so why are they trying so hard to write him out of the series and shove him under the rug?
he his character had alot of potential.
So why are they trying so hard to write him out of the series and shove him under the rug?
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I want to fucking strangle you smelly tojifag footfag freak
*Thigh patrician
He's a jock, the opposite of the beta otaku that identify with Shinji.
Otaku and fujoshit don't like him.
the japanese only like wimps they can identify with and girls that'll never put out for them.
he was a victim of the second half of the show getting re-written in the middle of production
I haven't seen the rebuilds, is is true he gets even less screentime in them?
He's too ugly and shitskinned to have fans
he's just a tanned jap you dumb faggot
He's way darker than the other characters. He's got the niggy in him.
Toji a cute.
he's ugly and has a balding hairline.
His younger sister, who was only ever mentioned in the original series like three times, has more screentime and relevance than him in Rebuild. Partly because they actually made her a cast member in 3.0
jesus christ
They also stripped him from being a pilot thanks to Mari's existence ending up causing Asuka to get 03 instead, so he really is downgraded to just being "one of Shinji's school friends'.
He's a great character, but unfortunately he doesn't have many fans and rebuild is all about marketing appeal.
>the fucking long haired NERV dude whose name i can't even recall is more popular than Toji and Kensuke
i fucking hate nips some times.
Why are tanned japanese characters so much more popular in the west compared to japan?
Is this another cultural thing? Do they see strong tans as 'degenerate' like they do with tatoos?
Yes, Japs generally prefer pale skin over dark.
Garbage taste.
Too chad.
Not OP. Toji is the only Eva character I still care about after fifteen years of seeing Eva. Eat your heart out and see you next time.
Who cares? Rebuilds suck anyway.
Toji will remain best boy of NGE to the ends of time, nothing will ever change that.
Toji's is kind of a testament of how Anno wasn't a total sell out at some point, similar to Yui being the proof that humanity existed even after the death of the universe.
How is Pen-pen that high?
Why couldn't rebuild replicate this style. Shit sucks.
Otaku soimen cannot relate to a jock.
>the pedophile is 5th place
You know why he is that high.
Sakura's relevancy as one of the WILLE crew hinges on her connection to Toji. I think that her being there serves to emphasize Toji's importance to Shinji. Notice that Toji gets brought up both at WILLE and NERV HQ which means that plot wants you to remember him. IMO this whole thing was meant to foreshadow Toji's eventual appearance in 4.0, not to suggest his death. You also get the sense that Suzuharas seem to be the only people who don't bear hatered toward Shinji, we can assume Toji doesn't hate him because otherwise he would influence Sakura to blame him as well.
I hate that angle.
You think that because he saw Rei (well, multiple Reis) coming up to him during instrumentality he is a pedo?
I think it was meant as "this guy doesn't love anyone", that's why he got the default Rei. There was not ever the slighest implication he had any feelings for Rei
I didn't say he was dead or anything, just answering that user's question that Toji himself got strongly sidelined. And after so many years since 3.0 I don't think we should expect anything with 4.0 to try to continue ideas like Toji's comeback or the like.
>his character had a lot of potential
Literally every single character in Eva had a lot of potential.
They want to push le epic Mari, isnt she so cool she, she can pilot eva so well look at her do power rangers moves
I prefer Kensuke more
>best boy written out in favor of tits and glasses
Same desu
Toji's character was kind of boring and forgettable
Literally the Poochy of anime
Who is fifth and sixth? Honestly surprised kaji is 4th since he seems like a cooler bro than shinji and is more relevant than pen pen
Mari has nothing to do with Toji not being the Fourth Child. Mari is just some marketing insert and thematically she has nothing to do with the 4th. Fourth was always supposed to be bound to the tragedy of Eva 03, so in that sense Asuka is the one who took Toji's spot. And honestly it's to be expected with movies condensing stuff as much as possible. Just look at Ristuko or Kaji who have been reduced to a footnote and stripped from basically all of their character dilemmas. Toji at least kept the core of his character. I think him not being a pilot has just as much to do with a different direction they'll take with his and Shinji's relationship as it has to do with marketing.
Regardless how much time has passed I strongly expect that 4.0 will remain thematically consistent with 3.0 and khara will follow with their initial plans for it.
Anno wanted to have him killed off but it wasn't allowed by the higher-ups.
Disagree. Toji had hidden depths while Kensuke had none. His connection with Shinji was also not as strong due to his one-note Eva obsession and lack of empathy for the pilots.
Fuck thats what i hate about mari she just gets to better than shinji even thoguh hes supposed to be the best with his high synchro rate she doesnt even earn it
Fifth is Aoba from the OG NERV crew and sixth is a literal who from WILLE crew in 3.0 who had like one line in the movie.
Man, that's depressing. Homo in 1st as already expected, so is PenPen amassing joke votes, but Toji and Kensuke being behind that Q original bridge bunny I can't even name is too much. In 10th place he got outranked by all the meek beta characters too.
Meant 12th but yea this is stupid
rebuild virgin here but I really liked toji, he probably was originally supposed to play a role as an eva pilot but i think his tragic event was great, I just wonder if it would have hit harder if he died, since he's never even mentioned after that and it would have made shinji's struggle that much more difficult
>I just wonder if it would have hit harder if he died
Judging by the manga, nothing would have changed with the exception of not having the kino hospital scene. So no, it's better the way it is.
Because he, his friend and Hikari simply are not as fucked up as the other main characters.
yeah but the manga was garbage for a lot of other reasons, it's barely even worthy of discussion
i forgot about that hospital scene but you could have had her visit shinji in his dreams like in the manga which would have fucked with him, but I'm not sure I want to see shinji go through that much suffering
Anno should've kept that cut scene where Toji and Kensuke say goodbye to Shinji in EoE. It would've made a better transition from the series to the movie.
I miss cels.
How is Kaworu a homo you literal retard?
I don't think i've ever seen posters with lower IQ than Justfriends fags
Shinji was the only one acting like a homo in ep 24 and rebuild and you know it.
Kaworu never did anything gay.
He and Kensuke had genuinely interesting stories and I wanted to see more of them.
That bit in episode 4 where you find out that Kensuke basically jumps camps out on the daily since he has no parents always stuck with me.
And he straight up did not want to get tang'd, right the bitter end.
I wouldn't be shocked if Dante lost his tan for that reason.
Toji being badly and irreversibly hurt serves as a good prelude to the tone shift in latter part of the show without jumping the gun too much. A death at that point would lessen the shock from Rei's death. Shinji would also really have to go off the deep end way sooner, dunno I just can't see Shinji getting over Toji enough to pilot Eva in ep 19. And from another character standpoint, Toji being alive says more about Shinji as a character because instead of simply not being able to see him, he actively choses to avoid him because of his sense of guilt and lack of courage. It's a real shame the show never went deeper into that aspect of Shinji though, instead Toji is just never mentioned which just feels like there's a piece missing.
Come on. He was putting the moves on Shinji in the bath tub.
>Even after everything, when literally the entire world hates Shinji based Toji still has his back.
Realest nigga
I always took the scenes on the train as Shinji's psyche, since it tended to center around how he was abandoned by Gendo. Why did Toji end up seeing this towards the end?
good post, and yeah that is true
I didn't mean that it would be better I just wondered if it would hit harder. It would, but only at the cost of many other things
Maybe Rei has the ability to invade dreams and she ended up invading both Shinji, and Toji who was nearby.
DMC1 Dante is basically a different character from every other characterization he's had, and I honestly wish I got to see him again in his own game, maybe more like a castlevania with DMC1 combat instead of the way the combat went after 4
> Yui being the proof that humanity existed even after the death of the universe.
This is stupid, why do she accepted this?, Nobody care about humanity existence proof after the end of puniverse
She doesn't accept it, she choose it. She wants to be that.
she is omnipotent
because every character in the show has some kind of psychosis. I don't remember Toji's specific situation well enough to go into depth, but they're all pretty fucked up in some manner
Why is Yea Forums constantly defending and admiring bullies and assholes?
this guy was an asshole, even if Shinji never had hurt her sister inside the Eva, he would probably mock him anyway.
muh high school trauma
He's not a bishonen or a Waifu, so he gets no screentime
Still stupid, she have a fuck kid and husband. She bring the apocalypse for this.
I don't like him because he bullied Shinji, I liked him because he came through, realized what he did was wrong, put his pride aside and appoligised to Shinji, going as far as letting him him and becoming his friend to make amends for his mistake even though he had no obligation to do any of it. Toji is a good boy just trying to act tough for his sister's sake.
letting him hit him*
should've proof read that
>user didn't watch past episode three
Because Hideaki Anno is a sadist.
did you watch the whole thing or are you on episode 3 or 4?
Because he made Shinji look like to much of a whiny dick, so people would stop empathising with him.
but he already is and people already do that.
the guys with his behavior are always annoying arrogant fuckers.
Put a lid on it or you'll get the noogie of a life time, nerd.
Watch episodes 3 and 4.
My main point is that it was primarily Shinji's though. Rei and the train were there as symbols of Gendo abandoning him.
This stays consistent barring Toji, since Asuka's appearance during the one in EoE is instrumentality.
Welcome to my adolescent trauma. Goddamn that scene really hit a nerve.
>oh hey kid you get to be a hero too
>crippled for life before the inevitable apocalypse that you may not even be conscious for
in a way it was both a horrible fate and a blessing to not have to deal with all that later shit
The worst part of it is that he never cared about being the hero, he only did it to give his sister a better chance at recovery. And even after all that shit he still wanted to be friends with Shinji but Shinji just bailed out on him to have bathtub sex with the albino kid.
>crippled for life before the inevitable apocalypse that you may not even be conscious for
There has to be a silver lining in there, people who emerge from Tang have a chance to regenerate their limbs right?
>There has to be a silver lining in there, people who emerge from Tang have a chance to regenerate their limbs right?
Asuka did, so let's hope Toji does too.
>he only did it to give his sister a better chance at recovery.
and due to alternate timeline shenanigans, in at least one timeline this was completely unnecessary anyway
What do you mean?
The Rebuild stuff if we consider it a different timeline instead of a loop or whatever. Sakura apparently recovers well enough to be fully capable years after another impact without Toji needing pilot benefits or so forth. If you construe that back onto the original series, then Toji may never have had to become a pilot to help his sister.
She gets released from the hospital in the second rebuild. So her injuries wouldn't be as severe.
Or NERV artificially worsened her wounds so that they could get Toji to pilot.
>Or NERV artificially worsened her wounds so that they could get Toji to pilot.
That's a horrifying thought.
I'm fanwanking in here but I always thought NERV targeting Toji had something to do with his sister. They need the pilots to be emotionally vulnerable in order to have a good connection with the Eva, so Toji's longing and worrying for his sister makes him a good target. Plus he has a good motivation which is valuable for them as well.
>Akogi that high
Damn thats surprising. Though he was the only one to see the Reis for what they were in EoE which was pretty cool. I like to just think he despised all his coworkers and really who could blame him.
Let's set this straight. Did he really not know anything or did he know but didn't want to embarrass her?
He's not as socially retarded as Shinji so by then he probably has realized she likes him
he's just being cheeky
>see your crush badly injured and mutilated
>still muster up a smile
Damn Hikari is a top tier waifu.
toji being in that class means he was earmarked as a potential pilot long before sakura got hurt
>a penguin who literally don't do shit, has no line or personality, no bearing on the story at nr 3
Ah yes, EVA is full of deep, great characters they said.
True, but maybe the additional emotional unrest was what gave him the edge over other candidates.
Pale skin and very dark hair is the traditional Japanese beauty
It's not in there for the same reason it makes you feel better, Shinji can't have any reassurance that something wasn't his fault and he isn't blamed for it.
She forced her way into a top security NERV medical facility to see him too.
Between Gendo and Ritsuko, who know how this all really works and are speaking privately in front of their own secret project, it was because the core data to pair with him was more available. They hadn't even started faking the Marduk report or approached him yet.
man the low-angle light looks so good there
They look like american fags here
>yeah but the manga was garbage for a lot of other reasons
Such as?
Yeah, but also manga Shinji is miles away from anime Shinji
Worry more about Shinji's hydrocephaly.
Begone mangafag.
Cute AND handsome.
According to Anno, his first Nagai manga was Harenchi Gakuen
Jump to 0:48
And Asuka is Tetsuya Tsurugi as a loli, Eva 02 is Great Mazinger and its debut scene was a homage to Getter Robot (created by Ishikawa but still part of DP). Anno is an otaku even at his most depressive phase
>kaworu at #1
is it mostly girls or gay guys that vote for him?
asuka's introduction alone is so offensive that the whole thing goes into the trash
aside from that, eva is so dense with information, where every single scene is full of things that can be analyzed, every scene has a purpose
the manga isn't as deep
I did enjoy the rei content and there was some interesting things, so maybe I shouldn't be as harsh, but overall it doesn't hold a candle user
not a homo but I like kaworu's character
his fans are probably insufferable but he was a great character
Fujos vote on those male characters polls for which characters make them wet and Kaworu is by far the best they have. PenPen and Shinji are #3 and #2, the former got joke votes and the latter got votes for his position as MC and his relation to Kaworu, What sell in Eva are the waifus (and Kaworu)
You don't have to be a homo to appreciate a male character, wtf is this logic. Kaworu is just a cool addition to the show.
Also no one can beat Reifags/Asukafags when it comes to being insufferable
Exactly, he was the only one screaming in terror when getting tang'd. I don't know how anyone could come to the conclusion that he loved Rei.
You like the spergy kid who video tapes everything
anime writers (like Yea Forums) is racist
Lets cut to the chase. He should have been introduced earlier as a pilot.
The role he had and how it was appropriate to the story for stuff he actually said and did is pretty good. Only the bottom of fake Reifags compares to the jealousy for main characters, particularly for Shinji being the protagonist, bald lies about material they think is obscure, wank about how he was supposed to be the main character but they ran out of budget in the first episode, or wank like top 20 ways he's protagonist of the secret real plot that's always offscreen.
Has he or Kensuke ever been shirtless or naked like Shinji and Kaworu?
I know, Anno was old school otaku who know he was a geek, while current anime is aimed at nu-otaku who are averse to any sense of reality.
In some artbooks.
Sadomasochistic edgelords/wimps but Toji isn't Bakugo or bullyfu, he's a bro.
Do you have anything you can share? Links or pics or references that I have to go on?