Yea Forums draws - sugar song to bitter step

Original OP:

Previous Yea Forums draws:

Make sure to claim your frames before you do them.
For the frames in green pick a character and follow them for the duration of the frames you choose, when you claim say the frames and the character, if you don't know their name say their position in the first frame they're in in your section.
As for deadlines, there aren't any but if it's been a few weeks since your claim and you haven't posted a wip then your frames will be reopened.
If you want to do inbetweens you can ask and I'll render them for you.
Please only draw the character not the background. On a similar note, if you think you have 0 artistic talent in the slightest and don't fancy trying your hand at drawing a character, you can draw a background, I'll add the spotlight, but as long as it has a floor in the same position as the original go wild.

Lastly here are the frames:!hDwBjYIA!ZuLdzfZp8YLwM5z6eysO7A

Attached: SSTBS4.jpg (2000x7000, 1.82M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Finally finished just after the other thread died,here is chain 266-237
Wames a shit

Attached: finished floof.gif (1200x675, 153K)


Have a bump.


What program do you use to make these?

The guy who just submitted here, I use paint tool sai, it's free if you know where to look,but anything with layers would work like gimp which is actually free

Thank you. Have another bump.

Attached: 1556501807156.jpg (651x737, 53K)




Going to draw my frame today.

Ganbate user!

Attached: 1552063041152.png (514x476, 348K)

taking 133


I've enjoyed the previous Yea Forums draws, but this series is so shit I'm not even participating.

Guess I'm done with 28-33, I'd go over it again and add more detail and shading but I fucking suck and it'd probably not improve it much since I suck with colours.

Attached: 28.png (1280x720, 13K)

Attached: 29.png (1280x720, 12K)

Attached: 30.png (1280x720, 12K)

Attached: 31.png (1280x720, 12K)

Attached: 32.png (1280x720, 12K)

Attached: 33.png (1280x720, 12K)

>He doesn't like AOTD
I think it's time to reroll user

claiming 00150A

>Yea Forums draws all about replacing the original with anime you like
>Not taking the opportunity to replace something you don't like with something you do

Attached: 1559337910672.jpg (498x424, 27K)

Also to anons doing 226 to 237 keep in mind a fair few frames repeat so keep an eye out for that when you're doing your frames.

Attached: SSTBS4.jpg (2000x7000, 1.82M)

For frame like 150A, should the background be transparent?

You're acting as if this isn't a fanwork that requires intimate knowledge of the original ed.

You've been given everything you need to know, you could walk into any Yea Forums draws never having watched the show.

I've never been to one of these but I want to take part.
If I understand OP all I have to do is pick 1 character in green and draw him in the frames I want?

You can also pick any other free frame/sequence if you feel like it.

Sure, but why would anyone do that? As I said before, Yea Forums draws is above all a fanwork and I find it hard to believe anyone not actually invested in the series in question would contribute.

If you have something you want to put in the bg you're free to do so but I don't mind either way.
Yeah that's it, for the green parts you can choose from 216-220, 222-225 or 226-237

It's not fan work for the show, that's more what you do in Yea Forums sings, it's fan work for Yea Forums using this ED as a base.

Then I take klaus from 216-220
but one more question do I draw it as klaus or as another anime character I find fitting?

That's a very nice way of looking at it, but I don't think many people actually share your sentiment. I find it hard to believe many people would be willing to invest time in drawings of a series or an opening they dislike or are very neutral towards.