ITT: scenes in anime that made you realize you were watching cringe

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When this happened?

Sword Art Online Season 3, Episode 6.

Attached: 7FDDF111-813B-4AD4-A8A1-F901CB39831E.jpg (1280x720, 42K)

it took you 3 seasons?

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Attached: [Erai-raws] Happy Sugar Life - 03 [720p][Multiple Subtitle].jpg (1280x720, 102K)

Attached: a_fucking_knife.webm (1280x720, 1.12M)

>[Rem: Say “I love you”…]
>Rem spilled these words out with a faint, frail voice while looking up at Subaru.
>In her vision which had become blurred by the swell of tears that gushed up, she saw Subaru shake his head. After that, Subaru brought his face close to her and said,
>[Subaru: I love you(suki da)]
>[Subaru: I love you(daisuki da). Isn’t that obvious…If you aren’t with me, I can’t live on…]
>It was his true feelings. If you were to say that this was when he spilled everything out, that wouldn’t be an exaggeration and would be an accurate statement. If it wasn’t for her, he wouldn’t come this far. >If she were to disappear, he would not be able to live on.
>[Rem: Ahhh…I’m happy…]
>Accepting Subaru’s confession, Rem felt a tear alongside her closed eyes. Taking in Subaru’s words happily, her face quickly blushed. Soon after, it now really did seem that all power within her body had departed.
>[Subaru: Wait…]
>[Rem: I love you(aishiteimasu), Subaru-kun]
>[Subaru:Don’t fuck with me, stay by my side. You’re going to leave me with regrets again!?]
>Subaru could not bear to live in a near future where Rem would cease to exist. Along with knowing this fact since long ago, her existence still has become sooo much more important to him, compared to long ago. So,
>[Subaru: In the future where I talk while smiling, I need you…I don’t want this]
>[Rem: In that future, is it okay if I stay by your side?]
>[Subaru: ….Isn’t the answer obvious? I won’t let you go to anyone else’s side.]
>Wiping off her tears that were suspended on her eyelids, Subaru looked straight at Rem and said:
>[Subaru: You are mine. I won’t let anyone have you.]
>[Rem: Proposal accepted!]
>[Subaru: Heh?]
Raw Version
WN Eng Version
LN Yen Press Version

As someone with absolutely no context I can barely parse what he's supposed to be doing. Is he propelling himself with his own blood?

He's on a bike, there is another part where he does the kill a scorpion with a knife shit like the predator movie to kinda show that he's not a bad guy or some shit but is animated in quality so it looks really fucking dumb.
I don't have the webm but here's the scene

cringe. That shit is the future.

absolutely based

>AI shouldn't have rights
it must suck being from kentucky user, my condolences

Isn't her daughter an AI?

when artistically bankrupt 3dshit comes on the screen

Re: Zero is a soap opera with gore.

can you believe there are THOUSANDS of people that think this show was groundbreaking?

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>THOUSANDS of people that think Bunny girl was groundbreaking?
Only redditors that have seen 3 shows

well there are thousands of them, I have heard so many times that this show made them cry, and I gotta agree, I cried laughing.

>cringe not be your default reaction to sao

No because Yui is not her daughter. Yui is just some program she and her retarded """Husband""" took in because the author wanted a family dynamic but without getting Asuna pregnant because Japan is filled with herbivores.

Isn't she got raped by some korean player? I guess he got better APM than the kirito's one.

the very first episode of SAO is cringe

The key artwork made me cringe before airing.

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The Monster Musume OP.

wasn't this fanfic?


No it fucking isn’t. You fell for the Jewish Emilia disinformation campaign. The raw Web Novel Chapter is right fucker there.

Fills me with so much rage

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you have an actual mental illness



If it ain't human it don't deserve no rights. I sure hope an alien invasion starts with wiping out your typing seeing as you would deny them basic rights.

She looks like a monkey.

Looks like our inminent future to be honest, the world is full of fags nowadays.

There's a "what if" chapter devoted for those who prefer Rem. Also, she did cock block herself, he tried and then went with the next option...

if you havent developed cringe immunity by the time youre 20 something's wrong with u

computer code is unironically worth more than lgbtqwetyuiop

Are you implying artificial intelligence wouldn't deserve rights? Not necessarily equal, but that's life you're talking about.

They wouldn't deserve rights, no. They might EARN rights by being able to bargain for them with force.

With force especially
See how appealing to mercy and begging for rights politely took the black community down
They shouldve followed Malcolm X

I fully expect the robot apocalypse to happen solely due to people not treating sentient AI with the respect it deserves.

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First we give rights to ai, then what's next? Letting women vote? Where does the madness stop

seek professional help


Point is nobody deserves rights. You can feel empathy towards anything, even anime characters (DUN DUN DUN), but that doesn't mean they deserve rights. Likewise you can slaughter animals despite them feeling pain as long as you don't feel empathy (or suppress it). What got humans and to an extent animals (yes I know humans are animals, you know what I mean) rights is bargaining power (in the case of animals, people that feel empathy towards them bargained in their favor)... Which now reminds me some people definitely will try to get AI rights. Some kinda PETAI.

The granny in The Shape Of Silent Voice No Katachi

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The first episode was cringe enough.

She was actually right

OP is racist.
Just let your wife be fucked by AI, user.