Fed a needle by his classmates

>Fed a needle by his classmates
>Finds out his batshit insane "friends" stalks him
>Get approached and threatened with a cleaver
>Barely avoided a deliberate hit and run
>Get bludgeoned with a boulder
>Get stabbed in the stomach
>Finds out his tiny village pays human sacrifices to some shitty god annually
>Finds out his "friend" is a murderer who killed his classmates
>Willingly follows said friend into a fucking torture chamber alone because MUH FRIENDSHIP

Is this shit for real? If any one of these things happened to any of us we'd be hightailing it the fuck outta there yet this motherfucker acts like these are just minor inconveniences of living in the Japanese countryside. What the fuck?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Things were messed up in the 80s, especially in Japan.

Because K1 has an indomitable spirit. He cannot be kept down by anything. He's the end result of every all powerful MC stuck in the body of a child. He's probably the PM of Japan by Umineko. He probably published Higurashi in Umineko's timeline.

Is this the power of sharing the same Seiyuu as Jesus Yamato? They need to be careful around that guy.

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It seems like this is your first time watching Higurashi. If it is, I strongly recommend reading the VN.
I also strongly recommend reading Umineko. They are deeply connected.
With that in mind, keep an eye out on Ciconia.

I did read a little bit of the VN but my interest in it took a nosedive when they were playing games in the classroom. Too many words for some crappy humor.

It is in your best interest to reconsider.
Higurashi and Umineko are among some of the best VNs ever written.

Bruh you missing 90% of this show?

Half of those were his hallucinations and paranoia as symptoms of the disease.

you forgot that literally all but the last two are delusions caused by HIM being the one with loose screws

If this is your first time watching/reading Higurashi I can't spoil it but some of the overly trustworthy things some of the characters do are thematically important even if they don't seem very logical to you.

>Is this shit for real? If any one of these things happened to any of us we'd be hightailing it the fuck outta there yet this motherfucker acts like these are just minor inconveniences of living in the Japanese countryside. What the fuck?
idk man he sounds pretty based to me

what mental illness did he have again?

Hinamizawa syndrome. Everyone living in that village is infected and could turn into a psycho murderer with a bit of stress. Try reading the VN.

>he didn't read Tsumihoroboshi
Not even pitying you, it's the best arc

This anime was quite the ride for me. You'll start understanding what's happening circa 16 episode. Umineko did a better job with what's that shit is about and made it abundantly clear after the first arc. Higurashi, though, oh boy oh boy, you'll get the full experience of "tearing your own throat apart to get parasites out" for 20 episodes straight

Normal people are pussies
But K1 is a real mans man who doesn't afraid of a damn thing


It is literally the closest he's come to having actual friends.
His family didn't move to the country because they WANTED to.

Also keep watching OP, Higurashi is a pretty decent adaptation not like Umineko.

What is It that made Higurashi more popular than Umineko, even after almost 20 years it's still getting stuff? Like last year it's j-drama got a second season and a escape room based on it just opened.

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comfy village atmosphere and a younger cast
also it doesn't go balls-to-the-walls heavy with philosophy, allegories and other stuff that requires thinking, plus it has a much more positive ending in Matsuribayashi (even though Miotsukushi is better)

also killer lolis

I love rika

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>What is It that made Higurashi more popular than Umineko
by being better in everyway

>also it doesn't go balls-to-the-walls heavy with philosophy
kinda does

The premise of
>Spooky shit happens in this village and nobody knows why, also timeloops
Is more interesting than
>It's Magic because I say so
Also the smaller cast helps a lot.

Not as much as Umineko, where it can really lose you - Higurashi's message is rather straightforward.
Also to add to , most of Higurashi's characters are good people sometimes doing bad shit - even the culprit is somewhat understandable and gets a goodish ending, only that fuck Teppei and his side chick are really irredeemable cunts.
Compare that to Umineko where everybody is a dickhead (except for Maria, who's an annoying autist, and Krauss "Moon Tourism" Ushiromiya).

Who is lewder? Rika or Hanyuu?

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cute hags

Almost like they’re in a timeloop and he doesn’t remember any of the horrible shit that happened to him every time he resets

Au~ Au~

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exposed hips

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It didn't dedicate its final arc to insulting the readers.

Mion is for _______.

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The ending didn't suck ass.

Remember who the best girl is.

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Hinamizawa is a shithole dude never go near there, the villagers are on something.

t. lived there my whole life, one of my "friends" tried to kidnap me luckily a deliciously handsome cop from the town next door saved me and let me hang out in his air conditioned car

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I recently finished the first two seasons of Higurashi. I understood everything except Tatarigoroshi. Minagoroshi is supposedly its answer arc but it tells the story of Rika and doesn't tell you what happened in Tatarigoroshi.
Why does Teppei's body disappear from the pit? Why do people say that Keiichi was at the festival? Is Teppei still alive? Did they change timeline?

>Why does Teppei's body disappear from the pit?
Mion uses her family connections to have the body moved somewhere the authorities won't discover it
>Why do people say that Keiichi was at the festival?
I thought this was a delusion but yeah, I don't remember actually
>Is Teppei still alive? Did they change timeline?
He is alive in the final timeline. This is kind of a loose end, because he could at any time return and start abusing Satoko TECHNICALLY, but he could also stay away. At any rate, Rika knows the winning formula to save her by then.
Read the VN

complete season 2 before making a thread

>Higurashi and Umineko are among some of the best VNs ever written.

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>Read the VN
What's the best version? The original, the steam one, the ps one?

He's right but only about Higurashi

Judging by your post you haven't completed the entire series yet, so there are things you do not understand as of now.

Regarding the second part, it was never really feasible for him to hightail the fuck out of there. Parents left him alone at home for a day, he's still not sure of himself, and everything keeps piling up.

Hanni hara hare hi

lame attempt

>deliciously handsome cop


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You're going to want to "acquire" the steam Higurashis and Uminekos you desire and then run them through this.
You can fuck about with it too, to give it the old sprites. Either way you should either use the old sprites or the PS sprites.

Top three best characters:
Detective Delicious

I don't usually recommend the VN because I have a soft spot for the anime (manga is good too) and the SoL parts are terrible in text form, but Tatarigoroshi-hen you really need to experience in the VN format. The anime fucked that arc up by making it incomprehensible, cutting out important scenes and animating some of the worst QUALITY I've seen in an anime. Even if you don't want to read the rest of the arcs I highly recommend checking out the Tatarigoroshi VN arc. There are probably youtube videos of it so you don't even need to dl it.

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cmon user

I love higurashi, but "well-written" isn't how I would describe it

My only complaint about the anime are the twin sisters are too hard to tell apart and it made some scenes really confusing. Maybe that was the goal but for me it just made it hard to care.

Don't forget he thought is was a good idea to fight a girl having a psychotic break on top of a roof

It ended up being a great idea though. It was the only way to save everyone from getting absolutely fucked.

>Why do people say that Keiichi was at the festival?
They all know what he did and they are trying to protect him.
>Is Teppei still alive?
No, he's dead. Satoko is being paranoid or something.

Tatarigoroshi and Tsukiotoshi are by far the best arcs.

You mean killer or potential killer.

Tatarigoroshi is easy to understand. Keiichi dug more than one hole because of his schizophrenia and he dug out the wrong one.
His friends covered for him because they had that experience with Satoshi before.

>Why does Teppei's body disappear from the pit?
Mion moved it since people were going to do some forest work there later on, much like in Tsumihoroboshi.
>Why do people say that Keiichi was at the festival?
They were covering for him.
>Is Teppei still alive?
No, Satoko is just so paranoid she imagines him still being alive.

LOL, no one here would value their life over having those sexy classmates.

Jokes on you, I already am borderline suicidial and extremely paranoid. Becoming the mc in Higurashi would be a welcome upgrade from my current situation.

Nah, Jessica is just a lonely hormonal teenager that doesn't give a shit about her 'love interest', Gohda is a proud prick that can't understand the politics between the servants and Ange only gets the resolve to kill the Sumadera squad (and Amakuza & captain in intellectual rapist route), can't see them as killers on Rokkenjima
everybody else is fair game though

Looks comfy.

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That reminds me, since Minagoroshi was just rereleased, I wonder how fer the 07th mod team got
>last checked when they did Tsukiotoshi
>since then they did Taraimawashi, Yoigoshi, Tokihogushi and are doing PS2 Miotsukushi

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What was Satoko's conclusion again? I hope she's happy in the end...

oh my Hinamizawa syndrome

Higurashi is simpler to understand. And I say that as someone who prefer Higurashi. Umineko is amazing but it’s really weird with the whole metaverse.

They are. Well, Umineko definitely is, for how innovative the setting and is along with the top-tier voice acting. Bear in mind though. 99% of VNs are trash.

Don't shit on Gohda he did nothing wrong he also did nothing at all

Because Higurashi is more accessible, but more importantly, people actually heard of Higurashi's anime and it wasn't a dumpsterfire like Umineko's.

What the fuck did Battler do wrong?

Aside from throwing a hissy fit at Rudolf remarrying, there's the whole 'I'm not gonna tell my sister I'm actually alive lol'
Even if you don't see the whole pony thing as his fault (which you shouldn't, he was twelve ffs) and don't take him being the culprit in one of the games against him (I don't even know what was the point of Bern doing that) that's still not great

pic related

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Satoko becomes Teppei's cocksleeve in all timelines.

>Aside from throwing a hissy fit at Rudolf remarrying, there's the whole 'I'm not gonna tell my sister I'm actually alive lol'
It wasn't that Rudolf remarried, he liked Kyrie. It was that Ange was already in the equation, so that means Rudolf cheated on his mother while she was sick.

> 'I'm not gonna tell my sister I'm actually alive lol'
That wasn't Battler anymore. It was a new identity who was afraid of being Battler.

Teppei wasn't a pedophile. He did groom her though.

>Tatarigoroshi-hen you really need to experience in the VN format. The anime fucked that arc up by making it incomprehensible, cutting out important scenes
Best example would be 1500 seconds:

Yeah I know he didn't mind Kyrie and Ange, but he did go a bit overboard with being pissy at him, especially since Rudolf did still care about him
And I understand why he didn't come out to Ange in 1998 and understand what made him do this, but it still was objectively a dick move

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