Joshikousei no Mudazukai

Old thread hit bump limit, new episode is out
>Behold her

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Baka's hands are slimy and repulsive to touch
She really is the worst

I want to lick Majime's asscrack.

Attached: Wasteful Days of High School Girl - Vol.2 Chapter 32_ Evening Rain - 6_1.jpg (1129x1600, 409K)

But it's probably clean

I hope those headphones weren't expensive

>he hates it

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Asshole, the episode aired today.

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But probably sweaty too. So, perfect.

Guess that warrants back to back threads 24/7 now every time a new episode airs amirite

They're going to get married

Made me audibly kek

Tell me user, who is this "Mike Check" and why do these cute JK's seem to care about him so much?

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I hope lili gets raped very hard.

If tanaka was in my high school she would have been bullied into becoming a NEET. She would be lucky if no one bashed her legs into 2 with pipes.

>two threads on a Friday

Baka's two mouths.

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One thread too fucking many

Tanaka bullies the bullies

Melonpan, now in your anime.

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Wrong, because he is going to marry Wota

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Please explain the exact reason why this makes you upset.

Do some of you guys think that maybe baka has a good point? Maybe being retarded is the best option in this fucked world.
If you take a look at all the other characters they all seem to have some deeply pathological psychological issues.
Except for baka who just enjoys her life and doesn't give a shit about anything, as though she was the modern day Diogenes.

a god among men

Attached: Joshikosei Chuuni retard.png (1366x768, 663K)


>op with old thread link
My fucking sides.

"He was a good man, what a rotten way to die"

You don't need to make a new thread as soon as the old one hits the bump limit. This isn't Yea Forums, threads will stay alive for a while before 404-ing.

Expensive headphones are more likely to be splash resistant, unless they're open-back. In any case, they'll be fine if she lets them dry for a few hours.

I'm pretty sure there's an idiot girl like tanaka in everyone's school and she'd still never give anyone of you the time of the day

The existence of a character named Tanaka and the posts that revolves around that colossal idiot instills a rage within me that dwarfs a quindecillion Tsar bombs in magnitude. Even the creation of the universe is fucking nothing compared to the sheer anger the mere sight of Tanaka instills within my soul. If one could convert my fucking anger into energy life would not be possible within a fucking 1 billion light year radius from me from the sheer amount of energy created.

What was it like to grow up in a shithole?

I was friends with the idiot girl in my class, mostly because I was the idiot boy

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I think Yamai's approach has more mileage in the long run. Life sucks so just pretend its something else. Baka is going to get fucked when the real world hits her and people stop making excuses for her. The same thing will happen to Yamai but she will be so delusional that it won't even phase her. Like that picture of the monk who set himself on fire. Except he died, but that's not the point.
Being crazy>Being stupid

I don't understand your point, of course all real females are retarded.

Pretty comfy seeing as no one rocked up with semi autos and started killing us.

Wota and Robo will probably grow up to become pretty functional, well-adjusted people. Even Loli will be ok as long as no one takes advantage of her naivete. I can't imagine adult Baka as anything other than homeless or institutionalized.

Robo has everything figured out. Tanaka is just a dunce.

>Baka after actually being serious for once

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I don't understand, is the natto suspended above the rice? Did she not mix it in the rice? Is she fucking stupid?

Background cuties.

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>Is she fucking stupid?

Me stuck on the tree waiting to be rescued.

my wife in the tree

>those empty seats
If Abe doesn't do something this will become the norm in anime

I'm going to take advantage of Loli's naivete and submit at least 5 child application papers to the local government.

God, watching us squander the gift of life on Yea Forums

I want to smash our meats together with Robo.

How did Tanaka develop a goal as normal and well-adjusted as finding a boyfriend and becoming popular in high-school? From what we've seen of her on-screen, she's so detached from reality and normal cognition that you'd think she wouldn't even care about that sort of thing.

Nah. Yamai will be that one girl with a low level office job who never shows up to reunions because she knows everyone remembers all the chuuni shit she did. She's not insane. She just avoids responsibility with escapism. Literally /ourgirl/

Left > right > middle.

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>She's not insane. She just avoids responsibility with escapism.
Does this not eventually turn into legitimate insanity and delusion or will she always just be pretending?

There is literally nothing wrong with being a chuuni.

Fucking hell the subs are awful, fuck sentai

Eventually probably, but right now we have no reason to assume she'll never grow out of it.

Daydreaming and full-blown psychosis work completely differently. Yamai seems to know she's making shit up. You can tell from the awkward pauses whenever someone doesn't play along and she has to come up with a new rationalization for her weird behavior.

Why is it that yamai supposedly knows what schrodinger's cat is (while waseda has no clue what it is), and is reading a book on general relativity in the cat scene, yet is second from last place in her class?


These are the worst fucking subs I've ever seen.
The foreground and background dialogue constantly and consistently swap places with nothing to differentiate them.

>going for the normies when there are three perfectly good weirdos sitting just to their left

always fun when a show I'm enjoying suddenly has a transphobic episode

She just reads that stuff to find cool quotes for her monologues.


Be nice to tourists.

That's a bug in the ripper's script. I hope you're at least watching Erai instead of HS.

Why does she do this, then? Does she just like acting? Is it cope?

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>waiting for erai
>not turning subs off and watching instead of reading anime.

Baka is face.

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Because its fun. Didn't you pretend to murder subhumans as a child? I know I did. I would build a city with wooden blocks with green army men populating it and then just went to town smashing the city into bits.

Legitimate newfag to this board dropping in after a friend recommended this mediocre Filipino claymation. Why is this bad form?

because generals aren't allowed on Yea Forums and linking to a previous thread makes it look like one

It creates what's called a "general", and leads to people making threads for a topic out of a sense of obligation rather than a desire to discuss a particular topic. This leads to the degradation of a board because stale, recycled ideas are not the foundation of a thriving intellectual community.

Yamai is 16. I feel like this is worse than your thing.

So Baka is a confirmed trap right? does robo and wota let him fuck them?

Shit, noted.

I love this show so much.

Was it really though? Was it the "guy in drag" bit or just the whole premise of how Lily works?

That makes Yamai cuter. I want to baby her. Put diapers on her and feed her milk.

>Is it cope?
Yes. She has no friends, and she's not a very good student, so her high school life is kind of depressing. For some people, it's easier to retreat into fantasy than to fix their shit.

Yamai Robo Lily Majime fourway when?

t. he/him

I want to be smothered by those.

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>She has no friends
Neither do I but I don't do that sort of shit. Not in public at least.

weakest episode so far but it was still funny at times


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Can't wait for your inevitable suicide xer.


I want to fill out baby applications with Yamai

Dial 8

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I want to hug Yamai

>I reject your reality and substitute it with my own
Maybe Yamai's worldview is actually kinda based.

The whole point of Yamai is that her coping mechanism is not normal or healthy.

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>not having a robust and healthy level of imagination
Imagine being a robot that is you


The sweet spot is having a robust and healthy imagination, the self-restraint to hide your powerlevel, and the self-discipline to channel it into writing or other creative activities. Yamai could be the next Nasu if she tried.

Why? They would cease to be soft and pliable and become bumpy and irritable if she did.

She needs to have her smile protected.

Neither is watching cartoons about highschool girls all the time, yet here we are

I disagree hard. I think Yamai actually presents a way out for the depressed masses that only seem to grow these days. Fuck the system, fuck changing myself, fuck pills, fuck fitting in. I'm the most powerful being in the world and nobody can tell me otherwise.
I'm not a JK left to rot in this forsaken world. I serve a great kingdom as a knight.
I'm not climbing in a tree to avoid hours of mind numbing work. I'm doing important surveillance.
I'm not choosing between career paths. I'm choosing between love and the world.
Why don't depressed people just take the chuunipill? I might even try it because of Yamai

Too spicy.

He's trying his best, please understand.
Premarital sex is bad, remember that.

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Yamai > Loli > Lily > Majime > Robo > the other fucks I don't care about

Yamai, Baka, and Loli are my favorites.

Teacher > Yamai > Loli > Baka > the rest

Attached: Joshikosei Loli.png (1366x768, 583K)

> advocates babymaking
> can't even make his own

he's too busy to submit his application to the civic office

yamai > baka > waseda > majo > robo > others

My frog wife baka

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Joshikousei no Mudazukai - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_19.24_[2019.08.02_16.49.12].jpg (1280x720, 151K)

>that "oh you" look from Ota

>Relegating Ota with others
Literal poopyheads

Is this show anything like Asobi Asobase?

Picked up.

Yes. It's like a tamer version of it.

Kind of, but Asobi was more about the exaggerated expressions and reactions. This follows more in the style of Nichibros but with girls.

It's pretty different. I think the only similarity is the colors (to some extent) and the setting. It's more cerebral humour and brick jokes as opposed to like slapstick gags.

Chuuni and Loli BEST GIRLS.

one is lily's seat
one is majo's seat
one is the seat of the idiot sitting in the tree

So realistically speaking, which girl smells the worst?

This dumb cat is gonna end up homeless in the park unless someone adopts it

Attached: dumb cat.jpg (1280x720, 143K)

I bet she never changes her bandages too

Best girl right there.

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I mean there's chuuni and then there's Yamai. Her level is bordering self harm. Her grades are trash and she gets rashes from wearing bandages for no reason.

I want to make her a happy wife.

smells faintly of BO
smells clean, with no real identifiable odors, good or bad
smells like machine grease and metal shavings
smells like fruit scented hair products
canonically has abysmal dental hygiene, so her breath stinks; and the rest of her probably isn't much better
smells like lavender and incense
wears tasteful levels of perfume, just bordering on too much
wears just enough perfume to notice

She's always cared. Her being retarded means she thinks she'll actually get one some day.

>canonically has abysmal dental hygiene, so her breath stinks
Please tell me this isn't serious.

Loli probably smells like old person

You didn't read the cavity chapter?

Because it's probably shit she's seen in anime and doesn't have any interest in it beyond it making her look like, dare I say, an interesting girl.

she never goes to the dentist, and brushes her teeth so seldom that she has cavities

Cavities don't necessarily mean foul breath. It could just be that she eats too much sugar.

Well yeah if you take what waseda said at face value, but why would she be reading up on GR then?

>brushes her teeth so seldom that she has cavities
Not how it works. Some people can brush their teeth religiously and still regularly get cavities, and vice versa.

This is actually true. Is Yamai an only child? Did her mom have her at an older age?
BVoth those factors play a big part in the quality of someone's teeth.
If you mom was older when she had you, and has had children before you, a kid's teeth tend to be of lower quality and are more easily prone to chips, cavities, and bone lose.

>Also canonically oily with pimples from too many sweets
>Rashes and bleeding under her bandages
>Hair is dyed and also probably oily
>Bandage on her face never comes off
Imagine the smell

don't forget the stench of permanent marker from her drawings
Yamai is just a complete fucking mess

We don’t know shit about Yamai’s home life except that she has a Mom (who yells at her for being a loud dumbass), lives in an apartment (only Waseda and her do), and lets her hair out before going to bed. And we never saw her mom, only a text bubble. Maybe the anime will treat us to Momai

>smells like lavender and incense
I love it.

>If you mom was older when she had you, and has had children before you, a kid's teeth tend to be of lower quality and are more easily prone to chips, cavities, and bone lose.
Can confirm this from my own anecdote.
>brush 2-3 times a day
>almost never eat sweets and if I do, I brush immediately
>still get at least one cavity a year
Don't be prejudiced, anons.

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jesus christ she's fucking best girl
I would fuck her day in and out

It's true. I'm one of 4 kids, and teh youngest of us has had several cavities despite having a near identical dental hygiene routine to the rest of us.
I've never had a single cavity as the second of 4, and the oldest of us has fucking perfect teeth.

Maybe we’re making it sound worse than it is? Let’s talk about what she does right.
>Not violent
>Not bullied
>Cares about her appearance
>Nice (doesn’t go on chuuni rants about destroying the world, she just wants to save it)
>Possibly getting better? (Cavity chapter)
>Around supportive adults
>Not actually schizophrenic
>Better grades than Baka
I think she still has a chance, guys.

Yamai being a middle child would explain a lot about her behaviour, so this makes sense actually

I'm not saying that Yamai doesn't have positive qualities; just that, despite them, "imagine the smell" is an understatement

I wish we could get a real psychologist/psychiatrist/therapist user on the Yamai case. She is the best written and most believable chuunibyou character I’ve ever seen, but at the same time she’s absolutely fucked up. Not to mention the author has Yamai as her twitter pic. Maybe Wota isn’t the self-insert after all?

The funny thing is, and this might shock you, the vaccine against caries already exists. But of course, healthy people don't create revenue for the dental industry.


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I want to send Lily into anaphylactic shock

>Dies during the rape

all the better

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Schrodinger's cat is such a meme that virtually everyone knows about it. Conversely, virtually no one actually understands it.

>One character gets a post high school spinoff

Wota is the most conducive to a solo spinoff since you could write about her trying to make it as a mangaka

I want to be chuuni's hime!

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is Yamai a lesbian/bisexual or is she just such a dork that her fantasies transcend her own preferences?

>Lily's dad is an Aussie.
Explains why she is allergic to men. Aussie dudes are thirsty weirdos and most of them have Yellow Fever.

Probably the latter. But I bet if anyone male or female showed romantic interest in her, she would probably fall for them, even if she tried to play it cool.

Go shave that moustache, Baka.

There was a chapter where she tell the nurse that she has no gender and only wears girls’ clothes because they’re comfortable. Her “loved one” is shown to be a woman. There is an untranslated chapter where she is mainly with Lily and I obvs couldn’t read it but there was some intense eye contact at the end.
She ain’t straight.

I mean, she kinda fell for Majime, who looks like a boy. So she's not gay. Maybe bi? but I doubt it.

>Hitler’s birthplace
>Home to Vienna

don't forget Josef Fritzl, Australia's national hero

In a way, Hitler was the ultimate shitposter.

And that somehow prevents you from putting an iota of thought into the OP?

The other countries just didn't know how to handle the banter.

I liked Lily enough when her chapters cropped up in the manga but holy fuck, a full episode of her was fucking miserable.

Lily is just okay

The Nazis needed their own containment board.
Turned out to be Spandau.

>all those lewd images with Loli on pixiv

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I like Lily. Baka a shit still

god I want to apply for a baby with her

Wh-what's her tag?

Terrible episode. Fuck lily.

Looks like everything is by the same artist as this. Thank you madjap

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>Fuck lily.
Gladly. Hopefully the rashes don't make it feel too bad though.

imagine sticking your dick in lily and she passes out immediately, but her body still responds, spawning an inordinate amount of inflammed hives enough to crush your dick into mince meat

I want to teach Loli the joys of motherhood and eventually transition it to grandmotherhood!

What will be the extra story in the Majo episode? Waseda recalling his bad hair day?

>Her level is bordering self harm.
>bordering on

I would do gay shit for this fujo

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When you start taking a deeper look at quantum mechanics, wave-particle duality suddenly seems like the easiest thing to understand. You're right that it's a total meme, but seeing how her teacher's unaware of the paradox, maybe it's meant to imply that yamai's smarter than she looks

Waseda already said it best.

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every channer knows about the Schrodinger meme. Yamai is no exception. She's not smart, she's just a chuuni shitposter

Doubt so. It's literally the lowest hanging fruit of QM. Pseuds (and chuunis apparently too) like to flail it around to impress normalfags, even though they have no clue of its significance.

Delicious fujo.

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I'm not talking about Yea Forums or otherwise, I'm saying the author bino might have intended for it to be something profound. Like rick and morty or dr stone, where the writer tries to write characters smarter than them.

I wish I could be Chuuni's elven princess.

>the author bino might have intended for it to be something profound
No. Yamai is literally meant to be a chuuni pseud.

I don't know what would be better, dicking the BL fantasies out of Wota, or using them as an excuse to fuck twinks on the side

I agree, but it's just something I found inconsistent, perhaps. Most of her larping has been fantasy themed, and it's just really weird for her to be holding up a physics book where she has no one to impress.

This is peak femininity.

Attached: joshimuda baka crumbs mouth.jpg (699x781, 49K)

Fantasy and pseudo-science go hand in hand.


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Right? so if any of you want to know about Younger Dryas and Holocene advanced civlization, just hit me up

Yamamoto is really cute.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Joshikousei no Mudazukai - 05 [1080p]-[23.37.500-23.40.420].webm (1920x1080, 639K)

Yamai is smart in the way that people on /x/ are "smart". And I say with with /x/ being my homeboard. She knows snippets of fantasy, science, religion, and philosophy but she really only knows OF them if that makes sense.
She probably just has autism, though.

As anons discussed above, the difference between Yamai and Majo is that Yamai just puts random bullshit together to look cool, while Majo actually knows stuff about her obsession. Yamai's fantasies are never consistent.

Imagine licking the crumbs off her face. Crumbs tangled in her moustache.

I'd like to know about the Ancient Finnish Empire.

What a shame

>Yamai is smart in the way that people on /x/ are "smart"
We have a word for that on /tg/: high INT low WIS characters.

Children are cruel, Jack.

>smart in the way that people on /x/ are "smart"
Good point

>Better grades than Baka
Not if Batanaka has anything to say about it.
And she does dude. Look at her chad stride while whistling.

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nah, Yamai is low int and low wis, but she took a bunch of lore skills

>high INT

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That's more Majime, Yamai doesn't even have high INT. She's just kinda tragic

The chad autist vs the virgin schizo

>able to synthesize her own meth at home
Is she the smartest in the cast, aside from robo?

we have a word for your types on /tg/
People who've never played an RPG

That's 90% of /tg/.

Maybe. I'd rank it like this
Intelligence is a weird thing, though. There really are many times. Yamai is probably more creative than Ota and would make a better writer. Baka understands more universal truths than most of the cast. Yeah, it's tricky.

Yamai isn't actually creative though, she's just good at cobbling together shit she ripped off from other media
so she'd make a perfect LN writer


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This is not the yuri I like

That user in the last thread was right, baka and yamai really hard carried the episode. Also what's up with all these faggots seething over fictional characters?


I want to give Loli her nightly headpats so she grows an adult body

I want to give Loli her nightly wombpats so she grows a baby body

>Physical contact with loved ones will give you an adult body
Is Lily retarded?

>adult body

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How much fujo gut do you think spills over the top of her skirt.

Attached: joshimuda wota dress tight fit.webm (622x1018, 2.45M)

no, she's just a /u/nigger

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>ywn manhandle her soft body

Physical contact with people you're sexually attracted to does stimulate the production of hormones, so she had a point. Loli just completely misunderstood it.

Ideal daughterwife material.

>Trap exclusionary /u/fags

Attached: joshimuda lily kabedon disgust.jpg (1920x1080, 151K)

Isn't Majime at least book smart? Like she's only in this low tier school because she contracted like 5 diseases at once.

trannies btfo

You also get the loli gratis.

When does he fuck the chuuni out of Yamai?

Attached: joshimuda waseda glasses break.webm (1280x720, 2.03M)

after he fucks the fujo out of Wota

why does Lily dress like a slut despite being lesbian?

Majo actually does that

To attract and create other lesbians, obviously.

I can't believe they're still doing that

you can be a slut and a lesbian at the same time, user

I think you should watch something else, this show clearly isn't good for you

I really like Lily, she was a surprisingly good addition to the comedy dynamic

Baka is actually uncomfortably unnatractive. Like seriously its just like she said in the episode, this is probably how young girls feel about old dudes

I fapped to this pic just yesterday. May do it again today.

they made her cuter for marketing purposes

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That's literally the dumbest and most shallow ambition possible, especially from a Japanese point of view

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I'm afraid you are gay, user.

She's cute in the manga too.

A butai of culture.

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Friendly reminder that they are caricatures in fiction and do not reflect 100% how people act in real life.

Fake news.

Chuuni is only into elves.

I had a friend that was exactly like yamai and actually admited once that he was just bullshitting everything, so yeah she's actually the best written one since she knows that she's actually making everything up yet goes along with it.

He just said that to backpedal on his faggotry.

Is this really the only toilet scene so far in the manga?

Attached: 000.png (1129x1600, 289K)

Majime shitting

Attached: B4.png (1129x1600, 415K)

I liked how they detailed the scene in the anime.
I'd like to see more of these scenes, especially if it involves Yamai.

>chapter 44
Will this be in the anime?

>girl pooping in school
My fetish.

Holy shit, guys. Holy fuck. What the hell. I've been reading the manga of this over the past 2 days and finished all that has been translated.

Yamai. Yamamoto Minami. Chuuni.

She is the greatest anime/manga character of all time. Everything about her is incredibly well thought out and executed perfectly. She is a critique of human nature and our fragile concept of virtue and reality. A jester in the court of reason. Her delusions, her misery, her persecution by those around her are all ring so true.

I don't even have the words or critical vocabulary to explain why exactly she is the best character ever to hit the page. It transcends my capacity of description. All I can say is that I'm mad. I'm fucking angry.
Why do all of these vapid, shallow, rehashed characters get their own anime every season and retards will praise these empty shells—these batant self inserts and stereotypes—because they make their dick hard or make them feel like big men or whatever the fuck but a character as great and fucking perfect as Yamamoto, THE GREATEST CHARACTER OF ALL TIME, is relegated to the post credits scene in a mediocre comedy? Can't even get her own fucking series.

I'm mad. I'm fucking disgusted. At the author, at the publishers, at Japan, and most of all at all of you. You fucking retards. Driven by carnal desires and cheap distractions. You jerk eachother off here all day about which loli to fuck, which mecha to pilot, which imaginary world you'd fuck the most fucking elves in but none of it matters. NONE OF IT MATTERS FOR SHIT.
Taste. This is a tasteless medium. Bottom to top, front to back. I hope you appreciate her and enjoy her. There's nothing more I can tell you.
Ugh. It's only when a light is shone into the void that you see how empty it really fucking is.

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Hard to tell. They've been jumping all over the place so far. Assuming they introduce Majo with a few of her chapters next week who knows how they'll order stuff after that.

Nice pasta.

They didn't show her lowered underwear in the anime, though.

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does Lily ever get any tail?

How can they keep getting away with it

By making people give up on reading subtitles altogether. I literally had to rewatch it at .5 speed to grasp the entire dialogue

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Joshikousei no Mudazukai - 05 [720p].mkv_000541000.png (1280x720, 817K)

>Girl pooping
>Girl pooping on a western-style toilet
>Girl pooping in school
>Girl pooping while wearing a school uniform
>Girl pooping on a western-style toilet in school while wearing a school uniform

Attached: time to fap.png (392x441, 181K)

Wait, they didn't? But I was sure it did!
Well, it was still pretty erotic nonetheless


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Joshikousei no Mudazukai - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_13.52_[2019.08.02_15.59.09].jpg (1280x720, 229K)

>implying she doesn't go nopan

Is there some sort of relationship between chuuni and lesbianism that I am unaware of?

Attached: 1540406661965.jpg (1280x720, 479K)

Mental illness?

Corrupting this little girl

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She's the hero. The hero has a princess.


Yamai is the only sane one. All the others are crazy.

Jesus, use more than one color of subtitle, how fucking hard is it

>Wait, they didn't? But I was sure it did!
Only in the manga, as seen in . You do hear her pulling them down, though.

with no survivors?

>up to 4 lines of text simultaneously
>one or two of them updates every 0,5 seconds
>upper lines occasionaly move down and back up
Doubt any colors will help me there.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Joshikousei no Mudazukai - 04 [720p].mkv_000517435.png (231x230, 60K)

chuunis are dumb
lesbians are dumb
thus chuunis = lesbians

Attached: 1554169265122.jpg (960x723, 92K)

>willing becoming a lesbian just to make sure that the princess will get married
What a truly noble goal.

But please don't do this again.

Attached: 1533609073034.jpg (1920x1080, 525K)

She isn't dumb, she's just dealing with some type of trauma. I think Yamai is abused at home.

Attached: No bully loli.jpg (344x535, 133K)


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Joshikousei no Mudazukai - 03 [720p].mkv_000570196.png (1280x720, 374K)

>she's just dealing with some type of trauma.
brain trauma maybe

>posting the shit girl who literally ruined the whole show

Sounds like you need to be pretty crazy to be a lesbian, many such cases.

Which JK is the most likely to carry out a school shooting?

she’s genderless, that doesn’t count


this but with Loli

Waseda arrives in the nick of time to talk her out of her madness.

He succeeds.

Cute barnacle

Girls like baka are why eugenics should be taken seriously again.

From all of her Dad's abuse

Agreed. We need to make more bakas.

Corrupting her by eating her tiny pussy.

>Robo making the train noises
Guess they didn't figure a way to adapt that chapter, after all.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Joshikousei no Mudazukai - 05 [720p].mkv_000008927.png (1280x720, 595K)

>a lesbian chuuni has same voice as baka

She's gonna end up making herself get raped by her male classmates and also cured if she keeps dressing like that.

>male classmates

Who? Can't find it. Unless you mean her english voice if this somehow has a dub I don't care about

Spot the speedwatcher amirite

I love Loli so much. I want to marry her and consummate our marriage later that night. I promise I will be very gentle to her.

Attached: Loli - 5.jpg (2560x2560, 3.28M)

>implying that's not the reason she changed schools and hates men

I think she just read too many edgy light novels where she self inserted as the hero.

probably meant this rug muncher

Attached: 1518459314039.png (604x537, 219K)

>implying she will let you

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Joshikousei no Mudazukai - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_14.04_[2019.08.02_16.01.12].jpg (1280x720, 323K)

get erai, it's still fast but at least it's typeset and shit doesn't jump around the screen

>author is female
Why is it always female author who make shit like this

Attached: x4.png (460x500, 54K)

She's not really gay and was never meant to be in the light novels. She was just shipteased with a girl but that ended up going nowhere.

> implying that she has anywhere near the strength to stop me from manhandling her tiny childlike body

She will if you get her grandma's aproval.

>needing permission
Loli is a little freak who likes rapeplay.

Is Baka a boy that's too dumb to know she isn't

Man chuunis really like their schrodinger's cats don't they

>baka and /u/ doing a mom and dad routine

only a woman can make a truly digusting female like Baka

It's the smarter thing japs teach at school.

Stop projecting.

is it true that natto smells like unwashed dick?

>Implying schools teach chuuni terms
You just become one. It's the nature of things.

i don't even know what natto is

Every character in this show is a lesbian.

Because only female authors can show 3DPD behavior in girls and make it endearing

Attached: 1549269294559.jpg (1080x602, 154K)

Uncultured niggers

Yeah, lesbians who want dick.

I washing my dick.

Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him.

Attached: can't listen to this.jpg (1280x720, 108K)

My wife Olivia is not 3DPD

>I've ever seen.
Since you're so experienced it should have been easy for you to tell where the mistake lies and why you're the fool, user.

Pretty sure it was, as long as you follow the "everything I don't like is a phobia"-style of marketing that has been pretty efficient for the last couple of years.

Can't remember, but did they adapt the "diarrhea/chickenpox/sickness/etc." page in the anime yet?

Attached: 005.png (1129x1600, 267K)

last episode

So is there a chance that we'll get to see in the anime?

Are girls like Majime really that popular

You're so adamant about this, toilet poster-kun, but yes, they'll probably adapt that chapter as most of the said scenes in that backstory were said throughout all 5 episodes. I guess it'll be on the penultimate episode?

>I'm an archer
>are crazy, you are.

Makes me laugh.

Shinka would absolutely despise Baka wouldn't she? She's like Dekomori on steroids.


Attached: 1543792216546.gif (480x270, 743K)

Baka is too powerful for him

Yamai and Waseda's banter is the best part of the series. Sucks that it's getting drip fed as post-credits scenes instead of Yamai getting her own episode

When's the lesbian orgy episode?

No, Dekomori is more like Yamai.

Because they are glorifiying girls antics way less than male artists who project some ideals into the girls.

anime is not for the thin skinned
shoo shoo

Is this really what happens at girls schools?

because most male mangaka don't actually know what women are like

You only need to sit in the same train as a group of school girls to realize how annoying they are.

They're totally different besides being small and chuuni

They both wear pigtails and blonde too. Don't forget it!

Yamai is actually pretty disgusting

Attached: S10.png (1129x1600, 404K)

And they're both gay.

So the low birth rate is a result of bureaucracy

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Joshikousei no Mudazukai - 05 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_14.49_[2019.08.03_02.56.33].jpg (1920x1080, 254K)

What is that?

Everything is

>greasy hair that makes her get forehead pimples
>cavities from eating sweets all the time
>rashes all over her arms and legs
>BMI so low she should be in a hospital getting force fed nutrient paste
>black stains all over her arms from drawing on herself with markers
Waseda wasn't lying when he said she's fucked up

Not gonna lie, that cut to this actually scared me.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Joshikousei no Mudazukai - 05 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_16.40_[2019.08.03_02.58.53].jpg (1920x1080, 197K)


Not really.

I can't tell if that baby is real or not.

Should buy some skin care products

in anime

God, I want to date her.

Attached: 1550395891542.png (635x618, 1.5M)

I bet she has a full jungle down under.

I want lily to mommy yamai and end her degenerate ways!

Would you wear this in public?

Attached: EAPesPcUwAAOhzM.jpg (977x867, 85K)

Its clearly a real photo with some weird filter on it

It's not. It's pretty clearly a computer painting if you look at it for like two seconds.

>explosive diarrhea
Is this manga trying to say something about high school girls?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Joshikousei no Mudazukai - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_04.34_[2019.08.02_19.14.33].jpg (1280x720, 99K)

its saying college women are better

That they're real human beings and thus carry all the flaws every person has?

t. Waseda

Attached: a19.png (1280x1873, 581K)

Would Waseda waste his time posting on 2chan?


>is a vocaloid producer

Retard and Lily are so funny together.
Granted Retard can carry everyone to a good gag really.

So based.

except this is anime

Fucking definitely


the curse mark

Attached: __lilian_craper_dungeon_travelers_2_drawn_by_sumaki_shungo__0e70ab41c09256b397d510e2b976ad38.png (960x544, 584K)


Attached: EA-H99XUwAc_8Kp.jpg (1024x576, 79K)

Which is based on real people, are you gonna say now anime girls don't poop or something like that


I want to see the explosive diarrhea scene

Why the penultimate episode?

Yet their poop looks so appealing unlike the real thing.

Checkmate, atheist.

It's kinda the whole cast's origin story, and I can guess that they'll probably stuff the more group-centered chapters into that episode, just for consistency. The finale will probably be on the main trio's friendship.

I want to watch Majime's explosion

Robo a cute! CUTE!

Why is everyone dumber than Baka? Doesn't that kill the premise of the show.

She only pretends to be a retard to toy with her clasamates.

why is she afraid of her?

Does Yamai need bullying?

Not enough Loli

No, because it's that autist. I'd rather wear pic related

Attached: We are TANAKA.jpg (1662x1024, 226K)

Hold up.

Attached: Pinky-and-the-Brain.jpg (780x520, 77K)

Sexual bullying.

Man everyone got a facelift for the anime huh.

Loli is incredibly cute in this episode. Here's a rare smug Loli.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Joshikousei no Mudazukai - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_14.05_[2019.08.02_16.00.55].jpg (1280x720, 333K)

I like it but I'm a little sad how flat the anime adaptation is.

Outside of the opening there is nothing visual appealing or interesting direction wise.

Does her grandma know that she smokes?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Joshikousei no Mudazukai - 03 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_13.54_[2019.07.30_20.41.12].jpg (1920x1080, 265K)

It's probably the biggest uplift I've seen from manga to anime in terms of character designs. I mean the manga designs have a certain charm to it, but they did made everyone exponentially cuter (especially Baka which become a 6/10) in the anime.Which is weird as usually they'll downgrade designs from the manga instead of the opposite.

you want flat just look at the manga and tanaka

worse than bullying

She doesn't smoke you idjit. Some asshole just dropped that shit and she had to put that away.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Joshikousei no Mudazukai - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_01.45_[2019.07.14_06.30.33]2.jpg (600x600, 46K)

Trademarked GentleSlope

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That's sad. I thought Loli would smoke one with me.

It's no Kaguya-sama.

thats gonna stunt her growth even more

But user, what could be worse than bullying?

pulling out Yamai's teeth while telling her that she doesn't deserve them if she can't take care of them

Because she's a natural blonde.

Can I say something amazing?

Would totally date Baka.

Nah, she hates that shit just like me.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Joshikousei no Mudazukai - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_15.45_[2019.08.02_16.03.45].jpg (1280x720, 322K)

>half Austrian

Is Austrian if you actually want Germany but think it's kind of overused so you go for the totally not Germany option?

Attached: Idolmaster-Stella-Stage_09-23-17_001.jpg (600x600, 60K)

Austria is diet Germany

don't project

I think its even worse that they have to mention the blonde hair, and justify it in setting (upbringing, or dyed) too much realism

I know this is sacrilegious but this is their rank in term of attractiveness if they were 3DPD:
Lily > Majo >= Loli > Robo > Robo >= Majime > Wota > Yamai > Baka

how about I project my dick into your ass you little bitch?

All I know is the artist known as feat. is everywhere.

The loli background story states that her parents are in Germany.

Also Dass in the opening

I sense some teutonic propaganda in my anime.

nah, it is most likely

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Joshikousei no Mudazukai - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_14.09_[2019.08.02_16.01.23].jpg (1280x720, 327K)

No you fucking wouldn't. She's disgusting and annoying. Wota on the other hand is perfect dating material and would make a very good girlfriend.

>touching that BL fujoshi

Apes evolved into humans.

Attached: Drh7loQU0AA5rKZ.jpg (836x1200, 249K)

The girls in this show are all great. Ilove Loli but I can say everyone is great. Baka maybe the least attractive but I see some user here actually like her.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Joshikousei no Mudazukai - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_13.36_[2019.08.02_15.58.42].jpg (1280x720, 334K)

That's a cute Baka.

Fuck you!
No way Robo is better than Robo.

>No way Robo is better than Robo.
Whoa. This is pretty deep.

Nah son, Robo>>>>>>Robo

meant for this too

Cursed retard.

We established above that it’s probably not her fault though. Nothing is ever her fault.

Black hair > blonde yamai

Attached: B6.png (1129x1600, 457K)

excavating a mountainhome with Loli

Where the fuck did she get a helmet?

Yamai actually looks like those cool delinquent type here
What went wrong bros

Yamai needs a good dicking to set her straight

This. Baka is hideous

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Joshikousei no Mudazukai - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_06.42_[2019.08.02_22.38.17].jpg (1280x720, 96K)

Attached: ab06d2ac.jpg (630x694, 102K)

at the end of middle school she was just chuuni enough to be cool, but she went to far and turned into a schizo dork

Oh shit.

At least Yasuna is cute and sexy

too much anime

Her parents love her

Who else is hoping for Yamai to have a full on psychotic break and never recover?

Could it be baka literally does not know she is a man since she was raised as a girl and has a micro penis?

Why did they make the gal gay

Showing her moving her mouth moving is dumb as hell considering it basically makes the entire punchline pointless.

Because yuri is the purest form of love

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Joshikousei no Mudazukai - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_12.57_[2019.08.02_22.56.26].jpg (1280x720, 87K)

But there was no punchline, whatsoever.

I don't get it.

She's just being cute and pretending to be making the noises from the train

>Abusing her in the psych ward
>Report to higher ups that she’s getting worse even though she’s recovering
>Tell her she’s going to be ok to leave and applaud her on her progress
>Lead her into room she believes her parents will be in
>Give her lobotomy

This is the presumption I watch this show (or in fact all shows) with.

You seriously need to fuck off.

You really need to get that fixed.

if you give her a lobotomy she won't be able to care about you continuing to abuse her

Why would I fix something that isn't broken?


Why? I’m simply providing care for an at risk JK

These threads attract the weirdest anons

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Joshikousei no Mudazukai - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_05.42_[2019.08.02_23.09.27].jpg (1280x720, 206K)

trapping Yamai in a tree and forcing her to sleep out in the elements

The plot thickens.

>It's not the first time

Yamai would definitely be up for some /u/ fun. The kind that is probably too freaky for Lily's tastes though

Well after the lobotomy she’d be my wife. Why would I abuse my wife that’s messed up

I let out a verbal "Oh fuck off!" when Yamai started going off about Schrodinger's cat. Goddamn this fucking thing needs to die already.

>Lily's face when Yamai takes out the dragon dildo

>Goddamn this fucking thing needs to die already.
well, there's a 50% chance of that happening

I'm sad you watch anime with a pen in hand ready to write your fanfic user.

Very funny. Here's a clap 4 u.

It's about the same as watching anime with a dick in hand thinking any of these girls would give you the time of day
In the end we're all living in a fantasy



Attached: 1540956985300.jpg (424x600, 73K)


Fuck off, you're not real.

>hating on natto


And here come the sc/u/m to ruin the thread.

You're about 485 posts too late to start forcing your imaginary wars.

There's only 26 posts till the bump limit anyway, it had a good run

I propose to you that fanfics, or rather, doujins, are the actual reason to watch anime. Anime is merely accessory to doujins, an excuse and nothing more. The end goal is always porn. It may not seem this way to someone who's just starting to watch anime or someone who's a little behind on his western canon, but even after just a hundred titles it should become apparent - you're perusing a masturbatory medium. Seeing as you haven't quit after watching those few shows that can be considered worthwhile artistically (and giving you the benefit of the doubt as to your being a newfag), I infer that you're here for the porn also, and what right do you have to place one fanfic (het) above the other (pure).

Best OP this season


Onegai Muscle is better, but both are very good

Onegai Muscle is meme-worthy, but I'd listen to this one unironically.

really gets my noggin joggin

>he doesn't Wa! Moon! Dass! Cry! everyday
you make Loli sad

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Joshikousei no Mudazukai - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_12.27_[2019.07.19_22.39.31].jpg (1280x720, 388K)

I'm not planning to romance any of these girls, this is not a romance anime, it's a show about friends being silly. I don't have any reason to believe, or pretend they're fucking each other off-screen. You and disappoint me since you think sex and porn is everything there is to enjoy in anime, I wonder why you bother to watch this

I want to punt Loli as hard as possible and see how far she will go.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Joshikousei no Mudazukai - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_12.18_[2019.08.02_21.00.10].jpg (1280x720, 384K)

Completely stupid ending. MC didn't deserve that and he will undoubtedly break and serve the committee.

I watch it for sex of course. Namely Majime.

Come on now, don't tell me you don't think it would be satisfying. The best part would be the snapping noises of her bones upon contact and then again when she lands many yards away.

Grandma will soon pass away. She also needs a father figure, with her playing the wife and daughter role at the same time.

It was the best and funniest episode of any anime this season.
>your taste

I want to fill Yamai's butthole

I don't think that is sanitary

I want to torture Yamai with electrical shocks

So you value an anime girl based on how much you want to have sex with her? My god, user.

How should it have ended? I thought it was okay, the 'moral' of the game was about facing reality and it made sense for Taku to turn himself in and not just get away scot-free.

Nice autism shoes.

In the manga her asking if she needs to keep making the train noises to the shock of the other two is the punchline because it's just assumed and presented as if they're typical sound effects.

Be honest. If retards were this attractive in real life, you'd have fucked dozens.

He wasn't even behind it, he created Pink but she was acting on her own with how far she went because she was afraid of not having a purpose in life. And every route, other than Senri's, ended in a bad way for him with the slut laughing.

Ignoring that there's no way a highschooler who was drunk on the internet is going to hold out and resist using his gigalomaniac power in a place as stifling as prison for something he didn't even do. Kei is right about that, he will break but that's probably what she wants as that's her chance to get Wakui when he comes to claim his winnings.

Even retards have standards, just look at Baka

>She also needs a father figure, with her playing the wife and daughter role at the same time.
That must be me. I am perfect for that role.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Joshikousei no Mudazukai - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_14.18_[2019.08.02_16.30.05].jpg (1280x720, 392K)

What you mean you don't?

>And every route, other than Senri's, ended in a bad way for him with the slut laughing.
I'd argue that Kazuki's and Uki's first end are at least bittersweet at best but they fucked over Arimura hard.

They kind of caused the apocalypse in Kazuki's.

Alright, I made your grandma younger, Saku. Now marry me.

Attached: younger.jpg (1280x720, 105K)

This isn't how the thread was supposed to end.

I think Taku felt a lot of responsibility for what happened, if it weren't for his autism and need to feel special Serika wouldn't have been created the way she was. Depending on the person, they might feel different degrees of guilt but I can see why Taku (especially his "reformed" self) felt the urge to turn himself in and sorta cleanse himself with a severe sentence.
If he does break, he's fine with that. He had that possibility in mind when he accepted his jail term, it's part of his punishment. Serika is kind of the representation of his older "special" self. Running away from jail and not facing up to what she did is akin to not facing his older self and moving on.


True but my thinking was in terms that at least they still had each other(for now).

Second time these threads take a weird turn in the last 100 replies.


Beaner just realizes that Americans are no longer white.

We Bakuon now!


>Being annoyed by a meme

I can't believe Rize abandoned her dad's luxuries just to become a delinquent.