When you meow long enough into the abyss, the abyss will meow back to you.
Other urls found in this thread:
I want to clean Lala's teeth.
Washing Hikaru’s hair and giving her a cute hairstyle!
Look up a season you haven't watched yet and post who you think the best girl is.
If you've already seen every season, I don't know judge everyone else I guess.
This is my dinner.
I’d Star’s orenjis.
what would happen if you put that in a sclash driver
Just based off of appearances, I like Honoka more.
gonna go with yellow
>liking girls in a non sexual way
You're everything wrong with this board/culture.
Out of all the Suites I think I like Ellen.
Fresh, Buki
Doki, Makoto i'm cheating because i saw Doki when it was new but I dont remember anything about it.
Since KiraKira got recommended to me, either blue or red look neat.
Honk, Saki and Lick-o
My wife V-oh
I’m gonna cry when Twinkle ends.
Hime, you retard!
Why couldn't it happen? They look like a family together
>Homare gots cucked by hugtan
Same energy
spess kot bes kot
That's still a better ending than Emiru got.
Playing family with cute onii-san and then getting a crush on him and getting rejected because he's already with someone his own age is probably a pretty relatable thing to a lot of little girls now that I think about it. But then this also worked on a completely different level if you consider their ages relatively and Homare as being "middle" aged. Hari was then rejected her for someone younger, which is something I'm sure a lot of precures older fans can relate to.
is this like the legendary Dalad Jelly?
Harry might be smart and cool, but i cant really say that i like him.
always acting way too perfect, always keeping secrets, i know he's not human, but that makes him look even less than human.
Prunce is definitely better in the 'Male Fairy/Mentor' category. mainly on the grounds that he has flaws, A LOT of flaws, and yet he is a trusted and effective member of the team that has helped in many occasions during battles, something Harry rarely does even despite he having actual magic powers.
Plonk feels like the second coming of best boy
Post Hikaru reaction faces!
My girlfriend is very flexible!
Shut up Elena
Or is it Hikaru? maybe Lala? Yuni?
From GoPri I'd say Kirara, just solely for the fact that her *5 card on pazurun is broken af and has saved my ass multiple times.
Isn't there another .gif of it? Like in a running track.
For a second I legit though it was saturday.
I dunno, maybe.
This semen demon.
She is great. Hope you love her
puruns is like twice as good as tarte and tarte was already pretty good
Now post the christmas party hard one. That way I won't miss them anymore.
Purple from DokiDoki
What I've seen part of a season and dropped it?
I hope Elena has lots of cute moments in tomorrow's episode.
Madoka and Elena are contenders for the most underrated cures.
>who is Echo
Madoka? Isn't she really popular? I see art of her all the time. Plus she's had some really good episodes.
you guys weren't lying with "the state of yellows"
>Just downloaded all of Hugtto in Blu-Ray
Can't wait for my Abe propaganda in full quality
It's not fair. I've liked the past three yellows but it's weird how they always get the short end of the stick.
When will you be satisfied?
it is probably my favorite image of the decade.
I always get worried when Bukki takes the night off
why does every screenshot of this series looks so lifeless?
Isn’t it early digital coloring?
Night cures are sexiest cures.
First five minutes of KiraKira and my suspicions have been confirmed.
The last Precure season I live watched was Smile. What's been the best series since then?
If you like the Kirakira Blue, you are going to have a great time watching her episodes.
lewd henshin
Hugtto or GoPri probably. Star Twinkle is airing now and it's been great so far. Maho and Kirakira are good too. Doki was okay to good at times. HaCha started out great but some people didn't like how it went after the halfway point.
Is it really or is it a toy advertisement?
I want to be a precure. What precure should I be?
Where is it?
It's up there with GoPri at the very least.
Post OYO
I'd like hugtto more if didn't devolve into literal babymaking propaganda
Hugtto was too prententious. I hate Nono Hana.
Hugtto should've ended at ep 15
I know she's the best girl from doujins
Dumb cat.
It's the most QUALITY season.
Doki and the first half of HaCha.
Despite the QUALITY here and there, it's pretty great.
This action is smooth
But color distortion
Lala needs to be deported.
She's breaking the law.
i don't have this either. Apparently I missed a lot of fun Kiruminzoo threads.
Stop right there, criminal scum! Nobody breaks the law on MY watch.
I want the squirrel to fuck me
There's a reason female squirrels are so promiscuous, and it can't be blamed on their mothers.
As it turns out, the randy rodents mostly sleep with whoever shows up, according to researchers at the University of Guelph in Ontario.
Whether a female squirrel picks one mate or 14 — the highest one-day tally recorded in the study — has little to do with genetics, said Eryn McFarlane, a graduate student and the project's lead researcher.
"It's due to their environment, to what they encounter," she said. Namely, how many male squirrels are around at the time, she added.
What's more, when it comes to libido, "there's no guarantee at all that daughters will resemble their mothers," McFarlane said in an interview Sunday.
The study, published in the journal Biology Letters, is the first to suggest that genetics have little impact on squirrels' mating habits.
Most research on animal promiscuity tends to focus on the risks and benefits of sleeping around, McFarlane said.
"Classical research kind of suggests that while males should try to mate with as many females as they can find, females should be a little bit more chaste, more picky because they put so much more investment in their offspring," she said.
Having multiple partners can also force squirrels to expend a lot of energy, and make them more vulnerable to predators and sexually transmitted diseases, she said.
"But based on our findings, it doesn't really matter," she added.
Even if the dangers of promiscuity outweighed the advantages, the squirrels probably wouldn't be able to change their behaviour since it isn't passed along to the next generation, she said.
JC2s are pretty good.
"Oyo" might be the greatest catchphrase in Precure history.
"~Lun" is even better than Oyo~lun.
Lala's playing mahjong right now. She just got an oyo mangan.
I want a retro American-style Oyolun with daisy dukes and a tied up shirt. Or something space age.
Googie-inspired fashion.
They're used usually in the new year r/a/dio show but I always forgot to save that stuff. I though you had them, oh well christmas is near anyways.
Last chance. Predict Lolo catchphase.
Based Brian
Hmm so girl squirrels are complete sluts because alpha males do not exist? intarestin
>I can't wait to watch Event Horizon with my best friends!
This looks like it is going to be a fun episode.
She is so terribly cute.
But Karen is still my fav
My two favorite yellow cures.
hmr a cute but alice is the single worst precure
What makes you think that?
pretty damn good episode
Will it be an earth-based or uchuu-based episode tomorrow morning?
It's a space slumber party episode.
Ichika is a good girl who deserves good things.
>He doesn't want to watch baby propaganda hidden like a little girls cartoon
Do you even Precure user?
I wonder if Yuni will be using Hikaru's clothes again
>Event Horizon
Very good movie.
Good to see Madoka employing tactical seating arrangement for maximum chances of getting away with the good old "kyaa, scary movie, I'm so scared I have to grab onto the nearest person and bury my face in their chest" technique.
I've watched "The Fly" in their age.
She's gonna hit a brick wall
Isn't that what the pillows are for?
where's Fuwa
Guess how they made those pillows.
Either off camera or asleep in the book.
Human Prunce fucking when?
Your screenshots not having the episode number in the filename bothers me. I never know which episode you mean.
I just finished watching Miracle universe, and is one of the worst movies I have ever watched.
Are you telling me that the unfinished miracle light just needed a single drop from some BS bottle, the same that Piton was using at the begining of the movie.
Also some thing just felt odd, for example this pic looks to me like some sort of scrapped group finisher, this movie was so lazy I refuse to believe they made this animation just for the movie.
Another thing, Madoka and Elena were stranded in the same planet as Lulu, Emiru, Akira and Yukari the connection here been that they are cure that work in pairs, but Madoka and Elena are not a pair.
I'm 110% confident that Miracle Universe was written with an understanding of Star Twinkle based entirely on a five-minute conversation in an elevator one afternoon and maybe a magazine ad or two. The movie legitimately comes off like bad fanfiction.
I want to grab Madoka's moon and eat out her donuthole
I hope Star Twinkle finale is as wholesome as Hugtto. I when i say that i mean i want someone to knock up Hikaru and see her giving birth while the opening plays in the background
I agree, it is the worst Precure movie that I have seen. Himari, Aoi, and Ichika needed way more screentime. As for the pair thing Elena and Madoka are the sun and moon of the school but that's as far as it goes. I wonder if the writers planned on them being closer together but backed away from it after it was too late to change it for the movie.
My guess is that Star Twinkle was still in development and some stuff was not final, so maybe thats why in the movie they have what looks like a group finisher probably before the group got Southern Cross and
If thats the case that was probably a last minute decision, also can explains why Elena have little screen time.
>Hikaru gives birth to Fuwa
>Elena forever alone
>Yuni delivering
>Madoka leaves to space
>by default, Lala builds a mini Madoka with Eyewon's help
>>Elena forever alone
Not possible.
>Elena forever alone
No chance of that happening.
Alone with her twelve kids.
Elena is Mexican. Which means she'll get preggers as soon as she hits 18
Prunce doesnt need shapeshifting, he is perfect as he is.
>Last episode, last scene
>Everyone eating breakfast at the starship
>Suddenly Hikaru starts convulsing, everyone starts screaming
>Hikaru is thrown on top of the table
>"Lala... take care of our girl..."
>A little version of Lala bursts open out of Hikaru's chest
Not when the cartel recruits and/or kills her kids
Yes. From me.
If it's a multi episode arc in space I'm going to jizz rainbows.
It is.
anone urusai lun!
Would make Star Twinkle a 10/10 for me
Of course, can't wait to see the girls in Pijamas
I want to watch the precure sleep
What a creep
Posting elf
i want to nut on her face
I want to date this elf
How is she? I haven't gotten around to watching GoPri yet.
Extraordinarily bland. A huge letdown.
Autistic but cute
The cutest princess ever
The softest.
Cuter than Hime?
Her evil self was way better. She becoming a Cure was the biggest downgrade on the entire franchise.
If you grade her with your dick, maybe.
Stop trying to kill the pink, it's not nice!
By me
do you need help with that?
Mai is beautiful.
But the next scene she looks like a little girl again.
Witness the power of Mai's jeans.
SS has some great background art.
I love how Mai looks with her hair down.
Those are one of the main points as for why Splash Star is my top season. It's just the small (and BIG) details.
God-Level Threat
GI Joe-level threat
I can't wait until he or she does something that doesn't involve powering up the generals.
Cute but boring.
I will pretty mad if doesn't end up at least destroying a planet to show his power level.
The boss of the game company?
When is there a separate doujin fighting game belonging to precure?
Still one of the strongest and competent final boss in Precure. Still pissed it jobbed so fucking hard in the movie.
Ok I'm lost. Explain this image to a brainlet.
Is Towa more boring than Rin is?
Yes. Rin isn't boring, she's actively bothersome.
I don't get why everyone hates her, she's just the straight man of the group.
A straight man's job is to deliver punchlines. In other words, to be funny. Not to be a rude killjoy.
I thought Rin was boring. She's just a no fun allowed kind of girl.
The straight man sets the baseline, speaking for the typically sensible (and ordinary) point of view. Rin is an active fountain of bitchiness, "stop doing fun things" and calling out things she doesn't agree with as wrong. Though to be fair that makes her pretty /pc/.
>shut the FUCK UP Urara.
sounds like Japanese society to me, I dunno.
Damn, I guess we really live in a L'École des Cinq Lumières
It's already August 4th where I live so happy birthday, Mana!
Hi is this where all the depressed lolicons hang out?
The Twins will never stop being amazing at what they do.
>depressed lolicons
Try , they're way more depressed than us, /pc/ is pretty cheerful by comparison.
Mana, her wife and her mistress.
Plus the rest of her harem back there.
Almost time
>eating a strawberry with a spoon
Ok I'm triggered.
>this show existed
God I love her.
Now you too can undress Hikaru
squirrels sex life is essentially playing a rogue like game.
I want to put her in all the precure outfits.
Uni looks so content.
God I love her plain pajama, looks so soft
Uni is wearing Hikaru's clothes again.
Fun episode
Oh my does she play in her closet!?
comfy episode
lala's pajamas are pure sex
I want to sleep in Hikaru's sleepwear.
Hikaru is the happiest person in the universe.
This may be my favorite Precure pajama party episode ever
What an adorable critter.
>Lala: Hikaru
Pretty kino.
This is the kind of double meaning only Japanese (and Japanese speakers) are able to catch. Such shame.
they brought back the epic space battles!
I think Uni slips off Hikaru's pajamas and wears them while she's sleeping.
Star shows her experience in outer space battles.
> Lala's pajamas
> full access
Damn Hikaru is truly shining this episode (no pun intended)
Starship to Cures scale. It's huge.
Someone please tell me they got a cap of Elena and Madoka holding hands
I can see the sasuga from here.
>Elena and Madoka
She's back next week
>they return to the Earth only to find out that 1000 years passed on there
not next week
See you little girls next week
did they say there was gonna be a break
>Elena with Blue Cat's hairstyle
Elena being scared is great. It's a wonderful addition to her character.
I was wondering when they were going to tackle The Shape of Water
even more march
Perfect, I've been missing her.
Does precure have sleepover episodes as a tradition? This one reminded me a lot of Hugtto's
>fairy goes to sleep
>pink chooses a budget scary movie
>yellow gets scared
>the cute girl is into it
La creatura.......
This scale seems all over the place. In the OP you can cleary see the cure/rocket scale, this is just plainly wrong.
No episode next week?
It's happened often, yes.
I love Nao, so that works for me.
Mermaid Elena looks great.
She really is Nao 2.0.
Was there a new villain in the opening?
Is this space black face?
It's literally the first emotion and flaw she displayed aside from "muh egao/knpk in everything". I feared she was gonna go the " must be strong, for my brother's sake".
It's undine from undertale
It's just an optical effect.
Oh god I've been waiting so long to fuck her eye socket out.
>an extra week to find out if Darknest is a sexy snek princess
Comfy and girly
>Homare got cucked hard in the end
Nice propaganda, Abe.
Really cute.
Cute Eyewon.
Punished Eyewon
What if she's wearing nothing under the hoodie
She is sad becaus eno mre Cat buttler?
She looks more edgy and that's sure cool.
> reusing strong yellow is scared of horror movies gag
They really don't know what to do with Elena, don't they?
She unironically looks punished, like she doesn't have a place she calls home anymore and is just jumping from planet to planet. Wonder what her goal is now.
>Lala's PJs
Thats incredibly stupid. Are we supposed to pretend losing her cat butler destroyed her?
Maybe. I'm hoping that she going to do her own thing away from the other generals since she stole Yuni's spaceship but there is no way to know that yet. I don't know who's side she's on now.
She also might not have liked getting possessed by Darknest. It was a rough experience for her.
It wasn't just that. It's highly possible she doesn't have a home planet anymore if we go by Kappard' logic. Most likely the Nottraiders "saved" her and since then she's been working with them, giving her some sort of home. I legit don't think she feels remorse for what she did to Ranbow but still losing her "friend and confident" must've been a heavy blow for her. Her being betrayed by her "family" also should've made some sort of damage to her, even if she puts all that "cunning" facade. I really want to see the next episode.
It's rather impressive that Samaan rocket tech can interface with analog Earth VCRs.
>Can't wait for you girls to see my parents wedding night
Eyewon returns from hell with uncrackable ideals
and a secret new fashion sense beyond alien comprehension.
Post Kamen Rider Drive!
My god
I like how they are all sitting
If Lala moved her legs just a little bit....
Uni is their house cat.
What do you guys think of Chrs Chan Pure?
>Top 10 coziest Precure episodes.
Precure didn't deserve this.
I hope he never rediscovers Precure. That'll be it for me.
disgusted but not at all surprised
Stuff like that exists? That's horrible.
Just finished Fresh. Holy shit those last 5 episodes were wild.
The endgame suddenly forcing a Miki-Soular connection out of nowhere only made me upset that they didn't actually have some sort of relationship earlier, especially since both of them were shafted during the bulk of the show and that would have given them more focus.
I was also amused by the episode where Northa showed the Cures a vision where their friends had lost hope, except since for some reason their social lives entirely revolve around Daisuke's friends/family they could only come up with Kaoru-chan and Miki's brother who hadn't spoken for 40 episodes.
Even with my complains though the finale was great. Exciting fights, creative set-pieces, tons of character development payoff, going beyond the prophecy, etc. were all wonderful. I was smiling throughout that entire final dance routine. I don't think Fresh as a whole lived up to the potential of the first half but it was still fun.
never heard of Sonichu?
Fresh is definitely a top 5 for me, glad you enjoyed it.
No I haven't, and I don't want to know.
Chris have a talent of taking shit I like and shiting all over them, it's a good thing he forgot about precure. But he whent full force on neptunia.
Blossom and Marine in GBF when?
>Go! Princess Precure Episode 01 English Fandub
>it's a glitter force style dub
why though?
>Haruka's dad literally sounds like kermit the frog
it's not easy being kirayaba
>[user] Star Twinkle Precure - 26 [subs only]
Mega folder:
Raw magnet:
Thanks for the subs.
Cute Madorka
Thanks user!!
My favorite user!
god's work user
Thanks as always
A certain artist is gonna have so much fun with this...
Very cute Hikaru
Thank you user
unnecessary but highly welcomed
What why?
Scared cures are cute.
poor Minamin
Who made this and where can I get in touch with them?
you stop that
Cosmo goes fucking SUPERNOVA in the OP
>Eye-1 enters the Jedi order.
More like da hood
That detail on the back of the VCR though
you guys think Bakenyan (yuni) ever did lewd things to Eyewon?
Good eye user
It probably can reconfigure on the fly to adapt to any analog or digital technology and figure out how to decode it.
Hikaru is specially adorable this episode
so they haven't done anything with the brown girl from what I heard? Waiting for the season to end to watch.
they finally gave her some characterization.
>when you open the door and it's the ICE squad
Could be a nice background
Well yeah, she's lost her ship.
That means Aiwan has all her belongings.
The comfiest interstellar travel.
Now I want to rewatch some space opera.
I'm in love with this pink
I want a kemonomimi Hikaru.
She was fucking pissed when was betrayed. She really trusted Bakenyan and probably even liked.
It's a shame she's such an asshole.
Yeah but she didn't like like him.
Same energy
Where do you get it with Japanese subs?
It sure was hard on her.
Just like u
Zombie Cures?
Over-time or user?
The hot days still continue in Japan .
Holy shit that's great.
Please take care your health in Japan .
Can't resist the barbs.
Judge for yourself.
We've known that for ages, the lines they flashed back to this week were from episodes 2 and 3. Not to mention the flashbacks we saw in the manga episode. But I suppose it's nice that they acknowledged it directly again.
Sexy back.
I've been thinking about getting into Precure, is there a season i should start from? and do i watch all of them?
No, yes.
You can start anywhere, so just pick whichever team you think is cutest and watch that one. And of course, watch Star Twinkle weekly with us.
Not every season is good, no, but once you fall down the pit you'll find yourself wanting to watch them all anyway in the end.
Always go by chronological order. Watch all.
The only seasons which have sequel seasons are the 1st (Futari wa Precure & Futari wa Precure: Max Heart) and the 3rd (Yes Precure 5 & Yes Precure 5 GoGo). Otherwise, the other seasons are set in different universes.
One day it'll be 2030 and there'll be 100+ Cures and it'll be a pain in the neck for artists to draw everyone in the same shot
It's already hard to remember all of them sometimes.
Thanks everyone, I'll start watching them next week.
Thanks for sparing me a 1.5gb download!
>Japanese names
>Japanese text on the signs
>Nothing cut out or edited around
>Pretty Cure
>Minor swears (damn, hell)
Sadly, it really isn't Glitter Force at all. It's something even worse. I don't know why they chose to half-ass it; all they did was use a remix of the godawful Glitter Force OP song, mimic the logo, and say "makeover" when she transforms. If they weren't actually going to do the Glitter Force thing properly, what's the point of borrowing random tiny chunks? You won't please the Glitter Force audience, and you sure as hell won't please the Precure audience.
Anyway, not a fan of the voices, which... Is kinda the whole point of the project. I can't get over the atrocious accents they gave Yui and Kirara -- Yui sounds like a Canadian Daisy Duke and Kirara sounds like a New Yorker who thinks she's Swiss. At least Haruka and Close are the least terrible of the bunch; I do suppose that's who you'd want to focus on if you could only find two halfway competent actors.
>Zombie Cures?
My wife Megu is so cute.
Remembering their Names/Cure names are easy. Remembering the name AND the surname, that's what it's hard.
What episode is Pine waving in?
Watching Prunce being happy makes me happy
The Mexican Nakewameke one, dunno which one but Iirc is after the ~30.
Am I really supposed to believe this isn't a woman?
Prunce is topnotch, I wish he could get a sakuga fight scene in the finale or something but he's done so much already that's pretty damn cool
>delicious size difference
also nice Rastafarian representation
It was 30 on the dot.
Such weird framing.
Here you go I fixed it.
>Hikaru does 2 aliens already
Next the Princesses
Should Hikaru get a sword?
cute cat feet
Hikaru's a punch type, so she should get laser knuckles. Madoka should get a sword, maybe a rapier to keep up her theme of penetration.
The more I look at these pictures, the more I love Eyewon. Aaaaah, what's happening to me?
I'm glad they finally gave Elena some actual personality beyond "muh egao"
she's a bratty little gremlin with an addictive laugh, I'm already up to almost 2 minutes of it stitched together
I wonder if she'll be able to laugh in her next episode.
I've found Madoka's personality journey from Reika to Saaya pretty entertaining
>Madoka gets all the good doujinshi
Madoka was never Reika, and I say that as someone who loves both. She's hardly like Saaya now either. They've done much too good a job of characterizing Madoka to reduce her to comparisons like that.
As someone who doesn't like Reika I thought Madoka was going to be like her. Luckily I was wrong about that. She hasn't really been like Reika at all.
Holy shit.
seeHe's working on a Madoka one too, fucking love his facial expressions
No thanks.
I'm really itching to see the "reconciliation" with her dad, he's not even that bad a father, could be a little warmer though. also he becomes an Ultraman
>Madoka loves B-movies
>Elena's scared of them
>Lala is annoyed at the old school special effects
>those looks at Madoka and Elena's family lives, Lala's insecurities and Hikaru learning what having friends is like
>cute hermit crab
>just a generally nice, quiet episode up until Kappard shows up
I'm still not sure if it's a good or bad thing when an episode makes me upset that the reason I'm watching the show in the first place finally kicks in. That was a pretty nice fight too though. All around great episode.
Been like 5 fucking weeks I better get one
>Madoka's dad
I mostly agree. I feel like the whole "our slumber party has made us better at teamwork!" thing was unnecessary and overly heavy-handed (even for Precure), but other than that, it was a great episode from start to finish.
Madoka hunting yokai doujin when?
Tight space onahole is top tier.
>let it go..LET IT GOkigenyou