>Deploy it.
Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV
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How does Hibiki's hair stay like that when it's wet?
waterproof gel
Miku’s going to cause Hibiki a lot of trouble this episode, I can smell it.
>Deploy it.
and Maria
The water rolls right off like a birb.
I want Tsubasa tortures Chris's asshole with the handle of her sword.
>preview shows Tsubasa alone with Millarc
oh no
Not even vampiric freaks can resist the handsome mr. Sword.
I want more jam
I'd rather Tsubasa gently make love to Chris
The Ignite version of RADIANT FORCE is hype as fuck holy shit. One of the few good Ignite remixes in GX
Inb4 Hibiki is the one getting slashed.
Tsubasa belongs to Kanade and Maria.
Maria and Tsubasa will punish Chris for being a bad girl.
In the ass.
i have to admit i didnt give ignite versions much of a shot but i like this one
i think it works well in the show because it fits the visuals but this one works as a standalone
Songs bad
Swords good
>punishing chris
>punishing a M girl
It's a bath, their hair is just damp, not soaked.
They'll treat her real nice instead of roughly.
Tan Tiki gets elecied.
What if Tsubasa stabs Miku right in front of Hibiki?
That's what i think will happen.
that would make Miku do something
but i dont want her to do something evil, something that puts everybody in the stop maybe yes
Miku will kill everyone on Earth and take Hibiki to the moon to rebuild civilization
Maria is dead. And Tsubasa killed her
That's an uncute sword.
With your milkies
HibiMiku's room during Hibiki's birthday.
What's with that octopus?
What do you have against our red sea faring friends?
It's the real villain.
Why do they have to do this? And put it in the preview pics nonetheless. I just want to see a fluffy wing singing and smiling. Is that too much to ask?
Wasn't it scorpio?
I don't want the new civilization to be mentally retarded
Miku is a scorpio yes
That's just what they want you to think.
I HAVE the geah...........
Please go berserk.
Please go berserk.
Please go berserk.
I want the new civilization to be extremely retarded.
Plot twist: Chris is S
We already got cucked out of zerkbasa and zerkrisu during GX
can they even go berserk?
Maria went berserk without being a fusion, so it's not that. I have the feeling it might be a Gungnir-specific thing, but I hope I'm wrong.
>Deploy it.
Deploying now.
Bikki could go berserk without Deinsleif, she just needed enough pent-up anger.
she went berserk because of the ignite module, didn't she? so, she can't anymore.
How come they have champagne and wine glasses?
Only ones going berserk will be Bikki once Miku kills everyone.
yeah but it was during her "fusion" days.
So they can drink champagne and wine properly.
Ver was a faggot for not choosing Shirabe.
God I love Metal Slug
Going berserk is just one of the gears "features" the ignite module just made it usable without going mad.
Where were you when dess officially became worst girl?
She always was.
No way. Christ is ment to be molested by all the girls in the show.
Remember when Millarc inserted some weird alchemy into Tsubasa's mind with her gaze? Maybe that will make her go berserk.
That's not a flesh fang, it's squiggles.
Why does everyone think that attack will have long lasting effects?
It's already had long-lasting effects.
The twist is that this is Tsubasa cutting Millarc in half
Shh... Maria is sleeping.
Did it?
Why that face though?
Hibiki Jam
>Tsubasa and Hibiki vs armlet vampire
That's not very fair.
Because it didn't have any immediate effects.
The mind flaying specifically.
in the next ep they talk how sword is fine but has some abnormal brain waves
who knows
Because they remarked that Tsubasa had irregular brain waves and then specifically did it with Hibiki to show that it could have a lesser effect if the target wasn't in a compromised state. That was suppose to clue you in that whatever she did will be relevant later.
She was KOed for an episode, didn't talk back to Fudo when she was being shit talked, acted strangely when asked out by Hibiki, and was seen training saying something extremely out of character: "Songs cannot protect anything."
Exactly, abnormal brain waves means long-term effects that haven't shown yet.
She called it "Seal Invasion" and it happend when Tsubasa was mentally shocked and defenseless, so that leaves two possibilities:
1. Her abilities get slowly sealed (a seal is invading her) so she can't sing, transform, fight anymore. This would make sense, she won't be a sword anymore, and having to be a sword is her weakness, she's probably always been yearning to be a normal teenager like everyone else.
2. The inner seal that is keeping her from going berserk is invaded and broken so that she can't control her anger/sadness anymore and actually goes berserk. I'd prefer this one.
Hibiki is insensitive and they already know it and they all know she means well just sucks with words, the way she handled the shittalking was weird.
There was no reaction and her dont worry about me had me hoping that maybe shes just taking it head on but as time goes by im not so sure if shes even aware whats going on
Tomorrow's episode better have more DMJii being retarded.
>still no kissing
Cute onigiri cushions.
GX is all you're getting, degenerate.
id like the second one more, the first one can come from topgrandpadad because he doesnt want her to sing but i dont thing Tsubasa doesnt want to be a sword she just doesnt want to be the sword others want her to be
She wants to protect the ones she cares for, her friends, and she can still be a sword in combat but not limit her own self in every aspect of her life because she can only be a sword
>Tsubasa will job hard this episode, have a healing episode, and then kick the shit out of Millarc after that
aaaaaaa I can feel it, this is going to happen. I really don't want to see her job but I have a strong sense that without her conviction as a singer she'll just crumble while trying to fight
Hibiki and Miku are having "just good friends :^)" bath time in the preview, they're inching closer to it. it's gonna happen
>several paragraphs describing Claire Sylvia's and other cases of people receiving memories from their heart donor after a transplant and connecting it to St. Germain's ghost in the amalgam
collobration fucking when?
i FUCKING loved Just Loving X-Edge
What, GX is the lewdest symphogear? I was excepting to see more progression forbidden love between Dess and Jii, and more Chris getting bullied by the girls.
Either Miku or Hibiki will try to kiss the other before she disappears.
What makes me extra mad is that DMJii have literally had "let's kiss" in their lyrics.
As long as she smiles again
Imagine Tsubasa and Hibiki having sex. At the climax Tsubasa calls Hibki Kanade
>Edge Works: G ep 12
>Just Loving: GX ep 8
>Gizagizagirari: AXZ ep 7
Episode 6.
>>Edge Works: G ep 12
Is this a forshadowing for AXZ and XV ?
The best you're getting is a love song or two, and they'll probably still leave it ambiguous
fuck i was drinking something and now its going out of my nose
I don't know if it's going to be that fast.
If Fudo is going to be the final boss, Tsubasa will have more to deal with.
The only season written with more seasons in mind was AXV
Hey, that was supposed to be Tsubasa calling Maria Kanade.
Why would Tsubasa have sex with Hibiki ?
ahead of time yes but they write the later seasons with the previous ones in mind so you never know what could work
Imagine Tsubasa and Maria having sex. At the climax Tsubasa calls Maria Kanade
Imagine Hibiki, Maria and Kanade having sex while Tsubasa watches
This, but with Maria calling Tsubasa Serena.
The fact that they go out of their way to point out how transplant receivers gradually changes their tastes and personalities to be more similar to their donors makes me think that Saint Germain's definition of Justice is gonna override/fusion with Hibiki's
>Hibiki will start to think that it's okay to sacrifice some few thousands if it means the rest of the world are saved
And Maria screams SERENAAAAA
So both are even
What if she screams 'DOCTAHHH VERRRRUUUU'?
Imagine Chris and Hibiki having sex. At the climax Hibiki calls Chris Miku
MUH DICK cant wait
its gonna be epic
shirabes song is top fucking notch this time
Tsubasa slashes either Hibiki or Miku, which in return makes the pure goddesses power awaken in Miku which attracts the custodian gauntlet to her which old geezer provides nearby.
Think about it
>number is always decreasing
>it won't be in next episode
Therefore, the only possible answer is episode 6.
Alright, then use a quadratic fit and you get 9.
This will be kino as fuck
We have so much shit to tie up and all the characters need to have a moment, Dess, Tsubasa, Bikki with Miku on top of the story, villains, Fine, Fudo, the new relic
WHEN? is XV really going to have 15 episodes for the meme?
Imagine Chris and Hibiki having sex. At the climax Chris calls Hibiki Miku
They’re gonna fight, boys
>number is always decreasing
are you sure this isnt just autism?
also if s5 is last then it would make more sense in episode 5
Imagine Miku and Chris havi-, actually, there is no need to imagine.
There is already a fic where Miku and Chris are sex friends behind Hibiki's back. Miku calls Chris Hibiki even way before the climax.Chris is also secretly in love with Miku.
Millarc probably stabs another bystander and or a geah and runs off after activating the mindfuck eye
>are you sure this isnt just autism?
No, i am sure this is autism.
shirabe is a pervert!
Will Miki ever put on a dress and suck Hibiki's dick?
Of course she is, she's Fine's descendant.
>tfw just remembered Just Loving plays in GX episode 5
That was cringy
Latelet here.
Chris a cute.
Ver is great.
Hibiki is handsome.
what about Tsubasa?
Ashita no Atashi is my favorite Chris song how’d they manage that at the very end?
What is this garbage?
Give her a break, she's autistic.
Discussions about philosophical weapons are guaranteed to be fucking stupid. See: Index, Fate/.
I hope Millaarc absolutely wrecks Tsubasa, Videl vs Spopovitch style.
Kirika is a pole dancer.
Maria sings about getting naked.
RyoukoFine was quite openly perverted even outside of her BDSM dungeon, if the original Ryouko wasn't like that someone would have been suspicious.
Everyone carrying Fine's genes is a pervert.
>Just Loving: GX ep 8
You mean 5.
She's pretty cool too. Love her songs especially. She's kinda retarded sometimes though. Her cutting the water tank with her bikesword looked cutting edge autistic despite being in a series with a character named Chris-chan
>wearing only panties
hot slut
what are we going to do with these two special ed children?
are the BDs worth it?
they are 5 times or so the size of the horrible batch
Lol I was such a dumbass that I was rewatching the series with a good friend of mine and I didn’t even notice Chris was being called Chris-chan until she pointed it out to me. Now I can’t stop thinking about it.
Yes, Symphogear suffers badly from TV broadcast dimming and ghsoting. Also BDs fix a lot of animation errors
Her autism straight up saved her ass, though She believed so strongly that she wasn't a sword, a conceptual weapon didn't work on her.
It's too late user.
i already watched s1 and g in batch
is it worth rewatching in BD?
make them marry each other so they dont pass their defective genes
Tsubasa is autistic but it makes her cool and cute at the same time when you know shes actually a worried dork who cares too much but sucks with words
Most of the shit comes from the TV broadcast and the BDs look good
Don't you worry, we'll find good jobs for them.
Watch them try to overcome natural selection together.
do you want to rewatch them?
when even you decide to rewatch it watch the BDs if you just want to continue to GX and the rest use the BDs and dont worry about it
>cutting edge autistic
the samurai spirit is essentially pure distilled autism so of course she is the most autistic. her autism and flatness are her charm though
>Sadpanda was saved by a Desschad
As expected of the best fanbase for the best girl.
is there more of these?
i need the art
wrong name for that gif, this is when she's describing the terrible power of shenshou jing, not when she's looking at the s2ca gay beam
I can't stop listening to Jii's b-side song.
That means we have to masturbate to this to celebrate.
So shenshoujing and the philosopher's stone both had purification powers. So why is it that only SSJ erased the curse of Balal? Smells like favoritism.
Shirabe wishing Kirika a happy birthday was so cute ;;
>do you want to rewatch them?
not really
didnt like G and rewatched s1 just now in batch
but i already got the batch from GX to rewatch it
so you say its worth gettin 50 gb for a rewatch
do you think we will get a scene with it? will they finally fix Dess and her depression?
so panda is back for now?
i downloaded 108gb for my rewatch and it was worth it then again it was like an hour and something so its not a big deal but they look better and have no TV broadcast bullshit in them
why didnt you like G?
Dumb desstard.
>asking the cute dork chris to use her brain
hopefully chris will get them back for this cheap taunt
literally never ever
Miku devoted the full force of her homosexuality to freeing Hibiki from what she viewed as a curse and the Curse of Balal was caught in the crossfire.
Before they both die in the finale
Chris is confirmed the smartest geah though
And yes I know that's a low bar
I hope so. Kirika’s b-sides give us so much insight into her character that it’s a shame they rarely utilize it in the actual anime, at least not in a way that’s immediately obvious.
it wasnt really a story to fill 12 episodes so they streched it unnecessarily in 12 episodes
also the content was retarded
>i have to fight you to protect you
>ok please protect my friends
>maria is a full retard not knowing what she wants
it was just retarded
This makes even less sence since Miku didn't even know about the curse. At least St Germain knew
No unless we got two cours. I'm not even sure how they're going to wrap up HibikiMiku/Tsubasa's drama/Monster Trio/Custodian's overarching plot in just 13 eps.
I'm a Chris-fag, but I'll crank one out to Dess for you faggots, as thanks
yeah i noticed shes not really "happy" or well not really happy and then her songs got a bit depressed, as the show went on we all heard her say it directly but they never gave her much attention, Jii got her episode and her stepsword moment and she opened up after it now its time for Dess to shine
>bullied by 2 middle schoolers
They ran too fast before she could beat the shit out of them
Exactly my thinking. AXZ did good in helping Jii and Dess develop outside of each other, especially Jii, so now Dess needs a moment to shine to wrap everything up.
well the girls are kinda stupid and they really didnt know anything else
playing chicken and doing whatever it takes to save Maria and the other dork was all it took for them to go nuts but in the end all they wanted was to stop the fighting
one episode really thats all it would take
Dess breakdown or cries about her bday and how she doesnt have anything, gay singing about a family of two, Dess realizes she already has everythign she wishes for in the girls, gay crying and handholding, bday plans for her when its all over
boku no reverse image search
gives me cartoon and other blue haired characters thats why i asked
excellent post
How will Chrisfags ever recover
Maybe use something other than Google.
who is this mongoloid?
That’s Hibiki
Since you have been living under a rock
That was the best autoscorer showdown. Fuck conceptual weapon haters, they are just the kind of dumb autistic logic I want in my Symphogear.
i have no idea who that is or why you would care who that is
Take it outside
>js06 is also a dessfag
Is this how opposites attract works? The biggest baka attracts the smartest autists?
Symphogear is basically solidified as my favorite anime series. When it's over its gonna be sad. Not that we dont get more but the fact theres a good chance I'll never like an anime as much as I like Symphogear ever again.
its pure cheese and its wonderful
too bad symphogear has 1000 ideas per season and finishes everything in 5min or less so they didnt do much with the conceptual weapons
Dess has a high IQ though, but it takes an equally high IQ viewer to realize this.
>Chris is confirmed the smartest geah though
How can this dummy be the smartest?
quick thinking under pressure
In S1 Chris was able to bounce a sword towards Hibiki by juggling it with pistol shots from hundreds of yards away. She was also able to shoot thousands of Noise out of the sky at once aiming at each individual one.
Chris is smarter than supercomputers.
Deploying boobs.
I have never thought about like that but you are right. Chris does manually what Kira Yamato relies on programming and super computers to do.
By elimination she have to be smartest.
Alchemy was invented after the curse was put into effect, relics are from before.
Older = stronger.
Dess confirm Gochiusa fan
High INT. Great grades, can individually aim at tens of thousands of Noise.
not just that the relic was made to purify and remove evil, relics, everything
alchemy and the stone had a different purpose in a way
>relics are from before.
Is there anything to confirm this?
Chris is the smartest, cutest and strongest!
Chris is the most adept at pleasing men.
The philosopher's stone was able to counter ignite module
they've said that like a zillion times during the show. relics are custodian tech.
user is the most adept at pleasing men.
The Alchemists in their Faust Robes were able to take on two Ignited Geahs at once though. I mean sure they lost but it helped that it was two on one.
ignite was alchemy anyway
custodian tech is miles above it
Let's have some cute happy family HibiMiku before the doom.
>H: I'm full! Your food is the best in the world after all, Miku~
>H: Thanks for the food
>M: Fufu. You're welcome
>M: ...Hey, Hibiki. Can you stay calm and listen?
>H: I'll do the dish with you
>H: Huh?
>M: You see, I... am pregnant
>M: Sorry to dump this on you out of the blue...
>M: I've been meaning to tell you for a while but...
>M: But I, even if alone, I still want to-
>H: Thank you, Miku...
>H: I'll do my best too. Let's raise them together...!
>M: ...Yes
But it didn't erase Dainsleif, it just ejected them out of the pseudo-berserk state.
>H: Fufu
>H: Say,
>H: Don't you think they look like the opposite of us?
>M: Fufu... I can see that
>M: ...But you know, Hibiki
>M: I've been wanting to be the one leading you by the hand, too
>H: Miku...
>M: Want to... do it today?
>H: ...Yes
My daughter just made honor roll!
How should I reward her?
Saint Germain is the chad lesbian we deserve
Less beatings for a week.
Because it wasn't direct contact
God, this is like 3 references laid on top of each other and it's horrifying.
Too much blood this season.
is the Director making references to menstruation or what?
2 fights/episode quota really fucks up the pacing
Let her alone with Jii
>been watching just the live watches
>barely understand 10% of the dialogue
>still understand ~90% of the plot
Holy shit, I'm a genius!
>their codeword is nakayoshi
pretty much what everybody agrees on
the insanity is its seeling point but also its biggest flaw and thats what i miss from S1 and G the most
the quiet time to let the girls interact
Why Hibiki is so retarded?
Personally, I blame Topdad.
>sole survivor of Noise massacre
>gets bullied in school and by her neighbors
What's wrong with Japan?
Her brain was without blood flow for too long after that time she nearly died.
>sole survivor
When will the meme die?
Muh samurai honor shit.
Imagine the smell
The keywords explain it a bit more.
Most of the deaths weren't from Noise, but trampling as people escaped, so the public attitude shifted to blame the survivors.
Got bullied because 90% of the deaths were as a result of fighting and crushing, unrelated to the Noise, so it was retardedly seen that the survivors caused most of the deaths
Survivors got a big payout from the government which only helped fuel resentment from those who lost people.
At school, several of the popular kids died so a loser like bikki got shit
Topdad's bosses daughter got killed so he got the sack and he became an alcoholic who beat his wife and daughter before abandoning them
The keywords acknowledge it was a frenzy of blame that whipped itself into a bigger storm, not helped by the media
>Ogawa will have a scene in the spotlight
>there will be more references to the previous seasons and various foreshadowings will finally be acted upon
Bad writing
Buy her tickets for a Kazanari Tsubasa concert. Everyone loves her.
That information isn't crucial to the plot so why waste an infodump scene?
She wasn't the sole survivor, she was just the only survivor that was IN the building. Everyone else there either died from Noise or were trampled to death from people trying to escape. Death toll was something like 3k and most of them were killed in the panic of trying to escape.
It was because she was inside that people thought she was cursed.
Why Hibiki's classmates bullied her was fairly important to her subplot in GX.
my body could not be more l@dy
they show you more than enough on how she got bullied and why
you have to be retarded to not understand it and if you want more they offer you more if you wanna read into it
You would think after the first couple of times with Noise and Maria and shit that people in this franchise would learn that going to concerts is a 50/50 chance of dying, but I guess people really fucking like their aidorus in the future.
>idolshit literally gets people killed in the year 2040
Chris goes both ways. Remember in S1 when she beat the shit out of Tsubasa, but then went home and got Fine'd
So this how geah copulate?
I still don't think Tsubasa is gay for Maria
>Remember in S1 when she beat the shit out of Tsubasa, but then went home and got Fine'd
Living the dream.
She isn't.
Tsubasa has the density of steel
she asked Maria to sing the entire night with her again later
Tsubasa is dense, Maria will have to make the first move
my friend who I’m rewatching the whole series with is a Chrisbasafag and she says she doesn’t get why so many people ship Tsubasa and Maria. I’m... actually in agreement.
Your friend has shit taste
they break character for each other and its cute
Shipping is dumb
Why was a chad track star like Miku friends with a nobody like Hibiki again, I wonder? For all we know, Hibiki before the incident was a total loser with bad grades, no hobby, no dream. Her face was dumb looking, too.
Yeah but that's still an alien concept to most people outside of grorious nippongo. Blaming survivors seems fucked up.
IIRC it was because she got hurt saving a cat?
They cover the whole thing, including the "most casualties were inflicted by survivors" bit, at least twice in the show. There's no excuse.
What's beginning? Suffering or healing?
That was after the incident, though.
Why does she ship Tsubasa x Chris?
The Shirou technique, fail gallantly at something at school.
Miku was a copetitive dick who was shit to people and only saw them as enemies and she never opened up to anyone
Hibiki was stupid enough to not see that and she didnt care she just wanted to have fun, you can be number one all you want and she will support you all the way and she was a good girl, she would risk her own self for others
>Not Chris x Fine
I don't remember any of this from S1
>no S0 about Tsubasa and Kanade
and thats not their problem but they cover it enough so you can understand it more or less
There is literally nowhere outside of japan where there would be a mob mentality directed against a panicked mob. It only makes sense to the japanese to blame survivors.
Also if Biki was in the building she couldn't have possibly been part of any stampede, making this entire thing double-retarded.
remember the scene when Miku and Bikki run together? Bikki starts training and all of that?
on top of that she says that she didnt have friends except Miku and her grades are still shit
Yeah but then we have the problem of Japan as a nation shitting personally on Hibiki, but then we're supposed to believe that she becomes a patriot merely because SONG tells her to? There are a lot of holes here.
You and your friend both have terminally shit taste. But I don't expect anything else from Chrisfags.
Somehow I remember Miku and Hibiki being friends from the beginning. I don't remember Hibiki's school life being a major sideplot, merely that the school is named after the Lydian music scale. I remember this because I was taking a Music Theory class the semester I watched it.
>Also if Biki was in the building she couldn't have possibly been part of any stampede, making this entire thing double-retarded.
As if a bunch of shithead kids would know or care
wtf I love Kirika now
Can we get re-recorded versions of Bikki´s songs? I´ve listened to Aoi Yuuki´s post-puberty voice too much, I can´t go back to the old songs anymore
>watching anime with friends
>friends with shit taste
As a TsubaMari shipper, the pairing feels like an afterthought since it wasn't really teased in G aside from the bed line. I really like what they did with it though, it's nice gap moe to see them act cute towards eachother since both Tsubasa and Maria are usually pretty autistic and stoic.
Tonight at the xyz concert hall x amount of people died, panic induced mob stampede made it worse blabla and then the kids who lost their loved ones see Hibiki the stupid useless girl without any talents or friends and you know it from the talks how the survivors clawed out
As someone who had to go tru some panic testing and situations ill tell you there is no fucking way you can know what happens when people panic, i know a guy started hitting his friend with a fire extinguisher out of panic just to survive and i honestly got scared as fuck, not because of the flames but the fact how people snap and act like animals
>Japan as a nation shitting personally on Hibiki
She just wants to punch peo- I mean protect people
She likes their senpai-kouhai dynamic and how they flirt with each other a lot. Of course she’s halfway through GX, so there’s more Tsubasa and Maria content ahead.
It used to be just the aesthetic but GX smeared their innuendos pretty thick you have to be as dense as the sword to not notice
kids are evil man its not about the nation, she loved her home and everything it was just the kids who are fucking evil
if they would bully you for being different or having less money, getting money out of the mess where your brother/sister/gf/bf died in and seeing her happy you know people go crazy
cant remember when but doesnt Miku explain the why?
You're right, it seems they never showed anything relating to them from earlier than S1E1.
I guess they were just randomly friends and then saving the balloon (I just checked and it was a balloon, not a cat) made Miku fall in love.
>having friends
Chris belongs to everyone and she's happy by just having friends.
Tsubasa is too autistic to know love
Nobody loves Maria.
Ogawa is a traitor?
Tsubamari in G feels like they thought his could be a thing but then forgot about it because they got preoccupied with all the plot and cliffhangers.
All the Kanade parallels were extremely heavyhanded and let's not forget that first magazine spread of them literally naked together
she fell in love with Hibiki after that because she saw the poor bullied girl who has nothing and is still ready to give not just her all but her own life just to make someone smile
Miku isnt really a happy girl and that was a ray of sunshine that punches through everything
you'd have to be as dumb as dess to think that's what will happen
no way
he really cares for Tsubasa, its not just a job for him
And once again, people prove that the "bad writing" means "thing I dislike"
Thank you so much
Possibly. He was Tsubasa's sword instructor and maid and was assigned to her by *drumroll* Fudo
>Tsubasa and Chris
The only instance of it I can think of is when she called Chris a wild horse
>She likes their senpai-kouhai dynamic
How is it even possible to have such abysmally shit taste?
>that first magazine spread of them literally naked together
This one?
Personal feelings don't get in the way of a job, that is 101 of being a Ninja. His loyalties might lie with the Kazanari family. Course it could just be a double agent thing. He was the one that found out about the stolen relic from Tiki being at the Alchemist base, he might have put two and two together and is trying to play Fudo. Could we see Ogawa die to his former boss in front of Tsubasa?
wait whats wrong with liking how Chris makes fun of Tsubasa and how Tsubasa gets salty on the senpai thing? the handholding in GX and the wild comment was fun
but then again they all have great chemistry
I'm a Tsubamari fag, but even I can appreciate Chris + Tsubasa senpai/kouhai interactions. It was much better than Chris + DMJii
No the one where Tsubasa's wing is on Maria's crotch and they're holding eah other upside down
Nah, the next time they drew them together. The artist said they got out of their wet clothes because they were caught in the rain.
There's nothing wrong with it, that user is just shitposting
No, this one
This was the first one, yeah.
if symphogear wasnt cheese and tropes done out of love and fun man but theres no way ogawa would ever do something to hurt the basa
he could die to save her
Not that one, that was during AXZ.
I mean the one from early G, back when they barely even talked to each other.
>merely that the school is named after the Lydian music scale.
Which is funny, because as a rule Agematsu and Elements Garden in general are much more inclined to use the Dorian scale for Symphogear music. In fact I can't think of a single instance off the top of my mind of something even remotely Lydian in the soundtrack. There must be at least something, but it's certainly not very prominent overall. I guess Lydian just sounds better.
GX ending when they tell Chris how much they love her and how much they still want to take from her and how they tried to copy Chris was cute as fuck
I always had a feeling it has to be music related but i can't music so thanks for the funfacts guys
How do they know this if they never practiced it?
>aoi yuuki was 20 when symphogear S1 aired
>"post puberty"
what did he mean by this
The song in their hearts sync really well.
Maria tricked Tsubasa by saying it's some sort of training to fight against strong foes.
They did it offscreen during the training montage, obviously.
I'm sure they must have spent weeks perfecting their technique.
S1 and S2 had a lot more tsubasaxchris
Then S3 happened and Chris and Tsubasa were involved a lot less in favor of Maria and Tsubasa
Honestly the consciousness of the writers in how they pair characters up has been a real grating part of the show, you can see where they shifted gears and dumped Chris in favor of Maria and since Hibiki has Miku that means Chris is either the third wheel or she gets to be the filling in a sandwich, depending on how degenerate you decide to get.
Because it's dumb and forced to create some kind of artificial connection between them. Chris has been a mexican onahole all her life and Tsubasa is a sword autist, why the fuck would either of them care this much about these retarded highschool dynamics?
I always believed in dess.
Conceptual weapons are some of the most fun, bar none. The bullshit you can pull with the right way of thinking is great. Fragarach vs Gae Bolg is a great example.
Chris gets and accepts her senpai and she helps Chris come to terms with some things, then she tries to do the same for her younger dorks and fails and gets mad and anxious about it because Tsubasa was cool as fuck and she didnt fuck up but it was never about them being a pair
No, but the viewers certainly are.
In the end of G Tsubasa was sad that Chris wouldn't call her senpai anymore
>highschool dynamics?
Senpai-kouhai is not only for school
It's weird because the early GX episodes made it seem like Chris was going to take Elf9 under her wing, but then Elf9 kind of became another extraneous character that adds very little to the show.
>could have had her magically 'perfect' carol's gear using carol's leftover memories and become their version of the white power ranger
>instead she's just a character that does stuff
>it might be painful it it hits you
>but miku taught me how it can do so much more than that
its not about highschool but superior and she was there to guide Chris who had to learn everything from somebody
I love her so goddamn much.
they need a science person
but i think E9 is cute and sounds cute
You can say whatever but I never felt the way that Chris and Tsubasa interactions noticeably collapse in S3 was natural
>Ogawa! What did they...
>What did they do to me?
>They captured me, turned me into a custodian and brainwashed me
>They forced me on a sucide mission against my former master
>That's what you want to hear, right, Tsubasa?
>But no. I'm here on no one's orders.
>I fight for my own sake. I'm here as Ogawa Shinji
>And it is by will I will seperate you this dawn
>>instead she's just a character that does stuff
Messing with sliders is very important, don't undersell her role.
>early GX episodes made it seem like Chris was going to take Elf9 under her wing
When was that suggested except for Chris being the one who first comes into contact with Elfnein?
Also, Elfnein is cute as fuck as a scientist/bridge bunny, but she was never set to be a fully fledged character.
>I see! That's why it's making my heart race! My warrior instincts are telling me that this strategy will lead me to victory!
it was a pretty big plot point in AXZ, did you forget how Gungnir had grown into a Godslaying weapon because of the fact that it had one time been thought of as the Lance of Longinus, so that the belief that it killed jesus eventually leaked through to it enough that it gained anti-divine power
Symphogear really puts too much important shit in the keywords.
>does stuff
Honestly an accurate approximation of what it is Elf9-chan does
If Hibiki got Saint-Germain as her Stand, which Gear get Cag and Prelati?
What was Hibiki thinking here?
I want to be one of the sides of a Chris sandwich
>If I'm here, Tsubasa is on the bed with Maria and none of them are wearing panties...
>I better ask Miku about this
Well Tsubasa and Maria are likely out of the question. They’ll probably get Kanade and Serena respectively, somehow.
The same kind of thoughts that guys get when they see two girls kissing, except that Hibiki is also a girl herself..
That's what happens when you put somebody who's used to writing 30+ hour games to write a ~6h show. I personally like it because I enjoy reading everything that's available to learn more about the world of the show, but I can understand the problems that come with it for a lot of people who just want to enjoy watching an anime.
Tsubasa and Maria didn't really come out of nowhere in GX. Maria was obviously designed to complement Tsubasa both aesthetically and personality wise. They already knew they looked great next to each other and they both had the more adult young women aura unlike the rest of the girls. It's why they kept putting out art of those two together even though they barely interacted in the show and there's a reason a bunch of people latched onto it after just 4 episodes of interaction.
The foundation for their dynamic was all laid before GX. They just didn't start talking until after G.
Yeah but i was talking about GX and how the sword breaking sword was just there for 2min it just makes me curious about the what if they gave it more time to develop or more focus on it what crazy ideas could they pump out
What do you expect, it was written by the guy who wrote Wild Arms games. He thinks the audience will want to read the explanation in the official website just like gamers will read in-game encyclopedia.
Isn't that Fine? Didn't Fine suck at her job and only use it as a convenient cover because the science place gave her access to what she needed to nuke the interspace jammer/moon.
I watched everything without reading anything and i understood it
Rewatched it with a friend who also didn't require any keywords
No way
Yeah but now chris and tsubasa rarely interact and it feels fake. Since S3 there have been too many characters doing too many things, merely having kirika-shirabe drama takes up too much time when you could just treat them as a 2 for 1 and package their issues like that.
I thought the child prostitution gimmick is exclusively Kirika's thing. I don't mind though.
Tsubasa is a sakimori, she doesn't have adult woman aura.
Why are 1 on 1 interactions, outside of their specified pairings (Miku x Hibiki, sword x jobber, DMJii, etc), so rare in geah?
I miss jouzai senjo
>abandoning cute little sisters to a chase after the autistic sword
Maria is the worst girl
Why is Miku paying for something she gets for free?
Tsubasa clearly wasn't battle ready for Millarc.
>the mom's face
This is not going to end well. I hope she'll murder this jackass.
It’s the fantasy. They’re roleplaying. Miku will put those bills back in her wallet when they’re done.
It's the result of the goddamn 2 fights per episode rule.
Maria barely interacts with DMJii for god's sake even though they are her only family left
Elf9 don't have the Daurdabla Faust Robe anymore and thus can't deploy.
Come to think of it, the main characters destroy too much stuffs that are supposed to be preserved, such as Nehushtan, Durandal, and Solomon's Cane. They are truly anti-archaeology.
Roleplay. Hibiki is the innocent highschool student getting taken advantage of by the old creepy leecher Miku.
The mom’s like “haha okay sweetie now let me get back to being happily divorced.”
Yes she does
>top dad expecting to tap Hibimom again
>fails his redemption arc by XV
Kaneko finally fixed top dad.
Would you rather Elf9 does stuff, or Dr. Ver does stuff?
>Tsubasa: 81cm (B cup)
>Maria: 96cm (F cup)
Why do their boobs like the same size
Did she ever actually say it inseries?
Tsubasa pads her chest.
That's just a case of Maria being shite.
She left them in good hands.
Would people like GX more if Elf9 was a loligeah that fought alongside everyone else and Ver didn't die and became the Ryouko replacement?
Because if you start making more pairings the amount of possible combinations (and therefore the runtime you'll need to spend with them) grows exponentially.
No, not really.
Tsubasa's entire character is about embracing the cringe. There's an old interview where Nana said that the whole studio laughed when she was recording Koi no Okehazama.
Maria grew after G
>be tsubasa's manager
>has to see tsubasa and maria lesbian antic everyday
Is the fountain in the background supposed to symbolize something?
Or how about... you have two characters interact... WITHOUT making it shipping fodder?
How does that change what I said? Interaction takes time, gay or not.
Because autists get angry when they see interactions that 'goes against canon ships.'
Maria is going to spray all over Tsubasa's face.
Next day, she'll offer diapers to Maria.
When do episodes air?
They spiced up the pairings with unison in AXZ though?
>Chris x Maria
>Tsubasa x Shirabe
>Hibiki x Kirika
When has that ever stopped anyone from doing anything in symphogear
>elfnein finds a magic daurdabla crystal because fuck you
Problem solved, like most other problems in this show
This, i don't want to see dess getting ntr'd by the sword again.
S1E3 4:00
Those sound like terrible ideas. What we need is Elf9/Carol fusion so she can be a real character.
Dr. Ver does stuff to Elf9
the parents are just so tired and afraid. Hibiki has the power of a god, and they're going to make her a fucking little sister or so help her she'll get out her fist.
I like Carol and the Autoscorers as villains since Carol was genuinely evil compared to Fine's spurned girlfriend routine and Ver's "I'm so crazy I think I'm the good guy" and Maria's "I am totally incompetent" routines.
I just don't like that Elf9 is literally pointless as a character, she is an afterthought added to the cast for no reason.
>muh carol
Fuck off.
The Elf9 we have right now is already the fusion of Elf9+Carol.
I thought maria was tsubasa's manager, why else does she wear the suit?
But that's exactly what I want to see.
Bring them back.
Ogawa is Tsubasa's manager. Maria is just Tsubasa's groupie.
Wtf, so does that horse fucker lose his position as admin? He bailed us out without a legit reason.
The real question is why Chris is passed around like a dirty hooker
>paired with Tsubasa
>paired with DMjii
>now back with Miku/Hibiki
It's like she's a homeless person
Dess is a stripper with an annoying vocal tick, she has no right to anything except single motherhood
>Carol was genuinely evil
I don't see it that way. Carol is more like a vengeful ghost rather than a character. Unlike Fine or Ver, she can't learn anything from her interactions with the Gears. You can't judge her like you would judge a human character.
>Certain imageboard
What does he mean by this?
We need Elf9 to fuse her face with the barrel of a shotgun
>annoying vocal tick
Fuck off, shitpire.
They were never officially divorced. The guy ran out.
Nah, they are talking according to Hibiki, but still living separately as of the current. Going to be a slow climb to reform their relationship
But that means she's genuinely evil
That line should have been subbed as "you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded."
Miku is gonna be fine. Probably.
I want to see more Hibiki and St. Germain action.
>surge of donations
>anonymous assistants
Yea Forums has unironically become a kind of secret society that can move mountains to ensure that the porn is kept safe
Miku is a step up above Fine, she's a Custodian.
Smart people sometimes just want to go simple, because they see the value in simplicity.
It's idiots and narcissists who go muh 99999 IQ.
Weaponized autism.
Would that make DMjii Beavis and Butthead?
I feel like we are going to be disappointed with the other's super forms. Because we won't get duets and probably won't even have 'stands'
Hibiki has such a beautiful wife.
I believe that user was making Idiocracy reference, not Beavis and Butthead.
then why is she so useless?
>Tan Tiki
She's not nearly enough of an airheaded loser. How could Adam knock her up he doesn't have any junk?
She doesn't have her flying castle.
But why a fucking bag?
Saint-Germain is so handsome!
it's a reference to miku's song
Germain is way too much of a murderer for me to think this is cool. She was an awful villain.
That'd explain how she managed to turn a shit tier relic into a curse purging relic destroying death beam.
As cool as this was, I hope Sanjeruman doesn't pop up every time Hibiki goes 4 arms
Will it have a lot of Chris bullying in AXV?
There's a real life example of this happening at a divegrass game:
Poor policing led to an uncontrolled influx of fans which overfilled the ground, and resulted in people getting crushed in a panic. Past troubles with hooliganism in England (especially a game 5 years prior that was actually in Belgium but had the same team) plus a little dash of politics meant the fans weren't exactly loved by the public and many blamed them in the media. These days people get what happened, but at the time it was a bit crazier. If you ever find yourself in Yea Forums and they do the joke that's what this is about.
I don't. SG sucks.
That's a meme that spawned from a mistranslation made literally by evil communists and it's patently false.
She did nothing wrong. You would've done the same in her situation.
Hooligans deserve everything that happen to them, but Tsubasa's fans are good people.
The Sun did nothing wrong.
Season is almost a third of the way over. What's your wish list for the rest of the season? Dead Vampire? A duet with certain characters? Return of Genocide? Canon Yuri end?
In her situation, i would eventually give up and then try to marry Cag.
*scousers deserve everything that happens to them
just correcting that for you
Both are made by Mike Judge, which was my reference
But Tiki only wanted Adamu, who was a robot and stupid
To be 100% honest, you need to be shameless in the face of bullshit.
"You can't break me if I'm not a sword" is the appropriate response to a "Swordbreaker". The Alternative is quite literally getting destroyed (even in comparison to the other autoscorer battles).
When you face a conceptual, your only option is to pour out as much chuuni as you can. If it breaks armor, you show up in shorts "Clad in your determination". If it rebuffs enemies, you insist you're fighting as a friend.
If it ends lives; you fucking chuckle and wonder if what you have counts.
The loud annoying villain goes out in a blaze of glory
The quiet/demure one dies in a way that isn't very memorable
The leader villain ends up dying stupidly
Then the main villain shows up and does their final plot
Basically literally what happened in the last two seasons, except S3 had five autoscorers and an alchemist and an action hero instead of 3 subordinates and a main villain
thats what makes it great how shameless they are and they love it
>For a time after the initial rebuild, Amalgam's functionality had laid dormant, but has now abruptly awakened.
>This is thought to be due to some sort of lock being released when the Symphogears suffered the attack known as Daedalus End.
>The first to master this technique, Tachibana Hibiki, claimed it was due to her former rival-turned-friend guiding her through a state of murky consciousness, though there is no firm evidence to support her claims and they must therefore be dismissed as nothing more than a "cool story."
nonce spotted
Imagine we had a protagonist like Reimoo instead of worst girl
>jobbing to Maria
>blaze of glory
Cool story, bro.
To be Tsubasa's naked apron housewife.
She's not buxom enough to become part of Tsubasa's harem
nearly 20 now years you bin dipper
That still doesn't explain who smug-kun is
Maria is gorgeous.
Fuck vampires and FUCK LUNARIA-- i mean CUSTODIANS
Maria cover of You'll Never Walk Alone when?
>muh elf9
The character exists to fill the tech support role left by Ryouko, but has none of the personality of Ryouko. Carol being combative, jaded, and annoyed that she has to fix Gungnir's battle damage for the umpteenth time would be entertaining, at least.
hug the vampire
Fudo's flunkey №1488
It'd be shit. Give me cute elf9 any day over that.
>every villain other than the FIS trio has died
I hope they don't kill Millarc.
Why couldn't Milla look like Remi?
>Europe is a lawless wasteland
>Soviet space agency still exists in secret
None of this will ever be elaborated on, will it?
>muhlarc dies
>the sword breaks completely, does something stupid and maybe causes irreparable damage
>Carol cameo or even Carol9
>Ver cameo
>somebody "dies" and comes back to life gloriously like S1
>HibiMiku fighting each other while singing a duet
>Fine is relevant
But you could have Carol being cute and deredere when Hibiki holds her hand and thanks her.
Chris is still alive.
split personality would be best
>Europe is a lawless wasteland
Greece is doing good. Maybe Russia is ok too.
>tfw we'll never get russian geahs
Oh yeah, she used to be a "villain." She's been on the main squad for so long I forgot, kinda like Vegeta and Piccolo.
Miliarc will die because she doesn't get her special blood. Kemono will do an anime scream and berserk charge the geahs out of grief and Elf9 will say some technobabble about how her wolf powers are going OFF ZA CHATSU. The android will be literally anywhere else being smug about something.
Chris was never a villain just a retard
is the alchemy upgrade just an upgrade on top of the geahs or what? i see people talk how had to rebuild them from scratch did i miss that or?
All of my fucking money, that would be perfect.
Chris was a better villain than Maria.
It's the commander guy in the top right.
Being a better villain than Maria is not an accomplishment
In a throwaway line in AXZ, Elf9 thanks Saint-Germain for helping her with alchemical upgrades to the relics, mostly because they massively increased the speed at which she could decontaminate them.
I think that's the general reason the deployed relics this season have the metallic setting and the Philosopher's stone glimmer during transformation.
I think you're a double-spacing speedwatcher.
I don't think about you at all.
Milaarc's pretty stacked
Not as stacked as Vanessa I guess but those are fake tits
If she looked like and was as small as Remi it would be difficult to donut people.
Kaneko needs to write a Symphogear JRPG so he can sperg out all he wants with his world building.
Chris is the Vegeta, she's still pretty relevant/strong whenever Hibiki isn't using the latest plot device she got
Keywords when???
yeah i know that thats why i always thought the sanjermans upgrades were just upgrades like ignite was but some anons talk about them being new geahs so i didnt know if it was the subs being shit again or me and my reading
6 and a 1/2 days.
Piss off, Putin.
It would just make it more impressive.
As they said in the episode, it trades defense for offense.
So basically Ignite but better because it's not fucking cursed.
Good eye.
It's not like her ethnicity was confirmed just a place of birth, she could be russian for all we know. She is more of a murrican anyway.
yeah but they arent new as in brand new
well it has a bigger downside on paper right? but then its easier to control
None of that will happen
You will get best grandad and you will like it
And then the movie which will not be about custodians but about a bad guy who harnesses super-alchemy for reasons that seem stupid
As far as I know, the only "complete" rebuilds came through GX (Autoscorer attacks and the associated Danslief integration and existing damage to Argeltam).
I don't think anything will come of it, but I question the wisdom of only putting three guns on Genjuuro and putting all of them inside of Genjuuro's threat range.
Maria got beat up by a crazy hobo who then declared he'd use her tight teen pussy to create a new human race
And then she got beat up by Hibiki, who stole her stuff
Yeah the instant guns are off the rest of the bridge crew Genjuro and Ogawa are going ham on their asses.
Genjuro just doesnt give a fuck
The rebuild was done in the last episode of AXZ when their berserk silhouettes cracked and burst and they got the new designs.
Not counting the temporary effects while Dainsleif was still burning, it increased their base power somewhat and unlocked the Amalgam mode.
In the first phase of Amalgam, "Cocoon", they reconstruct their Gears into a barrier field, sacrificing attack and mobility for defense.
In the second phase, "Image" (with the French pronunciation), they further reconstruct it into a new Armed Gear, sacrificing defense for attack. Though, as Hibiki showed, a good offense is the best defense so rather than an actual detriment that bit about lowering defense will most likely only serve to justify them not simply fighting in Amalgam Image mode from the start every time.
>Greece is doing good
Truly a bleak future
These plot threads exist merely for the convenience of the writers, until they decide to do something completely different
yeah but thats the same way how ignite was a new design its not a new pendant or a new geah because that one was lost its just going from 2.0 to 3.0 they didnt destroy the old ones
>none of that will happen
Vamp dying is a very plausible scenario. Carol cameo is all but confirmed by the shinais. Ver cameo is always likely. Fine being relevant is being teased and foreshadowed like hell.
is it Saturday yet I can't wait any longer
Saturday has been cancelled.
One yottsun.
Watch as Genjuro takes the rest of the season to man up and stand up to his dad.
So if I'm understanding you correctly, you take issue with the fact that Kaneko, a Japanese person, uses of the English word "rebuild" in a context in which you consider it to be inaccurate?
oh no its not an issue its just me wanting to get it right because after all the shit on subs and the errors and people saying it in 2 different ways i just wanted to know which is actually correct
check the song debates on whats actually right and whats not
The guns are just a formality. Genjuuro could punch the shit out of them easily, but he can't punch the shit out of politics.
Man. Where's an alchemist when you need one. One pair of political-intrigue busting brass knuckles coming right up...
Not with that attitude.
Has anyone made a stitch of the FIGHT THE POWA shot in the ED?
It just said the Lapis "rebuilt" the gears and now they have Faust Robe aspects, it's not like the details matter anyway.
Maria is sex.
Maria is shit.
I hope there are still sliders that can be pushed to make it stronger.
Maria is scat?
Maria is for shit sex.
Don't forget
>The Frontier
>The Nephilim
>The Treasury of Babylon
>Divine Power
>All the Autoscourers
>Every single faust robe
>Almost everything in the Dragon's Den
And the list goes on.
>Almost everything in the Dragon's Den
Chris was solely responsible for sinking Nep Nep's Palace.
>Almost everything in the Dragon's Den
How did Chris get away with that? Fudou's should have made her his personal onahole for that.
They blew up that mummy's tomb too, and Kadingir though blowing that up is probably fine.
Fudo being a secret Custodian collaborator who long ago sold out both the human race and Japan
Kinda want someone to tell Millarc that she is a monster not because she looks like a vampire but because she killed a cute, innocent loli and enjoyed it.
>There will never be a Kadingir Gear or a Custodial Coffin Gear.
A lot of things seem like they might happen and then don't
Enjoying the tears and blood of a cute loli doesn't make you a monster.
Who wouldn't enjoy forcefully penetrating such an innocent little girl?
Maria doesn't act like a stereotypical anime American. She is a villain from a wartorn slavic shithole, or at least tried to be one. So she is s stereotypical anime Russian.
You see this is why if Kaneko wanted them to be sympathetic he should have started with them in a shit spot getting squeezed from all sides and even showing off that Millaarc doesn't like killing before the escalation of the concert. That way its obvious even to speedwatchers.
>The Arena was bobbytrapped by normal bombs it was a controlled dimolition and if anything the vampire attack reduced casualties, because people were trying to escape before the bombs flattened that death trap of a building.
technically she's from chernobyl satan
>Vamp dying is a very plausible scenario
All villains have died so far. This is believable.
>Carol cameo is all but confirmed by the shinais
Hard pass
>Ver cameo is always likely.
OK this is bait.
>it's a genjuuro episode
Better than a maria episode at least
>Hard pass
Why would they make a whole sentimental shinai about Elf9 trying to find Carol with the mind helmet thing then?
>OK this is bait.
This is statistics and the power of Sugita.
>maria is a mutant
That explains everything
>chernobyl satan
That sounds terrifying.
Carol brings absolutely nothing to the table.
Miliarc is the Cog of this season, who in turn was the Micha of S4. She is the designated asshole villain.
I want to see Milla getting squeezed from all sides.
She could have some vital piece of knowledge or something. These kinds of things are easy to shoehorn in.
Carol saying you did right and its great to have friends would be sweet but her story is over
she did the right thing in the end, she gave her body to fix her a person she was tied to in a way because they had memories and had people that cared for them