Is this one good?

is a silent voice good or is it the normalfag reddit shit i've been playing it up to be? is this shit even worth a watch?

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I don't know. I feel like it baited with the romance and then went full friendship and shit. It was kinda unsatisfying in the end if you ask me but also had it's moments.

baited with the romance?

It's not "reddit"...but it is very emotionally manipulative, as anime tends to be. Not really worth a watch, just stick to the manga for this one

It will make you want a cute deaf gf to gently bully. Then make you extremely sad that you will never have a cute deaf gf to gently bully.

Yeah I first thought it was a romance movie but then it was all about the power of friendship

aw fuck that, i wanna see deaf girl romance

They don't even hug at the end.


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I liked it until I read its fag ending

they held hands though


I WANTED THEM TO hold each other while crying until they calm down and fucking KISSSSSSS, KISSSSSSS MOTHERFUCKERS.

I am fucking seething all over again because fag OP reminded me of this shit. I swear to fucking god, after the manga ended I searched for hugging doujins online.

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Chex is the official 100% canon ending.

they fuck, hard

based cereal poster
another canon doujin ending is a date a live doujin where the MC marries the main girl less than 12 hours after going balls deep inside another girl




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It definitely was a romance. It just wasn't physically explicit. Probably were trying to be tasteful.

god, them crying until they calm down and kiss is the thing i need in my life

What would gentle bullying be like?

FUCK THIS, I said I wouldn't drink today but I'm drinking, my butthurt is immense. FUCKING HELL.

We will never have it. The author has denied us the only rightful ending. Fuck her!

It could have been Eureka Seven levels of HEALING, but instead we god FUCK ALL.

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>it was made by a her
now i know why there isnt any kissing, fucking japs.

we must make that ending

Movie isn't bad, and if you enjoy it then read the mango since the movies doesn't tell the whole story.

You need to accept that Eureka Seven was an absolute fluke in terms of a happy ending, and we won't get something like that again. In fact, Bones has spent multiple movies, sequels, and manga trying to undo their ending.

>It could have been Eureka Seven levels of HEALING, but instead we god FUCK ALL.
just like real life

>look her in the eye
>tell her “hey” in sign language
>walk up to her
>whisper something in her ear very softly
>smile at her
>she gets frustrated asking what you whispered
>tease her a bit
>finally tell her “I love you” in sign language
Fucking bullied! LOL!


And I've seen nothing else other than the original tv series.

Fuck you Ōima! FUCK you up your ass with a rusty anchor and a broken rake full of NAILS.



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Kimi no Na wa. was better.

>It could have been Eureka Seven levels of HEALING
The good old times. Anemone's smile protected

Stop making me think of better things.

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>And I've seen nothing else other than the original tv series.
I watched the original run, and it had always been one of my favorite mecha so I was hyped as fuck to watch the sequel with Yea Forums. But I only watched about 10 episodes, and had to drop it after I saw where they were taking it. I've never been more disappointed by a sequel, and repressed all memories AO.

>I watched the original run

>never been more disappointed by a sequel
I don't even want to think about it. It'll turn my rage into a mild depression.

Anyone here who hasn't read Koe no Katachi, FUCKING DON'T. You will be butthurt for days, DAYS.

it's a good movie and the ending credit song is good as well. Its not normal fag reddit stuff since you need an average iq to understand the symbolism and subtle story elements addressed in the movie. all in all its a good movie

Great movie, alright manga. Hit the right notes for dysfunctional friendship.

>Anyone here who hasn't read Koe no Katachi, FUCKING DON'T.
I mean it isn't a Eureka Seven happy ending where everyone starts to shit rainbows and etch their names in the moon, but Koe no Katachi has a nice journey with handholding and future promises is better than Mysterious Girlfriend X type ending.

>better than Mysterious Girlfriend X type ending
Anything is better than that... a colonoscopy is better than Girlfriend X.

But I accept your point, some people might find it enjoyable, but from my perspective as someone that read all chapters together with Yea Forums as they were coming out, I remember everyone waiting for the fabled "HEALING" and at least some good hints of future romance, and what we got was a band aid and some hand holding.

People were pretty angry when it ended. Not Tsurezure Children levels of angry when Brotoyama got almost NTRed but pretty loud voices.

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bruh is pic related actually in the manga wtf

I was one of those anons who wanted more and also was put off by the ending at first, but after awhile I honestly came to like it after rereading. A kissu would have made the whole thing better, but the story offers a lot of good parts. Those were good threads, and I'm surprised to see how much of Yea Forums hadn't read the mango before the movie came out.

If you read the thread you'd know that it isn't...

I actually don't have my Yea Forums folder with me right now as I'm traveling so this is just something I had in older backups.

>A kissu would have made the whole thing better
A fucking proper hug would have. There were a log of good parts, those threads for every chapter were a shitload of fun. Lots of memes, lots of amazing banter, great conversations, but in the end it fell flat. It did not deliver on the promise of HEALING fully.

It's still a good manga, but for someone that started reading it with slowly developing romance in mind I was very let down, and angry too. I distinctly remember being unpleasant to coworkers right after it ended.

Watch it on mute for immersion

It had friendship and romance, but isn't about any of these things...

What's it about then


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>> 191511008
Mostly Ishida redemption.
Friendship, romance, and bullying are all part of this redemption process. You can see three Ishidas in the movie, the bully, the depressed and the redeemed one crying at the end.

>that one chapter about shoko's dream where she can actually hear and talk, but the words are still messed up since she doesn't have a reference for how words actually sound

It's worth a watch but it's not THAT good

t. konosuba fangirl

It's worth watching for based Yuzuru alone, but it's really only the first-half to two-thirds or so that's any good.

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berry good, character actually well written

I liked it overall despite a few rough edges. You have nothing to lose watching it.

I only read the manga and it was great.

was about to make fun of you but I agree desu

It's supposed to be a comedy right?

That's the only thing I can of to have deaf girl's attempted suicide make any remote iota of sense.

>It's supposed to be a comedy right?
Yeah... a comedy... heh.

She's such an edgelord.

Well she goes from having fun alone with the guy she likes at a fireworks festival to trying to off herself. That's the kind of thing I can only see working as dark humor.

she is a cute and wholesome edgelord

>character actually well written
Her character was the weakest point of the movie.

yeh it made me cry i liked it

I mean, she confesses to him but he misheard her because she's deaf and can't vocalize properly.

Granted the movie isn't about romance. It's literally about mc redeeming and forgiving himself and being able to break out of his shell.

No it wasn't. She's a crazy teenage girl with mental issues. If you think it's unrealistic then you didn't talk to enough girls in highschool. Fag.

>hugging doujins online
Care to share them?

daily reminder that Ueno should kill herself

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It was melodramatic garbage, worse and even more "Reddit" than Clannad

Watched it for the first time last night. All I can say is shinji-kun did nothing wrong

I prefer this ending.

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what the fuck is chex

You answered your own question right there.


Watch it, it's very good

MC was an asshole, and I wish he had succeeded in his suicide

>asking if something is reddit