Happy Sugar Life

>blew their entire budget on HanaKana
>shit animation
>hands down had the best directing and cinematography of it's season

Attached: kino sugar life.webm (1280x720, 2.78M)

It was pretty good. Outside of the contrived ending episode.

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>contrived ending episode
I'd gladly take an anime original ending over a "go read the source material ending," if s2 isn't imminent.

Satou got what she deserved. Too bad Shio's going to follow in her footsteps.

One of those rare shows that actually deserved a proper budget. By the end you can almost observe the art department falling apart because the shoestring budget couldn't cover the work anymore.

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I think the manga ended the same way.Still a good watch though.

Did the manga end?

A month or two after the anime I think but I just rechecked, looks like the english translation is still ongoing. Maybe it was raw final chapter posted thread here.

>that police car
It looks like they just cropped in a car and put a crappy filter over it. Proportions look a bit off too. The fence/gate shouldn't be that small.

What's contrived about it? It's nothing next to actual trainwreck endings.

Yeah the animation is not something to write home about. The story and characters are the real selling points.

That POV episode (9 iirc) was unironically kino.

yeah i think it was ep 9. Together with 7 (auntie) my favorites of the entire thing.

It's sad that, in the same season, Goblin Slayer and SAO: Alicitization both got their rape scenes, but HSL's was censored.

I eventually got over the ending, especially after recent events showed that some fire escapes just don't open. Without that issue it was just the usual contrived way of having every character turn up at the same place for the finale.
It was still at least 8/10 for me.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Happy Sugar Life - 11 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_18.12_[2018.09.22_22.29.09].jpg (1920x1080, 970K)

Literal trash in every single way

>It looks like they just cropped in a car and put a crappy filter over it
They literally do that more often than you think, it's just they usually hide it better.

At least the direction sort of kept it together.
After watching enough low budget shows I could at least see this did well with what it had. If they gave the exact same people more time/budget it could've been even better, not that I'd expect that would make it sell better for it.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Happy Sugar Life - 12 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_22.14.501.jpg (1920x1080, 151K)

>shit animation
Where? I can't remember a single time where the animation didn't look clean and on spot.

I love this anime but the art wasn't something special like say made in abyss (though that is an extreme example i suppose). It's competent and functional but like i said earlier

Environments look cheap and lack details.
Despite the low budget they still managed to not make things fall apart, which means they had a very good direction. It was also the studio's first project, so they had to nail it.

Dogshit series that only /u/ and pedos defend.

>It was also the studio's first project, so they had to nail it.
It was worrying when for half a year they didn't have a single announcement or even a website. After making something so good I just assumed they'd disappear again.
Instead they still are keeping a 100% record of making decent shows.

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It was episode 8. 9 was Snitches Get Stitches with sexy results and it was pure kino too

I didn't said it was special though, it just wasn't shit.

It had a run of episodes that really made me think it could be AOTY.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Happy Sugar Life - 08 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_09.57_[2018.08.31_16.40.21].jpg (1920x2565, 2.98M)

I know, just trying to say that it isn't something that really stands out.

They kept the character art looking pretty nice.

Attached: 08 - Apartment No.1208.mkv_snapshot_19.59_[2019.05.11_23.00.19].jpg (1280x720, 68K)

I want to fuck the aunt without using a condom.

All satou needed was a good dicking to become normal again, but the weak japs couldn't even do that right

Time to feed Cocoa

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There was a rape scene in HSL?

auntie is not very keen on asking for consent. Also that café manager raped that blonde guy too

Mitsuboshi couldn't stop getting raped.

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>HSL had no pantyshots
>Sounan desu ka has several
What did Ezo'la mean by this?

but did you see what he was wearing? he was asking for it

It had a good OP as well.

>blew their entire budget on HanaKana and Kikuko Inoue*
>hands down had the best directing and cinematography of the year*

Attached: HanaKana Kobato and Happy Sugar Life.jpg (1999x481, 151K)

threadly reminder that sugar-chan did nothing wrong. The world was just too nigai for her

Attached: __matsuzaka_satou_happy_sugar_life_drawn_by_kisame_klelloch__sample-e50b5d229afe3bd4f844de6c063ad410 (850x1190, 289K)

Reminder this is what Satou and Shio's love child look like

Attached: AICL-3543.jpg (500x442, 107K)

Satou and Shio deserved their happiness but the world is not fair.

One Room Sugar Life was pretty jarring with how upbeat it sounded compared to it's dark Madoka-esque imagery.

Name one that was better. Easy AOTY for me.

Attached: happy sugar life.jpg (220x313, 31K)

Rupan sansei?

Don't understand what you mean. Why mention an anime from the 70s?

I still want to have children with sugar-chan!

Doesn't the manager rape Mitsuboshi in literally the first episode?

Both rapes happen off screen, hence the "censored"part.

She forgot her ring.

There's also shios mothers backstory

I want auntie to rape me it's not fair bros

>when your precinct is too poor to afford a CGI cruiser

I love it when they mix moe and cuteness with the opposite.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Happy Sugar Life - 02 [720p].mkv - 0031.jpg (1280x720, 127K)

What is this show about?
It looks like generic moe shit, but a quick scan o f the thread makes me think it's not so.

It's a psychological thriller

Is it suffering porn? I can't handle suffering porn.

Ehhh, yeah it kinda is.

Damn, i'm curious but i can't do this to myself. Life is already suffering porn. Cancelling the download.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Happy Sugar Life - 03 [720p].mkv - 0020.jpg (1280x720, 111K)

>bad animation
the parts that mattered were great though

Attached: 1555649775029.webm (960x540, 2.89M)

The best scene because it's actually a bit disturbing

A reminder Shouko forgives Satou in the afterlife.

But it spoiled the manga ending.

I feel nothing.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Happy Sugar Life - 05 [720p].mkv - 0002.jpg (1280x720, 110K)

That car looks like inserted with paint

Oh I thought it was still ongoing but I see it just was the english translation being behind

Sex with auntie!

She's the tastiest strawberry ice cream I've ever seen!

No your boyhole needs some good dicking by ugly old men to cure your homosexuality

Even female otakus side with Satou.

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Fucking bitch couldn't even spare her best friend.

If I had by some miracle obtained a happy sugar life with a cute loli succubus and someone threatened it I'd do the same as much as I wouldn't want to

not to mention the friend betrayed her trust the day before