

Attached: 156le4chan filename 😂.png (600x671, 360K)

Other urls found in this thread:ロリコン

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That's literally what that translates to.

I bet you only speak 1 language


Its not wrong though

Sombrero is Spanish for hat. Words mean different things in different languages.

this is why EOPs are worse than ESLs

all pedos must hang

how many times are you going to repost this thread

He's an anti-lolicon. So he's trying to make Yea Forums develop an anti-lolicon attitude through his spamming. Since there are a lot of lolicons here, it's going to happen very soon, so you can prepare yourself for a long, long war.

How about you retards just ignore him?

I'll bite.
How would you guys translate ロリコン without assuming the audience knows what "lolicon" means?

only newniggers would ever fall for falseflags this shitty, the opinion of anyone who does is worthless anyway

The absolute cope of pedos

Some words can't be translated.

Pedophile, Lolicon means someone attracted to children.

Get over it.


I'll allow you a footnote.
What should the footnote for "lolicon" say?

Lolita complex

Ironic lolicons are fucking repulsive

If you don't consider yourself a pedo and call yourself a lolicon then neck yourself, you don't belong here.

We had this thread already, and it is indeed correct

as they should, that's exactly what that word means to ANYONE but socially retarded weebs

"A sexual attraction to young girls"? Do people who object to the translation of pedo really think that's any better?


Pedos really got triggered by this huh

They hate you because you told the truth.

"I have been found out"

American? UKfag? Australian, Canadian?

All cucked shitholes, no thanks.

>using pedo as an insult on Yea Forums

"Lolicon" literally means pedophile in Japanese. The show is translating from Japanese, and the implication the girl in the OP was making isn't that MC is a fan of drawn pictures of little girls getting fucked but that he was actually a pedo.

Literally nobody but lolipedos care.

Is more specify.ロリコン
I already posted this the last time you made this thread, but i'll repeat it once more:
Get the fuck out, ironic lolicon. If you don't consider yourself a pedophile but consider yourself a lolicon, you are nothing but a poser—a fucking normalfag who makes FBI memes and pretends to like lolis but faps to that fatass Miyako more than any lolis in Wataten.
This user is speaking the truth.

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this but ironically
also reminder that people who enjoy violent games are all psychopaths

>this fucking thread again

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This, why people are acting as if it has anything to do with lolicon the doujin tag is beyond me.


Imagine putting a word through Google Translate and pretending that's the end-all be-all authority on its meaning.
Now imagine doing it unironically.

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can i add you bb?

>sankaku complex



How this make you feel?

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>Pedophilia (alternatively spelt paedophilia) is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children.[1][2] Although girls typically begin the process of puberty at age 10 or 11, and boys at age 11 or 12,[3] criteria for pedophilia extend the cut-off point for prepubescence to age 13.[4] A person must be at least 16 years old, and at least five years older than the prepubescent child, for the attraction to be diagnosed as pedophilia
>Lolicon (ロリコン rorikon), also romanized as lolikon or rorikon, is Japanese discourse or media focusing on the attraction to young or prepubescent girls. The term lolicon is a portmanteau of the phrase "Lolita complex";[1] it describes an attraction to young or prepubescent girls, an individual with such an attraction, or lolicon manga or lolicon anime, a genre of manga and anime wherein childlike female characters are often depicted in an "erotic-cute" manner (also known as ero kawaii), in an art style reminiscent of the shōjo manga (girls' comics) style.
Wow, so totally different.
Also very cute and funny wikipedos

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Imagine thinking the sister in OP's image meant the word as anything other than the pedophile meaning.

>I-It means what i want it to mean!

stop trying to blend in you fucking pedoscum

The lolicon man has arrived

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Cool story bro.


Of course the #1 ironic lolicon anime tied with Wataten. Show me one Japanese dictionary where ロリコン does not mean pedophile or someone who is sexually attracted to little girls.
It's hilarious that someone who makes FBI memes all days calls me reddit.
>using pedo as an insult on Yea Forums
You need to lurk for two years before posting.

It means 'sexual attraction to younger girls'. By western standards, girls who are 17 but become models and are lusted after is paedophilia, which is America in a nutshell.

A reminder that not even normalfag researchers could find a link between loli and child molestation

anti-lolifags are running on pure emotion

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what does "retard" translate into in Japanese? I am actually curious about this.

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t. snopes-believing democrat

>fan of drawn pictures of little girls getting fucked
Basically a pedophile

Nothing wrong with that tho, since the word 小児性愛者 goes more with sexual predator

oh no no no lolipedobros how do we cope???

Anime Is for pedos and hebes

Pedophile does not mean child molester, retard.

>"I have been found out"
>starts flooding with loli

Not exactly a relevant post.

The first kanji means white because nips think white people are retarded.

Isn't that what you sant?

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>Pedophile does not mean child molester,

it does to most western normalfags so that's what the word means now

>n-no, you just can't translate it!
Lmao jesus christ the delusion is real. You're attracted to underage girls. You're by definition a pedophile
>b-but muh drawings!
If you were attracted to drawn gay porn you'd still be gay or bi