

Attached: [Commie] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 02 [E31B085D] 00:18:53.jpg (1280x720, 150K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck the gears and fuck Japan.

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What is Japan saying about this godawful """cliffhanger"""?

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Elf9 x Miku

>Quake in your boots
fucking commie



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>chateau's back and relevant
>that Elf9 zesshoushinai
You guys better roll out the red carpet.

Attached: smug carol.png (1280x720, 1.37M)

>Carol comes back
>maybe the dolls too

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This episode is the first this season where Heavenrend's name appears on screen. Let's see how Crunchyroll handles it.

Attached: xv tsubasa.webm (852x480, 2.74M)

but it isn't

Look around, Tsubasa!
You didn't protect anything!

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 05 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_20.33_[2019.08.03 (1280x720, 117K)


It's ojii-san who got whacked.

>that indentation in the building
>huge sword stuck in building

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Ame-No-Habakiri's been on screen at least two seasons ago, speedwatcher


Attached: nut.png (517x445, 225K)

Retarded speedwatcher.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 05 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_19.00_[2019.08.03 (1280x720, 108K)

Fuck off Herkz

No shit. But do they hate it as much as we do?

We don't hate it.

This is your Noise for tonight.

Attached: 382Kyogre.png (1280x1280, 584K)

You x a bullet in your head

sounds like a chris song

>/vp/ hijack
Is that board even still alive?

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Regrettably, yes.


Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 05 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_12.20_[2019.08.03 (1280x720, 109K)

The implication is the force of impact pushed the surrounding structural beams inward.

So what was wrong with the magazine Kirika was reading? Was it lewd?

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Fug will stop the custodians

Add another 3k to the killcount

Attached: tsubasaoops.jpg (591x458, 227K)

I don't see anything indicating hate, but that could be GT missing subtleties.

It does, doesn't it?

I want to die between these thighs.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 05 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_21.14_[2019.08.03 (1266x2148, 1010K)

And it's pretty fucking obvious that Milaarc killed that obnoxious mustache guy

Attached: 14262783.jpg (1280x720, 119K)

Nice oc, fellow vampchad.

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>desolate land's your path

>noone even cares about swords henshin

What went wrong


Attached: screenshot Sat 03 Aug 2019 07.03.32 PM CEST.jpg (883x290, 42K)

Combine it with the Elsa telescope image.

Stop shitposting.

I love her thick thighs and giant hands.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 05 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_19.37_[2019.08.03 (1280x720, 87K)

No one has watched Symphogear for the well-written plot since season 1.
We watch it for the charismatic characters, songs and fight scenes.

I'm fucking devastated.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 05 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_21.23_[2019.08.03 (1280x720, 260K)

I cant believe Miku shot Hibiki

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So swordbros how does she finally heal?
Great henshin, great action scene just how Chris got hers but NO HAPPY SWORD AND HUGS

Ok, Maria has noticed Tsubasa is not alright a couple of times now, can she finally do something about it?

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 05 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_20.40_[2019.08.03 (1280x720, 109K)

>shown to be a scientist/researcher so most likely has a high IQ
>reconstructed into a cyborg
>bound and electrocuted by members of a cult-like organization
Vanessa is a literal Kamen Rider reference. I hope she ends up jacking Tsubasa's bike.

Attached: shockerhongo.jpg (500x403, 70K)

70,000 deaths per second.

>speedreader calls out speedwatching
Oh, the ironing.


WAIT, fudou looks like Ver.
Are they related?

Attached: Senki-Zesshou-Symphogear-G.png (1280x720, 298K)

Why does she want to be Chris so bad?

Sword will only find true happiness once that Vampire's entrails coat the street.


So today's gaijin reaction image will be 2 of them bored with one being electrocuted. One singing karaoke with Elf9 behind them, One missing his head with blood geyser, and one holding Tsubasa's gigantic sword over his head with hypo stain-glass window eyes.

>Second time "Miku has died"
XV has been great to us so far, I don't think they're going to take the easy way out and kill the pervert instead. Well I don't think anyone is dead but next week will have an unexpected start.

Next episode? Hopefully?

>walmart nekomusume

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 05 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_13.38_[2019.08.03 (1280x720, 203K)

Got the stitch for this?

she wants her milkers to satisfy the dikki

I like how they're trying to redeem the vamp while still having her murder tons of people.

>getting this mad the second she spotted Milaarc
>doing nothing when Milaarc appeared in front of her while letting Hibiki handled everything in the previous episode
sasuga Kaneko

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 05 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_18.22.624.jpg (1280x720, 83K)

Last time they were in bumfuck nowhere. Now they're in the city with people around.

??? Have you maybe not atched the previous 4 seasons.
This is 100% his modus of operation.
Hes currently thinking
>hehe I bet all those viewers are thinking Miku just got offed!
>oh man how surprised they will be next episode when I reveal that it was actually the pervert!

Hold me lads

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 05 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_22.01_[2019.08.03 (1280x720, 239K)

>was stuck in a golden ball.
sasuga user

Why is sword so mad

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 05 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_12.17_[2019.08.03 (1280x720, 137K)

getting that mad after the eyes shit happened
sasuga speedwatcher

Can't act up when the mary sue is around

At this rate I kinda like dog and cyborg while vampire can go die

Next week she will suffocate Tsubasa with her milkers

Evil miku it's real

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I'm still wondering why she even agreed to go at all, despite telling Hibiki to fuck off the previous episode.

I love Sword.
Please somebody help her.

She hates the midget.

Good job Tsubasa you saved the city

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 05 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_15.55_[2019.08.03 (1280x720, 250K)

i knew this shit was too wholesome to last but i loved every second of it

Her happiness is gone for good, until Milaarc dies.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 05 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_18.24_[2019.08.03 (1280x720, 363K)

>these lesbians are so loud
>Elf9 can't even hold a note
>my feet hurt
>there aren't even any swords around here
>I wish I was at home cutting candles


Just let Ghost Kanade handle it

Tsubasa's too busy thinking all the different ways she could stick her sword into Millaarc.

Yeah, but this particular case is just so outstandingly transparent. I find it hard to believe not a single person who saw the script before it was finalized got up right there to buy a "Cliffhangers for Dummies" book and whack Kaneko in the head with it until he had absorbed all of its information.

so exploitable.

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It wasn't just about Millarc, Tsubasa was worried that a bunch of people were going to get killed again and then the eye stuff happened and she started losing it trying to find the 'real' one without consideration that she might be attacking things that weren't noise. It wouldn't have been to Millarc's benefit to activate Mind Flaying before because it wouldn't have looked bad on SONG to have one of their soldiers go berserk in a population center. This is probably the most collateral damage outside of X-drive fights we have seen.


Miku niku

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>standing up against Fine
>standing up against Noise
>standing up against Fudou
>standing up against Milaarc
And she did all that while possessing no special power, just as a regular human being. Why is Miku so damn cool?

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 05 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_21.23.525.jpg (1280x720, 478K)

Miku and Bikki do watersports.

I can't believe Miku is dead!

>Kaneko-sama, you can't make an entire season of just references to season 1 scenes
>Are you sure?

Attached: [DmonHiro] Senki Zesshou Symphogear - Episode 13 - Meteoroids Falling, Burning, Disappear, And Then. (1280x720, 117K)

Is there male clothing as /fa/ as Miku's? I want to look exactly like this.

She's recklessly brave and doesn't afraid of anything when her friends are in danger. If anime girl was there, she'd call her the MC.

Isn't this a good time for Carol to take the reins?

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 05 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_21.59_[2019.08.03 (1280x720, 201K)

Why is Tsubasa such a partypooper? Shit happens, she should just get over some failed concert.

Just dress exactly like that.

>Why is Miku so damn cool?
She does it for her wife's sake

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Was Hibiki's hurricane attack a reference to kanade's attack?



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Elf9 steals the show!

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>still taller

Why does she hold guns sideways?

so uh
how does one wait another week? this keeps getting harder and harder

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Miku is a chad. Her taste in women is just weird.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 05 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_14.03_[2019.08.03 (1280x720, 223K)

Watched too many movies.

Miku knows how easy it'd be to seduce Hibiki with a body like that

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how do we stop Tsubasa from causing more chaos?

Attached: tsubasaoops2.jpg (800x458, 351K)

Elf9 is cool when she doesn't act useless!

I want carol to come back not only to get a really bitchin song but also to get some retcons and character development beyond muh daddy
Right now she should have just become a stripper like every other girl with daddy issues

Miku has the best taste in women.

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This episode proved that they're going to drag all interesting plotlines out for eternity so I lost my weekly hype. Nothing's gonna happen next week either.

She's imitating Chris who spent years around Mexicans and their "hood aim"

The vampire is starting to make me mad

Seriously, it's kinda hard getting into the serious atmosphere after that Elfnein scene

Fine would have killed her if it weren't for plot armor

We should be able to see Hibiki's nipples in this shot, if she had them. Maybe she doesn't have nipples.

So what was Miku telling to Hibiki at the karaoke?

The season would be done by episode 3 if it was made by your ADHD turd brain.

>dual wielding red guns

It's the way of the gunslinger, kid

Tsubasa's henshin is fucking amazing guys
Holy shit
And her new battle moves.
Based Wingsword

But it would be good

Miku ate them.

i wish they would go slower and leave some time for a well needed SOL episode or something but they need to cram as much action as possible
i still love it

>tfw you forgot to tell Miku she's really fucking important, and now she's throwing her life away like that, but at least you found out that nagashi somen tastes good

Attached: [YameteTomete] Senki Zesshoushinai Symphogear AXZ - 4 (1920x1080 BD FLAC) [108E2088].mkv_snapshot_03 (1920x1080, 902K)

But it gives you no tactical advantage whatsoever.

>implying you could be mad at this

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Of course girls in this universe don't have nipples, just think of how many times we would have seen them during their transformations and they would poke through their gears easily.

I know I'm being bamboozled but this shit it me hard. I don't even care about Tsubasa's henshin and drama anymore.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 05 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_14.01_[2019.08.03 (1280x720, 228K)

yes i'm still mad

Even harder to rate them now
Bikki, Basa and Dess are the best

I want a doujin of her featuring thighfucking and cracking someones head open with her thighs

And so is someone else, as cliffhanger suggests.

That Hibiki wasn't thinking about how Tsubasa feels when she invited her and when Hibiki asked her "how about you?" she said the thing about the concert.

Pink scarf with a silver pin.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 05 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_15.02_[2019.08.03 (1280x720, 142K)

Miku's head.

You probably don't even like her either, you just post her to get a reaction from people

The vampire is starting to make me hard

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Hibiki asked if Miku understands Tsubasa's feelings. She said "of course" and explained the concert thing

I'm calling it now I'm betting my virginity that the pervert isn't dead and nobody's dead. Carol's coming back next week, Alchemy will save the day.

The modesty preserving glow just keeps us from seeing it
Worse than the Curse of Balal

Attached: [H&D] Senki Zesshou Symphogear GX 02 (BD).mkv_snapshot_05.39_[2016.06.05_20.38.00].png (1920x1080, 1.85M)

we'll have to wait for the storyboard animations.

I can't believe that they are setting up alchemists for redemption

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Why won't Maria heal the sword
Fuck you Maria!

Look at that elf9 beanie!

Maria probably bought that for her


I can.

>t. Tsubasa

Attached: HorribleSubs Symphogear XV - 02 720p.mkv-0001.jpg (798x768, 32K)

It was nice seeing them interacting a bit

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 05 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_15.31_[2019.08.03 (1280x720, 134K)

Elsa and Vanessa havent done anything bad yet, now Millarc...

Habeeb it, it was obvious from the start.

They actually showed her noticing Tsubasa being a bit fucked in the head

This season needs more episodes to fit more interactions in

Are you new to the series?

Well, it's obviously that guy's blood. Miku is more near to the building than from where the blood is sprouting.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 05 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_22.15_[2019.08.03 (1280x720, 77K)

Fuck Tsubasa is too /fa/
My eyes are not worth it

What the fuck was Tsubasa's problem?

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 05 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

Half the tards in these threads started watching just before XV began, and only because retards thought they should try to make more people watch.


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Snowmen are cunts.

>Vanessa havent done anything bad yet

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 03 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_10.57.117.jpg (1920x1080, 252K)

Something feels off about this shot...

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 05 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC)-02.jpg (1280x720, 167K)

>tfw it's actually Millaarc's

In Hibiki's delicious asshole.

>burn them all!
>Burn Them All!

That's it, she went too far.

Miku is dead. Just like Hiyori.

She needed to some judgement cuts too.

Yeah, Maria is going to forbid Tsubasa from going out to action, not only because she's personally worried, but because she caused a fuck ton of collateral damage, when they were already just in hot water for Amalgam to begin with. Shame that Elf9 isn't there to help them figure out what is going on. But Maria will probably remember how to do the mind dive thing. Time for Ver to come back and get her to admit her love

Don't tell Elsa

I also guess that Miku and Elfnein will be kidnapped by the alchemists who might give them to Fudou. And the Mikugear comes back, so Hibiki meets Miku again in the battlefield. It's like pottery

But I can't find anything comparable for men that also fits into my budget.

Attached: 1548291196467.png (246x269, 101K)

What if
>next episode starts with the reveal that Milla stabbed the guy because reasons
>but she stabs Miku right after that

>You once were a snowman, but now you're no man.

damnit 2chan!

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>for men
Just get something for women, then.

What did Vanessa tell Milla? Are they finally switching sides? Do they even know about Miku?

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 05 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_15.59_[2019.08.03 (1280x720, 98K)

So when Tsubasa threw that giant sword into the building, is that sword just stuck in the building now until someone removes it?

Well good thing there were zero living things in the street

Miku will dodge the attack and uppercut Mila.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 05 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_19.33_[2019.08.03 (1280x720, 115K)

My wife Hibiki is too lewd

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I can't believe they're actually bringing carol back.

holy fuck.

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Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 05 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_16.03_[2019.08.03 (1280x720, 155K)

>Just like Hiyori.
I guess that means Miku will come back to life in the next episode.

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>until someone removes it
They probably retrained the vacuum cleaner guys from the first two seasons for this purpose. Job creators, user.

>Do they even know about Miku?
It's obvious that Fudou provided them information about the Gears. So as Vanessa is being befriended by Hibiki, she does not want to kill her girlfriend.


Fucking useless shit.

>Mindflay makes Tsubasa see Millarc in things
>seeing Millarc makes her sperg out
It's happening guys. Tsubasa is gonna stab someone on accident while on Mindflay. And chances are it will be Maria

>it's gungnir in spear form pierced through Millarc's chest

She can probably make it disappear, just like Chris and her guns.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 05 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_16.03_[2019.08.03 (1280x720, 150K)

Nah, there has to be a reason that Millarc killed that guy from the Provisional army and was destroying Cameras. She wanted Miku to be able to escape, if Fudo knew that she was a lose end, she would end up dead. Will probably also tell Miku to tell SONG about what is going on. The Trio have probably realized at this point that Fudo doesn't care about them and they will die once the Relic is activated and Fudo can safely use it. Instead of his promise to return them to normal humans.

>Maria belongs with the bureaucracy squad now

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 05 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_17.48_[2019.08.03 (1280x720, 444K)

Mila doesn't even known Miku's name.

There were so many armpit shots of Tsubasa this episode, when she was transforming and fighting. Between her and Millaarc last episode I think someone on the staff this season has a giant pit fetish.

I will genuflect only if you manage to beat me with your spell card.

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user says he wants to be /fa/, not /lgbt/.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 05 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_17.31_[2019.08.03 (1280x720, 140K)

Nah, she can just disperse it once her gear disappears. All of the objects produced by their gears work like that, even Chris' bullets, so she can shoot her gun and make the bullet disappear before it would hit a civilian.

Tsubasa's sweaty pits.

She just came along to watch her husband kicking ass

>bureaucracy squad
It's Tsubasa's hitmen squad.

Purple scarf

Tomato, tomato.

Bless them

I can't believe GX is relevant again!

Maria is officially an agent of SONG.

>Do they even know about Miku?
She said "We were only ordered to capture Elfnein. That means it's up to me to decide what to do with you."

>Imply ransacking burger "research center" is bad

Kaneko does it again
I bet Vanessa is a Wild ARMs reference too

I can't understand Jap but was Hibiki actually using her brain to try to figure out the enemy's plan.

Why do they even need that useless little shit?

they did the entire fucking takeover just to get their hands of elfnein.

say it with me:

CHRIMAS ______

She's like a human squeaky toy, could be fun

Why doesn't Elf9 have any alchemical weapon? All of the other alchemists have weapons and can fight while Elf9 keeps tripping over her own leg.

But Vanessa probably knows about her. It's obvious that Milaarc did what Vanessa comanded her, kill Fudou's man while not harming Miku.

Fudo to fucking dumb to play with the bracelet.

Its nipponland, what makes you think somebody would just go out there and point out the obvious?

Dude she's a little kid go easy on her

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>Hey guys, while SONG is on lockdown, let's go out and have some fun, you too Elf9, you're always working and now you can't anymore, perfect time to do something.

Yup, Fudo is a fucking genius. It's like he knows all of their habits. Like he has a man, on the inside.

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If you put a weapon in her hands she would probably hit herself by mistake

God, pissed Tsubasa is stirring my loins. I want her to go full edge and decapitate and then flay somebody into pieces in rage.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 05 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_19.18_[2019.08.03 (1280x720, 414K)

Let DESS fuck with it then.

She's not a fighter. Even Carol was a pretty shit fighter all around and needed overwhelming power to compensate.

Attached: miku_wants_it.png (1920x2161, 2.25M)

It's Fujitaka.

So, how does the backup singing work in universe? Does the gear just provide it?

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Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 05 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_13.13_[2019.08.03 (1280x720, 67K)

Vampire gangbang.

I unironically liked her performance
CD when

>Elf9 got a song
Cute. Shame that everyone else ruined her moment.

This week's henshin wasn't lewd enough.

CR lacks the skill or will to edit something like that. Only Commie are autistic enough to do it, just because they refuse to admit being wrong about anything

God I wish that was me

God I wish that was me.

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Fudou talks about how he wants the power of god to be forged into worthy blade that a sakimori can wield, be that him or Tsubasa.

the remnants are fucking retards, so it's likely he's looking to get his hands on the next best capable alchemist/technician that is still fucking alive, which would be elfnein/carol.

Also, carol's castle was powered by a relic that holds authority over all kinds of machinery and I can't remember if it got destroyed or sealed away. Fudou would also know that elfnein has been fucking around with her brainscanner.

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If only the panda weren't dead.

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>he doesn't know
It's back, they moved servers to Moldova.


>"muh 2 fights per episode is baaaad waaah" spamming reaches fever pitch
>we get an episode that doesn't do that
>it's the worst one of the season so far

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Me I wish that was

Have you been under a rock?


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Silly sword, you haven't heard? Panda is back. Someone made a generous donation of 1million dollars to move it to Moldova or something. So even if the old Admin doesn't want to fuck with it anymore, he's handed it off to people that do.

>CD when

Probably a BD extra.

its not, dumb sword

She's more of a bodyguard of the badly armed SONG members


ignore the shitposters user
the only bad part of it was there was too little SOL even if the action was great

Winter Vacation: Snow-viewing, open-air onsen inn

>to be forged into worthy blade that a sakimori can wield,
Holy fuck that nigga is dumb as shit. Even DESS could come up with better uses.

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>Implying fucking Shinji needs a body guard against humans with guns

That relic got destroyed before Carol ever got a chance to use it and whatever's left of it is probably still in the ruins of the underwater relic vault.

>Someone made a generous donation of 1million dollars
The admin said that was bullshit. He just found a new host with some people's help.

He likely doesn't mean it literally, user.

It'll probably end up being a literal god-symphogear instead of a katana

Yes, she said "there's no way they'd just let the noise on a rampage for no reason, look for the alchemists".

Fudo only cares about muh nippon apparently
He's gonna make Nanking look like a fucking joke



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Watch the Frontier Incident happen again except this time the entirety of Japan flies into space

Poor little blue wing

Who would build so many snowmen in the middle of the street?

Attached: 1564855011793.jpg (1280x720, 114K)

>carol's castle was powered by a relic that holds authority over all kinds of machinery
It was Ver, his arm can control any relic.

Ah, but he was still going on about how he was tired of moving before and that "Blah, even if something did happen, my tendon in my wrist and I can't sit at computers for long" Made it seem like he was just making excuses. If he wants to go, that's fine. Won't fault him, but at least give it to someone that can take up the mantle.

You don't understand, it's more to send a massage to the opposing party. Like that they could kill them all without even suffering a single scratch ad that they are sure as hell not afraid.

>taste in women is weird
>implying Hibiki isn't the ultimate sleeper catch

>tfw they find his corpse and revive him

Oh god Germain's already influencing her. Yeah I think Elfnein got stabbed because thanks to Hibiki/Germain they sure as hell don't need her anymore.

Episode was a 4/10

Very boring with little plot advancement

Wasn't that the scroll that Carol tried to get in the underwater palace, before it got destroyed? Ver was plan B, and that backfired badly.

They also all have the exact same bucket on the head

You're both correct, I was thinking of the XDU event for that relic.

(You) edit when?

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 05 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_03.06_[2019.08.03 (1280x720, 71K)

She's angry. Angry about vampires.

Guess I'll rewatch Gochiusas to heal myself after this fucking ep. Thanks for reminding me user

It was all setup for later. Re-introducing chateau. Getting a look into the minds of the trio and why they are working for Fudo. Showing just what Mind Flaying can do to Tsubasa and stealing Elf9. It doesn't feel like much separately, but all of these should have big pay off later.

Dear lord

It should be a list of what sexual services Maria will perform on the crew.


Attached: Jiii.jpg (1280x720, 156K)

Did Carol appear in that event? I only know about the new gear forms it made.

There really isnt a "later".
The shows nearly half over.


Attached: 1374268305945.gif (360x203, 2.55M)

Subs are out

and maria

This too

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 05 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC)-05.jpg (1280x720, 150K)

She's fucked in the head.

>20 seconds of Tsubasa's heavy breathing

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 05 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_20.34_[2019.08.03 (1280x720, 477K)

Twitter artist?

It's a build up episode so it might get a bit boring, let's just hope they wont screw the next episode

It gets used to power a flying battleship that can nukes cities if anyone gives a fuck.

Attached: 6mg6a8x.jpg (1422x755, 98K)

Yeah, but she's also 100% loyal and would probably do anything for her 'sunshine'. Miku just got lucky enough to be 'sunshine'.

So whats this maddness i hear about Elf9 doing more than just pressing buttons???


Attached: jiiii.jpg (1820x722, 297K)

Don't believe those lies. elf9 doesn't even deserve her name capitalized, and can ONLY PRESS BUTTONS. Those button's don't even do anything important either.

She started singing but it was so bad that Miku got mad and started screaming at hibiki

Carol didn't appear in any mobage event yet, they have been saving her for XV it seems. There is a girl that is based off of carol design-wise though, and Hibiki pretty much becomes her mother for the short time they spent togehter.

Attached: Sharon_Concept_Art.png (900x996, 878K)

They will. Or rather, you fags will find something to bitch about and act like they did because you've been brainwashed by "objective" hate culture promoted by ANN and MAL into thinking bitching and shitting on stuff while enjoying very little is what objective superior people do
Because liking things is wrong and cringe.
Fuck you.



>There really isnt a "later".
>There's only over half the show left
So which is it?

What the hell is wrong with her hair?

>foreshadowing for the HibiMiku baby

She's gaijin and emo

Ignore him. He's a brainwashed "objective" retard who fell for the meme of "objectivity". Now he's joyless and doomed to a life of mostly boredom, but at least he gets to believe he's superior because he hates stuff.

Does Hibiki make a good mother? You sure she didn't teach her anything weird?

Whats so hard to understand?
Theres so much stuff they have to cram in, there will be no point in time where they will ever reap the benefits of these build up and reminders except for some 10 second scene.
I can't remember if the ship's name was known already but that's a neat detail I guess

Attached: [Erai-raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 05 [1080p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_00.02.56.jpg (1920x1080, 806K)

Thats one interpretation.
My interperation is that they know Carol was a mistake and pretend she never existed.

Sub out.

Fuck off to ANN and stop bitching., You ain't objective

Why was Miku so jealous of Chris?

I just wish they hadn't gone with such an obvious cliffhanger. It's so obvious that Millaarc killed that weird brown suit guy that I wonder why they even bothered.

Miku is Miku.

If that's so why did they just give us the third sign of Elfnein working to bring her back?

>there will be no point in time where they will ever reap the benefits of these build up
There will be in the movie.

The backup vocals in Tsubasa's song were fucking GOAT. YAAA HAIYAA has finally been surpassed

Hibiki taught her katana and hiragana on suggestion from miku, since sharon doesn't even speak japanese at the start of the story. By the time the event ends Sharon swears that she'll become strong like hibiki one day too, and start helping others out.

I'd say a job well done.

To throw the 2 carol fans who exist out there a bone.

>Hibiki taught her katana
Shouldn't Tsubasa do that?

Bikki bikki's

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>ebin movie meme
You're not helping.

Poor Miku doesn't stand a chance.

>it's the worst one of the season so far
Imagine having such shit taste

What is the best background choir for drawing your katana and why is it YAHAYAAAAAAA

I know the first one got blown up but?

How red will Hibiki get when she finally notices that Miku has been sexually attracted to her all this time

Kirika is cute!
It's not fair that only Tsubasa gets to talk.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_03.55_[2019.08.03_15.18.33].jpg (1280x720, 398K)

She only gets red about tits.

>Likes big boobs
>Still choose Miku anyway
Bikki best husband


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>gorefag gets the gore treatment

It's like pottery

Miku before "dying" or disappering to be reborn as pure Goddess wearing the bracelet tells Hibiki her real feelings leaving Hibiki upon realisation..
I just want my rage Biki back.

>making fun of Maria's japanese

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Quality faces.

Attached: 2019-08-04_02h27_31.png (244x255, 124K)

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I feel for all the non-radio fags that didn't get to lose their shit at Ayahi doing her elfnein impression in the actual show.

>people thought the Chateau's appearance was to make it relevant later
>it's literally just a hideout for the rejects
oh no no no no

I cant believe Miku just shot Hibiki!

Attached: Screenshot 2019-08-03 20.29.56.png (1600x900, 906K)

>we'll let you have this one, Symphogears
Will she ever admit a loss?

>he missed the entire point of the episode was fudo getting his hand on elfnein

>its weird why is taking Tsubasa to Karaoke not cheering her up????


Is this a bad translation so he said "siblings" or does this mean that Fudou has more sons?

Attached: brothers.png (1442x810, 563K)

She's taken a lot of head injuries so it was the best biki could come up with.

why did she say yes?

At least she didnt take her to a huge concert with say 70k people attending, I guess.

When is Genjuro training her? Maria could use some of that confidence.


Fudou's genes cannot be constrained to just three heirs.

Probably because Hibiki doesnt stop asking.
She asked 2 (?) eps ago and now in this ep.
Wouldnt you also just accept at some point and just get it over with?

>this entire episode

Attached: tiny action hero.png (572x800, 198K)

Nips where also surprised by this line so it seems correct.

Fudo's had 90 years or more to make kids.

Tsubasa is more of a man than Yatsuhiro.

Attached: tsubasa_uni.png (400x600, 39K)

>Chris goes back to being a cumrag for spics
>Miku takes over Ichaival for her

Tsubasa is my handsome husband.

Attached: FW.jpg (980x653, 81K)

Post a webm of jam


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Can't believe Mikus fucking dead.

I just want to be a young girl to play with other girls like that.

Where are the fucking aliens, Kaneko?

Enter Carol and the best girl squad.

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Attached: no_u.png (1920x1080, 1.91M)

Oh yeah? What you dont say captain obvious.

Attached: Screenshot 2019-08-03 20.38.30.png (1600x900, 951K)

>Miku actually confessed her whole character drama
Holy fucking shit I never thought they'd actually do it. No wonder Kimi Dake Ni is so gay, Hibiki knows the truth now.

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Don't forget the sex dolls.

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We saw 4 this episode: the Kazanari family.

Your threat of vengeance isn't very convincing when you're bent over showing us your ass, Dog.

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They will come out in the surprise second cour

>I know your team killed a little girl
>It's cool though be my friend?
Hibiki is the worst.

>the custodians were all here all along xD

FUCKING GODDAMN! Thank you, Miku.

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I'll allow it.

It makes people think you're an idiot.
Thats a major tactical advantage.

That little girl would have died anyway

Is it possible that he meant something cheezy like "you're the scariest big brother in the world"?

Ehh I mean Tsubasa is manly as fuck but still.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_09.22_[2019.08.03_21.22.58].jpg (1920x1080, 344K)

Mikued and lesbianpilled

God I want to slap that ass.

You can not brutally murder somebody on sight without befriending them user.

Its like all of you think jail isn't a thing that exists

Hands down my favorite transformation. Though now Im even more confused why her disc was pushed back a month. Will the B side have some serious spoilers or what? Just normal marketing to get the most Nana bucks?

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This episode sucked ass and the worst part is it brought out GX and Carol fags

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>yfw gay Jesus is about to get shanked

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>Saint Germain in previous episode
>heavy Carol foreshadow in this one

seethe harder adhd babby

She'd be much better if she rebuild dem dolls.

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What exactly did Kaneko mean with this?

Attached: Screenshot 2019-08-03 20.43.41.png (1600x900, 831K)

>the law says this
>the law says that
Fucking stop it. Outlaw Tsubasa when?

Attached: 1507984220083.jpg (1280x720, 78K)

So Ver forshadowing next episode?
Technically we had Fine forshadowing in ep 1


Next episode is Mikugear. And then CyberVer and Fine.

Tsubasa kills the hopes and dreams of children


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nana already recorded the songs, she said so on her blog.

Elements garden very likely just needed an additonal week to finish all the editing shit.

Here she has no headphones and no kemonomimi.
I had the idea on episode 2, but now it's practically confirmed that they hide her ex-ear scars.

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Attached: [RESubs] Senki Zessho Symphogear GX - 11 [BD 720p 10bit AAC].mkv_snapshot_21.00_[2019.07.22_17.29.46 (1280x720, 452K)

Is this a reference to the Witch Activity album, or are they both references to something else?

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>Actually taking time to cool down and let things breath
>Actually exploring Tsubasa's feelings about the massacre
>Miku telling Biki she's a baka.
>Sword Henshin

Great episode.

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I guess that also means Miku will kiss a custodian for ultimate power.
And still getting punched out of it by Hibiki.

>Season 6 is about Genjurou fighting his brothers to stop a new relic war and inherit the title of SAKIMORI
Boss did say she served The End.

I love Elfnein.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_15.13_[2019.08.04_02.44.36].jpg (1280x720, 339K)

So what's the message?

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>take two extra weeks
>then take one more
What are they doing?

She very clearly killed the government goon and grabbed Miku. This couldn't be any more obvious.

How does being a workaholic make you a failure as an alchemist?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_11.09_[2019.08.03_13.46.53].jpg (1280x720, 103K)

>Villain assembles
>Help geahs defeating the enemies
>All ended well
>The sixth season is a harem sol with Hibiki as the protagonist and the villains fight each other for biki's diki
>Ver turned into woman

Great fucking job, Miku. Now Tsubasa will think her friends discussing is her fault as well.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_13.35_[2019.08.03_15.47.43].jpg (1280x720, 414K)

>Will never see his smug face again
Feels bad man

>the final CD is Sawashiro, Sugita, and Inori choir

Attached: comfy genocide.png (800x800, 416K)

the two extra weeks for likely just for story spoilers. Every gear song usually has atleast 2-3 people working on it, so if someone gets the deadly japanese flu you're kinda fucked.

Kill the pervert and kidnap both Elfnein and Miku.

She can't even make her own jewgold or transmute a vagina for herself.
Why even live?

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>Miku two episodes ago
>"let's invite Tsubasa to karaoke"
>Miku now
>"Hibiki you're selfish for inviting Tsubasa to karaoke"

That's how I read the line too.

Adam knew how to relax, but put in work when it counted. He was topdog alchemist.
Elf9 spends most of her time "working", but ineffectively. This is suppressing any new input of ideas and makes her stagnate as an alchemist.

Well, he may have digitalized his consciousness in that sd drive.
He's missing a body so alchemists will make one for him
Alchemists don't make male bodies.

Good job at treating them like a monsters Fudou that's how you get backstabbed.

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Tsubasa? More like Tsubootlicker.

It was a trap, user. She wanted to see if Hibiki would actually be dumb enough to do it.

T. Biki.

When Miku said to invite Tsubasa it was a pretense to help her. It wasn't for actual Karaoke.

Miku has been shit since season 1 surprise surprise

She's just salty because there's a woman inside Hibiki that isnt her

>Miku will kiss a custodian
>Miku will kiss herself

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Double Miku niku swordfighting.

>Hibiki's random power up got them all in legal hot water because she didn't fill out the proper paperwork.

That's what happens when you bottle up feelings like Miku does. There'll be a moment where they'll spill out and you'll explode at the most nonsensical thing.

One of the gaijin should be a snowman that is melting down

God damn it, Miku. We came here to have fun, not listen to your stupid relationship drama. Do that at home.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_13.40_[2019.08.03_13.51.10].jpg (1280x720, 103K)

Fucking bureaucrats.

That Tsubasa is devolving into the Sakimori that Fudo wants her to be. Forsake everything fun, you don't need that. Snowmen are a symbol of innocence and fun times in winter. Maria's got to drag her back by any means

We Active Raid now.

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Shit episode
Needed more fights

This is Futaba's reaction to the line. All of them read it as if it said that there where multiple brothers.

Attached: 兄貴.jpg (711x769, 80K)

Attached: 1439801577725.jpg (1376x1888, 692K)

You weren't even invited, Chris.

fuck off Chris

>I want to trust in my father who impregnated my wife and who is the real father of my wife's daughter
Why is Yatsuhiro such a fucking cuck?

Adam was a dumb puppet.

I certainly wouldn't put it passed Fudo.


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [720p] - [].jpg (1280x720, 350K)

He was a proto human. All humans are puppets.

She said once this is all over not right fucking now.

will they deal with that?
Hibiki means well she really does but shes just too dense and stupid to notice shes doing the wrong thing
Taking sadbasa out to talk and just force her away from work is a great idea if you want to actually talk to her, karaoke not so much

They'll sing the Anime Trio's songs.

Guess Commie is going to delay this episode for >heavenrend aren't they?

Same energy

Attached: caro.jpg (184x184, 16K)

Tsubasa is going to make Maria wet herself

What a beautiful sword.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_15.44_[2019.08.03_13.55.36].jpg (1280x720, 75K)

All the manliness genes went to Genjuro and Tsubasa.

Miku just suggested to invite Tsubasa somewhere. The karaoke is all on Hibiki.

So what's his name?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_22.01_[2019.08.03_21.37.28].jpg (1920x1080, 387K)

It means tsubasa will kill chris, lad.

why do you think they named her yukine?

Yes, but who cares about Commie at this point?

They should have gone to Benigans.

Krazy Karol was the best.

Attached: 1472325465281.png (750x750, 417K)

Thanks for your valuable input, Chris. You're right this time.

>We'll talk later

Attached: 1554944452893.jpg (1269x1525, 218K)

Death man

>We are betraying Fudo, he's not going to help us and I have more faith in that girl to not fuck us over, so don't kill that girl

Or something like that.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_03.58_[2019.08.03_20.58.48].jpg (1920x1080, 888K)

Soondead Gonnadie

Thank God I wasn't the only one to see that.

>somewhere, in the far reaches of the Internet, is a guy who really thinks Miku got whacked

Someone at commie will have to waste like 30 mins or more to edit this shit out.

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>Say this line while looking at Miku
>Kill the guy

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_21.48.628.jpg (1920x1080, 490K)

Seriously the whole point was to actually address the issue. Not go have fun.

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How could you not want to be Chris? She's literally the perfect lifeform.

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>This episode was boring
Yes my cousins also suffer from ADD but we have pills now to fix that.

Well, listen to the OTHER thing that Miku said.

>You didn't tell me about what Tsubasa was going through, you just said she was down and you think this will help her?

No wonder you aren't in a relationship user

Okay just finished the episode, it was pure fucking hype I tell you. First half went by super fast without anything really happening but the second half, man was it good. It actually treated Tsubasas trauma in a satisfying way, the transformation and battle was great and I can't wait for next episode. Absolutely fucking based.

Except for in mustaches.

Builds dramatic tension.

Miku is getting kidnapped again.

I almost feel bad. Almost.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_06.36_[2019.08.03_21.19.59].jpg (1920x1080, 401K)

We saved the city.

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Then take yours.

Would be better with the subs

>Shirabe doesn't understand and tries to hide it by projecting onto Kirika
This is why you can't combo with any of the other girls, Jii.

Attached: Beautiful Spy X1.jpg (1920x1080, 693K)

>The fun meter is dropping when there is a lack of Kirika and Shirabe's shenanigans
I see

You didn't save a damn thing!

This is hard bullying, Kirika should leave Shirabe.

Attached: 1392310408672.jpg (800x600, 151K)

The biggest cliffhanger is actually which of Mikugear or Carol will come back. Nice to see Elf9 getting this much focus too.

Attached: useless lolichemist.png (178x214, 35K)

I wish that was me.

At least we know what the Hypnoseal does now. Im actually really interested into see how this is followed up on.

>Aww man I just know (Grand)father is gonna yell at me about this.

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All the focus on Tsubasa's ass

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They are going to die user

>everyone goes jii~
That's Shirabe's schtick!

Tsubassa has a very shapely arse, with very strong glutes.


Cute dog who has done literally nothing wrong so far (jobbing isn't wrong)

I'm starting to feel bad for this harmless little guys

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>Milaarc kills the homo dude
>She then shoves the god bracelet up Miku's ass
Screencap this post.


Attached: le datto man.jpg (720x405, 30K)

Well naturally they do it while gattaing with Shirabe.

I am moist.

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Attached: tsubasa_henshin_240p_smaller.webm (426x240, 2.75M)

>homo dude
He got off to the thought of seeing Mila fist Miku.

What emotion is this facial expression meant to convey?

Attached: tsubasa aaa.jpg (1173x948, 373K)

Fudo impregnated more than just his daughter in law.

implying it wasn't CAROL that killed the guy

He already did it

Hibiki doesn't know how to get people to open up about their feelings so well. Her solution wasn't to address the issue, it was to essentially distract Tsubasa from the problem.

>Let's go out and do something fun, that will help cheer Tsubasa up
As if the issue of watching people die in front of you unable to do anything can just go away over a game of cards, even worse when it was singing and that is the very part of the issue in the first place.

Miku is right, it was selfish. She was doing it because she didn't like seeing Tsubasa down because it brings her down, not because she wants to fix Tsubasa's problem, even if she doesn't realize that's why she's doing it. Is she reaching out to others to solve their problems because she doesn't want to be reminded that the world sucks shit, or does she actually want to do something about the world?

It had to be Bushi noise too.

Attached: bushi 2.jpg (885x480, 86K)


I want to touch her friend

Maggot Baitsfag

What emotion is this here facial expression meant to convey?

Attached: miku weird smile.jpg (1132x1080, 379K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_15.06_[2019.08.03_21.29.43].jpg (1920x1080, 440K)

Despair and exhaustion

>Miku still has that gay homescreen

>fun times at school are coming to an end

No, don't let it end like this. Tsubasa stabbing Chris will be some next level suffering.

Attached: chris i'm surrounded by idiots.jpg (941x714, 267K)

Yes, Miku is still Miku.

There are 11 unique frames, of those 8 are just different zoom levels of the first. Unless inserting images into subs is high cancer, it shouldn't be too much trouble.

Let's take a moment and appreciate how cute these ducks are. The different color parts suggested that they were customized by Hibiki and Miku themselves.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_09.50.117.jpg (1920x1080, 574K)

Reminder vampires only deserve stakes.

How come Kaneko hasn't wrote some keywords about the capability of the Gears because the gears have shown insane strength but I"m curious about how much they can actually lift.

"Fist me already Hibiki"

Attached: 1563943089345.png (468x480, 306K)

Girls' meatstakes in their assholes.

I remember back in G commie held a release hostage for weeks because of their "vacation," and then they manage to pull this retarded stunt hours after CR's release and a translation the next day. It's funny what competition does.


trying to hold the sneeze

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_15.45_[2019.08.03_21.30.22].jpg (1920x1080, 470K)

Have you never seen an scena like that? Some guy pointing a gun to the hero, to then shot at the bad guy who is on his side while the bad guy asks why when he is dying.


Attached: dess ehhhhh.jpg (577x499, 133K)

They have Hibiki's and Miku's headgear

miku noooo

Attached: elnein aaa.jpg (1506x989, 340K)

That was last episode with it's animation drop and bringing back GX Hibiki for a moment who acted like a retard trying to befriend monsters in the final season. She's been doing so good this season too not being a complete idiot.

>inserting images
That's not how anyone does this

I can't believe I fell for this.
RIP Noise-kun

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_20.11_[2019.08.03_16.09.55].jpg (1280x720, 131K)

>mkv for a clip

Vanessa's order. She doesn't want herself and her two friends to keep obeying Fudo forever, so they kill Fudo's guy and surrender the relic to Miku, who promptly turn into a Custodian and kill Fudo.

Just Miku things

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_11.57_[2019.08.03_21.26.10].jpg (1920x1080, 420K)

I just want to hear genocide again. Please Carol come back

Beautiful sword.

So when is this "later"?

I uploaded the wrong one because I suck at file naming, meant to post an mp4 with audio

When you think about it, don't you think they have been heaping piles upon piles of suffering on Tsubasa since S1? My sweet girl don't deserve this.

It's a standard characteristic of 'hero', no?
Being blinded from their surroundings and pushing their ideals into others while convincing themselves what they doing is for a greater good. But in the end that kind of idealism helped Hibiki saved the world numerous time in exchange of hurting people who cherish her.

When Miku has been resurrected.

>the swords in Tsubasa's henshin form feather formations


Episode 8 in the battlefield with Mikugear

It's GENOCIDE AND GENOCIDE with Elf9's beautiful singing voice now.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_13.00_[2019.08.03_15.43.51].jpg (1280x720, 140K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_00.43_[2019.08.03_21.13.09].jpg (1920x1080, 387K)

>Carol's singing is god-tier
>Elf9's singing is cat-tier
I'm beginning to think that letting Elf9 survive instead of Carol was a big fucking mistake.

Because the power a gear displays depends on both its users synchro-rate, and phonic gain.

the latter here is the big one, because with how the universe is currently written, that source of power is seemingly fucking endless. They're going to overpower god for fucks sake.

Lovely sword

If she can't take a little suffering how can she ever be a true SAKIMORI?

>fading eeeeehh noises

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_03.58_[2019.08.03_16.13.16].jpg (1280x720, 387K)


I am sword

God her singing voice is fucking beautiful.

Attached: mpv-shot0005.jpg (1920x1080, 215K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_21.09_[2019.08.04_03.08.59].jpg (1280x2162, 1.45M)

Does she have to be? It's Fudo who wants her to be Sakimori, she never asked for this.

Attached: chris unimpressed.jpg (239x370, 54K)

Still smarter than Elfnigger.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_03.56_[2019.08.03_21.16.37].jpg (1920x1080, 543K)

Why did Milaarc smash the camera before killing Miku? That's like shooting someone in the head before you throw him out of airplane.

Why can't she just stand the fuck up and do anything? Either run away or run up in front of Miku, sitting there screaming is not doing anyone anything good.

Attached: maria unimpressed.jpg (575x516, 144K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_09.50_[2019.08.03_21.23.30].jpg (1920x1080, 394K)

If we put the Gear in Miku back would she die?

Attached: hibiki unimpressed.jpg (502x506, 115K)

Yeah, but that is a dangerous road. It means that once things hit a breaking point, will the people close to her that she's hurt finally just walk away? Would she be able to handle that or would her whole reality fall apart? We have already seen an AU where Hibiki didn't have Miku since Season 1 and I don't think anything good will come from it. Hibiki needs to properly address Miku's feelings this time.

Fudou doesn't even know about Miku. How did Vanessa even learn about her?

>Shirabe: Better to be thought a baka then open your mouth and prove them all right

Attached: hibiki glance.jpg (1014x821, 343K)

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_10.26_[2019.08.03_21.24.05].jpg (1920x1080, 433K)

but Tsubasa knows shes still worried
i dont think Hibiki doesnt care about Tsubasa and just thinks of herself she just knows one way and thats ignoring everything and doing something else

>can't believe these fuckers are trying to steal my jii gimmick
>I wish I was at home fucking Kirika

Attached: shirabe bored.jpg (846x937, 222K)

Smashing cameras means that government has no way to track Elf9 after being taken.

Yeah it's not like they just had a huge inspection and seizure of all SONGs data.

Why give a robutt such a sexy body

Attached: 1545428055724.jpg (1920x1080, 231K)

So that SONG won't know where they are?

If she wants to hold hands with Hibiki then killing her friends is probably not the best thing to do.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_00.47_[2019.08.03_21.13.27].jpg (1920x1080, 646K)

Attached: genjuro mad.jpg (1067x1009, 358K)


I see the post S1 brainlets are out and can't handle a good old SoL episode. Yeah just kill the animators by having them do more pointless noise fights so when the aliens show up it's a slide show.

Attached: [Commie] Senki Zesshou Symphogear G - 12 [58A7AF12].mkv_snapshot_18.59_[2015.07.29_22.10.34].jpg (1280x720, 104K)

Feels like Maria doesn't say anything but Tsubasa's name in a worried tone recently

Attached: 1545695837628.jpg (289x449, 28K)

>Does she have to be?

Very important shot.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_18.48_[2019.08.03_21.33.44].jpg (1920x1080, 422K)

See the problem isn't necessarily the act in and of itself. The problem that this is the kind of arc you'd see in season 1, not season 5. At some point Biki has regressed back too "IMMA REPLACE KANADE!!" levels of Baka.

Attached: Hibiki empathy.jpg (1280x720, 95K)

Elf9 wouldn't be so dumb to put something as important as that on to the server, right?

So she can kill mustachedude without them finding out.
>they're actually setting Millaarc's redemption by having her betray Fudo
Oh boy that autistic spammer will be so mad at this

Wait Tupac would actually be a really strong wizard here

That was Miku's role for most of the series. She's just getting used to her new spot as Tsubasa's wife.

That's why I said she's not doing it in a conscious manner. Obviously Hibiki isn't going to actually say "Fuck your feelings, I don't want to be a part of this", but she's always ignored how she feels herself when it comes to things and it seems to have transferred into how she thinks other people deal with being depressed. It's dickish, because it belittles a persons problems into being something you can fix by just ignoring.


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_11.32_[2019.08.03_21.25.45].jpg (1920x1080, 393K)

>PTSD for having 70,000 fans slaughtered in front of her eyes
>hey I know! Let's take her to a karaoke
What the fuck was her problem?

Attached: Screenshot_20190803-114141.jpg (1920x1200, 752K)

>regressed back to
Did she even progress past such baka levels?

God I wish that were me.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_11.33_[2019.08.03_21.25.47].jpg (1920x1080, 383K)

REMOVE VAMPIRE remove vampire
you are worst monster. you are the monster idiot you are the monster smell. return to your lab. to our alchemists cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the jail….ahahahaha ,noble red we will never forgeve you. heretical rascal FUck but fuck asshole monster stink alchemist vampire genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead monster..ahahahahahNOBLE RED WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget the concert.milaarc we kill vanessa , milaarc return to your precious junkyard….hahahahaha idiot monster and alchemist smell so i can smell it. REMOVE VAMPIRE FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. japan+usa+song+sentinel=kill noble red…you will ww2/ kanade alive in japan, kanade making album of japan . fast idol kanade japan. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of kanade… you are ppoor stink monster… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a junkyard

kanade alive numbr one #1 in japan ….fuck noble red,..FUCKk ashol monster no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur dream and family. kanade aliv and real strong wizard kill all the noble red blood with phonic gain now we the japan rule .ape of the zoo chief adam weisenhaupt fukc the great custodian and lay egg this egg hatch and noble red wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak my fans we will crush u lik a skull of pig. japan greattst countrey

Attached: 1503644162187.png (738x719, 379K)

I'm glad Miku chewed this braindamaged sociopath out

This could be it. Tsubasa could have caught up in time to cut Millaarc's head off, and now Vanessa and Elza go full villain mode to avenge her.

How do we fix elf9?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_20.56_[2019.08.03_12.24.26].jpg (1920x1080, 720K)

Attached: Screenshot_20190803-114100.jpg (1920x1200, 867K)

You people seem to forgot that hibiki is pretty much an emotional cripple.

the only reason she even managed to recover from her s1 concert depression is miku having autism for her.

>Desperado Version

Attached: 1563995383268.jpg (200x252, 7K)

Attached: 1563730182147.png (444x530, 482K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_11.08_[2019.08.03_21.25.00].jpg (1920x1080, 431K)


Bring carol back and turn Elf9 into her slave again.

Replace her legs with tank treads.

>position of the blood stream is literally coming from where the dude was standing


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_22.05_[2019.08.03_21.24.06].jpg (1920x1080, 662K)


Damn Hibiki is hot

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_12.04_[2019.08.03_21.26.18].jpg (1920x1080, 503K)

she remembered Tsubasa had a fun day on that date once, she knows before that they werent on good terms really and that helped her a lot
she also runs out to Tsubasa to ask her if shes okay to which she says shes fine
but yeah dickish is a good way of putting it


>She slices off his mask

As if anyone has ever tried to help her realizes her dumb shit before. She's been ignorant of the feelings of people close to her for all 4 seasons up to now.


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_13.16_[2019.08.03_21.27.38].jpg (1920x1080, 392K)

It's like you just intentionally missed the point.

Attached: miku.gif (277x325, 1.96M)

Hibiki is the real victim of circumstances here. She's trying her best you assholes.

Why did Tsubasa accept?


Attached: edf5-1.jpg (1200x675, 143K)

So was this Tsubasa's worst fucking song ever or what? Not that you could even hear much of it because they decided to just talk over it the whole time, but goddamn.

I can only assume they are saving the REAL song for when she's healed.

The cliffhanger was a predictable cop-out.
Millaarc is going to kill the creepy old man and attempt to kidnap Elf9 for Fudo and leave Miku alright.
Tsubasa is going to get to the scene before Hibiki gets there and before Millaarc leaves, have a sword autism tempter tantrum and accidentally get Miku killed with her own sword anyways
Millaarc's going to feel bad, Tsubasa's going to be devastated, Hibiki's going to be mad but catch on first to Millaarc's mindfuckery and think she intentionally used Tsubasa to kill Miku.

Source: my Top Dad works at Symphogear, trust me.

Attached: IT BEGINS.jpg (1042x1238, 267K)

Yeah but we are in last season

Honestly kind of a disappointing episode. I wish we would have Noble Red just side with the gears already so we can get to the real villains. This episode just reeked of filler.

>her best

That's the exact problem.

Attached: Miku mad.jpg (1280x720, 88K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_14.21_[2019.08.03_21.28.58].jpg (1920x1080, 445K)

Fill her cute little loli holes with penises.

eto genosaido desu

Attached: Carol and her dad.png (750x800, 288K)

Fuck off, it's an amazing song and the background vocals are even better than Zettou Ame no Habakiri

I will post this every thread until they dock.

Attached: tsubasa chris is justice.jpg (600x800, 64K)

>First episode to actually deal with the emotional fallout of something
>Hurr durr filler

Attached: Tsubfused.gif (691x827, 347K)

Attached: [Commie] Senki Zesshou Symphogear AXZ - 09 [59535B34].mkv_snapshot_19.40_[2017.09.05_13.47.18].jpg (1280x720, 179K)

Is 2000 nipdollars expensive for a drink?

Because she doesn't want to disappoint her friend and they finally got some REAL time off and Tsubasa probably thought that taking the time to process everything that has happened recently would be a good thing.

is that a confession

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_13.58_[2019.08.03_21.28.30].jpg (1920x1080, 495K)

>voice: aniki
>subs: boss
People pay for this shit?

Kill yourself, retard.

Where's the live thread? I can't find it on the archive. Did it get delet?

there's no reasoning with shounentards


not really considering I paid 9800 yen for the standard edition of persona 5 on psn.

You can care about a person without wanting to fuck their brains out, user.

fuck me

Attached: [Erai-raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 05 [1080p][Multiple Subtitle]-8.20.625.png (1920x1080, 1.42M)

how about you protect them you dip

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_14.57_[2019.08.03_21.29.34].jpg (1920x1080, 451K)

Best doesn't mean much when she still doesn't understand. Miku isn't mad because Hibiki wanted Tsubasa to do something, she's mad because Hibiki doesn't understand Tsubasa's pain and doesn't seem to WANT to either.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_14.13_[2019.08.03_21.28.50].jpg (1920x1080, 411K)

the pan is blurred

I was not so secretly hoping that her new song would have some call back to Zettou Ame no Habakiri and then it hits out the gate with YAH HAIYAH YAH YAH YAH!

Based, Nana.

Attached: Symphogear XV - 05 [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_15.34_[2019.08.03_15.33.40].jpg (1280x720, 161K)

>when they are already married
A bit late for that.

You can get a beet for like 450 yen probably some kinda party platter.

>The biggest cliffhanger is actually which of Mikugear or Carol will come back.

It would also give them more shit for the gacha mobile game.

Attached: why not both.jpg (400x400, 86K)

That's not for one drink. 2000 yen per person for a all-you-can-drink deal along with 2 hours karaoke.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_14.15_[2019.08.03_21.28.52].jpg (1920x1080, 419K)

>Compares the price of a video game to a price of a beverage

Attached: dmjii unimpressed.jpg (1920x1080, 1.02M)

Symphogear is a very intelligent show that unfortunately attracts retards.


Five star post.

Attached: __akatsuki_kirika_senki_zesshou_symphogear_drawn_by_hanakuso__6f46ac3ca3e959213b6a4c22ca182698.jpg (467x622, 46K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_13.21_[2019.08.03_15.44.27].jpg (1280x720, 124K)

I don't like the lack of harmony between the colors of Hibiki's jacket and skirt. She should have worn a black skirt.

She's reverting to Hibaka, like when she said she was going to replace Kanade in S1.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_20.31_[2019.08.03_21.35.31].jpg (1920x1080, 421K)

The word she uses for "care" there is DAISUKI 大好き.

Let's put it this way. Hibki's whole thing is about reaching her hand out in understanding, but if she can't even understand the ones closest to her, how can she ever hope to connect with the villains? Right now, her reaching out is just superficial. It's a kind gesture, but it's an empty one. She desperately needs to be able to actually look at her friends and be there where it matters. She needs to be able to talk with Tsubasa, get her to open up about this problem and move her past it, to realize that it isn't her fault.

I can go babushka's get basket of beets for free blyat

She already has Carol's vagina.

Okay seriously, Maria you had ONE job and you're blowing it big time.

Attached: tsubasa fish.jpg (1920x1080, 1.01M)

Watch as Commie does something like Messieur just to fuck around

Except she connected to the villains literally last season, to the point where one of them became her stand.

Hey Maria did you just now notice that Tsubasa is a bit fucked in the head after watching thousands of her fans fucking die?

Her smile and optimism: soon to be gone

Does Tsubasa drink alcohol?

All things considered I am loving how they are handling Tsubasa's trauma. Even though it's clearly there and affecting her, it's not so overt or cringy like the usual "hurr i'm an edgelord now" cliche.

Also, Handsomebasa is handsome.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_15.45_[2019.08.03_21.16.19].jpg (1920x1080, 797K)

she's slavic.

She's not 20 yet. Not allowed in Japan

Should we include Elfnein into Miku's harem?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_22.02_[2019.08.03_21.37.23].jpg (1920x1080, 405K)


Attached: tsubasa drunk.png (800x1415, 935K)

Miku just meant that Hibiki is worthy of her grace

Elfnigger already belongs to Tomosato

I would have liked to see this addressed sooner but I do agree that it doesn't look like she's gonna turn evil or something retarded like that.

I think how know how to fix Hibiki and make everyone happy. Hibiki should just fist Tsubasa to understand her better. You know what Hibiki should fist everybody.

>I'm beginning to think that letting Elf9 survive instead of Carol was a big fucking mistake.

You've only realized that now?

Attached: slowpoke.jpg (600x655, 32K)

>Literal centuries and the mainstream Illuminati still can't create perfect body, for Vanessa or anyone else
>Saint-Germain already figured out how to create it all the way back in Renaissance, in fact she created three, for herself and her two friends
Saint-Germain is a handsome hero and a treasure of humanity. We truly don't know what we had until we lose it.

Tsubasa's drama is what I'm most invested in right now, please don't fuck it up Kaneko

>mfw no face

Does she? Carol was using a clone body, too.

Attached: 100 memories of anal orgasms.jpg (486x404, 233K)

Was Tomosato always this stacked?

Attached: Symphogear XV - 05 [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_07.30_[2019.08.03_14.15.33].jpg (1280x720, 96K)

The moment someone became her friends, Hibiki stops paying much attention to them. They are friends now, it's all sunshine and happiness from now on, what's there to worry about?

Get this girl a relic

Attached: relic.jpg (750x844, 79K)

>bridge-kun not being a complete coward
Way to go

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_03.44_[2019.08.03_13.27.06].jpg (1920x1080, 198K)

Maria's husband is so cool !

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_21.15_[2019.08.03_21.36.22].jpg (1920x1080, 363K)

>hurr i'm an edgelord now
If they take this route again after the whole "WING NOT SWORDS" development I'm going to Japan and fist the writer in the face.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_20.26_[2019.08.04_03.01.41].jpg (1280x720, 676K)

Burn her memories!!!

Vanessa is really beautiful.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_06.14_[2019.08.03_21.22.28].jpg (1920x1080, 717K)

Carol's perfect body is wasted on this little cunt.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_20.58_[2019.08.03_21.35.58].jpg (1920x1080, 379K)


source: I'm Elf9

You lazy shits where were you that was all Tsubasa.

>Fudou want to transform his relic into a sword
It's happening user, you can't stop it.

Never post again.

>Becomes a gear and ignores Miku to focus on getting Tsubasa to like her
>Tsubasa likes her she shifts focus to Chris
>Chris is a pal so now she wants to be besties with Shirabe and FIS
>They're cool tries to befriend Carol
>That didn't work, try harder to make buds with Saint G to J (Fuck Adam)
>GHOST FRIENDSHIP WOO WHOO let's be pals with monsters, why is Tsubasa sad, we went to karaoke

Attached: thinkbasa.png (797x657, 547K)

>why am i here

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_12.07_[2019.08.03_21.26.22].jpg (1920x1080, 512K)

Wing not swords was about her dad. Now it's about "everyone always fucking dies regardless of if I wing or sword"

Her singing is awful, it's clearly not a perfect body.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_12.10_[2019.08.03_21.26.26].jpg (1920x1080, 452K)

Yes. Kanade even bring it up when she grabs her tits.

Attached: SP0164.png (1024x1024, 298K)

I thought you wanted some healing, Tsubasa?

Attached: 52938350_p0.jpg (496x517, 124K)

I bet SONG has a lot of really grateful heavy industries and contractors as backers.

Attached: The day is saved.jpg (1920x1080, 164K)

Scatter, Senbonzakura

This is legitimately a sign of PTSD, not being able to enjoy what you once love because your worldview have shifted after the traumatic event.

Veteran Tsubasa is so embarrassing to watch, even DMJii look and act 20x cooler

Time to retire, Tsubasa

It's a reference

Attached: craftwerk.jpg (474x474, 34K)

She's developing exactly as Fudo planned. She's disregarding singing and prioritizing saving people over worrying about who is giving her orders. If daddy dearest takes legal control of SONG and tells her to exterminate some monsters, she'll do it. Regardless of whether or not Bikki tries to save the murderers.

>Hibiki and Elf9 are sharing 2 pancakes
>Miku and Tsubasa are sharing 3

>Maria heals the Sword
>swears that she will always protect her because she is the sword's sheath

I need to stop coming up with this headcanon, it just makes me sad when it doesn't actually happen

Playing crane games.

>They asked me if Pepsi was okay
>It was very clearly not

Attached: tsubasa sad.jpg (516x893, 95K)

A sword can never retire from being a sword.

What about the gaijins, I can only think about putting one of them singing like Elf9 with this as the background and a bunch of Millaarcs.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_20.25_[2019.08.03_15.55.29].jpg (1280x720, 150K)

they have to feed the baby

Bow you shits.

Attached: 1456604333254.jpg (1280x720, 88K)

>when it doesn't actually happen
What do you expect? Maria is fucking useless.

put the squirt-guns in.

I'd make Carol bow down to my dick

And stare at her tiny loli vulva

No that's so cheesy it'd be cringy. Just have them actually sing all night

She can connect with villains just fine because they are mutual sociopaths.
It just doesnt work with people who emote like people are supposed to.

Goyoukiba? What is he talking about?

Attached: _20190803_215109.jpg (3452x1929, 328K)

>you will never server Carol-sama
>you will never become one of Carol-sama's personal dolls (with love addiction like Tiki)
>you will never drink Carol-sama's piss

Why even live

I'm taking my dog and leaving.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_00.44_[2019.08.03_15.28.09].jpg (1280x720, 84K)

Clean up your piss, Carol.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_14.34_[2019.08.03_21.29.11].jpg (1920x1080, 470K)

Hey, Carol.
Watch this

Attached: Symphogear.GX.SP3.S00E05.1080p-Hi10p.BluRay.FLAC2.0.x264-CTR.[C97DC143].mkv_snapshot_01.07_[2019.04. (1920x1080, 890K)

>Hibiki is standing left of Tsubasa

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_15.17_[2019.08.03_21.53.16].jpg (1920x1080, 774K)

I absolutely love Elsa's expression. It's like the anime version of the this is my life now meme.

7 fucking days.

Being without Carol-sama can't even be called living

Shut the fuck up you almost ruined this franchise.

Attached: muh alchemy.webm (960x540, 2.91M)

No, she's standing to the right of Tsubasa.

Crap I'm a baka, I meant the opposite. She is standing on the left now even though she was on the right a frame earlier

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_15.21_[2019.08.03_21.53.47].jpg (1920x1080, 762K)

moshi moshi, dess dess

Attached: 1506793462380.jpg (500x500, 61K)

Why does the week even have seven days?

It's a reference to a Samurai film of the same name. I don't know what it could refer to in universe though. A military group that calls itself the Fangs?

Carol's last clone body was a rushed shit job. It might not even be Elf9's fault that she sucks so much.

Attached: consider the following.jpg (600x600, 48K)

she's very hayai

I hope that that one of the gajins will be cheering Shirou with all that PTSD Sword with suit made of swords using swords made of swords.

>Elf9 chan's one leg is actually longer than the other. It doesn't impede her day to day life but it does make running a bitch

You need to have backups of EVERYTHING, my man. Or else you could have a crazed Fudo crashing in setting fire to the place and all that important data could be lost permanently.

But she literally inhabits Carol's body. The original. Her soul got sucked into it while the elf9 body died

>She just covers her body with the scarf and her neck is still exposed
Does Maria need to teach the sword how to wear scarves?

And they used "brother" after that.