Part 3 Sucks

This is to those that say: “don’t skip parts”.

Part 1 was boring but short, so overall okay. Part 2 was almost perfect.

Part 3 is way too long, gimmicky, tedious and boring. I could skip to the final battle but that’s stupid.

Watched 32/48 episodes, now it’s dropped.

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Other urls found in this thread:

nobody cares animeonly iNigger
go phonepost on Yea Forums newfaggot youre 10 years toonlate to jojo
choke on my dick

>Part 2 was almost perfect

Go back to plebbit and stay there where you belong

t. reddit
follow OP out the door
choke on my dick

Part two had good pacing, it didn't overstay its welcome. Then the volumes got longer and longer and he went full retard.

keep watching

Part 3 is the gold standard when it comes to Jojo. Every part after it tries to emulate it in some way but they never surpass it.

Don't forget that Jotaro is the worst Jojo by a wide margin.

DIO is just another assassin fight. Even Vanilla Ice, and his stand Cream felt more unique and Araki didn't have to resort a cheap deus ex machina for a more likable character to win.


I hated the final fight too but the feeling you get after you finish part 3 and watch the ED is something other series wish they had.

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We call that feeling "soul".

Literally this.

Part 3 was as comfy as anime can get. The cast was fun and the countries they travel to every episode was something to look forward to. Maybe it's too manly for you.

They will always be the best JoJo gang.

A good ed which has some flow to isn't enough to make part 3 not suck.

I hate Jotaro too but after learning that it's just a phase for him and that he will appear again in other parts you kinda accept his character more.

>Every part after it tries to emulate it in some way but they never surpass it
SBR did

Until part 4 rolled around,

Also the fact Jotaro is literally an autistic tard who emulates Westerns

You can't be fucking serious

Unironically just read SC. Despite being the most famous part it has easily the shittiest adaptation. Stuff like Sun and Hol Horse/Boingo is actually tolerable in the manga since it isn't stretched thin.

No, even though he gets a LITTLE better I still enjoyed watching him fuck up and die in part 6 even though he got everyone else killed because of his incompetence.

It still sucked there too.

People say this but I don't get it. The plot is simple but it flows well and makes sense. It's a continent spanning adventure with a strong sense of actual progression as they make their way from location to location. Each new place feels unique and the cultures make traveling feel actually significant. It allows for a lot of unique tones, like shifting from action/adventure to horror, while still staying on track as far as the plot goes. The simple goal of reaching Egypt and defeating DIO leaves room for crazy shit to happen without ever going off on weird side tangents and getting overly muddled. The final battle feels climactic and it all wraps up pretty nicely. Jotaro isn't the best JoJo but the rest of the cast makes up for it, both in personality and chemistry together. The pacing might be a little slower, but I find no problem with it when I'm flying through it.

Part 4 and 5 feel weaker in comparison. DIU goes for a different tone at least, but it feels largely unfocused and messy, only getting its shit together when Kira is on screen. It's a forgivable flaw though, because like I said the change in tone *almost* fits that kind of writing. Part 5 goes with the adventure plot again like SC, and even though the majority of this adventure is great, the cast feels a little weaker, and the plot just completely falls on its face at the end. The lack of a compelling villain hurts it more than any previous parts as well. I have no idea what Araki was going for, but if it managed to finish stronger, it could definitely surpass part 3 in my rankings.

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But you accepted him and his act back in p3 more.

No I hated that shitbag back then, but Polnareff was based enough to make part 3 tolerable pretty much on his own. And as fun as it was to have Oldseph it was still painful to watch him miss use one of the most busted stands and become retarded enough for Jotaro to always outwit him.

Every time i am watching jojo I enjoy it till half of the story finished, then it becomes so boring I skip it straight too final boss.
Part 1 - forced myself to watch it all, should've skipped the fight with Tarkus and whatever guy and only watch Dio fight.
Part 2 - interesting until Caesar dies, skip till finale.
Part 3 - first part is amazing, second part is boring, skip and watch only Vanilla Ice and Dio.
Part 4 - interesting till main gang discover Photo-Dad with arrows, skip to Bites the Dust.
Part 5 - dont even care since everyone spoiled that GioGio has strognest stand in the universe.

>Part 3 is way too long, gimmicky, tedious and boring. I could skip to the final battle but that’s stupid.
Pretty much, but part 3 did have some other exceptional fights
>entirety of Dio's Castle
>D'Arby brothers
>video game stand user
>baby who fights people in dreams

I didn't. P3 Jotaro was boring and it rarely seemed like he could ever lose given he could just bullshit some new power whenever things got even remotely interesting. His autism doesn't interest me when the part itself seems to agree with his attitude.
The whole point of P6 Jotaro is how badly his autism fucked up his relationship with his daughter, and he gets his shit wrecked by way more interesting stands.
A flawed character is always more interesting than a milquetoast god who can just punch his way out of any situation with ease.

>part 2
>almost perfect

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jotaro dies in part 6

>Part 2 - interesting until Caesar dies, skip till finale.
Skipping the Wham fight that shit was kino as fuck.

I literally got to Stardust Crusaders today. The only character I give a shit about so far is DIO because everything he says/does is laughably retarded.

So far I'd have to give the series 3/5 shrimps.

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the second worst gang

>I literally got to Stardust Crusaders today. The only character I give a shit about so far is DIO because everything he says/does is laughably retarded.
Dio doesn't appear until the absolute end of part 3 lol. Have fun with the slog that is part 3

Part 3 is only longer than parts 1 and 2 but shorter than anything else. DP fucked the pacing to draw it out because it's the most popular part. A lot of the fights could have been a single episode, if that. Parts 4 and 5 are both 39 episodes long and part 6 will be as well.

Part 3
1. A Man Possessed by an Evil Spirit (3.5)
2. Who Will Be the Judge?! (2.5)
3. DIO's Curse (2.5)
4. Tower of Gray (2.5)
5. Silver Chariot (2.5)
6. Dark Blue Moon (3)
7. Strength (3)
8. The Devil (3)
9. Yellow Temperance (3.5)
10. Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 1 (3)
11. Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 2 (4)
12. Empress (3)
13. Wheel of Fortune (4)
14. Justice, Part 1 (3)
15. Justice, Part 2 (3.5)
16. Lovers, Part 1 (2.5)
17. Lovers, Part 2 (3)
18. Sun (2)
19. Death Thirteen, Part 1 (3)
20. Death Thirteen, Part 2 (3)
21. Judgement, Part 1 (3)
22. Judgement, Part 2 (2.5)
23. High Priestess, Part 1 (1.5)
24. High Priestess, Part 2 (2)
25. Iggy the Fool and Geb's N'Doul, Part 1 (3)
26. Iggy the Fool and Geb's N'Doul, Part 2 (4)
27. Khnum's Oingo and Tohth's Boingo (3)
28. Anubis, Part 1 (3)
29. Anubis, Part 2 (3)
30. Bastet's Mariah, Part 1 (3)
31. Bastet's Mariah, Part 2 (3)
32. Sethan's Alessi, Part 1 (3)
33. Sethan's Alessi, Part 2 (3)
34. D'Arby the Gambler, Part 1 (3)
35. D'Arby the Gambler, Part 2 (3)
36. Hol Horse and Boingo, Part 1 (3)
37. Hol Horse and Boingo, Part 2 (3)
38. The Gatekeeper of Hell, Pet Shop, Part 1 (3.5)
39. The Gatekeeper of Hell, Pet Shop, Part 2 (2.5)
40. D'Arby the Player, Part 1 (4.5)
41. D'Arby the Player, Part 2 (4)
42. The Mist of Emptiness, Vanilla Ice, Part 1 (4)
43. The Mist of Emptiness, Vanilla Ice, Part 2 (4)
44. The Mist of Emptiness, Vanilla Ice, Part 3 (3.5)
45. DIO's World, Part 1 (5)
46. DIO's World, Part 2 (3.5)
47. DIO's World, Part 3 (5.5)
48. The Faraway Journey, Farewell Friends (4)

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This entire series has been a slog. The dialogue is parody tier. It's like teamfagstar made their own series.

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Play 7th Stand User its a pretty good way to experience part 3.

>partfag thread

cringe and bluepilled.

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frog posting on Yea Forums, are you new?

He was still obnoxious and a shit protagonist but still, it puts his character in perspective.

>whatever guy

You mean Bruford? Don't talk shit about Bruford.

Why must you always nitpick? Did you enjoy them for what they are or decry them for what they couldn’t be?

What a bunch of horse shit. If you don't fucking like JoJo, don’t parade your shit fucking opinions around like they’re any sort of objective truth. The fact that you mention when you dropped the show just proves your zoomer brain is too rotten with vines and tik tok to appreciate a longer story.

You can say that about literally anything.

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SBR has the highest highs, but also the lowest lows of Jojo like Oyecomova, Boom Boom, Wired or Chocolate Disco.

Part 5 came really close but
>Polnareff's reaction to it being lonely without him.
>Group hug
>One last look at the photo of the gang.
>Jotaro smile
>The shot of the plane leaving for Japan.
>That fucking music.
Part 3 end was too perfect. Just makes you sit back, take a breath and think, man, what a fucking journey.

Part 2 is the best part, nothing else comes close.

I enjoyed part 5 more than that but the rest I agree with.

This. Based. Joseph was perfect

it gets good once they reach egypt

Good riddance.

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It was always good.

>then it becomes so boring I skip it straight too final boss.
Seems like you skipped English class, too.

>the cast feels a little weaker
You're out of your mind; The part 5 cast is outstanding except for maybe Giorno.

Literally worst part, all others especially after it were better

OP still a faggot

You mean Joseph

Wow this fucking picture is a great spoiler.

Subttle i guess

Frog posting is based. Kill yourself.


True, but there's always the retarded blinded by nostalgia when in Part 3 only TWO characters from the gang were developed:

1. Joseph (and that's mostly because of part 2)
2. Polnareff

That's it. Jotaro, Abdul, Kakyouin and Iggy that only comes in the second half don't do nothing. And the faggot dare say the others casts are "weaker". Jesus christ. I mean you don't have to LIKE them, but they are all better developed than Stardust crusaders

Joseph is entertaining but he really doesn't have much depth as a character. I don't think he's even in my top 10 anymore.

What characters in Part 5 were developed?
>I'm dumb
>I'm angry
>I'm afraid of a number
Abbacchio was the only one who really felt like he had a character to him. Everybody else was just gimmicks.

>strongest stand in the universe

Oh, animeonlys... If only you knew....

>what is Made in Heaven
>what is Tusk Act 4
>what is whatever the fuck is going on in Jojolion

I don't think there's anything going on in Jojolion that comes close to GER

Yeah, most of the fights in the first half are boring but it has some good fights, too. Steely Dan getting his ass beat is still one of my favorite moments in the entire series.


He was perfect for his brief part and a Jojo.
>I don't think he's even in my top 10 anymore
You just need to rewatch BT

Typical response.

Upvoted and liked.

Still more than the crusaders


Who the fuck cares that part is not even over

And soft and wet is broken af too, prepare for animeonlys to cry when there's an anime

I mean jesus, really? People are NOW getting the ending of the manga from 20 years ago? How fucking more newfag friendly will this board become?

FUCK animeonlys and their complaints.

>one is more than two

>I’m dumb and angry
>I’m a kid
>I’m plankton
>I want to fuck Jolyne
>I’m an amnesiac/I want to kill Pucci

>I’m a Zeppeli
>I’m Dio but not insane
>I crossdress
>I want to save my husband

I want to fuck Jolyne

Every other part after part 3 handles the monster of the week formula better by having better fights, better minor villains and the plot surrounding the fights be more than "bad guy showed up".

Here's my attempt to fix SC in order for it to become 39 Episodes

1. A Man Possessed by an Evil Spirit - 4
2. The Power Called a "Stand" - 4
3. Head to Egypt! - 3
4. Silver Chariot ~ The Seafaring Trap?! - 5
5. Strength - 3
6. The Devil - 4
7. Yellow Temperance - 3
8. Emperor and the Hanged Man Part 1 - 4
9. Emperor and the Hanged Man Part 2 - 3
10. Empress - 3
11. Wheel of Fortune - 4
12. Justice Part 1 - 4
13. Justice Part 2 - 3
14. Lovers - 5
15. The Desert Sun ~ Kakyoin's Nightmare - 3
16. Death Thirteen - 5
17. Judgement - 5
18. High Priestess - 4
19. Iggy the Fool and Geb's N'Doul - 5
20. Khnum's Oingo and Tohth's Boingo - 5
21. Anubis Part 1 - 4
22. Anubis Part 2 - 4
23. Mariah's Bastet - 5
24. Sethan's Alessi - 5
25. D'Arby the Gambler Part 1 - 3
26. D'Arby the Gambler Part 2 - 3
27. Hol Horse and Boingo Part 1 - 3
28. Hol Horse and Boingo Part 2 - 3
29. The Gatekeeper of Hell, Pet Shop - 5
30. D'Arby the Player Part 1 - 5
31. D'Arby the Player Part 2 - 4
32. The Mist of Emptiness, Vanilla Ice, Part 1 - 4
33. The Mist of Emptiness, Vanilla Ice, Part 2 - 5
34. The Mist of Emptiness, Vanilla Ice, Part 3 - 2
35. Suzi Q's Visit ~ The Time Has Come! - 3
36. DIO's World Part 1 - 4
37. DIO's World Part 2 - 4
38. DIO's World Part 3 - 4
39. The Faraway Journey, Farewell Friends - 4

Or just watch the OVAs since they delete all the shitty filler arcs and writing

part3 was the most kino youfaggetz

Part 1 had a pretty cool apthmosere and was a nice start just way to short
Part 2>> Part 2>>>>>>>>>>>>>the rest of garbage jojo

Read the manga and fuck off.

>better fights, better minor villains and the plot surrounding the fights be more than "bad guy showed up".

This. Part 3 gets better when they land in Egypt, but still has some shitty arcs and is overall still the weakest part of them all.

The next part is pretty good if you ever make it there.

You're fucking retarded
Nigger, you're out of your mind. They're the most frgettable bunch with unneeded backstories to make you feel bad for them. I felt nothing when Abba and Narancia died.

But don't skip parts though. Like, quit if you want but its only going to get worse. So there's no point in 'skipping'.

Lmfao part 5 twinks have NOTHING, you only think they're good because when put up against giorno anyone looks like they have a personality

I’m convinced that people who like part 4 are manlets who self insert as Koichi because he gets a gf. Kira is the only salvageable character in that part.

I’m convinced that people who like part 5 are faggots who self insert as Girono because he never loses. Koichi is the only salvageable character in that part.

I’m convinced that people who like part 3 are faggots who self insert as Qtaro because he never loses. Polnareff is the only salvageable character in that part.

When will people stop seething over Part 3's superiority?

Sup manlets?

I’m convinced that people who like part 2 are faggots who self insert as Smokey because he never loses. Stroheim is the only salvageable character in that part.
Sup faggot

Miktaka is the only salvageable character in that part.*
Bucciarati is the only salvageable character in that part*

Now that the dust has settled, what are part 3's weak points?

Bucciarati is a trash overrated character

Too short.


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I just want to make a stop and make a reply of the most idiotic response in this thread, you dont even know what a gimmick is, thanks now i feel better.

There aren't that many. Anti3fags are scraping the bottom of the barrel. 3 isn't even my faveourite part. Here are the strong points.
>best comdy
>best team
>highest quality adaptation

Attached: Part 3 Silver Chariot vs Ebony Devil.webm (854x480, 1.91M)

But they aren't part 3 was deeply flawed, sure it did a lot of things well having a protagonist be a terrible copy of Clint Eastwood's illusive 'cool' was a massive detriment and not only because he was Ken from FotNS. Because you are supposed to believe that Jotaro is cool, and not autistic, the one liners and everything else are all played completely straight and in universe they are all suposed to be cool because he has fangirls

Nothing would be lost if Araki had Jotaro's gang go to Egypt by plane and start right from the Egypt arc.

Hanged man and HolHorse are great and give character development to Polnareff. Death 13 and many others were good too. I bet you're one of these faggots who thinks stands in 3 were much weaker in compariosn to future parts because they aren't as gimmicky. Nothing would change if araki didn't make part 5

This is going to be a long post of just me talking about my thoughts on this show and posting it on Yea Forums. And it's going to be LONG. I'll try to format it. Though I'm not very savy with Yea Forums posting. So bear with me. Thanks. Now onto Jojo.

WOW! HOLY FUCK. WHAT THE FUCK. WHAT THE FUCK WAS THIS SHOW. If I had to describe this show in 1 word, it's fucking pure insanity. Nothing makes sense, what the fuck is going on?, oh shit everything makes sense! Oh holy fuck! OMG WHAT THE FUCK! Just. Oh my god this show just put me through the most wild rollercoaster I've been on in my entire life.

I've been an avid anime watcher for a while now and I've come to this board only recently. About a year or 2 ago. Floating around this board was a show I've never heard of before but I've heard lots of praise. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. (By the way, holy fuck is the title not misleading. This is the most bizarre shit I've ever seen.) I've heard so much praise for this show, but I also see a lot of complains/dislike on some parts or something? Idk what that was but whatever. I also came across this show of many, many memes on Yea Forums and youtube especially. I put this show on my watch later list and would come to it eventually in my lifetime. That time has come. I've been watching anime for 7 years and one day, around 2 am I just, "Let's watch some Jojo." And so I did.


Part 1: Phantom Blood
So I thought I was going to see some weird phantom things that were summoned by people? I see everywhere the ORARAORAORROA MUDAMUDAMDUMA everywhere and it's like these guys just summon "stands" or something. I thought I was going to see that. I was very surprised to not see that at all for the first 12 episodes. I was just thinking. Man when are they going to show them? We're already 12 episodes in. Though I wasn't disappointed, I was just wondering. The phantom blood arc was amazing and oh my god Jonathon is such a man. What a gentleman. I felt bad for Jonathon. For some ass, Dio, to come in and just be a total jackass when he was so sincere, but I could understand where Dio was coming from. I mean, deep down, Dio is still a faggot. But I think he's a pretty awesome villain. One of my favorite moments from Phantom blood was when Speedwagon attacked Jonathon, Jonathon beat them up and Speedwagon was like, "No! I won't let you lay a hand on that gentleman!" And they go on and stuff. But Jonathon was such a godamn gentleman he charmed one of his attackers because he was so fucking manly/gentleman like. I've never seen an enemy/attacker just be charmed by the main character because he was such a MAN. I loved that. You know what I love about this show. They explain the mechanics and theory about how their universe power works. In too many shows, you'll see this magic world and the explanation for the system of how magic or whatever they have works. Honestly, it's a lot of BS. I'm not complaining but it's just like, "ah, okay okay. sure bud." and I just move on with the show not thinking about it. Though I mean, how Hamon is used/created and stuff may be like that too, a lot of the moves the characters use has a lot of explanation too it and I greatly appreciate it. It elevates my enjoyment of the show. Ah, at the end of the show Jonathon...dies. I was surprised when that happened.

I don't watch many shows where protagonists are actually killed in their own story. I was really sad when Jonathon died, he was such a man, such a gentleman. He was so brave, honorable, and admirable. He's a man anyone can look up to. I was sad, but little time to grieve, the next arc begins. (Little did I know, I thought that Dio was over with. BUT OH BOY THAT LAST SCENE AT THE LAST EPISODE OF BATTLE TENDENCY. OH FUCK)

Part 2: Battle Tendency

Alright so let me get this off my chest first. If I were to write my entire thoughts on this arc, this will probably extend to like 10 pages in word document. Every single episode was fucking amazing and so bizarre that I have so many thoughts to write about but I won't because who would read it? lol. Well not like, many people will read this either due to its length...I gotta get my thoughts out somehow though.

Dude holy shit. the characters were godamn amazing in this arc. I loved Caeser, Stroheim, Speedwagon, Joesph, LisaLisa, these charactesr were all amazing, and IMO carried the entire arc. The plot was cool and all but my god did I just love the interaction between all of them. Starting off with Caeser. Dude, I didn't think I would tear in a show like this but. Holy fuck, Caeser's death...I was sad as fuck. That episode was directed really well IMO and a tear came from my eye. When Joseph cried, I WAS ON THE VERGE. Holy shit that made me fucking sad. I'm still sad for his death, rest in peace Caeser Zeppeli. You were a true warrior. Also, Wamuu is a great villain. Though he wasn't the main villain per se, I love how he's honorable. He honors his opponens, and lives truly by an honor code. I respect that, and he respects his enemies whom he defeats and ultimately, who he is defeated by. There's not much to say about Speedwagon besides the fact that he's awesome. He's always been awesome. I've always liked Speedwagon, though, it will come eventually, I was sad when he passed away. Godammmit. You know you just grow to love characters and when they pass away, it sucks. It really does. Also, Erina passes away too ): godammit. I'm sweating from my eyes. LisaLisa is great, I love her character. I'm an idiot and did not get the hints that she was Joseph's mother. Though I was shocked to find out her past and everything about her. She's been through quite a bit. Also, she's hot af. JOSEPH JOESTAR. Dude this guy is batshit insane. He would annoy me during fights at times, but over time I grew to adore his fighting style. He's hilarious and actually really smart. At times I knew he was doomed, he always had a plan up his sleeve. I love it when he predicts his opponents words and then his opponents say exactly what he predicted, it's hilarious. Alright, time for my favorite character. FUCKING VON STROHEEEEIIIIIIIIIIIMMMMMM.

Stands were a mistake.

Only viable criticism here.

This batshit crazy fucking patriot always shouting GERMANY IS THE FUCKING GREATEST! is the most insanely entertaining character I've ever seen. He's a godamn nut, but that's why he's amazing. This fucking crazy fucktard pulls the most insane shit, commiting suicide by exploding himself, lives, turns into a godamn cyborg, fucking gets dismantled into pieces, rinse and repeat 10 times. And he's still fucking going. I laughed so hard when he appeared on Joseph's fucking plane and delivered some badass lines. "This plane is your coffin." How the fuck did he appear there? Who cares, its fucking awesome. This guy is legit screaming 100% of the time he's on screen and I love it. I was more sad than normal for this end. When he saw Joseph, go into the atmosphere, he thought he was gone forever. We know he lives, but Stroheim thinks he's dead. And then we're told that Stroheim never saw Joseph again, and dies in Stalingrad. That's fucking tragic...Stroheim, you are the most batshit insane Nazi cyborg motherfucker I've ever seen. You were my favorite character in the 26 episodes I've watched. RIP you crazy bastard.
TLDR?; I have WAAAAAAAY more things to say. This is just the tip of the iceberg. But, I'm posting this on Yea Forums because I want 1 person minimum to read it. It's not informational, doesn't provide insight, or teach you anything new. This is just a shitpost of a random person who finally got around to watching Jojo and his thoughts.

This show was god damn amazing. I never expected anything so fucking insane in my life. This has been the most insane show I've ever seen. I mean, I'm going to continue towards the next few seasons but on crunchyroll the first 2 arcs is considered season 1, and a lot of shit's happened in these last 26 episodes lol. Overall. Holy god damn this show is awesome. The praise I've heard over on the internet for years has lived up to its expectations. It really, certainly is, quite the BIZARRE adventure. And I can't wait to see more.

>part 3 dio is shite
>most of it is a slog to get through
>weakest and most underdeveloped cast
>most stand users are bland or one dimensional
>most stands are forgettable and either lacking in interesting powers or utilization

joseph was so good he carried the first half of part 3

Yeah, every real problem that part had could be traced back to him. Even if DIO didn't feel much different than any of his lackies but he was fun and he did give us some strong as memes so I guess he was alright.

Ah, there is another seether.

>better minor villains and the plot surrounding the fights
I remember more minor villains and fights from back in Stardust Crusaders than in, the just recently finished, part 5.

Probably because you actually read it rather than speeding through.

>Even if DIO didn't feel much different than any of his lackies
He did have an air of a final boss around him and behaved much differently than them

>you mean 5
>you mean 5 by far
>you mean 5
>you mean 5

This is nips top-tier jojo part
Look at figures

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You're favorite part was far from the best parts 2, 4, 6, 7 and even 1 were better. Part three had some interesting and nice things too bad we didn't get to much of them as Jotaro was there to soak up most of the run time and ruin it with his boring autism and ruin most interesting stand fights with either I'm too strong for that attack or I'll just shit out a new power.

Keep it coming.

I've finished part 3 recently, I guess I enjoyed it somewhat but it was too "monster of the week" for me. Preferred part 2 more.
Are the later parts any good? or I have I already experienced prime JoJo?

yeh, part 3 is the worst stand part

Nope. They are just way more memorable.

Attached: 06a.png (510x346, 242K)

>He did have an air of a final boss around him
No he really didn't Vanilla Ice had more of a final boss aura and actually felt like a vampire welding a stand then DIO did.
>and behaved much differently than them
Hol Horse was about the only one who acted different than the his standard stand user assassin fights. DIO didn't team up with anyone he just had a longer chase sequence.

4 is good, 5 is shit, 6 is good, 7 is overrated

>7 is overrated
True but its still very good.

Only people who shit on p3 are the ones that watch jojo because its “so random”

All the parts are good but don't get your hopes up too much or you might feel disappointed.

just watch the original part3 animu.

Part 5 and onward do the "monster of the week" structure a lot better. Most justify it because Part 3 was the first manga at the time to introduce the element of giving everyone their own personal abilities, so Araki was experimenting with that aspect more and did so well into Part 4.

Oh no he's retarded.

>Part 5 and onward do the "monster of the week" structure a lot better
It doesn't. Part 5 is worse in every way

Alright, I'll at least give part 4 a shot.
I only started watching JoJo because people keep shoving it in my face. So I was either gonna hate it blindly or see what it was about. At least I have context for all the memes and references now.

You have numbers to know which part is which for example yellow=part 5.

It really does feel like a failed attempt at capturing what made 3 so great. Araki's editors were probably pushing him that way, based on what he says in the afterwords.

The characters are the worst in the series, felt nothing when bruno or narancia died

Part 4 still has that MOTW feel, but it's way more interesting than what 3 does with it, since it revolves around a small town with strange happenings.
Part 5-6 are where Araki gets better at integrating the plot into the fights, and 7-8 master it.

5 is literally the MOTW part and has by far the worst story. Girno being Dio's son is never expanded upon. He might as well not be a jojo

What I still don't get is why the fuck Giorno looks like Dio when his body was actually Jonathan's, if anything, he should've look like George II.

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Narancia's death was especially bad. Bruno's lost impact because of how long he was a zombie for.

Abbacchio was the only good character death, one of the best in the series actually.

Damn your life must be terrible having such a shit taste

seethe more

Part 4 is kind of follows a "monster of the week" format, but unlike part 3 most enemies actually hang around as recurring characters after their battle, so there's more continuity between episodes. On the other hand, it takes much longer for the main villain to be introduced although he gets to fight much sooner than Dio.

Part 5 is closer to Part 3, with monster of the week back as throw away monster of the week, but there's much more story tying together the battles.

better thread here
>but there's much more story tying together the battles.
no there isn't. you retarded 5fags pretend your jobbers are anything special. they arent

>but there's much more story tying together the battles.
Is there? I think Part 3's villains are much more tied to the story. They all directly relate to DIO. But Part 5 has a lot of filler like Sale/Zuccero and the hitman team.

Its funny you don't list part 4 which is pretty much bad besides Kira episodes. Also id say Part 3 can be skipped up until Egypt where the better stand users appear. The water fight is kino and Darby is great.

Learn how to count, user

Simply put, part 3 is filler, and by filler, I don't mean things added in for the anime, no. I mean most arcs have no impact on the story or characters, no one develops. sure, some characters go from evil to good, but that's because they were being mind controlled, so it doesn't count. The only interesting character is Hol Horse. He portrays himself as this confident, smooth talking and charismatic lady's man often acting like a cowboy from an old western, but in reality he's a coward way in over head and has deluded himself. not too well developed but really fun to watch. Hol Horse is the only antagonist worth mentioning, all the others are just obstacles for the heroes to clear, most of their personalities are comparable to that of a Power Rangers monster, in fact there are many who use their stands to fight from a distance and you only see them after they've been defeated or killed. Oh yeah and Dio's back, he does nothing, he just waits around in his mansion, occasionally talking to this one witch who is built up but killed almost as easily as the rest of the villains

He only got Dio's blonde hair due to his stand. Go back and rewatch the beginning of the show. He originally had dark hair like Jonathan.

Felt the very same way user, part 4 will feel like a bit like part 3, but they really wont be going anywhere with it it's more of just miscellaneous adventures till the big baddy shows up. Watching part 5 now and while I will say it's got the same structure as part 3, it's got more interesting stands and fights to make up for it.

>Is there? I think Part 3's villains are much more tied to the story. They all directly relate to DIO. But Part 5 has a lot of filler like Sale/Zuccero and the hitman team.

There are many smaller arcs within the series, like going to the island in the beginning and the assassin squad, then finally the boss' chosen men.

In part 3, it's pretty much all "head to Egypt!" with tons of Dio's people popping up along the way like random encounters, with things only changing up near the ending when they get to the city, but don't know where Dio's mansion is.

made this

Attached: theproblemwithpart3.png (1693x364, 28K)

5tards are fucking vermin who repeat the same shit over and over while giving no proof. see:
>Part5 has better jobbers and fights
As if anyone will remember who the fuck zuccero was by the time pt 6 roll around. kill yourselves and cope harder

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It's shit. Dio's mansion had 2 graet fights other than Dio, with vanilla ice being one of the best in the series

Attached: p3 guide.jpg (827x938, 874K)

it's like one of those loading bars that gets slower and slower towards the end and the last "10%" actually takes 50% of the time

But that's what I mean. Part 5 is bogged down by those mini arcs, whereas all of Part 3's fights are tied to the main story.

part 5 is all red. Adds nothing to the series, except a retarded explanation for stands

I actually agree with this somewhat. The best thing about Part 3 is the road trip vibe, so when they slow down towards the end it loses some charm.

>>Part5 has better jobbers and fights
How the fuck do they even have the audacity to mention the characters of that part as a strong point of it?

I think you can cut more than that safely.

Mikitaka is literally just a kid possessed by a virus.

I mean, you could just skip over the filler, you don't have to skip entire parts.

Just a quick reminder

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Skipping individual chapters or episodes is worse than skipping parts.

Might as well skip the whole thing at that point. Part 3 sucks compared to everything after (and before) it anyway

I like JoJo but easily the worst part of the anime is how satisfied everyone sounds with themselves when they say or do something cool.

Why did the Part 4 anime feel so half-assed compared to 3 and 5?

Part 4 looked better than part 3

you should be ashamed of yourself as a shonenfag if you didn't enjoy Jotaro vs Dio

jotaro was never redeemed. he got absolutely shit on in 6 and im still mad about it

Is the Part 3 hate the biggest meme on Yea Forums right now? Because I recently rewatched some of the episodes from the beginning and it's still pretty fun and enjoyable for me. One thing that I definitely like about it that I didn't see much in Part 4 and 5 are the world-building and cultural references. It honestly felt like a real adventure.

Attached: 172.png (270x323, 146K)

Yeah these people are retarded. Part 3 is all about going on a comfy adventure with your bros, it has a lot of strong and memorable episodes, with the best conclusion of anything in Jojo. Part 4 is objectively the worst, just meandering garbage without a single interesting character, worse it turns Jotaro into a complete jobber moron. Part 4 unironically only had 1 good episode, and it was about hunting fucking rats.

Attached: 129978355.webm (1280x720, 2M)

>>best comdy
>>best team
not even close, faggot
>>highest quality adaptation
this is bait

Final Dio fight is top anime kino, but yeah it was a real slog. Made me drop the show for 2 years

Ok, I'm banning you


Ah yes, I remember all those quality fights against the guy that makes you feel bad about yourself and the retarded car dude from part 3.
Go kys retard, part 5 has the best cast of minor villains from parts 1-6, and this is pretty objective.

I love this reactive little retard.

Monster of the week formula, and too many filler villains. Not to mention that in a pre-internet and cellphone age, the crusaders somehow kept getting tracked down and cut off at every point between Japan and Egypt.

this post is what all of Yea Forums should strive to be

it's fandmade

I dropped it at Part 3 also. Life is too short to watch stuff you don't like.

Skipping petshop, or any or the Darby fights.

>"If I shallowly whittle a character down to their most shallow description than I can prove to everyone just how shallow they are!"
I don't even like the Part 5 crew that much, but this argument will never not be retarded.

Attached: genos.png (540x324, 153K)

It's just as good as Part 6.

And when someone did that for the part 6 and 7 casts he got pissed. Look at those goddamn replies, it’s embarrassing.

If you could have ANY Stand of your choice (but only 1) in real life, which would you pick?

Remember to mind the consequences.

It didn't suck, but it was the weakest so far

>Abbachio goes from immediate distrust of Giorno and seeing him as a pathetic newfag to leaving a clue only Giorno could find to get the Boss' face
>Trish's main goal is to not be a burden on the gang, which is fulfilled when she unlocks her stand, Notorious BIG is just a roundabout way of saying 'don't run away, face the problem'
>Bruno's a character who already had his development offscreen, but you can still see at the start where he gets his admiration and respect for Giorno, and the fact that he continues on after dying shows his resolve (Part 5 being a part entirely about resolve).
Narancia is honestly nothing, but he's on the same level as Joseph in Part 2 characterwise. No development, relies on humour and being loud so nobody will notice.
Mista probably had development I think I'm forgetting.


>globe trotting and villain of the week extravaganza
Maybe if I was younger I would have enjoyed this more.

Eh, I’d say it makes sense the closer they get to DIO the more goons get thrown at them to slow their progress. But bad pacing is bad pacing, when I watched the anime I was able to binge all of Part 3, same when reading the manga, so the wait wasn’t there.

I’ve seen better.

Star Platinum equipped with The World

I don't see a lot of uses for Harvest that won't end up with you getting tracked down by the US government and killed or imprisoned.

You must have not seen the other parts
>not even close, faggot
Lmao, peak cope
>this is bait
It has the best animation BY FAR. enjoy your 4/5 slideshow with characters looking off model every other shot.
Kill yourself vatard

How is it a better choice than The World? The World is weaker in Stand to Stand combat but it has a longer time stop duration. You're the only one who has a Stand, so Star Platinum is objectively inferior.


Part 3 is objectively the worst.

Gets a vast amount of spotlight despite being a boring protagonist with a one-dimensional personality
Nerfed character lol
No character lol
No character lol
Second most prominent character, miraculously well written and entertaining
Felt like a really pointless addition, didn't do much for a while but then got two pretty good fights which redeemed him a little

Part 3 is horrible. The stand abilities are boring. Character spotlight is distributed horribly. And for all the supposed motif of people going on a life-changing journey that will bond them forever, they barely ever interact with each other aside from character-irrelevant joking.

There are two Jotaro and Polnareff arcs in the second half and they completely fail to show us what their relationship is. And after a tidy finisher of Polnareff's character arc, Araki decides that Polnareff is going to get MORE spotlight while Kakyoin gets to be the one taken out of the story. Both failing to give Kakyoin the focus he deserves and doing a disservice to how well Polnareff's arc was handled in the first half.

It's the definition of niot objective. You fat sperg

The White Album has Mista inspire Giorno instead of the other way around like every other fight that has Giorno and another gang member (two in the case of Man in the Mirror). The guy does not give any fucks about how likely he is to succeed, he just does what he thinks is best. He embodies the major theme of resolve from the get go, hence why he was the protagonist for the epilogue. So he’s pretty static for all of Vento Aureo, but it makes perfect sense why he makes it as Giorno’s number two by the end.

No dingus. That's not because of the world. It's because of DIO. DIO has a stronger body more equipped to handle that stand and that's why his time duration increased to 9 seconds after increasing his synchronization with Jonathan's body.

You just need to train with it for a longer duration.

>Nerfed character lol
You're actually retarded if you belive that Joseph is nerfed just because he matured a little. You vaspics are the most delusional, you say this yet act as if faggots like NARANCIA are good characters for gods sake. End yourself

Tusk because it's the most huggable

The longer time stop duration was only possible due to DIO’s infinite stamina pool afforded to him by his vampirism. It’s why Jotaro’s time stop gets increasingly shorter with age, it’s too taxing on his stamina. That and a lack of practice.

What if you like Part 4 but hate Koichi?

>but it makes perfect sense why he makes it as Giorno’s number two by the end.
If we accept PHF as an extension of the ending of Part 5 (to remedy the situation with Fugo's character), he's Giorno's #3.

Go back to your favorite anime youtuber's comment section

This. Araki gets better at developing the cast after 3. But the journey here was still the most fun.

It's a different style, episodic rather than focusing on the underlying plot. That's not a bad thing, it's about subjective taste.

>part 5 has the best cast of minor villains from parts 1-6, and this is pretty objective.
Lmfao, both a vatard and a 7irgin. You're so insecure about people calling you out for not saying 7 has the best jobber you say this shit. Actually end yourself. NOONE will remember zuccero in a year, nor will they remember anyone from part 5 as anything more than jobbers. They are in no way different than those in part 3. You have nothing to disprove this an your response will always amount to
>No, they're different bro trust me
pathetic. Good thing your adaptation amounted to being mediocre garbage, with off model characters every other frame and garbage slow animation.

Parts 1 and 2 were the only ones I enjoyed, I feel like the series took a massive shift in Part 3 onwards and I just never really liked it.

Parts 1 and 2 were all about hardwork and training, actually having to earn and practice your abilities. From part 3 onwards everybody has a stand and powers they didn't earn, being shot with an arrow and having a strong "soul" doesn't mean shit. You have farting dogs, stupid gorillas, and sewer rats running around with stands at that point. The idea is interesting and the abilities moreso, but I just can't get into it.

Everybody in Part 3 and most of Part 4 looks fucking jacked and yet they never use those muscles for anything. Stands would be a lot more interesting if they each worked like a different type of ripple, but the body itself still has to do the work.

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Bad choice. Some troubled youth (black man) with a gun is enough to kill you.

Well then he has to make a whole new straw man. How inconsiderate of you, user.

Spice Girl because it's the most fuggable

Partskippers are the lowest form of life.
If it belonged to a dude, It'd look like a dude. Unless you're a tranny who thinks he's a girl inside

I want to like Part 6, but somehow I find myself incapable of doing so. I just cannot give a shit about anyone other than Jolyne and Foo Fighters, because they just feel like... non-characters. Hermes never gets anything resembling a character arc, Annasui is like... He obsesses over Jolyne the moment he met her, I guess? And Weather Report just bumbles around until he becomes angry and then dies. That maximum security stand gauntlet was on par with the middle part of Stardust Crusaders in how inconsistently stupid, drawn out and needless it felt (fuck Dragon's Dream and Yo Yo Ma especially) and most of the ending fights with Dio's jobbing sons were inconsistent (not to mention Dio's fucking SONS being plot-irrelevant losers, also where is fucking Giorno in all this). Pucci and Jolyne were great though and I want to deposit my genetic information inbetween FF's thigh planktons. Hope the anime fixes the pacing somewhat if it comes out.

Because two is too close to four, yeah, I remember that. But for some reason PHF tends to make people sperg out so I like to refrain from mentioning it.

Nah I can just give it back to him then MUDA MUDA him

>He obsesses over Jolyne the moment he met her
I obsess over Jolyne without having read the part yet

Those mini-arcs give it more of a story though. Giorno joining the gang, then the gang taking a mission to prove themselves to the boss, then receiving the mission of escorting Trish for the boss, finally confronting the boss and then attempting to find his identity in his hometown and then with Polnareff. There were things actually happening that drive the series, not just facing the throw away villain. All those things meant that there was a story gluing everything together.

In comparison, in Part 3, you've just got the cast traveling over different locations facing Dio's goons. The closest thing to something happening that carries over before near the ending of part 3 is Hol Horse surviving his battle, running back to Dio then returning for another battle.

>If it belonged to a dude, It'd look like a dude
Braindead anime only retard.

is a girl
>Stone Free
looks like a black male hip hop artist

is a girl
looks like a black male kang

is a dude
>Moody Blues
is feminine

I think you may like Part 6 because Jolyne actually uses her muscles in certain fights

>actually having to earn and practice your abilities
You need to train with them though. Pol spent years training with chariot

and that's why you're both useless NPCs

Hermes literally has a whole ass character arc

It’s a battle between partskippers and partshitters to see who are the lowest of the low. I suppose partshitters are implied to have actually seen the parts they shit on, but I imagine there are many who haven’t even done that. Those would be our winners.

Yes, females can have dude looking stands, dudes can't have female stands. Abbachio's stand just has a fat ass, its not feminine

My wife is cute

That's just your fanfic.

Based retard

Partshitters are definitely superior, at least they know what they're shitting on and once a blue moon come up with a witty criticism. Only thing on par with skippers are animeonlys who act like each part is better than the last one without any reflecting on their part.

>>Stone Free
>looks like a black male hip hop artist
I mean, Jolyne needed a stand in prison. Who better to navigate the halls of the penitentiary than a black man?

Name one dude with a girl stand.
Based no argument 40 iq vatard

In the first place why would you want to watch a series if you aren't invested enough to watch the whole thing

And in the second place, why wouldn't you want to watch the whole thing? Some parts are less hype than others, but as a whole the series is still better than a lot of other things out there so you're only limiting yourself- and I'd have to guess and extremely casual viewer of animu if part 1 is just too boring for your ADD attention span.

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Johnny's stand looks like a female pokemon

And her evolution through that arc is... what exactly?

wich act?

>partshitter thread

Johnny's stand reflects his nationality, American

Attached: W33 (1).png (1752x1400, 775K)

Who would you prefer to be the girl Jotaro impregnated? Annie (aka runaway girl) or Midler? I think Anne is a a better fit because Jotaro actually interacted with her and he took her titty touch virginity, but Midler had starfish shaped nipple covers.


ur mum

>Midler had starfish shaped nipple covers.
that was a game invention

Everyone will remember Zucchero because of the Torture Dance

>Part shitters
>Normalfag memesters
>Fujos and gays

Which of these groups ruined Jojo the most Yea Forums?

Attached: file.png (640x389, 307K)


>Normalfag memesters

Mainly because they just made it look to people that Jojo is just "le funny meme series XD"

Source on pic?

objectively false

No it wasn't. The game designers asked Araki to design her, and Araki did.

its because its fat LOL

forgetting jolyne and josk8

Jolyne is one of the best Jojos.

So the problem is that you're a retarded ADHD zoomer?

You have caused confusion and delay

other than being wrong about part 5, this

Why did Vento Aureo still have censored Stand names when it was released after Prince died? The GCL who own his IP don't seem to care anymore.

Someone still owns the copyright, which will still last 70 years after his death

>Kiss is a powerful close-range Stand who compensates its short range with its speed and physical strength, and its stickers whom Ermes uses cleverly, making it a good addition to Jolyne's team.

>Range: A

>drop anime after 32 episodes

Just finish it nigger

nice troll confirmation


Because there were way less annoying part shitters and normalfag memesters around before the anime came along and fucking quintupled the number of western jojo fans.

Can't wait for Pucci's Black Python

sorry, i'll go watch some paint dry now to prepare myself for rewatching part 3

It was fucking awesome, idiot.

Thanks for letting everybody know you're a faggot.

Part 5 fags on suicide watch. Only Abbacchio, Bruno, and Fugo were good. Mista was a retarded bullet sponge with le funny number 4 gimmick but he's still decent. Everyone else were below average characters for Jojo.

I agree. They were all fucking boring. Also "the death triggers a shitty backstory" shonen trope was in full swing here. I'm just happy that fags can't say "m-muh translation!" anymore to defend the boring slog that's Vento Aureo.

>Bruno was good
describe his character except for determined

>watched the David Animation joint
bro you just posted cringe

> the plot surrounding the fights be more than "bad guy showed up"
Name fucking one.

I like almost all stand fights in 3. They all have their own Tarot card assigned to them and are rarely just a flesh eating blob like the worst stand in 5. Plus they are all 80s violent and over the top

So part 3 is one of the best parts? Cool.

>muh clever attention whore protagonist
>he's just like me!!
Part 2 Plebbitors need to fuck off already

Attached: 1561628701662.gif (474x379, 471K)

jotaro is a way better character in 4 and 6,
In part three he's an emotionally constipated autistic boy

He matures a bit in the latter parts, and makes for a good mentor figure.

Josuke trying to scam Rohan
Beetle Tendency

Hell no, pt 3 is the worst part

Animeonly western fujoshitters killed jojo desu. First it was MUH JOSEPH MUH JOSEPH MUH JOSEPH and then it devolved into partshitting

>Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood
>Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Battle Tendency
>Polnareff's Odd Adventure: Stardust Crusaders
>Jojo's Bizzare Adventure: Diamond Is Unbreakable
>GoGo's Bizzare Adventure: Golden Wind

>Part 3 sucks because Jotaro is a shitty protagonist
Polnareff is the protagonist though.

Dem Jojo poses amirite bros?

Why did the art become so shitty after part 6?

Jojo jumped the shark after part 5. Araki went full retard during and after part 6

Part 7 and 8 are the peak in terms of art

>t. faggot

You're a plotfag aren't you? Don't try watching Cowboy Bebop.


Attached: x1.jpg (679x1028, 395K)

I like late 3 most. Being a manimefag is suffering

Whatever do you mean?

Attached: Jonathan with part 8 style.jpg (1280x1772, 1.06M)

the old samefaces were way better than this garbage. The last time Jojo was actually popular and not a meme was Part 5. Part 6 was hated and while Part 7 was somewhat liked it was no where near the old parts and Part 8 is Part 6 tier in terms of popularity


Attached: sbr.png (1747x1400, 836K)

Both are terrible. I can't even imagine Jotaro in this art style but I know it would be nightmare inducing

>giving a shit about popularity

Attached: JojoFooFighters.jpg (480x600, 208K)

Part 5 will be the last adaption.

You don't have to imagine it, happy nightmares.

Attached: 1488649140634.png (767x948, 968K)

No matter how much you deny popularity is actually a pretty good indicator of quality. Things don't become popular without any reason

Araki is a fucking hack and I'm saying this having read all of JoJo

Kill yourself.

I don't get it guys. Part 7 was pretty damn good but Part 8 is all over the place. I keep giving part 8 multiple chances but I just can't bring myself to like it. Is this what people mean by 1 step forward and two steps back?

Rarely because of amazing art. Usually because of Zeitgeist

JoJolion might be a complete narrative mess, but at least the characters are endearingly lame.

Attached: 1502950737862.png (162x475, 30K)

It's not really. Weekly manga are by far more popular than monthly manga but monthly manga in general are by far better than weekly manga. Popularity more often than not just means that something is inoffensive and appeals to the lowest common denominator. I don't know how you can claim with a straight face that popularity is a good indicator of quality with how much trash in every medium that manages to get popular.

Same for me. It doesn't help that it's a terrible mystery plot which basically means withholding information. Also the villains of the week are fucking Phantom Blood tier.

In japanese there is no distinction between a j and a soft g

Guppy's stand is complete non-sense. It does literally anything the plot demands it to do. Even Part 4 did this better

The last two by a mile

kill yourself Part 8 is the best. Araki at his peak

Araki is phoning it in. Part 9 will be better

name me five things that jojos is actually better than, legit the only things i got are literally commercials turned into full on TV shows, and even those potentially have more entertainment value.

Part7fags are almost as bad as Part2fags

naruto, one piece, black clover, bleach, boku no hero

r/ing that pic of gold experience about to throw a piano on diavolo while giorno is playing it

All of those have a better plot, better consistency, better characters, better villains and better fights than jojo

those are all about equal in terms of being horrid trash.


Mystery plots are usually garbage

Pathetic, they are the best main characters in Jojo. If Mista is a gimmick fucking Jolyne, Johnny and Gappy are One Piece characters.

>Johnny and Gappy are One Piece characters.
That's a compliment

Feels good being a VAchads, we're basically the Hunterchads of Jojo.

Also Part 5 is Togashi's favorite as well as most Hunterchads actually, good taste confirmed.

Get out Jojotards

Attached: Jello is Right.png (620x637, 95K)

One Piece characters are unironically more fleshed out than Jojo's trash characters.

Of course the retarded faggots SOtists are One Piece fans, that's why they hate VA being the most acclaimed Jojo, they can never understand it.

Lmao why am i not surprised?


Attached: Jojo Fans BTFO.png (620x450, 77K)


>My friend fell down the stairs and died so I decided to become the best swordsman ever

Look at all this One Piece children who came out of the sewers as soon as they were summoned...

This just proves it Golden Wind is like Hunter X Hunter, the idiots who criticize it are like those who criticize HxH... Naruto, SnK and OP fans butthurt cause their series will never have such acclaim. Pathetic.


One Piece is a cartoon of a cartoon. All the Strawhats are one gimmicks.

Literally the only three dimensional character in the series is Blackbeard, someone who actually LOOKS AND BEHAVES LIKE AN ACTUAL PIRATE, in a children manga supposedly about pirates.


Boku no Hero > One Piece > Naruto > Black Clover > Bleach > Jojo

Serious question user, why do you think there's a single soul on this planet who:
1.- Knows who the fuck that virgin fatso is
2.- Could ever give a damn about his opinion

Hirohiko Araki isn't just some hack, he's one of the most influential mangaka of the last 3 decades, and he can be a damn good writer like Parts 4, 5, 7 and the Rohan manga prove. Just look at how much Togashi has ripped off from Jojo, how much of Jojo there is in HxH.

Sure he wrote Part 6 but Togashi wrote Greed Island so...

Just coming out the most acclaimed and revered part of Jojo, your post is so random I'm genuinely curios.

Every One Piece character has a laughably bad sad backstory. You can't just criticize Jojo for this and give One Piece a pass

>and he can be a damn good writer like Parts 4, 5, 7 and the Rohan manga prove
Way to ruin your point

A million subscriber youtuber matters more than your virgin ass


>implying Part 5 is deep

Okay kiddo

Dio the most iconic character in the series has backstory amounting to my father was mean to me so I'll fuck up my adoptive family who cared for me. kill yourself Jojofag

part 4 is a slapdash mess and rohan is the only good thing about it

>the most iconic character in the series
Jotaro. Joseph for redditors and animeonlys

>shonenfags (people who read ongoing shonen series) come and shit up a Jojo thread more than it already was
>some of it doesn't even have anything to do with Jojo and it's OPfags and HXHfags arguing

I mean, I don't know who this guy is, but I don't think anyone thinks that JoJo is a deep anime, outside of the copious amount of redditors who infiltrated Yea Forums.

Ok, why do you think some rando vlogger with 1m suscribers on Youtube matters? Who is he? What is he known for? Videogames?

Pewdiepie or Paul Logan could have same the said shit and such opinion would still hold no weight.

That guy sounds like the retards who watch the entirety of HxH and don't understand it.

Dio is a muh generic evil DBZ/OP tier villain. He's the worse villain in Jojo other than Cars. Kira and Diavolo are way better than any character in OP.


Jojo is a deep series indeed.

>Ok, why do you think some rando vlogger with 1m suscribers on Youtube matters? Who is he? What is he known for? Videogames?

Did a video critiquing Jojo and you never disproved that Part 5 isn't deep therefore I'm right

Polnareff deserved better. Fuck Araki

Cringe, you really should just stick to One Piece, that's the kind of series your 12yr old brain.

That's a relatable motivation

Is that video supposed to make me take him seriously? I mean he's basically nux taku obesse evil cringe twin.

>popular in japland = acclaimed
t.60iq vatard

See you don't understand subtext. Araki was going for a villain with an ethereal, abstract nature, such as the concept of the devil.

You know what they say, the greatest trick of the devil was to convince the world he doesn't exists.

>nux taku

Who the fuck is that?

It's the most acclaimed in Japan and now with the recent adaptation that's also the case outside of Japan. Even above Part 4 who many considered to be the best of Jojo.



A guy who is as cringy as that retard who can't understand Part 5.

Who talk about Polnareff, you're projecting there.

You mean the guy trying to avoid jail yet keeps bringing attention to himself. What a great villain

Oh yeah part 5 is so deep giorno is the son of dio (god) and defeats diavolo (italian dish)

I understand and I don't hate part 3. It's just not my cup of tea so to speak.

>You mean the guy trying to avoid jail yet keeps bringing attention to himself.
What the fuck are you talking about? Kira feared being found out, not jailed. He didn't bring attention to himself either, dumb skipper

>I'm going to go to Egypt because I'm in love with my new friend's mom
JoJo is truly well written

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He went there because he owed his life to jotaro. trully user is a retard

Kekyoin wanted to fuck Holy

He said she had a personality desirable in a woman.

You have to learn to read between the lines

>admitted to being a redditor

Reminder that Dio should have been the protagonist and that there shouldn't have been any parts. Just Dio's immortal adventure

>Part 6 is only slight ahead of Part 1
>Part 8 is the current ongoing part and is less popular than Part 1
Now that is pathetic

Reddit has shit taste and so does a/, if only for all the contrarianism.

Like this is the only place on earth (other than reddit) where SnK is tought of as some sort of well written thing? The only place where SO is actually well liked too. Not even reddit likes SO.

Well Part 6 is barely better than Part 1.

Part 1 was decades ago. Barely beating it is just sad. Also Part 1 was better than Part 6

Well Part 1 didn't have Dragon Dream. That alone makes it less worse.

>complain about nonexistent plot, fights that aren't that fun when compared to other shounen, characters which are inconsistently characterized and extremely one-dimensional, childish and predictable jokes, sub-par direction, repetitive stand of the week bullshit with barely and plot progression, abilities without any foreshadowing suddenly appearing, plotholes, asspulls
>normie jojofag: haha too manly for you? haha why do you hate fun? don't you like Polnareff and Joseph speaking in funny exaggerated ways and going to different countries haha?

Man I got into JoJo thinking it was some serious well thought-out shounen which is silly on the surface but clever on the inside with a lot of finesse. But it's actually just as silly as on the outside and everyone who likes it just does so for the sillyness. It's like reverse Moe where nothing happens for most of the episodes but people like it because "muh bros" "they r so cool man" and memes. If you're a JoJo fag and ever shitted on slice of life shows you need to off yourself, because it's not any better.


Pucci and MiH were awful

Name one inconsistently characterized character

>MiH were awful
Well considering the fact Koichi can beat it you're right about that

Jojo owns is wackyness and knows better than to take itself too seriously, that's part of it's appeal. The first 3 parts that is. Part 4 and 5 are unironically great, and if you need your series to take themselves very seriously you should have just skipped to part 4.

Pretty much the entire cast of part 4.

What is this Dragon thing everyone always mention when talking about Part 6. What is it about it or what's the deal with it? Now i am very curious about it.

Joseph not using his Hamon to stay young because he loves Suzie Q and then he suddenly cheated without any foreshadowing whatsoever. Jotaro sometimes saving people he barely knows and sometimes beating up strangers and not caring if anyone else gets hurt. Caesar is an arrogant womanising asshole in his first appearance and from then on just obsesses about how cool Joseph is, his first appearance behaviour NEVER appearing again. I found this the most ridiculous bullshit

>Joseph not using his Hamon to stay young because he loves Suzie Q
Who said he did that?

Feng Shui

>Part 2 was almost perfect
Agree it's the best part, JoJo went conpletely down hill after Part 3

I can't believe they still exist

Some drawn out fight that gave a lesson about Feng Shui in the middle of it

That sounds cool

Prove it.

Dragon Dream is the strongest stand

Controversial Opinion: There is no bad Jojo part. They've all got strong points and weak points, but in my opinion that fact that every part has people willing to go to bat for it proves that there's no objectively bad part. It's just a great long running series that through the widely varying standout points and qualities of the different parts has managed to appeal to a similarly wide variety of different consumers of anime and manga.

Yikes. You need to go back to r/jojo

I don't like that Part 5 is most popular with them, but it is also the most popular part with NPCs from reddit, so I suppose it has the biggest mainstream appeal anywhere. What I like about the Japanese taste though is the fact that they do not try to hide their shit taste like the average redditor does, who always says that Part 7 is "of course" his favorite, and that Part 5 is only 2nd place.

When Part 6 finally gets animated what are the odds of people getting upset in the first few episodes from the masturbation, "This must be because I lacked the love of a father", the trans prisoner, and the black lady with the banana?

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>Controversial Opinion: There is no bad Jojo part.
It is not controversial at all in your homeland, which mentioned.

A boss who cares for his crew and people? Conflicted by being part of the gang that's trading drugs? It's not that hard. Read more stories.

>One Piece
>Anywhere near those other ones

It's the same shit as the rest.

Is Jojo boring? The posing makes me cringe.

You haven't read it, have you?

Its strange knowing where the hat ends and the hair begins, and he no longer looks like a roided out mutant. Shit he actually looks like a good kid that his mom might be proud of.

When Part 6 will get animated it'll bomb DavidPro will stop adapting JoJo causing any chances of a Part 7 adaption to disappear

I feel like you don't even understand JoJo if you can say something this retarded. You're missing the point entirely, and I mean entirely.

Dropped during Dressrosa. I like how everytime you mention you don't like something someone responds with y-you probably never read it. Grow up user.

They already did parts that the nips hated more.

One Piece readers are genuinely more deluded than people obsessed with HxH. They point to its popularity to prove how good it is, yet simultaneously shit on capeshit which is equal by all accounts. They're the same thing.

Like what? Part 1 is just meh, Part 2 is liked, Part 3, 4, and 5 are the most popular. Part 6 is actually hated


>there are people who unironically think there is more thought put into JoJo than into one piece

I wish there was a way to filter out retards like in real life by going to places retards don't like to go to

>Part 6 is actually hated
only because of the ending. And it's not hated it's divisive

Parts 1 and 4 were hated in Nipland

Stand were introduced in part 3 you fucking faggot, and that's not even why I dislike all the other parts.

Hamon was fun but limited.

>only because of the ending
how delusional can you get.

>The Part that came about due to Araki thinking man I don't have many girl character and whose main plot is some extremely retarded DIO shit is bad
Stop the presses

Is that why part 4 is #2 in their poll?

I wanted Part 6 to revolve more around using the prison dynamics as a way to create tension, but it quickly drops that and you could easily forget they're even in a prison. It felt rushed to me, and the only character I really liked dies early as fuck.

>name me 5 things

haha oh wow, fucking faggot really going far with his shitposting now. No, I'm going to go to my pool to swim laps.

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Araki could have done a lot more with Hamon. The most important being the long lifespan giving characters a large amount of time to refine their stands.

Hate is a strong word. The words you're looking for are mediocre and dislike

The anime

>Hey let me nerf Jotaro so he's useless
Araki I...

This was from a poll in 2018 that over 17 thousand people responded to.
Funny enough the favorite hairstyle was Jolyne.

I don't think any part of JoJo is hated in Japan at all. I love Part 6 because it's in Florida and has some really fun fights and powers

Attached: Jojo popularity 2018.png (352x280, 11K)

This but unironically
Every stupid Jojo thread on Yea Forums is normalfaggot tier, fucking disgusting

>I don't think any part of JoJo is hated in Japan at all. I love Part 6 because it's in Florida and has some really fun fights and powers
Yeah you love it doesn't mean everyone else does

>Nearly every final boss stand has time powers
What a hack

Obviously not everyone else loves it, but you know you can not love something and still enjoy it right?

It's not love or hate

Cope more SOfag

I mean, this is more or less a thread full of people shitting on one part or another.


Literally never even heard of it, before you mentioned it. The fact that you know what opinions are like there at all proves you've been more often then i have.

>made in heaven
Eh....that stand is still certainly beatable when GER is in play against it

Lol what? Tusk still got beat by a weaker dio who couldn’t even stop time as long. Tusk would get destroyed by GER. Do you even know how any of these abilities work and how ULTRA specific the infinite rotation is or the fact that you literally need some set up to even get it to work. Tusk is strong but far from being able to take GER without a ton of prep time and luck.

Hadn’t even done a thing that could match to GER in pure power scaling.

GER is easily the most powerful stand in jojo to date outside MAYBE made in heaven.

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Hey man according to the poll Japan completely hates Jojolion.

Hope you aren't expecting a Part 9


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lmfao, vatards, not even once

3 Freeze counters MiH

First half is good, Egypt sucks aside from D'Arby
Adaptation is awful

The thing about GER is that he doesn't always have GER. He has to stab himself again with the arrow to activate it. Once the stand is not in control of the arrow it reverts back.

Anyone can beat Giorno as long as they kill him before he stabs his stand with the arrow.

death 13

Jojolion is indeed a mess.

Whether a lot of people like JJL or not has no bearing on whether a new part gets made. Ultra Jump would love to have Jojo running in the magazine indefinitely. Even if it's not as popular as WSJ series it still attracts people to the magazine I imagine.

>Adaptation is awful
Highest quality adaptation by far, only mentally ill vatards would disagree. not to mention the ova wich has higher quality than anything DP made

Who cares about the stands? Plot and story is the best out of Jojo.

If Koichi somehow got close to Pucci yes

Koichi literally has no weaknesses

what you said goes against part 7 tough

Star Platinum: The World should be able to beat MiH. Accelerating stopped time is so stupid

>Lets stretch literally every fight into a 2 parter so 20 minutes per episode is characters talking to themselves

Pucci being able to do that is just Araki using Jotaro to make Pucci look like a threat.

Did you speed read? It does beat MiH, Jotaro just decided to save Jolyne instead of killing Pucci.

He had the fight won right there but he opted to go full dad mode.

This plagues every other part too

It's been years do you really expect me to remember every small detail?

The pacing isn't nearly as awful with the rest being 10 episodes shorter

not really. 5 has shit pacing for example

>shortest part outside of 1 and 2 has the longest adaptation meaning some episodes have One Piece levels of stretching content
>meanwhile things have to be cut or condensed from parts 4 and 5 to fit into 39 episodes
I wouldn't say any Jojo anime part has good pacing (especially in regards to dialogue) but parts 4 and 5 are much better in that respect than part 3.

Is this what you retards do all day? I have my own opinions about the series, but I don't need to constantly validate them by sperging out on an imageboard. This shit is majorly pathetic.

I haven't browsed a non chapter update JoJo thread in years. What the hell happened here to create such an abomination as this thread?

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Read the manga faggot.

>Discussion pertaining to Anime and Manga on the Anime and Manga board? Guffaw, why can't all you plebeians be a BASED fencesitter like myself and hold no serious opinions while agreeing all the time?

>discussing serious opinions
Got a chuckle out of me user, that you did.

its just the rivalry bullshit people love so much.
just look at Yea Forums pure console war cancer, people try to emulate the same around here and with other hobbies.


Where the guck can I torrent colored part or just all part ? Is Madokami still closed to subscription by the way ?

Lean to use the internet.

Nyaa is fucking dead you faggot
Found official cbz in french so it's alright anyway
Still no ETA on Madokami ?

>Nyaa is fucking dead you faggot
I download shit from Nyaa all the time (recently downloaded a lot of Tezuka manga). You could also try not being a faggot and go find the site(s) of the people scanlating the manga you want.

I just tried you flaming homo and it didn't work that was why I came here

Try searching Stone Ocean in literatture after getting finished with that cock in your mouth and other holes

You dont even need to torrent it, it's ridiculously easy to find the downloads for all parts.

Every part of Jojo colored is on Nyaa if you're not an idiot. The torrent page even links you to the group's site if you want to download directly.

Don't mind me just posting one of the worst "fights"

Attached: Darby.png (848x514, 473K)

That fight was good until Jotaro took over.

unintelligible, barely readable mess? We have /vp/ thanks.

Bruno is literally just Giorno and Jotaro done right. He's stoic in minor situations, but he isn't afraid to freak the fuck out if he gets hurt badly (which Giorno and Jotaro fail to do). He is also a sassy asshole, like when he put fingers inside Giorno's mouth, or when he talked trash to the airport part (PS David pro, fuck you for removing that scene).
His backstory is also good and plays into his actions. His dad worked hard to support his family, so he decided to stay with him after his parents divorced. After his dad got shot after witnessing the drug deal, that's when he started hating drugs (unlike Giorno's muh dream). His mother stopped giving a shit about Bruno after the divorce, and so when he sees that Diavolo was trying to kill his own daughter, he betrays the boss. He didn't want Trish to feel the same way he did about his mother so he was going to tell her that Diavolo never existed.
I could write more but I don't have enough time. Also Sticky fingers is a cooler and more versatile stand (like stone free) and is better than gold experience. Sticky Fingers is a main character-tier stand and Bruno should have been a Jojo instead of that blond faggot.

Funny how you use that same image every time.
Part 7 is Araki's magnum opus in art. But I will admit his covers and paintings are terrible. I wish his paintings were of scenes from his story instead of a clusterfuck of random stands and characters. I wonder how the guys at the Louvre felt after accepting him because of his god-tier manga art and then seeing the shit he put on the walls.

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Ok, cuck.

nice blog

"You think you've outsmarted me! think again! I'll do something as contrived as placing chocolate under a glass so I can win"
The only good part was how Jotaro won.

I dunno why people shit on Dragon's Dream. It's a great fight. I guess people just hate stands based on bullshit.

>yeah i liked part 3
>No! It's structurally bad! You can't say that!
>whatever man, i still like it

>Bruno is literally just Giorno and Jotaro done right.
Part 4 and 6 Jotaro is miles better. Try harder next time

No Part 2 was the gold standard for Jojo. Part 3 was the gold standard of the "monster of the week" formula that exists in future Jojo parts.

Wow, Jojo has low standards. It's truly shit.

Part 3 is good if you realize that Polnareff is the real protagonist/MC.

Jotaro is an absolute shit protagonist but a decent supporting character

I mean Jojo has always been a story where good writing is held back by shitty traditional norms. It's the reason why the author can never follow up on character plots and drops them when he gets bored with them. The worst case of it in my opinion was Foo Fighters or the fact usually only the main characters return in future plots.

how is foo fighters worse than avdol/hot pants/sandman?

At least Avdol is constantly mentioned in the end and each part after that. He got the Part 1 Zepelli treatment at least. Foo Fighters on the other hand did everything to keep Jolyne alive, but isn't even mentioned once in the finale.

Imagine being this much of a faggot
Stone Ocean > your favorite part

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David Pro removed Bruno eating pizza and
Bruno fucking with the security guards at the airport, they'll likely remove the latter scenes you mentioned.

Jotaro was only good in those parts because he was gone most of the time.


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But the villain of the week 2 parters are what you have to deal with as the worst thing.

How about you stop being a dumb pleb read the manga instead?


Attached: i.imgur.com_GNZuZcr.jpg (1080x1920, 563K)

that is some incredible art

Anybody have any ideas/guesses as to why some people specifically manifest Suit Stands? I known Purple Haze Feedback provided a non-canon explanation as to why Colony Stands get manifested, but I've got no fucking clue how Suit Stands reflect Ghiaccio or Secco psychologically.


Ghisccio and Secco are both bottoms.

Only good thing about that shit franchise was the first half of ventó áureo. The rest is puré mediocrity at best

>first half of part 5
>not pure mediocrity

I doubt there's a specific reason for it.

Ye the guy that does those is basically a pro at emulating particular styles, he does ufo's with his Fate shit

nah, the only one somewhat mediocre is part 1





Dumb niggers

I mean, Araki deliberately connects and draws parallels between the Stands and their Users (in terms of design and personality), so I'm inclined to doubt you there. But, then again, maybe the way it manifests isn't as important as its ability.

Die reddit

I think it's cause Ghiaccio was likely an ice skater and his personality seems to imply he's self centered so maybe White Album is a reflection of that. As for Secco, it's likely cause of how much of a depraved dirty masochist he is

I don't think he does it that often. It's more likely that he just makes what he thinks would look cool or make for an interesting fight.

Granted, you're probably not wrong that sometimes he comes up with an ability just for the sake of an interesting fight. But he obviously designs the User to fit the Stand (as detailed in this excerpt).

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