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Bring something back.

Anime boards are 3rd from the left

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Since when 2ch allowed posting from japanese IP only? I wanted to say hello to my fellow Japanese friends.

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>they have an entire board for cats
neat. also can anyone tell me the topic of each board? all of the boards with anime seem to allow porn

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Sexy cats.

Isn't it pretty new? I don't remember the cat board last I checked, but I might just not remember it. Also in regards to the anime boards, I remember some user explaining it at some point, though I only remember that one of the boards is really active and the 2 others aren't.

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Found out this is pretty good for navigation

2D Live is ongoing shows. 2D Neta is "memes" or some shit. Don't know about the rest.

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What voice actress was used for that baby seal?

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It's Megumin isn't it.

Someone still remembers A Channel

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I remember that little shit.
Was rather cute.

White women are confusing.

Attached: cuntfusedjaps.png (545x455, 149K)

>pick an anime board at random
>its the porn one

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dey arr rook same

Glad to see a cultured thread amidst all their /h/ tier threads

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Doesn't matter, they're all dead. Look at the dates. Only board that's even close to Yea Forums speed is may.2chan.net/b/futaba.htm
Don't even bother with the others
Yep, look at those dates, those are dead boards.

do japs use panda

I see japanese comments in sad panda
so maybe perhabs
I didn't see any indications of it in 2chan tho

Why are they so slow? I remember everything was much faster a couple of years ago

No, those are chinks.

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Don't think so. Nip just don't use imageboards that much, 5ch is much more popular. You're probably confusing the two

Fuuka very popular

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post the link please

There was a huge problem with Korean shitposters so they banned every non-japanese IP

>no catalog

lmao fucking troglodytes

from what I can tell:
/27/ - cats
/62/ - camping
/e/ - autos
/j/ - bikes
/45/ - photography
/img2/ - looks like a random board
dec/b/ - random
/jun/ - random or hentai, but there's a lot of porn (including loli jun.2chan.net/jun/res/22453115.htm)
may/b/ - random
/58/ - dead random board?
/59/ - probably another random board
/23/ - random but there are only 7 threads per page
/74/ - fate grand order
/75/ - lots of anime girls here. OP's image came from this thread: dec.2chan.net/75/res/456.htm
/78/ - e-sports
/31/ - video games
/60/ - kancolle
/69/ - looks like a mix of Yea Forums and /x/
/65/ - no idea, but is dead as fuck
/64/ - another random?
/61/ - sony
/webm/ - webm
/34/ - touhou
/o/ - guro
/51/ - no idea but it warns you about something
/up/ and /up2/ - probably show the site's status
/3/ - technology
/g/ - sentai
/2/ - mecha
/63/ - films
/44/ - toys
Yea Forums - vehicle-related toys
/y/ - even more toys
/46/ - lewd toys
/73/ - vtubers
/79/ - history, religion or mythology
/50/ - tv and/or reality shows
/38/ - no idea
/f/ - military
/39/ - more military
/m/ - maths?
/40/ - more touhou
/55/ - the kind of random anime posts you can find on /qa/
/u/ - hentai (biggest board so far lol)
/ascii/ - textboard, probably for ascii art
/script/ - another textboard
/6/ - no fucking idea
/76/ - looks like a board for old stuff
/77/ - looks like a mix of Yea Forums and sentai
/70/ - politics? there's a pic of hiro there
/junbi/ - textboard. they post pics on other boards
dns_check and kiyaku look like pages about the site itself
I also found a board about the 2011 earthquake:

Attached: 1564571368900.jpg (777x1087, 732K)

Now do the same but for 5ch. There are literally hundreds of boards there

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is this an appropriate name?

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>The joke is even better in english because you could you translate it as "little pussy"

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>they have a board dedicated to FGO only and we can't even get that fucking /eceleb/ set up
man, fuck Yea Forums

Shiroi pantsu... iinee

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Rei with heartburn

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I wonder if nips have the same Rei>Asuka shitpost threads every now and then.

Big tiddy doll

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This thread is gold

>make nearly same thread but instead of 2chan it's reddit
>get banned



Don't reply to obvious bait.

you're doing it wrong

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I don't know how to feel about this...it was the first thing I found....

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the absolute madmen

I just picked a buyfag thread randomly

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As if the spic burning down half his country wasn't enough.

>What happened?
The owner of this website (medaka.5ch.net) has banned the country or region your IP address is in (US) from accessing this website.

You ok user?

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Probably a response to this
Yea Forums.org/4channews.php?all#27

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>They have a whole fucking board for FGO


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It needs a containment board.