What's the most consistently agreed upon best series, and why is it Madoka?

What's the most consistently agreed upon best series, and why is it Madoka?

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because madoka a cute

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very obviously eva, madoka really isn't anything all that special

Nice Madoka thread.

Boo. I shouldn't have wasted my time on this garbage.

It sure is!
Except Rebellion. That is consistently agreed upon worst anime movie.

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Because it's a masterpiece that only comes around once every few decades.

I thought it was Sora Yori.

Magia Record 2 Year Anniversary soon.


madoka is actually the greatest anime of the 2010s

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22 August.

Sora no woto

More accurate.

Madoka has only a single fault, and that is that Rebellion is too complicated and requires the meta-level to fully understand.
So plebs just can't grasp it, oh well.
It's their loss.

This guy gets it.

"Oh god, I have to THINK and shit? Fuck that, it's trash."

>This moment when millions of plebs were swiftly and violently filtered

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There is no such thing as meta-level.
Its just you making shit up to convince yourself Rebellion was worth the time to watch it.

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Pleb identified.

>I don't understand what you are saying, so you are just making it up!

>That new Yuma one

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Status: Filtered.
Also, if you had to watch Rebellion more than twice to understand it you might be sub 130 iq, sorry.

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Like, even without the meta-level the pure structural level of Rebellion is probably too hard to follow for plebs:

So you have abstract imagery inside a dreamworld inside a soul gem which is held isolated by a barrier constructed by aliens in order to observe an abstract concept which was once a Magical Girl who rewrote the multiverse because of the karmic energy the owner of the soul gem gathered by traveling through many parallel dimensions in order to save the Magical Girl who became God.

And then the show asks you to contemplate whether the imagery in this context is abstract as a metaphorical representation of the narrative, OR if it is abstract as a dreamworld might be abstract in the literal sense. OR is it both? "Wer träumt?"

Like this is COUNTED 6 layers of abstractions:
1. abstract imagery
2. in a dreamworld
3. in a soul gem
4. in a barrier created by aliens
5. in a universe with custom metaphysics
6. in a manifold of multiverses where the custom metaphysics of this multiverse were set by Madoka's wish
Like, appreciate this construct. When I am talking about Madoka I usually assume that this is trivial and everyone should understand it plainly. But the more I see the plebs write shit, the more I understand that it is probably not the case and they are certainly lost long before this point already.
The thing is, even plebs might now be able to follow this line on paper.
But the thing is that Rebellion is variously playing around with this construct, not just leaving it as a static.


If I wanted to watch metaphorical bullshit, I would watch Ikuhura's brainfart.

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>not a series
>not consistently agreed upon best
>not madoka

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No, user. This was not about any """metaphorical""" bullshit.
This is the LITERAL structure of the setting.
If you do NOT understand this, then literally all hope is lost.

Madoka is 3-4 orders of Magnitude deeper than that, lol.

I have decided to follow Madokami.
No turning back.
No turning back.

Who going to see Akarin?

Can you people ever defend that without saying "pleb filter" or "low IQ" or "watch the movie 5 more times?"

Who rolling for Swimsuit Kyouko?

By far

I love Mami so much...

Pretty sure it's N/a/ruto.

Weak bait, Yea Forums

I don't know what to think about Rebellion. I can see both sides.

Imagedump soon.

It's a cute girls doing cute magical quests show... NOT!

Honestly, Rebellion was not needed. The TV anime ending was fine.

Actually no because it contains the massive plot hole (which is resolved in Rebellion) that is Homura's wish.

Maybe you should watch the show first.
Because everything was resolved.

It isn't because Madoka was objectively horrible.

Okay. What's your problem with the ending?


Rebellion is good. It gave us Magia Record.

Homura wanted nothing more than to protect madoka from death and be with her.

She doesn't die, but she's gone from her life forever. In addition, the incubators can't explain this phenomenon about magical girls disappearing and homura tells them about this madoka theory.

How is that a resolved ending?

Homura wanted to stop Madoka from being tricked by Kyubey. And she achieved that.
Ultimate Madoka told Homura that her wish allowed her to truly be helpful to everyone. And Homura accepted that.

Rebellion retconned that.

Homura was the most selfless and loyal character in the show, and in the movie she betrays her best driend's dying wish, and openly admits she may have to fight her over it, which makes putting Madoka in her new universe pointless.

Stupidity isn't a virtue user, no need to be smug about it. You're wrong, simple as that.

I don't see how what I said was smug. And you gave no reason for why what I said was wrong.

I am now thoroughly convinced you shitters are only doing this to make people hate madoka

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Was it fully selfless and loyal or did she eventually become obsessive of madoka? In the end people can appear to be selfless for selfish reasons. In Homura's current state after rebellion, she's prioritizing madoka's ability to lead a normal life, but also her own preference to be with madoka.

Homura wanted to protect madoka. This is both for selfish and selfless reasons. She cares about madoka and wants to be with her. In the series, it seemed the best way to do that was prevent kyubey from tricking her. But after madoka becomes the LoC, homura feels empty without madoka. She confides in kyubey as she likely doesn't truly have anyone to rely on. During the events of Rebellion, she realizes that madoka is still in danger from the incubators and starts going insane in her own labyrinth. She hears what a madoka unaware anything feels about leaving everyone and devises her plan to both protect and be with madoka. I don't see how it was a retcon. Was a sequel necessary? Of course not. But if they were to make a sequel, this is certainly a feasible outcome.

That would be Shinsekai Yori.