
Fuck this isekai bullshit, I want training and harem ASAP. Fuck you Yoshi

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Isekai? What happened? Havent read since the tournament

boy youre in for a story

Some peaceful harem in the isekai world would be a good way to end the arc. The training should be sexual, and not the kind they were forced into as slaves.

what about a timeskip?

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Man I don't remember this. I guess I should reread Tsugumomo up until the tournament but I'd probably just get more pissed at Yoshi than I already am

Dunno about u guys but I like the slave stuff.
I want to smack cute loli butts

Yoshi get out

If it has any more slavery, it should be the catgirl being their slave.

>Catgirl is the only one who hasn't become a slave

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Sweet Jizzus

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Who the fuck is this?

Looks like the fat lady slaver's real form.

the fat cunt

fat cunt I guess, maybe she stole imouto body thru that giant tree thing

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i mess her and her milkers

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I need Kukuri back
Obi should have stayed dead

>youll never come back home form a hard day at work killing amasogis to a warm house
>your pregnant wife Kukuri (adult form) and your kid will never greet you with a warm hug
>youll never spoon with haer in the same bed until you fall sleep

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Fuck, do I have to read this stupid isekai arc now?

maybe or just skip to latest chapter If you dont wanna rage due to cat cunt betrayals

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Just wait another year and power through it so you don't have to keep waiting month after month for it to be over with

Why would betrayals make me rage? I'm not some self-insertfag.

Probably for the best. Tournament was a blast to read in one sitting.

>Tournament was a blast to read in one sitting
Reading it monthly was hell and this is worse

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Only granny made me persevere through it all.


It's this cat girl character who constantly be try as the mC and his friends and a lot of anons have hated her since. Didn't help she got a pity story with her little sister being sick and now she's captured and used yo make some energy stealing tree.

I'm still upset Kyouka got sidelined when Kiriha came back

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Reading any manga monthly is hell, but man are the threads great when big shit happens.

Yeah I felt her coming back was too early. It was barely a full arc or more and then she just comes back like no biggie. Usually stuff like this would last an ATC or two before getting revived. Also would liked to see more of flute's abilities and him using it in more fights.