

Attached: foriegn in the back yeah.png (600x671, 360K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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What's real for fictional characters is fictional for us real people.
When an anime/manga character gets called a "ロリコン", it means they wanna bang prepubescent girls whom they can touch, feel, and stick their dick in, just as it would for a real Japanese-speaking Japanese person.
For an English-speaking American, "lolicon" is an imported term that they've only ever encountered through the previously listed above media, which is why it doesn't have the same paedophilic connotations.

Mandatory pic.

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But thats a good translation.
Lolicon means pedophile in Japanese you absolute retard
Yeah I know this thread is shitposting I dont care
Mods get rid of it please

Lolicons ARE paedophiles. The problem is not that people don't know what "lolicon" means, but most people, even here on Yea Forums, haven't got a fucking clue even what the word "paedophile" means.

Jokes on you I'm both a lolicon and a pedo.

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I wish cunnyposter still cared about Yea Forums

Lolicucks are some of the worst people even conceived though. I dislike Funi for the kickvic and feminist shit but can't be too mad at them for this. You need to be put in your place, there's nothing good about what you like. You don't deserve any form of escapism if you're attracted to little girls. You need to be forced out into the open to act on your disgusting desires so you can be put away like the mentally ill pieces of garbage that you are.
A jail cell is calling out to you.


Pedo is a better word choice than pedophile. But leaving as lolicon would be preferable.

Nothing wrong with being a pedo. Acting on it and being a predator is the issue

This is a false flag, lolichads. Don't fall for pedoscum.

>you should go out and fuck children instead of not hurting anyone while masturbating at home
This is basically what you just said. Anti-pedos are truly the most retarded people on Earth.

sleep tight sager

>using pedoscum as an isnult

>he's attempting to turn this into a joke
Not this shit again. It's a bad normalfag translation.

Really you made the thread again?

>When in reality it was like 20 likes.
Try harder

lolicons aren't pedoph-

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I mean, have you read Lolita?

Thanks to the internet I don't get emotional when people tell me to kill myself.

Some are, some aren't, get used to that, many on Yea Forums are too but since this is Yea Forums, it's better to pretend you're not or not talk about it so the threads don't get deleted.

Yea Forums is where they stop pretending.

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Sure it is pedo

There's is literally nothing wrong with paedophilia. Everyone is socially conditioned to be outraged by it but I guarantee you once shit hits the fan and the world ends up in a mad max situation human nature will kick in nobody will give a shit what age their human fuckhole is.

You're a dumb retard. Not based.

Who the fuck cares?

>fucking sankaku
You're on Yea Forums, not reddit, fuck off.

Well the age of consent in the USA used to be 10 (and even 7 in one state) not too long ago. Feminists raised it to 16-18.


Sleep tight Bioreto

Epic maymay pasta

Okay but until then, 3D is still garbage

Damn that gives me a boomer

>3D is still garbage
Look up Candydoll (preferably on DuckDuckGo and not Google).

>what's candydoll

Yeah, no thanks

Day of the rope soon, all pedos will shit their pants.

I love how you made this meme just to respond to people shitting on you specifically

>Day of the rope soon, all anti-pedos will shit their pants.


That's not a meme you fucking retard. Please learn what words mean before using them.

Good thing I’m not a pedo, I just love fapping to lolis

Reminder that if you are against pedophilia, you are a feminist.

Yeah. Good thing I'm not gay at all; I just love fapping to yaoi.

Reminder that wanting to fuck real children doesn't necessarily make you a paedophile.

Why dont shotacons ever get this treatment?

If they hate pedos why they are into anime? The majority of people in the anime industry is pedo ir hebe,Even hensuki is sexy underage girls.

You can't escape.
You are a semi-pedo, but whatever, you only will be thrown to the ocean or something like that.

You’re right, a meme would suggest other people are in on it. If anything, it’s a convenient infographic of your dumb shitposting habits.

They are mostly waman.

You're in such denial over the fact that multiple people might fucking despise your shitty personality. That's super cute.

>being attracted to a certain body type is the same as being attracted to the same sex

Because shotacons are faggots who need to be gassed

This. Even Miyazaki is a lolicon/pedophile.

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There is no semi, you either are or aren’t. Either way, it’s fiction. Real children are gross.

>Current year s*nkaku
hard pass.


I would like to imagine the out cry now

>posts the same shitposts in every loli / Colors thread
>I swear it’s not just me guise pls believe me or u r an ironic lolicon

Antis fuck off, exhentai is back and there's nothing you can do about it.

You’re going to have to imagine it because nobody fucking cares about funishit here

>go outside and rape some children so you get what you deserve, disgusting p*do
truly only the most braindead pastas ever get posted


Also miura

I don't remember calling you out for your newfag usage of the word "meme" before, you dumb fucking schizo.

Being attracted to children (don't give me the legal loli/vampire/etc. excuse; they still have bodies of children) makes you a pedophile. This looks like a 8-year-old to me. I don't care if she's actually 500+ years old. I'm a pedophile and it turns me on. What's so hard to understand about this? Stop denying being a pedophile. If you want to justify your fetish in front of normalfags, then maybe you are the one who doesn't belong.

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It's still literally garbage except for one or two girls.

Yea Forums tier shit thread
kill yourselves

>Being attracted to children (don't give me the legal loli/vampire/etc. excuse; they still have bodies of children) makes you a pedophile
No it doesn't you retard.

No, but you have a habit of sperging out using the same shitposts highlighted in said meme so it’s not hard to spot you samefagging in every thread

Look up any dictionary.


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For a weebshit related news, it's pretty based.

This is now a cunny thread.
Also, check 'em.

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Being attracted to children makes you a pedophile. A loli is a fictional character resembling a child drawn in a Japanese cartoon style. Real children do not look or behave like lolis, making the attraction to either of them separate from one another.

>Pedophilia (alternatively spelt paedophilia) is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children.[1][2]
>[1] - Gavin H (2013). Criminological and Forensic Psychology. SAGE Publications. p. 155. ISBN 978-1118510377. Retrieved July 7, 2018.
>[2] - Seto, Michael (2008). Pedophilia and Sexual Offending Against Children. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association. p. vii. ISBN 978-1-4338-2926-0.

It's just the Yea Forumsermin crossboarders. You know what to do.

I don’t give a fuck about age, lolis are sexy, real kids are not

It still gets to me. There's a real person behind that screen, telling me to kill myself. It hurts man.

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If you’re a retard from Yea Forums, sure


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>All the ironic weebs and furries in the comments
This is why you gatekeep, every normalshit subversive should be line up against the wall and shot

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Based, should we post lewd cunnies since the thread will probably be nuked?

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>Real children do not look like lolis
It's not that little girls look like lolis; it's that lolis look like little girls.

"Lolicon" is how retards in denial call themselves in imageboards. In reality they are pedophiles and hopefully, never pederasts.

Same thing applies to the retards who insist on using the words "traps," "boipussy" and all that bullshit. A bunch of homosexuals in denial that can't bring themselves to admit they masturbate to transvestites and/or transexuals.

smug cunny

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Just look at this and tell me this doesn't look like a child. Jesus christ

>not translating something in a translation is better even though there's a word that means the exact same thing in the target language



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And that's a good thing!
>tfw gelbooru tag "realistic"

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Tik tok pedos tik tok

>Just look at this and tell me this doesn't look like a child
Exactly. Only ironic lolicons say lolis don't look like little girls.

Dude, there are levels. Fapping to trap hentai doesn't mean you'd be into bear divas.


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They look like cartoons of little girls, I don’t get off on realistic drawings

Cute and cunny

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It’s a cartoon, you absolute retard. You’re about as misinformed as the idiots who hate loli because it’s drawings of little girls. You’d have to be a brainlet to not understand the distinction.

He is not citing Kotaku, I've been frequenting Sankaku for 10 years now and i can say no other weeb related news site can compare.

Bless Rift, Jaster an the rest of the staff.

Six (6) is prime

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I would say 9. Check this 9.

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>If they hate pedos why they are into anime?
I don't hate pedos and I understand loli is a big draw for pedos who don't have many legal outlets, but there's more to anime than just loli you dingus.

It literally looks like a girl in preschool. Are you actually arguing this you ironic lolicon?

It doesn't matter if it's a cartoon. People who fap to bara are gay despite the fact that they fap to cartoons and may not fap to real "bears." Lolis represent little girls.

only pedoshit like 3dpd
just fap to cartoons nerd you don't get arrested

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It’s actually eight (8)

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whats the exact definition of a pedo? can a pedo like older women too or it's only minors?

>I want to watch the world burn
>b..but I’m harmless!

Delusional white manchildren, every fucking time

But it’s not a girl in preschool, it’s a drawing of a cartoon


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Why are whit*ids so dangerous? You don't see blacks doing this shit

God, ironic lolicons are so fucking stupid.

My philosophy is that you can find attractive human females regardless of age and race. Don't get me wrong, I'm quite picky but I've seen lots of beautiful children and women.

>TFW not attracted to real people due to
mental and physical abuse

>But practically no limits to attraction when it comes to 2d, from Lolis to Gilfs

Does this make me a pedo?

Being attracted to a cartoon of a certain body type isn’t the same as having a completely different sexual orientation

because they are too busy killing each other.

Why is she crying?

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Well, I am asking because pic related awakened something inside me. Something I've never felt before.
Don't get me wrong, already knew about Murata years ago, but the Cop Craft threads corrupted me and now I can't stop thinking about it.

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>can’t refute argument
>hurrr ironic lolicon
Sasuga Yea Forums

Why do all the people on Twitter try to defend the translation? If I were a lolicon I would keep that shit to myself until my last breath, or at least just talk about it anonymously.

You keep repeating words like drawing and cartoon, but you don't realize that those drawings are based on little girls. I can guarantee you that almost any lolicon artist in Japan would not deny being a pedophile. This is why you ironic lolicons are stupid. Go make FBI memes on reddit.
It's ironic lolicons.

Where is juju

Good, good.
Now you've become another follower of our God Murata

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When Yea Forums needed him most he vanished

based and cunnypilled

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do you feel attraction to little girls now?


she doesn't look like a loli to me

me on the right

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god bless Murata

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Just use GNU/Linux.