Look up the very first mentions of Ainz on Desuarchive out of curiosity

>look up the very first mentions of Ainz on Desuarchive out of curiosity
>find the first ever Overlord threads on Yea Forums
>everyone is so excited about it and enjoying every detail that someone manages to translate from the Chinese version for them
>threads are max comfy
What happened to us, Overlads? Why have our threads been shit for years?

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Waifufags and shit CGI.

Overlord wasn't the first or last series to suffer that fate, though

You just got an especially horrible season to nail the coffin together

>Notice Overlord when vol 2 was still being translated
>Vol 9 hadn't come out yet
>Everyone was having fun
I miss those days

Less interest, smaller "fan" base.

The only good overlord was season 1. Everything after has been dogshit.

overlord by now has 2x the word count of all 3 the lord of the rings books most of it was the same shit over and over again so it never had any real tension or stakes for ainz and anons slowly drifted away

also the writer throwing a hissy fit on sm and nukeing his own ln should tell you enough about the quality

I don't disagree with your points, but I'll never get another series with an evil skeletal overlord protagonist again, so I can't just abandon the novels for being repetitive and written by a touchy turbo-autist.

There's always a point that you just have to let go. Although as mediocre as the Holy Kingdom Arc was, I don't think Overlord has reached that point yet. The author's antics and all these delays have certainly put this series on thin ice. Also fuck whoever keeps asking for more garbage anime adaptations.

check out the fags over at /tg/, they are doing the correct course of action. we should make a rpg in rpgmaker or a visual novel(we can just use official or unoffical art for it, who cares its a fangame).

honestly its better to think of overlord as a homebrew dnd setting and the story as just 1 story in the world

how is nigels fanfiction?

The series will end with Nazarick destroying the Slane Theocracy. The next volume, or the one after, will end with them learning the ST are the owners of the WCI they are searching for
Also, can someone explain why perfect warrior allows Ainz to use world champion armor?
How does it bypass the need for the world champion class?

People finally realized Overbored was overrated garbage

Where are you Albedo bro?
Someone make a thread with a title this time

Fuck, that's a good question.

How would (You) fix it?

Early Overlord Threads were fuckin great, I remember all of us looking at the images from Volume 3 and wondering what's going on were comfy as hell.

Different guy,go hard as fuck. Reading about a walking ultima weapon who is constantly tender footing around when he could kill everyone is boring. Conquer the world and enslave every last female kuroinu style.

Maruyama got tired of Overlord.
Its obvious that he doesn't give a shit about the characters, the world and the story anymore.

An actual plot.
Actual characters.
Literally just focusing on the first village would make it a lot better.

Last two volumes and volume 10 never happen instead we go straight to stuff like PDL and Black Order, these arcs just feel like stalling for real plot points.

This. I knew something was wrong. This is when Maruyama ran out of old material to rewrite, so it makes sense he doesn't have a plan anymore. Damn.

Mates, Demiurgus has been working in his holy kingdom project since volume 1-2
It was certainly boring and kinda underwhelming, but we have know it would happen since the beginning
Volume 10 though, that was indeed pretty much filler

Give more chapters to smart characters like Albedo, Rennet, Demiurge and PA.

Maruyama isn't smart enough to write a smart character believably so you'll never see them get more than the bare minimum.

Yeah but the Holy Kingdom stuff could've been the Black Order stuff as well. Remedios asks Slane Theocracy for help instead and we get some back and forth between the Scriptures and Demiurge's plans as they actually manage to exceed his expectations and end it on an oh shit moment with Black scripture managing to trick Demiurge and murder all of his Demon Lords in a coordinated action leading into the part 2 being when Ainz gets dragged in.

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Aren't Albedo's plans really important to the plot, is he just gonna throw her POV and have someone explain it to Ainz?
>"Albedo I have an observation on this papers..."
>"Your mind is too formidable for me! Now let me explain how I was gonna betray you in detail"
>"Ahh umu.." *Hides gym class plan on space pocket*

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Remember when S2 was announced and we were all happy?

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not gonna happen in this story ever, aniz has about 10 lvl 100 minions and like 200 lvl 75 minions that can all be res'd at any time. Strongest mage in world is like lvl 60 and can just about hold her own against 1 of the maids

The story can only have any tension from pdl or nothing

Generally speaking if a niche manga/LN gets an anime it attracts the absolute lowest form of subhuman scum. From Dr. Stone to Overlord to Kaguya to whatever you personally like, as a general rule of thumb an anime is the worst thing that can happen to a good manga.

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I too think Albedo is going to betray Ainz.
Demiurge is going to stay loyal.

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It hurts.

I love my lovely wife Albedo.
Marry me!

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Nah Black Scripture is canonically above Fluder and he's only the strongest known Human Mage. Most of them are only like level 50 but they are decked out in gear from max level players including a few world items and Zesshi is like level 80-90 or something since the Author stated she's one of the big powers along with PDL. They'd still all get riggity wrecked by Ainz or any of the Floor Guardians but they could almost certainly gank one of the 75-ish Area Guardians pretty quickly.

>including a few world items
This is false, the only WCI confirmed that the ST has is Downfall

Popularity and adaptations always ALWAYS fuck up threads.
Nobody remembers but SAO used to be well liked here and people considered Kirito to be a good MC.

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>you will never befriend albedo
>you will never have her give you a race change item so you can ascend to demonhood
>you will never get to eat humie souls with your best bud albedo
Why are we here? Just to suffer?

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Have you seen the last two seasons? They were abysmally bad compared to the first one.

I would rather breed her raw until she is heavily pregnant with my kids and dispensing milk for me like a cow.

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Why did the focus shift from Ainz and co to the Lizardmen and shit?
Who cares about them?

>Dorohedoro and Dungeon Meshi are next


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If Ainz wanted could Albedo wear that in the tomb and have displays of affection in public?

Probably yeah. I legitimately think Albedo's gonna stab him in the back though lol.
You remember that episode where she gets angry at him for helping Sebas?
That was the clincher for me.

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I would've liked the lizards if they actually lead into something more, have them get involved with the beast army that's invading the Dragon Kingdom and give Cocytus something to do with the worlds plotlines.

It's interesting how people still don't understand this
Albedo won't betray Ainz, she is mad with the rest "Supreme beings" because they left them. She hates the fact that Ainz changed his named (from Momonga). The common theory is that she put together a hit squad to kill the other supreme beings in case they are in the world (you can actually call this a betrayal itself, but whatever)

Damn, it's unreal how much better the fan translations are than the official English volumes in nearly every respect, even though Maruyama personally said "King of Darkness" was a truer-to-spirit translation than "Sorcerer King."

>even though Maruyama personally said "King of Darkness" was a truer-to-spirit translation than "Sorcerer King."
That's just him wanking business talk, it's not acceptable to take the side of free translations over the guys your publisher paid to localize.

Acting as if Maruyama's words are honest and has no ulterior motives is no different than Nazarick taking Ainz's words at face value. It's just foolish and lacks common sense.

The only consistent proper translations in the novel scene these days are from WW because they aren't cunts with their heads up their asses and know proper balance with a relatively uniform standard, whereas even J-Novel Club is more or less dependent on what the translator themselves wanna do. Seven Seas, Yen Press, etc all have their own retarded red tape they believe will allow them to expand towards the turbo casual markets aka people who just happen to glance over these books in a store.

Nintendo of America refers to Bowser as a Sorcerer King in the original manual story for Super Mario Bros. so I'm pretty sure Maruyama was just providing lip service like said

Get Fei Yan to ghostwrite. He can easily tie up all loose ends and foreshadowing, and he'd be the perfect person to write in Touch Me crossing over for a reunion.

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Rereading the Kingdom arc, weren't Albedo's dresses too "revealing" to be worn infront of human men?

If you mean her stash of slutty clothes she keeps hidden but basically never got to use this whole time then yeah.

>stash of slutty clothes
Weren't those for Ainz only? The one's he gave her were too revealing as well..

I forget, but I'm pretty sure Tabula had a stash in a hidden space in the throne room. But the ones referred to in the Kingdom arc probably were Ainz's, but then again it's been too long I don't remember the exact passage. I just know she looked like pic related and honestly it's a lot more tame than her default dress.

Albedo honestly is rather conservative for a succubus. Even hat-chan and Clementine are sluttier.

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So, any news on the next volume?

Of course not. Don't expect it earlier than next spring. Maruyama's cracking.

slowly introduce and build up actual threats
if he is an end game character he should fight end game bosses. Because ainz has fuck all to do its all side character filler

The war of the Players.

Simply put, all the other players are in the world with Ainz, and all are setting themselves up as God-Kings. Eventually, it leads to the first World War.

I mean, basically the main problem is that there's no meaningful opposition. You have one guy who is immortal and invincible, who just curbstomps everyone. This has continued for thirteen volumes. The logical extension of this is "All the other players are roaming this world, too, and they're just as good or greater."

Have it just be one guy. If you're one guy, you can't project force the way an entire organization can. Make it one guy, and have multiple rival PCs in the same world, so everyone is vulnerable to everyone else on some extent.

So far, the only minion who was notably impaired was the insect-maid, and even then she recovered. Shaltear died and came back like it was nothing. There was an entire arc of Sebas walking around and One Punch Man'ing everyone into powder, and the Holy Kingdom invasion was done by Demiurge and a few summoned homies.

What I'm saying is, they need to be less unstoppable.

This would definitely help a lot.

This. Also, there should be a clearer division of class roles. Ainz is a Level 100 caster, but he can still fight as a warrior. This isn't true in, say, D&D, where even a Level 20 Wizard is still really shitty at combat.

Here, he can still fight as a Level 30(?) warrior, which seems to be missing the point.