
The best girl wont have her wish come true and will never get her slut mother back

Attached: granbelm stitch12.jpg (1920x2463, 1.21M)

Other urls found in this thread:ōdō

>The best girl
That has nothing to do with the rest of your post.

Reminder that chibi mecha are cool and fuck you.

Attached: Granbelm - Ep 5.jpg (1280x720, 178K)

Nene transformed Armanox was nice, still cant beat IMAGINE. Also holy shit, best episode so far.



I'll be honest user, im not a mech person and decided to watch the show cause all young female characters. I thought the chibi mechs were dumb at first but then i realized i was a faggot and now love them.


>decided to watch the show cause all young female characters.
How do you find time for all of that anime?

There needs to be more anime with people doing kungfu using giant robots.

>quit job late last year
>live in parents home (in great location and best available internet speeds for free)
>straight C's in college cause I do good on tests but dont study or do assignments cause im too busy practicing kanji or watching my yuri shows

If you think about it, watching every show in a season only takes about 3 hours per day if you distribute it all evenly. Anime is pretty light on spending your time.

I love Ernesta.

Honestly, Anna needs to get impregnated by a guy asap.

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I don't have 3 hours most days to do the things I actually want to do, let alone waste them on watching LN adaption garbage.

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How can you impregnate her if you're wearing an insulated condom?

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You mean by ernesta ?
Stop choking on dick fegget


Nene's going to need more than that!
oh ho ho damn I was too late to make this joke

I hope all the mechs have HUGE transformations.

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Even if some guy could handle his dick getting third degree burns, none of the poor sperm would survive


so her power is autistic screeching to become MANGETSU ALTER


Attached: Granbelm - 05 [1080p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_24.16_[2019.08.02_17.07.50].jpg (1920x1080, 138K)

>Axing your adopted sister in front of your mom

Anna is probably the most metal anime character in recent memory.



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Poor Anna just got brainwashed by this cunt

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she started blabbing what Nene feels about her mom before she went super saiyan.

That girl is pretty strong to pick up a legit medieval axe like its weightless.

It's magic

Anna would have used it by now if they did.

So; absurd rage power, or very fucking strong counter? It was over way too fast so I'm wagering the latter,but edgy black lasers suggests the former. Also, the shoulder eye thing was an absolutely "shot got real" moment.

I want her to choke me

Ernesta will user her witch powers to get them pregnant

Not necessarily. She may not have access to something like that if her true wish has been overeclipsed by ERRRRRNESTA

Desperation rage despair power.
Perfectly reasonable since no one wants to lose mahou shoujo powers.

well if we base transformations off this episode then the character has to have a change of heart/personality to transform so we might see one for shingetsu and anna

Mangetsu scares me. She's the real villain.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Granbelm - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_20.11_[2019.08.02_18.52.45].jpg (1280x720, 86K)

fake news

Oh you know damn well Shingestu is gonna get some big healing moment where her mech turns white, she takes of the ninja mask and gets a smile power up.

She needs to take off that robe and show me that leotard

Manko stronk

Attached: [Erai-raws] Granbelm - 05 [1080p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_18.52_[2019.08.03_00.06.59].jpg (1920x1080, 381K)

I really like girls yelling at each other while trying to murderize each other

So this bitch comes out of nowhere, joins a battle royale that's been going on for months/years and with her edgy superpowers defeats a player that was probably there since the beginning.
How is this fair?

Blame it on the misfortune of your birth, loser!

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Actually do we know if anyone even WON the last time? Because it sounds like this has been an unending battle for quite some time and even our current fighters are only fighting a battle that started long before their parents

nene shouldn't have been such a scrub then

who would win in a fight, granbelms or whatever the chibi gundams were called


Nobody knows because nobody gave a shit about SD gundam even after pushing that shit in build fighters.

Should have yelled harder

Cao Cao stomps

Imagine your feelings of abandonment and sincere love for your mother being beaten by some little kid's desire to feel special.

That would explain why Manny and Kuon were able to join this late.
Fuck, I'm a brainlet.

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>He thinks Build Fighters is what pushed SD
>Ignore the shit loads of anime it's had since the 80s
>Nobody cares about it

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I mean it makes sense, right? As soon as someone wins the magic there's no real reason we know of why we'd have a second battle.

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unless someone won and wished for a time reset

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Kuon seems to have joined after her sister got cursed, as well.
Might be using the same ARMANOX as well, like Nene and JI GUAN LONG, though I'm not really sure how that even works.

Can't believe something so obvious went over my head.

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Exactly, nobody gave a shit back then and even new gen fans don't care either. SD gundam a shit. Deal with it.

Certainly not Impossible but not a conclusion we can really jump to just yet.

And we still don't know Shinesta's story.

Obviously self worth > some slag

I feel like the cat is the pic related of granbelm.
Probably extremely powerful, but will just fuck off eventually because she gets bored.

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No, fuck that I'm fucking sick of time resets/loops.

Heed my words, the ritual is a lie! They won't regain the ancient magic even of they win!

so the Holy Grail type shit


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Five bucks says Mankogetsu actually won the previous Granbelm and wished to go back to being a regular girl

Go back to your dumb stage, you ikuhara wannabe banana!

Cool magic nuke.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Granbelm - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_19.05_[2019.08.02_21.54.02].jpg (1280x720, 118K)

fuck ernesta cunt

So is Nene going to forget all about magic and Granbelm now? Will her sisters join next?

I don't think you lose your memory just because you lose though. I mean the first jobber just left the mansion being mad as fuck that's all. That said, I'm interested in the circumstances behind the drawback of the magic, like Nenenenene being an eternal loli and Anna's smoking hot body.

She's going to become Mangetsu's loli-ane-in-law.

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>dicking her so hard that she got mindbroken

Maybe the winner has an expiration date?

Seeing as attacks are determined by the user's power of IMEEJI, does that mean Nee-nenenenee is into this sort of thing?

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She will be after all her boyfriends are done with her.

Man I love that Mangetsu just hates her own irrelevance so much that she taps into the POWER OF DARKNESS itself at the mere prospect of not being able to play with her new shiny toys anymore. Envision the possibility where she doesn't grant Shingetsu's wish because winning is no longer enough. It would be amazing.

Attached: MangetsuDespair2.jpg (1280x720, 151K)

By not watching shows that have boys in them

Well done, you've noticed one of the key parts of the plot

Kinda reminds me a little of Pleiades, ambiance wise.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Granbelm - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_03.06_[2019.08.03_06.57.46].jpg (1280x720, 89K)

I'm not seeing it

>White dresses
>Stars every which way
>Main girl is a pinko with serious self esteem issues

C'mon dude.

Attached: Houkago no Pleiades - 07 [BD 1080p][632E139D].mkv_snapshot_14.51_[2019.04.11_03.30.18].jpg (1920x1080, 172K)

Also Itsuki is best girl

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Eh. Pleiades didn't invent the color white and I'd argue that there's a big difference in environments where the spacescapes in Pleiades is generally portrayed in a...positive way if that makes sense. Even in the comparatively more dangerous scenes it's all very grandiose and spectacular while the Granbelm arena is oppressive and dark

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Attached: [Hien] Houkago no Pleiades - 08 [BD 1080p][E412DD91].mkv_snapshot_00_15_29.761.png (1920x1080, 2.49M)

Nobody said Pleiades invented it. Nasu didn't invent battle royales either but Mage plus battle royale and everyone keeps mentioning Fate. It's about things like colour schemes plus art styles. The background is very similar to the type in Pleiades.

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Not enough car engine sounds.

Has any other girl got shit in her eyes? Manko must really be special.

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He wasn't saying there was anything like plagiarism going on, just that there was a passing aesthetic similarity or two


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I know, I'm just saying that I don't really agree.

that's a big sword

for you

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ERNESTAAAA-chan daisuki!

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Attached: Magical dork.webm (1280x720, 2.15M)

God this entire scene was so fucking cool.
Her screams were great.

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What did they mean by this?

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Reminder that Shingetsu is a villain who betrayed and destroyed this smile.

The main character is insufferable. A literally who who alternates between getting hard carried and pulling out plot hax after plot hax and the whole time just has no personality.

Well, that's just like, you're opinion, Ann.

Attached: Granbelm - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_00.42_[2019.08.03_08.00.40].jpg (1280x720, 77K)

Shingetsu is a good girl who did nothing wrong.
Except not dicking Anna when doing the same to her sister and mother.

Nene is a fucking child molester

Nice alien skull-shape Ernesta.

The pink loli was the one who approached her and initiate contact, mr boliceman!

The lolis control the police.

Demon skull shape**

Sick burn, Anna.

Attached: Granbelm - 04 [720p].mkv_snapshot_06.43_[2019.08.03_08.06.35].jpg (1280x720, 83K)

wtf, that's just a honeypot then, nenenenene was framed!

Too bad. Ne^3 is going to jail! Loli jail.

The main character is really cute, you mean.

Manko is powered by desperation, despair, and deviancy.

Attached: Manko Beam.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

3 Ds. Nene-ne has 3 Nes.
What does it all mean?


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>I am so fucked up

Anna's imouto will never have to go hungry.

That's an ideal lifestyle

This new moon is looking pretty full to me.


It takes only 20 minutes to watch an episode, but twice as much to shitpost about it on Yea Forums.

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>not adding 30 minutes to the time it takes to watch an episode to take screenshots frame by frame, make webms, crop reaction faces etc.

> titty ninja

You have my attention.

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I still can't get over how this whole scene was awesome. That pure scream of despair by Mangetsu and the "Yeah, I'm fucked, must've run while I could" expression from Nene-nee sold the scene perfectly. I wanna know what Shingetsu thinks of Dark Lily. Next episode seems like a cooldown episode (aside from ERNESTA) so it must be interesting.

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The classic I sucked at school because I didn't put effort in, but trust me I'm smart (but just too dumb to put any effort in).

I want to see Mangetsu apologise next ep.

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>My bad you can't get back to your mother, but you know just how much I don't want to go back to being a normal loser, haha

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Granbelm - 05 [720p].mkv.jpg (1280x720, 72K)

Nene will have a better life with Kaos than with that bitch anyway.

I didn't realize until this episode that she has that much titty. I sweat they get bigger in magic form.

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Maybe they do.

Tits are magic containers. Of course she hides them with magic while in public, wouldn't want anyone to know you're a strong magic user.

She will share her own mother with Nene and also Nene will become a plaything to her yougner sister.

So that's why Anna can never defeat her

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Attached: muh.gif (500x281, 1022K)

What have I done

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Anna's magic containers are pretty respectable.

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wait what

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Attached: mangetsu eyes.webm (1280x720, 382K)

Delicious legs.

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youmu is useless

I can think about some use for her.

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Suishou no

I think I need to rewatch the info dump episode, I really can't remember much from it.

Mangetsu is the villain and deserves to lose.

I like how the girls have different poses while piloting.

This is the moment her hopes and dreams vanish

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Granbelm - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_20.28_[2019.08.03_08.59.40].jpg (1280x720, 88K)

I'm sure Kibou will act as both her boyfriend and her mom if she asks nicely.

She is going to get NTR'd by her big imouto

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Granbelm - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_24.09_[2019.08.03_09.07.35].jpg (1280x720, 125K)

Kibou is a harem MC.

I need that screen of Suishou auctioning off that worthless slut. Anyone has it handy?

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How will Kibou react once she learns that her sister beaten the crap out of her gf?

What even is that symbol? It's almost like her crest thing but not.

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Lock them both in her room until they make up and/or out.

Someone should do that with ERNESTA and Anna.

How would Kibou react once she learns that her gf is way older than she is?

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Nene-nee should look her age.

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I feel you bro.

What is Mangetsu?

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True evil.

a slut

Attached: Granbelm (3)-1.webm (800x450, 225K)

I still can't get over this shot. It's so beautiful.

Would be better if we could see her mangetsu.

That's fucking adorable.
I haven't started watching the show yet.

pink waffle

Why did everyone drop this animu...

Get out.

What are you talking about? It got a thread that went to bump limit on release day on top of this one, that's way more than many shows.

Attached: sexymangetsu.webm (1280x720, 2.51M)



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I wish this show was more popular because the doujin potential is off the wall.

Because they are plebs with no taste.

So who's next to lose the Granbowl? Anna seems to be getting development so she's probably next? Kuon through her sister's curse has some connection with Suishou who seems to be one of the final bosses so she should live for now.

This is the second thread, and it still has 76 IPs in it, I'd say it's still enjoying a lot of attention.

Be careful what you wish for brother. Or else you'll have Granbelm threads looking like modern Symphogear threads.

Then Anna
Then Suishou
Then Mangetsu

She's the final boss, right?

About to start this, how much rape does it have?

It's nothing but rape.

nene probably had a nanking deja vu last episode

Ernesta raped Anna's entire family.

reminder that kibou means hope

But not Anna.

>Yuki Aoi is hero of Symphogear
>Yuki Aoi is the villain of Granbelm

What if Suishou is actually the hero?

This was fucking bullshit, even by muh special snowflake MC. Girl's half assed wish of not being bland as fuck defeated an earnest magical girl with the power of family and shit.
For once I'd wish she wasn't a good sport. Mangetsu fucked her over and has no wish on her own, which is insulting on its own right. I'd be furious.

>we want the Madoka Fate Symphogear audience

The villain of Granbelm is Mangetsu though.

I think that's the whole point. I strongly doubt after this episode that she is going to let Shingetsu win and erase the only thing that makes her "special" so easily. She won't let anyone take away the possibility of her being a special snowflake. Mangetsu is a selfish cunt.

Most likely
>Whoever will enter next episode because reasons
Ending with a Suishou/Mangetsu finale. Anything else is asking for good writting.
Almost as clear as crystal. Maybe Suishou is the Magiconauts/Old Mages stand-in to make sure nobody wins it ever, that's why she's skilled as fuck despise giving a single fuck. I see Bananas in the road...

Did you not saw Nene-nee' expression? Also you're underestimating Mangetsu's desire, and considering what happened in the infodump episode it's just fair she acted that way. Anyways she doesn't know yet how to repair damage and her armanox tanked a nuke so I don't expect her toy to be 100% to do such bullshit again.

Then who are the titular Two Princeps?

>implying she won't just imeeji suru any damage away

Anna and Shingetsu

>Oh, I see... This truly is... Granbelm™ by Studio Nexus
What a shit episode.

Mangetsu and Suishou. Turns out it's the 7253949th time they fight in the Granbelm, just that Suishou did something in the last loop to make Mangetsu forget.

Will that girl that got beat in the first episode come back?

How big will her harem get?

That's actually kind of what I like about the main character so far, she's not as normal or pure as she appears and it actually reminds me of Johhny Joestar, the motivations are somewhat selfish and there's nothing wrong with that.

Yes, as a smelly vegetable just like Kuon's sister.


How many girls are there?

So all of them. Pink imouto should be the protagonist.


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It's a lily.

Suishou is going to rape Anna in a park next episode.

>So this is... GRANBELM...
I bet the writers were really proud of this.

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Well, she know understands winning the granbelm bowl = killing the dreams and hopes of the opponents.

Before that she didn't know really what participating in the Granbelm means. It was a good use of that meme desu. Now she won't get herself out so easily, nor she'll follow Shingetsu' wish.



Attached: spooky boogie.gif (698x698, 896K)

Her smugness won't last.

>In the end... we were the GRANBELM...
Calling it now.

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Attached: granbelmisaspook.jpg (1280x720, 201K)

Magic is a spook.


>Shingetsu-chan... Grandbelm is over. We've finally become The Two Princeps.
Calling it now for episode 12.

And then Mangusta stabs ERNESTA.

>Gomenasai... I don't want to go back to becoming a boring filthly riaju so I can't let you delete all the magic...

Oh no, she's been tainted by meme philosophy.

>Magic is my property, Shingetsu-chan.

2 minutes in to the first episode and it tells you the ending.

Attached: file.png (588x205, 204K)

>being a level 0 reader
plebs, I swear.

I wouldn't say Stirner is a meme, negation of the canon systems is still within those systems and his is understandable even by laymen and gets by without flowery technical terms restating the same things in their ontology.

The later negative philosophies are way more obfuscationist and because they aren't as pure as Stirner they often fall into the ideology they criticize.

>If I can envision it, it is my property.

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What if Mangetsu isn't human, but an animated doll/puppet?

Attached: White Lily - strangeled.png (1280x720, 680K)

To be fair, you can say that about a lot of philosophers as well. Take good old Nietzsche, poster boy for edgy nihilistic teenagers who just parrot or quote shit out of contexts. In reality, Nietzsche would be mocking those fedora tippers and be mad that they bastardized what he really meant.

Absolute Unit Manlet Mode

>they don't die when they are killed
What's the point then?

So they can keep suffering

That's why blunt philosophers like Seneca, Stirner, Spinoza, and Schopenhauer are great. They become much harder to misappropriate due to plainspeaking style. They also all seem to have names that start with S.

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Ver is the hero of symphogear you pleb.
No male villain in granbelm so I will take edgy mangetsu

Nietzsche ends up sort of devolving into nihilism despite his rancor against it. His ideas embody a struggle against the yawning maw of nihilism that he discovered by banishing the hollow sentiments of slave morality, but I think even he ultimately fails to escape it.

You are the villain of Symphogear threads.

The survivors would suffer more knowing they could die.

Ver is but a passing hero, user.

I don't know, Shingetsu's philosophy that human suffering comes from magic doesn't seem to stand up well under scrutiny.

So you can axe murder them in real life after they beat you in the battle.

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Possible, that could explain her estranged attitude towards the mundane world and her unfullfilled longing for the affection/meaning that the magical fix just right. She could have been created by a participant to the previous round. Or be a decent of one, if we took the whole doll thing more metaphorically.
As for the apartment non magical nature of her family, they either are not aware that she is not "real" or however made her, replaced the original. Like a changeling.

I hope you fags positing that Mangetsu is going to backstab Shingetsu are just meming, considering that the show isn't even edgy enough to kill of its own losers.

Oh shit what if it really went full FSN and reveal that she's a family of homonculus type of entity like the Einzbern?

Doesn't seem to be a common widespread phenomenon, I think she is either a special case or something else is happening. But we really don't know much about mages, so it could be right.

What is the worst possible thing they could reveal as the reason behind Mangetsu's weirdness?

Mangetsu just happens to have her period on Granbelm days and gets bloody vagina superpowers.

It was all a dream.

Okay, that's definitely the worst. What is the SECOND worst?

Mangetsu is an artificial being created by the magic left in the world to protect itself from ERNESTA.

I like that.

Mangetsu participated in the battles before but had her memories erased. I want this not to be the case, and her preciously cute egoism to be organic.

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That's actually pretty cool

Good job user, you successfully baited out compliments.

Mangetsu is Granbelm itself.

Mangetsu's personality being fake might be the worst thing that is still likely to happen.

If I ever meet the writers, I am giving them a high five.

Nope. Its going to be like Kuon said, Mangetsu has the bloodline of an unknown mage who is actually the most powerful one. Thats why Ernesta couldnt find anything with the memory scan.

I've been watching this, but for some reason I have a vague sense of not knowing what is going on. Did a mage mind wipe me?

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Your mother mind-wiped you when she dropped you.

The writing sucks and the mech battles are badly directed, it's not really a surprise.

>Don't worry Shingetsu, I know we will not fight each other.
>Because it won't be much of a fight.
t. Mangetsu The Destroyer of Dreams

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Granbelm - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_00.20.31_[2019.08.04_09.18.43]01.jpg (1280x720, 172K)

>the preview shows Anna attempting to kill Shingetsu with an axe in the real world
The one time I could post a screencap of my own post with a (You), and I didn't think to do so. Expect Rosa or Suishou to follow suit.

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This needs to happen more often.

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Kill yourself, Shit Shit poster.

Swim Swim did nothing wrong.

She already betrayed her in a previous time loop and regretted it and is trying to fix things in this loop.

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Fuck your time loops, I'm sick of time loop plots!

I'd cream myself if smuggetsu becomes a thing.

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How is she supposed to fix things when she wiped her memory?


She'll remember at the 11th hour.

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Aren't you supposed to be dead, Cranberry?


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Does anybody actually care about that fruity faggot?

Leave Granbelm™ to me

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Or bluffing like It sucked when the writers revealed it to be the case and killed a lot of speculation about her character.

It only sucked for you because you were silly enough to believe it.

I'll take the staff's statement over your headcanon.

Don't be retarded.

Reminds me of Escaflowne. Now that I think about it White Lily does kinda look like a Chibi Escaflowne with a magical girl motif

Why couldn't we save her?

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I also feel the same but then I am reminded these kind of shows always play it safe and will go for the boring alternative

She is not mangetsue

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She did everything she could, but nobody was expecting Manko-chan to go berserk.

damn that looks way more badass than mine

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Still pretty nice
God I love his face

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Nene's mommy issues could not match Mangetsu's unquenching thirst for relevance. She didn't even summon eldritch horrors to obtain her desire.

If Manko just doesn't want to be a normalfag she could simply not participate in Granbowl and enjoy her casual magic in everyday life. It's not like she has any particular wish she wants to fulfill and she's risking losing her magic powers if she gets defeated.

I thought I was the only one watching this.

>good story so far
>nice to have non 3D CGI mecha
>lots of lolis

There is no point in being special if you can't prove it by crushing other people's dream.

There's an entire crowd for cute girls doing action things, why would you think you're alone

One would assume they all flocked to Symphogear this season.


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声豚 are the worst.

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Cute and fashionable.

I wonder if she has more colors.

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Is Mang an honorary literally me?

Man, the naming sense in this family is fucking awful.
Unless she was named that because mang was too much of a lost cause.

As much as I love Symphogear it's really not what it should've been, the creators have no idea what made S1 actually good. It still has so many good parts to it that no amount of nonsensical writing can ruin it, but it's still not as good as it could be.
Also, granbelm is in the wixoss category, not in the symphogear category.

There were people interested in her, but for diverse reasons.

Did you speedwatch or what? Shingetsu said that once you enter thr Granbelm once you have to keep doing so if you want to keep your special snowflake powers. Not entering once automatically counts as a loss cue losing her powers. Also crushing other people's dreams are fun.

Nah. I'm sure people posting in these threads just carry over every season. The ones posting in symphogear threads is it's own crow, and sure the fans overlap but it's not the same.

Why else do you think Anna is so pissed.

Possibly if the "your power + my power" is true then it's pink + that girl color.

Because it's mecha and an original series at that. The western fanbase just isn't into mecha. Typically, shows like that don't get much love. In fact, I'm kinda glad this series managed to get this many posters here, with threads actually managing to hit bump limit.

I want to fuck the smug out of her


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Why don't they just imagine winning?

What happens if I envision her dead?

I want to Imeeji Mangetsu!

>they become full mecha at the end
God I hope not.

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I saw that

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Can we all agree that Granbelm is a dumb name?


How old is Nene?

Way too old to fuck MC's imouto

Way too old to go around looking like a kid.

She says she's an adult so 20+ also older than her adult looking imoutos.

I like it, so no. The only dumb name is ERNESTAAAAAAAA

Her age is: lewd.

She is recently deceased.


It feels like she isn't a cake yet so I bet she's 24 at most.

>Mangetsu is Sieg from Apocrypha but a cute girl and actually done well and not absolutely boring


What does it even mean?

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One user hypothesized that it's a botched Japanization and re-romanization of "grande bellum", i.e. "great war".

Most likely 20 or 21. That makes me wonder if she'll stop looking like a loli due to the lack of magic now, or if it's just another dumb curse like with Kuon's sister.

That guy was an actual cuck.

It was totally fine when the mech grew eyes on his shoulderpads, right?
I mean, it's totally fine when that happens, right?

I wouldn't worry about it.

The eyes were always there though.

Better vision of its surroundings. Its just an upgrade.

What do you mean? It always looked like that.

Grand Emblem

What does the gears symbolize?
Or are they actually real.

Attached: [Erai-raws] Granbelm - 05 [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_20.08.048.jpg (1280x720, 78K)

Unlimited Blade Works.

They're the gears of the mage thingy in the center of the arena.

Those are the Magiconauts' gears, they roll each time someone enters/loses the battle. Why they rolled during Mangetsu's sperg it's a mistery, probably corruption.

Manko got hit by a nuke and was about to die but became too angry to lose.

That won't save Anna tho. Maybe her sister will have a chance to win once she loses.

So she reversed fate.

Mangetsu's Reality Marble

This episode shows that special snowflake MC derives her powers from lack of relevance irl.

The desire to not be a pathetic background character is apparently the strongest wish of all.

Thank you user, nobody realized

Wait a minute, why is there no Japanese armanox? Does the fact that Mangetsu's armonox has an English name mean that she's the descendant of an English mage?

I want to hold her and tell her it's gonna be alright.

SETSGETS BAIKA is a 100% Nippon mech folded 8 million times.

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That reminds me, has Kuon done the gets pose yet?

Peak femininity. Nene should take a leaf out of Shinko's book.

I want to cut her hair.

Kuon is japanese and has SETSUGETSU BAIKA, armanox wich has very Japanese like name and design, judjing by her family name, residence and clothes her sister wears is possible to infer shes from an old and famous noble family of ocultists with royal blood witch in japan also means directly related with sun god/goddess.

Her surname Tsuchimikado is a famous noble surname of the family of court onmyouji diviners.ōdō

It's a trait that all billionaires and world elites possess. Funny how that work, eh?

Yeah but in fiction it's supposed to be true love or friendship or whatever that is the strongest.

>wearing shoes in your bedroom
I thought they were supposed to be high class?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Granbelm - 04 [720p].mkv_snapshot_12.18_[2019.07.27_11.27.19].jpg (1280x720, 333K)

The high class are filled with weirdos.

It is her fetish.

She has her "fuck me" shoes on in case ERNESTA shows up.

Love for self > love for others.
Unless it ended with Shingetsu defeating Manko in the last eps.

Imagine going from decent show to absolute garbage within 2 minutes. Impressive.

How do you know they're not indoor shoes and that since they're posh, even their indoor shoes looks fancy.

5 episodes in I still have no idea what's it about

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A group of young girls engage in a synchronized dream sequence in order to attain the highest degree of magical power at the cost of everyone else's. Said group is comprised of highly dysfunctional girls, such as a legal loli with mommy issues, an autist with sister issues, a girl who could combust at any moment with ERNESTA issues and her two sidekicks, First Kill and Backstabber, a homewrecker whose issue is magic itself, a naturally talented magician who has nothing.

Dumb girls fight over magic and one of them yells a lot.

Fate but with cute girls and mechas

Actually I don't know either I just like to pretend I do...

Honestly would be a good message
>To triump over others you just have to love yourself and crush your rivals, the world can go fuck itself".
>naturally talented magician
See, this is the point I'm looking foward to. I'm sure there's several layers of bullshit under those words.

This is why I love Jojo Part 7. MC doesn't have some grand goal or do it over a lofty ideal, he just wants to get his life back. The bit about the dark fire was great.

I heard it as SHINGETSU BAKA

I find it interesting that out of all characters, only these two's design features white tips on some part of their hair. Whether it means something or just a stylistic choice remains to be seen.

Cute girls fight in another dimension over the future of magic.

I think by this point is clear for everyone that Both Suishou and Mangetsu are linked to something.

>oh no ernesta don't assault me in my bedroom

>Also crushing other people's dreams are fun.
the kind of people that can like the irrelevant Mangetsu

Unironically, old enough

Your mother will never love you, Nene-nee

Nobody would miss you, Mangetsu

ERNESTA would miss her.

not when she is done betraying her

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It's not a betrayal if they were never on the same side.