One Piece

What did Hawkins mean by a man that doesn't take Future into account?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Another great LuHan episode today.

Hancock and Luffy are the best pair and I'm glad they are getting a movie

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Stop making these threads so early. At least wait til the other thread hits bump limit and goes to page 8 or 9

It means he's a loose cannon with nothing to lose.

a D

*saves Wano arc*

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>doesn't show the crew's ship (Going Merry or Thousand Sunny)
>doesn't show any of the Straw Hats wearing their return to sabaody arc outfits at any point
>doesn't show any of the Straw Hats sailing, goofing off, shopping, playing, fishing, or any other leisurely activities
>doesn't show any other location besides the setting of the current arc
>doesn't show any character that isn't connected or doesn't appear in the current arc

hancock peaked as a loli

Good Morning

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the way openings should be

who are you quoting?



4/5 is ok with me

>>doesn't show any of the Straw Hats sailing, goofing off, shopping, playing, fishing, or any other leisurely activities
I actually like this. It's fun to see the Straw Hats doing fun activities together.

a post on arlong park

Best girl

I think we can finally put this debate to rest.

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Not sure what you mean. I like Robin more than ever now.

Coverage of vivre cards will begin tomorrow morning (japan time)

robin is best girl confirmed, yeah. where's the fun in having a partner that won't make funny faces with you?

I'd like more SoL filler arcs once in a while.

yeah both are shit and should leave the crew

Why does reddit love this face so much?

And why are people still underestimating the Admirals this hard?

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*saves the sales of Wano arc*

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Law is hot

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admirals are zoro-tier

No he's not

RIP Luffy
Fodder alliance vs Big Mom and Kaido

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Is Zoro and Fuji being equal in power (in Stampede) a good thing for Zoro or a bad thing for Fuji?

They should be replaced by Vivi and Perona tbqh

I don't know man. Those movies are always messing up my power level charts. I remember when the Strong World was released I had to put Luffy above the admirals after he beat Shiki.

Fujitora is the weakest admiral



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>CP0 are gonna be jobbers
>CP0 are weak
>CP0 aren't important
Yet here they are being shilled in yet another movie and having a hand in every arc from dressdora onwards

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>"You know, Luffy, with great power comes great Freedom. Gol D Roger called it "The human burden." Myself, I just call it as I see it: the responsibility of the master to discipline the servant."
>Shanks looks directly at the camera.
>"The fishmen, the okamas, the giants...It's our responsibility to civilize them. And if we can't? Then they shall dangle from the adam tree. The Day of the Rope is near, Luffy. We'll have every fishman under the sea dead or in chains in 10 years, and may God have me lose my arm to a weak ass seaking this very night if I'm wrong. God bless the World Government Gorosei party."

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That's right. No one knows who you are.
In the sea of board buzz, where people discuss interesting characters and story elements, you stand on the outskirts wondering how you'll fit in. Perhaps you'll try to engage in proper insightful discussion? Or if that's too much work, maybe you'll conjure up a humourous, yet witty meme? Anything to stand out and make yourself remembered!
But instead you ask "who?" of character names well-known and discussed, like some demented retard. While you plenty think your phrase is witty, "ironic", and fresh, the rest gloss over your post, quickly dismissing you as someone who thinks he is clever but doesn't yet realize how dimwitted he is. A truly pathetic existense.
But maybe there's more to it. Perhaps under it all, you are really asking "Who am I?" "Can I really be remembered and discussed as much as this character is?" The answer is no. Even on a shitty cartoon board littered with even shittier memes, you still can't make yourself be someone. Someone remembered. Even as I finish this post I am already forgetting you, but hey! At least you got a response, right? For now, I'm pleased to know I'll be a small token in a day among many a worthless existence.

Why would you think Strong World Shiki was just as strong as he was in his prime?
He had significant brain damage from a fucking wheel being stuck in his head, and sat on his ass for 20 years doing absolutely nothing, after wasting away in Impel Down for who knows how long.

She...she really did she unironically had a better design...not better than Sandersonia but then again no woman is

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How strong is Fujitora without his DF? Just as a normal swordsman.



Fujitora isn't a DF user, but his sword is.

Fujitora is Cracker level

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It's going to be funny when the rest of the alliance finds out that Big Mom is on Wano as well.

Great, can't wait to see what headcanon he'll disguise as information this time.

>Implying Big Mom won't solo Kaido and all his crew
Its Luffy and co vs Big Mom this arc.

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You haven't noticed how he has to remove it from it's sheath to use his power?

Sabo should have stayed dead

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>All the theories about Napoleon and Linlin's connection to her power and soul all got BTFO by Napoleon simply saying he was shy
Fucking based. This is why I read this series.

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Fuji using his gravity sense to replace his sight though. How could he do that if it was the sword?
Besides objects can only eat Zoans.

He's used his powers without unsheathing his sword tho

No, he uses haki for that.
And regular objects can only eat zoans but swords are different.
We know for a fact that swords have their own spirit and can be cursed, what exactly do you think a DF is?


Ace was able to use haki as a child

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Will Kid kill Apoo and Hawkins?

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>Besides objects can only eat Zoans.
Where has that ever been said?
my man is slurping down some ramen while lifting a battleship/sending a meteor down

I would have liked if he pretended to be nice like O-Lin so he could figure out where Zeus was.

Haki doesn't work that way it can only sense living beings.
Fuji uses gravity to make a mental map of his surroundings.

These are the same people that let Trebol put himself back together like a logia after Usopp's attack.

Is this supposed to be a list of good points or what?

If an object ate a non zoan it wouldnt have any personality or will to use its power.


We've literally seen he can hear the truth in people's voices. He just has Daredevil senses.

I mean,an object like a chair can't eat the Suna-Suna,for example,since eating a Logia doesn't give you the necessary intelligence to control your form.Zoans do.

But Zoro could sense his swords during his fight with Jazz Boner.

Where. Has. It. Been. Said. In. The. Manga.

Shanks didn't like Dogstorm or Cat Viper either. So what if Jack dismembered them? Big deal, cool story.

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Only 6 hours left. After that I will close the poll and release the results
If for some reason you haven't voted yet, here's the link

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Well my Headcanon is still that he feels the gravity touching every surface allowing him to sense everything.
He probably has great hearing too though.

Kizaru would have died it it was a seastone bullet

Why do people pretend he's strong?

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Its just obvious. When have you ever seen an item with another fruit type? They don't do it for clear and obvious reasons that don't need explaining.
This isn't HxH where every detail requires a full spread explaining it Oda expects us to understand some obvious things.

Vivre Cards say he ate a DF. Get informed before you post.

That's just sword wizard magic.
For swordsman in One Piece a sword is a actually a wand which they use to cast cut.

Swords explicitly have their own will, personalities and preferences though. They are fully capable of using any DF.

How many people have access to those?

done my 100th account
it's better to be worth it

i don't think a fucking admiral that could stop Whitebeard spear with one leg would die if someone just throws a stone at him

Yeah,and that's why I said an object like a chair.If an inanimate object didn't have a will beforehand,it wouldn't be capable of maintaining its form.

>An Admiral once again has to use kid gloves so Zoro can show off
>Meanwhile Bullet is soloing all the Supernovas including Luffy

It's just to show its different from the usual openings

Is Garp the biggest piece of shit in one piece?

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Objectively, Ace was. He was a massive faggot in just about every single page he was in. The ONLY good moment he ever had was killing himself to save Luffy.

He did it in the manga tho

Tier 1
>We are
>Brand New World
>Share the World
Tier 2
>Hikari e
>Kokoro no Chizu
>We Are! (Remix)
>One day
Tier 3
>Jungle P
>Kaze o Sagashite
>Fight Together
>We Go
>Wake Up!
Tier 4
>Crazy Rainbow
>Hard Knock Days
>We can!

Best pairing! Incredible chemistry in the manga and great doujins!

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do one for the outros. put this in tier 1

Man your taste is shit I hate you

When will he have his moment?

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Napoleon, once again, proves his status as best homie

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When he solos the heart pirates

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>Hope and BNW in tier 1
>Crazy Rainbow in tier 4
You sir, have amazing taste

From the director of Stampede.

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I literally JUST masturbated.
Fuck off.

>Casually going up against the Admirals
God, Apoo is fucking based.

unfortunately, Usopp is to white for me to support this ship

Sanji and Robin are together

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When he teams up with Soul King and takes out Big Meme

Never, he can not defeat boars

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>that zoro and brook
Cringe. Looks like some 14 year old's deviant artist's interpretation

I've got a Bone to pick with you - Soul King ft. The Sea Roar is gonna be some hype shit

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>Robin uses Sanji as betabux while using Zoro for sex

BASED. How can a low tier Becky like Nami even compete?

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Zorofags are ridiculous. Admirals are above top YC level. Are you saying Zoro can beat Katakuri, Marco, or King?

Why did Robin look so much better pretimeskip?

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I appreciate the desire to make headcanon but in the real canon Sanji already had sex with Robin while Zoro is still a virgin.

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God, imagine the taste of her sweat.

Her bangs took the focus off her 5head. Which is why she looked fine in Dressrosa.

Why the hell has Shanks allowed Kaido to fuck Wano for 20 years?
It seems like it'd be something that would bother Shanks if he truly is a good guy.

it may shock you but Shanks is a pirate

>Why doesn't Shanks become the world police?
Kinda retarded question is that?

>good guy

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Based. I am so sick of normalfags worshipping that jobber named Ace.

>Sales started tanking as soon as she went back to the other minks
You may be on to something there.

why didn't he stop crocodile in alabasta? why didn't he stop the government from bombing ohara? why does he allow slavery?

Last time I checked Shanks was a pirate. Why tge fuck would he start a war with one of the strongest people alive?

Would love for one of them, mainly Apoo, to have hidden/protected the rest of Kidd's crew as a sign of respect or their previous alliance
Kidd confronting Hawkins or Apoo over their obviously motivated 'betrayal' seems petty in the context of the NSP-alliance facing Kaido and possibly BM

I don't think he was aware Crocodile was fucking around in alabasta,same with the oharan bombing.As for the slavery,hurting a CD is literal suicide,even for yonko.

Shanks is in cahoots with the elders and imu. They're all obsessed with keeping balance in the world. They don't take down the yonko for lack of power but to keep everything in check. Luffy has been fucking all that shit up ever since he hit the grand line

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Every single female looked much better pretimeskip. Oda's design of females gets worse and worse as the story progresses.

>some schmuck pirate saying a seastone bullet would kill him means it would

Quote should have been "I'm here to save this arc.". Based O-Linlin has been heads and shoulders the best thing in Wano. The Kaido a shit.

We're not even sure if Shanks meant Luffy in his meeting with the elders. He could have meant BB or even Weevel for all we now.

How popular is Carrot in Japan?

you can always edit it yourself if you aren't a phonefag

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>characters liek perona that haven't been relevant for years beat carrot

Only Wano.

Carrot sucks. She doesn't belong. I hope she dies or fucks off back to Zou.

Daifuku, get off 4channel and find your mom

>the arc when the sales dropped the most in the history of OP is the only one when she is a major presence
Definitely onto something.

So if he doesn't get into a fight with anyone from Wano who uses a gun and sea stone bullets, he's still bullet proof. And even then, CoO Haki would still mean he could just dodge

What about Haki'd bullets

When does Usopp develop hos CoO skills more?

When the rest of the crew gets haki.

Can you apply the whole coating and what not to projectiles though? I know the amazons used CoA with arrows, but that seems more like a passive application of CoA versus the active form.

The moment he actually fights I guess. He has no trainer and wasn't in a longer fight since Dressrosa. I think the last time his haki was alluded to was the Heart of Gold three years ago.

probably never, maybe Usopp in his final fight

You answered your own question honestly.

>Has Big Mama where he wants surrounded by two (2) top member of his crew, cuffed in sea stone
>Doesn't just play it dirty

No wonder this balance of power bullshit never move

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Seastone sword plus haki>all the DF users except buggy

I feel really fucking retarded but after rereading that section 100 times I still don't know what the fuck is going on

>sword made from stone

Seastone would actualy nullify Buggy's ability though and cut him.
Queen has humbled the braggart punk luffy

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Was Doffy vs Luffy the first time Luffy fought seriously post time skip?

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law wants to kill hawkins even though it would kill his crew as well. the only way to make it not happen is if hawkins releases law's crew.
hawkins can "see" the future and he is afraid of someone who doesn't take the future into consideration (law)

Luffy would die to Hody if not for the Brotherhoshi

It was the first time he went all out, but he fought seriously beforehand.

>Got completely destroyed as soon as Luffy went G4
No, Luffy was still not giving it his all so it can't be considered "serious". The first true fight post-TS was against Katakuri, where he was actually fucking pushed even while using G4, and actually had to grow during the fight.

remember that Alvida is the only arc villain that Luffy beat in fair 1v1

You mean cracker where he was on the verge of losing even with G4 and was saved by Nami's rain.


How big?

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That isn't it. Law was in seastome cuffs. He and Law made some kind of deal.
Most likely Hawkins doesnt like being stuck as Kaidos bitch and the card told him that Laws rebellion stands a chance.

All shipperfags must die.

>Doffyfags STILL seething

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Nah, that would be Don Kreig

>being this assblasted about facts and logic


>Luffy was still not giving it his all so it can't be considered "serious"
He was at G4 and still couldn't finish off Doflamingo before he passed out. He had to be protected for 10+ minutes to regain enough stamina for another go at G4.

Why would you want Oda to die?

The only ship Oda has is Nami x girls

Krieg was still conscious while Luffy fell to the sea

>The only ship Oda are actual ships


>Law was in seastome cuffs
he clearly isn't in op pic. the cuffs came only later

Already has been pointed out many times, by Oda himself, that Luffy did not need the help to win and could've won on his own.

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>Release her ! What do you think you're doing ?!
le kaido is so cute when protecting his woman

Luffy has beaten


All in fair 1v1s.

He will master it in his snipe off with whats his face on blackbeards crew.

>Nami's only connection is to Tashigi

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>by Oda himself, that Luffy did not need the help to win and could've won on his own.
Oda himself showed that Luffy would have died without all the gladiators,sabo and law protecting him for 10 minutes

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He'd die there without Robin. If you treat it as one-on-one, then Crcoo-boy is the winner (he merely passed out).

Because land, sea or air, in one on one always bet on Kaido. Shanksfags are the worst, literally living in denial of Oda's fucking canon story. Kaido >>> Shanks deal with it homosexual redhead lovers. Plus Shanks didn't have the kozuki throne claim to start a war in wano.

>the translation was shown to be shit few hours after it appeared
>retards still hold onto it

Luffy was the last man standing DURING the fight. Crocodile wasn't getting up until he was already in custody.

The fortune teller fears the Mugiwara


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Custody shmastody, the result of this fight is dying Luffy and passed out Croc, that Luffy lived and Croc was arrested is an outside intervention.

It never ceases to amuse me how much of a chicken Shanks is with good old chicken Teach. Birds of a feather flock together! Zehahahahahaha!

>"my favourite wano character so far? it must be hawkins!'

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Tashigi triggers her mommy issues.

Just ignore the retards, they're just spics angry and confused that all past antagonists don't get relegated to joke jobber status in One Piece like they do in every other shonen manga

Gash Bell handled the whole haki/heart power as a resource way better

>can't fucking keep himself on his legs
>Doffy moves towards him ready to kill
>he'd just have to do his best lol
Why is Oda such a goddamn speedreader?

>Run out of "heart power"
>Means your heart power becomes stronger
That was shit come on.


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Whats the source of this copy pasta? Been looking forever

Yea Forums

>this much text

Anime only BTFO

the translation is basically the same

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I really don't get why he engages in this revisionism. He could just say Luffy was exhausted from other factors than G4, why pretend he could keep going when he clearly couldn't? I mean, I get Luffy's asexuality retcon because it was needed for the plot, but that one is just stupid. Especially that everyone working together then was the whole point. Next time he'll say Luffy could get out of the pool in Arlong Park but just coincidentally run into Nojiko and Genzo. Or that he could reach Enel alone but coincidentally run into Nami and Zoro and Wiper were also coincidentally down there.

All Oda says is that if Luffy didn't have his allies he would have toughed it out some other way.

It doesn't contradict what luffy said in the chapter.

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Stay seething Doffyfag.

He couldn't even scratch Marco without the help of Onigumo. Garp is the only Marine who can hurt actually Marco.

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He beat Caesar

What was Sabo doing again while the entire country was being swallowed by the Birdcage? I honestly don't wanna read through Dressrosa again.

I hope vegapunk makes these a lot stronger for the upcoming war

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>he would have toughed it out some other way.
Yeah, fate and destiny would save Luffy no matter what, no matter how improbable. Oda cannot let Luffy die, Oda is a slave to the conventions of his story.


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Luffy didn't beat Krieg.

>Zoro can beat Katakuri
Yes. The only reason zoro went with the group to wano was because Oda knew he could defeat cracker and katakuri easy along with all the charlotte siblings

Oda has stated that Shanks is closest to himself in terms of personality, while Kaido is closest to his dad, so maybe they have that kind of relationship?

Fuck Zorospics

I hope he refines the smile formula and makes Kaido look like even more of a brainlet


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How is One Pace? I kinda want to wait for Wano in the anime


Kaido > Big Mom > Blackbeard > Mihawk > Shanks

Kata would shit on Zoro harder than Zoro would shit on Cracker.

Too big.

>one piece anime
Stop watching garbage and read one piece.

Law definitely implied he is going to tell Hawkins all of the rebellion plans, may we see another death in One Piece soon?

spics are power level fags and edgefags, it's obvious that Shanks, Mihawk, Zoro, Luffy and Kaido are the most popular characters among them

Are there any peronaxzoro moments in the stampede film?

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I don’t like a single character introduced in wano that isn’t queen.

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We mostly just let the lawfags be gay because they don’t hurt anyone

Luffy landed a sucker punch on Kuro and later those kids beat him too
Luffy got thrown into the sea by Arlong and after he got rescued he landed a surprise punch thanks to Zoro
Luffy got rescue by Robin during his first fight vs Crocodile, later he would die if not for the Robin antidote
Luffy got thrown from the ship by Enel and later beat him thanks to the whole crew support
Blueno was not an arc villain
Got Usopp morally help while fighting vs Lucci, Usopp buy him some time to recover
Luffy would lose to Katakuri if not for Brulee

no, but seems like ZoroxTashigi Chads will rise up

Luffy would have lost too if katakuri didn’t stab himself because of muh honor

He fought Fujitora, Bastille, and Burgess when that was happening.

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Next thing you'll say Zoro is stronger than Luffy. Why are zorofags so retarded?

Fight's gonna get off paneled anyway

yes but only because Luffy got hit thanks to Flampe needle, in fact, Luffy would win a lot easier if Flampe wasn't there

Tashigi belongs to Nami.

I said One Pace

Zoro vs Kaido & Big Mom when?

One Piece is better than this nonsensical writing.
Oda better explain himself.

Zoro would pass out like a bitch from their haki alone.

He believes in Luffy.

le funneh enel faec

non canon shit

That's not Enel face you retard

there won't be a fight in the first place, this is just them flexing like shanks and newgate did

He's dead, bro

not if he uses more than 2% of his power

>ZoroxTashigi Chads will rise up
They should stick to the canon and sit down

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If they aren't gonna try to kill each other then what, if they team up to get Luffy then Oda will have to be more hack than ever to get Luffy to survive. If Big Mom just decides to leave it'd be the most anticlimactic shit ever

No shit retard, it's Robin not Enel

>mfw bobbin returns and fixes everything

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I know right, it's likehow could Zoro possibly hope to satisfy Tashigi after her holes have been completely ruined by giant smoke tentacles?

Luffytaro figure

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Smoke isn't exactly firm or tangible,how is Smoker gona ruin her?

>A hat with a sword sword suit
>the hat becomes sentient
>swords are alive confirmed
Wait no that was a homie.

What was Yasue's message? Is it that Zoro is the chosen one?

Smoker's prob a jobber in bed too

He'll kill Kaido

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>Hawkins admits Trafalgar Law would kill him in a fight.

>the only way Smoker can fuck is in his smoke form because Hina has him in a chastity cage

Poor guy, can he even feel anything when he's smoke? Would Tashigi have to line her vagina/asshole in haki?

Based on those panels Kaido's head was taken roughly 20 years ago; bear in mind he's still alive and has since reattached it.

BEYOND IMAGINATION, user. That panel is just a red herring to throw you off. Kaido will be defeated in a much more unpredictable way.

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>"hey have you heard that kaido and linlin were on the same crew?"
>"hey have you heard that kaido and linlin were on the same crew?"
>"hey have you heard that kaido and linlin were on the same crew?"
they're obv gonna team up, you dongle

They feed him another DF and he explodes

>King's wing are white

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>bear in mind he's still alive and has since reattached it.
the drum island connection to wano is finally confirmed

Youg Ce Tu said he will change to black

Kaido is cursed such that he cannot die until a condition is met, perhaps it's something like he must learn to appreciate living first.
Luffy will make him appreciate life, and Blackbeard will probably swoop in and kill him since that will make Kaido vulnerable and mortal.

>Implying Kaido has DF powers

Ya, Hiluluk left his country in search of a cure for his homeland, Wano.

Don't worry, Tu Yong Ce (animator) confirmed King's wings will be changed to black. They made a mistake making them white.

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Leave the admirals and yonko to me

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I feel like it'll end up being over pretty quickly if/when it happens, either to show off Kids powerlevel or to get it over with considering there's 7 million plot lines in Wano and I would think Oda doesn't want this arc to go on for 300 chapters

Go back to Vivi, Nami.

Confusing Zoro for Sanji there.

who is this wano side character? I forgot the name

How the fuck do you make a mistake by making them white? They're fucking shaded BLACK in the manga.

Komurasaki but she's dead

Tell that to otoko's hair

>imagine being this wrong

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Hiyori "Yamata no Orochi slayer" Kozuki

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Just like how Queen's Hiyori's and Toko's hair is black?

Well it's gonna take some asspulls to get Luffy to have a chance. They could try to get Luffy by their own separate means without teaming up and end up getting in each other's way giving Luffy's team a way to end up on top. The fight will prob end in a standstill and they get pissed and stop. Hell, maybe they just decide to leave BM stranded on the island and make base in Orochi's castle instead
Good thing I stopped watching the anime long ago. The colors they choose are god awful

>can barely manage to fend off one supernova
>even touching kaido
why are zorofags so unbelievably deluded

What will you obsess over once One Piece is done?

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Is Mihawk weak?

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So law is getting killed after this arc and having his DF stolen by Teach after Wano right?

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Oda's shading has nothing to do with color, but purity. Big Mom and Toko have the same hair color, but Linlin's is shaded white since she is still pure as she has never had sex outside of marriage, while Toko is a prostitute.

Calm down user, don't the Zorochads keep you up at night.

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>Queen has blond hair
I don't like it...

I'm sure Hawkeye was half assing it in the war. He didn't seem to give much of a fuck. He was just there because he had to be to keep his status

Toko is more of an assistant rather than sleeping with customers

Sanji is the best character in One Piece

someone make rich as jack

Yeah, I'm just gonna go with the "Oda throws darts at a multicolored wall and uses whatever color it lands on for whatever character he is coloring at the moment" theory.

>cuts down hawkeye
What's that boy? You wanted to face him?

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Law has dark blue hair in manga

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wrong dumb dumb, Kaido will have King and Queen capture Nami (that's probably where Zoro will break Kitetsu, reducing his sword count to one). In exchange for leaving, Big Mam will get Zeus back and Kaido will sweeten the deal by giving her intel they got from Caribou (setting up the next Fishman Island Arc and final battle with Big Mam). Then she'll leave, Nami and Law will be captured, Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji will be in training and that's how the act will end.

This makes no sense at all

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Nothing. I will even leave this place only to return when Togashi feels like releasing a chapter.

Nah Law, Kidd, and Buggy are going to be the next generation's Yonko

In the split second he was worried about Luffy he lost concentration and couldn't put up haki.

I honestly don't see it the way the story is going,but that would be cool as fuck.

>bounty posters
>don't actually describe or explain the power sets and moves of the character
I'm sure that kind of info would be helpful. World government are kind of lazy

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>Buggy manages to keep up the charade until he dies being known as one of the most powerful pirates that have ever lived

How strong are them?

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Just more jobbers like the last ninjas we saw

he just shoves his jitte up his ass

>this is a 40 yo woman

Genin level

Their crews aren't actually gonna do anything. Luffy,Law and Kid* will clean up the entirety of the beasts pirates while their crews stumble upon the aftermath of the carnage as a callback to their first team up.

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jobber tier

Gladius has a black mask in the manga but both in the anime and when Oda colors him for Volume 77, it's white. So it wouldn't be the first time this has happened.

Why is Wano so good? Why has it been so much better than the other post-TS arcs?

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Actually 30 which makes the whole luffyxboa even more unlikely. Luffy isn't gonna end up with anyone.

buggy's fruit is ridiculously strong and he has a legendary pedigree. he's too good of a character to discard, he will keep advancing

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If Big Mom can drop her guard over a fucking picture I'm willing to accept Shanks panicking over a kid drowning because of him, including Whitebeard getting stabbed and Kaido getting captured a ton of times it seems Yonko are quite clumsy by nature.

Kaido commander have more character development than the sweet commander

we need more arc-specific openings, this is easily the best post-ts op and one of the best ones overall

Wano has been pretty shit except for the Queen+Prison chapters.

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better character designs
the villains are actually good
the strawhats all get good moments

nothing (so far) has dragged on too long. Udon was close but it ended strong so its fine.

Don’t know but the measles fat guy seems interesting

Makes perfect sense. Racist ginger pirate degenerate was bullying based mountain bandits boys, disrupting the wholesome township of Fooshsa, along with corrupting the mind of an impressionable youth, until our Lord and savior, Lor D. Coast, intervened, disarmed the bigot, thus teaching him a lesson.

Beast pirates are carrying this arc

>speed and holdem in the OP with the Allstars
What odd choices

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The beast pirates. If the beast pirates sucked, like if Queen was a boring character, this arc would be total dogshit.

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cute kunoichi on the left

>Actually 30 which makes the whole luffyxboa even more unlikely.
That's almost exactly the age difference between his teacher Rayleigh and Shakky, it's practically set in stone.

Explain this.

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Foreshadowing Robin being a doting mother after Kuzan impregnates her.
Franky doesn't even have a penis

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Mommy being amazing as always

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Because he can't do shit about it. He has only a very small chance of actually winning and even if he wins, so many of his mens would die and the others Yonko would just finish him off.

>Characters Oda forgot exists and doesn't even put in cover pages

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>You'll never get bony head pats from the Soul King
why bother living?

Robin wants a child and Toko needs a parent, who isn't a whore or criminal. Robin will adopt Toko, raise her to be prime breeding material and she go on to marry Momo, thus cucking Tama, who will be regulated to a side kunoichi.

>no rushed start like dressrossa
>good pacing
>new characters are really likeable
>beast pirates are fucking based
>a lot of location variety and generally interesting settings
>great art
>strawhats all get great moments despite the amount of other plots being juggled around
oda is on his a-game right now, wano is set to be the best arc in the series

>The Iron Pirate General Franky is made by docking the Kurosai FR-U IV and the *****Brachio Tank V*****.


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What's the best ED song?

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tell that to zoro

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if smoker wasnt a gigantic jobber this would be true


>who isn't a whore or criminal
Robin is both tho

Bobbin WILL return!

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Do you have a link to this post?

Brooke has fought and laid down with one of the Yonko within the same day, them stole something prescious from her in the same night. No one fucking with Soul King's pimp game.

Only Nami converting one of said Yonko's weapons and using it on her comes close. Jinbe gets an honorable mention for betraying, fighting standing up to Big Mom with zero fucks given.

he already did
btfo'ing kizaru (only to be one shotted later)
already makes him in the top tier of supernovas

Attached: One Piece - c856 (v85) - p136 [Digital] [LuCaZ].jpg (1400x2100, 2.42M)
It's on his Weibo account

Don't even have pictures of them, but the underworld brokers

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Nice try Hiyori. Back to sucking commoner cock.

gear 4 luffy got blitzed by kaido
even with rye bread haki zoro sure as shit is going to get blitzed too

i like how Oda isn't willing to compromise the strength of seastone. having it be insignificant to big mom would have been retarded

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>Jora adopted Dellinger
>Robin adopted Toko

>that nameless, background ninja girl on the left

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N-no, he'll recover from this, take that back!

Attached: i'm n-not c-cryin.gif (500x250, 418K)

Thanks bro

Bobbin. Is. Alive

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>robin wasn’t sleeping around for food and money as a child.

i actually really like duval too

>Hyped to no end
>Get offscreened by Vito
Lmao. Not only he lost but he fucking died.

Luffy and zoro are becoming admiral tier by the end of wano right?

Montdor bounty is bobbin tier

Bobbin is the 0th son of Charlotte Family and the user of Hito Hito no mi model:Demon, there's no way he's dead

As opposed to Hiyori who is literally an STD-ridden whore who brags to Zoro about how special it is sharing a bed with her. Cope harder loose whore.

Hiyori never slept with anyone. She only teased and flirted to get what she wants like Nami.

>Hiyori never slept with anyone.

This is what Queen/Sanji/Orochi/Momofags actually believe.

King is a devil.
Hell arc confirmed.
Impel Down of the post-ts One Piece.

checked. hiyori confirmed for cocksmoking slut.

Who will marry Robin?
She is motherly and wants children

Brook is Aokijis grandfather, change my mind

>surrounded by black men
So the memes were real after all

They meet in Film Z and say nothing to each other.

Brook is a womanizer.
He has certainly fucked many women
He must have had an illegitimate child

the fire tank pirates were really good also

The problem with the the other worst generation pirates, outside of the SH and Blackbeard group, is their captain being the only one with any clear level of power.
Outside of Capone, the fire tanks don't look to be much when it comes to strength.

You forgot about Go D. Usopp

A daughter sleeping with her father after a long day?

Mama probably can’t get free from the cuffs but she can still beat them.

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Is that Shellmaru doing a Sadi work?

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vito looks pretty strong imo

I just want them to pin me down and spit roast my holes with their fat, sweaty cocks.

That's right bros, bobbin is just training in seclusion with kata, when he comes backhe'll be sweet commander tier

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What kind of life did you live to get such good taste?

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Why do one piece girls with big cocks make me harder than girls with no cocks?

What episode is this?

based taste

The best part about this is how unsuprised king is about this
Like it's a normal day in the office for him

Kinda hard to tell his face beneath the mask.

Like any of the NON-CANON movies are going to reveal big things like that

King future wife

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That's not Smoothie

That's not Compote

I honestly don't get beastpiratefags. You have Kaido and Queen, but aside of them everyone is boring as fuck (Jack doesn't count, the only good thing about him are memes). Doesn't help that all of them ar just punching bags whenever they appear (top2 aside). So far they're the worst villaionous team post-TS aside of Caesar and his goons.

Looking at his eyes, he seems genuinely shocked.

We're getting actual good fights now while the previous fights were simple jokes.
Jack will redeem himself by tkaing on all the strawhats alone except zoro and luffy alone.

Hancock Stampede countdown.

Have you watched the recent episode of Gear 5? What do you think about it?

>We're getting actual good fights now while the previous fights were simple jokes.
I'm not sure what you mean by this. You're trying to imply you like BP because right now we're having good fights or you're just hoping we're getting some in the future?

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Are fishmen/mermaids sexually attracted to humans?

>What do you think about it?
I think you should stop shilling and go back to whatever shithole you came crawling out from.

Mermaids make a living off entertaining human pirates that pass through Fishman Island.

I’m not asking if humans are attracted to mermaids

She made my Snake Solid

I love them!!!

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Shirahoshi wants to the Gomu Gomu no Bone

I love them!!

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Because having a cock inherently means sexual aggressiveness. Which means they constantly want to use it and for you to use them.

I love that One Piece has fans devoted enough to make their own animations, but you sometimes wonder what they take away from the story.


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Considering the half-humans we saw in the series, I'd say yes.

In an alternate universe

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komurasaki... WHO?

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I thought those were rape babies

Is the funi dub dead because no one watches it?

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10 minutes until the polls close

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>Jack always looks like he is mad
>Actually he has been raised by Kaido's crew since he was a little child and he is still scared shitless of Kaido, King and Queen
Being Jack is suffering

Attached: Captain Jack.gif (500x427, 457K)

It’s a shame cause it’s a really good dub

Polls are now closed, I will count all the remaining votes and share the results next thread. Thanks to all the anons who decided to participate

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The only bad thing about the arc is that most of the Red Scabbards are shit honestly (Kanjuro's the only sort of likeable one)

Pretty much. When it was on both the original and revived toonami it had some of the lowest ratings out of all shows that aired, even when placed alongside shows that did well. The anime dipping in quality later on also didn't help.

Did I enter bizarro Yea Forums by some accident? What's the best arc of One Piece?

Yea Forums's been pretty split on Wano as far as I can tell, some people like it and others think it's shit

Looking forward to it!

>they're probably gonna participate in the next arc with the world nobles,revolutionaries and navy
Shit sucks man

I tried, Gohan Luffy made it unbearable and I don't care how many liars want to claim it's a good dub, if the main character sounds like garbage I ain't watching that shit regardless of other talents involved.

Why does this twink with such a grating voice have such a huge following? I genuinely don't understand

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calling it right now

1- Luffy
2- Nami
3- Zoro
4- Sanji
5- Big Mom

People like to feel cringe

>(Kanjuro's the only sort of likeable one)
>Not the Wanokuni boomers

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"You won't believe what happened...It all started when Big Mom did something weird that forced Kaido to resort to "that" and then they just came to agreement...of an alliance between the Big Mom Pirates and Beast Pirates!" *DON*

Well, but taking Kanjuro of all people as the only likeable scabbard is unusual.

>Stil doesn't understand how Katakuri's fruit works
It's so fucking pathetic these people call themselves "knowledgable" about One Piece when they can't rub two brain cells together.

I'm gonna come out and say it.

The anime is good

Really? His fruit is pretty straightforward. I'm surprised it confuses people

one of my votes actually went to linlin. the others two were franky and bentham

>if they team up to get Luffy then Oda will have to be more hack than ever to get Luffy to survive.
Nope. Have you seen what SHs and friends were doing in the enemies this whole arc? There's at least half a dozen people who can take on a commander at least opposing Kaido, supernovas will probably flip sooner or later. If anything, BP and Orochi are not enough for that arc.

People still get things like the basics of haki wrong so I'm not really that surprised
If jinbe was in the wano arc it would be over in 20 chapters due to his strength

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wdym matt is funny as hell and makes good content

also he is a fellow carrotfag

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i hope big meme dies soon by kaido's stick , she is disgusting .

not this shit again

>wanting this pure soul to die
Why are Kaidofags so cruel?

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Reminder that Ace was as strong as him.

He sort of looks like ginrummy

where's prometheus?

If 4kids was still in charge,how would have they handle Brook,Franky,Law,Caesar,Hancock,Ivankov, Big mom and Kaido?

How could Law lose? Doesn't he hard counter Hawkins since he can cut him without actually harming him?

>Admirals? Yonko? Mugiwara?
>uses earthquakes to sink the the island they're on with a tsunami
Fool the sea is my domain

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>final attack
>Not even a scratch
Yeah, well... Not that strong actually

*i hope big meme dies soon by kaido's dick

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Probably on the Mama Chanter along with the other Charlottes.

I hope every last one of you dies a painful death. Fuck all of you.

Vivrecards are horse shit though, making clear assumptions some times (Jack is not a fish man)

Jinbe will show up Act 3 probably and will be fighting Jack who will be revealed to have a reverse fishman karate fighting style that dries people out like corcodile but with punches

The only potential fix would be if they started editing the anime to cut the filler scenes. The anime is unwatchable from FI to now.

They need a One Pace dubbed series basically.

One Piss characters look amazing when they have actual anatomy rather than that cartoon shit Oda does.

Mermaids are honestly ugly as shit

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I love you too, user. I hope your day goes well!

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You have it back wards, Hawkins hard counters Law, he only loses lifes when you kill him or hurt him enough. Law's cuts are harmless.

What is his fucking problem?

I don't. And I hate this guy. His videos are 50 minutes long and all he does is recap the chapter. You could read the chapter yourself four times in that span.

I won't. JUST to spite you.

Attached: smug carrot.png (1280x720, 765K)

no that one who almost kill Sanji

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Stick to Bleach my man, oh wait

Hi Tekking.


That would be actually interesting if attempted. One Pace is done by bunch of fans in their free time, but here you'd have professionals not kept by some constraints Pace has (since they're doing their own dub and don't have to care for effects of cutting on voices). Not like there's a chance that would happen.

>*does tarot*
>Law, you have literally 0% chance of surviving
>W-what? You don't care about your odds?
>D-damn, what a madman.

Something like this.

that some serious quality there

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If Kaido was capable killing Big Mom, he would have done it by now. Instead he lost to her seven times

Looks like someone needs another month in a chastity cage

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I've been dying for an awkward crocodile and robin reunion.

Why are there so many femdoms in One Piece?

Oda is a pervert, just look at the Sanji Franky and Brook

>*BURRRPP* God's not real Chopper.

>get completely btfo against a (at the time) literally who
>get promoted
sasuga wg, when is chadazuki taking over?

Is Greenbull the last character to be introduced in one piece or something?
This is taking a decade, reverie didn't fucking count.

Attached: Green Baba.jpg (300x534, 119K)

>he didn't read CP9 coverstory

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I can just tell from the strange flatness that is from a special

>Is Greenbull the last character to be introduced in one piece or something?
>This is taking a decade
Oh sweet child, Vegapunk was first name dropped in FUCKING ALABASTA

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>Hawkins power requires a truly ruthless person to beat him
>Law gets a deal with him because muh future instead of being forced to make a truly impossible decision
Just Oda things


>Vegapunk was first name dropped in FUCKING ALABASTA
He was? I thought he was name dropped in Water 7.

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The only thing I dislike about them is

1. It feels like Oda is hiding Kaidou's real crew, outside of the Calamities. The headliners don't feel like his crew. You'd think he'd have like a dozen people between Drake and Pageone, like Big Mom does, but right now his crew hierarchy looks pretty weak. You can't tell me people like Speed and Holdem are supposed to be like Oven and Daifuku.

2. Oda is obviously hiding their transformations. He almost never shows us what a Zoan's animal form looks like, yet it's all we've seen from all three Calamities. When the series ends, people will look back at Wano (and to a lesser extent Zou) and think, "Why the fuck didn't Kaido, King, Queen and Jack enter their hybrid forms sooner? Why the fuck did they use their animal forms at all?" It's because Oda wants to reveal them at the right time. Dramatically, that's fine, but it does take me out a bit.

Getting caught was part of his plan, of course

the name was in Water7, one of his creation (weapons that can eat devil fruits) was in Alabasta but it wasn't confirmed to be Vegapuk thing back then

And this comment implied I liked Bleach how?

I don't think Hina would care, she denied the right to sex and masturbate to a thousand

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What is Hina's awakening?

yeah just like ace teamed up with bb right?

Kinda reminds me how Kubo kept almost everyone from revealing their bankais in Fake Karakura and it ending with half of them never revealing them at all.

If this is that Tekking guy, I watched about 15 seconds of him once. It was a video about the Blackbeard Pirates and I was excited to see if this person (who seems pretty popular) might know more than me, maybe have some good theories about the crew, but as soon as the fucking video starts he says something like, "This one guy, I forget his name, I think it's like Pizarro or something?"

Dude. What? I'm not even a particular fan of the Blackbeard Pirates, but I know all their names, epithets, who they're inspired by, heights, etc. How are you a One Piece fan- no, how are you MAKING A VIDEO ABOUT THE BLACKBEARD PIRATES and you don't know their fucking names?

I genuinely don't understand how someone can watch someone else sit down and talk about something they clearly don't know jackshit about.

her devil fruit is the same type that Doflamingo has

Wanting OP to be less "cartoony" has already been done to death and it's been proven to be Bleach/Nardo/Zorofags wanting everything they read to be the same while completely missing that it's part of the Oda charm.

firetank pirates are all about raw number of fodder, capone himself said it to the marines in sabaody

The point isn't them being on the same crew, the point is the idea being constantly reinforced. Marines first were shown afraid of them teaming up again back in Reverie, and there's the only place the story can go now without making this meeting pointless.

>I genuinely don't understand how someone can watch someone else sit down and talk about something they clearly don't know jackshit about.
I never watched any OP youtuber, but don't you think he could be joking? What you described sounds like a sitcom-tier gag youtubers in general like.

The characters in One Piss look deformed especially the women by the waist.

I think most people don't have the problems with designs being cartoony but with them being shitty.

Mr Morj is the only decent OP youtuber. Others only have a superficial view of the series.



Seriously, I can't imagine watching anyone talking about any anime and not at least knowing Japanese and without some knowledge of the country and culture. Can any OP e-celeb even into moon?

>I genuinely don't understand how someone can watch someone else sit down and talk about something they clearly don't know jackshit about.
Most of the One Piece fanbase is very casual desu

>his crew hierarchy looks pretty weak
I think it adds to their unique flavor. Like Big Mom is running an actual kingdom so its only natural there would be a well-defined hierarchy within the crew. Kaido is more of a dumb animal that just wants to kill things and only respects strength so his crew reflects that. If you're worthless cannon fodder you don't even get a name, you become Dogman or Tapirman. If you're actually useful sometimes then you're a headliner. If you're actually useful AND have a dragon dragon model fruit, then you get to be a Flying Six. Finally if you have raw power to be regarded as a natural disaster then you're an All Star. Everything in Kaido's crew very much based on muscle.

Name ONE (1) bad character design from Wano.

orochi, Shogun was supposed to be a brutal hitokiri with a cool design like someone from Blade of the immortal so ruthless and strong that he forced Zoro to use the dormant ashura CoA from his eye yet now he is just some weak fodder with a looney tunes design. Fuck this shit and FUCK Oda.

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Interesting observation, user. Did you also notice that the men have fourteen-packs? Kinda unrealistic if you ask me


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Did you just imply that I have double standards? have sex you virgin incel racist

I unironically love those Mexican's animations, i don't see why people are such butthurt about them, not like i would want One Piece to be like this but i still have fun

I was implying you're a fucking moron to be looking for realism in One Piece of all things, which apparently you are judging by this post.

Smoker is for Hina.

Fuck she's hot in the movie, got more?