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Bring something back.
Anime boards are 3rd from the left
Other urls found in this thread:
Since when 2ch allowed posting from japanese IP only? I wanted to say hello to my fellow Japanese friends.
>they have an entire board for cats
neat. also can anyone tell me the topic of each board? all of the boards with anime seem to allow porn
Sexy cats.
Isn't it pretty new? I don't remember the cat board last I checked, but I might just not remember it. Also in regards to the anime boards, I remember some user explaining it at some point, though I only remember that one of the boards is really active and the 2 others aren't.
Found out this is pretty good for navigation
2D Live is ongoing shows. 2D Neta is "memes" or some shit. Don't know about the rest.
What voice actress was used for that baby seal?
It's Megumin isn't it.
Someone still remembers A Channel
I remember that little shit.
Was rather cute.
White women are confusing.
>pick an anime board at random
>its the porn one
dey arr rook same
Glad to see a cultured thread amidst all their /h/ tier threads
Doesn't matter, they're all dead. Look at the dates. Only board that's even close to Yea Forums speed is may.2chan.net
Don't even bother with the others
Yep, look at those dates, those are dead boards.
do japs use panda
I see japanese comments in sad panda
so maybe perhabs
I didn't see any indications of it in 2chan tho
Why are they so slow? I remember everything was much faster a couple of years ago
No, those are chinks.
Don't think so. Nip just don't use imageboards that much, 5ch is much more popular. You're probably confusing the two
Fuuka very popular
post the link please
There was a huge problem with Korean shitposters so they banned every non-japanese IP
>no catalog
lmao fucking troglodytes
from what I can tell:
/27/ - cats
/62/ - camping
/e/ - autos
/j/ - bikes
/45/ - photography
/img2/ - looks like a random board
dec/b/ - random
/jun/ - random or hentai, but there's a lot of porn (including loli jun.2chan.net
may/b/ - random
/58/ - dead random board?
/59/ - probably another random board
/23/ - random but there are only 7 threads per page
/74/ - fate grand order
/75/ - lots of anime girls here. OP's image came from this thread: dec.2chan.net
/78/ - e-sports
/31/ - video games
/60/ - kancolle
/69/ - looks like a mix of Yea Forums and /x/
/65/ - no idea, but is dead as fuck
/64/ - another random?
/61/ - sony
/webm/ - webm
/34/ - touhou
/o/ - guro
/51/ - no idea but it warns you about something
/up/ and /up2/ - probably show the site's status
/3/ - technology
/g/ - sentai
/2/ - mecha
/63/ - films
/44/ - toys
Yea Forums - vehicle-related toys
/y/ - even more toys
/46/ - lewd toys
/73/ - vtubers
/79/ - history, religion or mythology
/50/ - tv and/or reality shows
/38/ - no idea
/f/ - military
/39/ - more military
/m/ - maths?
/40/ - more touhou
/55/ - the kind of random anime posts you can find on /qa/
/u/ - hentai (biggest board so far lol)
/ascii/ - textboard, probably for ascii art
/script/ - another textboard
/6/ - no fucking idea
/76/ - looks like a board for old stuff
/77/ - looks like a mix of Yea Forums and sentai
/70/ - politics? there's a pic of hiro there
/junbi/ - textboard. they post pics on other boards
dns_check and kiyaku look like pages about the site itself
I also found a board about the 2011 earthquake:
Now do the same but for 5ch. There are literally hundreds of boards there
is this an appropriate name?
>The joke is even better in english because you could you translate it as "little pussy"
>they have a board dedicated to FGO only and we can't even get that fucking /eceleb/ set up
man, fuck Yea Forums
Shiroi pantsu... iinee
Rei with heartburn
I wonder if nips have the same Rei>Asuka shitpost threads every now and then.
Big tiddy doll
This thread is gold
>make nearly same thread but instead of 2chan it's reddit
>get banned
Don't reply to obvious bait.
you're doing it wrong
I don't know how to feel about this...it was the first thing I found....
the absolute madmen
I just picked a buyfag thread randomly
As if the spic burning down half his country wasn't enough.
>What happened?
The owner of this website (medaka.5ch.net) has banned the country or region your IP address is in (US) from accessing this website.
You ok user?
Probably a response to this
Yea Forums.org/4channews.php?all#27
>They have a whole fucking board for FGO
It needs a containment board.