Saki: Tanoshii

Saki 206 TL is out. Dumping.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The legs of Achiga

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The Legend of Achiga

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Rinkai detects a shift in the dora pattern versus the semifinal.
Flashback time.

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delicious fanservice from the Enko Queen

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recap: Kuro discarded a dora in the semifinal.
When Kuro does this, she needs to play a lot of mahjong to revive her dora gathering powers.
This is what's happening between the semi and the final.

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With great success apparently.

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another practice win for Kuro

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Kuro's dora power is regenerating faster.

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Has Kuro tamed the wild dora dragons?

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More doras, more tanoshii

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Wow... look at all those doras.

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Akado senses Kuro's increased power.

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Dora choreography

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Kuro is promoted from Dragon Lord to Dragon God!
end chapter 206; next chapter delayed to Sept. 6

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The rusty bus stop is a real place.

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Saki Cup starts soon

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Champion (lol).

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annual tournament featuring some of the Saki anime VA's

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MakoMeshi chapter 3 is also out, featuring Saki.
Already dumped:

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That's a disgusting powerup.

The last Toki chapter TL is out, but was not dumped.
So let's do it now.

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Ryuuka in Angry Mode

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Mama Matsumi would be proud.

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Ryuuka generating doki doki in her opponents.

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Ryuuka is unfazed by mega cute doki doki Toki.

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Yeah. The ability to make others draw a dora combined with her power to attract dora makes for a ridiculously powerful ability. She was originally weaker than Toki but now she's basically at the level of super monster like Saki and Teru. It's a massive asspull.

With this ability should could have stopped Teru's Chuuren Poutou.. Not even Saki can stop it but Kuro can.

Everybody except Ryuuka has declared riichi.

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Ryuuka is in control. Everyone else is playing Russian roulette.

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Look at all those souzu.

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Mako would be jealous.

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Ryuuka, Queen of Hamsters

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It's obvious that Ryuuka will win the hand.
The only question: ron or tsumo?

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Who knows if she can really stop Teru's 9 gates, Shizu wasn't able to stop Himeko's wifi.

Answer: tsumo

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Kuro was confident she could stop it. The only reason she didn't is that her turn was skipped due to Yuki's pon.

Ryuuissou is the big green tile yakuman.

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These kids may have never seen a yakuman before.

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Toki is excited.
But the game is not over.

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Ryuuka is unmoved.

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Ryuuka's choice:
(1) Dominate, but no tanoshii
(2) Tanoshii, but open to suffering

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Ryuuka chooses hate mode.

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Mahjong is serious business.

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Self-doubt arises

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What path will Ryuuka choose?

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The path leading to fifth place.
End Chapter 33; next chapter August 24 (+ Shinohayu)

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Toki spinoff is getting good. The drama is okay when intertwined with mahjong.

Irony: Ryuuka, by choosing weakness for herself, causes Toki to die in the end anyway.

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All the different subplots of the spinoffs are converging on something amazing.
I just want to live to see it.

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#2 in 2019

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>Auto yaku.
>High score.
>Dora assassin.
Yeah, that is broken.

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Seriously, what the fuck? How overpowered are they going to retcon Ryuuka? Apparently at 10 she already was a yakuman machine with perfect knowledge of the wall. Yet somehow she doesn't absolutely annihilate all her opponents in the Interhigh.

I'm also salty about her getting Ryuiisou before Mako.

Yakumans don't mean anything anymore.
Between the 4 series, I think we're averaging at least 2 yakumans per month.

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>I'm also salty about her getting Ryuiisou before Mako.
Well technically the whole reason we know that she likes the ryuuiisou is because Kaori got it with her beginner's luck during the joint training camp so it's not the first ryuuiisou in the series.

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How does Ritz keep getting away with it?

Get fucked.

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Why does Ritz have such a massive hard on for Achiga anyway? They're like the most boring team out there.

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Hey, remember that user who claimed Ryuuka's predator vision wouldn't be real?

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So wait, is Kuro just Sumire without a downside now?

No him but you've gotta admit is a pretty shitty retcon.

She's kinda like Shino who can both draw wind tiles but also make other players draw them.

Oh I don't deny that at all, it's fucking terrible.

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Achiga has mini-Ritz.

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Let's hope that Kuro's new main character-ish power also comes with a main character-ish personality adjustment.

>La Pucelle

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good point

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Teru has been ridiculed to such a massive extent now, she doesn't feel half as threatening.

You're ruining the manga. Ritz. Can't you see it?

A whole chapter just to justify this fucking asspull of a powerup.
Even last chapter with Satoha was retarded. She kept getting huge hands out of nowhere and with little to no setup. Why wasn't she playing like she did in the previous rounds.


Ritz's self-insert, pls.

Its almost like ritz gives no fucks since nationals started

Wrong, bitch.

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Somebody show Ritz how actual skirts work. This has gone on long enough.

>long enough
They're not long enough, that's the whole problem.

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I know it makes for a great scene, but is the maintenance on public works really that shitty in nipland? Not even a roof on those poles, what's the point of them anymore? Just tear them down, they're a hazard. Tetanus is a real thing.

Here's maybe an older photo from a different angle. Somebody appears to have placed car seats by their own volition.

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Ritz is just taking the world witches universe crossover meme to it's logical conclusion. They're belts.

At least in Japan they make an effort to have seating and shelters at bus stops.
In many US cities, the bus stops are just a sign, with no shelter, seating, or even a timetable.

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Well yeah, because nobody would wait for a bus in the US. They'd just call uber or something.

/e/ thread fell off. Anything post worthy since then?

Wow, that bench is old.

From what I gather it's a bus stop in bumfuck Nara with only two or four busses passing by on workdays, so yeah I don't think it gets much investments.

Just some new stuff from the usual pixiv artist:

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What will happen next?

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summon the Koromo

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I wonder if Ritz personally visits these bumfuck places.

Ryuuka had a hidden superpower that she didn't use in the semi, but used for 5th place.
Makes no sense.

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It's not a hidden super power. It's just a retcon.

driving thru

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>green superpower
>red pendant
Maybe they should retcon the ruby to an emerald.

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I mean it was sort of in the anime. Ritz probably had the idea long ago but was too pressed in pages for the semi to put it in.

I don't think so. I think it's more likely the anime staff created because it didn't make sense Ryuuka was so weak on her own. Then Ritz liked it and retconed the manga to match the anime.

If skirts are becoming belts + nopan (), doesn't that make seifuku swimsuits less lewd than actual seifuku?

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*created it


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>9 wins a row terut ime
>can build custom hand for auto yakuman
>game over if she gets last dealer since it self repeats
>repeated double riichis with five turn safety
Having three super broken monsters in team, only slightly balanced by one just okay and one literally male fisher, Achiga has their work cut out for them.
Besides, Kuros power took too long to show up, the match is almost over.

>Having three super broken monsters in team
You're kidding right? Shiraitodai are a bunch of jobbers. The only strong player other than Teru is Awai but she's weak psychologically, being so overconfident and all. Everyone else sucks balls.

Achiga is carried by Ritz's asspulls so you never know when they're gonna come up with some nonsensical power-up. All in all, it's actually very likely Achiga's gonna win the nationals. Saki winning doesn't do shit for her goal of reconnecting with Teru anyway.

Saki is going to +/- 0 everyone in the final match. Nodokas asspull is what will win or lose the game.

I'm pretty sure Nodoka is gonna be some sort of powerup, but I doubt it's gonna be something game-breaking like Kuro's.

Her opponents are also like 1/10th of the level of Kuro.

Doesn't change the fact that Kuro's powerup is all kind of bullshit. She was originally weaker than fucking Toki. Now she's on the level of super monsters.

And knowing Ritz's hard on for Achiga, I'm sure Shizu has something new as well.

Not yet, hamster.

I mean it was always a broken ability, and Toki is probably on par with Satoha and Tacos anyway. But then again, power level discussions in Ritzverse is pretty futile.

>power level discussions in Ritzverse is pretty futile
Even then, Achiga always get the most ridiculous and asspullish power-ups. It's like she forgot Kyosumi are supposed to the main characters.

C'mon we just saw Tacos pull two tenhous.

But that's not even an actual powerup. It's just temporary and was only possible thanks Hisa's strategy and better understanding of how Yuuki's ability work.

Kuro's thing is a total asspull in comparison.

Subtract 96k from her score (And add 32k back to each of the other three) and see just what those did for her

If this rate of yakumans continues throughout the finals, Ritz is going to burn out before getting to Nodoka. Not that it matters, Hisa-Ako slutting match isn't going to happen until 202x and we're already seeing the fires starting to burn. Just ask Kyoanus for references.

I don't think it was implied in training that Yuuki regularly got tenhous when she "peaked". Maybe tenhous is not a power up in terms on new ability but it's a step up from what we have seen from her being just fast at east. Arguably this Kuro being able to control dora more is a step up from her regular dragon lord stuff as well.

I really don't feel like defending Ritz' choices so I'll stop now.

Is it Hajime time already?

>I don't think it was implied in training that Yuuki regularly got tenhous when she "peaked".
There's Yuuki's peak combined with Hisa's "bad wait" power. Since the idea was Hisa's and it was a gamble for her, her power gave a boost to Yuuki's.

To me that makes more senses than Kuro getting massively more powerful on her own just for discarding a dora. Toki almost killed herself and her powerup was rather modest in comparison.


The cutest hamster.

I am still mad. Seriously.

Just wait until Achiga wins the nationals.

All of this is making me appreciate Hisa ever more. She's fighting a whole campaign as Kiyosumi's coach against Haxrue and Rinkai's coach while being an active player.

The remaining twelve Saki fans will be so mad.

What I find silly about Kuro's powerup isn't inherently giving others a dora, it's that she's now psychic about it

And it's not just that. Before she just attracted dora but she had to form her hand on her own. Now Harue noticed her hand forms on its own (like automatic hand). And on top of that she can also draw the specific dora she wants.

Together with the ability to make others draw a dora, it's a super massive power-up.

Don't forget apparently Yuu can use it too.

There's nothing to appreciate; It's all just been ass-pull power-ups in the Nationals; Remember in our world it's been 10 years but in the Sakiverse it's been like 2 months.

Yuu getting RED doras is not new.

How much do I have to pay Ritz for her to officially turn Ako into a prostitute?

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Fucking achigas I know they have your self insert, Ritz, but you can't make them all asspullers like this. Teru and Satoha are supossed to be strong, Yuki too for this match only, but Kuro just getting a counted yakuman ron? Did Ritz fucking forgot Matsumi and Yukiko didn't even get yakumans with their one match superpower and she gives this to fucking Kuro?

Awaii double riichi throw away any defense & she needs half of the wall emptied to win haneman.
Currently, even with KAwaii's -5 debuff, Kuro can just draws 5 doras & win, don't even start with ron-dora.

Remember when Kuro hitting Teru for 16k needed her to get rid of a part of herself and Toki to fucking die?

And Toki's power-up after fucking died was total shit compared to Kuro's.

emergency bump

Happy Tanabata - Aug. 7

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see you in 3 weeks

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>next chapter delayed


Thanks to the hit (the fourth yakuman in this game), Yuuki is first again, but the points are more leveled now. They should be:

Yuuki: 122,700 (+22,700)
Teru: 111,300 (+11,300)
Satoha: 100,800 (+800)
Kuro: 65200 (-34,800)

Next chapter: Yuuki dealer in South 1 - the lead will not last.

Isn't that Yuu/Kuro's surname?

I wonder if Haxrue was able to deduce Hisa optimizing Taco's calls to climax at the finals.

Kuro's new assp-, development will put everyone on alert, I don't think anyone will dare to declare riichi after this.

Wonderful. Another retarded and broken powerup for Achiga. Just what I wanted.

Satoha is the only one who hasn't flexed yet with something crazy this match right? Can we please go full on Yakuza Mahjong Batman mode for her already and have her shank the people on the table?

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She won a couple of baiman last chapter. Not much fanfare or development before it though. I dunno, Ritz has been really iffy lately with the manga. During the semis against Satoha a century ago, much of the narrative around her match was all the other players being scared shitless of her and navigating around her. We see the mind games as the other players try to guess what she's playing at. But now Satoha is just shitting out those big hands out of nowhere too.

Don't worry, with Mako's upgrade to MC status, she'll make the Sergeants Match super interesting! No asspulls required. Just creativity and mind games.

You know, I don't really mind Mahjong Superpowers as long as they have creative usage and offers interesting if not silly matches. They were used quite well in the Nagano Finals, Kiyosumi Quarterfinals and even the Achiga semifinals Vanguard match.

But now, they're just blasting big dick hands at each other without much buildup. Matches have been reduced to a competition of who can throw the biggest Mahjong Hadoken at each other. I've sadly lost interest at the Vanguard Match now, but I'm actually unironically looking forward to the Sergeant Match the most now.

Sumire and Yuu have very situational powers and I don't really see how they can upgrade it to silly levels. And Hao still hasn't shown her full capabilities yet. I can think of a lot of creative shit Ritz can do by integrating Chinese/HongKong rules mindsets into the match. The asspull powerlevel for this match is low is what I'm saying.

And there's the matter of Mako having upgraded MC status too so maybe she'll actually do something amazing this time. She's a girl that grew up with normal peron Mahjong. Show them the power of mortals Seaweed Queen.

I like mahjong superpowers when they don't take them to their logical conclusion, like with Kuro's shit here. If you start going "she has control over dora", or "she always gets haitei AND she slows her opponents down to get it" or "she can't just get rinshan kaihou whenever she wants, but she can also chain kans together to manipulate the wall" it gets nonsensical. And that's fine if it's the villain, to some extent, like Teru here or the aforementioned haitei loli, but when it's the main character it just gets dumb.

Miss me yet t/a/noshii?

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This month's chapter was too short.
With Saki's occasional flashbacks I'm starting to wonder if MakoMeshi will somehow end up being the spinoff that finally gives us more info on the Miyanaga family circumstances.
Also Saki's legs were covered with a blanket in the panel where she woke up, how adorable is that?

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Mako is unironically best girl/wife/mom. She is too good for everyone in this series.

Ironic, she is best in everything except Mahjong, the one thing that matters in their world the most.

you have no idea how, please come back to me.

You know what they said, if the little sister is weird, so does the big sister.

Will Nelly have a deep interesting backstory?

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backstory? you mean neckstory, look at this!

Both of them have necks, that was a temporary art style.

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>this match has been going on for five billion years
Is Ritz just hoping to beat Fukumoto at this point?

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There is an interesting story behind it. In short she was interested in nelly bc she was interested in caucasus related stuff.

So she made up a whole story about her.

>a manga about mahjong

>beat Fukumoto
Still a long way to go. Washizu Mahjong literally took 21 years. And in-universe, it just took place within the span of 12 hours or so. The Saki Zencoke has only been going on for around 8 years tops, and in-universe, a week or so has passed.

Nothing will ever beat FKMT. Not unless Ritz creates a Hypersonic World Mahjong arc against the International Lesbian Illuminati.

>9 replies
Let's dump it again.
Warm and fluffy Saki

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Saki is a good girl.
Mahjong is tanoshii.

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Curing her antisocial tendency.

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It's already past 7 PM.
Miyanaga dad gets a rare mention.

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Saki starts reading and dozes off into floating Toki mode.

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Saki gets free food and cab rides from Mako.
Not a bad deal.

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Mako preparing the dish of the week.

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It's a hot casserole dish.
Pumpkin Bread Gratin

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Saki eats; Kyou speaks and gets nothing.
End Chapter 3; next chapter Sept. 6.

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Using MakoMeshi for Miyanaga backstory is a great idea.
It's starting to look like Saki is lonely, and Kyou is a good friend to her.

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>cab rides
Mako just called Kyou to walk Saki home ()
She'd probably get lost after dark.

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Ritz doesn't want your money, not that you could afford it anyway.

Am I a joke to you?

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5 more years

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What? Kyo was childhood friends with Saki way before you even met Nodokas nodokas.

Note how the boob size average trends towards achiga during the finals.

Holy shit, that's not right.

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Joke's are funny.

I wonder if Kyoutarou will ever get an own arc.

Just wait for Awaii's Awaiis at the captain match.

Kyoutaro: The Heterosexual that descended into the Darkness.

Look forward to him playing Human Derby run by Gunpowder.

I'm so tired of that useless fuck and his ridiculous luck in Saki Portable.

Not sure what to make of MakoMeshi. Maybe they should just let MekiMeki do straight yuri slice of life which is their thing instead of throwing these curveballs.

>descended into darkness
Ritz already got competition. She's gotta pick up the pace.

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Stop this, gen ztard.

Isekai Ritz wanted to be in, but got stuck in ours, so now she's working on trying to make it a reality here.

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a man in a girl's world

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SOA. Is this a common enough trope that Ritz just happened to pick it for Nodoka, or shameless plagiarism by this artist?

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We get it Ritz.

You wanted to continue Fatalizer. But can't you just have waited until Saki finished, rather than making Saki go full retard?

>what do you like:

A man of refined taste. No wonder Ritz kept him.

Dammit. This manga just keeps playing all the memes we've been posting here, and on suspicious page numbers too.

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>Very high stats in Latent Potential
What did Ritz mean by this?

He has high potential of being latent.

Look, there's even a Hisa.

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And goldfish. Yeap, this is a ripoff.

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alternate universe male Kuro
The Dragon King

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Latent homosexual perhaps?

It's still more girly than Izumi.

Wow, somebody made Ritz's dream manga.
Picked up.

Because that's basically the same uniform, but with pants.

Ritz will get inspired by MekiMeki Izumi and make her cuter.

>I have no sister

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Chapter 104

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Sigrid is so much cuter than Nodoka. Ritz should continue Fatalizer. It's clear that's what she really wants anyway.


They even go to a hidden shrine in the mountains.

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Agreed. Ritz should at least do a one chapter Saki/Fatalizer isekai bonus in a volume release.

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Saki-san kawaii. Not a great mahjong snack though.
Hardtack & matcha is my favorite.

Problem: copyright issues
Fatalizer was in Blade Comics, which was founded by ex-Enix artists. Blade is now part of IG Port.
Saki is published by Square Enix, so doing a Fatalizer crossover may be a problem.

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Pretty sure the original creator can do whatever the fuck she wants.

Only after the rights revert to the author. It takes some years after publication for that to happen.

Fatalizer was published like more than 10 years ago so I'm sure the rights have gone back to Ritz already.

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Wait, Fatalizer had (shitty) scanlation work done on it?


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Translated by an user from a Saki thread some months ago.

yes; someone here did it in 2016

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Rinkai has a virus

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yes (from the archive):

I'm not saying I had anything to do with that, but it could use a little more love.

>mount-in girl

only 2 years before Saki started

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The art has evolved a lot.

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>5 assistant toneworkers
Fatalizer must have had a bigger production than Saki.

It had more soul back then. Now the characters look dead inside.

Saki-san's skirt got longer, somehow

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Notice how the chart says that the 1st and the 2nd places are unchanged. Ako was already second in 2018 and no one noticed.

I'm amazed the eyes actually have gotten alot smaller. Early 00's moe style was really over the top.

I noticed, but there was no chart to throw around.

>Ako was already second in 2018 and no one noticed.
A lot of people did, what are you talking about?

they are fast...

Attached: 1564934279914.png (1280x720, 1.23M)

The joke has also been stale for like 6 years.

Eyes needed to get smaller to make the breasts look bigger.

Saki took Mako's skirt by accident. (Ch. 66)

Attached: 07.png (849x1200, 146K)

>Ch. 67
Maybe Hisa and her minions will appear in a chapter of MakoMeshi

Attached: 06.png (854x1200, 149K)

Mount-in girls have the most tanoshii.

Attached: sex_risa.png (442x471, 195K)

so pretty

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Just noticed that MakoMeshi has the winter uniforms and Saki in a short skirt.
So MakoMeshi is between Nagano and Zenkoku.
Good attention to detail by Mekimeki.

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Going from grapefruits to watermelons in what, 3 months? And the most growth was in the last two weeks? Dammit Ritz.

I wonder if Ritz actually shrunk Etopen a little to make nodokas look even bigger.