Why is there so much sexy ecchi anime with hot naked girls? Am I supposed to fap to it? Why not just watch porn?

Why is there so much sexy ecchi anime with hot naked girls? Am I supposed to fap to it? Why not just watch porn?

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Have sex with Donald Trump.

Because porn is shit.

Why does a loli like Hestia have big boobens?

I want to eat an anime girl's butthole

This is better than porn.

Think about your who your target audience is and how often anime is watched solo.

It's supposed to make you horny so you watch porn. It's like an ad.

3D girls are ugly and 2D hentai is mostly low-budget trash.

I don't get it though because neither the studio nor the source creator profits from that.

that's what you think, the yakuza profits from it

They should make some with those characters too.

Porn is disgusting, that's why.

No worries when you become an adult and your hormones get under control you'll be able to enjoy ecchi without needed to fap

>without needing*
No idea how that typo happened

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Planting the seeds into into your mind so you can jerk it completely unfettered with pure, raw imagination > poorly drawn, directed, or censored explicit smut

me as a teen
>ecchi is good shit
me in my 20s
>why would I watch ecchi instead of just hentai
me in my 30s
>ecchi is good shit


Who let the soccer mom on here?

Your depressed virgin brain fires off oxytocin during these on-screen cheap thrills. You attribute the change of mood to the show being good. It's an old jew trick. Why do you think hbo has top ratings, story telling? Fucking losers.

Just because you're aware of it doesn't mean you're immune.
All I have is cheap thrills. Everything else is bitter regret.

For the last time, stay the fuck out of my diary, it has a lock on it for a reason.


Literally only you think this.

This, hate this "dude just watch porn" meme because people associate titillation with sexual release and can't just enjoy thing. How sterile and utilitarian. You don't have to enjoy everything with itits and ass in it but it takes a real asshat to bitch about being serviced.

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That's some thick delusion, reddit boy.

She's disgusting.
>Monster tits in a small body
>le loli meme
>stupid hair and clothes
>2 IQ

are you implying that hestia, is, in fact, not, bestia?

Cool story, acknowledge far more people than you don't subscribe to it.

This is from sword oratoria?

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>Not wanting Hestia mommy milk

You're supposed to buy the blu rays.
>nudity is special

Because she's what we call "Oppai Loli".

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You guys are lucky you don't have the worst shitposters in the world. Two days ago on Yea Forums, a group of shitposters came out of nowhere and literally destroy Yea Forums with one word, cumbrain. It was to say you were addicted to porn or some shit. If you post a female character and try to discussed her, they would say you were a cumbrain. It derailed every threads and it was spam 1500 time in one day. It was so bad that the mods filter it yesterday into gamer. One day. Nobody knew where they came from, some say it was /pol/, others say it was from resetera, it just destroyed everything.

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because she's sadly not a loli, just an ugly, short woman with disgusting attire

I don't believe you
Please make a list of all anime like this.

Oppai loli.

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Cute ts.

Practice abstinence.

Here we call it permavirginity.

>Why is there so much sexy ecchi anime with hot naked girls?
Because that is how normal life is when you actually go out and become social with other people. It becomes old hat so you really don't notice it until someone like you pipes up and complains. It is like complaining there are donuts in cop shows.

This but unironically

When the first season started airing Yea Forums had 24/7 fapthreads dedicated to Hestia. Not your average "post the best girl" threads, just literal fapthreads. We can pretend that never happened but it totally did.

Simply put, the creators usually write a somewhat fleshed out female character, or at least one with a hint of a personality so that the viewer can distinguish her from other anime character in his memory.
Then the creators specialize her as to create an attachment within the viewers heart, making him want to watch more, as now she isn’t just a 2D drawing, she is a character that the viewer has opinions and feelings towards, now being made sexually vulnerable in front of him. It’s one thing to see a sexy girl on the street but once you know a girl for a while as an acquaintance of even friend and then see her being sexy, it’s a whole other level of obsession and/or attachment.
This will keep the weebs watching, if done correctly

Not a loli.

Those threads were purely ironic.

No one actually fins Hestia sexy. Not even Bell Cranel.

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Can confirm, I too shot buckets of cum completely ironically haha

Got something against shortstacks?

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as you get older you'll be less surprised after having seen this sort of thing happen over and over again

Just that one in particular.
Poplar is a cute dwarf.

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>the absolute state of western society

the majority of males from adolesances onward enjoy seeing attractive females

ecchi anime exists to facilitate this while telling a story

people also enjoy stories, so having one told while seeing attractive females enhances the quality of either element presented on its own

Dang, good thing I don't go onto that board, it really all that took was that? Wow

it's to sell merchandise