When does this get as good as people say?
I'm at Ch. 21 and it's nowhere as good as people have said it is.
Does it just have a worse start or what?
JoJo Steel Ball Run
When people say its good they mean good for a jojo part, not that its a good manga
When you hang yourself.
Don't like it? I don't care. I'm not going to tell you where it gets good. I don't give a single shit about you and think you should legitimately die. Get off my fucking planet.
The start is kinda boring to be honest, just keep readong and see if you like it or no
Did you skip the first 6 parts?
Read and watched every part
Part 6 is my favorite so far
Will do
It doesn't, JoJo peaked at 4 & 5. SBR is a solid 7/10 tops.
overrated, loved only by obese americans
I liked 4 but 5 is my 2nd least favorite user
It gets better when fights are written with Johnny and Gyro as a team instead of one crying and one asspulling a new steel ball power
Drop if you still don’t like it at True Man’s World
I didn't get hooked until The Green Tomb arc
I'm gonna talk about this here because nobody wants jojolion threads right now. Anyway... if Karera does return, it would make sense if she ended up fixing Joshu's hair problem. I could imagine a scene like this: Joshu goes snooping around and corners Karera. To get him to fuck off she offers to fix his hair problem, and he leaves to go show Yasuho his new haircut. Then something shit happens in between, but Joshu comes back angry as fuck when his hair falls out. Maybe he shoots a fat nut at Karera , accidentally saving her from some other threat (probably the head doctor). Then we can get some serious Joshu kino.
Don't listen to these retards, even mega fans of SBR agree that the early fights aren't very good. Scary Monsters is when things get better, but there are still a few duds later on.
>When does this get as good as people say?
Why do these threads happen to every good series?
I had the same feeling when I read it. It's definitely overrated. Jojolion is the real deal
It has a shitty beginning then peaks at Sugar Mountain. The rest is poorly pacing and convoluted nonsense.
>starts out fine
>obviously but not surprised, he begins to write himself into walls as usual
>becomes shit early on mid race and acts like part 5 till the end
Read part 8, probably the only good jojo after 1 2 and 3
That’s very specific.
When will Joshu kino finally return?
>Jojo peaks at 4 & 5
If this isn't a joke pls go commit suicide
I too wish for the death of all people who don’t think like me. I’m glad to see someone as reasonable as me for once.
>JoJo peaked at 4 & 5
Absolutely enlightened.
Agreed, JoJolion is better than SBR.
Scary monsters
God I love that cover art.
>Part 6 is my favorite so far
Top tier jojo, villain, and ending. Excellent taste.
Jojo peaked with 6 and 7 you fag, and it's probably going to again with 8
Why JoJolion art style is so fucking awful?
Jojo is trash
Man the backlash against SBR is gonna be massive once it gets an anime.
Good for jojo standards = a solid 6/10
Honestly I don't even think it's adaptable properly, they'll have to use so much CGI
after Ringo Roadagain it gets better, peaking at the whole president pursuit, then araki shoehorns THE WORLD and it trainwrecks
ok reddit, nice to hear your hivemind opinion again
But then I'd leave my big tiddy wife all alone. No can do, brah. Enjoy dying alone though.
AU diego was so fucking bad
Regular diego was already god awful why the fuck dis he bring him back, except with a boring stand
>Part 6 is my favourite
Found the problem
Jojo on average is more of a 5/10. Berserk is a 6/10.
Opinion discarded.
Dumbass, I like both series.
Part 7 is shit until Scary Monsters.