Post a single manga panel

Post a single manga panel.

Attached: dicklet no elf.png (221x570, 160K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 493D34C8-5FA8-4390-A6D0-FFF840CC4353.png (848x459, 200K)

Attached: 238.jpg (1548x1662, 1023K)

Attached: x4.jpg (892x1299, 256K)

Narutards can't count, no surprise here.

Attached: .jpg (647x503, 96K)

Attached: gMPlmvC.jpg (720x1029, 98K)

Attached: 1556216973500.png (463x352, 78K)

lucky bastard

don't open it

Attached: 1547197017277.jpg (447x310, 64K)

god i wish that were me

Attached: mayo.jpg (972x667, 285K)

Nani the fuck

Attached: 1509452917430.png (431x530, 107K)

It's a guy, right?

Attached: 1546768852766.png (232x524, 116K)

>7 fingers
delete this

Attached: x90.png (185x312, 40K)

Attached: mouse.jpg (1532x1299, 946K)

Attached: soon drey.png (780x929, 548K)

Attached: Bofoi_character_image.png (280x280, 31K)

Attached: 1564423350597.jpg (1160x1104, 331K)

Armenian Nico is cute!

Attached: 1556478985619.jpg (850x447, 169K)

Attached: IMG_20190428_134816.jpg (1080x1554, 430K)

>fuck yes, I did it!
fuck you

Attached: 1564577124891.gif (374x400, 100K)


Attached: IMG_20190803_003149.jpg (1080x1553, 1.37M)

You stole her trips.

Attached: x9.png (853x1200, 596K)

Attached: 1A9A229C-F2FE-41ED-9724-BB5FC02DEFC9.jpg (805x407, 135K)

>caring about GETs
Nigga I got a 555555 in r9k once and didn't even cared. Grow up.

Attached: (1043x383, 235K)

Hey man, don't get mad at me. I'm just telling you what happened.

Attached: 1535879002881.png (226x308, 51K)

Alright mate
We cool

Attached: IMG_20181109_221216.jpg (862x536, 108K)

Attached: 1542154584552.jpg (1043x830, 203K)

Attached: 0559FC52-3DDB-47DE-9463-E2075DC61890.jpg (750x751, 368K)

Attached: 1562845722845.png (250x396, 90K)

People in this thread have an interesting understanding of the word "panel".

Attached: too pure dramatic irony.png (606x658, 334K)

Attached: kerning.jpg (485x318, 48K)

Attached: 1456446786454.jpg (948x960, 208K)

I scored an octo-get once.

Attached: file.png (898x565, 408K)

Attached: 1557437719756.png (836x1200, 401K)

Attached: 1558808255884.png (475x288, 95K)

What the fuck happened to this manga? I thought it was supposed to get a spin off

Attached: 1562689168968.png (1640x1640, 1.3M)

Based. Do we have the souce?
No idea man. Fuck the last arc. Fuck Fuji.

Attached: (895x337, 103K)

Attached: realitycheck.png (883x1300, 280K)

sauce my shit up

Attached: 1555700598436.jpg (690x396, 97K)

Attached: 1537194253031.png (800x456, 205K)

Attached: 1521536120100.png (740x1080, 534K)

Oh shit, this was axed, right?
Fuck what was it called...

Attached: 1520265709129.png (1114x1600, 287K)

Attached: 1429815698220.jpg (292x430, 46K)

Probably should be "only ketchup goes with fries".


Attached: 1517764436282.png (857x1200, 400K)

Attached: p0113.jpg (552x517, 262K)

Attached: 1561693366731.jpg (1544x1352, 417K)


Attached: 076.jpg (869x787, 398K)

Attached: 1440921249747.png (1800x1297, 583K)

Attached: 1526134946621.jpg (1350x1920, 895K)

Attached: 14578654324.jpg (355x751, 92K)

Attached: 1450712083171.jpg (712x515, 179K)

Attached: 1549521775206.png (896x1300, 384K)

Attached: 233.png (593x780, 339K)

Attached: real ass shit.jpg (658x535, 72K)

Attached: 1548334482570.png (260x260, 126K)

Attached: 1527801931768.jpg (960x1400, 591K)

shit bread, since image search of cropped panels doesn't give shit and nobody names the pics
thankfully there wasn't nothing both interesting and unknown to me in this shitty thread


Attached: ramens.png (500x715, 528K)

Maybe we should post whole pages?

>The beast within

Attached: 1544887363233.png (318x372, 108K)

why is yuuragisou's MC such a fagget
or was this another frenchman or something else that made her completely undesirable

what both of those?
Coincidentally I just picked them up.

Attached: 1559611043949.jpg (584x319, 58K)

So THIS is how you look after you grow up and stop gayyyming?

nice kerning

The Dungeon one actually has a nice ending. No Spoilers.
The dragon one... no idea, it was barely starting and I saw it on the list of the recently axed Manga, last year?

Attached: syringe.png (906x603, 271K)

that's the biggest no way fag I've ever seen

Attached: mhasmugshiggy.png (324x591, 98K)

Attached: oga.png (570x408, 268K)

Attached: tsubame have sex.png (593x302, 179K)

there's quite a few in berserk

Attached: Berserk - 013 (v04) - p170.png (460x580, 249K)

Attached: jerkjerk.jpg (531x390, 47K)

Attached: 1556045594162.png (836x1200, 534K)

Attached: alligator.jpg (735x887, 158K)

Attached: funnybearburger.jpg (800x476, 105K)

Attached: WSJ20_16_clip.jpg (757x924, 434K)

especially this retard

Attached: homo.png (268x420, 120K)

Attached: gidings me.png (955x644, 172K)

Attached: romantic.png (201x197, 28K)

Attached: wow.png (456x383, 60K)

Attached: i can't be the one to save you.png (523x543, 363K)

Attached: have sex (with your species).png (203x509, 56K)

Attached: x6.png (626x575, 88K)

Attached: ib.png (1032x609, 377K)

Attached: 3D0757BE-D696-4B24-8E2E-36820FF5609A.jpg (1039x967, 935K)



Attached: 1562626261174.jpg (547x773, 26K)

Attached: waifupissed.png (1125x1600, 505K)

Attached: 0004-025.jpg (1126x1002, 483K)

Attached: WHEN WILL THEY LEARN.png (721x583, 432K)

Attached: 1562894241478.jpg (472x649, 57K)

Attached: 9de1be3ddf8ba75658d3f0112b4a9575013.png (822x1200, 537K)

Attached: regular.png (212x177, 26K)

imagine having that suck your dick

Attached: img000026.png (2586x2054, 2.17M)

Attached: 1548314998917m.jpg (705x1024, 176K)

>tfw the anime adaption was 90% CG trash
Kengan didn't deserve this...

Why are anime boys so stupid

Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg (750x1080, 326K)

Attached: 077.png (127x127, 9K)

Attached: S.jpg (697x534, 68K)

Attached: IMG_20190429_124047.jpg (628x324, 180K)

Attached: yuri.jpg (659x1102, 176K)

Saved mostly for the brown girl's reaction.

Attached: NtK139.png (782x608, 443K)

Attached: Robot Keiji - Vol.1 Chapter 8 - 1.jpg (874x1300, 450K)

Attached: 30595873.jpg (538x523, 56K)

I was away for a while; did OPTs became forbidden? It used to be we got one or two going religiously.

Attached: Cock blocking.png (563x412, 237K)

Attached: 2e083740fdafa5196be345aa485c80d0.png (300x402, 86K)

Attached: Naka.png (630x608, 328K)

I fucking love this autist

Yabuki is an absolute madman

Attached: tomodachinotsukuro.png (636x427, 210K)

there's a reason the birthrate is so low in Japan.

Attached: Whore.png (420x249, 110K)

Attached: (hacker voice).png (584x429, 172K)

Attached: are you dumb.png (431x540, 145K)

Attached: killer punch kapow.png (207x496, 58K)

w-wha't she doing?

Attached: daily dose.png (1114x975, 268K)

what a wild ride

Attached: Utaha.png (824x593, 277K)

Attached: xx13.png (1530x2200, 433K)

Attached: Tansho.png (854x982, 759K)

author should just do porn already, it would be some of the best futa stuff out there for sure

was there an anime? I had no idea

Attached: How come.jpg (870x1248, 335K)

Attached: 1543861687954.png (1260x1200, 1.01M)

Attached: 1483613538936.png (384x399, 91K)

Attached: 190727.jpg (1236x964, 309K)

No john you are the demons

Attached: sighs in four different languages.png (337x384, 60K)

Attached: 1555790679934.png (336x389, 97K)

Attached: 1561309395225.png (612x810, 94K)

Attached: 1509099417939.png (1918x1400, 1.28M)

Pretty sure it's:

Attached: hug a little girl.png (459x341, 102K)

Attached: Comic LO.png (269x206, 40K)

Attached: 1527137982263.png (1056x793, 586K)

Attached: file.png (647x327, 160K)

Attached: Amazing lolicon.png (252x284, 61K)

I've been gettin a lotta mileage out of this one

Attached: ~~~~~~~!!.jpg (243x261, 33K)

Holy fuckin' based

Attached: 1516710357702.png (1004x494, 238K)

Attached: 1561362887043.jpg (683x753, 256K)

Attached: this cute creature.png (429x300, 65K)

Attached: This is hopeless.png (428x445, 123K)

Oh shit, did another chapter release?

Attached: 1489701044265.png (545x332, 198K)

Attached: Sem título (2).png (287x512, 142K)

Attached: mm_32_29_clip.png (499x876, 20K)

Vegan dragon was axed? What the fuck, I was going to catch up on that this weekend.

Attached: 1554317909911.png (789x496, 228K)

Attached: 28.jpg (2048x1582, 1.04M)

Attached: 2919bd76ed19595ae8a3c24cad83183bIMG_178.jpg (391x423, 79K)

Attached: seal bully.png (413x296, 72K)

Attached: Fuck_dinosaurs.png (372x372, 120K)

Attached: 1557477552986.png (481x222, 49K)

Attached: math is hard.jpg (686x468, 182K)

Attached: league of loli .jpg (720x389, 241K)

Attached: 243CD4B4-179B-4501-AE55-991DC4838CA1.jpg (669x1013, 357K)

Holy shit
that's some next level text placement


Absolutely based

Attached: 2_206708_972_1400.jpg (441x333, 56K)

Attached: benis.jpg (995x1328, 762K)


Attached: img000027.png (1053x621, 292K)

>he doesn't know
Yea Forums is full of newfags nowadays huh

Attached: 1557593441536.png (500x517, 166K)

Oh no! This thread has met the conditions for posting Angel Beast, it's all over now.

Attached: 1374116088062.png (600x800, 443K)

Sasuke dindu nuffing

>single panel

Attached: Image-01_025 (2).jpg (1966x1400, 781K)

Attached: q10.png (412x789, 296K)

Attached: 1564803903074.jpg (725x483, 155K)

No thanks.

Attached: Kobayashi-san Chi no Kaidouragon.jpg (1103x725, 308K)

/d/ and their /d/orse shits will keep you entertained

Attached: _20190726_032551.jpg (1079x774, 253K)

Still aka's best girl by far. Fucking normalshits in Kaguya.

Attached: 45004440-4B78-484C-954E-64F8A4EAA07D.jpg (1006x1400, 355K)

Attached: 4chan.png (313x344, 12K)


And then John was a zombie.

Why her face looks like kizuna's?

Attached: 1564780433553-1.png (439x563, 301K)

me on the right


Attached: 1457980979883.png (2257x1600, 1.14M)

Attached: canny believe it.jpg (501x177, 30K)

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-02-14-59-30~2.png (1440x2258, 2.91M)

Pretty sure that's an edit. Still hilarious though.

That's a really well drawn rifle, although I don't see a rear sight.

This is exactly what it looks like

Attached: ExactlyWhatItLooksLike.jpg (258x555, 65K)

Must be cousins.


Attached: 1551934577702.png (1111x494, 548K)

Attached: Screenshot_20190801-114129.jpg (1080x2260, 1.18M)

If by "don't touch" you me "fuck this boy in the butt" then...

Attached: Page 4.jpg (800x1148, 199K)

Attached: 1564349627167.png (757x310, 137K)


Attached: 1544391348935.png (699x637, 294K)

Attached: 1544291645554.png (559x572, 195K)

Attached: 1545586746539.png (395x286, 77K)

Attached: 20190721_191147.png (933x540, 199K)

Attached: 1555419549259.png (269x210, 43K)

Attached: when I look at this, I see perfection.png (345x233, 41K)


Attached: FUCKING FUCKIN FUCKING.png (703x306, 153K)

Attached: 20190627_112015.png (592x465, 305K)

Attached: aquarium.gif (550x400, 665K)

Attached: kyoto.jpg (868x866, 156K)

Attached: 8a3JO56.jpg (1562x1452, 537K)

Attached: the middle one.jpg (678x1050, 396K)

Attached: this time she's actually right.png (422x311, 92K)

Attached: galaxy brains.jpg (599x841, 344K)

Attached: 004_1549273628.jpg (836x1200, 384K)

Attached: Kasen.jpg (1080x1532, 352K)

Attached: 1564831732948.jpg (579x456, 102K)

Attached: [Quzilax] One Piece [English] [biribiri] - Chapter - 27__01.jpg (1209x1191, 461K)

Attached: ehehe donuts.jpg (560x578, 76K)

Attached: 487_oni_imo26.png (604x840, 147K)

when is next naka chapter

Attached: BENIS KISS.jpg (888x1655, 512K)


I’m too lazy to google pls sauce


it took more effort to write your dumb post

Attached: mm05_20_clip1.png (1196x1288, 233K)

Attached: AE69D7A6-9ED3-4147-91A6-CD6D6A796F91.jpg (640x472, 144K)

Attached: 3 (1).png (424x714, 193K)

Attached: 20190718_153638.jpg (501x272, 77K)

Attached: SNIFF.jpg (348x373, 42K)

Attached: 5C3D5641-10EF-48E9-A1CD-F10EAF489CFC.jpg (1042x882, 203K)

How is that bunny doing these days?


Attached: 2464.jpg (613x292, 74K)

Attached: 1540493110645.png (720x520, 247K)

Attached: adult tanya.jpg (660x408, 59K)

Can't fault the guy, he has good taste. The third panel on right is the only good face she makes.


Attached: v14~01.png (775x499, 315K)

user I won't be able to sleeping today f-fuck y-you!.

please, a sauce

*schlicking noises*

Attached: 1557485948334.png (746x266, 197K)

Attached: independent grandpa.png (447x212, 79K)

This so much.

Attached: 022.jpg (1000x713, 570K)

This should've ended after their "graduation." I lost interest around ch. 47.

Attached: 1536855371426.jpg (2048x1453, 492K)

Attached: what the hell.png (525x899, 345K)

Attached: 1543566559626.jpg (800x1168, 216K)

Attached: Joshuu+is+more+than+decent+hes+perfect+_28f6c199559750a54da8945266818132.jpg (1000x863, 148K)

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-30 Vol 27 Ch 288 (Usogui) - MangaDex.png (167x472, 102K)

ITT: People who can't tell the difference between a page and a panel.

Attached: 1558898007588.png (736x438, 98K)

Attached: Chainsaw Man - c004 (digital) - p013 (VIZ).jpg (1473x1432, 1.86M)

Attached: 1564850584587_SampleCropImage.jpg (378x574, 61K)

Attached: 1564849663168_SampleCropImage.jpg (1488x1702, 450K)

Attached: thundercock.png (838x645, 409K)

Attached: Screenshot_20190713-100115_Chrome.jpg (400x921, 212K)

Good thread

Attached: Hell Yeah.png (559x479, 233K)

Common panel choice, but I fucking love it.

Attached: IMG_20190803_192859.jpg (1068x1518, 798K)

it's super shit, don't bother

Attached: 1562826183492.png (737x1400, 981K)

Attached: She doesn't know why she lives.8.jpg (583x426, 69K)

Attached: x17.png (1147x1618, 582K)

Attached: 1564341121567.jpg (735x209, 47K)

Attached: takagi cum.png (345x438, 42K)

Attached: 1564762107612.png (845x1200, 244K)

Attached: nofighting.jpg (584x201, 19K)

Based CHADren. I want to have sex with him so bad.

Attached: 5 page spread.png (3892x1231, 2.31M)

Attached: soviet and nazi witch.jpg (743x417, 85K)

Attached: ShougekinoSoma9.png (894x1300, 443K)

Attached: iced.png (528x125, 45K)

dont feel like cropping

Attached: tsuitero kanoko 26.png (1440x2048, 638K)

Attached: boshitx2.png (761x1200, 186K)

Attached: wa.jpg (701x628, 191K)

Attached: 19032903290392.png (1588x1390, 626K)

Attached: SnT - loli succubus.png (500x611, 305K)

based hes for sagiri

Based. I can't wait until he has a chance to revisit this manga like he said he wanted to.

Attached: 1474144700092.png (969x808, 764K)

Incest BTFO

Attached: IMG_20190801_183842.jpg (1080x1560, 592K)

Attached: Get stabbed.png (486x371, 19K)

That's a big panel.

Attached: KMD_V02_017_086_clean.jpg (1770x2652, 3.43M)

Attached: 1472949469273.png (913x251, 156K)

Attached: 1546006071164.jpg (1280x1709, 406K)

Iron sights are removable.

Attached: 1540400840557.jpg (831x813, 122K)

Attached: 0973F494-EBD2-4488-AB46-A9663C9D241E.png (892x1300, 336K)

Attached: 19.jpg (728x1029, 168K)

I love his “””censoring”””

Attached: Hiruma.png (790x300, 101K)

>all the guro and egglaying you could want
>choose the most normal image to post

Incels btfo

Attached: 873264832764726347234.png (800x1138, 1.11M)

There's a reason that many of us have little shrines to him set up at home.

Attached: ToLoveRuDarkness_Bangaihen24_17.png (822x1200, 265K)

I will not.

Attached: And you can't make me!.png (908x318, 50K)

Attached: based kyle.png (752x648, 296K)

Based. I remember that thread.

Attached: d20.png (2250x1600, 1.79M)


Attached: Kuro.png (405x453, 439K)

shut your whore mouth she's perfect and worth reading for.

Attached: yeh breh.jpg (858x799, 204K)

Some manga lately have been so dissapointing.

Attached: 3DCG_Fukushuu_manga.jpg (431x1517, 270K)


It's like they somehow took shitty 3d animation and put it into a manga.

that's exactly what happened
it's just a 3d model in grayscale with screentone effects
no drawing involved

Attached: scan0018.png (527x439, 107K)

Attached: if we could skin them alive and then skin their ghosts, we would.png (628x471, 354K)

This that girl from Mob Psyco?

Attached: Screenshot_20190614-182602_Brave.jpg (1068x627, 273K)

Attached: raped by a girl.png (160x359, 60K)

Attached: manga.jpg (162x468, 26K)

Terry's hungry.

Attached: DINNER.png (627x472, 299K)

dear sir i have to say that both panels are acceptable nay if that expression is put on a "e-harlot" I rather discard it as the common wrench they are
