
So if adapting ongoing manga (especially less than three years into publication) causes problems with the narrative and pacing, why do they keep doing it?

Attached: Garlic_Jr._with_Kami.JPG.jpg (1280x718, 746K)

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TV airtime.
They don't want to spend money in a bid war to get a timeslot back and lose profits from people watching your show weekly. Narrative and pacing doesn't matter to suits.

Companies don't fund things for narrative or pacing, you idiot.

The Japanese kids who watch this stuff don’t care if they are watching filler, that is more so a western man child concern.

You're likely to have a larger audience when adapting an ongoing manga. People always say anime is meant to advertise the source material too but I'm not sure how that agreement would be made. Is filler even a thing anymore? For ongoing stuff (notably One Piece) it seems like most series just adapt 1/2 a chapter per episode. Other series are just 13 episode adaptations of a small part of the story.

>People always say anime is meant to advertise the source material too but I'm not sure how that agreement would be made.
Uh what exactly are you confused about?

Filler is a Toei and Pirrot thing mostly these days but there are some series that do had the off filler episode to get 12 episodes in a season.
Like I'm pretty sure we could have skipped that Love Live episodes where Honoka and Hanayo go on a diet, especially if they weren't going to be bothered to make them visibly look fatter.
Or we could have skipped that episode of Space Dandy with the fleas.
Or we could have just not aired OPM S2 until a competent studio that had 4 other projects wasn't busy.
But here we are

You picked the worst possible example. Dbz filler is universally considered one of the best parts of the anime. The Garlic Jr, Other world Tournament, Goku & Piccolo driving and ESPECIALLY the Saiyaman saga are unironically excellent.

It's just the ridiculously long stretches between power-ups people hate.

heh, its funny, even as filler, this was still actually a very nice short satisfying saga, it was brutal it had high stakes, no goku, the dragon balls on the line, earth on the line and no OP characters to save the day.

so if Garlic Jr. won, and the dragon balls were lost, how fucked would earth and everyone else be?

>Many years later I finally read the Rurouni Kenshing manga, finding that 1/2 or easily 60% of the anime adaptation was filler
I felt betrayed.

If only the villain didn't use the only attack that can defeat him for no reason

I initially just hated that last part of the anime because it was filler but it had some good episodes in it. I was reading the manga as it came out in the US so I knew it was filler. Never did get the last boxset on DVD though because of this.

>why do they keep doing it?
Does anyone other than Pierrot and Toei do that anymore?

Can't blame you. The final part with the Feng-Shui magic was fucking horrendous.

Cross promotion. Manga promotes the anime and the manga promotes the anime. And also merchandise. Easy way to milk something that's popular at the time. Better do it before it fades.

Well, we don't know the extent of immortal body. If his body is destroyed completely, does Garlic's soul go to otherworld, even if his body would eventually be reborn somehow? Gohan just scared the shit out of him to the point that he decided to just suck everyone up and he was obsessed with getting his revenge like that as well.

Also, it was Gohan destroying the planet that caused him to really lose. Even if he didn't dead zone, once that was gone, the source of his power was also gone and he reverted to a shriveled imp. They would have just been able to do what they wanted with him at that point, immortal body or not.

Gohan straight up wasted two of Garlic Jr's henchmen, caused Garlic Jr himself to bleed, and straight up blew a whole right thru the guy at his full power.

Keep in mind Garlic hasn't gotten any stronger since the first movie and still as strong as Raditz, yet caused more damage than later villains ever did.

Garlic Jr. is an evil version of Piccolo and shares the same flaws as him: Use brute force without thinking. This is how Piccolo was able to manipulate him so easily.

>Gohan straight up wasted two of Garlic Jr's henchmen,
actually he killed all four.

>and straight up blew a whole right thru the guy at his full power.

that was the coolest

Which is why certain furry actual fags hate it.

Dragon Ball anime essentials pasta

>Classic Dragon Ball

Dragon Ball (Dragon Box Remux 720x480 MPEG2 MULTi)

Dragon Ball Recut!wixRFaYD!cMFTr3WJYFiL-jnscuw7Lw


Dragon Ball Z - iKaos is working on a “perfect” version of DBZ by combining the best quality video with the most American English and Japanese dub options available, for both nostalgic and completion purposes
Video: 480p R2J Dragon Box
Audio: Japanese Mono Tokai Broadcast Audio, Japanese DVD Audio, English, English w/Smith/Morgan/Faulconer score

Dragon Ball Kai - Dragon Ball Z with most of the episode padding and filler content (scenes not present in the original comic book) removed

>Movies by Akira Toriyama, the author of the manga and the creator of the franchise. It takes place around 4 years after the battle with Majin Boo, but before the 10-year time skip at the end of DBZ.

Battle of Gods

Revival of “F” / Resurrection ‘F’

Broly (DBS)