This piece of shit deserves no love and no forgiveness. Wise should've just renounced her and went on with her life.
Okaa-san online
Other urls found in this thread:
She is right about the plot though
Wise a shit. A SHIT.
Wise a best.
Wise a best. BEST GIRL.
For all the fanservice, the show is surprisingly wholesome. It may be unironical Abe propaganda.
This reminds me of special cats that autistic children hold to feel better
I want a Porter to hold and feel better.
I want anime mommy
wait, how are you planning to accomplish this?!
Breast iron, dont look that up.
Thots need not apply to Maa-kun's harem
t. Mamako
>tfw will never be her furniture
why live
Wise mom is too dangerous, she gonna suck ma-kun nutbladder empty.
Chill out holy shit
Does the author of this shit have any children?
wait, where was the ecchi this episode?
why does being evil turn you dark skinned with dyed hair?
god i want to hug her
Porter is literally perfect. She must be the final boss.
Fuck ;_; Wise deserves a better and loving mom.
Wise a shit
I think maybe the director feel the mood whiplash from the ecchi gonna ruin it for some. They had chance to show wise shimapan too. I dont mind the lack of it for this episode.
Account Banishment
This mommy's figure is criminal
Shirase a best
You mean Shiraaase?
>actual plot
>Jerkass son gets his shit together for a minute, apologizes and legit cheers on his mom
>wholesome feelings all around
Finally, some good fucking food
I know Wise's feel.
when my mom gets mad she also says she never should have met my dad and proceeds to spout depressing things like no one loves her and I'm useless
Mama is too fucking perfect
fat titty mommy
You should love her, that is if you find enough strength her to love her despite her being a person she is. Anyway you have to find that strength inside you.
Making Porta into a mommy.
>disturbing yet erotic
WTF is wrong with me?
>no gyaru mommy
Anybody else feel like all this fantasy isekai anime look like plastic toys? I don't know how to describe it. I don't know if it's the budget or lack of overall thematic direction and just being "lol fantasy" but it looks like weapons, magic, monsters and everything that's part of the another world is a toy or an unity asset.
It's in beta
>it's year 2045 and anyone can create their very own MMORPG with the UnityVR
Look, I don’t care if your Joe-Schmoe protagonist maintains he’s not sexually interested in his mom. The sheer volume of sexually charged situations this show puts its cast through makes watching it a highly uncomfortable experience, especially when you realize Masato is constantly with his mother when she’s being sexually objectified in skimpy outfits or lewd situations.
But that’s not the biggest issue with the show. As Masato and his mom gear up for their first quest with their new allies, the sorcerer Wise reveals that the evil “Empress of the Night” is her estranged mother. Wise laments how her mother had been a neglectful woman in the real world, so much so that her family cut her off. Wise’s mother then reappeared and dragged her daughter into the game in order to make amends and repair their relationship—only to promptly get drunk on power and run off again to enslave a bunch of boys as her “sons.”
Wise’s story arc could have focused on the importance of found families and the need to dump toxic relationships, but instead the show doubles down on the idea that familial bonds spark some kind of innate love and connection. While real-life children have suffered abuse by neglectful or hateful parents, Mamako preaches for children who have tried to escape that situation to try again.
For anyone reading who needs to hear this: sometimes it’s okay to cut off toxic people from your life.
I was hoping Your Mom would be more appealing, but overall I don’t know if I can stand much more of this.
whatever blog you got this from, i can tell they don't have a proud mommy
Once you decide that it's okay to hate people as long as you have sufficient reason to do so, you'll just go on inventing sufficient reasons. That's the malady feminism suffers from, it teaches to hate.
i want to choke her to death then flail around her dead carcass like a fucking source engine ragdoll
Great amount of blushing from wise this episode, cute shit.
Probably true
>sometimes it’s okay to cut off toxic people from your life.
i mostly see redditors say this while transitioning to another gender and getting high as shit off drugs
I still don't understand why Wise is hated so much.
I love the look on pocketloli's face.
> He really doesn't know...
>i want to choke her to death then flail around her dead carcass like a fucking source engine ragdoll
Because there is no reason to like her, Mamako is cuter, hotter, and has a better personality.
i want to poke out her eyes and tie her arms so i can watch her flail around like an autistic compass needle
>everyone was sent to this world with their mom
im calling it now, Porter is the mom
And you called wrong, congratulations
Even at Lina Medina levels her child would be 7.
Normally girls of her age are only just starting to menstruate.
There's this Amante girl in the 3rd LN who redpills him on how having his mom around makes it impossible for girls to see him as a man.
is every mom except mc mom gonna be evil or what
Best girl carrying the show. I only watch this for Shirase.
i want to skin her alive then pull the skin over my sex doll have my own Wise sex puppet
Black = Evil
Unless you're a female elf, in that case you're waifu material.
I read a chapter of the manga and it doesn't really look like pochi.'s art, it looks more like art trying to copy pochi.'s
Does she even do the art for the manga or just the promo art? Or is it actually her just focusing on amount over quality?
TEAM Wise report.
Pochi isn't the artist for the manga
Worst girl
Porta should have more screentime
i want to make her a quadruple amputee then shove a spiked stick up her cunt and wave her around like i'm protesting
Best girl. THK falseflagging like he's Aifag need not apply.
MD has her listed as an artist for it, alongside some "Meicha" person, though it only looks like the covers and promos are done by her.
You must be allergic to tsunderes and femdom.
Wise's mom pls go.
i want to pour boiling hot water on her face and scratch off the skin like a scratch lottery ticket
>i want to make her a quadruple amputee then shove a spiked stick up her cunt and wave her around like i'm protesting
i want to drive a long chain through her anus and pull it out through her mouth then roast her guts over a fire like a gut shish-kebab
Come on user, she’s a tsundere not your eating disorder.
He's some Yea Forumsermin that doesn't even know what a tsundere is.
I want Wise to beat your ass.
It adds a nice conflict in the story though. He has to advance his relationship with mom but at the same time get closer to his favorite girl. Doing one task makes the other task more difficult.
I know what a tsundere is better than you and I still hate them
>his favorite girl
Is it Wise? He has three girls in his harem and I can't imagine it's the loli or crazy yandere.
Is only she was pure
why though? i like her a lot
Wise is falling for Masato, but weren't none of the girls seeing him as a man according to spoilers?
she sees him as a brother
The crazy cleric. To be fair, the story only started her off like that since 2nd volume. Maybe it will change later.
Good, she can't be worse than that shitty tsundere
so she wants an onii-chan to love and protect her, nice
Huh, seriously? That's unexpected.
>That's unexpected
You haven't even seen Medhi
What if there was a twist that non-combat player Porta is actually Shirase's mama and a cute, tiny old baba who just wanted to enjoy having some company?
She wants in for that incest play.
this is Porta's mom
Its been over a decade my mom said that to me...
I miss you mom
when is Wise gonna start carrying Mamako's grandchild?
Nah, I'll just take the mother, thank you.
And she said wise is flat.The fuck.
>you can grief players like this
What were the dev thinking?
>reviving someone when they still have a branch sticking through them
Small family company.
>this is what happens when you don't give your tsundere enough love and don't praise her flat chest daily
You'll never have mommy MMO adventures
Why didn't she just respawn in town?
For the same reason Houki is. Her entire character revolves around her being needlessly and excessively violent.
This wasn't true by ep3 already and is blatantly untrue by ep4
>Mentally ill oreimofag still trying even after getting BTFO 2 eps ago
Tsundere is a completely legitimate fetish for male masochists who don't like the powerplay in S&M.
Hurts, right?
Stop posting this ugly whore
my wife and daughter desu
Masochist here, I don't like tsunderes
This ones screwed up a little.
Did those wings sprout out of her ass?
It looks as painful as one would expect.
So, this gime is like pokemon, only trainers use moms to battle each other?
Wise is worst girl
t. wisemom
Wise mom pls. Wise is great.
t. old hag jealous of her own daughter's beauty and youth
Porta is best girl
Not enough lewd mommy this episode.
can't wait for the sweet vanilla wise doujins
sweet vanilla oyakodon wise doujins
Make Wise into a mommy!
>skin dentation
you can see when animators actually care about their job
>the cleric is a crazy yandere
Tell me more Yea Forums
What are the odds of two shows airing on the same day featuring brown women sitting on a chair made of men?
Can't wait for the doujins where her mom sells her into prostitution.
Reminder Wise in real life is likely a Female Slav or a Russian or an Eastern European girl.
Her mom is a helicopter parent who abuses the shit out of her to make her the best at everything, and she eventually snaps and tries to murder her mom.
She's violent and confrontational just like real russian people.
Shirase is legit best part of this show.
Right after momservice.
The OP is so damn catchy.
will there be a part where Masako magically reverts to a shota and Mamako goes off the rails?
Why do they take so long to introduce the healer?
The Wisest
I can fap to this.
I have muxed the Okaasan Online opening with Iida Pochi singing for you, Yea Forumsnikis
god damn pochi is perfect
Such a painful revival
Pochi too precious
I think I'm complete isekai trash because I'm actually kind of enjoying the story. Mothers and children being isekai'd together so they can properly bond together is wholesome and cute. Fuck Wise's mom though, she didn't deserve to be redeemed so quickly.
Holy mommy
man she's stacked
I love Shirase now
This episode pissed me off so much
>Trying to redeem such a piece of shit mom
>Having Wise apologize about anything
>Have it end with them fighting like nothing happened
Better be 5x as much Ara Ara next episode
Based and informative.
Fucking kek
Will we ever see her again?
You mean the host she’s named after is a Slav.
>Shirase not knowing how to do the YMCA
Cute autistic MILF
What is Porter's mom like?
Ask the Mormons
Cattleya is the superior Yuzuki Mom
have kids
Does it count as oyakodon even if they aren't related?
>they still fighting all the time
>cleared the game
>Mamamo and MC really get along now
>still in the game
I don't understand the clearing conditions
based Mamako
Too much Wise
IF she can use all magic in the game, why she didn't just use death magic on everyone like her daughter does with MC?
women are crazy
There is never enough Wise.
better version
It's Abes plan to force kids into looking after the aging population even if they hate them
A member of the game’s production team who feelings of shame and regret for working too much to take care of Porta warps her into “Hahades” the leader of the novel’s antagonists that likely will not be introduced in this season. Besides Amante who will likely be the anime’s final boss.
>anime feminist
have you considered suicide?
I fucking want her to step on my so hard
how can she compete with this?
>Wise's new clear condition is being made into a mommy because she chose to stay for boy
If masoto doesn't fuck that, he gay
With this.
>turn on cheat engine
>money stolen
nice ass. but it do't compare
Her shimapan drives me crazy.
those shimapan upksirts are GOAT.
Whoever wrote that sounds like one of these
>she wasn't a real gal mom
kinda sad
Play single player games
I want to store my semen in this bag.
>whoever wrote that has family issues
Color me surprised.
>just like real russian people
watch less CNN
>Silence tsundere
Where is Porter's mom?
Why does Wise look and act like Tohsaka Rin but more explosive in design and personality? Like fusing two Tohsaka Rins together.
Imagine the oyakodon with a succubus mom and her loli daughter.
>tfw my mom hates my weaboo and tcg collecting lifestyle.
>even calls me sick and depraved.
>I no longer live with her but she manages to raid my home to inspect my room.
What do, user?
Tohsaka Rin is just Asuka with black hair
Make a sister.
only one option, bro
hold her down and rape
absolute trash!
Was she a fucking goldigger or just Wise is result from her Enkou times
she left the dad, so not a gold digger
probably just a slut who can't knocked up by accident
She's Russian or Slav.
What is the Slav or Russian equivalent of Gyaru/Gal?
>THOT's patrolled!
I love a happy ending.
Gyaru's discovered the ability to telepathically communicate with other gyarus in their efforts to subvert mankind with their ample, tanned milkers.
Do I need to post FBI crime statistics?
>Grab my tits, kids. We're going on an adventure.
>discount Butterfree, Pikachu and Ghastly...
What's next ?
I hope all you mother-cons realize that you are getting cucked by your own father.
My father is based though. i kinda like him more than my mom
How come Wise's mom didn't try to capture Masato for her harem?
Stockholm syndrome.
jokes on you, my mother has been divorced for 29 years
Having a mother literally starts with cucking your father.
Joke's on you, my dad has been dead for 13 years now. Now who's cucking who?!
Does she come back in the novel?
This, you are literally the biggest thing that your mother has ever had between her legs and no other man could ever compete.
I would join her willingly to be honest.
This episode was surprisingly heartwarming.
>Wise says "Corona Fiamma"
>subtitle says "Bomba"
Did I miss something?
You sound like a loser who gave up on something important and now is trying to push it into other people so you can validate your choice as the only correct answer.
Never give up on your family. Don't let them drag you down, don't follow or enable their lifestyles, be your own person. But even at their lowest they are still family, even if you choose to help or let go or whatever else, they are still your family.
These puns are getting out of control
It's the only okaasion they have to use puns like that. Give them a break.
Okaasan online? No, it is hot milf online.
No incest.
I want to kidnap Porter and tie her up. She's too cute.
God, I love her final "DEAL WITH IT" pose.
Wise is unnecessary.
Mom Idols spinoff when?
Your picture shows how Porta is best girl, though.
>Pochi will never draw a doujin where these four go to town on some unfortunate shota
Why even live?
>dat chubby toddlerish belly
That explains how she has so much storage space.
I hate NTR, but I wish people who wanted to do that with Mamako would at least use the faceless, incomplete NPCs from episode 1 instead.
Porter? more like portly!
get this fatty off the screen
Why is the ED so catchy?
This is a bit too long for twitter, where is it from?
>t. Kazuno
I disagree.
Necessary shot from a necessary character.
It's stuck in my head, that gentle Mamako voice.
Isn’t it great?
>guys with heart pupils
Pretty rare sight.
The best camel toe.
I am going to kill Ma-kun in front of his mother!
>Porta want up
Why was this shot not with Porta instead? She wouldn't be embarrassed, she's still a child. Nor would anybody get flustered over seeing her unsexy, childish body. Very much unlike the structural sexual violence against Wise.
She doesn't mind as long as you're not an elf.
>t. fag that doesn't read yaoi/futaXmale doujins...
Can't wait for doujins to come out, especially of Wise
Blessed smile Shirase has there.
suka blyat
Do you prefer the OP or the ED?
I prefer the ED
I hope someone actually makes her as a joke character for Mugen. But then I also realise that means having to see someone beat her up. Then again, it's only a projection. A screen, at best, so she'll never actually die.
Porter is a Sensei and she is just acting cute all this time
Not /fit/enough.
where can I watch the OP/ED subbed?
>calls others fag
>is it still incest
Only from a spiritual standpoint. No more so than having sex with your lover, who turns out to be the reincarnation of the sister of the boy you reincarnated from.
You guys should probably chill, she's clearly getting into the spirit of the game and trying to ham it up. Of course she was gonna say shitty things as the villain, that's what villains do.
So how many series/years before the Oreimo version of this genre comes out?
>tfw Kazuno is pretty much Giorno's mom except her daughter didn't join the mafia
But these two are gonna marry (inside the game) in the last volume of the LN.
I fucking wish
>doesn't understand how big of a fag he is by not liking yaoi/futaXmale...
Wait, that Youtube vid that was posted yesterday, that was Pochi singing?!
What this is telling me is that Shirase is going to join the crusade eventually.
Can someone also explain why Medhi is called Medhi? When one thinks of Medhi, they think of it as an alternate name to Mahdi, and i.e. the Mahdi. So how do I stop getting flashbacks of the battle of Omdurman?
That is indeed our dark queen singing
Sometimes you wonder...
>literal succubutt mom
>he probably still isn't going to be able to tap
It's not fair, it's really not. Where's the goddamn oyakadon gonna come from? Fuck, while it's not technical oyakadon, we can even switch out Porta for Mamako or something.
Don't give up hope just yet! Sadpanda is back.
Gotta fug'em all!
>hip wings
That's Pochi you're talking about. It's a matter of time. Though probably won't involve Mamako because she's a devoted mommy and Pochi respects that
Medhi = Medic probably
>MMORPG isekai but not really
I know you guys understand isekai is a tad overdone genre at this point, but really, this? I mean the moms focus is really helping save the show, and this one is kinda neat as it's supposedly beta testing for an unfinished game, but I really hope the world actually expands.
I mean I remember reading this NetRunners book long long ago. This isn't even the first wave of isekai, let alone MMORPG isekai.
It was a good book
Got this in sound?
Aren't these mummies a little too OP?
/r/equesting gif version pls.
Thanks. That's what I get for watching it at 6 in the morning.
She's just having fun user. Same with Mamako. You know, what you're supposed to do in vidya?
At times, yeah. Masato really loved her dark goddess outfit. Her being so young really messes with his mind.
Yep. She was supposed to be a healing type character for Masato (a proper main heroine) before his group got dragged into her mother problems.
Is Porta, dare I say it, the best character?
Next week I think going off the preview
>oh yeah I cucked your dad daily with hosts, spent all money on hosts, never did anything as a wife or mother, and eventually left you all but you said mean things to me when I suddenly popped back into your life so that makes you in the wrong and I wish you weren't born and I only turn good when I lose
How the fuck is this character even remotely redeemable? Did a woman write this?
Porta is cute!
>Did a woman write this?
Of course. Women can rationalize anything these days.
thanks. about time! I always skip previews because they spoil too much.
I'll admit, while I could see it coming, I really dawww'd when they lowered their hands for Porta
>PoChiyo will never squeeze all of your semen out with her eldritch pussy
is this a new meme?
>Mamako talking proudly about Maa-kun and how much she loves him even with all his faults
Goddamn this was such a heartwarming episode
Mamako a fucking BEST. I love her so much.
I like you user. And yeah, people say hurtful stuff when they're hurt. It's difficult and unpleasant but try to see what's beyond that.
Whoever wrote this should be put to death
Mamako really is the best
>Married couple and their daughter
Mamako is great but that's a pretty selfish reason to actually hate a character. At best you should just ignore Wise, not shit on her.
> I wish you weren't born
It fortunately never happend to me but I consider this as endgame of parent-child relationship. Are people just using it lightly or what? Whore should have thought about it beforeshe sat on dick. It's her bad decision making and now she just shut the fuck up and take responability.
Satomi Arai is hamming this role up so hard and I love it.
>outright monologues about her love for Maa-kun ever since his birth, and his first smile and his first words
NBRfags B T F O
She is ready to take over Goku's role
Porta makes the perfect daughterfu
>literally turned Phantom Thieves for moms
Although, who has the cuter girls ?
Oh my mom is indeed pretty, kind and appealing, thank you
>that smile of acknowledgement to Masato while she's in absolute rage mode to Wise's mother
She's fucking perfect bros
>Mommy Mamako and Daddy Ma-kun dropping Porta off for her first day of elementary school and kissing her good luck
post Shirase dying webm. pls
I appreciate this anime mostly because it doesn't take its premise seriously at all and has fun with the stupid isekai bullshit.
So if you can only leave the game by forming a close bond with your mommy, is Porta screwed since her mommy didn't come with her? Is she trapped forever?
The solution is that she has to become a mother.
Hope someone made a webm loop of her video game form popping up in the coffin.
I didn't ask for these feels.
>INB4 Porta is actually dead all along and her ghost got trapped in the game for some reason
Seiyuus should get to have fun with their characters!
Is "someone" going to put another baby is Shirase?
Why is Shirase such best girl?
Wise mom looks like some used up crack whore
I remember when this girl was attacking me and these two girls I knew would tell me to not let her do that to me.
Well I didn't hit her back but insulted her face and said it looked like a rotting pig, she starts crying and the next day, guess what?
The two girls decided to stop talking and ignore me because of it
That was the final time that I made girls as my "friends".
Give me Shirase or give me death.
>even if you choose to help or let go or whatever else
I thought you were saying that people shouldn't let go? That's a fair viewpoint, I'm just legit uncertain what you mean here.
I think the point is that there may be circumstances where you need to let go, but you shouldn't claim any sort of moral superiority over it. You having to let go is merely a measure of your own imperfection.
Why did the translators give up and started writing weird romanizations of the spells when they're obviously in Italian?
Bitch of this caliber lives 2 stories below me. Had 4 kids from 3 guys probably, I only ever see her out to buy alcohol and smokes, keeps putting the fucking stroller in front of entrance to the basement. Wish I could beat the shit out of her but alas I'm just a lanky faggot and also it would be illegal.
But how do you know her caliber?
I'm still trying to figure out if they're deaf, or just didn't know the term Corona.
Imagine Shirase informing you about everything during sex.
>I am now iiiiiiiinforming you that I, Shiiiiiiirase am about to cum
damn, dude
she wanted the D
And then she makes this face
Japan revving up dem vanilla wise doujin yet?
Why vanilla when you can involve her mother?
God, just imagine Shirase talking through a fan as you inform her body that she's your woman.
That premise is probably getting steady stream of doujin already.
Pureness and love incarnate, truly beautiful. She exemplifies and explains what it truly means to be a mother, it's adorable.
Im worried though, as we go deeper and deeper in. Even now, I feel a shadow of Mamako out there, somewhere. A negative image, a reflection of looking in a mirror darkly, and as Mamako shows more and more how she loves, I'm worried that this mirror image is out there. And what dark things will this mirror believe? What will the dark Mamako, what will she say? What terrors are waiting when we see a Mamako who is cruel, who is uncaring, or maybe even, a Mamako who never was a mother? And what will she desire with Masato?
This thing is boring and the only funny bits are with shiraaaaaaaase.
When is Porta's episode?
>looking through her fingers
Porta is lewd! Lewd!
>imagine a sandwich between Mamako and Wise
Who would be behind and who in front?
Mamako behind obviously. You wouldn't feel anything if Wise is behind you.
what if medhi is portas mom?
Please tell me she's an Ara Ara
>hai thar Hotaru
Leave Shadow Mamako to us
Wise is a miracle of the universe.
Medhi is Yuu Kun's mom
Will the success of this show start a new isekai trend of moms joining their sons in the new world? Maybe Kazuma's mom ends up getting isekaied to the Konosuba world and joins his party?
A miracle of ugliness.
Loli Mafuyu a cute
VERY woke
Wait a second, that means bad end for Mehdi...
How deep does this rabbit hole even go?
>Maa-kun wants to be stronger and manlier to make Mamako proud as an alpha male
>Plays what basically a VR MMORPG where everything is virtual, pre determined and has no real sense of danger instead of put his focus on sport, train MMA or join the military
Fuckin zoomer
no one cares about her, most people and the japanese only read it because of mamako
>keeps bitching about her child taking over and ruining her life
>when she abandoned her and cut her out of her life
This garbage is even worse than dr.stone.
If you believe, you'll have one too!
Jesus fucking Christ
She better do something like kidnap Maa-kun and force Okaasan to have a serious mommy on mommy duel.
She can even tease Okaasan that she gave an experience, and she took something of his that Okaasan can never have now.
It's like Jojo, except the Stands are Mamas, and the fanbase isn't pure cancer.
>Says ugliness
>posts a picture with a beautiful Wise
It's good to see mommy isn't dense as her son and has realized why Wise wants to stay.
>tfw asked my mom what her goal in life is
>she said it was to raise a good son
Boy did she fuck up on that one.
Consider the possibilities:
She's probably having another one.
Even if he'll be clinically retarded that's still be better than you.
She's over 60 years old, bro.
They should adopt Porta.
Oh jeez that's adorable!
Well, your life story isn't written yet, so the jury is still out on her life goal
People who make Okaa-san cry should be punished in extremis. Pile body upon body.
You're setting a really low passing grade then
Mamako ships Wise with Ma-kun.
Therefor all you milf-fags need to be nicer to Wise.
Is killing her being nice?
If they don't, I will.
Fuck off, I can't stand how annoying and pretentious Wisefags are.
Reminds me of another dumb seasonal imouto-like bait from another show that as soon as the seasonals fucked off, her support cratered.
Katia a shit
Wise a shit
Wise a cute. A CUTE.
>The King says that if he tells Masato the purpose of the game, the GM's will get to basically enslave you
>Shiraaaaase is a GM
Does...does this mean potential hardcore S&M with Shirase in latex dom outfits and a whip if Masato tries to bullshit the system?
>tfw your grandmother was a piece of shit like wise's mom and because of that your mom ended being overprotective like mamako
Break the cycle, don't procreate
Wise a shit
That sounds like a net profit.
already on it
So aren't you happy? Or are you like Ma-kun and just be an asshole to your mom because you gotta be edgy?
Fug Porta
Wise is mediocre at best, she's going to turn out worse than her mother
Not him but you're both fucking retarded. Helicopter smothers only produce incompetent manchildren incapable to live responsibly.
oh no, I am happy, I don't think I could ask for a better mother
do you want to go on an isekai adventure with her?
Not him but isekai has minotaurs and horse demons user.
Why does mamako ship her son with wise anyway? Be wouldn't Porter or medhi be better alternatives?
when does mom get an orc bf
There's a difference between being motherly/a tad overprotective but still indulgent of another's desires and need to spread their wings, and being a helicopter parent (the latter of which isn't even a emotionally positive or negative thing, it just describes a state of over-interference in your life, not even normal parental actions). You'd understand this if you had actually bothered raising children.
I'm sorry that your mother failed you in some way of your self indulgent perception or something, but you can fuck right off if you're going to try to bring everyone else down to your dejected state of shit every episode.
>I'm sorry
It's called sarcasm user. Maybe one day you'll figure it out.
>Is "someone" going to put another baby is Shirase?
Since Shirase's daughter is only 5 years old, I assume her husband is around and willing to put another baby inside her.
>entire post is sarcasm
Gotcha, never going to take you seriously again user.
>I assume her husband is around
We can fix that!
I mean, do YOU want Mamako do have Wise as a daughter-in-law?
>I mean, do YOU want Mamako do have Wise as a daughter-in-law?
Mamako seems pretty fond of Wise and has given her approval. Masato has a bit of a crush on Medhi though. Medhi in turn only sees Masato as a annoying brother figure and would never fuck him.
All in all, it's hard to see if any romance is gonna happen, specially after volume 3.
>Wise's mom is white and still loves her daughter enough to try and make up
>turns into a nigger when she completely abandons her daughter and goes to selfish route
What if Shirase is the true final boss ?
Raimi is trying to redpill Pochi
Wise a cute. Cute!!
Shirairairase's waist to hip ratio should be illegal.
Yes anime characters are white.
It probably is an illegal character mod.
Why is the character description bubble duplicated?
I'm going to assume that monkey isn't a quadruple amputee, and just has her limbs tied behind her. Yes, her.
Shirase's body type gets thoroughly punished by cock.
And they do it for free
The twin tails really ruin it
>what is a dark elf/gyaru/ganguro
Well I mean she's technically above even final bosses, so...
It's not. Tiona vs Tione
>Final battle is All mother/child vs a Giant Shirase as the final test of Mom-child bonding relationship
Twintails can only improve any design, so you're wrong.
It basically solidifies that she will never have any serious romantic development. Twin tails epitomize the side character archetype as opposed to a girl with normal, untied hair.
The specific moment her face was captured makes it look like she has something big up her ass.
Not that I endorse sexualizing Porta. Don't do that.
I see people of culture is this thread.
I want a gf as flat as Aika
Based and flatpilled.
Would your Mom and Mamako get along?
Absolutely not. My mother would probably notice my attraction to Mamako and go nuclear.
more like to protect me from an old hag trying to prey on me (as she would see it)
Puberty is going to hit Porta so hard she'll probably explode
Why must she be destined to lose the MCbowl, and to shitty Wise of all characters?
But she's winning
Mamako ending or we burn down japan
So we all know the game at least in closed beta is very railroaded. But what is the eventual intention when it hits release?
What if it's an as rule-less MMO as possible? Kind of like EVE Online or what they were planning on doing with Vampire the Masquerade/World of Darkness Online? There, no one could stop Mamako from reigning and ruling the game. She could do whatever she wants! She could also possibly then be in actual danger from gangs of men, but that's NTR bait so no.
Mamako for Prince of the City! What would her and Ma-kun's Clan be anyways?
Read volume 3. Medhi has no interest in Masato. In fact she probably thinks he's a pathetic loser.
Wise was introduced first so I'm wary.
I'm guessing it will never be released. More like a goverment project to help families connect
You called?
Medhi ending is also acceptable
Actually, so is Shirase, but that's very very unlikely
Mamako ending is as unlikely. It would go against the point of the series.
>Medhi Ending
R.I.P Maa Kun
There are 5 volumes after that, you know
she'll be fine
Yeah. I read those too. Your point?
>Why is the ED so catchy?
I don't know, but it sounds like the kind of song you'd hear in an Asian supermarket for some reason.
>Ma-kun and Mamako get married
>they adopt Porta to officially be their daughter
Absolute best ending desu
Because she needs to gave birth to the one who tame the Shub
Everyone! Give your mother a hug and tell her you love her. Post results
>But I moved out
Call her and tell her you love her
>But I haven't seen her in years
Now's a good moment to catch up with her
>But she's mean and abusive
Now's a good moment to turn over a new leaf
>But she's dead
Pray for her soul
Now nobody has an excuse
>Kirinoending is unlikely. It would go against the point of the series.
She's working right now
>Kirinofag infesting Mamako threads again
Fuck off already. You don't even read this series.
Send her a text, she'll read it when she has the opportunity to
>Porta is actually a 20 something years old female teacher who got her body de-aged when entering the game due to the system for some reason
Tell them that pic related is the best imouto
>tfw this anime is making me want to have a wholesome family with a loving wife and children
What the fuck is happening
>What the fuck is happening
A Wise decision.
Abe's plan is working it seems
>Call her and tell her you love her
She would freak the fuck out and ask if I'm alright. We're on good terms, tho.
>just marry and give me grandchildren already
y-you too
Wise isn't Best Girl but she has Mamako's approval so I approve as well.
that means it's working
Definitely, it really sounds what I'd have called Asian pop in like, the 80s, early 90s. Or rather when the singing starts. The music accompaniment is modernist until the singing strats. Really brought me back tbhfam.
Clan Giovanni. Then their relationship won't be taboo!
You know
What did they all mean by this, reacting to his kissu?
>Mehdi thinks he's a loser
Is that really so? I mean she's holding that arm awfully tight, even if it's an amused face.
you might be entering your late 20s/early 30s
She just hug me back, smiles and ask "Are you still watching wrestling user ?, i see The Rock is getting even more jacked up than before"
Too bad the author is a hack or else this could’ve been good
based abe, how does he do it?
She's just holding him back and laugh at his embarrassed state
>Kazuno is pretty much similar to Giorno's mom
Why does Satomi always sound so sexy? She needs more roles.
>schoolgirl Mamako next episode
Sexy portable storage.
I want to hug her
Post Shiraaase, you niggers
I want to live in porters storage.
So when does the dark stuff mommy used to do come up? To truly be a person who spreads light, you have to know how the darkness is like.
I mean based on the shot earlier, maybe she really was a JK back then?
I think she never know the dark side for all of her life. I mean look at how she acts
>MC said sorry to his mom and appreciated how much she had done for him
So why is the quest not over?
Because Shirase needs Mamako to stay in the game to deal with Amante and Hahades.
question is do you think we will see the others in a school girl outfit
Because the entire story is Mamako and Ma-kun's true love fixing everyone else's shitty relationships with their parents
That's way more wholesome than what the official art promised.
>looks like it's the exact outfit too
Based. Hopefully we'll see Mamako in the other costumes, *especially* that Cheongsam
Dense mother's don't make sense in general so I'm happy that stereotype is dying. She fell in love, got into a relationship, went through pregnancy and childbirth labor. She knows life is pain but also that there's stuff worth waking up for every morning.
>I think she never know the dark side for all of her life. I mean look at how she acts
Adults keep secrets user. Many keep them for a long time. Some even take theirs to the grave.
SPEAKING of which, tell me Yukarin is voicing someone in this? She'd be PERFECT as a teasing mom! Which means, maybe Hahades
I love Shirase!
god I want to bury my face in her ass
There's no fucking way Mamako only had one kid. What the fuck is wrong with Daddykun?
The thing with the dense mom stereotype, it's important to note that both in fiction and reality, it's nearly always a subversion, because a lot of them are hyper-competent in regions of life that interest them, or hold more importance. So that's how, say, dumb doting moms "somehow" just happen to find girls you're interested in and maneuver them into your life, even though you've never, say, told anyone your tastes.
Dense moms are often a bait and switch, moreover, in that a lot of times, it's a mask that's put on. A benign one, but a mask nonetheless, and when the cards are down, you get a glimpse of the true power of that person.
Thank you for posting it, why didn't anyone else post this before? It's amazing.
>Cheongsam Mamako
Be calm, my raging heart.
Fuck off
It's probably just for the best to assume he died, and they just haven't gotten around to talking about it.
We all do user, we all do.
He's not dead. He's on a business trip or some shit like that. Go read the LN already.
>that school outfit
We...were her and Takagi-san friends?
Does Mamako actually wear that in the LNs or is it just Pochi having fun?
That leotard is really sexy, but volley Mamako is cute! She has to be a libero though, given that she's a womanlet.
Why is it that an older woman dressing like a school girl is millions of miles hotter than an actual school girl?
The leotard is insanely sexy, plus with the spandex/hose there, what was she thinking? Also, even her tired face is cute.
Let me answer that with another question: why would an older woman wear a schoolgirl's uniform in the first place?