his 13 year old cousin Virginia Eliza Clemm Poe all the great men in history are pedos.

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Greeks were also huge faggots, also onionboys. I don't think anyone assumes that comparison makes you look any better.

I mean they did this on the dub for Blazblue; platinum would call Ragna a pedo though.

So hollywood jews?

>funination tls are shit
meanwhile water is wet, the sky is blue, and yuri is trash

And all the men in the anime industry and there is nothing that trannys can do about it.

Well it's not an incorrect translation

>age 6, 7, 8 nothing


> people falling for this bait for the 20th time

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Ins't the very definition of this one because of the shit people eat lately?

Then why do you get so upset about being called a child molester?

Greeks weren't faggots in the modern sense, they just thought that only men were capable of true love/comradery, which is true.

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>source: my ass

More like
>mods not banning this subhuman and his Yea Forums brigade yet