Boku No Hero Academia

>more than halfway into 2019 and the traitor plot thread has gone nowhere

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Other urls found in this thread:

these threads are banned for not discussing the manga

Vlad's dog.


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Given that Compress got no backstory or power up this arc, I am thinking there is no traitor and Compress is just the dad of the Class B student that can increase the size of stuff.

I don’t think a parent of a student in a different class would know that 1-a was going to be at the usj

Jirou is the cutest.

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I don't think even the kids knew where the USJ was or that they were going to USJ
I'm thinking it's some UA alumni

Any Jirou okay?

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It was on the schedule
which was stolen during the panic when Shiggy destroyed the door.
also Invisible Girl wasn't there on that day

Good Morning! May you all have a blessed day & achieve the goals you set for yourself

I love Setsuna!

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She was there at least after lunch, the anime shows her sitting in front of Bakugo during Deku's "I-I-I think Iida should be Class Rep!" speech.

(In before "The anime contradicts my head canon, so IT'S not canon!!")

Also, how would a student know where the teachers' schedules are kept, or what's inside USJ? It is more rational, as Aizawa would say, that the traitor is one of the faculty. I'm especially suspicious of those two guys - the blond hired one with goggles, and the masked one with the elaborate costume - we see in background shots, but who we never meet...

When will Hori draw SoL exclusively?

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She wasn't there for the class representative vote
Could be a joke like "lmao nobody saw her vote" but her vote is missing.
And realistically they wouldn't let it happen that the class actually ignored her.
And more importantly the class vote and all the other votes have become important later so its not like Horikoshi didn't think about the votes
And they are the same in both anime and manga.

>shiketsu setsuna will never stomp your face beyond recognition

it hurts, it hurts so much

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>tsuyu and setsuna never will step on you and look down at you with amphibious/reptilian disdain

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Why four? Just Harry Potter bullshit?

I don't know why they just drew four

The anime isnt as canon as the manga moron, and her vote clearly isnt shown during the class rep vote. Literally everyone else is shown that chapter, it's very deliberate. Besides the animes also fucked stuff like Touyas hair color before.

>set up edgy villain and some plot to destroy society
>ignore it for high school sol with superpowers
It would be pretty neat.

to be fair shiggy needs some rest right now

>Spend your entire life with the goal of liberating people so they can use their quirk however they want
>An autistic neet edgelord makes you realize that you yourself never got to use your quirk however you wanted because you were forced to carry Destros burden
>The autistic neet is the most liberated person you've ever fucking seen and makes your heart for dokidoki and your stress disappear

I really hope Shiggy and Redestro team up. This arc started with them broke and in need of support items, Redestro would get a dope backer for them.


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A Nezumi spinoff would be great

Post shouto......being kinky

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Why is Deku zooming on frog?

His dad will never allow it

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Eri is 20 years old mentally

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Post autistic Shoto.

Endeavor was the last good villain, prove me wrong

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I will honestly never call Hori a hack again i they team-up, but it seems more likely that Re-Destro is losing stress because he realizes his fight will finally be over if he dies.

>implying there will be a traitor plot
Just enjoy the girls Hori draws because it's the only reason why majority still reads this manga.

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Post Mina!

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>Still on year 1
Passage of time feels way more important to BnHA's pacing given that it's in a school setting and we have a concrete view of how slow things are going. How fucking long does Jump want this to go? 15+ years?

I really don't like long hair Mina

>Rape and child abuse

Hori said he wants this manga to go as long as One Piece while he was flirting with Oda in an interview.

No, Oda told him to go for 600 chapters if his first idea was 300 chapters.

I said post autism Shoto not Todomomo.

So is Shiggy no longer a neet?

I feel like over 10 years is still way too long for a story without some pretty heavy world building.

oh for fuck's sake no

imagine the absolute state of this manga at chapter 592

Screw the waifufaggotry, post our Lord and Savior, John.

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what are the chances that he actually joins the lov? i feel like he would be a wasted character if he didnt. also is it only me or his backstory seems just like zeke from snk?

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Source or get the fuck out. Because that's horrifying. One Piece is fucking trash that refuses to end

just imagine all the joint training arcs and all the culture festivals we can get

It would be nice, but I just don't see him surviving after the entire city was destroyed in this fight.

He´s someone that lived all his live on the expectations of others, burdening immense stress without realizing while trying to liberate everyone, he might be the most held back. Yeah, they´re not unlike in that regard.

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>Screw the waifufaggotry, post our Lord and Savior, John.
John is my waifu.

I think Re-Destro is actually going to hand Shiggy the keys to his kingdom willingly. That "feeling" in his chest, the emotion that confused him and reduced stress? It was joy. Why? Because he realized Shiggy had just become everything he fought for, and how the power to destroy the current world to usher in an age of unregulated quirk use. That's really all what the LoVs is; a group of misfits who do whatever the fuck they want and hate hero society and it's rules. Shiggy is now liberated, as seen when he discarded his hands. He's going to receive all of Doc's resources, and everything Re-Destro owns too. Re-Destro would gladly die for this

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>The spirits of the OFA holders are inside of OFA

So All Might is for sure gonna die and come back as a OFA ghost right?

If he ever dies

nope, Shiggy will decaykill All Might and due to the AFO and OFA Reality warping fuckery Shiggy will enter the OFA shadowrealm and kill All Might's OFA Spirit too effectively killing him for reals.

Will Shigaraki receive All For One? I can't imagine him any more broken than what he is now, because he can decay anything that gets near him as it is. The only real handicap he has is ranged combat.

On another matter, do we know how Shiggy's decay quirk even works? Is it rapid aging like an inverse of Eri's quirk?

How do we stop this?

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Shoutos not autistic.

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>tfw we never get some corporate hijinxs SoL with the LA crew like MMTonegawa; with Destro juggling his work and play with his Leaguebuddies, with a bit of dark humour spliced inbetween (like an ongoing gag at the end of an episode where repeatedly he tries to introduce his new secretary to the LA before failing and killing them)
>tfw none of the copycat artists ever make fake chapters to bridge this gap and instead just trace shitty shipshit
It's just not fucking fair.

I've said from the beginning that this is absolutely fucking retarded and if it does happen it will leave a sour taste at the end of the arc. Shiggy being 'free' does not mean he cares or will fight for the freedoms of others; there is no reason why DJr would care about Shiggy from a greater PoV.
The most likely case is a heart attack. It damn well better be otherwise it better be something equally logical and written.

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>Deku being haunted by a cute ghost!

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You’re not todomomofag. He never posts cropped porn. Fuck you.

do you see anything else to replace one piece?

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How many birthday arcs will Eri-chan get?

I want her to be gifted her first time

>Shiggy wants to destroy hero society and by proxy all the rules holding people back from do im ng whatever they want with their quirk
>Redestro realizes he isn't even living up to his own ideals because he was forced into the role of liberator he didnt choose to do that with his quirk
>Shiggy proves himself stronger so by quirk liberation rules which are essentially survival of the fittest he gets to do as he pleases
>Redestro bends the knee to Shiggy and gets to see the MLA's ideals fulfilled anyway

It all works.

The next king of Shonen?

In all seriousness nothing can replace One Piece. BnHA is the best contender but one piece sells like 4 times as much per volume. One Piece is far bigger than anything else and nothing is even scratching at its throne.

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This is true. I don't really like One Piece myself, but I respect it. Everybody knows of it. Everybody. Nothing will ever even come close.

Eri getting gifts is nothing new. Overhole spoiled her rotten with toys and such.

Gifts in imprisonment to pacify her don't count.

I forgot. Whose outfit was Deku wearing?

you're delusional if you think bnha has any chance of replacing one piece

it couldn't even properly replace naruto

Thank god. Imagine wanting Naruto's spot lmao.

>I think everyone should have a gun so they can protect themselves against potential threats
>>Ah! This school shooter has a gun! And he is shooting everyone with it, living up to his own ideals!
>>Better give my entire legacy to this school shooter, despite the fact he'll never campaign for guns rights and is the exact fucking reason I want guns legalised
No it doesn't

I mean if One Piece were to end soon there'd nothing else even close to it aside from MHA in Jumpand even that's isnt very close. OP is in a league of it's own sales wise.

Haikyu guy I think.

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Per Volume HxH is closest. One Piece only sells like twice as much as HxH per volume
But One Piece is weekly.

Also Compress didn't appear until the training camp, long after USJ.

Sauce please? I love this artist.

A gift for her cunny

HxH will never replace anything and will only continue to regress along with it's author's health.

Why do you want it to stop?

You're a moron, he doesnt want quirks to be able to be used to protect against other quirks that's just the narrative they were spinning to gain support, the only thing they really want is Liberation over suppression, the ability to do whatever the fuck you want with your quirk, which they believe to be a natural human right. You have to be a special kind of retard to think they want quirks legalized to protect themselves when they say their true ideals nonstop.

Literally the only good picture in this whole shitty thread

Yeah but for a "new" series is impossible to get those numbers anyway, OP has years of fans following the story, if OP ends before MHA, which is impossible in my opinion, MHA is the best substitute right now just for its success in Japan and outside that's it

I think Redestro might give the LA over to Shiggy, who in turn dumps the LoV in favour for the LA, as this is supposed to be the arc about the destruction of the League.

It's every school uniform shown. The ??? school is Toga's.

Do you mean dump the LOV name? Theres no reason he wouldnt keep the old LOV members but symbolically the LOV brand would be destroyed.

That's what I meant, yeah

I'm talking saleswise you retard

>which is impossible in my opinion,
user, we just got six new Quirks to explore last arc and One Piece has like three arcs left.

This one is a really cute sketch

>that ball to head ratio
Deku still cute tho. I want him to throw that ball at 100% at my face

i want bakugou to hold hands with the frog

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Sadly he only hold hands with Kirishima

This place isn't for fujos

I want the frog to point out his flaws to the class all day

Time to bring some soul into the thread

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fiven her personality, that's probably her passtime

How many of them have had sexual intercourse?

they're at a point in their lives where they're awkward and cringey, no one's getting laid for at least another two in universe years.



>Momo's face
>Momo's chest
This would be decent art otherwise

40% of TM artists ruin Momo like this. It’s dumb.

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Jiro was probably molested by a creepy uncle who had her sit on his lap while rubbing her crotch, and Ochako has been gropped in the train by Ojisans, but that is about it.



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None of you shipniggers understand the concept of soul. Don't dare trample on its name, or I will make a deconstructionary image so autistic that it will encompass every bit of why you chimps should be permarangeb& for derailing.

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Now that she's winning in popularity, do you think Hori is going to let Momo succeed at things in the manga soon, like how he decided to make Shinso relevant?

Mirio cute


She will only succeed after the Time Skip. When Deku returns from America and Shiggy has destroyed all of Japan.

fuck shipniggers. i just wanted to post a tiddymonster momo. also continue with the deconstructionary image pls.

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how would sex with this "monster" feels like?


Imagine when she gets old

I abandoned these threads like a week ago because of how shitty they are and saw this post on the front page. Keep up the good fight user

Fucking disgusting. Shipperfags leave.

I prefer KYS

I can't wait to see Eri all grown up

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All me!

Keep seething

Facts, user, facts.

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Stop talking to yourself.

I miss Overhaul, he didn't nothing wrong

>that face
I just can't stand it

>reminds me of the horrid minemomo that sick fuck autist karmaniac makes.

Fuck you user

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Why this dude gotta draw all the girls like that?

I really hope Horikoshi doesn't feel pressured into carrying Jump, or even outliving One Piece, if he doesn't want to. Don't drag it out if that's not your intention.

He has the worst case of sameface I've ever seen. And it's an ugly style to boot.

She would never rape him... r-right?

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His art isn’t even good. It’s just his shitty fans who jack off to Mineta who thinks he’s talented. It’s sad.

Hori said he originally planned the manga to go for 30 volumes but now he is forced to change it. Who knows how long he intents to drag it out now.

I agree. Dude got his anatomy down and colors too, a good artist overall but the faces suck so bad it makes his drawings unbearable to see.

fuck off

He is an Yea Forums drawfag so that's why you his works here all the time. He shills his own shit in these threads. It's obnoxious.


Sad. I like it when drawfags just deliver their work, no names attached, and don't attentionwhore. That is the true essence of the user.

??????People actually Jack off to that unfunny gnome???????

Archvermin just drops off their work, they don't shill

Sup arch

There’s a difference between “Minetas not that bad” and his supporters in porn who give him a disgusting horsecock who cucks everyone while his fans jack off the the terrible art.

They're cartoons, user.

That’s great.
They’re still badly drawn ugly shit.

Don't tempt me

This ship is fine too.

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And let me guess what comes next. 'Archvermin is a good-ish artist but should drop drawfagging for better threads than these ones, these are just shit - that way they can get some better criticism in series other than these (Black Clover btw)' and if not 'their art is shit and they belong in these shit threads'
We know it's you faggot, you're too obvious with your timings and vocab.

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So why do you care?

My waifu. Back off!

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Great one on outing yourself, perhaps be a little more subtle next time

Not him, but his sameface is atrocious. I don't care if he draws here or somewhere else, there's no changing that fact.

>and his supporters in porn who give him a disgusting horsecock who cucks everyone while his fans jack off the the terrible art.
>so mad it can't even type correctly and is upset his favorite character doesn't even get half the normal lewds Mineta gets to have

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It's the hideous mouths and expressions that ruins the art.

It only gets more wholesome

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I’m replying to a guy who brought it up. You seem mad i replied to him.

Mei is everybody's waifu

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What is it about red-rimmed glasses?

Yup, always the same mouth. His art really bothers me.

>giving yourself aneurysm over a shitty western artist
fucking kek
This is why only nip art matters

You're dead kiddo!

Zero. Redestro is not going to follow a retard who only desire is kill everything on sight and his personality would overshadow Shiggy

don't you mean prose, lmao

Oh god why? Whelp never gonna visit the pixiv tag of this series then.

>Grapefag seething over people shitting on his self insert so he posts Hori sketches that are horribly edited

>Certain plot points must happen when i want them to happen.

I fucking know.
I see nips making art and sharing it for free without making a big deal out of themsleves whereas shitty western artists would hide then behind paywalls on patreon or shill their shit like crazy.
Nips are humble and talented.


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What the fuck happened to Momo's face?

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Oh wait this is the actual one.

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What are coming out of her nipples? clothespins?

What's up with Kaminari's lewd face?

All me!


He’s smug because he doesn’t need to use a power outlet.

it pisses me off how much these bitches fawn over shoto like goddamn we get it you want to get FROZONED jesus christ

Yeah, Hori ran the pretty boy Shoto joke to the ground.

i think sticks. i want to say the user that requested wanted her to create guns or something like the robo bimbos from one of the austin powers movie.

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Do you have paintfags Mineta guro stuff?

I wonder how Aizawa feels about becoming a dad so suddenly

>shoto always somewhere in the image
I wonder who could be behind these

Shigaraki fucking sucks
I miss Deku

There’s just two.


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Cute family

Shigaraki is just an older Deku that worships villains instead of heroes.

>this all happened in the past, before the Endeavor vs High End fight
>nobody in the main cast gave a single fuck that Deika city was destroyed by the LoV
Hori really doesn't plan even one arc beyond the current one he's writing, does he?

>this all happened in the past, before the Endeavor vs High End fight

>this all happened in the past, before the Endeavor vs High End fight
No it didn't

No user, you're wrong. This is actually happening right now, what happened a month ago was the fight against giganto and meeting with Ujiko.

>>this all happened in the past, before the Endeavor vs High End fight
What? Did I miss something?

>this all happened in the past, before the Endeavor vs High End fight
That doesn't make sense.

>we'll never get the chad slickbacked hair Deku.
It hurts.

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That's right
Keep seething at the Chad grape

>we'll never get the chad slickbacked hair Deku.
maybe not now or soon. you don't and shouldn't peak in your first year of high school. i mean all might didn't start doing his hairstyle thingy until he left UA and Nipland.

Attached: baaaaaka.png (413x259, 109K)

Only incels like mineta and it shows.

There's nothing more unchadly than being a 3 foot tall incel

Sick bait.

wasn't it Hawks?

>Froppy will never claim ownership of your leg

from his angle the foot doesn't hide that she's nopan there

>"M-Mineta is such a gross and n-nasty character. He's interested in women...SEXUALLY! Ugh, he's so g-gross...not at all pretty and autistic like slurper or dekuck...why did Hori have to make this misogynistic incel..."

Attached: GRAPED.png (1122x442, 320K)

Who are you supposed to be quoting here?

I just hope we'll.get it soon.

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>chapter 20 something
>Hey Deku your quirk is suspiciously similar to All Might's don't you think
>That makes you my plot forced rival
>tournament arc ends
>Todoroki gets amnesia and the plot point is completely dropped

Everyday until canon.

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There's no point in soliciting opinions and creating discourse if you're already set on your ways and looking to chastise everyone for having a different viewpoint. The least you can do is to represent your beliefs faithfully and disagree civilly with ppl. We owe each other that.

fuck off loser


This is not the face of a traitor. The traitor is clearly rich bitch Yaoyorozu.

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no matter what happens I hope they never give deku the JUST naruto and ichigo endgame haircut

same, at least Hori stuck to his guns with the All Might design. hopefully he'll do the same with Deku. i'm kind of banking on maximum fluff.

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how often are you planning to post this?

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I missed you Izuminabro

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Slow down, buddy.

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cute and based

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Often enough.


I drew it slightly drunk in like half an hour before a cat sat on my tablet. Nothing like badly drawing gun tits at 2 am to make you regret your life choices the next day.

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Welcome to the rest of your existence; we hope you find meaning and joy in it because we have no idea what it's supposed to be for either.

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stop being mean to me

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It is

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I don't get it. What's the joke supposed to be

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They're looking at your dick

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How much art is there of mineta getting his genitals fucked up, anyway? I only ever see this stuff here

They're in a haunted attraction in a theme park and walking past something that scares them

I'm guessing

I love Pony!

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i love you!

Fuck off attentionwhores, go back go discord.

You too random user

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me on the left

Can we all come to agree that mina would be horrifying in real life? Black sclera, pink skin, creepy horns.

Mina is a freak. A FREAK. I wonder how anyone can even look at her and not want to vomit.

T. Endeavor

Not only that, but imagine touching her.
She's a moth mutie. She's probably uncomfortably fuzzy.

I'm glad this bigoted post got deleted.

Attached: acid shield.png (1920x1080, 2.3M)

i haven't shaved my legs in a month so my legs are uncomfortably fuzzy if you know what i mean hahaha

Going by cosplay, it's not too bad.

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Who here has been to this haunted house? is it really scary?

user, that pink skin isn't natural, it's a result of constant acid burns over the years.
Give us a picture of a girl with acid burns all over her body and tell us how 'not bad' it looks

Attached: acid_burn.jpg (384x412, 36K)

Sclera contacts are such a bitch to get in and wear, I would fucking hate to cosplay Mina

Tell me, how does the armor make him stressed out?

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all i'm hearing is spice lube girl

It shoves a huge dildo up redestro's bum

I'm pretty sure the pink purplish hue is just a pigment mutation, not actually the result of burns, especially since her hair is pink as well. Plus I feel like she would be in far less high spirits if her quirk made skin burn 24-7.

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So could mina survive an acid attack?

Yes? user, she literally sprays acid from her body. A low enough pH would hurt her, but she probably wouldn't crumple as easily as a baseline.

shiggy cute

i like him a lot

ill be using this one thank you

Nice try sicko

Kirishima becoming Mina's designated gay friend was the sweetest development that came out of the yakuza arc.

It makes it so he can't scratch his itchy nuts.

>no chapter next week
well at least it should leak early right?

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Think about it, would you put Eri around other children?

Spider shiggy is cute too

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I want to believe

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I would accept a good boy like Kaminari being the traitor simply because it would give him actual relevance.

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>no chapter next week
for real?

Nah, fuck that, I hate when an artist does good work then you can't find it anywhere.
So, sauce me up.


They got a pixiv, under the name Archvermin

no way fag. Krumbs only draws Ochunko getting porked by Bakugou.

Good looking out.

Eri's cunny

did chris-chan draw this?

>You're a moron
Actually, you could have stopped right there, that summed up the situation perfectly.

Introduce her slow and only one or two at a time. She's safe for others now, now's the time to let her start learning social skills and to be a child.

I want to mess Mirio up by giving him a hell of a blowjob!

Sorry user, but that won't happen. Eri is too traumatized and mature to interact with dumb children that know nothing about life and death.

Now THAT'S funny!

>Eri becomes a chuuni

>cocktease Giga for 20 chapters
>he shows up and does nothing

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more than likely. Thinking letting her interact with other children while she's safe and then cutting ties with them when her horn grows is beyond retarded, that would damage her so much more.
Eri is destined to a peaceful life as an oddball.

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>feel like he would be a wasted character if he didnt.


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What could Eri talk about with children her age? about that one time she was tortured for 24 hours straight or how her quirks could potentially kill them all were she to lost control?

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Usagi Drop' all over again

Aizawa is doing a good job with Eri. He'll stay with her until she dies though, she's gonna need his support forever.

She is going to talk about Deku with Kota

I don't think Hori wants that. Besides, Kota is starting normal school next year. He'll be busy with regular children.

I want to have sex with Todoroki.


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fuyumi? me too

How long before all the jailed villains become the suicide squad?

Just imagine being hugged by Enji


We know Deku/Momo/Mina/Fuyumi/Endeavor/Inasa/Camie/Bakugo/Hagakure/Iida

And then? Deku is close to Eri, but he's Kota's idol so their admiration is different. Besides if they ever meet, which I doubt, it will be years later when Deku is already a famous hero that will have more than one fan.
He'll probably have rescued more than one child by then.

Kota is gonna fall for a literal who like Konohamaru

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If Hori's cool he'll give him a majestic curly jonathan-esque mullet.

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So what do you think will happen in the end? I personally think quirks will disappear once and for all.

Hero society as it is will end, and they'll begin an era in which quirks aren't confined by licenses, and people are respected for what they can contribute to society rather than being immediately dismissed for their perceived lack of ability. Deku will be seen as the greatest hero not because he's number one in the ranks but because he taught the world that the ranking system was a horrible way of thinking.

That would be lovely. Quirk singularity seems to be a thing after all and there's a lot of resentment towards society as it is, I can't see it working like that for decades.
No more heroes but people just using their abilities in all possible fields, now that would be great to see.

I'm expecting Hori to pull a FMA and have Deku somehow give up OFA/all his predecessors quirks after defeating Shigaraki and putting end to AFO's quirk.

One for All will die with All for One.

But that doesn't address all the problems of hero society as a whole.

Wait has that seriously never come up?

It'll probably just be the symbolic gesture like defeating Father that people rally around rather than a true fix to society's issues.
The actual ending is going to be the first uneasy but hopeful steps to a future in which "everyone is a hero".

They should give people jobs based on their quirks to be honest.

I want to see more of Dadzawa. Better yet, I want to see Joke sploosh seeing Dad Mode Aizawa

Is anyone other than fujos even excited for S4?

Isn't that already taken into consideration? Like if you're super strong, they'll give you a free pass using said strength in construction work

Casuals and ESLs

I know it's ridiculous, but part of me wants it to be true just to see the shitstorm

We'll get some kino fights

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I don't think so

poor Eri looks so scared


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Of course

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Why do you even hate fujos? They're just cute.

I want to see Mirio abandon Eri to Overhaul in that alleyway

>and he was never relevant again

You know when she finally wears him down enough to be wed, the next "joke" will be
>"Let's have a baby!"

Me too, that way it will be easier for some to understand why he became so devoted to her.

The joke will be that she already poked holes in the condoms and she's pregnant

I think it's far more likely that every time Aizawa buys condoms she makes balloon animals out of them, then pops them. Ah who are we kidding? Joke will ride him while he sleeps

how come the villians have the best friendship in a hero manga?

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Because they're not bogged down by high school shit?

Loli backpack to You Say Run will be the cherry on top

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I feel like even then the students should have better chemistry together due to what they've gone through.

I hope Shigaraki and Spinner continue playing games together.

shigaraki is best boy
deku deserves to drown in a puddle of liquid shit

They're both shit

at least shiggy has sex appeal

No he doesn't.

i would literally do anything to have sex with Shiggy

his collarbones are lewd
his spine is lewd
his eyes are lewd
his hair is lewd
he's lewder than every female in this series put together

Even you'd touch Mineta's balls?

The ones on his head?

I wanna touch Eri-chan wholesomely yet lewdly

Bakuinternship when

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The odds are always severely stacked against bad guys in this manga, so they're the ones pulling together through the power of friendship and the power of love. Heroes are more numerous, far more trained and have greater access to resources. In order for this not to just be a story about bullying, villains get power of friendship/love.

>tfw it's just the two main S3 tracks that get used
>You Say Run only comes back for when Deku beats the shit out of an old man

Nice LARP posts

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me on the left

Figure out a way to enter alternative realities and go to his world, become part of the League of Villains, and seduce him.


>meaningful development
>chapter dropped two days ago
>almost no discussion
>86 posters
>thread made 14 hours ago
What killed the hype?

Too afraid of Nomus

>meaningful development
Where? Give me a specific page.

>everyone knows that we're going back to Deku
>dekufags will be back in droves with their decuckposting
>reDestro got off-paneled
just to name a few


Shiggy got liberated you fag

rent free

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What will change about his behavior?

He talks like a chad now

Enter CHADneta

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>meaningful development
>next arc is school shit that will kill any momentum behind it

Please understand that it is physically impossible to be more cucked than an antiDekufag posting in a thread for a manga all about Deku. Every post you make about Deku, in his thread, makes him more popular and slides him an inch deeper into your wife while you sit here broadcasting your insecurity.

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I think dekufags might be the most annoying posters in these threads.

>meaningful development

Quirk singularity is the worst thing to be introduced to this story

>decuck self-inserters

Liberated from what? The past he didn't remember and never affected him in any significant way?

Why babe?

OfA's quirk singularity? Or the theory about a future quirk singularity?

>getting assmad over this
seethe harder

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Just because he didn't remember doesn't mean it didn't affect him subconsciously. His quirk is at max capacity now and he's different.
Shiggy evolved.

now THAT is a DEEP dope

Yup, you are the worst poster.

>Just because he didn't remember doesn't mean it didn't affect him subconsciously
Would've been nice to see that actually be something holding him back

Because it excuses every asspull the characters make

Do you mean quirk evolution?

Does it now? Quirk singularity is a thing for the newer generations. Asspulls have nothing to do with it

>every new generation gets stronger quirks
>but the current generation are the only ones pulling new quirks out of nowhere

t. brainlet who doesn't know what a singularity is.

I want to see Hero society crumbling, it has brought nothing but suffering.

t. Shigaraki

Gay manga

The fanbase certainly is. What I wouldn't give to get rid of the western side of it.

Death to all shippers

comparatively speaking, there is little to no fan-service as well

Momo exists for fan service but yeah, Hori is kinda gay.

>dude state of being infinite lmao
Aka power creep

wait i'm lost. isn't this the anime that stole One Punch's whole premise and ran with it?

dropped this mango a long time ago is this ship still possible?


>That is the true essence of the user
don't know if oldfag since 2018 or actually a 10/10 troll kek

Reddit is that way

deku and uraraka's massive bushes becoming tangled during their first bout of sexual intercourse

How does it feel to be wrong?

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So like, did Tokoyami just not go outside at night?
What was his home life like as a child?

at least deku can tell his green pubes apart from her brown pubes
imagine how much harder it would be to untangle their bushes if they were the same color

>he thinks Shigaraki is an interesting villain whose development merits even a modicum of meaningful discussion

so basically deku's in trouble if he fucks tsuyu or his mom then


We need more Mirio

Remember he can go out at night without releasing Dark Shadow.

Also he could just stick to areas that weren't literally pitch black.
Also he'd be a little kid with a poorly trained quirk, so it's tantamount to a small child throwing a tantrum.

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i'm dead.

You have to be over 18 to post here


What did he mean by this?

>mfw ready this thread

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Fuck off phoneposter

Cute and canon.

There's a semi-famous haunted house attractions that capture people's reactions to a jumpscare


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Shiggy pinky out to not decay Dabi, that's the funniest thing!!

When the fuck is the spinoff chapter going to be translated


legit hurt my ribs laughing

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you're the funniest!

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Who would have thought that even SNK threads became better than these ones? This is what happens when your manga is so famous among disgusting gaijin.

Capeshit user.

these threads should be banned, it attracts the worst crossboarders and redditors I've had the misfortune of witnessing.

How about banning these crossboarders and redditors instead of the threads?

They make about 90% of the thread by the looks of it.

>>Suneater going full Kraken
>>Rappa's gattling punch vs both Fatgum and Unbreakable
>>The moving maze
>>Overhaul going Tetsuo
Honestly, I have a feeling the animators will be forced to cheap out.

>>Purging 90% of MHA thread contents so it goes back to threads for only 3-4 days a week instead of constant generals that spawns 2 threads a day
If only, user. If only

You can say this about the whole site. And its because mods don't do their job.

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no, these threads are real trash compared to other shonen.

not true

BnHA threads are containment threads for shounen-shitposters as well. Because it's so popular, it attracts all kinds of bad shitters.

Like the old /mlpg/ threads of old on Yea Forumsmblr.

I haven't read in a while but I figured hori gave up on the traitor plotline after turning it into a joke with Aoyama.

>villain arc actually killed bnha
I’m not surprised

Totally true. Take a look yourself, only snk could have been considered worse but even now they're kicking ass with fresh OC and actual discussion.
Here we have the worst of the worst kind of trash; mentally ill attention whores, newfags, normalfags and unironic SJW.

I don't know what was Hori thinking after the awful JT arc.

Why is Tsuyu so damn cute?

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No, every thread has these. Shonen or otherwise. Its all based around the popularity of the series because normalfags congregate to the most popular series.
If Black Clover suddenly overthrew BNHA in popularity their thread will become as rancid as these ones and our threads will become way better.
The quality of the threads has nothing to do with the quality and content of a series and everything to do with its popularity.

Who's saying bnha itself is bad? These threads are trash.

My point is that you should ban shitters, not series.

you faggots ruined my life

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I fucking wish. I miss it when we used to wait for the scanlations and the chink translatorfag has to do dumps while we wait. We only get threads between Thursday and Monday, and all the loud yelling anons were busying themselves with the OP/Naruto/Blesch threads

You should ban series for quarantine, like it happened with Naruto.

You are fucking retarded. They will just attach to something else.

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Nope, nothing has the same appeal for normalfags.

Would love to make it more miserable so you never posted again.

i require the source of this piece of literature

Based and beastpilled

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Loud minority, silent majority; I'd comfortably say that of the ~100 IP count we have now
-A minimum 80 are lurking and have made 1-2 posts where relevant; of which a portion are long time lurkers
-About 10 spammers going all out, with the rest being either new IP's afer being b& somewhere or a new IP from moving location ike the normalfags they are. You can also reasonably say it's worse than most times with it being both Summer and off chapter days

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We just had a fucking chapter 3 days ago and we're already like this. The anime will only make it worse, there's no saving us.
I hope these threads are banned by october.

stop being a fucking baby over shitposting

stop being so cancerous and actually talk about the manga.

What will happen to the LoV after this? Do you think they will attack UA?

I alternate between talking about the manga and shitposting when there isn't anything to talk about just like everyone else

Poor pupku


>no saving us
nihilism will get you nowhere; report+ignoring, putting effort into posts and making your own shit willIf you refuse to even fight it, they've already won (that is, if you aren't already one of them trying to reiforce your place like that 'durr just leave the threads no non-chapter days' faggot)

>just like everyone else
No, it's just you, newfag. If you want to shitpost, get your release on the relevant boards - not here.

No reason or motive to. Shiggy and deku are actually suprisingly removed fom one another for a MC/Villain.
They'll go after Endy's family; that's a target right there

You must be one of those annoying fujoshits

if you want to discuss something then discuss something instead of bitching about people being unable to read your mind and discuss something

If you're the minority there's no helping it, what's absolutely no point in bringing up discussion if you'll only get posts about how much so fatass wants to fuck Deku. I'd rather move to greener pastures than be part of reddit central where coddling attention whores and making OC of thread personalities is the norm. See you at hotwheel's hotel room.

Why wouldn't shiggy want to kill all might?

>tfw nobody remembers Tiger and Bunny

>genuinely thinking no one shitposts on the side until there's something to talk about

There's plenty to talk about you dumb fujo

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Another reason why dekufags are the worst posters.
Fujos, schizos and rabid crackshippers love him.

TGhat brings up an interesting question. Are there quirks that just harm the user 24/7? Like shoto's ice and fire, but not being able to turn them off?
Children dying when awakening their quirks because it's something like turning oxygen into sulfur or something.

Seethe and take your greenpill

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Source? I need it for something (masturbation).

>>genuinely thinking no one shitposts on the side until there's something to talk about
No, I'm aware people do it. I'm pointing out that they're the issue that's killing Yea Forums, you fucking retard. This place isn't your personal blog or your sewer, fuck off.

Nice try, but one of the usuals has been shitting the place up over there for months.

>tfw the only faggots that do remeber it are the fucking fujos
I always use T&B as a reference to how bad these threads could be, but are not yet. We're far, far away from the abyss yet.

Fair enough, it's only that his state goals are shifted. Sure he wants to kill All Might, but the Symbol of Peace is dead. Now Endy is the new hotness on the block keeping society up on his shoulders and AM is pretty much a bonus objective.

Could you be more of a shitposter?

>There's plenty to talk about
then talk about it instead of bitching you fucking idiot no one can read your mind
you faggots are just as bad as the spammers


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Good try shitposter.

Dumb dekufag.

>anyone who disagrees is a shitposter
continue to bitch and solve nothing because that's all that ever happens other than making these threads even worse
its the same cycle over and over again

Stop shitposting and nobody will complain, retard.

I'm not the one shitposting retard

Stop defending them moron.

I'm not defending them either
I'm saying you're equally as retarded

>let shitposters do as their please and leave them alone otherwise you're contributing to the problem
Bet you're a leaf faggot

>not shitting up the thread further is leaving them alone
>what is reporting

asking for source again before thread death

please give it to me, because i want it. if you give it to me then i will have it

>implying reporting works
So your solution is allowing them to make this their playground?
Yeah, you're fucking retarded.

>durr reporting doesn't work
and you think telling faggots to stop is even more likely to do anything? maybe throwing a little "please" in there will do?

Don't worry, the nips remember Tiger & Bunny just fine.

T&B had more fujos because the staff like their ship and most of the merch is aimed at them; it would be more surprising if it didn't have fujos.

Inu no Kimochi Ii vol.2

god damn shit is fucking going off tonight

what is wrong with people?

At least it lets the idiots know they're not in good company. Let them get too comfortable and threads as bad as this one will inevitably become the norm.

You're the problem.

>it lets the idiots know they're not in good company.
they already know that and they don't care, that's why they keep on fucking posting anyway
bitching does fucking nothing but derail the thread further just like its doing right now and just like it always has done
report shit more often and put in some fucking effort instead of just screeching while nothing happens

>I-ignore and report!! save us mods!!!
no one is going to save you from your turbo AIDS infected fanbase, bnhafag

No you fucking retard. Ironic shitposters do it because they believe they will find like-minded anons who will agree with their mental illnesses. If you let them know how unwanted and annoying they really are, the normalfags who make up most of these shitposts will stop
>report shit more often
Rarely anything happens, meanwhile more shitposters show up. If you wanna sit back and do nothing that is your own problem, you spineless fag.

I wonder why this manga attracted so many unironic faggots

>I-If you tell them to stop t-they listen! they t-toally don't just c-come back!
this is just going in circles now
I suppose just continue to sperg out at everyone and have it do absolutely nothing while I watch and laugh
>Rarely anything happens
probably because retards like you hardly ever try
in fact the shitposters probably feel comfortable knowing none of you ever actually try to report them
they might also be more prone to doing it now that they see it causes infighting like this, good job
>you spineless fag
because surely it takes a whole lot of spine to throw an autistic tantrum at someone kek

hypocrite shitposter you are.

I'm not but continue to ignore that just because it makes you feel in the right

Whatever you say, shitposter.

Because it is a shit manga with a shit MC
We never have a single thread where people who hate him aren't going off with self-inserting cuckolds
Why do you think that is?

I agree with your opinion. Silently reporting them is better than giving (You)s. Telling people to leave doesn't make them leave, it just makes them think that they are annoying some guy and they do it even more for getting some more (You)s. Reports do work if enough people send them, the spam posts do get deleted often.

Why do you think the schizo is still around?

If reporting isn't stopping the guy then telling him to leave isn't going to work either, it just eats posts that can be used to steer the conversation in a better direction.

it only doesn't work because other idiots enable them and you ignore it. Tell them all to fuck off, don't let them fester this place.

No, it doesn't help.
If you reply to them, they think that they managed to get under your skin and just laugh and do it again instead of leaving, reporting removes their posts and frees space in the thread instead of wasting posts on rants.

Reporting doesn't work 99% of the time and encouraging discussion is meaningless when nobody is willing to talk about it and they're instead focused on posting about how cute deku's ass is because nobody does anything to stop it.

But what you are suggesting isn't stopping anything either; waifu/husbando posting, shipping of all types was always an Yea Forums thing. The spammers won't stop if you tell them to, just report if they post nsfw or spam art without text, that is all that can realistically be done to help; no one ever leaves when they are told to fuck off, they stay just to show that they can stay if they feel like it, it is that simple.

That is why these threads shouldn't be made daily, because most of the discussion here has turned to be about meaningless waifu/husbando, shipfaggotry and shitposting crap and is overflowing with all sorts of cancer.
Let it rest.

I can agree on this; space the threads out to when there is content and if there is a shitposting thread either don't reply to it and let the spammers do their thing until they get bored or just make a new thread with a proper topic instead of ranting in the other thread.

Wow people sure love to discuss anything but BnHA in these threads.

the solution would be to spam gore but alas that isnt allowed as well

You can thank the shitposters that render any sort of discussion meaningless.

I think it is more the manga
A good manga would make you want to discuss it. A shit manga makes you want to discuss shitposters and how to get rid of them by spamming gore or loli because apparently everyone here wants to be a janitor without applying. An even more pathetic janitor.

That doesn't work either, they can just scroll down; no one is going to leave because of stuff like that, you will just end up banned instead so it isn't worth the effort.

I think ignoring/reporting like the rules say is still better than being a backseat janitor for the thread.

Trying to convince a backseat janitor to also ignore it isn't ignoring though
you are just contributing to the shit
as am I now by replying to you.

I only replied because we are on page 10, there is no going back up to salvage anything so might as well try to fix the next thread before it is ranted on.

>I only replied because
Ah. The shitposters anthem.

Whatever man, I refuse to pick a fight when it won't solve the issue.

Then what were you doing this entire thread?

I just got in a few minutes ago.

Oh cool. I guess that justifies shitposting.

If I was here earlier, I would have just ignored or reported without saying anything anyway.

So just an occasional shitposter.

You just want to be angry at someone don't you? Here, (You) win, happy now?

I am not angry. I think you are fine. But I want you to realize there is nothing you can do. Everyone is occasionally a shitposter which is why there is always a shitposter in these threads.

I agree and I mostly scroll down if anything isn't wort my time instead of bothering others, just thought I'd save the other fella some rants in the next thread this time since page 10 and all.

You can't save that "other fella"
Nobody here will ever stop. You wont because I told you and he wont because you told him.
Also the page 10 is a shitposter excuse.

Whatever man, I'm not going to continue a circular conversation.

You have until now.

I was bored, still am too. Report or ignore me.

you are still going on because you can't stop because in your mind "it is okay because we are on page 10"

If you want the last word in the thread then I'll let you have it friend you don't seem like a bad guy; have fun, bye.

So you desperately want me to reply again? If you think I care about the last word doesn't that mean you encourage me to post again by posting now?

I liked talking with you, I refuse to actively rant as discouragement since it doesn't work and you seem to agree, so I genuinely don't mind if you want to play around till the thread dies.

I did the same with Miriofag tons of times and he also had the silly "shitposting after bump limit is fine" so if this makes you happy then sure.
I don't really have anything else to say though.
One thing to note is that he then broke that rule a million times. So I am hoping the same from you.

I remember he did that, but like I said, we can have fun instead.
What do you like best about the manga these days?

>What do you like best about the manga these days?
How much Deku is being shit on by everything. Even if he wins now against bakugo it will feel empty. So I kinda like that Horikoshi is either intentionally or unintentionally doing everything so people don't like his MC
which means I will have more allies.

True, Deku is very lackluster as an MC but maybe that is what nips relate to more so it means more sales hence the editors might also push it.

Nah. The guy who thinks he should kill himself is the most popular
The patience for Deku is wearing really thin and people love any arc without Deku.

I picked up the manga to see Almighty actively mentoring the kid at school but that didn't happen too often so I'm just reading to see where it leads at this point.

I kinda hate all might now as well for picking Deku

meant *All Might, dunno how that happened there True, he just went with his emotions I guess; Deku is running on high luck stats at the moment honestly.

>Deku is running on high luck stats at the moment honestly.
Which is the opposite of the premise

I know, it isn't really working out well; but the villains ad side characters are fun at least and maybe the kid makes something out of it someday hopefully.

If only there was some overarching plot device to discuss besides the next mini arch.

If you could change something at the start of the manga what would you pick? You know, a 'fix it' patch up in some way.