He deserves to be treated with far more respect

More than the main character, everyone needs to Stop giving him shit. He's the one who Naruto into the man he is today.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Shut up faggot

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>He's the one who Naruto into the man he is today.
being born to a prodigy and trained by a legendary sage and having a god like entity within him that can transform into a giant chakra mech and still having the gaul to pretend he was the underdog all along is what made nardo the "man" he is.
and his character somehow still manages to be less of a trainwreck than Saucegay.

Then why he didn’t gave Naruto his boypucci when he needed the most?

Because he's the top

The series sucked his dick hard enough to more than make up for all the hate he got for things he did.

also nardo turned out to be the only decent character in the end .

Sasuke is a faggot, and anyone who likes him is even more of a faggot.

>my one arm

>a top
Do you know what you just said?

The truth?

How much time do we have b4 madara poster arrives?

Attached: 1517885915444.jpg (375x500, 55K)

4 minutes

Attached: Madara09.png (1280x720, 562K)

He deserves all the cuck porn that is happening to Naruto

>implying he'd care if Sakura got cucked
Naruto getting cucked makes sense, since him being a workaholic creates a perfect setting.

>implying he'd care if Sakura got cucked

According to the new novel, he does.

The series wants you to think he gets dick sucked. But he is actually the most underdogish character since his entire purpose up until the end was to be a guy destined to fail to the hero.


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>even the author cucks herself


Yes. Yes he did.

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>Tried killing his wife several times in the past
>Totally loves her

How did they even "fall in love"? How did Sakura even convince Sauce to marry her? He is 99% gay, 1% asexual.

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If Kishimoto wasn't so spineless he would've made Naruto and Sasuke end up together

Japan hate the gays

t. poltard who thinks japan is like his idealized conservative utopia

They love gays, Japanese fujos are insane

>japan hates the gays
Looks like you know nothing about japanese history.

I think youre thinking of north gookland.

Tell me about it, I just witnessed a Rikudo Madara mpreg picture today made by a Japanese fujo (and saved it to my device)


Why do they to this to my beloved husbando? Nsfw > pbs.twimg.com/media/EA8LSOHVAAEeu0F?format=png&name=large

Looks more like cum inflation to me desu,
there's no hint of a baby other than the belly.

Weird porn of everything exists. If it didnt, we wouldnt have furries or bronies.

Attached: cat_loves_madaraa_by_momma_madara_d64fs5x-pre.jpg (774x1033, 93K)

Hopefully, the artist said something about drawing "birthing" but the translation could be off. I wish I knew what is being said on the picture!
Cute kat and cute plushie, I couldn't find a plush so I I have a Madara cushion now! So cuddly.

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He's a demigod near equaling Nardo himself and was ahead of him for most of the damn series, even defeated him fair and square once and simply give Nardo the win the second time. That's no underdog unless you're a dipshit who thinks anyone who doesn't get their way is one, in which case there are countless better examples than Saucegay.

Did the raging NaruHinafags bully her?

>He's a demigod near equaling Nardo himself

Bullshit, he needs to use other stolen chakra to do some of the things Naruto can naturally do, and he still fails short of the alien beings that beat his ass with ease without narutos assitance.

Even Rock Lee can take on demigod level jutsu.

Naruto was nerfed most of the series so Sasuke could catchup and feel like a contender to narutos godly feats, just so Naruto can beat him without it being one sided.

This is cannon. In part 1, When Naruto learned rasengan and kage Justin and summoning, he got nerfed because nothing Sasuke with his jutsu could fucking handle all those disadvantages. Sasuke would be dead or surpassed if plot didn't make Naruto hold back.

He was catching up for nearly the entire series. Trying to steal the bells from Kakashi was one of the only times Sasuke was remotely a better ninja.

Forgive and forget fag, Sasuke tried to kill naruto more than he has sakura and no one complains their brotherhood.

But Kishi approved This side story as cannon.

He be more beloved if he was more a ass kicking badass that never lost a fight.

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Sasuke deserves literally nothing, you cannot prove me wrong because you know I am right.

>Kishi realized he fucked up and everybody hates Sasuke so he remade a version that everyone could like.
Yeah I mean Madara, duh.

suck balls lmao

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He's still insanely popular and he has a loving waifu who thinks he can do no wrong.

Meanwhile Naruto is stuck with a brat who hates him and a wife he can't even fuck because he's so exhausted when he comes home.

Why are people celebrating, this means their retardted NH movie isn't canon either.

He hijacked Naruto's role. What a chad.

Stay mad. SasuSaku's are busy celebrating and there's nothing you can do about it.

Hello, newfriend. Enjoy your stay on Yea Forums.

I need more Madara spam in my life.


I have extremely extensive data on this, the ONLY people who like Sasuke are girls and transmen.

>actually loving sakura
yea, this shit aint canon

Attached: 6531500-sasuke-crazy-face.jpg (1004x750, 257K)

Imagine being this autistic.

Don’t feel bad. Minatos got the worst porn even compared to Sauce.

Shippingfags are a fucking mistake
the show would have been 10X times better without any female character like based HXH, prove me wrong

I didn't read HxH, so I don't know.

You think Kishimoto has enough self control to not make every single character gay in a sausage fest universe? Doubt

a huge part of the series was leaving kids behind to clean up the fuckups and unite people so there was always going to be shipping

But none of the characters are actually gay you mentally ill fujo. There's nothing positive about gays or anything they do. No story is enhanced by imagining the characters as being gay. You people need help.

Shut up /pol/tard, i can imagine characters being gay if i want to fag

>you need help
>on 4chin
Yeah, you're new.

I'm not a fucking fujoshi you brainlet I'm a person who used to enjoy Naruto until Kishi decided to put on focus Naruto's insane obsession with Sasuke.

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>t. Kishimoto

t. Naruto

Go back to tumblr.

So you have no argument.

Sasuke singlehandedly ruined the series. Hijacked and ruined.

He saved it from mediocrity.

More like he saved it from even climbing back up to mediocrity after having fallen from "pretty damn good"

>Hello, newfriend. Enjoy your stay on Yea Forums.

I've been here long enough to know all Uchihafags are cock guzzling faggots. You appear to be one as well.


Naruto is the only one who gets cucked. Especially in canon by Sasuke.

This triggers the Sasukefags.

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NHfags and not surprisingly SasuNaru fujoshits are harassing her.

>a woman on twitter being harassed

The SSfags are already doing that.

What bone do SasuNaru idiots have to pick with the novel?

Sasuke showing he actually cares about his wife.

God I want Madara's BIG MOON STAFF inside me

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We know, Obito.

Obito has his own staff!


I wish Obito gave me his staff.

Kakashi pls.

Sounds like fanfic bullshit. Funny how SasuSaku cunts bitch about Boruto nonstop but when some novel written by not-Kishi gives them scraps they salivate.
SasuSaku cunts deserve to be bullied.

Stop making everything homosexual!

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My bad, yumejo.

But that's romantic and cute. Why would it trigger them?

Look at

They are the most pathetic parts of the fandom, so it's not surprise.

Too bad for them the book is selling really well and she is getting massive support anyway.

How do you know that's a Sasukefag? I'm a Sasukefag and I think the novel is great. It's clear in the novel Sakura would never cheat on him, he's just being possessive and showing he cares.

>stuck with a brat who hates him
Are you people illiterate or just ignoring the fact that Boruto stopped hating him after the movie shit?

I didn't know that term existed and I like it very much! Yumejoshi...

Attached: Me on the left.jpg (1024x768, 74K)

If the novel isn't canon, then neither is your dumb fanfic movie. Keep coping.

Are you people illiterate or just ignoring the fact that Sasuke and Sakura love each other and have a child who is happy and knows her parents love her and each other?

Sasukes wacky shenanigans was fun.

I wish there was a way to watch only Sasuke episodes in Naruto

SasuSakufags have been harassing staff on twitter for years now. Are you rewriting history?

I wish there was a way to skip all Sasuke episodes in Naruto

>It's clear in the novel Sakura would never cheat on him, he's just being possessive and showing he cares.
This is what triggers them.

What the fuck does that have to do with my question about Boruto not hating his father you mentally ill tumblrwhale?

Mostly because it's OOC. Compare to Gaiden when he refused to kiss her and doesn't cares to visit her.

>gives her a GPS ring just in case


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to each his own i guess. Sasuke having such a prominent role in the later plot really ruined it for me. He should have has his arc be a side story that got resolved and kept away from the main plot. Then he could have come back and had a prominent role in the story but not a central one.

I think this novel is trying to make it clear he cares for her in private. Public affection is not something he'll ever do.

Sakura is for Madara.

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Madara is for me

You pinkshits better not fuck with based hashimada.

It's something he was never even shown doing in private. Affectionate Sasuke is OOC as fuck and the author is projecting.

Where can someone read this novel?

Hashirama loved his wife, Madara was combatsexual, no homo.

(S)akura + M(adara) = Sarada

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I guess that makes sense, they spoke once. Can't say that for many ships nowadays.

He's an asshole, he deserves this. A fate worse than death.

This. Madara only lusts for battle. And aliens.
I'll absorb the Juubi so that he'll like me

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He will return through her. It's his blood. Salad was worried about her mama, but she really should have been worried about her papa.

It was better than Naruto hyperventilating and the training crap.
Sauce going crazy then getting beat by B was kino. I got tired of seeing Naruto win.

>fate worse than death
He is locked in Kaguya's sex dungeon right now and she uses him to mass-produce Uchiha alien babies for her army.

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Kishi wrote an entire Gaiden to show Sasuke cares and Kishi and the seiyuu all know and say Sasuke loves his family. They will just ignore any canon to spout whatever bullshit they want. It doesn't matter. All they can do is kick and scream and cry and harass authors. That is how pathetic they are. It won't change the fact that Sasuke and Sakura are together and in love and happy and still popular and their fans are happy with all the new content.

This is so romantic and in-character for Sasuke. I think the author did a really good job of capturing his character. I bet Kishi loves the novel.

If you really believe what you are writing, you aren't even worth responding to seriously.

For translation in twitter . The SSfags did everyone a favor by translating it themselves.

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>Naruto hyperventilating
That's due to sasuke having a central role and becoming the main motivation for naruto's character. The plot was supposed to be naruto proving himself as the strongest in the leaf and becoming hokage. That plot is open enough to include all sorts of cool shit including world building. Instead the plot was narrowed to uchiha clan mythology.

It will be translated in English officially soon probably since there is such a demand for it and it's selling really well in Japan.

SSfags are really dedicated and love their pairing, it's nice they translated it.

SP is going to butcher this so hard.

But kishimoto actually wrote alot of things in the movie and had ideas for it.
This novel is fully written by someone other than kishimoto and he didn't do anything besides drawing the cover.
When kishimoto wrote Gaiden he made sasusaku look pathetic.
If you want to consider the Jun sasusaku to be as Canon as kishimoto sasusaku then go ahead but it doesn't change the fact that the original creator himself can't help but making their relationship look worse.

Viz will probably translate it and they are pretty good with tranlsations. Who cares about SP, no one watches their dumb Burrito anime unless Sasuke or Sakura show up. They should have made Sarada the MC.

>farting noises

That's all I read coming from your post.

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>If you want to consider the Jun sasusaku to be as Canon

Don't worry, we do. No one cares about your long forgotten filler movie though. The only reason anyone cared in the first place was because they were promised Sasuke.


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Cursed ship, but their kids are cute.

Is this cuckolding fetish or an unironic ship

>OCs ever being cute

They can't?

how do you ship 2 characters that never even spoke with each other

Just desperate Hinatalosers trying to meme their fave into being relevant as usual.

Sasuke just wanted to perpetuate the Uchiha and Sakura happened to be the nearest available womb

Why are you insecure? She married Naruto.

>The only reason anyone cared in the first place was because they were promised Sasuke.
Movie sold well over 20,000 BDs units, which is great for sells, and the Last merchandise still sells well. Your narrative doesn't work.

I don't give a rat's ass about who Naruto married. He can have the ugly moeblob. Sasuke is with the most beautiful and relevant kunoichi in the lands already.

>Sasuke is with the most beautiful and relevant kunoichi in the lands already.
As expected of an illiterate drone.

Sp hates Sasuke most of all.


No one talks about The Las anymore but you. Old news as usual. Everyone is busy celebrating SS. Stay jealous forever.

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Kishi just wants more Sasuke, but they keep forcing Burrito and the irrelevant woman in his family instead.


When will SasuSakufags realize the only ones who care about this novel and their couple are the vocal minority SasuSakufags themselves.

The manga says Sakura is the most beautiful and powerful.

>muh cumeyes princess tho!

lol had to have a filler movie to try and give her some relevance embarrassing. She is a rebound second to Sakura forever.

>He's still insanely popular

To women. He's(Sasuke) more unpopular than ever thanks to the overabundance of nardo fanboys making a crusade of making the uzumaki the centerpiece of everyfucking thing.

When will Hinatafags realize that the only ones who care about their filler princess is them? The novel is selling extremely well and is getting lots of support.

Even Viz said they will try their best to translate it ASAP!

You called Sasuke the most beautiful and relevant kunoichi. So either you're an illiterate or you're a faggot.
>lol had to have a filler movie to try and give her some relevance embarrassing
>won the popularity poll before the movie came out despite being a side character

Just because they are vocal doesn't mean they are a majority. He'll always be more popular than Naruto on average. His novel is selling like hotcakes.

>The novel is selling extremely well and is getting lots of support
Yes, from SasuSakufags. Nobody else cares. Don't overstate your importance. Most shonenfags who read Naruto consider SasuSaku a joke.

>illiterate calling anyone else illiterate


Only women and SasuSakufags buy these shitty romance novels. A Sasuke fan who doesn't care about romance won't give a shit.

keep coping cuck

Um, Naruto did most of the work against momoshiki and solo'd toneri alone. Sasuke barely shows up in the greater whole of naruto centric plots. Even in part 2, he fails where Naruto succeeds in battle and in story development aka Naruto being the hero and beating things that Sasuke would lose to.

>reddit spacing
Go back.

Post a single person on social media who isn't a SasuSakufag who cares about this novel.

Naruto has a bigger well adjusted active fandom than Sasuke's on average(who's fandom is periodical from big moment to big moment), it's Why he gets more porn from Japan and has more spin offs than Sasuke with his son and his friends like Lee and Shikamary plus more focus non Sasuke elements about his marriage, his own alternative missions(movies and filler, and the fact he's got more fanfiction with other girls than just hinata compares to Sasuke who only has sakura for the majority.


Hiya Plague. Loved that Naruto vid, it really summed up my problems with the series very succinctly

You stop that right now. Hinata is no whore who'd cheat on the man she loves.

>Sasuke is with the most beautiful and relevant kunoichi in the lands already.
>Sasuke is with
>Sasuke is WITH
>You called Sasuke

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Naruto threads are so fucking surreal

>I can't read, please help me!


This Hinataturd is too amusing.

>only women care about the novel, that's why it's selling so well

Thanks vor admitting that Sasuke is a Chad who gets women wet, while Naruto is a dork who only gets a rebound femcel autist drooling over his dick

NarutoxSasuke isn't canon, I know it sucks but get over it.

Yeah, I'm surprised you even know what that word means Hinashitter.

Sasuke's popularity is now carried by SSfags and fujoshits. Both Naruto and Sakura get solo content something which Sasuke has been lacking.

Attached: 007b9TYAgy1g5egl7ju6gj32c0340kjl (1).jpg (3024x4032, 2.98M)

>only Naruto and Sakura get stuff, Sasuke gets nothing!
>it's the NSfag all along


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you just know

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Slutty Karin was so much better than boring bitchy crybaby Sakura, Sasuke is a autistic fag.

Karin was ugly and looked like she had a fucking disease. Sakura is beautiful and pure.

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Sasuke us looked down upon the fans who are talented enough to draw Naruto porn in the first place, so women don't really matter as a value to Sasuke's reputation when Sasuke is supposed to appeal to men and women in equal measure like Naruto.

>talented enough to draw Naruto cuck porn

lmao what a treasure

>women don't really matter

Spoken like a true incel. This is why they won't go near your fave.

Naruto doesn't appeal to women, keep fucking dreaming.

Attached: donovan 1.jpg (200x200, 38K)

Sasuke should have died in the Bridge arc.

>Likes Boruto and Himawari better than his own daughter
>Would rather talk to Naruto's family than spend time with his wife and daughter

Attached: Yeah sorry....jpg (1138x688, 143K)

Sasuke is an underdog because you can't name one fight he won since the Chuunin exams or a sick and dying Orochimaru/Itachi.

Please ban naruto posters like this on sight in the future, mods.

keep sucking Kai's semen out of Sucksgay's ass

I 've seen more homoerotic and lesbian stuff in anime than in any other form of media. Maybe they don't support legal gay marriage, but they sure have a fetish for it more than anywhere else in the world.

Most of Sasuke's fanbase is girls who self insert as Sakura, teenage edgelords, or black guys. The edgelords and black guys hate him with Sakura.
No wonder there is so much discord amongst his fans.

>the one time I come back home and you serve me this bullshit?!

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Hinata might not be interested in him at all, but I could actually see Sasuke actually liking Hinata more than every other obnoxious cunt slobbering over his dick.
Actually, since fanfic writers can make novels now this has about as much legitimacy as Sasuke loving Sakucunt.

Naruto is the only one with solo popularity outside of shipping.
There are no Sakurafags (or landwhales I should say) that don't ship SS and the only people that still care about Sasuke are those same Sakura fangirls.

Sakura is so unattractive it's almost repulsive. Sakura triggers an immense need to vomit in any healthy heterosexual male. No wonder her fans are all female.

He loves her so much he would chop her head off and feel no remorse for it :')

Attached: sasusaku.png (500x379, 128K)

Laugh, Naruto appeals to boys more yes but is that so bad. Boys > Girls in exploiting a characters popularity.

>Most of Sasuke's fanbase is girls who self insert as Sakura,
>teenage edgelords, or black guy

The second part is false, the first part is true.

Teenage edgefags, hate Sasuke and love his brother more, the black fans.....theyre the biggest haters of Sasuke, after Naruto Uzumaki purists of course, black fans are why the raikage is popular and kumo has a big fandom.

Then why is her and Raikage the most popular hentai to exploit recently? Especially the animation of hinata and Raikage ntr being the most popular submission on sankaku channel?

Is he still weaker than Nardo and anything on Bordo?

>"Wow, Sasuke thread, hopefully some interesting discussion finally"
>it's a shipfaggotry thread in disguise

Naruto for all intents and purposes is the main concept to project onto. Sasuke is just the foil to that projecting making him easy to hate and despise.

Sasuke was fucking BASED. But daily reminder he would've been better if he was a girl, literally MADE to give Naruto OP kids.

Naruto is lame and unlikable, Sasuke was always more a man than Naruto. I hope to God Sasuke would get better hentai than him, but narutards are sick and don't respect canon ships

Did this faggot even fuck Sakura or did he just knock her out and use some kind of IVF jutsu?

>The novel is selling extremely well
The novel sales aren't still out, the novel was released yesterday. Besides we need to know the sales of the first novel of the Retsuden series, the Kakashi one, to compare their sales

>waah he can't surpass Nardo, the other demigod stu of the series
None of that makes Sasuke an underdog. Narutards are maximum brainlets.

>Naruto doesn't appeal to women
And you call anyone else an incel.

>a wife he can't even fuck
Correction: He chooses to do paperwork himself all day like a faggot instead of be with his hot wife.

Why do Hinatafags feel so threatened by Sakura and SasuSaku?

The canon is the manga or anything by Kishimoto. The novel is one of many different possible alternatives. It's not canon but you can choose it if you like it, like a fanfic. The author novel saying this herself

Attached: PVCQ8Xq.png (501x340, 181K)

You know she only said that because she was harassed by autistic NaruHinafags, right?

Holy shit I've never thought about that.
Sakurafags are automatically ssfags, none of them would care about Sakura individually with Sasuke.
When you think about it ss is popular with teenage girls because it suits the fantasy of special fangirl.
Sakura is just so normal and doesn't even have self worth or esteem that's why she want Sasuke acknowledgement, she's actually no different than any other girl that crushed on Sasuke at first, the only difference is she was lucky enough to be in his team.
If ino was in his team she would ofcours be treated the same from Sasuke (save her in some instances in part 1 and try to kill her and insult her in part 2).
Sakura would be a non character without Sasuke existence and no one would care about her.

Go check out her Twitter.
It's all dick sucking from underage girls there's no harassment or negative comments.

>Sakurafags are automatically ssfags, none of them would care about Sakura individually with Sasuke.
Look at this delusion and struggle to cope. You must be new to this fandom if you think Sakura fans are that scarce. What you described was Hinata since nobody talks about her outside of her ship with Naruto.

>This one SasuSaku novel triggering so many faggots.

If this is the kind of entertaining I'm gonna get from this ship, they should go ahead and make a movie about the couple already. That would certainly blast a lot of asses.

Sasuke never fought at a high level enemy and win without much trouble like Naruto did with Gaara and finally toneri. Sasuke has to be plot protected to keep from being logically overpowered or outperformed by superior ninja. Naruto just got stronger and faster while basically beating more skilled ninja with clones.

>or anything by Kishimoto

The tweet you posted clearly says only the original comic is canon. Get a new argument, turd.

Why don't you talk to the guy insisting that it's bad if only women like a character?
fujoshit don't count, try harder

>but I could actually see Sasuke actually liking Hinata more than every other

Of course you could, delusional Hinaturd.

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>also automatically bringing hinata for damage control.
Hinata isn't a main character to begin with but Sakura is.
Sakura literally has no character or anything going for her without Sasuke and you can't deny that, put any girl that crushed on Sasuke instead of her and Sakura would be irrelevant because she's just another fan girl that was lucky enough to be in his team.


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Blame the Hinatafags. It's always their fault.

Not an argument tumblerTard

Because Sakura is the heroine and not their ugly, irrelevant moeblob. She also is happy with her first choice, while Naruto had to settle for their waifu. They know Naruto settled, so they hate Sakura with a passion.

SasuSaku is based.

Best pairing and triggers all the autists.

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>Literally just described Hinata and what everyone has called Hinata.

Just DEAL, user.

>people don't give a fuck about Hinata but it's okay cuz she's not a main character

the absolute state of Hinatashits

>that was lucky enough to be in his team

Hinata will never be a part of Team 7. Get over it.

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Nigger I'm not a hinatafag i don't care about her.
I'm discussing Sakura character and you don't have shit to prove me wrong.

All the other characterfags find the novel cute.

Hinatafags, on the other hand, hate the novel with such a burning passion because it stars two main characters, something their waifu isn't. Their the kind of people who make those cringy fanfics about Hinata being put on the same level of power as canon Sasuke and gets wanked as hard as Itachi.


I loved this ED so mcuh


>I'm not a hinatafag
Common comeback from a Hinatafag that's been called out.

Why doesn't Sausage get a hashiCHAD arm implant, does he like being weak now?

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Hinata fans aren't real Naruto fans. Imagine reading the entire manga and only giving a shit about some irrelevant side character who only knows how to say one word "nardo-kuuun!"

He invented wedding rings with only one arm, you're not allowed to criticize him.

All Kakashi has to say about Sakura is related to her feelings towards Sasuke.
That's her character, she is literally no different from hinata.

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>muh hinata

Go back.

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>Gaara got a novel.
>Shikamaru got a novel.
>Even Mirai got a novel.

Kinda strange Hinata never got a novel despite being such a "popular" character with loads of fans in this franchise.

Sasuke was always jealous.
> He was jealous of Shisui for spending time with Itachi
> He was jealous because Fugaku trained with Itachi
> He was jealous of naruto

He's a very possessive man.

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There are still sasugay fags that havent killed themselves
Trully amazing
Please tell us why sasugay deserves better

Just like the Great Tobirama said
The only good uchiha is a dead uchiha
The only decent one was Itachi and thats because he killed them all off but even he fucked up and left that fuck alive

What argument, the novel is fanfic

Holy based.

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Only the manga is canon tho turboautist
Sakura is garbage and her only one job was to be a cumdumpster for sausage
Hinata is not a main character and yet her actions were 100000 times more powerfull and motivating to Narutard than anything that pink sack of shit did

Your filler movie is fanfic

The Last isn't canon.

Stay mad Sakura only lets Sasuke dump his cum in her and not Nardo. His own wife Hinaturd is busy getting railed by Raikage in cuck porn

The absolute state of sasugayfags and sakurafags
Being so delusional they make cuckporn to have an argument

>they make cuckporn

That's Narutofags though. It's their natural state of being since Sasuke cucked Naruto by getting the girl in canon.

Is there anyone more based than Tobirama in Naruto?

Sure thing buddy thats exactly right
The doctor said we should always say yes
Im sorry i told you such a harsh lie you are totally not delusional


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It's not my filler movie, are you saying I'm a Naruhina shipper or something.
Of course the movie is fanfic, Kishimoto didn't write it, he only gave some ideas. This novel and the movie are fanfic, and both are bad fanfic, because the writing is so bad, they look like the a cheesy fan writing their most corny and cringy dreams.

This franchise is nowhere near as popular as it used to be for that.
Although we still have the Hall of Anal Devastation where dumb Sakucunt fangirls were pissed about Hinata being the lead of her own movie.

>All the other characterfags find the novel cute.
You mean SS landwhales from tumblr.
I doubt anyone else gives a shit about something written by not-Kishimoto.

Says the cunt from tumblr.

Of his brother maybe. He would have left Sakura to rot in manga canon. Hell, he would kill her himself.

Well we Sasuke fans have hope some one who is a Sasuke fan will do him justice in the anime. Since sp gives him awesome animated fights but its nearly spent on him getting his ass kicked.

No. Best shinobi, best kage, best character.

How much Raikage cuck porn is there now on pixiv and rule34, I'm a afraid to go on there in fear I might be traumatized by a black bull cringe.

Hinata exists to prop Naruto as the wish fufillment fantasy who has a hot trophy wife while projecting onto Naruto fucking her raw every night as the reward for being said wish fufillment.

Madara did nothing wrong

What's that supposed to be, their first kiss?

This thread is giga autistic and I regret clicking on it

Agree, I wish kishimoto ripped off the non existence romance and female characters in hxh.
Imagine how many autists and fags would have gone away.

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Its fan art.

If only he had some SasuSaku hentai doujinshi for males.

wow, you just fucked your whole groupbase

Holy shit, this "fanfic" is selling pretty good.

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If no porn comes out of this, this book is a critical flop.

Unfortunately the only thing that will come out from this will be NTR scenes from this scene.
“Hey, Sensei, you’re not from around here, are you?”
“Why do you think that?”
“Your name and your hair. It’s the first I see a sakura-colored hair. It’s beautiful.”
>Seeing Jiji’s hand that was moving to scoop up Sakura’s hair, unable to stay silent at last, Sasuke caught Jiji’s wrist from behind.

In Sasuke 12 years of being away from Sakura I think she cucked him alot.

Oh god I hope not. Wholesome SasuSaku porn please.

Tell me he kills him after this scene.

Sasuke is gay

I'm in my 20s, grew up watching naruto and I remember all the shippuden theories everyone would come up
Me and my friends would watch the newest episodes together
It was embarrassing and the vast majority of Naruto is garbage
Shame because part 1, the akatsuki up until tobi (madara), and sasuke up to deidara were all pretty good
Also what the absolute fuck was with the plot at the end, the war arc wasn't that bad but all the six paths stuff immediately turned to shit
Like even simple shit could've been changed
Why didn't they have 8 gates guy btfo of six paths obito instead so it can actually mean something instead of "heh almost died"
Then Madara jacks the ten tails, sasuke and naruto defeat madara like they did obito with the power of friendship of whatever
Then have Madara revive with the tree so there's some final fight and cut out a lot of bullshit
Not to mention whatever the fuck boruto is
Why couldn't we get a damn prequel instead, or just a series about one of the other wars fuck

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Pretty sure the poison scene will generate more incentive for porn against Sasuke and Sakura

How doesn't he get respect? Everyone in the whole series sucks his dick nonstop, even both MCs

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He is Kishimoto's self insert.

fuck off edgy dyke

Because NTRfags defy logic with their shit tier fetish.

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Hence the gps ring.
No, Sasuke tells him Sakura is his wife. The guy finds it hard to believe at first.
>“Are you serious? By wife, you mean, Sasuke and Sensei are married. Seriously? Huh? You’re married already?”
>“I never said I was single.”
>“But guys like you normally are single, you know.”
>What a prejudice.

>sauske is a top
>willingly lets Orochimaru buttfuck him for 4 years
hes a certified faggot

>Doesn't get enough respect
The only person Kishi sucks off as much as Sasuke is Itachi, who made even worse decisions and is called a fucking god for it
Tobirama was absolutely right, fuck the Uchiha

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>implying they'll even adapt it
They'll just skip it like they did with the Kakashi, Sakura, Gaara and Akatsuki novels

>fuck the Uchiha
I'm trying

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>Blown in half by a guy with an awful haircut
>Cucked by a rabbit
Sit down Madara

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Sasuke is jealous

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I don't care if he wasn't the strongest or that he didn't win the war, he won my heart and I will love him always.

>Itachi, who made even worse decisions
But he wiped Uchiha clan.

Only good thing he did in his miserable life, and he still fucked that up by not killing Sasuke. That alone nearly fucked everything up

Does Sasuke imagine boruto to be the kid Naruto who surpassed him so he beats the shit out of him to satisfy his inner jealous child?

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No, sasuke only has sarada who's a girl who will erase the uchiha name when she marries boruto and become an uzumaki.

>he still fucked that up by not killing Sasuke
True, on the other hand he mindfucked him so hard that Sasuke became an autistic faggot who won't reproduce (one half-breed girl would not restore Uchiha clan).

You're a complete retard. I find it incredibly hard to believe you haven't noticed the franchise is nowhere near as popular as it was even when compared to the time when Boruto began, so a movie about what amounts to a side character with some speaking lines in the new series (Sakura) would have to rely completely on Sasuke, but that's precisely why it would completely flop, at least compared to what other Naruto movies normally gross. You see, without Naruto being a central character you have Narutofags checking out, so you're left with just Sasuke's divided fanbase since most of his male fans don't give a single shit about Sakura or romance, and some of his female fans are fujoshits that prefer him with Nardo. That means just Sasusakufags would buy tickets and that's not enough to sell a full movie. Pandering to a subset of a fanbase and trying to sell a movie to the larger fanbase are two completely different things, you delusional fuck.

Yeah but if Itachi hadn't not killed his brother the end of the Uchiha would have come a generation earlier thanks to Itachi having mega-aids

Boruto is such a fucking brat, I hate him. I want to see someone beating the shit out of him even more than Sauce.

The Last had a novel adaptation, meaning Hinata did have a novel already. Why are Suckurashitters always this braindead? Pinkshit especially is absolutely laughable to read when he can't stop repeating how irrelevant Hinata is while simultaneously letting her live rent free on his empty skull 24/7.

Is it okay to bully underage girls?

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It's ok, they're just still seething over that little joke Kishi played way back when Salad's parentage was being questioned

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Naruto canonically rejected Sakura and he never loved her. I don't really have any feelings about Naruhina one way or another, and despite being complete shit, it seems obvious to me Sasusaku was always intended (mostly because she would have been completely pointless as a character otherwise), but you're literally trying to argue against facts clearly laid out in the original manga.

Not him but one thing doesn't negate the other. Both of them basically just existed to be love interests and quite lacked as characters beyond that, but Sakura sucked at it and had more panel time. That's about their only difference.

Homophobes deserve to be chewed to death by rats.

The only decent things about Sasuke is that he made a decent rival for Naruto in part 1 and his stupidity can be excused by his insanity. But every single other factor about the character is just so fucking annoying and unlikable. He's the epitome of dramatic teenage angst edgelord in anime, and the only reason his entire plotline happens is because his brother wanted to atone by Sasuke killing him so he mind-raped him three times for no good reason and somehow didn't foresee that this would absolutely break him into insanity.

It's all so fucking dumb, the only characters I hate more than Sasuke are probably Sakura and Boruto, and those two are only because they're persistent shitwads.

Why did he have only one kid. Being the last uchia he should have pumped out a lot more to help reestablish his clan and not left the job to his daughter.

That we know of. For all we know, while he's been off being a disappeared dad to Salad he could be fathering a whole new generation of Uchihas with sluts across the world

Sausage got like three separate novels after the manga ended.

Sarada is a slut with a scat fetish

When he has ever spoken to Himawari?

Sakura is the worst heroine in shonen manga I think i've ever seen. She's surrounded by major power players and destined individuals, and all she gets are former ninja parents that only existed as "characters" to hype up a non-canon movie. She gets a grand total of two competent scenes in the first half of the series, gets training off-screen to hype up her combat capability, and then rapidly loses relevance to being the healing sisterly character that somehow is justified in clobbering Naruto for basically anything he does ever because it's "funny". When beating an alien space princess has to result in Sakura pulling out a new power-up from nowhere at the last minute just to pretend to be relevant and then go "EVEN THOUGH I'M A GIRL, I'M STILL A PART OF THE TEAM", you know the author probably hates the character too or at least simply stopped caring.

And I say this as someone apathetic towards Hinata and honestly a bigger fan of Hanabi.

>this shit taste

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Suckurafags are non-existent outside of shipping bullshit. You're completely delusional if you think pinkshit is actually popular outside of being a cumdumpster while simultaneously placing 12th on the manga's last official popularity poll. Also, Japan is the place where she was the only Naruto character mentioned in the "characters I'd rather die than marry" and most annoying anime characters polls.

Naruto is kishis self insert, and everyone loves Naruto more than sasuke.

>The only person Kishi sucks off as much as Sasuke is Itachi,
He sucks off Naruto and Shikamaru far more than he does with Sasuke

>solo content
Both of the novels featuring her are either about Sasuke or Sasusaku. She has never had an actual character besides being his satellite, which wouldn't be so terrible if it weren't for the fact that Sasuke sucks and their relationship is complete nonsense in the original manga.

Anyone who made Sasuke lose to two black guys and nearly killed by an old eyeball creepy does not dick ride said character.

Pinkshitfag is one of those people who will drag you down to their level of stupid and never let you up until you agree with them. Just ignore him and he'll retreat to his den.

Also don't forget that in those two competent scenes she needed to be saved by Sasuke from imminent death in the former because her opponents were too powerful regardless, and the second scene was a fucking draw and ultimately double-disqualification with Ino. And when she tries to kick ass with her super strength in part 2, she almost always loses or doesn't get her quarry or has to be bailed out.

Though to be honest most of the female cast in Naruto get the short end of the shit stick no matter where you look.

What's that weird mole on Suigetsu's head?

His arc was terrible though. But he had good fights, I suppose that's all that matters
Even if the Sharingan's powers are hax bullshit

It's ok since Bort likes it

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Sasuke should be as popular as Naruto to general Naruto fans since he is easily the best fighter and the easiest one to exploit badassery fanservice out of. He's got q anti heroic edginess, the coolest movesets and actual fighting prowess, and he's basically if anyone cares about him a in depth character to flesh out with some sennin elements. Hell give him a sex scene with Sakura, he's pretty much a mature character in a shonen.

>good fights amount to him getting nearly killed our outperforming ninjas that don't really fight on his level but still give him trouble aka all if his and Narutos fights.

>give him a sex scene with sakura
This is a kids' show.

When he's not written OCC by some tumblr hack Sasusaku fangirl, Sasuke is the most awkward and asexual guy ever, so a sex scene with him would be ultimate cringe. Besides, I'm not talking about what Sasuke's popularity should be, but rather what it actually is and why a romance Naruto movie with him would an unviable project. Lastly, are you twelve or something? Nobody who whines and bitches about muh darkness like Sasuke is badass, he was an emo teenager's power fantsy in part 2, and he's just a huge dork in Boruto. He has quite literally never been badass except for a couple of panels in part 1.


by "good fights" I mean "entertaining fights"

His fights with Deidera, Itachi, and Bee particularly

This I agree with. Sasuke's character was a total trainwreck, but he was entertaining as a fighter win or lose, and towards the end I couldn't help but look forward to seeing how retarded Kishi could make him get and at which point the fans would have enough.

Do you seriously think he didn't spread his uchiha semen everywhere.
He's barley interested in Sakura so I don't think he forbid himself from having sex for 12 years for her sake.

Naruto is one of the few anime and manga that still will be talked about in +30 years.

Holy shit I thought you were trolling about the polls but they are true lmao.

>Nobody who whines and bitches
Sasuke never whined about anything, he was pretty silent and was action prone to make his point across.

>Nips are fucking weird
This isn't news, my guy

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These were the fight where he looked bad or asspulled alot if shit to keep from dying, how can anyone call these fights entertaining if he looked like a weakling. I want invincible and cool looking Sasuke at a total level of Naruto vs pain level badassery. Sasuke never had this fight till his last fight with Naruto which he lost.

Seriously he must be asexuell, no matter how cool and edgy you are you can't just ignore all these free pussies.
It's kind of funny too when you remember that he only blushed when he was his brother as a kid or with Naruto.

>Sasuke is the most awkward and asexual guy ever

No he's not, he's more a charmer than narutos retarded ads and sais autistic pale mime ass.

>so a sex scene with him would be ultimate cringe.

Sasuke > Naruto in a sex scenes, he's got the aloofness and confidence to pleasure a woman compared to any other character, don't like the incel cuck doujins like sunahara and such fool you.

>Besides, I'm not talking about what Sasuke's popularity should be, but rather what it actually is and why a romance Naruto movie with him would an unviable project.

Because you say So?

>Lastly, are you twelve or something?
No but im suspecting you are.

>Nobody who whines and bitches about muh darkness like Sasuke is badass, he was an emo teenager's power fantsy in part 2

As compared to Naruto the ultimate weeaboo social outcast virgin teenager fantasy? At least Sasuke acts and fights cool. And fuck you, this is all your opinion.

> and he's just a huge dork in Boruto
He's a player in the anime and the new novel.

Stay salty narutofag.

The only one salty here is the autist writing a wall of text to defend his fictional husband

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Thank god the new novel cleared up sasuke being a asexual robot to sakura, user

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>S.. Sasuke is cool and charming fuck you
>I would watch a sex scene of him ofcours

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sorry, but your average naruto watcher self incerts as naruto and doesn't give a fuck about any other character.
Sasuke is the best character, has development, a backstory, and motives about changing the world in a positive way. His rage autism just made him better.
Meanwhile, naruto only thinks of being the center of attention and being a "good guy". Even though he is nicely done, the purpose of the character is weak.

Sasuke confirmed CHAD
Naruto status: INCEL

breeding with Sakura would only give 50% Uchiha.
He's waiting for Sadara to turn into a baby making machine to make 75% Uchiha with her.

What did you expect? Pinkshit is a delusional retard and a pathological liar. Shitkura is as divisive over there as she is among westerners, nips are just less visceral about it since Japs shipperfags in general are more subdued.


>700 whole chapters of him being completely not interested in girls in any sexual or romantic way
>only showing interest towards Naruto and his brother
>the only one he kissed was naruto
>Sakura implied in Gaiden that he never kissed her
>ignore a kiss from his wife after 12 year from being away from her
>the first person he goes to see after he came back was naruto
>non Canon spin off written by someone other than kishimoto shows him in a completely different way than what we got of him from the creator manga.
>we should take this Novel for granted and throw the original manga in the trash

Are you suuure youre not gay for sasuke? I mean, "hes a charmer" sounds like something id say.

Nobody was talking about Nardo, you sperg. For what it's worth, he wasn't any badass either, but you sound as obsessed with him as Pinkshit is with Hinata, and that's not a good sign. Notice how besides going no (YOU) you presented zero counterarguments.

He's 12, cut him some slack.

The guy probably already stretched his asswhole with a Saucegay sword replica while he screams his lungs out here saying he wants to see more porn of a male character. This is top autism shit right here and it's painful to read.

Sasuke does get more hate from fans than any character in shonen history. I don't even think sakura is as hated as sasuke, she's not even close.

>C O O L visual techniques
>natural chakra reserves
>has every nature transformation with sharingan, literally capable of pulling off ANY jutsu
>badass backstory with brother
>stoic personality confusing your typical shonentard
>hurr durr lots of chakra
>lol it was a clone get fucked
>genkidama generic shit
>has a pitbull inside
>hurr durr attacks don't hurt me im stronk
>orphan wants to be president story

The NaruSakufag tears even after 5 years are delicious. Keep BAWWWW’ing.

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People change user, the new novel makes Sasuke act like a sane person for once. It's indifferent from Naruto becoming a workaholic father and more serious compared to his teenage days.

>this fanfic here which screams damage control/pandering should precedence over decades of stablished characterization in the source material because my gnash wound hurts otherwise
Go dilate, tranny. Sasugay is an asexual robot in canon and if you don't like it, you can go bitch to Kishimoto.

>badass backstory with his brother
It was fucking terrible. How does Itashit not realize mindraping his brother might be counterproductive to the village he supposedly loves?

>be 16yo
>not having a sexual life in the middle of war with your nemesis means you are asexual

>the adult Sasuke written by Kishi in the gaiden and Bort movie
>having a sex life
Yeah no, I'll stick to what the actual author writes him as over some mercenary hack looking to appease braindead shipperfags, thank you very much.

You sound angry, guess people have levels of hating a character. Go outside.

I'm not angry at all. If anything, I find the fact that some of you are willing to entertain character's 180s because it suits your shipperfag mental illness as pathetic as it is expected.

are you okay?
the whole naruto manga is what I mentioned, Sasuke was 16-17yo and his whole appearances were about revenge and war.
no time for love

>Naruto canonically rejected Sakura and he never loved her
The former never happened and the latter was a blatant retcon because SP didn't want Hinata to be Naruto's second choice. Actually read the original series, please.

>This volcanic Hinatafag/NaruHinafag meltdown in this thread.

All because of one novel having Sasuke and Sakura love each other like a husband and wife with a child should.

he's probably referring to the infamous false confession scene

to be fair Naruto had everyright to ditch her, althoe it would have been funny that Naruto tested how far would have she gone, and rob her first time and then ditch her

Is it better to have more porn content?

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>not realizing sasuke was the one using orochimaru
pitiful fool

You're either illiterate or trolling. I specifically mentioned adult Sasuke (as written by Kishimoto) in relation to your point about him not acting like in this newest throwaway fanfic because he "changed" when he became an adult. Tje fact of the matter is that this new book is the one making him act OOC, as opposed to an organic change already suggested in canon.

Unfortunately for him, it wasn't a "rejection" like: "I don't love you! You're ugly! I love Hinata now!", it was Naruto saying: "Stop lying to me! I know your heart belongs to Sasuke!"

Leave to Anti-Sakurafags to twist canon acting like we are all too retarded to notice it.

Nice fanfic, bub.

I bet Sakura has more on her own and with other characters than Hinata. At least 6000 of Hinata's hentai has Naruto in them.

Also, Sakura beats Hinata in content on many other sites. But you Hinatafags always say that doesn't count, yet post something like this later saying it matters all of a sudden.

Why is it always war with you faggots? Why do you have to parrot "anti-sakurafags" and "hinatafags"? Do you feel threatened by the ending of the series and everyone laughing at you? Why go out of your way to antagonize everyone like you have a persecution complex?

>Why do you keep bringing up the autistic subset of fans that notoriously shit up threads whenever Sakura gets any exposure?

I don't know, why don't you ask them why Sakura scares them so much? I would want an answer as much as everyone else.

>I never read the manga or just speedread with my shipping googles too tight; the post
Naruto flatout rejected Sakura on panel during her fake confession, which was memorable both because it highlighted the fact that Sakura doesn't understand a single thing about either of her teamates but also because it hammered even further that Sauce>>>Suckura in Naruto's eyes, which by the way also makes it very clear he never had anything but a very superficial crush on her. There's even a moment where Sasuke unironically tries to murder her and Naruto doesn't even get mad at him, he's actually more concerned with saving his soul or whatever gay shit he was spouting there.

>tfw Temarifag
Feels nice not having a part in the autism that plagues these threads

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Newest episode.

how much of that involves the raikage?

Everyone should be a Madarafag

He's grown past that.

everyone should have their waifu ravaged by madara

Nice headcanon, I call this headcanon because I don't remember this in the source material I've read. Here is some actual canon for you

How can anyone NOT be a Madarafag?

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>I can't disprove what actually happened in the manga
>I know, i'll call it fanfiction, that'll show them
You can't rewrite history user, Naruto flat out told her to fuck off and stop lying to herself during that false confession

Why do Sakura haters always have to resort to making up shit to make Sakura look bad? You'd think if she was that awful, they would have official information to coincide with their arguments against her.

>He's the one who Naruto into the man he is today.
Sounds like another reason to give him shit to me.

I know, right? She doesn't need the help to look bad

Is this really what Naruto threads have devolved into? Sakura falseflaggers who try to act like she isn't awful? Because I genuinely can't see this as anything but ironic shitposting.

I want to get ravaged by Madara
I don't know, he's just too perfect. He will unite us with friendship thanks to the moon

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>I know, i'll call it fanfiction, that'll show them
Because it is fanfiction. Why did this happen in the manga? How did "I hate people who lie to themselves" translate to "No, I refuse your offer for a date, and fucking, and eventual marriage! I don't love you!"

Seriously, show me how that was implied in that scene?

You know both him and the guy you quoted were right, Narutard
How does it feel to know this show is as bad as MHA?

Hinata and Raikage has exactly 400 results.

Well, I want to ravage Madara

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You need to get over her. Sorry, she has a huge fandom and people want to see more of her. Just because you don't, doesn't mean you can throw in autistic temper tantrum and demand everyone to hate her. If you don't like her that much, leave the series. you choice. She isn't going anywhere.

These translations are embarrassingly bad.

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Pinkshit, we know you're a special needs kid so repetition with you is warranted, but even your slow ass should be able to pick up facts from the heavy-handed context Kishimoto was providing here.

You really are mad about this
Reminder that her genes are so fucking awful that her kid needs glasses when she has one of the 4 strongest eye abilities in the world

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Naruto and Sasuke were both incredibly cancerous. Kishimoto is the only real reason why it sucks.

Naruto was never good, retard. Take off your nostalgia goggles.

No! Why is this the only figure featuring Rikudo Madara? I feel offended and in immense pain

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Ah, so you know you're bullshitting. Thanks for letting me know.

Yeah, and Obito needed eyedrops. What a weak shitter he was.

Go back to wanking to your glorified background character, Hinatafag. How does it feel to know only your group of fans (mostly shipper fans) give a shit about her because she's Naruto's fuckgirl?

It's truly amazing how much bitterness and jealousy Sakura creates.

>Obito needed eyedrops. What a weak shitter he was
How dare you. Apologize right now

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Ino is underrated.
She's the cutest girl in Naruto

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Top tier loli

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>Blonde Sakura who married a Sasuke clone.

Not really.

>isn't a deadbeat
>is actually a decent person
She upgraded.

Seriously fuck Sakura for ditching her like that.
Imagine doing this to your friend over a boy who wasn't even aware of your existence at that time.

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What's wrong with the way he is now?
>He was a great rival to Naruto
>Great character development with tragic backstory, which ultimately made him wise and just as powerful as the main protagonist.
He's fine the way he is, and most people I know feel the same.
You're talking about an old, finished franchise here, OP. Don't expect people to still discuss this thoroughly.

Because he never loved her romantically People like to give Kishimoto shit for not developing the interpersonal relationships between his characters enough, but even he knows when a relationship becomes unselleable to the audience, and him having Sakura make a fake confession back to back from Hinata's was something no sane author would be willing to do if he expects his audience to buy a Narusaku romance, period. Now, the reason why he felt like NS was disposable and didn't mind slapping Sakura accross the face with something so embarrassing stemmed from the fact that he not only had other plans for endgame, but more importantly because storytelling has priorities. To him, Naruto and Sasuke's bond>>>>>whatever they felt for Sakura, which is something you would have picked up if you weren't such an illiterate autist. This would have never been the case if Naruto truly romantically loved Sakura, because then the audience would give Naruto shit for caring more about his murderous soul brother than the love if his life, but people who weren't oxygen-deprived as newborns can tell that's exactly why the story didn't go that route.

>blonde Sakura
She's a better person than Sakura and she lives happily with her husband at home and their mentally stable son.

Let's compare girls from Naruto's generation:
Perfect housewife and mother
Beautiful and kind, was a good friend to Shika, Chouji and Sakura, has a loyal husband and son
Smart and ambitious, literally princess, married smartest guy in Konoha who basically is managing a village
Had no screentime, but in general nice and positive girl
Annoying bitch, obsessed with abusive insane closet faggot who tried to kill her, single mother raising her husband's daughter

How can anybody like Sakura?

>He's the one who Naruto into the man he is today.
Agreed, a man never forgets the one who took his virginity and his first kiss, he was even the first girlfriend Naruto held hands with at the valley near the end of the series.
I am sure their hands are floating in hand heaven forever held together. Best couple.

You're very bad a hiding it, Hinatafag. Get over Sakura.

So guys what are your general thoughts about Gaara?
Do you think he was a decent character?
I've never seen his character being discussed here

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Needing eyedrops has nothing to do with eyesight, you illiterate faggot. Cry all you want, but Sakura's genes brought nothing to the table for Sarada, which isn't even inherently bad but people keep poking fun at it precisely because you can't stand your precious pinkshit being badmouthed in a site that bashes every character.

Wrong, I like sluts, so my choice is Karin, and Sakura should take better care of her daughter.

Doesn't she also havew better friendship with Naruto and his family as well?

People who like her tend to be mentally ill masochists and into the idea of abusive relationship with an emo man.

>so my choice is Karin
I wouldn't wish Karin on anyone.

He stops being a character after his arc ends.
He gets reduced to a plot device in the first arc of part 2 and then becomes a stoic no nonsense faceless non-character with no personality. The character's entire purpose in the story after that point is "helb my friendo nardo cus he headbutted me da one time 5 years ago, besto buds 4lyfe nardo!! Sasuge is liek me so much i fight for nardo and bring back make nardo happy

alright character shafted by "everything revolves around Team 7", just like most side-characters in this damn franchise

He was great and a better version of what Kishimoto attempted to do with Sasuke up until about after his arc after which he became another Nardo cheerleader. Unironically 10 times more important to the story than Shitkura and Hinatits combined, which does put all the shitflinging about them into perspective.

Yes she does.
She's actually a well written female character but with not enough screen time

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She is kinky slut, also very loyal and useful, nice girl.

Sasuke is so damaged, I don't know how anybody can think that he is capable to love anybody or have normal relationship.

*Everything revolves around Naruto & Sasuke with a little dash og Kakashi
Ftfy because Sakura, Sai and Yamato could have dropped dead on the spot at any point and the story would have unironically play the same.

I apologize for not being educated on speaking the language of retard or bullshit like you, but I recall it canonically saying Sarada got sick and her illness deteriorated her eyesight, which is not from birth like you Anti-Sakurafags keep trying to push. Sarada has not displayed any disadvantageous and is shown to be completely capable like your average Uchiha. I mean, Boruto wasn't born with the Byakugan, and yet I don't see you faggots calling Naruto's genes shit.

This is a you thing, not a Sakura thing. Everyone besides you haters don't give a fuck about these "glaring flaws" you bitter dumbfucks make up. Sit the fuck down.

Thx for sharing your thoughts, I hardly see any discussion about him even tho he's quite popular in the Naruto fanbase and personally I thought he was decent compared to other characters in the series.

So everyone who doesn't like Sakura is a Hinatafag?

>Still nice to Sakura despite her ditching her for the same guy she likes
>Calls Sakura out for not cheering for her own teammate
>Could've beat Sakura with ease had she not had that BS inner Sakura crap and Naruto screaming
>Actually an asset to her team early on and still is
>Has a loving husband and son
>Gets along with Naruto and his family
>Himawari and Boruto like her a lot
>Can sense when enemy ninja are trying to sneak into the village
>Good mother

Ino has come so far

From it being proven time after time, I'd say yes.

That's never been proven. You don't appear in most hated polls by being disliked by fans of a single character.

You're reaching, Inofag. I always like how you can't praise your Blonde edition of Sakura without bringing up the original.

That's actually a problem with most waifufags here. They can't stop making comparisons to Sakura. It's like their waifus lack their own charms.

>That's never been proven.
How long have you been in these thread, let alone this fanbase? 5 hours?

>You don't appear in most hated polls by being disliked by fans of a single character.
Yeah, let's ignore the majority of the polls that have her on top, again. The official ones at that.

Give it a fucking rest.

Please, there's a reason why Sakura is known as the series bicycle and why she's shipped with every single one of her teammates, each Uchiha, and members of Akatsuki. Because she's self-insert bait as young girls to ship with whatever pretty boy they love the most. Because that's all Sakura really is.

Same thing is done with Naruto, does that make him shit, too?

>How long have you been in these thread, let alone this fanbase? 5 hours?
>90 posters
>over 400 posts
Really makes you think, doesn't it, you buffoon.
>Yeah, let's ignore the majority of the polls that have her on top, again. The official ones at that.
The majority of polls have her below top 5, many times not even top 10 and getting beaten by characters with a tenth of her screentime, which is pathetic when her teammates are consistently top 3. Having popularity doesn't change the fact she's just as hated.

You like polls?

Man, I'm SURE certain this unofficial poll made for a bias community is going to give us definitive results on which female character is more appealing!

Remember when Sasuke told Pinkshit how sick she makes him when she trash talked Naruto about how awesome it must be to have no parents?

>No Hanabi
Shit tier list, desu

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>and solo'd toneri alone. Sasuke barely shows up in the greater whole of naruto centric plots.
He literally stopped a meteor with a basic chidori while Kakashi stood there looking stupid.

Sakura is trash.
Just accept it, all girls in Naruto unironicly have better lives and families than her.
Gaiden showed how broken her life was.
Ino was way better than her as a person, a wife, a mom and a ninja.
She never considered betrying her village or clan for a boy, she never manipulated her friends feelings and she always had a great stable relationship with them, she never bullied Naruto or made fun of him for being an orphan and she never held back in the battlefield even when her dad died.
Cope with the facts

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>Other characters shit talk Naruto.
>Sakura shit talks Naruto.


Yes, your waifu is so amazing because something-something Sakura.

Literally no other character in the series has ever made fun of Naruto being an orphan. At most, they called him an idiot or incompetent.

Naruto is Kishimoto's self-insert. He literally said in an interview he tried his hardest to make Naruto appear as a bad father to make him more relatable to himself because he had to ignore his own son for years in order to write Naruto.

Kiba mocked him and laughed at him in front of the entire glass over his dream to be Hokage.

Shikamaru told him to kill himself.

But let's just ignore all that, because it doesn't fit the Anti-Sakura narrative.

Hey retard. You’re missing the point that Sakura is the only non-villain to mock him for not having parents. Nearly every other character has mocked him for some other reason, but only she has done that

When did Shikamaru do that? Because I don't remember him ever doing that.

The ironic thing is Naruto being a father was probably the happiest he's been his whole life. He has a family to go home to every night and just has to deal with an annoying son every once in a while.
You know the funny thing about it is Sakura's backstory tried to convince us she was this nice/shy girl that couldn't catch a break because her bitchy best friend Ino got in the way of her goals, then ironically they switch personalities. Ino became a well-adjusted but sometimes hot-headed adult while Sakura became a self-destructive bitch to herself and everyone around her.

I just searched about it and I got shots of him being the best bro ever.

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It might have been before he actually knew him as anything more than a loud troublemaker, but I don’t think Shikamaru ever trashed Naruto like that

I wouldn't go that far, but yeah he did become a good bro to Naruto once they got older.

Now that I think of it, I think the only ones in the series who didn't end up mocking him at some point are Iruka, Hinata, maybe Sarutobi and Konohamaru

He actually wanted all of Team 7 to kill themselves.

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I'm surprised Naruto still even considers Sakura a friend. They never had a bonding moment, even in fillers and she did nothing but either antagonize Naruto or go against his wishes.

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>Shit talking in a competition
Is that the best you have

Sakura was Naruto's partner in crime when Sasuke deserted the village. What the fuck are you talking about? Why are you faggots so hellbent on projecting this petty bitterness onto the characters just because you all fell that way?

He was a shit-talking guy, why'd you think he genuinely wanted them to die if he said that to their faces?

If you rewatched all of Naruto "friendship/family" speeches, he never mentions Sakura in any other them. Heck he even sometimes mentions Kakashi over her. Sakura was just a co-partner you would see in a police department to him. He never opened up to her like he opened up to Sasuke and Shikamaru or how Jiraiya and Tsunade opened up to each other on several occasions.

I can't believe you just lied so shamelessly right now.

>I have no way to counter so I’m just going to call him a liar

I call you a liar because I actually read the series, unlike you, who seems completely ignorant to what happens and how the characters act.

You're calling me a liar, not him. Next time just observe the characters and their motives instead of making up conclusions.

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>It's an "Yea Forums seethes over Sakura to an irrational degree" episode
God damn, I hate reruns.

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It’s more like
>One autist try's his absolute best to rewrite the manga to make Sakura not look like the piece of garbage she is

A. I've never said Sarada having bad eyesight reflected badly on Sakura, just that she didn't get anything inherently advantageous from her and that's true, no matter how mad that makes you
2. Bad eyesight is a completely different condition from dry eyes, period. Whether that comes into play is a different issue altogether, but dry eyes is a bother at best while having bad sight could potentially end your life.
3. You're being a total imbecile, as usual. We were told right from the very beginning of both the anime and the manga, that Boruto's special doujutsu was going to be important, via ominous exposition from a mystical character and all. The doujutsu in question is the result of a byakugan mutation which he got from his mother, in case you forgot.

The one that is entirely about Konohamaru trying to get laid?

How is that even possible? Hinata only gets paired up with Naruto and Neji while Sakura has fanart of her fucking every single other character in the series.

Naruto has a character outside of shitty shipping bait unlike Shitkura, so not the same situation at all.

Most of Hinata's hentai is now ntr shit.

I know, I hate it.

>no Tsunade
You guys are fags. Look, Tsunade is not my waifu and she's far from perfect but unlike Suckura, she had a character arc, and unlike Hinata, hers wasn't corny cliches.

I wanna ravage that barren womb

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You didn't take all of the BLACK'd and NTR into account.

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Why is everything on paper in Konoha don't they have excel or SAP there?

Bro sasuke.

Not really. Inofags live in entirely different bullshit headcanons where she is apparently Naruto's bff and Naruto and Sakura fucking hate each other.

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Nothing new. Sakura haters and fans of other girls like to enforce their fanfiction or headcanon upon the series.

I fucking started hated him after like the tenth time he gets a flashback of Naruto smiling to him.

Naruto is the biggest (and only) positive influence in his life.

You dumbasses watch one video and think you know it all.
Born to a prodigy, wasn’t one. Had a demon inside of him that was actively trying to Consume him. Trained by a legend? Sure, but most of the people from the village were legends. Horizon, Sarutobi, Kakashi, etc. I don’t know if I’d call him an underdog, but he didn’t have an easy life at all.

It still pisses me off to see Sakura with the Uchiha symbol on her clothes

So much bitterness.

Yes. She doesn't belong.

Keep crying

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Uchihas should only marry Uchihas.for 100% pure genes.

>Naruto didn't even care she made herself homeless
>legit though Sasuke cucked her, and he slightly got kind of sort of not really that mad at him
>doesn't eve look like him and Sakura have spoken to each other more than five words in years
You're also being a total hypocrite. Out of the people Naruto interacts and cinfides with the most now, Sakura is very likely not even among the top 5 and you make it seem like they're bffs or something. Naruto clearly has cooler people to hang around with.

Because you speedread the entire manga, ignore all the time they spent together and hype up nonexistent relationships Naruto had with other characters based on nothing but the character sucking Naruto's dick after he became ninja jesus.

Can you link me to this fanfic? It seems like you put a lot of thought into it. I think this bitter tension between Naruto and Sakura could be an interesting idea for a story.

Does it end in sex?

Now I'm convinced you're just a looney that can't separate headcanon from reality, Pinkshit. Naruto was good friends with Sakura just like he was with the best of the rookies, but that's it. This bullshit delusion some Suckuratards are trying to pull about her being his best friend is a fucking joke, and no, that doesn't meanI agree with the Inofag about his relationship with her being better. This is just another attempt from Sakurafats at sucking the actual main character's relevance by association.

>Nearly 500 posts and this is still the best one.

The fanfic is called the Naruto gaiden, speedreader. Also, there was no "tension" between Naruto and Sakura because it just seemed like they naturally drifted away since he's busy being ninja president while she makes end meet and plasters her head over her "friend's" photograph. Also
Kek. Sasuke literally made her an incel for over ten years.

Waaah waahh waahh

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Interesting premise. But I don't think you should give it the same title as the Naruto Gaiden, you should come up with something more original.

Uchihas are the master race.

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The Uchihas saved the series.

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>he never mentions Sakura in any other them.
But she is in all of his "friendship/family" flashbacks

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Not in that user's fanfiction.

wheres tobirama to counter all this uchiha posting

Yeah, it's not like he had any siblings that he treated like garbage but still risked their lives for him and put up with his bullshit despite how terrified they were of him.

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Unfortunately, Itachi and Coolest Guy got rid of all the Uchiha women

I don't care about Uchiha, only Obito.
Akatsuki insulting each other saved the series.

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Naruto was the only one who understood Gaara and was strong enough to knock some sense into him. Gaara legit needed someone to kick his ass so he wouldn't feel invincible anymore and offer a different outlook on life.

I always admired how patient Pain was with Hidan. Probably because he was one of those villains who wasn't paranoid about his strength and knew he could curbstomp a mouthy underling that thinks they're hot shit.

Same, Obito and Madara are the only good Uchihas. God I love Madara so much. I want to hug him, feel the soft fabric of his robe on my face and listen to his heartbeat

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His heartbeat can be a little intense.

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Naruto didn't even care she made herself homeless
You do realize she has a home by the end of Gaiden, right? For someone passing out at the thought of paying off loans, she seems pretty damn comfy here.

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She is not his best friend, that's still Sasuke for some retarded reason. But the characters Naruto is seen spending any amount of significant screentime with outside of his current family are always Shikamaru and Sakura.

Saying that Sakura is Kiba or Shino tier for Naruto is just dumb.

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Indeed. I love it. It's calming. I want to fall asleep to the sound of his heart pounding

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Based edgeboy

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As an adult, it's pretty much a fact that she's literally Kiba tier for him (and apparently so is every other rookie except for Shika and Hinata for obvious reasons). That doesn't mean he doesn't care about her ar all, but he's busy doing his own thing and meeting with other people, and both the gaiden and the new manga seems to reflect that with how little they actually interact.
>inb4 b-but they hanged around when they were kids/teenagers
They were in the same team and they both wanted to bring Sauce back. They don't really have that much of a connection outside of that.

Stopped reading there.

>That souless look on both Sasuke & Sakura's faces
Fucking kek, Kishi. Also yes, she's now living in an apartment, but the point is that they don't seem very aware of what's happening in each other's life that much, which is understandable but far from this fantasy where they're like brother and sister or whatever.