Hello newfag
Slice your wrists Yea Forumseddit
No, this is just a spammer and troll.
stop making these threads, we already know that funimation censors stuff for a long time
That's literally what it means. 3dpd pedos in japan are called lolicon just like 2d pedos.
Prove it
what the fuck is a funimation?
Buy Comic LO.
If you still haven't learnt Japanese you fully deserve everything that comes from bad official subs.
wtf I love funimation now
>buy this fetish magazine that won't necesarily be accurate to the terminology used by actual people due to its focus on pandering to lolicons
Okay but where's the proof tho
Funimation churns out shit subs. We know.
Why are people that stream anime with sexualized underage anime girls normalfags?
You could also just google, it's free!
Oniichain are you pedophile?
I hate that. I also hate translating "loli" as "lolita" when it's not even the same thing.
Well, yeah.
>make claim
>"prove it"
>j-j-just g-google it b-bro, h-haha...
Don't feel bad, I wasn't actually expecting you to have any proof
>on twitter
Kill yourself.
Lolicon=straight pedo,Also many times only is only 2d,nobody cares.
Well the lolicon could be a woman, that wouldn't be straight.
The lolicon is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a creep, NEET, virgin, degenerate, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a pedophile and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I've been found out.”
Women can't be pedos. You fucking nazi incel.
Implying a greenspamming brainlet could use it such sophisticated technology.
>implying anyone gives a fuck about cucknimation subs
Only ironic lolicons Say that.