Dragon Ball Super

What exactly is "The Demon Realm" where Dabura comes from?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Never explained outside of being said to be where all the demons come from . Typical toriyama introducing concepts and doing nothing with them. Basically all of dragon ball is like that

The only concern for Toriyama is where he gets the next strong fighter.

It's a mirror plane within their overall universe. Instead of a God of Destruction, they've got a God of Salvation who stops the baddies from blowing up planets. Since it's a mirror plane, they've exactly 82 planets and in the case of Universe 7, instead of a cat hakaishin their GoS is a dog. The onɘZ of their Demon Multiverse preserves stuff instead of erasing things, he's also taller than his non-Demon Realm counterpart, Zeno. This is where Dabura, Babidi and Buu came from. It's also the place where Moro's brother, Janemba, currently resides. Zeno and onɘZ made a deal to prevent illegals from traversing across the planes, and just like time travelling, traversing the planes is also considered a major offense. There's only one being that's exempt from these rules, and that's the offspring of Jiren and Broly, who has yet to be conceived.

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It's that bottom spindle there
When a core person (what kais are) is born evil, they are sent to there. The dragon Ball heroes games heavily explores their world and population.

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I...I like Hunter X Hunter.

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SSJ3 transformation is still the best moment from the series.
Pathetic imposter haitusfag

It's a Buddhist concept: The realm of the Gods, the realm of the Demons and the realm of the Mortals. When you die, your karma dictates in which realm you'll be reincarnated.

>born evil
The fuck? What about free will?

Wait, but there could easily be stronger fighters than Goku in U7.
The only reason we've never seen them is because Whiss left the job of finding strong fighters for the ToP up to Goku and he chose those he was familiar with.
He left Uub, despite him being stronger than 1/2 of the team.
He never scouted the universe for high power levels and he believed that Monaka was strong, because Beerus told him so.
This means that we can easily get another villain from a planet even Frieza would be scared to screw around with. A planet filled with mortals who wanted to stay off Beerus' radar and/or were plotting to overthrow the GoD's and Zeno from the start and decided to keep their planet hidden like Wonder Woman's Island.
A planet(s) filled with magic users who can create barriers to shield the fighters with their enormous power levels.
At least 5 of the 28 planets can be like this. Frieza wasn't the emperor of the universe at all.
For starters, he wasn't the emperor of Namek even though Namek was canon fodder.
We could have more rivalling empires and planets.
Similar to how Earth has had several empires coexisting and warring with each other.
Hell, Frieza could then be the laughing stock of them all because his empire is on the brink of extinction and because he was defeated by mere monkeys.
They could mock him, because Frieza believed that he was born with the right to rule and felt no need to train because of his natural strength but was forced to after he had his ass handed to him, while the other empires did nothing but value training.
Cold knew about Beerus (the other emperors as well) but we've all seen that Cold was a conniving coward.
Easily the weakest of them all and it would explain why Frieza is so "evil", it's because of shame.
And his obsession with the Saiyans was simply his way of having fun, to distract from the reality that he's worthless compared to the rest and he would kill everybody to keep this a secret.
Enter: Dragon Ball Z2 or Next!

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We can have empires vs empires, wars, political intrigue, actual reflections of reality.
We can have planets with actual bad guys and badasses without dumb (repetitive) gimmicks like in Blerghoes or the ToP.
The enemies in the ToP were kind of wack when it concerned powers.
The best fights were between those who didn't have wacky powers (prove me wrong).
The only ningens we can't bring back are Saiyans, because Whiss made it clear that there were only a handful of Saiyans in the BotG
As long as Toriyama doesn't make gimmicky planets (like a pirate planet, a cowboy planet and other retarded shit) we may look at a real gold mine.
And it would be legendary.

The introduction of Cooler:
Cooler gets Frieza to battle the other emperors (yonkous) for supremacy, but Earth's quadrant gets dragged into the battle so the Saiyans join Frieza to protect the Earth and to fight strong enemies
It's a bit of an rehash of Radditz, but that shouldn't matter when done right.

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There is no free will, everything is predetermined before birth.
You weren't given a choice to choose your parents, date of birth, disabilities, country/ city of birth, your appearance, level of poverty, etc while it are exactly these things that will determine your chances of success or at the very least, how easy it will be for you be successful later in life.
The only choices you're allowed to make are really just picking between the best of bad situations.
Those Kais simply drew the short end of the stick, just like the baby who is born with AIDS.

Guys... I miss Super...

> Gnnn Furiza Sama harder gnnnn

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You never knew how much you enjoyed having it around until it's gone :(

How can you miss something that is still around?

Seething Toyotard

>The introduction of Cooler:
>Cooler gets Frieza to battle the other emperors (yonkous) for supremacy, but Earth's quadrant gets dragged into the battle so the Saiyans join Frieza to protect the Earth and to fight strong enemies
See this shit right here is a thousand times more interesting than the shit that's been going on in Super

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Enter CUTEhan

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>OP isn't Chadchad
Shit thread.

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This show is over. We don't know much about the manga, but the anime is over.

Do you think that, Toei is gonna ever explain the fuck up with the universes ranking system, or it's gonna be buried forever?

I'm mean, come on!

Everyone saw the last Tournament between U6 and U7. Including Zeno.
That tournament was dominated by U7 fighters, they DID WON.
Not to mention Beerus is way stronger than Champa .
So you can't say "ningens lost, but the Hakaishin is stronger".

Now how the fuck is Universe 6 is superior to Universe 7???

> If you would say it's TOei's fault, I 'd believe that!

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Pathetic spic.

The newfag aura from this post is so palpable

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>intimidated by the mere presence of a Jirenscholar asserting his intellectual dominance
Quiet, little pet. You were not given permission to intrude upon this den of unmatched mental acumen. QUIET.

>known abbreviation throughout the community bad
You aren't worth my time.

Fucking based Smartrenscientist.

SSJ is objectively wrong, you fucking Mexican. Now KNEEL.

Pathetic newfag tryhard

>mfw jiren is just superman if superman was an alien

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>quoting my post twice and one is in an usual position
Unironically seething.

>frightened IQlets squirming in the face of a single Jirenscholar's titanic intellect
Quite amusing.

You like Jobren, you don't get to accuse anyone else of being an IQlet, you shitty spammer.


>b-b-but like PHILOSOPHYren m-means you're s-s-stupid
What a jejune little creature you are, a dross, humdrum existence seeking only to cling vociferously to the coattails of great scholars and intellectuals like the Jirenprofessors. Crawl back into the hole whence you came, filth.

>if superman was an alien
Jobgetatards everyone

How so? I'm enjoying the based Super series Tori and his successor have been doing since 2015, you are the one mad Toei's fanfic was canned a year ago

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>promotional book
>officially-overseen anime

>How so?
Because on one even cares for the shitty manga.
>Tori and his successor have been doing since 2015, you are the one mad Toei's fanfic was canned a year ago
Too bad no one cares for whatever they put out though :(

>jiren is just superman
The actual Superman is weak AF.
Jiren is more like Superboy Prime but far stronger.
It looked as if Toriyama watched Screwattack's Death battle and was like "No, gaijin. What a shameful dispray. I will show you the ULTIMATE BATUUUR"

>Because on one even cares for the shitty manga.
>Too bad no one cares for whatever they put out though :(
Cry, then cry some more, then continue to cry, and then cry even more.

Attached: t-the manga is so ba--.png (816x616, 300K)

It's not about battle power, but about how much more advanced the universes are

Imagine typing this about the most cliche character arc in the history of anime. Just stop trying, this is pathetic.

>a promotional manga and an overseen anime
Sorry Juan but we are talking about DB here, not a series where the anime has ever been canon. Go back when you finish your homework

>can't even type "no one" correctly
Yikes, Pedro

I guess that's why they cancelled it last yea-oh wait no, that was the anime.

Attached: DBS manga popularity.png (617x628, 57K)

>b-b-but he's s-so cliche
As if you haven't read the myriad esoteric tomes of ethereal knowledge the various Jirenscholars have posted here detailing the nuanced and multi-faceted characterizations that came together to craft the most fascinating character in anime history.

>ONE arc from two years ago has sold a bit
Kek pathetic.


Attached: PROMOTIONAL BOOK OH NO NO NO.jpg (712x185, 46K)

The anime was far too intellectually-sophisticated to continue. It was starting to trigger sub-intellectual apes like (You).

>this damage control
>number #1 spot is "a bit"
You got BTFO. Kneel and prostrate yourself.

This only sold because of the anime arc's popularity. You won't see it happening for the other arcs.

Holy fuck
This is the first literal cope I've seen.


Concession accepted.

That's a nice fansite user, if only fans' headcanon wasn't irrelevant... right?

Attached: 正統続編 canon sequel.jpg (4008x1536, 1.96M)

>d-d-doesn't count because it's not canon!
>posts non-canon promo posters
I CANNOT lose holy fucking shit.

>can't post the same image for other arcs
I'm right.
Nothing compared to the anime's popularity. Some videos on youtube have over 15 million views. It set new records.

>b-b-but the anime is more popular
The same was true for the original manga vs the anime. Anime is a more widely-consumed medium. However, to say that the manga is not popular and "no one cares" is disingenuous and incorrect, as was just proved in two separate posts. Now concede, admit you were wrong, apologize for wasting my time, and beg for the forgiveness of your superior.

>switching IP addresses
This is fucking pitiful.

I feel unclean posting on the same side of a shitrentard

>incomprehensible ESL babble
Anyone else?

>popular = good
Yikes. Got kicked from your Facebook group so you had to come here, right Hernandez?

>Jirenfags actually believe that
Superman would still beat anyone in Dragon Ball.

Canonically can't even beat Yamcha. Cope.

Attached: Sourman02.png (640x480, 313K)

>d-d-doesn't count because it's not canon!
I never said such a thing, Juan, because canonicity isn't a thing for IRL stuff, it's only for information in-universe, "this product is canon" statement is no different from something like "this producted was released at 2015" or "this product is published on the V-Jump magazine", it's IRL information so it's always true, Juan.
Unless you think some fan on the internet knows more than official media, of course


>+Hey look, you are wrong, faggot

Attached: 2f2.gif (500x300, 116K)

Superman is galaxy level at most. Prove me wrong

>backpedaling frantically
>t-t-that's not what I meant
Try harder, little taco.
> it's IRL information so it's always true, Juan.
Screencapped. Never forget that this is the day Toyotacos claimed that "any IRL information is always true".

You claimed the manga was unpopular and no one cared about it and you got proved wrong. Stop trying to move the goalposts and just accept that you got BTFO, you fat beanerspic.

Quoting is not an argument.

Compared to the anime, yeah unpopular. And, most people think of it as a gay little side story and wait for the anime, the true continuation, to come back.
>>popular = good
Too dumb to follow an argument, sad.
>too dumb to even use his own cancerous meme
Not surprised.
Why do you think I would do that voluntarily? It achieves nothing.

>b-b-but compared to the anime...
>moving the goalposts again
>changing IPs again
Just fucking cope. This is beyond pathetic.

Was talking relative to the anime you strawmanning tracetaroshitter

>And, most people think of it as a gay little side story and wait for the anime, the true continuation, to come back.
>most people
The braindead spics in your favela are not "most people" Alejandro.

>no mention of this in the original post
You are fucking over.

>"Too dumb to follow an argument"
>Continues posting about popularity as if it was ever relevant
Holy fucking shit this is too easy.

>Toeipoodles don't know what a strawman is
Imagine my shock.

>Holy fucking shit this is too easy.
Destroying Toeilards always is. Usually they just BTFO themselves.

>Toeipoodles and Shitrendogs are infighting now

>anime vs manga
This has been going on for four fucking years. Are you fat autists not sick of posting the exact same shit in every thread?


Have sex.


Attached: 67752906_882447368800118_6505352054309912576_n.jpg (896x864, 104K)

And as usual, instead of striving to make the threads a little less shit, you just spew the same retarded buzzwords from your dick deposit box of a mouth. I hope you get killed IRL.


Lose some weight and stop shitposting, you fat, ugly virgin.

No one cares about Pedroes, spic

What is Jiren's tax policy?

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SSB Goku and Vegeta are stronger than God Toppo, how can this be when SHITrenprofessors say they haven't powered up at all since the ToP!?

Pedroes isn't canon. INVINCIBLEren the UNSURPASSED is still the strongest. Cope.

This is stupid. Cooler is established to have ruled more planets than Frieza, and the manlet himself only controls the north part of the galaxy. Both are supposed to be space realtors and yakuza, not space tyrants

>Pedroes isn't canon
nice headcanon
>SHITren is irrelevant

Freeza is literally called a tyrant multiple times you dumb fucking Superbabby. Eat shit and die in hell.

>PHILSOPHYren naysayers are now claiming Pedroes is canon
The desperation is palpable.

>nice headcanon
>implying DBH is canon

Attached: peduro....png (1366x768, 1.09M)

It's because if you are immersed in japanese mythology it doesn't need an explanation.
Think of it like this: if I, a western author, wrote a comic with angels and demons as secondary characters, no one would ask me to explain what Heaven, Hell and God are.

Based Jirenscholar.

>Shitrenmong has been spamming Pedroes for the past 3 days even making threads with it in the OP
>a good point is made that base SSB is fighting at the same level as a Belmond tier fighter
>"N-No stop pointing out that the main character has gotten much stronger and is portrayed as such...I-It's not canon..."
Imagine being this much of a broken mess that you come into these threads to masturbate to this shit but then get completely mindbroken when it isn't about your shit character.

>mind-broken Copelycamel thinks all Jirenscholars are the same person
Imagine being THIS fucking mind shattered at the wit and wisdom of the literal smartest posters on the Internet.

>explain you how I never said something I NEVER said because you are too retarded to get it right the first time is backpedaling
>official statements shouldn't be considered true ignoring what fans think

>ignoring that you literally said "anything that is said IRL is true"

>Juan is still unable to tell the difference between his imagination and real life
Okay dude, take another (You) and tell me more about why I should trust you when every official statement says you are wrong.

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>it's IRL information so it's always true, Juan.
This is the average intellect of a Toyopup.

Wait so you can't tell me why I should trust your headcanon? I guess I will stick with actual sources, then

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>still deflecting
Never forget the day a Toyotaco claimed any info you hear IRL is automatically true.

Well, they're free to do whatever in the demon realm
Core people aren't really like mortals

>tells me to ignore sources and hear his headcanon
>can't explain why
Guys, I think I broke the toeishill again

>>PHILSOPHYren naysayers
Turbo ESLrendog also found the anti-Jirentard.

>Copelycamel can't comprehend my complex lexicon
As expected.

>says that all info you get IRL is true because it's IRL

Nice concession


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Nice projection

>no u
Concession accepted.

>UCB has no argument

>newfag abbreviation
Concession accepted.


>Anime: turning into a god of destruction makes you big and scary
>Manga: god of destruction is just a title, not a transformation

>Anime: ultra instinct is the most powerful transformation and it makes you more powerful than the gods of destruction
>Manga: ultra instinct is just a technique that makes your body move on its own

And yet some people will unironically defend the manga

Attached: reaction.jpg (451x489, 68K)

How do I know you're a spic?

If you wanted to defend the anime then you failed miserable.
Try again.

Concession accepted.

Ask me how I know you're a Mexican.

>then you failed miserable

This has to be bait, Toeipedros can't be this lacking in self-awareness


>manga: X is X is supposed to be
>anime: X is a transformation with a big powerlevel
Thanks for proving manga's superiority once again

Attached: UI vs SS White.jpg (1608x540, 252K)

>cowering behind a filter
Pathetic little sissy bitch. Kek

>X is X is supposed to be

Whatever makes you sleep at night

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Anime UI is better
Inner peace is something you'd see from nu-shonens, not something you'd see in a classic

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>damage control
Pipe down, Pedro.


Imagine being this much of a braindead shit-slurping Toeitard.

Thi doesn't mean that other more powerful emperors can't exist.
We don't know many planets Frieza owns.
We know that Namek is very far away from Earth, but still wasn't under control of the Cold-clan.
We also know that Frieza lost a lot of power when he died, which gives other rulers the chance to stand up and/or expand their territory.
Cooler is a movie villain and not canon, so the statements about him are irrelevant.
When they introduce him, they will give him the Broly treatment and create new lore.

>the manlet himself only controls the north part of the galaxy
Which galaxy? The DB Verse is as big as our universe and our universe has roughly 200 billion galaxies. So, Frieza controlling the northern part of 1 galaxy is literal peanuts.

I accept your concession, dog.

>anime UI is better
>because I don't like how UI is supposed to be

Holy fucking shit, cry some more.

Come here ! Come to India you fat american ! I'll show you who is the boss !! fucking big burger !

Attached: (You) for ningen shitposters 4.png (831x1200, 890K)

>poo-in-the-loo ESL starts sperging out in the face of my intellectual assault
Go back to bathing in shit, you currycuck.

>promotional book

> muuuh curry cuck

Shut up big pig !! Come here, I'm waiting fucking coward pig !

>UI isn't supposed to be a power-up

According to whom? Toriyama loves power-ups

Dragon Ball has always been about transformations making the characters stronger

Silence, shit-bathing dog. You fecal-frolicking turd-tankard. SILENCE.

>Dragon Ball has always been about transformations making the characters stronger
Ask me how I know you're a fucking Z-babby.

He was calm and silent while he was in UI Omen in the anime as well, dipshit.
When he actually controlled it in MUI he was able to open his mouth again.
That's what mastery does, it makes you able to use something in any way and at any time

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What a worthless contribution you piece of shit shitren retard

>literally no mention of Jiren
Pic related.

Attached: RENTFREEren.jpg (640x960, 147K)

>UI isn't supposed to be a power-up
Stop putting words in my mouth
UI isn't supposed to be a bullshit not!SS form that becomes stronger with rage

>retarded spic lore picture
Entire post discarded.

>mastery of UI means you can go against what UI does
>also implying Goku mastered UI when he can't use it at will
Retard alert

>When he actually controlled it in MUI he was able to open his mouth again.
There's no way someone is this retarded.

Look at the picture. It's obviously just a dumb shitposter.

Shame this guy was filler. He could've been an interesting inclusion in Z.

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>mount paozu
nice reference to anime filler, non-canon manga

Looks like a shittier Tien.

Are you fucking stupid? That's where Goku's house is you goddamn idiot

I can recognize you dumbrenmongs by your low quality posts that never add a thing to a discussion and equally cringe memes


>literally sees Jiren in every single post he disagrees with

In the manga that place has no name. "Mount Paozu" is what it's called in the anime.

Toyotaro referenced the anime

>Mastered Ultra Instinct is not Mastered Ultra Instinct

>Please punch my face

>There's no way someone is this retarded.
Don't tell me your Google translate made you take this literally? "opening your mouth" means "talking".

Attached: 7b3c1a8c607c382b3bb5539ec4ee28706c87c351_hq.gif (414x640, 553K)

>In the manga that place has no name
I love watching Superbabbies BTFO themselves

>so seething and pants-shittingly infuriated he forgot to link to the post he was responding to

>this level of reading comprehension
See, that's another way to identify you scum

>sees the Jiren boogeyman ever
Keep quiet, dog.

>Mastered Ultra Instinct is not Mastered Ultra Instinct
Yes, mastered UI is mastered UI, and something Goku never got, Juan. The black haired one is "UI Omen" and the white haired one is "UI", "mastered UI" is just mastering Blanco and Goku never did such a thing

Attached: DWYZybRWsAEo9Aq.jpg (978x1023, 284K)

>Headcanon the spicpost

So fucking dumb you are

>they never revealed the name in the manga until years after the anime gave it a non-canon name, finally canonizing it
So? Tori did the same with Broly


this. so many retards think goku mastered UI meanwhile he fucking loses it over and over

Attached: (You) for you.png (262x438, 71K)

>no argument
I win again.

You are not worth anyone's time and I really mean it here.

>No argument
Well, I wasn't expecting any from a brainlet anyway.

>The black haired one is "UI Omen"
They actually renamed it to UI -Sign-, Pedro.

He mastered it for that battle, but forgot how to do it again because the style wasn't appropriate for the weak(er) enemies (bar Heroes) he has been fighting since then. I can be a master of painting, but lose the ability after having not done it in a while or while going through a stage in which I have zero inspiration. Your argument is headcanon and moot.

Attached: dbs3_BT3-033.jpg (300x300, 28K)

Why is heaven a planet instead of a plane?

>Juan Pablo can't stop posting his cards
>accuses others of using translators when he can't even understand how UI works (which has been explained in plain english multiple times)

Attached: 1556575313346.gif (480x480, 2.49M)

>ESL is crying over being called out

Discarded. Cope.

>Dai Kaio

Enter CHADren.

Attached: ENTER CHADREN - manga.jpg (844x2495, 925K)

>UI has been explained in plain english multiple times
It's more evidence than you have provided, Pedro.
The statement of being as calm as mt Paozu is from when he was in SIGN.
That's why he was as calm in the manga as in the anime, while being in his UI sign form (he talked a lot more in the manga though).

>Completely mindbroken

Attached: tenor.gif (480x270, 2.55M)

this guy
he's canon and his planet shows up in the manga too

Attached: Gran_kaio_sama12.png (292x400, 132K)

>damage control and making shit up
I win yet again.

Headcanon discarded.

>he's canon

piccolo mentions him in the buu arc

Literally seething about the true sequel (正統続編) of the DB manga.

Attached: 145123523623562.png (592x685, 707K)

>no argument

>Samefagging NPC without an argument


Sign and Omen are both translations of the same word, Kizashi, but thanks for admiting you are wrong and there's no state called "Mastered Ultra Instinct", Juan.

And no, he didn't master shit

The fucking manga you stupid Superspic.

>buzzwords in place of an argument
Yet another victory is attained by me.

>incomplete UI is when Goku acts like under UI's effects, but once he's in the complete UI state he discards this behaviour, it makes sense!
Maybe if you are retarded

>cuckettoEX still salty about the manga being canon
Every time

Attached: godly kek.jpg (400x389, 33K)

Attached: n5.png (1024x1536, 323K)

No argument? Hold on, let me get my cards then. KEK

>replies to you with a shitren image in the next minute
>n-not a SHITrentard you psycho!!!
>samefaggs as usual to write pretty much the same thing
This mongoloid is so predictable, holy cope.

>in case anyone is counting. (I am.)
I can't help but laugh.

Attached: 153743724576.png (478x280, 147K)

mentioning a name doesn't mean a filler character is canon. we don't know anything about him in the manga

>Proves me right about Sign being the new official translation
>Thinks he's made an argument

>there's no state called "Mastered Ultra Instinct"
Are you retarded?
It implies that he MASTERED UI, Pedro.
Forget Google translate, you need English classes.

>He didn't master shit
So we're ignoring the OFFICIAL cards with the OFFICIAL translations now?
You're really grasping at straws, Pedro.

His design isn't canon, the character itself is. You lost. Now cope.

we know that Tori designed him and even specified his personality for the anime

he doesn't show up in the manga, but it's safe to assume that he looks and acts like in the anime, since it was toriyama's idea

Get the cards

>having anything to do with canon
You are fucking coping.

>we know that Tori designed him and even specified his personality for the anime
source? genuinely interested if you're right

>proves me right about "MUI" not being a thing
>thinks he's made an argument

>pretends burger fan art is actual official material

Okay to make sure that these threads don't turn shit we need to make a few rules.

>First of all no manga Vs anime at this point it's beating a dead horse with how shit the manga is.
>Second no Waifufags in these threads it's stupid how we literally don't know anything about them and Waifufags have already shown up fucking shit up. Besides 18 is the superior option anyway
>Third no Torkansufags or whatever they are called.
>PowerLevel fags: fuck you!
>Jobhan fags should also fuck off and stop thinking there boy will do anything other than job.
>Are gtfags allowed? Is it the superior show? NO, HELL NO! Even the worst of super, is still better then the best of gt.
>Furries out!!!
>what about vados and 18 lewd posting? Completely fine and requested!
>Buucucks and Cellfriends should stop shitposting about there irrelevant boys not being in the tournament. If people actually wanted them then they would already be a part of it.
>Copy pasta fags get out!!
>NOBODY LIKES CAULIFLA AND HER AUTISTIC SISTER beacuse they ruined Dragon Ball Super fanbase with public masturbators and femdom fags
>no jobgeta vs lizardcuck
>Don't call all sides cucks and feel superior!
>Finally stop giving these retarded tripfags (You)s
If we all do that then the threads will improve.

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>I'm totally more intelligent than an NPC

>I don't understand the foreshadowing: the post
You're wrong, the only ability UI granted was to be able to move his body faster than he could think.
It allowed his body to move without him having to think about the moves he was going to perform.
Now, having mastered that, does it mean that you can't talk anymore? Does it mean that your emotions should render your fighting prowers useless? Of course not, because that's already what happens without UI. Instead of mind first body later, UI simply implies body first, mind later. The fighter will not perform worse by silly emotions and when Jiren tried to blast the benches Goku deflected the blast without any effort, despite them being equal in strength.
Cope, kneel and concede now

What is the meaning of canon?

Manga or animation?

English subs or dubs?

Also, characters that in a canon animation, but at the same time non canon parts and characters of the animation?

This is completely confusing.

>the seething spic forgot to link to the post again
Calm down, Pedro. You'll give yourself a heart attack.

>wall of babbled headcanon
Another trouncing is obtained by the victory, which is me.


Attached: peak performance.png (485x625, 139K)

Broly needs to be more considerate.

That could cause Goku to have whiplash.

Attached: Vegetadrivingacar.jpg (894x627, 121K)

>>having anything to do with canon
What does official translation mean, Carlos?

>burger fan art
>not official translations
That's not how this works, Alejandro

More NPC spictalk

>No argument
I accept your concession

Attached: 1561606391860.jpg (477x405, 15K)

Discarded. Cope.

>m-muh NPC
>muh concession
Holy shit. Two victories in a single post. I'm so fucking smart.

>No argument

I got news for you, buddy. It is an argument. A really fucking solid one at that. Just because you refuse to take the time to do the necessary research does not invalidate shit that everyone already knows is fact. Maybe if you took the time to shuffle your fat fucking sausage fingers around that keyboard you too would understand just how fucking bulletproof my argument is. But you won't will you? You're just going to sit there on your fat, greasy ass with your smug fucking face thinking "oh I got this fucker now. I really meme'd him good!" You don't "got" shit, you insufferable little cunt. You never had shit and you're never going to have shit. I'd google it for you if I thought you had any fucking intention of actually debating me. But you don't and you won't. So why should I waste my valuable fucking time? All you have is your trite bullshit and canned responses. Sorry faggot but that shit isn't going to cut it around here, not when I'm around. Maybe when you grow some balls you can debate me like a fucking man and quit hiding behind your little fucking memes.

>that's not how this works
Are you unironically defending fan art as official products? Are you fucking retarded or something?
Official: UI Sign (black) and UI (white)
Spicheadcanon: UI (black) and MUI (white)

Look at this esoteric scroll of truth, last 3 times I posted it scared Toyoshits away

>claim the manga is canon because the "canon movie" has SSG
>claim the manga is canon because the "non canon movie" has LSS like the anime and unlike the manga
So? Which one is it, little cuck? Tripping over your own convoluted bait? KEK

Victory! Again!!

>Are you fucking retarded or something?
Yes. I'm actually clinically autistic, and shitposting the same redundant garbage every thread soothes my autism. Fuck off and cope.

What retards have being saying the movie isn't canon? Cope.

Why are you fucking retards feeding (you)s to this literal autistic tourist using NPC unironically?

SHITrentards are this stupid...

>has LSS like the anime and unlike the manga
But LSS works like in the manga (user's body grows slowly, white eyes even before reach full power), not like in the anime (body grows like if using Grades, green eyes and only white when reaching full power), are you stupid or just a shitposter?

>Victory! Again!!
Shitposter, I see. No (You)s for you, try harder.

Attached: Kale goes out of control.png (596x912, 455K)

Cope. Cry. SEETHE.

>What retards

>no Waifufags
>there boy
>then the best of gt
>there irrelevant boys

Attached: 1540831300755.jpg (1000x1000, 314K)

>literally can't comprehend English
Stop trying to use memes you don't understand, Shitrendog.

>responding seriously to an ancient pasta
New fucking fag.

>designed by Tori
>mentioned twice in the DB manga
>b-but he's not canon...


> Not counting that Caulifa and "FemBroly" have different hair, face, and outfit

There are ACTUALLY people that think the smug, barbaric girl on the top = the shy, timid girl on the bottom

Remember when people thought Gotenks was Black

Attached: not the same.jpg (1304x1628, 286K)

Come one, little taco. DEBATE ME. Bring forth an argument or experience a perpetuity of coping and wailing, while at the same time offering free housing for Jiren in your twisted, underdeveloped psyche.

>that pic.
Not my Kale.

Attached: 114-71.png (1920x1948, 3.7M)

Literally no one wants to discuss a worthless waifubait character, get lost.

Should be called "Kale damage control". Because you are completely pathetic.

It's amazing how many "DBZ fans" aren't actually Dragon Ball fans at all. You hate the original music, the original voices, and the original dialogue. You only like the bastardization of the series that Funimation released, and you hate their fix of it which is DBZ Kai.

You're not fans at all of this series.

Attached: prince of all titties.jpg (776x899, 84K)

This. Burgerfaggots and their shitty VAs are the worst part, literally anyone else is great.

>canon movie not only has Ribrianne and Kefla remembered as strong fighters by Goku (because he fought them in the canonime)
>it also has the anime exclusive LSS Broly
Fucking over holy shit.

Reminder that this is the one true DB canon:

> Jaco the Galactic Patrolman Manga
> DB Manga
> Yo! Son Goku Returns! Special
> BoG Movie
> RoF Movie
> Champa Arc script
> Dicasty's extended artwork
> Future Trunks Arc script
> Universe Survival Arc script

NOT canon:
> Movies other than BoG, RoF
> TV Specials and OVAs other than Yo! Son Goku Returns!
> Episode of Bardock
> Filler
> Any differences found between the Champa, Trunks, and U. Survival scripts (such as SSB Kaioken, Planet Potaufeu mini-arc, Mastered SSB, Trunks' healing)
> Entirety of DBGT
> DB Videogames (other than MAYBE DB Online)

> DB Online

Attached: cannon.jpg (919x869, 101K)

>those hips
God just like my cousin.


Attached: enji.jpg (1080x1350, 62K)

>literally Broly with lipstick

>not in the script
>Shintani filler form

>no source
>pretends to know the script
Just like that. Alright who's next?

Ultimately canon is whatever the original creator says it is. If he hasn't ruled on something that shows up in the primary series/work, or he just quietly helped create it without making some grandiose "THIS IS DECREED TO BE CANON!" gesture, and it isn't contradicted by the ongoing manga, then it's fairly safe to assume it's canon.

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Attached: Burn It.jpg (626x481, 206K)

>Come one


Sob, weebshitters.


The moment dbs peaked

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>Using shitrentards abbreviations
Kill yourself
Only to reach lows never reached before

The title is, the design and everything else? Not so much.

>80 average WPM

>official translation
Nothing to do with being canon, that's for sure. You're as retarded as spics if you think otherwise. Given the Retardku image choice, that's a fine bet. Nigger, you don't even finish your sentences outside questions.

>anti Jiren tacos going at each other
Fucking KEK

Attached: the horror never ends.jpg (540x960, 62K)

The final battle between Jiren and Goku is lame as fuck. The timed tournament setting ruined it.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little ningen? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Supreme Kai School, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Saiyans, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in Potara warfare and I’m the top apprentice in the entire U10 Kai forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across U7 and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Sacred World of the Kais and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, ningen.

Attached: vados.png (1600x1115, 682K)


I'm merely rebuking him to not imitate such disgusting behavior again.

Is this a bot? Why are these replies entirely irrelevant to the posts quoted?


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It seems that i have to save these threads again...

Attached: 1505441500_tumblr_n7p2weFiLp1s20ivko1_500.gif (500x500, 1.02M)

An authentic/legitimate work. So, not Super. The vague outlines getting bastardized two different directions (Toei and Toyo) don't qualify. Just publishing his napkin is more credible. He can declare canon, but is never going to (nor will he denounce official releases that make him 'stay out of ass rape prison' money).

The concept is foreign to Nips (and they lack a word for it sort of like how they struggle with their 'artificial humans' and other limitations of their language as has been pointed out before). Toei fillers don't even have room to pretend. Toyo's tracers like to run with the idea it is at all credible to suggest AT is fully hands-on for the manga (total supervision with nothing unapproved getting through). Nonsense.

He was fast and loose with the canon (source material). Occasionally checking his stupid 'successor' (not even his first tool given that title as I recall) when he dares slip romance into DB (that isn't for raffs at the expense of the community) he gets put his place, but to suggest he isn't largely acting the same as he does with the anime (ignorant until release if even watching to see what they did) is absurd. This while ignoring how this exists in the secondary continuity (certain signs exist as with Piccolo's hands).

It peaked the second YamCHAD got a 1-0 against Vegeta and CHADllin got a whopping 3-0 against him.

Attached: DBS70Baseball-720x403.jpg (720x403, 80K)

That's just Vegeta's head on a woman's body. And this? This isn't genderbent either.

Attached: the horror.jpg (500x745, 64K)

>Discarded. Cope.
You can objects against the cards all you want, but they still show the official translation.

>I'm so fucking smart.
I see we have a clear case of the Dunning–Kruger here.

>Stale pasta
I accept your concession

>Are you unironically defending fan art as official products?
Are you calling the cards fan art?

>Official: UI Sign (black) and UI (white)
>Spicheadcanon: UI (black) and MUI (white)
You're completely retarded if you think that I'm implying the bottom. You probably would have understood it better if I had written in your language, but I can't write in spic, sorry.

>Nothing to do with being canon, that's for sure
>Officially licensed translations aren't a thing

Attached: 1562426879974.jpg (1280x720, 494K)

>cranberry is that random soldier killed by a kick of zarbon
How does toyotaro remember shit like this

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Strongest vs Strongest

Attached: EAZc4y9U8AQQuGe.jpg (546x765, 96K)

>can't even save himself

Attached: vegeta punishes a bad dog - canid pet needs retraining from king kennel v1.jpg (794x1016, 276K)

>Entirety of DBGT
I understand,but I am still not happy about it

(However, it is officially neither canon or non-canon and is debatable)

Attached: DisgruntledPan.jpg (407x350, 26K)

Attached: EAZc4y7U8AI4HCt.jpg (546x765, 109K)

On account of 'references', he actually glosses over the source material (unlike AT).

Attached: EAZc4y-UYAAZRQb.jpg (546x765, 110K)

>aren't a thing
They're not a qualifier for being canon, yes. Now you know. Write it down on your hand if you don't trust your head.

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>last thread shows him desesperate for my comeback, still being rent free in his head

Attached: 1477405939245.jpg (500x266, 38K)

This is it for now

Attached: EAZc-bQUYAgr1SP.jpg (546x765, 114K)

Ok, this is actually pretty cool. Nice one, Toyo.

Ignoring this (and the Saibamen debacle), let's go over Krillin again. Kicked by Vegeta for a KO (1-0). Wakes up and happens to be the last man standing (1-1). Then they don't fight anymore. Partly because Krillin just cowers without putting one up (multiple times). Even got made to be a glorified zenkai dispenser (alongside Dende), but Vegeta had to threaten him into attacking (while lowering his own PL so it would do something). Still, even if by luck, he has done better than Goku against Vegeta. And that's canon.

Attached: vegetable tells chestnutlet to pick up that can v1a - edit.jpg (946x637, 255K)

>jijii fanfic
Absolute cringe

>ran away
Familiar. A favorite of Gokek, too.

Attached: goku's best move against vegeta - the art of run.jpg (129x56, 3K)

Little picture for a little man.

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>"i-it wasn't in purpose!
Holy cope

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No, I'm not a bot!

I'm one of the many Gohanfags who don't actively voice my hatred for Caulifla or Kale, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Since they've appeared on the show, they have stolen the spotlight that rightfully belonged to Gohan. Before then, Toei and Toriyama have both hinted at Gohan achieving a new form that surpasses his Ultimate one. But it seems as though they've dropped this for some unknown reason and it infuriates me to the point where it causes me to have mood swings which ultimately effect my personal life. It doesn't help that I come unto these threads and see the constant trolling that's done against Gohan's character by multiple posters, including the Caulifla fans. I know it's bait and all and I should ignore it, but I can't. I genuinely can't. I always attempt to respond to them with reasoning, but they immediately shut me down which angers me further. It made me take a two month break from this site.

In that time, I rewatched some of my favorite Gohan episodes from both Z and Super. From his filler episodes whilst training with Piccolo, to the last filler episode in Super where Gohan fought that one blonde actor dude. It calmed me down, but alas, once I returned to Yea Forums, my despair returned.

I grew a connection with the character unlike any other. I typically self inserted as Gohan, and would and still do feel that I am the character spiritually. This might sound autistic but I can't help but feel as though Toriyama had written Gohan for me. He was the reason why I aimed for higher grades in school. I was pushed around, like Gohan, but inside I had a dormant power that caused me to lash out and overpower my enemies.

But I digress. What Toei and Toriyama have done to Gohan has been completely unacceptable. Purposely setting up for a return of the greatest character in this franchise only to have him sidelined for these Universe 6 Saiyans.

Attached: only the best can cry.gif (498x374, 975K)

>wasn't on purpose
What on Earth are you mumbling about?

Attached: bejita-sama will kill me if I'm late for 1-0.jpg (800x300, 102K)

>Literally no choreography at all.

Best girl

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what a boring fight, I guess that's what you would expect from two Brolys fighting

Nice strawman, Raul.
I never said that all cards have characters who are part of the canon continuity.
I said that the cards use the official translations.
MUI Goku and UI Sign Goku are canon and they would continue to be canon had the cards never existed.
The names serve as a snapshot of what Goku went through.
You might have interpret it as if they meant it as the name of the technique or form if you're really retarded, but that's not my problem.

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SORRY! wrong pic

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I am the only one that finds caulifla ugly? Like, not even as an insult. She seriously looks ugly

Only you gayboy

Attached: 1564598974284.jpg (1024x1326, 151K)

Witness true beauty

Attached: Kale.jpg (480x480, 26K)

Toei wins again.

People that don't like her tend to say that it's because she's obnoxious and she gets too many things for free (particularly SS Grade 3 and SS2 in the anime). I don't tend to see people claim that she's ugly (unironically anyway), but rather that she's just not that cute.
is never true, but it is a somewhat rare opinion you have, I guess.


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>Make a fan animation with fantastic animation
>It's a complete and total edgefest

Attached: 1507942035629.png (1920x1080, 1.06M)

It creates more questions than answers though. why didn't he age in almost 20 years? Why didn't he throw out his helmet in all this time? Why didn't the Galactic Patrol take it off when they put him in jail?

Attached: Cranberry.png (665x380, 106K)

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UNIRONICALLY because he's always looking for things to trace in the original manga.

Whatever happened to Dragon ball Absalom?

Who knows, a new part may come out by 2025..

but it's so kooool!

Toyohacko didn't think this through

You're so wrong, it hurts.

Attached: 76040499_p15~01.jpg (576x756, 72K)

I find her ugly because her face doesn't have any details. If you compare her to any other dragon ball female, at least they look fine (yeah, even chichi) but caulifla looks to simple. Her face looks like something out of a cartoon show. (Her design is pretty simple too)


Well the only real looks at the Demon Realm we have in any official source is from Heroes. We know they have their own Gods, with Mechikabura at the top, who can grant Demon God status to others. They also have their own dragon balls, which get spread throughout time instead of just space.

Attached: Demon_Realm.JPG.jpg (1024x575, 145K)

God I wish that was me

Why does that fucking artist draw pan body like if she didn't have bones?

>>Manga: ultra instinct is just a technique that makes your body move on its own
This is better, though. Transformations are boring at this point.

holy mother of cringe

>Spin off design is better than the actual one.
Why can't this be canon?

Attached: __pan_dragon_ball_heroes_and_etc_drawn_by_tasaka_shinnosuke__sample-5be745d262f3f33179c58a2e7f01614b (850x1172, 89K)

>oversized hair that is basically the saiyan equivalent of an afro
>stick body
>weird eye shape

Nah, she is ugly as heck at least in normal state. Kefla is so much better it's not even funny,

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Dragon Ball Super - 115 [720p].mkv_snapshot_12.21_[2017.12.04_08.38.24].jpg (1280x720, 425K)

at the end of the day, she's just a green woman with a tail and pointy ears.
Humans are boring

Fucking amazing art, better than most of Super, DB, GT and Z!
Pan and Bra

Yeah. You explained it better than i did. Kefla looks sooooo much better

because she's not a baby

>not something you'd see in a classic
Imagine not knowing what the fuck you're talking about.

Attached: 6281e77bf6409873695dad092f5290a8af7baaa2.png (576x432, 277K)

These niggers don't know about sekiha tenkyoken

nobody ages in the dragon ball universe
krillin looks the same he did in the namek arc too

he kept the helmet because it serves a lot of purposes (his helmet is shown to be fully functional in the moro arc). The ability to feel strong power levels is important if he's trying to hide from Frieza's army and the Galactic Patrol. It also helps him hear everything said by Frieza's army, since all scouters allow him to communicate with each other

the only real question is why they didn't remove his helmet when he got imprisoned

Enlighten me since i'm more of a TRANS-AMfag

So in G Gundam, there are two types of super modes. One just called Super Mode, which is basically like Super Saiyan where you get really emotional and it gives you a power up. But then there's Hyper Mode, or Meikyo Shisui, where you attain emotional calmness and stillness in the heat of battle, and that gives you a much more significant power-up. It's also tied with the ultimate attack of the School of the Undefeated of the East, Sekiha Tenkyoken.

A big part of Domon's character arc in the second half is learning how to calm the fuck down, because he's pretty high-strung and just has hot-bloodedness on all the time when he fights.

Where's El Hermano ?

>SHITrentard has all those characters living rent free in his head

Attached: 1564565928853.png (645x729, 64K)

Not any of the top tiers. Superman is Buu Arc at best. That's a respectable level, and he's still about level as Goku in canon DBZ. Super makes things retarded, but at this point he should be stronger - but Supers (retarded) retcons have introduced contrivances to weaken Goku in certain ways , like him losing "focus" which was a reference to a non canon DBZ filler scene/

>the only real question is why they didn't remove his helmet when he got imprisoned
He probably pulled some bullshit like "please it's all I have left and it's broken anyway"

>posting the old version

Who care
freeza is been dead for 20 years or something

Why do I even post in these threads? They are so boring nowadays since the anime ended.

How to deal with Jirenpeasants?

Attached: 1562454361421.png (217x174, 28K)

I love that guy.

Post the strongest man in the multiverse
Their kryptonite
The most handsome and fun guy to be around
Son Goku

Attached: 1562689007238.png (343x479, 255K)


Attached: jobku.png (750x1334, 722K)


Attached: SONGOKU-SENPAI PLEASE MIAAAAAAAAAH.png (1000x1306, 195K)

Oh yeah I remember now, thanks

Enter /dbs/.

Attached: 1551043099430.png (1280x720, 1.06M)

Goku is the strongest in the multiverse

>posts an ad of something that never happened
I wonder who's behind this!?

Attached: IMG_20190707_080519.jpg (675x164, 35K)

Enter CHADren.

Attached: 1558734269006.jpg (859x1153, 85K)

the absolute state

Even TV guides know the obvious, Gokek lost to CHADren.

Attached: 1563351868480.png (1024x741, 365K)

Attached: UI Godku gets rid of shitty character.jpg (342x316, 74K)


Attached: Dragon Ball Super 2.jpg (674x506, 293K)

does ui open the door to other characters winning arcs? what if krillin uses ui and beats a super powerful foe and saves the day? its not a saiyan power, nor is it a god power even though its treated as such in games. so he should be able to do it. hes been a monk all his life. he should be able to clear his mind

Remember that when god ki was first introduced people also thought that that was the key to let other people "win arcs". Don't expect anything.

yeah but that god ki was achieved through a magic saiyan ritual. ui isnt race specific

>Tardkushitters get verbally raped by Bejitafags and turn to JirenCHADS thinking they're gonna have better luck.
Oh boy.

>schizo JUANrentardo has to samefag every time

Attached: c4babae81b429aa12878aa7a304b74979f7318abr1-482-434v2_00.jpg (482x434, 21K)

idgaf about anime/manga debates, I just want more DB. It comes out way too infrequently for how popular it is.

Attached: 1550901817034.png (1280x720, 679K)

>does ui open the door to other characters winning arcs?
No, nobody besides Goku will get UI. When they want a fodder character to win an arc, they won't use anything like UI or God Ki, that character will simply be SSB level with no explanation, just like they did with 17. It's not like they give a shit about powerscaling anyways.


Attached: Jobhan.jpg (640x360, 62K)

at least its like 30 pages or something. it would be gay if it was week sized for a monthly release

God I fucking hope we're not doomed to shitty movies every couple years
As irredeemably shitty as the anime is, at least it has proper fucking arcs and not "here's your designated fanservice filler villain GOLDEN COORAH-SAMA - oh look he got defeated by Goku"

No one gives a shit about the manga.

then what the FUCK are you talking about, prick. the manga is infrequent. anything else doesnt exist. you framed your comment as if it was about the manga taking too long for your liking. there is literally nothing else you could be talking about in that post written the way it was


Gohan de Huesos....

That's some faggot larping as me. And yes, I agree that at least the page count is decent.

That's still like 7 per week.

Remember that DB was serialized/aired for 11 straight years in its original run in the 80s and 90s, once a week without pause and complemented by seventeen movies. As westerners, our perception is probably warped by its air date and you mentally perceive it as a frequently running early 2000s things, but to its native audience it had already worn out its welcome by the time it ended. Its revival was a nice little treat with a few movies, games, and manga volumes, but then it went back to a behemoth with another three-year TV run and six massive AAA vidyas including two ongoing card games that made billions and are possibly the face of the franchise in its home country (notably, games that have no real presence in the west). And this is AFTER they not only released another glut of vidys in the 2000s, but reaired a slightly edited version of the 90s cartoon at regular programming hours for another three years, then a pause, and then another year after that, leading directly into Super. From Japan's perspective, DB has been in the limelight for ANOTHER 11 years after its original 11 year run, so again it's not surprising that fatigue is setting in.

Why did Shueisha even commision an anime if they were going to only call the manga canon?

To promote Heroes and Dokkan Battle.

Enter Prince Bejita.

Attached: 1562689801767.jpg (900x602, 306K)

Canon is insignificant to them. Their goal is to make profit, not to make a hyper-consistent story.

11 per week since at least the latest chapter was 45 pages

those fucking foreheads.


Attached: EDCD51FC-241A-45A1-8F3E-691F03DF51C7.gif (500x281, 498K)

>that giant Vegeta head

...I will be even MORE irrelevant

Attached: 1560020157758.png (1009x551, 243K)

Better put a shirt on, looks cold outside.

Attached: Super_angry_Pan_.jpg (672x505, 140K)

>instead of teaming up with cooler, freeza remakes cell and uses his unending genetic potential to fight the saiyans

See ya Begita.

Attached: EA-t4U8U8AA48Y0.jpg (750x995, 89K)

>fatigue is setting in.
>most lucrative franchise several years in a row, including this year

Because you are a retarded newfag that doesn't even know what Shueisha is.

Are Toeifags being dumb on purpose or are Mangafags just that good at destroying them?

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I want Cheelai to play with my peepee.

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I don't know what this thread is about, but Jiren is undefeated in 1 on 1 combat.

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He lost to his brother when he was a child and that's the only time

How do you recover from being told to cope by a Jirenbro in DBS threads?

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>all of reality starts shaking
Everyone: D-did you feel that just now? It's like all of reality is shaking...
>all of space-time itself is quaking
Everyone: W-what could that be? What's is going on...at this rate the Multiverse will be destroyed!
>thunderous footsteps can be heard, the Multiverse is at a breaking point
Everyone: That tremendous energy is getting closer!
>In the horizon, as if illuminated by the brightest stars in the Multiverse, something, SOMEONE can be seen.
Everyone: S-so bright...W-who, no, WHAT is that being...

Attached: CHADren.webm (640x360, 2.92M)

Enter CHADren

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I buy a new Broly themed dildo.

Must suck to have Gohan the irrelevant as the #1 guy he would want to fight if his revival arc were to happen

The CRIMSON god.

B to the A to the S to the E to the D

>why does Shueisha only promote their own published material instead of Toei`s? Why dont they let another company take most of their profit?
I am amazed at the stupidity of these thread dwellers that still think because Shueisha dont acknowledge the anime in their promotions that means its not canon. Do they not realise at all that them doing that would be directly funneling money to Toei and losing themselves profit. Its not a case of what is or isnt canon, its a case of we want people buying our manga and not getting it somewhere else.

Attached: dumdum.jpg (900x729, 99K)

Holy based

Disgusting cringe. Toyocucks don't know the actual canon

Based. Weaklings should not talk back to superiors.

Attached: tenor.gif (498x280, 3.41M)

Name 1(ONE) good fight in Toyotaro's manga that doesn't use panels from Toriyama's manga

Attached: 1517645307866.jpg (720x960, 359K)

Post that instance where he traced his own arc cover. The Moro arc and that Jack arc.

This is a Jiren thread now.

Attached: Jiren.gif (500x282, 2.75M)


Attached: Broly takes out giren trash.jpg (342x316, 27K)


Attached: tenor.gif (160x90, 130K)

Cope, you low resolve cuck

Attached: Jiren high resolve.png (586x336, 157K)

Enter broly

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Toriyama can't even remember that Bulma's hair is supposed to be purple

Any reference to old stuff MUST be Toyotaro's doing

I doubt Tori could even remember that Buu had absorbed a kaioshin. The whole arc must be Toyotaro's idea with Toriyama's seal of approval

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Arent saiyans wife beaters? Why would a saiyan go easy on a saiyan female?

Not how it works, kiddo.

>Bulma's hair is supposed to be purple
Could you point me the chapter and page where a character points out that her hair is purple?

>you low resolve cuck
Pathetic, run now little clown, run with your tail between your legs, your lack of self esteem is palpable.



enter antren

>fucking a mary sue

Based Satan.



>Not how it works, kiddo.

Assuming that two lssj cant create another lssj not a standard saiyan because it never has happened before

Stop assuming.

No you

Stop being rude.

chichi version when

Your saying that two lssj cannot create another lssj offspring even though it has never happened before.and you’re assuming it can’t happen?

God, LOOK at this fucking... TITAN.
Like a giant oak tree he stands resolute in the face of the winds kicked up by KEKarots pitiful "ultimate attack", ready to take it head-on.
Look at this amazing physique.

Attached: 1564367638850.jpg (1242x1394, 142K)

That's right, you got a problem with that?

Cell is a warmachine in a sense. He got the spotted camouflage to give him even more of a military feeling.

Attached: 34543543.png (649x839, 391K)

And I’m saying it’s possible that two lssj can create lssj offspring

Gentlemen, I have a quick announcement to make


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Stop posting garbage from cuck jiji


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reminder that the anime was canceled.

CSSB Goku vs Fused Zamasu

Legendary SS only happen once in a thousand years, if it were a hereditary trait you would have an entire bloodline of LSS by now.

So what are some of goku's BEST outfits and what outfit is iconic to a specific transformation.

For example, I think his xeno outfit is the best looking one, though it could be better. And I think his saiyan saga gi is the only one for kaioken

Attached: 1561446189467.png (1040x1755, 2.59M)

>So what are some of goku's BEST outfits and what outfit is iconic to a specific transformation.
My favorite Goku outfit is the blue gi he had at the end of the manga/Z.

Attached: Towa_reverts_to_base.png (513x589, 271K)

I really like his farmer outfit from super

Attached: Xeno Goku.jpg (1280x1755, 171K)

Based GODlyGOD

When did Broly became such a meme character that only fusions can defeat him?

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uchiyama did nothing wrong.

When someone mentions Broly she's always around...interesting!

Attached: kale_by_eapen-dbbdjz8.png (826x899, 561K)

Yes but zero fighters as strong as a God of destruction, so essentially pointless. Only someone like Moro could become as strong as Jiren.


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>blue-skinned thot

Attached: Broly Slap A Thot.png (2591x4172, 2.74M)

Her real husband

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He traced some panels from Goku vs Freeza
And the most famous shot was traced from a video game intro

And their actual offspring

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right here godren bro

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She's not a kai

Is SSJ3 stronger or Golden Ape?

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Makaioshin are just evil kai, right?

We don't know as it is not thoroughly established in the canon, but supposedly Dabra was its king before he was corrupted by Bobbidi.

In the extended universe, there are said to be Shin-jin (the Core People that make up the creation gods of this world) born on a certain world. Shin-jin with pure hearts get to stay in the godly realm, with a lottery system set up in place to determine future Kaio and Kaioshin. Many Shin-jin become attendants or stay in school waiting for their chance to be Kaio or Kaioshin. The Shin-jin that ultimately get chosen become Kaio. The Shin-jin born from the rare golden fruits have the most priority of being Kaioshin and are the supreme beings; however, some Kaio such as Zamasu can still be Kaioshin if they show a lot of talent.

Some Shin-jin, however, are born with evil and corrupted hearts; they are forced into the Demon World. (It baffles me why Zamasu of all people isn't a Makaio but whatever.) The primary denizens of the Demon World are demons (presumably corrupted Shin-jin that aren't selected to be Makaio). The corrupted Shin-jin that are chosen become Makaio, with presumably the corrupted Shin-jin born from golden fruits being Makaioshin.

There is some reason to believe that Dabra is either a Makaio or a regular demon; most likely the former. Similarly, Dabra's sister Towa and nephew Fu are also presumably Makaio. No actual Makaioshin exist in the canon yet, but in the extended universe: Demigra and Mechikabura, who were both in Dragon Ball Heroes (the arcade game).

Then there are demons such as the one who killed Jiren's parents and master, who are said to have powers that not even Angels such as Marcarita can negate.

More like jobforce lmao

Will I EVER lose an argument? Do I even HAVE an intellectual peer???

>More like jobforce lmao

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Hi, I just cucked KEKgang

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>muh Toeishit filler villains
FighterZ is such a cringeworthy game

Bulma's considered a champion of earth?

Based GODly is literally the Alpha and the Omega of the entire DB franchise, he gets the first and the last DLC slot!

>What is Blue Goku, Blue Vegeta, Goku Black, Hit, Zamasu, Beerus and the upcoming blue Gogeta and DBS Broly


anything beyond zamasu is dogshit and hes already in

Attached: bejita-sama does not like to wait- no time to talk, 2-0 now.gif (489x274, 757K)

and jiren

Her inventions litteraly saved the day. Without her Dragon Ball radar, she wouldnt have stumbled upon Goku and DB wouldnt have happend.

Golden Freeza

Also DBS 17

He got nerfed so bad I forgot he was in the game

They focus way too much on irrelevant characters, who the fuck cares about Nappa?

I suspect that they are taking so long to release them because they wait for the dub to catch up since they honestly think murricans only watch dubbed Super, so they had to wait until the dub reached Zamasu arc etc.

SHITren is meant to be shit in the game, no one wants to be forced to buy unpopular characters just because they're good.

>no female

They just took the relevant villains of each arc in DBZ
>Saiyan arc: Nappa and Base Vegeta (no idea why Raditz is no where to be found)
>Namek arc: Ginyu Force and Freeza
>Buu arc: Fat Buu and Kid Buu (also using Super Buu moves)
>Battle of Gods: Beerus
>RoF: Freeza comes with a Golden form special attack
>Multiversal tournament: Hit
>Black arc: Goku Black and Zamasu
>ToP: Jiren
It just so happens that DBS has less villains

>Toei Goku
>Toei Vegeta
>Toei Frieza
>Toei Gogeta
>Toei Vegito
>Toei Jiren
>Toei Broly
>Toei Future Trunks
>Toei Zamasu
>Toei Krillin
>Toei Yamcha
>Toei Tien
>Toei Piccolo
>Toei Chiaotzu
>Toei Yajirobe
>Toei Roshi

>Toyo Goku
>Toyo Vegeta
>Toyo Frieza
>Toyo Gogeta
>Toyo Vegito
>Toyo Jiren
>Toyo Broly
>Filler goat
>Toyo Zamasu
>Toyo Human Chads
>Toyo Piccolo
>Toei Kefla
>Toyo Kefla
>Toyo Cutegang
>Toei Cutegang
>Toei/Toyo Adult Gohan

Dyspo Dyspo

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>when you hear bejita is about to kiss your wife and you're not there to watch

Superman Prime One Million would reduce Jiren to atoms within a microsecond.

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Rumors say that Jiren got that strong because he could pay for the best trainers with all the money he saved by not paying rent.

>needing transformations

I wish I could be like SuperChad...

>various ESL babble
>every sentence deserves its own paragraph break
I don't know about all that, but "official" doesn't mean "canon". They are not equal terms/concepts. GT is official. It is not canon. Super is official. It is not canon. Is this too difficult for a smooth brained Chestnut? Also, why are you so tsundere for your fellow spics? What sort of faggot are you to even bring up cards, anyway? Nigger, that shit is gay. You keep carrying on, but you aren't listening. I'm not interested in your shit hobby. Just that you learn the terms in question. You act like official translation makes something canon. The dubs are official translations. The original JP version, too. And they're full of non-canon bullshit.

Attached: prince bejita-sama spots a midget - little man pushing his luck - about to 1-0 chestnut - ping pong (938x285, 89K)


Attached: toppo.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

>comicreliefags have to pretend that was Weakza instead of suicidal Bejita
Sad just like that 5cm lizard.

Raditz is shit

Is Dabura the most underrated DB character?

Lad are you stupid?

Attached: 1564876743452.webm (640x360, 1.48M)


>dub is finally on the last 10 episodes
i guess i'll watch
let's see how awful funimation handles these episodes


are you?

>Block shading
>Gohan in his gi with Chad hair
False advertisement

a bit.

>posts Goku
Begging for it. I have no doubt that even upon reaching triple digits in age, Vegeta will just keep wracking up those free wins off this clown of an MC.

>most handsome
>ends up with Chi-Chi
I wonder about that.

If you're into retards.

NOTE: What's with the shit format?

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>forgetting the MC

Attached: ultra cryku - pls kiss my wife bejita-sama.png (807x678, 880K)

>says this
>Gokek still constantly jobbing
I suppose if he can't insta-kill with a 33% power advantage (or even 77%), it can be so even as he jobs (often to himself in one form or another). Vegeta finishes a foe in one-hit with less. Just ask the Dodo. Might not have to be so if he wasn't using a trash move like Kamehameha still. Tragic.

Attached: would not have happened to galick gun.gif (500x281, 1014K)

who could be behind this post...

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Cope, Kekflacuck

Attached: cope.gif (500x280, 531K)

>tfw SHITren is the weakest character in the pack and the worst character in the game
Lmao at who bought him.

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>Not even an El Hermano color scheme
Even more trash

but Videl is trash

>it's true
holy shit

Attached: worse than Videl.jpg (1200x900, 175K)

>SHITren is the first and the weakest
>GODly is the last and the strongest
What did they meant by this?

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Next season...Moro will take over the competitive scene

SSS+ tier


>next season
she's in

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He won EVO so his tier list is officially the best one.

Which reminds me, some retard was jerking off Frieza's known ability to survive in sorry states/conditions. Another pointed out Trunks fucking Cold up with a simple blast to the gut (taking all the fight out of him) regarding matters of PL difference (leading to quick kills). Where was it then (not being the main antagonist certainly hurts on that front)? It being his 'second restrained form' has no bearing (no talk of special perks beyond PL for the various forms). Canon tells us clearly that they are about equal despite this.

This is why DBM insists he can become far stronger than Frieza though we technically don't know that said state isn't his base. Frieza being a mutant (being a family of his kind exception to the rest) that was born in a higher base isn't out of the question (reverting to ancestral forms). The only issue with explaining things this way would be the 'third form' (were Cold his grandpa, it would be a more neatly handled matter).

Anyway, back on point. Frieza brought daddy figuring he could help if it came down to it (willing to use Plan B even before Super). If his limit was really in the ballpark of the restrained 'second form' Frieza used, there is no way he would think something so retarded. At the same time, he keeps saying he is the strongest (not his father). Sort of implies that pops can't go to higher forms, but his power in that state is similar to this augmented cyber lizard. Picture related.

Attached: kind cold was about the same as cyborg frieza.jpg (1066x1263, 435K)

He also lost to a gay, furfag nigger who switches games every couple months (unlike him who breathes and shits FighterZ)

I don't know how he can live with that humiliation

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Enters 18.

Attached: whose gloves could those be, baldy.jpg (933x799, 197K)

>Same exact garbage thread
Shitrentards are so limited
Pathetic as always

Be it a big brown boy or a little one, there is no escape from 3-0. AT wills it.

Attached: can't job to your rival if you run off with a little brown boy.jpg (780x628, 81K)

Attached: jiren tucks vegeta in - sleep warrior - respect paid to he who is without losses against the MC.jpg (640x608, 52K)

Humoring official modifiers, SS3 is noted as x4 of SS2's x2 of SS1's x50. It is x400 of the base.

Golden Ape is noted as Oozaru with SS as I recall. That being x50 with x10 for x500.

SS4 is just moonbeams, so I don't know why it follows SS3 with official modifiers (x10 of that to be x4000). But then, SS3 doesn't seem like it should have anything to do with SS2, either (Other World nonsense form with insane ki drain).


Beerus, Golden Freeza, Hit, Black, Fused Zamasu, Jiren, and Broly are already in the game, as are SSB Goku, Vegeta, and Vegetto, plus Ranger 17.

Its wholly possible that ss3 is a false form like how vegeta thought he had gone past ss1 by buffing up. Maybe it's so ridiculous looking and taxing because its incomplete

That's my understanding. Kai (fruit people) of the Makai realm (designated evil zone). The lower realm. There is nothing backing it, but Broly jabbering about being a devil/demon in tandem with his LSS form giving ki gathering seems like it would help should the Lower Plane work inversely of the good kai's territory (whereas SS3 ki drains to exploit the Higher Plane). His mother is unknown, but I wouldn't want them to say he's a hybrid with someone of the likes of Towa. Just being a mutant that happens to have a form like that would be enough. It isn't like they've ever even said the Makai drains ki just to be in it (for non-demons). Might have been neat were it so.

>He also lost to a gay, furfag nigger who switches games every couple months
Hey I didn't know SF was a Jirenbro!

>baffles you
He doesn't view himself as evil. He didn't even start as such. He just has a warped sense of good (and became corrupted later). That the others couldn't take notice of it and properly address the matter is another story. Tea bitch should have been sent packing there, but Super doesn't even humor the place (not even in the anime).

NOTE: Good thing a demon like Dabura didn't have King Piccolo's ability to send your soul into Limbo upon death. Also, where is "Abraca" in all this?

>demons beyond angel powers
I don't recall this.

Not so long as you stick to absolute canon facts. The truth is the strongest.

Attached: canon triclops telling the score - 2-0 v1.jpg (439x454, 55K)

Might explain why it is such a brutal failure. We'll never see a day it gets properly finished even were it so, sadly. Ultimately, it is doomed to needing a dead body and the Higher Plane. If I recall right, GT had it be that having a tail helped offset this somehow, but it wasn't a full solution for the ki drain.

she kept the outfit for the occasion? cute!