Working on this chapter was a trainwreck.
Beastars Chapter 139
Other urls found in this thread:
Due to references to melon as seen from the previous chapters, I will be renaming Meron to "Melon". In hindsight, it was rather obvious, and I should've changed it earlier, but better late than never.
Basedbean burger on the Herbivore side and carrot burger on the Carnivore side? Is that right?
No. That's an error that will be fixed.
This sloth it's pretty bad ass
Legosi please.
There he is.
>something that'll take the whole day
That's my nightmare.
Cool work, what made this one so miserable?
>ping 600000
Scarification? Because that's not how ink tattoo works, neither does scarification cuts that deep to kill someone for blood loss. The sloth is killing on purpose.
Maybe it works different on animals.
Gay and not how tattoing works.
I don't see the point of a tattoo if you have fur covering it.
Legosi is going to tattoo a hybrid, isn't he?
A gift to those who do not sleep at night, thank you translator-kun
It might not be deliberate, maybe his claws get in the way of holding the needle properly or he just moves too slow or something.
holy shit
And still Melon's tattoos come out perfectly.
How the fuck do sloths even function.
>Tell me
I sorta feel sorry for him
This reminds me of that one joke from zootopia
>This reminds me of that one joke from zootopia
good work as always my man
so the reason la chupacabra commits culinary crimes is because his taste buds are fucked by his mutt genes?
If you couldn't taste a thing you'd also ram up the sauces on everything just to see if they taste good.
Gib lioness gf
Love you TL-kun
thank you TL-kun
the redraws looked pretty involved this time
Git your damn dirty claws off that Melon, he's bad but knot quite that bad.
>gay BDSM mutant
what even is this manga
thanks TL-kun!
Remember how that went for Legosi.
Quietly catering to every stripe of degenerate
>doesn't remember any jokes
>no playing cards
>not even any caramels
It was his own fault.
>he already is la criatura
>he also has >a fucking leaf tattoos
now all he needs is to wear a sombrero to complete the north american set
>>he also has >a fucking leaf tattoos
yeah, that's his problem when he's also
Maybe not because it's not being done on humans?
I just realised that Melon's fur is yellow so with green tattoos he looks like an actual melon.
Maybe I'll make a job of colouring that sometime
The gaydar is going off right now but I am now scared because he isn't the prancing around like a gazelle and speaking in a high pitched voice kind of fag he is more like the serial rapist kind of fag
jesus what a fucking terrible life, no wonder he went hay hay
Legosi please don't go for the race-mix meme,
I guess it's more than just "probable" now, right?
Truly a fruit
No wonder the place smelled of him with all the blood he drops regularly.
Jeffrey dahmer-tier is melon’s psychopathy, Joe
Legosi already lost his first kiss to Riz and now he will lose his virginity to Melon.
So this is the next scar he gets, a tattoo? What is it going to be? A bug or a bunny?
If his sense of taste doesn’t exist up why isn’t his sense of smell messed up? He was still effected by the blood mix at the club.
How the fuck does tattoo work on fur?
something beautiful
Ahhh I want to fuck a snake girl
Tattoo's are probably more scars than anything so it shoes even when you have fur. So you're deliberately cutting the flesh
Add on to a Sloth that takes ages to do anything and you're basically getting your flesh cut into a cute Patten's that took about as day to finish. It's like if you were getting a quick surgery done except it took a day and the bulk of that you were just wide open and bleeding
>Melon takes his name extremely literal
Could be that he dropped his given name and decided to go with this after his forst tat and saw the joke of it. Matches up with his self loathing if you ask me
>inb4 first tat instead of "forst tat". I really thought I pressed "i"
Will Legosi keep getting tattoo after tattoo if Sloth still has more to say?
He'll describe in autistic detail what each hair of Haru's fur looks like naked so that it'll be completely accurate
>Sebun pleasures men for cash
I heard this was good but I real hate furries and furry characters, can I get through it somehow? I mean is the story good enough for me to tolerate the furry characters?
You already know the answer to this question.
Why doesn't this homo get the spots on his face covered?
>I hate thing
>Should I read manga with thing
He already has to cover the leopard half completely.
I'd like to say it is. But that would depend on your hatred.
>but I real hate furries and furry characters
can i ask why?
Dios mio...
They appear very uncanny to me. And the degenerate fanbase behind them doesn’t help as well.
what about them is uncanny to you?
>They appear very uncanny to me
but how could you ever hate a face this cute
So what tattoo would take a whole day?
>They appear very uncanny to me
wtf is wrong with you most of them look adorable
>You're a fucking ugly bitch. I want to stab you to death, and then play around with your blood.
wrong image
Needs more autism mixed in
a lot
it depends how much detail and how big
Does Koala have brap written on his shirt?
I retract what I just posted. I was dyslexic in the moment
Thanks you very much for the translations!
It's the joke from zootopia
Thanks you translator
Mr.Saturn~ i was playing earthbound yesterday. So happy BOING!
Great meme, except Paru never watched Zootopia.
>heh... just a flash of bloodlust
does being a hybrid also give you hank hill ass
>autistic class skill: completely understand weirdest things in an instant
sasuga legosi
TL-kun a best, thank you for doing this for us
Not only did she watch zootopia, she actually went on record to say that it is because of that movie that she felt confident enough to make beastars
What are other perks one gets from the autistic class?
based melon
newtype powers
>passive: "For The Herbivores"
>+50% damage bonus against large-breed carnivores
Its pages like these that make me dislike the manga at times.
What's wrong with it?
The tattooist is asking what tattoo design Legosi wants, and Legosi replies with "You can just put the date of today".
>You can just put the date of today
How lazy.
His face on the middle right panel reminds me of Calvin and hobbs
I came here just to post about how gay this page is. Also holy shit that poor sloth, it must be distracting having to work with Melon's boner right there in your face.
>ywn marry her
Why even live?
Imagine if the Louis and Legosi stuffed toys are voodoo dolls.
>Someone cut off Louis' leg
shiraa needs to be relevant again
Yes, it's worth it. But you are degenerate enough to mistake anthropomorphism for furries and to mistake two different fanbases. So maybe you shouldn't.
>And the degenerate fanbase behind them doesn’t help as well.
we dont have that here yet, when the anime airs this threads will become hell, prepare your self brother, we will defend this manga against the worst degenerates out there!
>this day will become memorable at the end just to justify the tattoo
im looking up to it
>Inb4 Legosi finally musters up the strength to ask haru out on this day
it's getting old dude
do you think the western furfags will like this manga ?
something i saw while rereading beastars. how many people believe in god in this setting?
Do you truly believe we'll get overrun by western furfaggots?
not op, but definitely
>there are people here who still pretend furfags already don't know about this thing
that sound like a cult, maybe will become a plot later, nice catch
we hadnt really talked about religion in beastars
I think the setting is to grim for them.
Underrated post.
also nice foreshadowing paru
Do we really need to see a half naked animal every chapter?
Yes, yes we do.
Is that a rhetorical question?
I'm pretty sure that Paru is a kemonofan.
Maybe you're right, user.
Low energy expenditure and symbiotic algae.
plot twist: Shiraa wins the Legosibowl
The fuck are morokoshi watats?
Meron > Melon
I love when villains get chapters where they are just going about their daily lives and we get to see how they act and think in situations.
I'm starting to like this Melon guy, Paru's antagonists are always quite compelling.
Zank you?
That wouldn't even be from left field. That would be from a field not even on this planet
t. doesn't like fruit
This. Melon is dumb name for a crazy murderer.
Paru drew this a few hours ago. It has a Leano vibe in my opinion... human Juno when????
Let's just list some of the characters that are above Shiira on the list of Legosi's potential fucks:
>and Moth-san
In fact, I think Shiira might be at the absolute bottom of the list. Tem's shredded carcass is probably higher on the list than her
I don't even think Shiira and Legosi have even talked much that they've gone anywhere past "being in the same club"
Based Boy Bill has a better chance and he has a preference for stripes
Nah, no male major character will ever be confirmed gay. Paru very obviously is into gay shit but she doesn't have the guts to do it or maybe the editors don't let her,
race mixing is fucking terrible
Yes, that's how bad Shiira's chances are
Furries usually don't like anything that doesn't look like disney. See: Blacksad or Fantastic mr. Fox.
Looks like rule 63 Baki
Stop lying user. Especially for the former.
>Juno over Louis
Be honest.
Do you guys even read these threads? Or are you in so much denial that people you don't like also enjoy something you do that you lie about something so obviously false
Of course there are exceptions. I'm one of them.
>13016 warcraft
>11999 five_nights_at_freddy's
>10101 capcom
>8604 league_of_legends
>6352 tokyo_afterschool_summoners
Based, I am too a faggot and I think we should talk about that instead of discussing Beastars.
He literally has melon leaves tattoos on his chest
She reminds me of that lady from chapter 3 of Uzamaki
Who's lesbian wolf?
>Someone whisper impure and lewd things about Haru into Legosi doll's ear
Utsugi (33), the jackal president of a company who does not adhere to the custom of heterosexuality and is a top-class carnivore who has no desire for meat?
>the chupacabra is a wild american
at last I truly see
Legosi knows what sex is. He's just too autistic to get it.
Blacksad's characters look fucking terrible. 40's human faces with weird animal parts glued in. That's some horror movie shit.
Capcom has notable anthropomorphic characters?
>inb4 it's Felicia
Monster Hunter and Okami
>Monster Hunter
Small cat people and/or personified monsters?
Isn't that bestiality?
If there is one thing in life I am greatful for it’s that I’m not Meron.
>Isn't that bestiality?
"capcom order:score"
The facts don't lie, user.
Dios mio, los padres de la creatura!
You'd be surprised of how far furfags degeneracy can go
>tatuaje de conejo en su conejo
That's terrifying.
It'll all make sense with order:score. I can't post why, obviously.
I don't want to browse some furry-centered image site either.
Anyone else has cool stories about furry encounters?
Legosi does
Are the menu descriptions in the OP image mixed up? Why is a purely vegetarian meal described udner the carnivore meal?
Do you read this manga or are you just passing through?
They're basically scars, they cut extremely deep into the skin
Found the speedreader
In Beastars all predator and herbivore animals are sentient and predation is outlawed. Legally the closest thing to meat they can get are some ground-up bugs.
Basedbeans are amazing!
Imagine if the Beastars Earth was on /int/
>be from [some place]
>get eaten
>rest of your corpse is sold on black market and gets eaten
Would Beastars Yea Forums have the equivalent of this image but with /skin/?
There are sex scenes, if that triggers you.
trust me they will like it
While he was still at Cherryton Louis would regularly post pretending to be a carnivore
I live in a small city in a third world shit hole, nerd culture is not really a thing, in my life i have encountered like 5 people that are into this kind of stuff.
Imagine my surprise when a friend told me he went to an anime convention last year.
Not only that, actual furries came on a stage and had a show explaining their culture. They even had full body fursuits. What the fuck? How do you even get the money for that in this shit economy?
It felt surreal knowing so many of these people exist here.
When their showing ended they went to the scorching heat outside to play ball in their suits. Then they got rocks thrown at them by some teenagers and went away.
I wish i was there, i hope there's another one this year.
>remember when beastars threads would occasionally pop up on /trash/
>a fuckton of porn
I will kill all furfags who enter this thread to pornpost.
What country/continent is it, user? I imagine it's either somewhere in Brazil or Indonesia/SE Asia.
>>a fuckton of porn
there's more images in this thread right now than the grand total of beastars porn
>Fantastic mr. Fox.
user... I.. lietraly know people that became furries because of fantastic mr. Fox, it has all the dumb species interaction shit furries love (not very different from this manga in that trait but oh well) because of the RP potential.
It's Argentina, in a north west province called Catamarca
I think it is less of "I cannot physically taste things" but "I cannot percieve these taste as delicious"
Its like being able to smell garbage, but you cannot perceive garbage as delicious, I think.
mirá vos. i'm from Buenos Aires (the poor part) and the most i've ran into is just weebs. mostly fujos too. do you know what those fuirsuitters were talking about?
you are fucking serious? you guys don't know Talbain, Leo and Garr? fucking underage I swear
Don't show up on the first page of results for "capcom" sorted by score
They will consider this as "mature Zootopia", even though it is not
They will eat it the fuck up, without doubt
e621 is unreliable as fuck, meanwhile every barafag worth salt will swear by Garr
Yeah, e621's unpopularity with barafags is why Tokyo Afterschool Summoners isn't one of the largest copyright tags.
Friend said they were just explaining what the furry fandom was and why they wear full body suits in hot summer days for fun.
I think they also did a little dance.
Why do furries have the highest rate of cognitive dissonance in any online community? They're all happy jacking it to fantasies of fucking animals, in some cases actual beastiality or zoophilia, a lot of them are into cub or diaperfur art and if they aren't they all freely associate with and share sites and communities with people who are.
Yet you put one cute and funny anime drawing in front of them and they run around like headless chickens screaming CP and that it's literally child abuse and that Tron Bonne is a child abuse victim because of it etc.
I don't fucking get it at all, is it all a ploy for them to fit in with the tumblr/discord trannies/sjws (that they have a high amount of overlap with) and pointing fingers at other fetishes to take some sort of moral highground. Just go take a look at /aco/ or even /trash/ here (both are well established tumblr colonies), anyone who posts any cute and funny pics get chased out by furries in an instant and then they go back to posting about how they want to fuck their dogs. Meanwhile based Yea Forums and Yea Forums have cute and funny threads all day long.
People defending animal fucking. Puppy killing. Kitten killing. Animal raping. Pedos
You know Yea Forums was full of some edge fucks and trolls And 9000 penises but Yea Forums was never for raping fucking puppies to death and "uwu:3"ing About it
Kero was one of many. And FFS furries went sexual freak tier nearly from the time they got big. One of thier first cons had deviant shit too ,. Didn't some dude get elevator jizz on his back
>Also rainfurrest
Furries at best are annoying cringe. At worst they want to fuck animals and happily torture them
>lets put fire ants into a dogs hole so it hurts the dog
I was going to say that Legosi would chalk it up as a wet dream but I'm not even sure our boy knows what that even is
maybe because furries or, any community for that matter, isn't one person?
>Every shitposter is labelled as a Carni
>Turns out the bulk are actually Herbi's
What the fuck happened to this thread?
I assume it's the werewolf from Darkstalkers. I also just posted another game with "oh shit it's a lion" in it (apparently that's Leo). These two don't strike me as someone furries would drool over enough to justify 10101 results on some furry site.
Figuring it out as we go
Welcome to a preview of what it's going to be like come this Fall
Furries think Blacksad is really fucking good. Same with Omaha the Cat Dancer.
It's just that their jerkoff fantasies lean hard toward Disney shit.
People that when they see one anthro image and start running around like headless chickens screaming about how furfags are all animal abusers and they are pure degeneracy and the idiots that reply to them giving them attention
Thank you
From Melon to furries, from furries to furry monsters. That's why you get kicked out if you mention melons in a respectable company.
The cub/diaperfur people are generally despised by the fandom at large. Fetishes are real surface level shit and furries openly divide themselves by that- to the point for example where cub is only allowed on specific gallery sites.
The real disparity is dealing with otherkin-type people, specific species fandoms, and legit zoophiles. I shit you not that a great big chunk of furries with dragon fursonas are rich tech-dudes who -unironically- think they're dragons in real life or have a dragon's spirit or some shit like that mostly because of the "regal" status they think dragons have. Zoophiles have always been disliked but it's not a year that goes by without a smattering of people across the entire fandom's sub-fandoms getting busted for it.
Wait, so we can't even talk about fruit? But melons are great
I think it's time for you to leave.
I think there's this one guy who is really desperate to start shit. Week after week you'll see these same posts complaining about furries in the same tone, over and over again. Unfortunately when it's done as a reply to a casual mention of furries, like in this thread, it seems to actually take.
Melons taste like flavored water, they are low tier fruit
Cherries and apples are the top tier of fruit prove me wrong
I think I've been speedreading, because for some reason until this chapter I thought his name was Meloron.
My man right here
How did you manage to get that?
Everything in this manga named after produce is in some way completely and utterly vile, prove me wrong.
>Paru hates fruit
Forgot to turn off auto-correct in my brain or something. Fuck if I know.
I mean, I kind of get it mechanically, because Meron's got a really high ratio of appearance to namedrop. But, like, still, that's retarded.
So does that mean that the only pets existing are like Legosi's recently neglected Rhino-chan?
That brings up an interesting question that hasn't been addressed in the manga. Are the different species "from" different places? We just see a shitton of them in this one city, but is there a notChina where the pandas come from, or a notAfrica where lions and shit are from?
This is so fucking retarded but I love it.
On the Beastars TVtropes page, the WMG section only has 2 Theories so far. Why is the fandom lame in this regard? Aren't there more than just 2 theories people have about beastars?
I thought of the same thing.
keep the discussion on topic for fucks sake, go to /trash/ to talk about your furryshit
>Then they got rocks thrown at them by some teenagers and went away.
That's hilarious.
>Keeping shit in their respective boards
That's the 4channeler's greatest weakness.
Is this furry shit?
It was said he was taking care of it because it was injured. I think the only concrete indication we have of pets as we know them being a considered idea in the universe is from Paru's twitter, that they know the meaning of a tagged collar in order to wear it as "ironic fashion."
Two points:
First, possibly a quirk of translation, is that species keep the real-world geographical information in their names; Agata is a congo lion, Ai is a tibetan fox, Principal Gon is a siberian tiger, Haru is a Netherland Dwarf.
Second, and this is blink-and-you'll-miss-it, The Crocodile and The Gazelle confirms that there is a conception of 'the world' and thus presumably other countries, via Happy Happy Cooking's ability to be "broadcast worldwide".
I absolutely love that image. I also want to just say that I am at least optimistic that beastars won't fall into the same degeneracy levels as sonic and star fox on Yea Forums since there is actually stuff to talk about regarding the characters and world and the story so far.
I really wish there was more or better worldbuilding, we knew there was a war 100 years ago between carnis and herbis, did the two live in segregated countries and nations before that?
a man of taste eh?
If nation borders back then were divided by herbivore and carnivore sects, how did the carnivores eat since I'm assuming a hundred years ago they didn't have the dietary substitutes they do now.
Yes, next question?
Is this based furry shit?
The present day in the manga is mirrored to the technology of our world, 100 years ago we definitely had the capability to grow plant proteins like beans or tofu, I imagine trading with chickens for eggs wouldn't be out of the question. Perhaps 100 years back they had something akin to the plantations in Promised Neverland with farms growing herbivores for food.
Pretty much all furfags are batshit insane sjws who think their shit don't stink.
Less Zootopia, more Lone Digger
Legosis' dad, kek
Not videogames
What animal species, herbivore or carnivore do you think would have to toughest life to live as in the Beastars universe? Mice and rat seem to have a lifespan of only 40 years and that's just if they get lucky enough to not get stepped on by accident.
TVTropes is dying. The theories are here. Some highlights:
>Legosi will regrow a set of komodo teeth
>Meron's parents are the couple shown in the second sketch at the end of Beast Complex
>Meron's father is the Minister of Beast Harmony, who is covering up the crimes and existence of the Love Failure
>Juno is going to succumb to her instincts because she lacks the experiences Legosi went through last year, and attack Louis
>Juno is going to succumb to her instincts, and attack Louis' fiancee Azuki
>Azuki is going to be made aware of Juno via the news, and get pissed
>Oguma is going to find out about Juno, and get significantly fucking more pissed
>Miyagi is Juno's father, and she really is Legosi's sister
>Louis' unknown parentage and unusual weakness is because he's a hybrid
>Oguma's "birth defect" that renders him "unable to produce offspring" is really him hiding the fact that he's a hybrid
>Gosha is going to die
>Gay horse wants to make Legosi a beastar
>there will be a sea arc
>autism is a congenital condition of wolves (airhead-chan spacing out, Leano needing everything to be pretty, Juno's strong fastball remarks that come from the Brain to the Mouth, Abby's vore fetish, and Legosi [just Legosi])
>autism is how the mental instability of a hybrid manifests in Legosi
>autism is contagious, and has infected every major cast member thusfar except Haru
>Legosi's 'type' is "approximately 30cm in height"
>Legosi's penis is 30cm long
>Louis can only get an erection while thinking about Legosi eating his leg, which is why he wants girls to pretend to eat him while he calls them "Legosi-chan"
and finally- this one's completely ridiculous, which is why I saved it for last-
>Haru is a whore
This fucking manga, I swear.
Thank you.
Voles have to eat 3x their body weight every day. That must be tough for them
>no Sebun
My theory is that most creatures don't have to deal with this bullshit, theater kids are just crazy.
I could see him as Melon's dad
I'll write that one down.
If it's any consolation, just this one time it wasn't malicious. I just care so little about her that I forgot she exists.
Why have all the Beastars antagonists been so gay
Clearly Bill has the hardest life of any animal in the Beastars universe. I mean, he wants to fuck a girl... WHO DOESN'T HAVE STRIPES! Imagine the suffering and inner grief that must be causing him. To want to have sex with- not even a relationship, just flesh-slapping copulation- with someone of the opposite sex who has pure, white, fluffy, cottony fluff instead of stripes. True despair.
Why have all the Beastars PROTAGONISTS been so gay?
lion boss wasn't gay
Haru has too many STDs for autism to take a firm foothold
thanks, tl-kun, always looking forward to these
was she ever relevant
Natural autism protection
I checked more than one third of capcom pics are from monster hunter ( 3683) and darkstalkers have 2258
Paru is a fujo?
>Paru is a fujo?
I mean, she IS
...but I did mean "ALL"
Suffers the most yet deserves it the least. How sad.
Why can user deliver while tvtropes can't?
>a tat of haru
the persons on tv tropes seens more focused on wanking they favorite series. (compare the fundation to small horses)
is she wearing a diaper? I swear it looks like that
Is he ok? dose he have brain damage?
you know the answer to that
he has level 5 autism
Because, as said, TVTropes is dying. It's succumbing to the same thing every semi community-oriented site that's existed since before 2008 is (which, I don't want to editorialize, probably isn't necessary to explain), in addition to unique challenges faced to its reputation in the early-to-mid 2010s. It's in the same position as many once-titanic forums, it's only losing active users.
Although, taking the question at face value, it's because my autism is intense.
Darkstalkers have Felicia (100% furry, look at those ears) and Sasquatch too, you sure that that number of results is all thanks to Talbain?
>L on the right hand
>R on the left
simply divine
>>Miyagi is Juno's father, and she really is Legosi's sister
Legosi really dodged a bullet by not romancing Juno
But on the other hand, if Juno ends of marrying Louis, that means Louis and Legosi are step brothers
Whose to say Louis isn't another one of miyagi's bastard children?
>>Legosi's 'type' is "approximately 30cm in height"
>>Legosi's penis is 30cm long
Big Bad Based Boy Buffalo Bill truely has a hard life
That is 30cm from head to toe. Legosi is going to impale haru with his "spear"
but user, THE FUTURE! RULES!
God forbid it's toxic
Or worse, he has two of them
darkstalkers numbers comes mostly from felicia (1338) but jon has a good deal too (599) , beastars has 156 but I saw a lot more on pixiv.
I hate this. How is Haru this tall despite being a DWARF rabbit?
That's because you're full shit.
You too.
Funny enough Morgan is the most fanservicy character in the series despite not being furry
she has a diet full of protein.
>Blacksad's characters look fucking terrible.
Caninebois are best boys
I think they are talking about the "beautiful" women. Everyone else looks great.
Not that it's an argument in favour of justifying her size, but dwarf is not a description and is in fact a breed name (Netherland Dwarf)
Fair enough although I wish some species are closer in size to their real life counterpart like Haru. I'm ok with louis being small because he's meant to be scrawny for a deer and Legosi is not fully wolf so he is justifiably bigger than the typical wolf.
Even if that were the case, they're still wrong, the same could be applied to Blacksad himself since his own facial features are humanlike.
is tasty
Small, and a little fragile, but still good enough to eat.
Juno is best girl
juno's crazy but damn has she got good taste
Yeah, venison was Ibuki's favourite.
Of all the reedits people made of this scene to make Juno appear very autistic, none can top the original
I think they were mostly made after the raws. I don't think any of us expected Fastball Remarks to actually become so important to her character.
A pun on morokoshi watarou, which are corn puffs.
Juno's autism beat autism (After Legosi's)
Is this moment her equivalent to when Legosi ripped out all his teeth in terms of trying to proving a point while majorly screwing themselves over in the process?
pills here
Request to have Louis offering pillz like left 4 dead louis
Beep beep
I'm surprised she didn't go full yandere with Legosi but at least she's tonned down with Louis
Until she finds out about his fiance
>Juno is a girl
>Juno is best girl
>No other girl matters in this manga
>No other girl matters in any manga
>No other girl matters period, fictional or otherwise
>All other girls in existence are worthless by virtue of not being Juno
>Your life is made worthless by the lack of Juno in it
I don't even need to find the source to know this was drawn by a gay furry porn ""artist""
>Juno will never make you into a mess
Why are we still here
This image makes me very displeased. I don't if it's because that Taiwanese dude always uses that fucking image instead of an actual image from the manga or if it's because it looks stupid. Probably both
I'm still expecting Legosi to kill Melon once he finds the old antlers and assumes the worst. Gay horse will exonerate him but Legosi will never be the same.
So, what do you think of Melon so far?
I'm starting to quite like him, i just hope Paru doesn't try to redeem him or anything.
The current chapter makes me like him more. At first I thought he was going to be nothing more than an asshole who likes to do bad things because they are bad. But I don't think hes capable of being redeemed. He lives a cursed existence, someone who never should have been born in into the world.
Ima hedonistic pig, and the thought of having no sense of taste just made me sympathize with meron hard
This is one of the most infuriating videos i've seen in my life. I hope the guy who made it steps on shit and dies.
>legosi’s mutt kid is going to be a slut with the urge to fuck both herbivores and carniggers
what are fighting games in the Beastars universe like? are all playable characters carnivores? is putting a hervibore in the equivalent of a token minority?
Fucking off yourself
uncalled for
>jesus kid, you've been here for two days, we're out of artists who can get your work done
>High sex drive yet too autistic to act
>Into both Herbivores and Cornivores
>Hyper no-care attitude like Haru but at the same time a little timid and naive like Legosi
>Implying Legosi will ever get any
Big ones or ones with some kind of defense are just normal characters
others are joke characters used to dab on people
>implying legosi would ever attempt to get any
>Legosi's daughter acts like a slut in the vain hope it'll get someone to think she's hot as she changes
>loves her papa too much to do what grandma did
>Just wants to prove that she isn't a mistake of nature
>EVO moment where someone wins the top spot with a herbivore character
>Evo Moment when Salty opponent tries to eat the winner but gets fucking suplexed by the sloth that had been celebrating on stage since the last game
>steam breath
Paru we all know what you're doing it
stop that
>90% of Super Smash Beast Melee player are skunks
man, Beaststars EVO would be fucking awful
No they'd be hedgehogs, cause hedgehogs froth their own shit for some reason.
She's not trying to hide it with those hearts in the speech bubble and the ahegao-like face in the next page.
Dude, imagine how good metal must be in this setting. Cougars sound like dying women screaming, imagine how good that wailing would be in death metal
>Musical industry is dominated by Carnivores except for maybe Country and Classical
>The shakeup when K-Pop and J-Pop get introduced to mainstream and they're mostly bishe herbivores
>Babymetal is one of the few carnivore idol groups in the industry, because they're metal.
Man gimme chocolate takes on a very different meaning when applied to canines
guys i need your help.
does anybody know how i can get info on legosi's va(voice actor) for the anime?
i tried looking up the guy's name on google but for some reason it always comes back to either beastar's wiki or other va's with the same name.
(i just really wanna know how legosi's voice will sound like)
>character design isn't important because they're all just anthro animals
Either inexplicably beefy herbivores who can compete with the carnivores or “muh secret ninja skills” type stuff. Just like females in fighting games.
Man imagine what the Punk scene must be like in beastars, since guys like GG existed in reality. It has to involve just straight up predation
>image of legosi's va
He’s fairly new as a voice actor, the only other notable role I can find is Sugimoto from Golden Kamui
>inexplicably beefy herbivore
You made me remember this and now I have to post it
>this is the future Legosi desires
People with no taste can just stay the fuck away, I don't need you to like Beastars. Just go.
When will Gosha and Yafya fuck?
Bovines and Elk exist. They just have to pick their beefy herbivores there.
He left so he wouldn't have to fuck him.
>inexplicably beefy
Wonder what prog would be like
Since Cougars and most animals already have high-sounding screams, you'd probably get a lot of countertenors sounding like Jon Anderson.
go back
Thank you!
Nah blacksad has a proper muzzle, especially in later books.
Okay, image all the autism of Smashfags
Put into a deadly body, that can and will attempt to eat you. Imagine how much worse a really dirty unwashed animal smells and looks than even the most filthy fuck human.
Never because Gosha is straight. That;s why Yafya was really mad about
Just realized that not everyone saw the second version of this pic
>Bro i told you this is just training in case criminals capture us and tries to rape us bro i swear it's not gay we are doing it for society
Yeah, but he still has a jawline, he only shows proper feline features until the book with the short stories
it's more of a case of the artist getting better
An idea for a possible Ver. 3.0 addition if you're up for it: a sloth with a tattoo ink pen.
To suffer just like Juno has to in the manga
Is it because he didn't make Louis S tier?
I don't really like putting the characters that only appear on 2-3 chapters, this is more the important characters with only the cherry boys missing
That response is disproportionally mean
Imagine sneaking into a smash bros meetup event and stealthily deleting the melee files from all the gamecube memory cards
Woah how can translator-san fuck up THIS hard? LITERALLY
someone should make this with zaguan
Translator probably thought his version flowed better in the English language. Like with the chapter of Legosi having his family photo taken, the photographer called leano "mom" but translator thought "ma'am" sounded better.
Speaking of which, any news of a new book coming out anytime soon?
But from
>a tattoo that takes all day
>just tattoo the day of today
It completely and utterly changes the meaning m8
Amarillo is still the latest one
How does one tattoo the day of today? Is he going to get numbers tattooed on his arm like a holocaust victim?
>Hobbs as Big Bad Based Boy Buffalo Badass Bill
Paru please
Does any beastar meme have potential to become mainstream?
Well it is Legosi...
Anyway I think its just a joke and a way to signify that legosi doesnt care and is only there to track meron. Plus people get random idiotic shit tattooed all the time.
I get a feeling honestly that something will happen and he won't end up getting the tattoo. So yeah then it'll just end up being a consequence-less joke. If he does get it, it'll just be something small and might be a joke a couple times later on if people ask him about it.
I hope the tattoo will be something like "fuck the herbivores" since carnivores and herbivores can interpret that in one of two ways.
Ah okay, it's all good. Actually now that I think about it you do need to do another addition that represents Gosha, Legosi's grandfather.
The Japanese are super degenerate if this is your first mango
I doubt the series will become mainstream given how shit the anime looks.
Look at Yiifyas's computer
zoophilia is a different ballpark from furries, don't cross streams
Ah, nevermind then, it was in my blind spot somehow.
Meron is a better name, but it's clear that Paru meant Melon.
do not fug
xe has butthole teeth
i was thinking more about having hervibores getting the shit kicked out of them by carnivore characters is probably forbidden in this world.
>if Berserk ever ends
>"I'm sure a series 2 will get funded"
That poor naive user
Paru doesn't draw enough butts
You know, I had a picture of Legosi's butt aside of many pictures of him in his underwear (all drawn by Paru)
So when will she start selling official lewds? Or will she create an alias and publish "doujins"?
why does she need to bother doing any of that when she can just put it in her manga and get paid to do it?
I think her art is too recognizable to try to hide it like that
She must have endless lewds of her dog husbandos hidden away from her teenage years. I hope someone breaks into her home and steals them.
Stealing someones husbando is a heinous crime and you should be ashamed of wishing this evil upon someone
>She must have endless lewds of her dog husbandos hidden away from her teenage years
I like to imagine she was the weird girl always scribbling in a notebook when nobody was looking. It turns out it was all porn. Over the years it got progressively freakier and freakier
>I hope someone breaks into her home
And then they get wrestled by her dad. Wrestled to death.
This probably
Paru and Keisuke Itagaki in the same room. I hope this shuts up anyone who still thinks they are the same person.
>Over the years it got progressively freakier and freakier
There's absolutely nothing freaky about her "gay bloody masochism furry BDSM with ahegao, mindbreak, and violent mid-orgasm insults" fetish. Totally wholesome.
>I hope this shuts up anyone who still thinks they are the same person.
Nobody thinks they are the same person, they think they are related which your image doesn't really disprove.
Fake. That mask is obviously to hide a stand-in. Although where they got such a lifelike Keisuke Itagaki mas I'll never know.
so slightly off topic, but how did the whole "creator who only goes in public wearing a mask" thing start? I've seen it a lot in the past few years, is there a specific person who started it or is it something that goes back a while?
Since interview.
Oh I thought you mean Paru.
Furries must be purged with fire
You get me fired up.
Dumb user, nobody believes they are the same person but related. Dummy.
15 hours for a 2 cm tatoo.
dude, just move.
Isn't a bear just a hunk but hairy?
what, and ruin the tattoo?
no, this one is literally 10 hours later kek, and is used to move the plot instead of kekin
You expected the guy running the gay club to NOT be a bottom?
And YOU made me remember THIS.
Thank you Translator San!!!!!!!
Ay CARAMBA! Son los padres!
Woah user you're really doing it, i remember reading your post about the idea of doing this, it's coming together really nicely
I'd say it's about done no?
Theyre fat too.
Then Riz and Gouhin are not bear bears, they are hunk bears.
Shin Riz is hunk/bear but Riz on suppressors is mostly just bear
Who goes to a gay club to adhere to the rules of heterosexuality?
I changed this page several hours ago among other fuck-ups in this chapter I made. It's all updated on mangadex.
>posting lopunny bara
>without even spoiler on
this is the reason we're going to /trash/
God, I wish I were Holger.
They Neo-Nazi polar bear who got cucked by his own daughter was pretty beastly-hot when they hanged him.
The second one isn't bara, just funny and a bit suggestive.
This picture makes me feel funny, bros...
>You will never kiss a wolf like this
>He'll never share his curse with you
More painful than a lupine bite.
Don't worry. Lopunny has that effect on people and most agree that it was totally intentional.
Fuck off
Who would you main in a Beastars fighting game?
what? no bridget? what kind of awful game is that?
imagine being mad at people who like anthropomorphic animals in a thread about anthropomorphic animals
A bearcat is fine too.
i agree but melon's obviously what was intended
the reveal this chapter would've been much bigger if we had been calling him melon since he first appeared
>said the top class carnivore, limply defending her moral impropriety
>his name is Melon
>he makes the shishigumi lions eat melon
>he has melon leaves tattooed over his spots
Truly a メロン
I don't get the problem with posting the second one, there is no difference from this to that
>there will be a sea arc
This is well done.
>there will be a sea arc
Imagine getting so many (You)s so easily. I have to break into WSJ's headquarters every week.
Wolf bitches be crazy, yo.
is rightful Legosi clay
>actually looks like Miyagi
What crazy shit will happen for it to be a important date? Will Melon pop his cherry?
can't wait for louis to realize his bisexuality and confess his love for legosi, cucking juno yet again
>Your friend Louis, he is...
>Like seahorse, yes?
>It is not a saying of the land? I see, how do you land creatures say it...
>'a faggot'?
Idk about the minister being merons dad one, he looks like a cheetah in that pic instead of a leopard
Compare: the snow leopards*** in 102, and the leopards at the start of 111.
Wow page limit. Seeing naked melons must've done it.
Saturday morning. The closer to friday, the faster the thread.