Fruits Basket

Today with Kisa-chan, the tiger girl for the honorary lolicons.

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Don't fall for bait

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mein sides I think the l word makes it autosage, forgot about that.



Two sad episodes in a row, What the fuck.

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This character was my first loli. It all started with her and spiraled out of control...

Wait is it on autosage or not?

Yuki a cute

This series is like 70% sad bullshit

Rat is so boring I want to fast forward through all his scenes

Found the shit taste

>get bullied because of her appearance
Why can't she just dye her hair or something?

It's hard being a cat fan. When will he become relevant again?

Why does Dog get the final shot? Is there any significance to this?

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Boy I sure do wonder what sort of message could be being conveyed, I guess we'll never know

I don't think dying a kids hair and using color contacts all the time is a good thing

How many episodes left for yankee girl to get dicked?

When is the maid showing up?

Nice floor.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Fruits Basket (2019) - 18 [720p].mkv_snapshot_21.50_[2019.08.02_21.54.38].jpg (1280x720, 86K)

Are you of the opinion that you're the only person I can ask and that's why you're acting like this, sense-of-superiority sempai? You're not delivering mystic knowledge by pointing out the obvious like every other sperg that thinks they have one over on another person. Protip: the reason you think you have an advantage is because you were once too stupid to figure this out on your own. Meanwhile I'm just trying to make conversation. Protip #2: just because you were bullied in school doesn't mean being a cunt is normal, so stop trying to emulate normal people by being uppity.

Monkey trouble next week

Best episode so far.

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How come every new episode manages to be the best episode so far?

Gee, Zodiac, why do you get to have TWO cats in your family?
>tiger joins the useless delinquent girls and becomes the most badass yankee