Yuri is fine

Yuri is fine.

But can we all agree age-gap yuri is absolutely fucking based?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Any yuri that doesn't degenerate into "we don't need boys" horseshit is based.

what about loli x loli?

lets see the left switched with a man and watch the hell shattering outrage

Honestly it shouldnt be. Back in the good days this was natural

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But why doesn't the one on the right uniform change?

No one here would be outraged. Stop it with the victim complex.

>>But can we all agree age-gap yuri is absolutely fucking based?
Unfortunately after a good year for /ll/ there doesn't seem to be any more lined up anime wise.

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please don't mention m*n in my threads ever again


The purest form of love is that between a loli and a fat, balding greasy old man with an overabundance of prior sexual experience.


>But why doesn't the one on the right uniform change?
She's still roleplaying a little girl because of her girlfriend's fetish.

The purest form of love is between a father and his tomboy loli daughter who loves to dress up girly when she goes out on dates with her father.

I'm literally addicted to younger girls domming older girls, but it's a fetish virtually never explored except in normalfag literotica

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>I want to molest this little girl but I can't because of it's illegal until the last chapter now I'm suddenly ok with it
No. Fuck age gap manga.

Yuri is a nigger tier fetish and everything attached to it is of equivalent value. You should get banned for raiding, you shit belongs on /u/. Keep your double digit IQ bottomfeeder fetish to yourself.

As long as she's high school legal. The two on the left feel insanely predatory.

Do we need to have this thread again? same image and text.

How come these posts didn't exist at all on Yea Forums until the great shounenigger invasion of the 2010s?

Futa on futa is the best.

Futa on loli*

cope, seethe and dilate

only if it's porn, otherwise i don't care.

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Glad to see a fellow man of culture in this thread

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futa on shota*

futa x shota*


fine too

It's not gay, so long as the shota has more penises than the futa.

this but unironically

It's important for girls to get experience in a risk-free environment when they're young or else their body will react badly to physical contact later in life.

>age-gap yuri

Attached: Man of Culture.jpg (1024x576, 51K)

yuri ntr is where it's at.

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Age-gap yuri is the most pure relationship you can have.

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Yuri is only good if it's between straight girls.

>except in normalfag literotica
Pretty sure underage characters aren't allowed on that site.

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this but unironically

>no yuri tag
So, it's a one-off thing or what?

Shotas belong to other shotas who are dressed like girls.

used goods can't be yuri

Shotas belong to their onee-sans(who give them butt training and dress them in girl clothing to whore them out to other shotas).

Age gap is pedo shit. HEIGHT gap is fucking based.

Healthy family

Eat shit tumbleddit

You don't know what the word means.

Please fuck off to /u/ then.

Kill yourselves straightfag male niggers

I'm pretty sure there's a yuri tag.

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It is amazing we were blessed with three age gap yuri anime within a seven month span.

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Lol stay mad faggot. We're not leaving, but you are welcome to.

Ah, I found it on mangadex. MU didn't have the tag.

Futa elves with giant superdicks on human girls is the best.


Only if it is loli x smaller loli.

Still better than yaoi crap

Good shit right there

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As much as Doga Kobo have given us HSL was the only one that gave us a kiss.
Hopefully they can get back to more yuri shows soon.

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SAO also delivered.

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Yaoifags have the decency to stay on their containment board.

yaoiniggers literally have their own general protected by mods here on Yea Forums lol

At least they're not making n+1 threads and then sperging like yuriniggers when told to fuck back to /u/.


yuri is shit

Picked the fuck up.

Why do you hetniggers never bother the fujos in their threads and generals?
Why keep seething at yurifags?

They aren't as obnoxious and don't form metastases everywhere.


I thought the yuri went nowhere in this anime. Was that some sort of delusion scene?

Great retort.

Straightfags are literally the most obnoxious people in this board, kill yourself faggot nigger

>Used to be a hardcore anti-yurifag
>Read hentai2read.com/eve_no_sekai/1/2/
>Literally get mind/dickbroken into being a yurifag, go on a binge reading yuri manga and watching yuri anime, wondering why the fuck I never read them in the first place, heart beating fast the entire time

The Y chromosone is dying, this is a fact. I can only hope there's an afterlife so I can look on from the heavens and weep as I bear witness to a perfect world of girls loving girls. Even better if there's reincarnation and I'm reborn as a cute girl.
Just know that if you're an anti-yurifag, you really need to get some taste. All women love yuri. Most men, even as dumb as we are, love yuri. You are a minority. You're completely alien to the human race and are quickly dying out as society becomes more and more advanced and of course naturally more feminized.
Grow up.

Imagine being this cucked.


not real yuri

Yuri sucks

The eternal yuri queens.

It's not mainly a yuri franchise but it has one of the greatest yuri couples.

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>Was that some sort of delusion scene?
I'd rather not get hopes up so I'll let you know it's an edit in advance.
The original animation was by typehatena though which is why it looks like hentai.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru! - 06 (AT-X 1280x720 x264 AAC).webm (1280x720, 1.56M)

why have mods not removed this loli shit it's breaking the board rules, this shit belongs on if it was straight this thread would have been deleted a lot faster

op deserves to be banned!

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This but without the cancerous shounennigger pic.

no, *you're* based user.

Most of Yea Forums's content as of late belongs of Yea Forums desu

no they are a huge new fag that didn't read the board rules and deserves a hard ban

Mob is one of the few shonens worth reading though

Attached: Reigen is a good guy.webm (854x480, 2.25M)

Yeah but they still got highschooler x teacher or daughter x mom shit so it's not hard to just pretend the younger girl is a loli.

Of course, real pedofiction is also available on asstr


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why do people call mob a shonen?
it's more of a slice of life comedy that happens to have a bit of fighting but fighting is not even the point of it.

each fight is meant to represent mob exploding out after repressing an emotion for to long. people should think of the fights less like shonen fights to prove strenght and more like an mental break downs on mobs part with physical action which is what they are.

>it's an edit
That totally fooled me, good job at whoever did that.

Attached: Rinne-Fuuka-EP11-BD-fix.jpg (1280x719, 362K)

stop responding to op they are a huge new fag and deserve no attention and only a ban.

talk about anything but what they want us to talk about so they can leave back to Yea Forums

Why do people in yuri threads talk like LGBT faggots? Saying shit like "hets" "straights" etc as if that was anything but the baseline, the correct, the usual. Is it false-flagging? Or are they really that, are /u/fags actually just fucking tumblrfags? I find it hard to believe that anyone on Yea Forums would really be that kind of enormous faggot, but then again, I've been proven wrong before in how low I think the niggers of this site can go. Please, give your best shot at explaining this shit to me and telling me if yo/u/ are really like this.

Attached: [Tsundere] Full Metal Panic - 18 [BDRip h264 960x720 10bit FLAC][2B7CA461].mkv_snapshot_16.44_[2019. (960x720, 822K)

>Of course, real pedofiction is also available on asstr
Last time I checked that site Leslita was dead, it's good to know it's back now.

It's class S damn it!

Ah, a patrician


It's so fucking pure.

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>age-gap yuri
Chad coming through. Until you've de-aged to fuck your best friend's baby, don't even talk to me

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Sometimes I go on /u/ to masturbate and end up reading some of their discussions, /u/fags seem to be well adjusted people in general

yurifags are tumblrfags, a lesbianfag,trans, or into ntr
they are always one of these without a shadow of doubt

So all the landwhale buzzwords like "het", "cis", "heterofags" etc are just an Yea Forums problem? Disappointing.

Are they into lolis getting fucked as well?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Happy Sugar Life - 11 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_22.23_[2018.09.21_19.39.43].jpg (1920x1080, 705K)

actual Yea Forums crossboarders

Don't try and pull that card. For the record, they are, not that it matters.

I don't know about tumblr, but I sure am

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shonen is a demographic not a genre retard

>this dumb shit gets animated
>not mucierlago


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Makes sense
Yeah, I can't see anyone but those fags doing shit like this

this thread has still not deleted???
the state of Yea Forums mops abusing power

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/u/ has it's share of shitposters, but they are just as hated there as they are here.
>Is it false-flagging?
With over the top reactions and then strings of replies ''putting those posters in their place'' it might as well be it.
What anti-yurifags fail to realize is that they are basically fighting against shippers and they are cancerous on both camps.

Fucking disgusting pedophile

It's like arguing what's worse: eating solid shit vs drinking diarrhea. Both are utterly degenerate and deserve a rope.

>Yuri is fine.
False and gaypilled

I know how bad shippers are, trust me. They're a stinking disease, ruining everything they touch like a cancer. I don't mind yuri itself, and can even like it in some cases. It's the people who like it that make me want to commit genocide

I almost feel like an anime wouldn't even do it justice. I still want it tho.

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In an /ll/ thread full of JS on JK+ yuri it seems valid to bring up.

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waiting for the thread to be killed

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Age gap yuri is fine.
But can we all agree incestuous age-gap yuri is absolutely fucking based?

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Lolidom is good but it's not the best

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Needa link

Daughter is cute when she blushes for her mom.

The question was what /u/fags are, and not what tumblrfags are not. For all I know /u/ could be a bunch of tumblrfags that left because loli was looked down on there. You'd still be tumblrfags, just tumblrfags with a twist.

I would love for Kuroko to get Hinako in bed only to find out that Hinako is more of a top than she is.

I wish this mom would get a handle on her daughter. She lets her child walk all over her(and not in the good way).

Loli and yuri existed on Yea Forums long before tumblr existed.

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Age gap twins yuri.

Role reversal is the appeal.

Of course, and I like both, loli more though. You don't see me going around calling people hetfags though like some deluded homosexual.

It's a way to trigger nerds who gets assblasted over people shipping two female characters

is mob technically also age-gap yuri? because mob is a pussy?

you are thinking of shinji from evangelion mob is never scared to tackle stuff he only holds back his emotions is all even his fear he holds back.

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It is the bestest.

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Yes. Very based.

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I feel a lot of the hetshit type posting is just shitposting. A bit like how anti-hag and prick poster can turn up in every episode thread even though by episode 12 they should've dropped it if they actually care.

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Can we discuss age-gap with grannies?

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But what's the point of it being her mom if she doesn't act like a mom during lewd matters?

While we're on the subject, can someone tell me if this is considered an act of homosexuality?

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Aside from that one I can't recall reading any.

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Just search for comic LO and females only.


What are you doing?

notice me senpai

Wait, wasn't sadpanda dead?

kill yourself

Why would it be dead?

Oh sweet summer child

How I'm supposed to know if I don't go to /h/?

Go back to fucking yurinigger. I swear Yea Forums mod is fucking loser for allowing off-topic thread like this up for hours. But then I remember he's also a yurinigger. Fuck mods and jannies.

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fuck off ACK

It's gloriously revived thanks to based Moldova. At least for now

Honestly I can only recall a chapter from a josei collection and some standalone images

he's trying so hard

>It's gloriously revived thanks to based Moldova. At least for now
Do we know if it's going down soon again? Or where can I inform myself about this? I just checked the /h/ sticky and it's a mess with all the deleted posts.



>kyoani first now this

Why are yurifags so VIOLENT?

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wew lad, one was responsible for creating you.



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Is this how two girls have sex?

I don't think it's possible to have sex with a corpse.

Just started reading ginza yonchoume. I hope drama isn't too forced.

To be fair, that's not really a point in mens favor.

It's just a fetish and a shit one at that. What lesbians do as sex is like licking a steak and saying you're eating it.
Degenerate homosexual.

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>Is this how two girls have sex?
no user, this act is more intimate than sex

I wish I was a girl and got molested by my female neighbor when I was younger.

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Oh my god crack-kun, you're still here and still posting the same crap? Jesus, how many years has it been? I remember following your adventures on 8ch, you getting banned from it because you were too autistic over Yea Forums mods' IRC logs even for them (lmao), and discussing with you on the archive of a madoka thread on /u/, and learning you were very likely to have been diagnosed with schizophrenia (you thought I was sent by your psychiatrist or something lol). I even had a section dedicated to you in my huge regex filter for 4chanX. I'm almost nostalgic, damn. Well, keep fighting the good fight, I'll be going, I'm late on my reading schedule, I haven't even reached half of Schoenberg's Style and Idea.

>food analogy

Holy hell, I just remembered, the drama with your attempt at scanlating and dynasty. You put a huge rant about "crack-ships" (the usual basically) at the end of your scanlations, and when dynasty removed it, you lost your shit, and then sulked about not doing any scanlation ever again. Damn if you weren't entertaining. You're just a shadow of yourself, crack-kun, and if you have schizophrenia but don't take your pills, you'll probably end up dead because of risks taken during a delirium, or with catatonia.

>learning you were very likely to have been diagnosed with schizophrenia (you thought I was sent by your psychiatrist or something lol)
Gonna need source on that

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When did you realize Citrus was the Shakespeare of the Yuri genere.

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Guys, I...
I stand with Anti-Crack Kun. I'm beginning to think he might be right about everything.

It's been lost to time in the "ghost" comments of foolfuuka of some madoka thread on /u/. We were talking about the mode of existence of fictive beings, because I had been reading about metaphysics at the time, but he wasn't very receptive to my arguments sadly.

I don't think so.

What the fuck is happening with 1 / 1x2? It's been 4 straigh chapters of her whore slut friend, I'm fucking sick of it, give me what I was promised, not forced drama goddamit.

when newfags and normalfags started parroting it as the first go to yuri series

Why are all yuri shows LACED with AUTISTIC GARBAGE HOLY SHIT.

Why can't we get an anime a manga a VN or something where the characters aren't mentally retarded?

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Citrus still has the greatest kiss scene in yuri anime. Look how happy Mei is at the end!

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This is why KyoAnus burned.

I've sent 3 applications like that and I've never been chosen, can you believe it?

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I can only get into yuri if it's H-doujins or borderline hentai like Valkyrie Drive Mermaid or that one couple from Seikon no Qwaser. Comaku and Yuri Tamashī get me harder than diamond.

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It's 2019, get over it. It delivers yuri in the same chapter, and the teacher gets btfo in the next one.

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Does anybody remember this shit?

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>generic yuri template thread
I see you fags are back at it again. Just to remind every these threads are made by crossboarding /u/ fags that don't like having to post on a slow board like /u/ so they try to force yuri discussion on Yea Forums

That's probably all of romance, not just yuri. The authors are hacks who only know how to write about retarded MISUNDERSTANDINGS and characters having absolute nuclear autism levels, and they are so inept at writing actual relationships that they just pretend like getting together is the end goal.
Even Kimi ni Todoke was only well-received because it had many great and wholesome elements ON TOP of the shitty romance.

Romance is just a trash and irredeemable genre. Even the best of them succumb to milking and forced drama.
On the other hand in normal shows you're only ever going to get garbage yuribait. It really is mindblowing that something as simple as having a yuri couple somewhere in a show a la Uranus+Neptune is basically never ever done.

By the way, before I get accused of being one of the hateful fags above, I actually do read yuri. But I don't post about it on Yea Forums because why the fuck do I need to? But I can't stand these faggots making the same repetitive threads over and over because they're not satisfied with how /u/ functions as a board so they want to move discussion to Yea Forums instead.

Where did it go so wrong?

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Only the title.

Sasameki Koto, been ages since I thought about that.

You posted this same exact yuri thread like a month ago, faggot. Stick to /u/ rather than bring your fetish genre to Yea Forums

The second half of the anime isn't as good as the first one, but i still like it.

>Yuri Tamashī
God-tier taste. Ayane and Homura Subaru are also great.

why is yuri writing so retarded?

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Please don't defend Citrus using a picture of our Goddess Sayaka.

Attached: Girls can love girls.webm (960x540, 1.12M)

First show that came to mind after Sayaka got betrayed by het-senpai in YagaKimi.

Complain one more time and i'll start defending Cross Ange and Amanchu, you dyke.

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Cross Ange was good, though.

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Why would you call it retarded when carbon dioxide have no effect on so called "global warming"?

She is right you know.

Yuri is cancer

>It really is mindblowing that something as simple as having a yuri couple somewhere in a show a la Uranus+Neptune is basically never ever done.
Yuri subtext in non-romance shows serves as a fanservice and it has to be exaggerated as much as possible for retards to notice it.
Read Prism.

Why do you hate Sayaka so much?

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She bullies Yuu.

I like the /idea/ of yuri, but the content is too saturated with teasing and bullshit. I just want a good romance that happens to be with two girls that isn’t NTR or some bullshit.

I also hate yuri fans in general, very militant.

Age gap is fucking disgusting. And I'm not even saying that because it's yuri. Any romance about age gap is just so off-putting. Some weirdo faggots are the people who seemingly enjoy reading age gap. And yes I've been here for a while and I know Yea Forums has always liked it but I can't. It's just too weird for me and I've read nugget doujins. But Dear Teacher was good.

just call it what is lolicon

Go back to normalfagland where you belong

class s done right

This is great, saved.

Attached: nanohaDATASS.jpg (400x323, 42K)

Calm down you shitposting faggot. God forbid people actually express a different opinion from you on age gap.

are they vomiting in each others mouths?

Nanoha wasn't even yuri, though.

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I only like when it's some cake x jc/jk

>I-it’s disgusting you s-shitposter!

Yuu is trash, but a necessary evil. Sayaka deserves Touko, but Touko doesn't deserve our Goddess Sayaka. Yuu allowed Sayaka to realize Touko is shit for liking trash like Yuu. Sayaka will move on and hopefully gets back with her cute tan childhood tomboy friend.

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yes also even better if younger girl taller like in your pic

If anyone didn't know, Seven Seas licensed Sayayaka's novels, by the way.

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Lolis being held down by older Lolis as a man rapes her.

Nanoha is a seinen with (at least) one canon yuri couple, not a franchise focused on yuri. A franchise this big can have yuri but yuri itself is too big to be the main focus.

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Lolis are for tender loving

>thinks Yea Forums has only ever had a single universally accepted view on the topic of age gap
>thinks Yea Forums has ever agreed on anything
Feel like you're fitting in yet? Did you just celebrate your 4 year Yea Forumsnniversary, newfriend?

What about loli being held down by younger loli as a JC rapes her

>yuri itself is too big to be the main focus.
Too niche, I meant.

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The absolute cope, normalfag.

>in earlier post, concedes that Yea Forums always liked age gap
>now that he gets told to go back where he belongs, he backpedals the fuck out of that
Dumb normalfaggot.

how fucking sick do you have to be to get off to this shit? fuck literally every single one of you.


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Sorry, my mistake. I thought it could be inferred but I didn't think you could be this much of a moron so I guess I should have been more clear. Yes, the majority on Yea Forums enjoyed age gap, that's what my first post referred to. But some of us didn't which is what I eluded to in my second post. We had (and I still do) a different opinion on the subject. And you're out of your goddamn mind if you think I can from /soc/ or any of those other trash boards. Dumb regular faggot.

What's this from ? Saucenao gives me nothing

It is easy to find.

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I think we can all agree that /u/tards should stay in their containment board

It isn't a containment board but it should be.

Anyone watching the new Aidor/u/ Re:stage?

Only when the younger girl tops and the older woman bottoms.

What are the best artsy/deeper yuri stories in each medium? I've got these down:

Oniisama e...

>Manga/Comics/Light Novel
My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness
Qualia the Purple
Her Shim-Cheong
Always Human

>Visual Novel



>My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness
Don't read the sequel, if you haven't already. She's a terrible person that doesn't deserve happiness. It was hinted at in the first one but she really drove it home in the sequel

>current year
>not recognizing that glorious art style
And without knowing what's around the corner we have to cherish our beloved loli goddess before the authorities get her.

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Where is Citrus?

Kannazuki no Miko is the best yuri anime. I don't really believe this but it was an entertaining wild ride at least.

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Yuri rape is IMMORAL and WRONG.

If it's not consensual, it's disgusting.

And I think most of Yea Forums agrees.

yuri is gross

It was a different time

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This is literally sexual assault.


That's some skill

Yuri is not fine. Age-gap yuri is even worse. That means that the adult is influencing the young to be an abomination of nature. That's disgusting. Stop that.


my weewee approves

It's even better if those two girls also have weewees in addition to their waawaas.

t.watches Symphogear

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Not if they're just practicing for boys.

Is it because of the way she treated that girl who was interested in her?


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It was obvious enough with how she treated her parents in the first one. Reading it was already a waste of time.

Well even if not for the yuri but as a psychological analysis it should be good.

I don't think it's objectively the best, but it's my personal best. What other ones do you like?

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Happy Sugar Life was unironically kino

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>side characters are better than the main characters

Flip Flappers

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Fuck yuri, and fuck yuri apologists

My aunt just saw my Citrus wallscroll and asked if they were gay. I had to say n-no 'cause she hates homos.

Is Sayaka /ourgirl/?

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>Sayaka deserves Touko
Nah, Sayaka deserves better

There's no girl on earth who deserves Sayaka

To bad nobody loves Sayaka.

Maybe there is one...

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I'm still mad

No, Het-senpai is.

Some anons just like her because she is the designated loser with no chance of winning. All that praising about her great character can be summed up to being a girl who really wants to get some pussy but keeps getting friendzoned

She's relatable

>tfw you will never be pomf'd by your dragon girl daughterfu

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>She's relatable
Just as relatable as your favourite isekai MC.

I like her because she manages to be relatable and sympathetic while still being kind of a bitch sometimes. Her passive-aggressiveness is also pretty glorious when she breaks it out.

Also she isn't a complete bitch, she's just someone whose treasured relationship is being intruded upon by some autist. Also, she manages to come to an understanding with Yuu over the both of them wanting to help Touko get over her issues, and when she inevitably does lose in the end, she takes it surprisingly well.

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What's this user? Even just an artist name is fine.

Her confession is one of the most kino moments in romance, all the more so because she gets rejected. I hope she finds someone better than Touko.

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I was actually pretty surprised when it turned out that Touko knew that Sayaka was in love with her all along

Escalator schools. Same school, you just transfer buildings as you get older.

>you are playing the tough cookie but I can see through the facade
This is as generic as it can get.

Sayaka saw through the facade but she couldn't help Touko until it was too late and Yuu had already stepped in. Sayaka is very important to Touko, and if Touko could choose she would've fallen in love with Sayaka, but her heart chose Yuu. Touko is more emotionally torn up about having to reject Sayaka than Sayaka is about being rejected.

Asaka Takishima from the Avalon anthologies.

Thank you kindly, user.

I wish I enjoyed amanchu

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Recommended reading from the same author.

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where could I read more of this?

The Girl I Admire by Ogino Jun

such a quick reply, thank you.

Jesus that hit me right in the feels.

So umm... mods

>Yuu had already stepped in.
Sayaka was just standing by and did nothing at all. Yuu challenged Touko and forced her to rethink about how she wanted to live. That is how you build a real connection between two characters. Just standing by and collecting good friend points isn't doing the trick.
>if Touko could choose she would've fallen in love with Sayaka
You don't seem to understand Touko. Touko used to be someone who thought that she would prefer someone easily controllable. Someone who doesn't change and Sayaka seemed to be an easy option so did Yuu to Touko at the very beginning. Sayaka and Touko are very much alike and Touko understands how Sayaka thinks, feels and so on.
The problem is that Touko fell truly for Yuu because she turned out to be an absolute wildcard. A complete mystery that challenge her several times. Yuu was able to surprise Touko again and again.
To Sayaka there is just nothing more than what she knows about her. That is also why her confession is rather sad, Touko already knew that Sayaka was into her. She saw it coming and her rejecting her was already on her to do list.

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we got a squealer

she took her kiss virginity

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>And yes I've been here for a while
>Dear Teacher

Needs more yuri harems

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God I wish that was me

Wish this was real

Touko thought that Sayaka's love for her was a superficial crush, or at least she wanted to believe that it was. Touko knew that Sayaka loved her, but she tried to repress that knowledge because the idea of actually having to reject Sayaka was painful.

I'm not saying that Touko belongs with Sayaka (its pretty obvious that Yuu is the person that Touko needs), but I think you're underselling Sayaka.

This. I just want to read about cute girls romancing each other, not a fetishised Armageddon that appeals to the author's autism riddled brain.

kys s/u/bhuman faggot

Dilate discord tranny.

What a pathetic little thing you are. I'm sorry that nature won't bend to your fetish, but men aren't going anywhere, and the majority of women will always take men over other women.

Yuri trash need to be reminded everyday that they are literally worth less than nothing.

Can you imagine having a waifu that's in a yuri relationship? She would always reject your advances. She would always deny you your love. She would always say that you are a pathetic male and you should die. From her mouth, she spout words like "I hate men.", "Males are disgusting", "Please don't touch any women/girl/female with your disgusting male hands.", "I would rather die than being intimate with a man.", "All waifu belong only to women. Males need not apply." You would be there taking the abuse. Taking their look of absolute disgust to a male that had abandon everything that belong to his gender. With them you aren't even allowed to masturbate or even touch your penis. Even your penis would be put inside a chastity cage. That's the pathetic existence you live in now. You watch as person after person that isn't you or the same gender as you make love with your waifu. Any normal person would hate this. Would hate the experience of not even being able to imagine themselves being with the person they love. Yet, not you. You are a different being.Some wonder how you are able to withstand that kind of punishment. But you know how. A sentence you always say to yourself even in the worst kind of situation you're in. A sentence to help you hold on. The sentence is "At least I'm not a cuck."

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I'm more interested in the Dorm mother or whatever she is.
Older, Brown, and Braless.


>this scene

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So degenerate. Little girls shouldn't be kissing.

Can fat girls love girls?

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>At least I'm not a cuck."
You are the biggest cuckold in this world. you want other men to fuck your waifu gross old men limped dick in your wedding night
You are the biggest cuck ever imaginable also a homo gets off to dick
You're the lowest of low

What's the problem? This is an official anime, aired on japanese tv, that just happens to have nudity. It is fully approved by gook moot to be on Yea Forums.

Haha delusional cuckold

Holy shit sauce?

Something something Qwaser.

No, het age gap is better.

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>male: dilf
>female: ntr

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Actually this is very vanilla, pretty good tho. And this is coming from a ntrfag.

Monorino's Makasete Hoshii is great for ntr fuel too.

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Is there one for shotas and older women like Leslita? Asstr is godly but the search function sucks ass and is broken. So hard to find mom femdom/momdom where the mom is brutal and sadistic but also has hits of maternal love deep down for her son that she is torturing. Can also be an older women or older sister. Doesn't have to be related. Alternatively; I also don't mind shota doming older women either.

Your threadly reminder not to reply to vagina-fearing diaper fetishists.

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It's okay, fags need to be stoned.

Make the dick like 3 times as big

I still can't believe people got tricked into watching Guilty Crown again but with a different name, and yet they still defend it.

> Makasete Hoshii
how can regular guys even compete, its hopeless

i love ntr, and i hate ntr

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>"we don't need boys" horseshit
This shit is extremely rare.

Boy, you need to visit /ntr/
Natsucomi is shaping up to be good, Takeda Hiromitsu is even back with more Love Plus. His Manatama plus was the 2nd best love plus ntr doujin after Arai Kei's.

Best currently published yuri manga

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It's sad she is bringing in new characters for the purpose of drama. They deserve to have a happy, carefree romance.

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Where's Ikuno and Utaha?

Second-best. But good taste anyways.

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It's okay user Shouko still forgives Satou in the end.

sauce of that manga please?


I don't think it'll be that bad. The manga has been pretty comfy so far.

It's pretty cute, but best? Bloom into You is still running for a few more months, and there are some other fun ones out there
I guess it depends on what you want from your yuri, drama or CGDCT or fanservice or what

yo what the fuck, source on this anime?

Bloom into You is holding out pretty well. I never expected it to get into their relationship lives.

>"we don't need boys" horseshit
As a yurifag, I don't even know what this is.

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thats rude, why would you say that?

This. Yurifaggits are pathetic.

It means that yurifags seethe at the slightest mention of a man in the show.

yeah and for what? for satou to just suicide, throw away her life like that? shouko was too good for that show full of mentally deranged psychos

Same here I love it.

homosexuality is a disease

I think it's mostly falseflaggers. People on /u/ aren't nearly as bad as some of the '/u/fags' on Yea Forums.

Agreed, can't wait for MagiReco anime.

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I'm still mad.

Yea Forums and /u/ are old friends and no amount of cross-boarder faggotry will change that.

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Fuck bloom into you, the shittiest fucking yuri "romance" ever. I'm the most obnoxious yurifag that ever was, but yagakimi makes me feel nothing, unlikeable characters, no chemistry. Absolutely hate it.

Fuck off. There's a reason /u/ got its own board. It's containment. You fucks aren't like /jp/.

/u/ is a porn board, Yea Forums is the better place for more general discussion

/u/ has the better general discussion than Yea Forums despite being slower boards.


Then what's a "good" yuri romance?

True, but waiting 10 mins for the next reply is tiresome.

Anime when?

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Soon, I hope. Speaking of, when is the Frag Time anime coming out?

>age-gap yuri
Check out the cover of the upcoming issue of Kirara Max.

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Okay. Then please just stay there.

>despite being slower boards
Board quality has always been inversely correlated with board speed/size.

>when is the Frag Time anime coming out?
22 of November

Yes, age-gap yuri is great.

Speaking of age gap, I'm sad this show never gave us anything else like the hide & seek scene. That scene was hot as hell. Oh well, still fun.

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I love this age-gap ship.

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It is the best thing in an already great series.

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Seikon no Qwaser, where Toyosaki Aki played a titcow whose milk was magic and enabled the protagonist to fight demons or something because she was a stand in for Mary the mother of Jesus. And then there was her flat tomboy friend, whose tits weren't as good. Lots of titsucking and femdom. Porn- WITH A PLOT. The best kind.

This whole shit looks so fucking hot, the problem is that Ican't get pass the 2-3 episodes

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This but these faggots only create generic yuri template threads because they're sick of how slow /u/ is (this exact same thread was up over a month ago). There's nothing particularly wrong with discussion speed on /u/. And the problem here is that you can't talk about yuri on Yea Forums without making a general out of it. Aside from seasonal yuri anime, it's still too much of a niche that if someone made threads about an explicitly yuri content there would not be many replies. And the last thing we need is more fucking generals on Yea Forums.

Why don't I find myself aroused looking at this picture? It's more of a strange love is what I feel

why isn't she in prison yet?

>another template falseflag bait thread
fuck off


>victim blaming

Is that newfag yuri mod still on this board?

>one of the best yuri anime ever aired exactly 10 years ago
It hurts.

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The irony of this statement. Mods can moderate all boards, they're not allocated specific boards/not allowed to go to others, dumb newfag.

Got tired of this after about 20 chapters of the same shit.
Also, I get the feeling you're only making that claim because you can't read all of the untranslated manga out there.

Did I say he *only* moderated Yea Forums? No, what I asked was if he still moderated on Yea Forums. Reading comprehension you dumb faggot.

If you make a shitpost and get reported there's always the chance he'll see it and ban you even if he's not on Yea Forums because he's a mod and not a janny, retarded faggot.

>I hope she finds someone better than Touko.
Thats not a very high bar desu

Will we get a Sayaka being gay in college spinoff?

I just want Sayaka to meet dark handsome Okinawan.

We literally already did
It's even been licensed for an EN release

We did? Seriously?

It's an LN though

I'm not a fan of gimmick yuri manga. Sakura Trick, that boob manga... they are really quite dull. Kissing and groping should be more meaningful.

Most of these semi episodic "yuri" manga are largely CGDCT type of manga and nor really yuri romance.

That's a prequel though.

Sayaka and a delinquent girl.

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so, now that sadpanda's dead where do you read that?

>sadpanda's dead

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There is a second volume, she is a 2nd year uni student on the epilogue (which serves as a prologue for the third volume)

Zoinks is that an uncensored nipple? I'm literally pulling my ads. Right. Now.

Real OTP coming through.

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>are largely CGDCT type of manga and nor really yuri romance
I don't know how many people view series like Oppai or Hino-san as actual romance. I just read them as CGDCT where the yuri is pushed further than usual.

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What the fuck?

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Hikari is retarded and belong in retard school

It's back?
did they save everything?

IT: /u/ fags pretending they still belong on Yea Forums just because /u/ is technically a porn board
Fuck off with your age gap yuri template thread

Yes, it's all back even the loli. It's hosted in Moldova now which isn't an EU member

Give it a rest already, seething faggot.

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this is the best news I've heard all week!
which is kinda depressing now that I think about it

Yea Forums's obsession with porn is unhealthy.

I think a lot of people are on the same boat

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Literally perfection. It's surprising that Kishi is a man.

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Yuri anime about pregnancy when?

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Cool. I'll be looking forward to that third volume then.

Is that that Virgin's Empire thing? I never got around to read it, because there are like a hundred chapters out there.

Yes, there is 200 chapters now.

The chapters are pretty short (like 12 pages each), so it's not as long as it appears to be.

People that dislike yuri are fags. People that can't keep yuri discussion on /u/ and make shitty template threads are bigger fags

well this just got moved up my backlog priority list

Jesus. Well, fine, I'll be reading a couple of chapters every day before going to bed or something.

Just read past volume 1, which is a bit different and more lewd than the rest.

Kannazuki Miko is the quintessential yuri anime

i'll watch after i'm done with mai-hime which is what i'm currently watching

If it helps, there are two kiss scenes that I know of. I don't know if it has been translated that far, but you can see the scenes on the artist's twitter.

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Don't forget to watch otome too, very nice choices user.

Is it yuri if it's overt torture?

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yeah i'll watch otome + all the ovas specials ect until i'm "done" with the mai-hime "series", then onto kannazuki
might even go for simoun after that

is there any particular reson that we keep getting these yuri threads? are you really that desperate for validation?

/u/ is a slow board. They admitted in the last few threads that they prefer posting on Yea Forums and want a yuri general like the fujo fags have.

so the latter, gotcha

Watch Blue Drop after Simoun, mid 2000's was a blessed era.


i even have that downloaded already, guess i'm going on a yuri binge soon

Good luck user it'll be a wild ride

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>post pony thread get banned
>post frog thread get banned
>post yuri thread reach bump limit

It's so glorious to see hetshitters seething so hard

>post random garbage get banned
>post anime and manga reach bump limit
Color me surprised.

You have your own containment board.

The post you replied to is so retarded it's obviously bait, don't fall for it user.

>uses het as a pejorative
/u/ really are mentally ill obsessed faggots

That's way too small amount of blood considered she got stabbed in her throat by a kitchen knife and opened the wound even more by struggling and thrashing around. Immersion ruined, would not fap to this.

I'm a /u/fag myself, these threads are just shit.

choke on a gallon of semen

Is it yuri if one of them is a robot?

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>these threads are shit because it makes /pol/tards and incels seethe

If anything seeing these retards obsess over us while we talk lesbians is great.

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wut is this from

part of the problem is how you conduct yourselves, which is exactly why you get targeted in the first place

Because you're a bunch of obnoxious assholes

You are free to cry about the mean yurifags

You and yaoifags are like hell and heaven

You could try going into their threads and being overly antagonistic and see how well they treat you

That is the thing, they stick to their own board mostly

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You are so retarded and narrow minded it's appaling, to all the other people itt don't bother responding to him.

why would two girls who could easily get boyfriends do this?

Not an argument yurishitter, fuck off from my board

It's either that or shitty drama with bunch of misunderstandings and Strawberry Panic cliches.

>bwaaaaaah the board belongs to me!

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>implying disgruntled yuri crossboarders have any right to dictate what threads Yea Forums should have

There might be some genuine posters, but I figure most of them are false flags. The yuri tumblr types don't seem to go on and on about "hetshit", I've only ever seen that here

Aren't you silly

Strawberry Panic is a masterpiece though


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Thanks user