Fuck off fag
At least sanpanda is alive
That's what it means, so it's ok :)
Everyday until you like it
>he just remakes it after getting deleted
I'm gonna laugh when you get permabanned
Why do you keep spamming this?
>The term lolicon is a portmanteau of the phrase "Lolita complex";[1] it describes
>an attraction to young or prepubescent girls
>an individual with such an attraction
>or lolicon manga or lolicon anime
>Outside Japan, lolicon is in less common usage and usually refers to the genre.
because you keep replying
Where's the lie?
It's an accurate translation, what's wrong with it?
the american hat is supoosed to show you this person is retarded, degenerate, hypocritical and not to be taken serious
moefags seething
I don't care if you're a lolicon, but its really sad when people pretend like they're not into 2d kids, the translation is accurate and its cringe when I see people do mental gymnastics to explain how its not true, its fine dude nobody gives a shit its 2d just admit it. same shit with traps even though its semi ironic, just accept yourself and stop living in denial
>literally has never seen the show
People have done this before you know.
lolicon = pedophile
of course i'm a pedophile, like most people here
>nobody gives a shit its 2d.
Upload a video of you shouting outside that you're into 2D children. It's okay if you censor your face. I just want you to prove that this is true.
sorry, I meant nobody gives a shit here at least
This kills the lolifag