Time for her to prove all the haters wrong!

Time for her to prove all the haters wrong!

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Ginko a best.

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Ginko a shit

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So this is it. The stage is set for Ai's inevitable showdown with Ginko. Meaning Ginko will probably beat her without luck this time.

They played shogi together since they were all shotas and lolis too. Ain't that cute!

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Right on time, THK.

We like Ginko here

We love Ginko.

Yaichi and Ginko did training sessions in a love hotel. We shall see how that will pay off.

>and now

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Shippers will be super pleased.

We hate Shitko here

Is Ginko a jobber?

>first BW pic of next volume
Yeah, she is jobbing again

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Nah. Girl on the left is super good and was stronger than Ginko when they first played. Ginko was being pushed into a corner, but managed to beat her once with a stroke of luck, mainly the other girl messed up. This time around will be different, hopefully.

I don't think you know what jobbing means.

Ginko is truly a loser

Cute childhood friends. It sucks knowing she'll lose the bowl to Ai because she isn't the main heroine.

Imagine knowing a guy (and probably liking the same guy) for almost your entire life just for 2 9-year-olds to show up and steal your guy away in less than a month. Truly a loser

Sora will likely lose. She needs to suffer a crushing defeat to experience despair so that she can achieve a mental/spiritual a talent breakthrough. With the way things are now, I think she is only 2.5-dan pro at most. She needs to be a push to rightfully be at 3-dan, then along the way eventually earn 4-dan.

That's fair. Some readers have been kinda expecting something like that. Ai and Ten-chan got their power ups already, so it's time Ginko gets one.

Ai >>> Ginko

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8 years old loli Machi.
8 years old loli Ryou.
6 years old shota Yaichi.
4 years old loli Ginko.

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Good, Ginko doesn't deserve to win anyway

is it rape?

Red Ai >>> Blue Ai > Ginko

We love Ginko here.

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Why do a lot of people hate Ginko? She is cute as fuck.

She's a massive cunt and a loser

It's mostly THK sperging because she's tsundere.

She's a non-loli heroine in a show marketed towards lolicons.

She's best girl and most popular. The "people" hating are contrarians.

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>a JC loli
Don't take his bait.

Does she do something in the LN or something? She's an insufferable bitch 90% of the time in the anime.

Oh user, if only you are aware of Shogi Lolis threads history. LRD don't stop by anymore, so right now THK is behind the majority of her hate spam. That particular autist is a bigot who can't tolerate meanie tsunderes that verbally or physically abuse the MC, even if it's once, a few times, or non-seriously and regardless of how cute it is.

You say that all the time and it's always the same wording too. It's your mind that sees it like that.

People dislike Ginko because she's violent, bitter, makes unnecessary drama, and has no one to blame but herself when things don't go her way. She doesn't have many redeeming qualities except being cute, sometimes.
Red Ai is better than Ginko in almost every way, non-violent tsundere, less entitled and acts more mature against hardships despite her being way younger.

Not really, contests aren't a good way of determining popularity since voters don't represent the majority of fans. Something like Pixiv is more impartial and Blue Ai beats Ginko there.

>Not really
LN readers > anime watcher that make up the bulk of pixiv fanart.

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No reason to exclude anime and manga fans, and it's not like voting is LN only anyways. But if we're talking LN Ginko then that's even worse, unless you think threatening suicide for losing a match is a positive character trait.

Sora is endearing in the anime. I'm sorry you see different. Like practically every light novel to anime adaptation, the former is superior. One of several particular areas in that regard is Sora's thought process and the author's descriptive narrative, such as each shogi players' philosophies and tendencies, which usually reflect their outward behaviors. This naturally makes Sora even better and adorable when you see her obvious desire to obtain Yaichi's feelings, but she keeps an icy exterior that isn't a mere cheap facade, rather it is an extension of her philosophy where there is no such thing as friends between shogi players. Everyone is an enemy, so it's better to avoid forging friendly relationships. She's right in a way and we see Yaichi's thoughts, which he respects. While she is serious about shogi and has a desire to stand on the same stage as Yaichi (even if it means having a match against him), she gives him special treatment, like most tsunderes would to the person that piqued their interests. She often blurs the line between rivalry and affection and reading why she acts one way, but see her true feelings go in a different direction makes her a target of empathy and admiration. Needless to say her gap moe is very high. Out of the 3, the past several volumes focused on her most, with Ten-chan second behind her. Ai still has focus but not as much compared to vol.1-5 when she was the main star.

Manga fans barely exists and LN fans are the majority. Ginko's popularity from the anime crowd is more or less close to Ai, and when you add LN fandom, she is simply more popular overall.
It was her hand, not her life. There's a thing called character and being on edge and frantic under pressure isn't new for her. Volume 10 with Ginko cover sold out, you know. Spoilers were circulating early and many blogs and news site are easily accessible, so many fans would about the dorodere breakdown moment. The desire to hug Ginko and hope to she her overcome conflict/despair is an exciting development, so it stands to reason her fans would like it.

butthurt lolicucks, she is 1st in the polls

>typical ginko normalfag


>Ryuuou threads in 2019

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Ginko is prime loli like Megumin.

What happened after pic related? Did the MC man up?

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Whoa, shit got real in the LNs. What happened to her?

Lolicon here. We love Ginko.

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See MC calmed her down and helped her through it, I guess.

>The desire to hug Ginko and hope to she her overcome conflict/despair is an exciting development, so it stands to reason her fans would like it.
She couldn't win the dragonbowl fairly and then does that shit, that's just being manipulative. Other characters react way better to worse hardships.
And like I said before the voting barely matters, if you look at the listings loli characters barely make an appareance, it's expected only lolicon otaku vote for loli. And no, Ginko isn't loli she's lolikko so normalfags and women that vote for "cute couples" favor her.

Is this Souta the shota computer? Shitko is so fucked unless the author does another asspull.

>irrational, dumb, and delusional
As expected of you.