Is she a yandere?

Is she a yandere?
Is it safe to be around yandere lolis?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Ryuuou no Oshigoto! - 10 [720p].mkv_snapshot_16.59_[2018.03.19_17.13.05].jpg (1280x720, 114K)

We love Ginko here.


As long as you do as she wishes, you will be fine.

Blue Ai a best
Red Ai a second best
Ginko a shit

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inafter THK falseflag.


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How fucked are you?

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dude shes just a loli, whats she gonna do?

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She's crap in any case, either go for red Ai or Ginko.

Blue Ai > Red Ai >>> shit >>> Ginko

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Very. With no rest.

>liking stinky peepee panties

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> Is it safe to be around lolis?
As long as you do not take rock CDs or beer from them you should be fine

Blue - deredere/yandere
Silver - kuudere/tsundere
Red - tsundere/sadist

Prime JC a best.

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too bad shes a cunt

I heard there's an actual yandere in the show but no one posts about her

Red Ai a best

She's an old hag even worse than G*nko.

So this is what Ginkofags are into...I see, I see.

>Lolis are powerless
user, I...

I don't care what anyone says, Ginko is a good girl.

Ginko a shit


>Her mother entrapped her husband into a loving marriage by following him to his apartment and living with him when she was 14 and he was an apprentice cook at her family's inn. Ai came to him at the age of 9.
>Her mother insists that she set him up and create incriminating circumstances to get him to take responsibility for her and she very nearly succeeds
>The country is under the impression that they've been pseudomarried with the blessing of the Shogi association thanks to them hijacking the Meijin match broadcast for their own purposes
Do you think that is normal and safe behaviour for a little girl?

Yes. Arranged marriages at a young age produce good and healthy marriages later on. As long as they aren't related, of course.


Do young children have a solid sense of danger, right/wrong, potential harmful consequences of actions, etc? No. They don't. They're all little psychopaths and they typically only stop behaving like psycopaths until adulthood.

>they typically only stop behaving like psycopaths until adulthood.
Yeah, explains why the internet is full of literal children.

Anonymity has the curious effect of making almost everyone behave like psychopaths.

More like anonymity lets people be honest

Honestly stupid.

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Reminds me of that ankle cutting scene from pet cemetery

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Ryuuou no Oshigoto has top tier daughterwives

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Imagine dedicating your life to a "sport" this fucking autistic. I'm pretty sure half the difficulty of shogi is all the retarded rules designed to try and keep chinks away.

t. ballfag

no seriously what can she do?

>Securing a stable mate early in life
Seems like she's a smart young girl if you ask me.

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Attached: [HorribleSubs] Ryuuou no Oshigoto! - 10 [720p].mkv_snapshot_03.58_[2018.03.17_22.43.43].jpg (1280x720, 90K)

I wish I had a yandere loli gf.