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Other urls found in this thread:


why are you gay?

I want to fuck that duck


she started off as a he

So did you.

i AM a he
but still correct

Huh, then you're merely gay.


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you see a bulge?

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youre the one lusting after a dude in a loli body

you're the one thinking cunny is gay, gayboy.

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so youre telling me if your friend suddenly became a biological female with the same mind youd be attracted to her?

Duckface is awful, manga Tanya is best.

Attached: we're hitting moe levels that shouldn't be possible.jpg (1080x1551, 400K)

No, I'm telling you to fuck off. We had these discussions countless times. Past lives don't exist, memories don't have a gender, etc.

>Getting pussywhipped by a ugly duckling that’s more likely to shank you in the guts than ever having the slightest of a shadow of a thought of ever sleeping with you
>also has the soul of a man
Gay and you’re a cuck

Wait wtf? Isn't this the dream?

Attached: Ricardo Milos part 1.webm (500x280, 1.21M)

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Not to blog but it's LITERALLY my dream last night. Friend suddenly cross-dressed and did a song and dance number, was confused but did note he looked pretty.

But she looks the same as a duck, that means she’s made out of wood

>He thinks it's gay to not want to deal with a normal female's bitchiness
Stay cucked faggot

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But that’s a terrible design.

Tanya a best
>anyone who disagrees is a colossal faggot

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Visha pls

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ok user
first order, kill yourself

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What if Tanya was not duck .

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I can't get over the sexualization in the manga.

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What sexualization.

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Attached: Retirment by Marrigae part 16.png (990x1400, 169K)

The manga has a ton of nude scenes added in that the LN doesn't have. Like when she discovers she suddenly has a rosary is her basically posing nude in front of a mirror on top of a bathtub, and also stuff like having her clothes blown off (but not from her extremities, only where it matters) during combat so she flies around nude.
At the same time the manga made choices like saying she has stunted growth from malnourishment from the orphanage, but in the LN when Rerugen investigates it he finds its actually well funded by donations, and Tanya also mentions Mage's getting high caloric diets, so there's no stunted growth there, and on later LN covers you can see her taller and older (hair gets longer and turns into a ponytail aswell, etc).
It's like the mangaka wanted to make sure he could show an undeveloped girl naked as much as possible.

Double checked
All pedos must be shot on sight



>undeveloped girl

>censorship approval
double cringe

Pure newfaggotry should be banned on sight

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I am a lolicon so these things don't budge me, but personally I prefer girls with cute frilly clothes with rare golden fanservice scenes here and there, if you put in too many it just gets repetitive and doesn't excite me as much anymore
loliscumcons that just want to fuck instead of appreaciate the cuteness are filth

Sounds like you're reading into shit too much, m8. I literally could not remember the nudity bits until you brought them up.
>later LN covers you can see her taller and older (hair gets longer and turns into a ponytail aswell, etc
You mean the parts that's way fucking past where the manga is right now? The manga is barely up to the halfway point of the anime. So what.
>It's like the mangaka wanted to make sure he could show an undeveloped girl naked as much as possible.
It's more like she was sticking to what she's given to work with, you're just projecting. The only thing she's forcing is her fucking Takarazuka yuri fetish, which is something you'd actually be well within rights to complain about. If you hate that sort of thing anyway, I think it's fucking stylish.

Good luck little duck

I like the concept of this panel because there's two possible interpretations and both are cute. Either Being X changed Tanya and she's unaware of how people see her, or she's delusional and unaware of how people see her.

good luck little duck

I'm not bothered by them either and have similar interests. It just doesn't really fit with Tanya and her portrayal and it seems to go out of its way too much to accomplish it in my eyes.

>It's more like she was sticking to what she's given to work with, you're just projecting
I'm not sure it's working with what you're given when all you have to do is have a character notice something in their thoughts and you can frame it in any way you want, and you choose to frame it with nude posing.
>her fucking Takarazuka yuri fetish
I also like this. Have pic related.

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>youll never be apart of Tanya's Kampfgruppe SS commandos

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Holy fucking cursed


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>you choose to frame it with nude posing.
Again, I don't see it as sexualised. There's literally zero detail on her naked body and she's not in any poses to show off anything out of what you'd expect for her actual situation, no real intent to show off the nudity or Tanya's physique is indicated at any point. Or if it was intended, she did an incredibly poor job, which doesn't seem very likely. There's nothing fanservicey about any of it. Nudity != fanservice.
>I also like this
And you're okay in my book.

How do you feel about this one?

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Pyjama Tanya is best Tanya

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>There's literally zero detail on her naked body and she's not in any poses to show off anything out of what you'd expect for her actual situation
I agree.
>no real intent to show off the nudity
But that's the problem. If there hadn't been intent to show it, it wouldn't be there. There's no reason the manga decided her clothes get blown off or anything like that. That's the part that baffles me. I just don't get why it's there.


For reasons other than fanservice. I took it to interpret it as to demonstrate how dire the situation was for Tanya, that she survived the brunt of the attack but far from unscathed, if it hadn't been that serious she could've at least protected her dignity.

Checking on the manga for the first time and it's adorable and fun. For the life of me I cannot comprehend why some of you fags would even dare to complain about something so pure and innocent.

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I suppose I can get that for the blow-up, although there's no sign of scorch or damage on her skin IIRC, and I don't know that the manga goes into the concept of protective films vs. ballistic shells as much as the LN does. The bathtub/rosary thing is still weird to me.

This is grown up Polish Tanya, say something nice about her.

Attached: polack tanya.png (762x1080, 487K)

It's weird because she's kind of less "moral" in the manga and anime than she is in the novel, generally more willing to sabotage things to keep herself safe in the rear and all that. But I guess in the book that's also due to the autistic thought processes, which are distinctly less moe, so I guess that's what the manga gets out of it.

Her manga only has polish translations

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Why is the nutcracker there
What is this
What is Poland doing

She's kind of bloodied, but again her actual naked body doesn't really have any detail. Upon reflection, it just makes her kind of badass. Almost a Kenshiro shirt-bursting thing she's got going on here.

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Maybe I'm more used to the LN voice, which would generally at least comment on her state and how she feels about it at that time, by necessity of having to communicate to the reader that it happened.

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Different mediums with different restrictions and approaches, that's all it really is.
I like that the manga actually at least tries covering more stuff from the LN rather than blasting through everything at break-neck speed like the anime, even if it's still far from perfect.

pedos ruin everything

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If anything the manga adds significant amount of scenes the LN didn't have, and not just due to the visual nature of the medium, while still choosing to omit some others. At the same time the LN has a lot more introspection for the characters and philosophical and historical tangents going on.
They're more like different adaptations of the same source material rather than one being derivative of the other, almost.

Weirdly arousing

You made sure her movie's US theatrical release was a huge success, right? My theater was sold out.

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But Tanya has female chromosomes.

Did they show it in Japanese, though?

Fuck the duck

Yes. It was subbed.

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Nice. Y.Aoi is best. I wish the roadshow site was better for English users, though.

I dont get it.
What is this? Joke about /POL/?

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Tanya a cute. A CUTE!

Last time I checked on the translations only the polish had them up to date

Also that is a Tanya in 2B's costume

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why don't you stop being a tourist and read the fuckin manga, dipshit

It's too bad that Tanya will end up as a CIA goon before going full Big Boss and spending the rest of her life as a PMC commander.

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The mangadex chapter comments of youjo senki are strange.
So thats another reason to read the manga.

Lurk moar newnigger

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But Tanya is airforce

Mangadex comments are cancer in general. I cannot tell you how many times I've read "this chapter sucks, why hasn't this manga been cancelled yet?" Holy shit, if you don't like something then don't read it.

>chain smoker
>runs over pacifists
>tortures traitors
>molests her assistant
Would not waifu, but would invite for drinks.

other than the first one those are all positives

Not only did you skip the term Kampfgruppe you also don't understand her role and employment. She is an army soldier who fulfills the role of an attack helicopter. Armies have those.

Remember that Tanya's VA likes little boys
I wish she tutored me when I was 13

Check on what Kampfgruppe is user

Good thing I permanently look like a little boy then!


Just finished Volume 6 and I was pretty let down. Close to nothing happened in almost 200 pages and the author couldn't help but go on a tangent every other word. Anyone read volume 7+? Does it get any better?

>Close to nothing happened in almost 200 pages and the author couldn't help but go on a tangent every other word.
Have you not read the previous 5?

You were meant to drop it after the shitshow that was vol1.
It was a struggle to finish even that one. Constant annoyance of having time wasted with redundant dialogue.
Its a miracle someone thought that garbage could be made into a good anime.

Carlo Zen himself said if you want the action you should go for the manga/anime instead in the afterword of Volume 1.
I for one couldn't stop laughing when he hit the Stanford Prison Experiment by page 3 already and powered through all the way to Rawls' Theory of Justice. Different tastes.

I don't remember the last 5 being as uninteresting, but maybe I was running a high after watching the anime.

I think the manga is the best way to consume Tanya content. It's detailed enough to give you an understanding of the setting while being engaging enough to not put you to sleep.

It absolutely isnt taste, its incompetent storytelling because it constantly re-words information you already know to bloat the word count.
Its something you learn in school at 12y old not to do when writing. Dont say same thing you already said in a previous paragraph.

I'd say the manga does forego offering as much detail as the LN in favor of adding more slice of life, though personally I had to strictly pace myself in terms of reading the LNs specifically so I don't strand myself with no next translated volume in sight for nearly a year, so perhaps you're right about running high.

>a loli voiced by aoi yuki will never dom you

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Wtf lol

Aren't the next volume supposed to have fifty pages of rape? Or was that just rumors?

There's that clip from when she was a little kid on Gaki No Tsukai, resting her feet on an adults head and saying mean shit to Matsumoto.....

I think that's the same user who comes to these threads that spreads the stuff about fleeing to the US.

The Russians run over the border by like page 60, dude. Unless your Tanya I wouldn't call that nothing.

Brainlet shounentards.

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This post aged like milk. kek[/spoiler.'

Picked up

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Chapter 11 Page 41 onward.

a bulge still wouldn't make it gay

>It's like the mangaka wanted to make sure he could show an undeveloped girl naked as much as possible
Based and lolipilled

All the fucking gay talk doesn't matter since Tanya literally is an attack helicopter.

tfw cant load hot 30mm DU rounds into her womb

Does she give free helicopter rides?

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>has been reborn with a vagina
>it's gay
All you delusional faggots should go back to /pol/ for your daily dose of testosterone

Only to Visha.

And this lucky fellow.

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>mind of your best friend
>body of a lusty woman

This is the dream, not fucking it is actually being gay.

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Souls don't exist and Tanya is a woman, simple as.
Anyone saying otherwise is a projecting tranny faggot

based and salaryman pilled

Attached: Tanya chibi laugh.gif (250x250, 69K)

Really the way that the reincarnation system works in YS, everyone has been both a man and a woman at some point in their karmic existence, making the entire issue utterly irrelevant.

Yeah, you'd basically be telling all buddhists they're trans, and in Tanya's case the "entity in charge of reincarnation" has arranged the whole thing, so as far as the universe is concerned she's a girl. Also the Dalai Lama himself said he'd wanna come back as a hot girl once, so that seems fine.

Thanks for adding nothing to the discusssion, retards.

Anytime, friend.

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I stand by the attack helicopter thing as the easiest solution.

Never before had I regretted not being American. I hope I never do again.

Maybe it'll come to Europe, too.

Make sure you buy the movie's release, then, because there are scenes in this worth paying for. Pic related had the entire theater in stitches.

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Just hearing Y.Aoi voice that alone is worth it.

The curse of Yea Forums

Its a russian psy op operation, they'll spam those phrases boardwide.

The anime didn't even come out in my country, unfortunately, so I don't like the chances of getting a movie release here. I would pay full price for it, but it seems as though I'm gonna have to torrent it.

her face is so ugly

Where do you live? China? Who hates capitalism so much that they would deprive its populace of salaryman ducks?

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What about technology? What if an actual machine gets made that can let someone transfer one's mind/consciousness into an inanimate clone or android or overwrite that of someone else's?

Look at this face and tell me it isn't cute.

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Spain. The manga is coming out; we're 4 volumes in. No LN or anime, however.

Not him, but I'm in Europe and I can't find anything about screenings here either.

The anime face design is a cause for eternal regret

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Damn. That actually does put a damper on it.

I suppose you mean memories not having gender, and no it still doesn't matter. You'd just be transplanting the memories of your old body. If you get a prosthetic leg it doesn't make sense to still think you have both legs. You might remember how your previous body was, had gotten used to it and prefer it, but it doesn't reflect on your new body's specs.

As for past lives, as the other anons said then everyone would have them and Tanya would just be unique in the sense she remembers them. Translated into tech if everyone is constantly hopping from android body to android body or clones... Well if you can choose what sex the new body is then that doesn't really make for a good analogy, but if you care you pick the same sex if you don't you don't.

it seems to be an artistic choice to make her resting face cute but any grimace horrifying. she's a cute body with horrible personality is the point.

I had no idea Yea Forums was so trans-positive until this thread

His personality would do that slight grin over a job well done, like the serious law abiding person he is.
Psycho grin just subtracts value, its not interesting.

You will never be a woman, faggot.

>tfw two faggots keep debating about buddhism and trannies and shit in a shitpost thread

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>reincarnation is tranny shit
never gonna make it

Nice cunny

These. It's a complete turn-off.

But this is what Tanya looks like

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meant for

LN covers are honestly all top tier.
I like that they also gave some attention to how her hairstyle changed on them as she got older.

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LN cover author has some weird disability when it comes to drawing hands.
They all look fucking mutated.

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I can see it on this one, but it looks fine on Vol 11.

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I'm glad there are other men of taste ITT

Season 2 never ever.

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>tfw you will never rape the aryans

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Got a pyjama tanya keychain on the way. I hope one day they'll give us a figurine in pyjama with the nutcracker, even jus as a Nendo.

>I hope one day they'll give us a figurine in pyjama with the nutcracker
That'd be wonderful, although I doubt it'll get a nendo, unfortunately.
I wish they'd make a Tanya Cu-Poche. Then you could dress her up in all those outfits... I also want a red dress Tanya...
Ah, so many Tanya's, so little time...

Attached: 1484976505946.png (1280x1894, 1.36M)

I want Pyjama more than Red Dress to be honest, and she already HAS a Nendo, so they could just sell accessories for that, maybe. Though what would be really nice is if Phat! finally makes progress on that bust. WonFes had nothing on it.

Attached: 806156.jpg (600x729, 69K)

I'm kind of disappointed in Vol's 5 & 6 of the LN. That pacing has slowed to glacial since the earlier books. A Russian winter of plot progression you could say. Literally nothing of note has happened.

Fuck off, speedreader.

Well, if the covers are anything to go by the next ones get a lot more dramatic.

Not that fast. Vol 6 came out almost five days ago for me.

My order for it keeps getting delayed, and they took Vol 7 off the storefront completely even though it used to be in there for end of November.

Change to a better shop, Preorders should come early not late.

>I want Pyjama more than Red Dress to be honest
I want them all, but I get what you mean. Pajama Tanya is incredibly cute, maybe the cutest.
>she already HAS a Nendo, so they could just sell accessories for that, maybe.
I'd definitely go for that. I got the Nendo so I'd love some more accessories. I just somehow doubt they'll do it. I know the movie did pretty well, so maybe if they go forward with the second season as planned we'll get lucky. It seems like Good Smile only does multiple figs of series with a lot of staying power or hype behind them, which makes sense of course, but the lucky thing is that it seems like Tanya does in fact have a lot of clout as a character and series. So I think there's a strong chance we will get more. I've been noticing a lot more Tanya posting recently, which makes me a little jealous but also happy.

Attached: 1485011090140.jpg (1280x720, 50K)

> delayed
Weird. Who you buying from? Vol 7 still shows as released date of 12th Nov for me.

My countries Amazon. Customs here are pretty strict, so most of the time its not really worth trying to do anything special retailer-wise. Vol 6 was July 30, is now Aug 21.

>I'd definitely go for that. I got the Nendo so I'd love some more accessories. I just somehow doubt they'll do it.
I forewent the Nendo and am waiting on the figma and scale right now. The figma joints actually work really well for her combat fatigues.
I would love to find a movie screening here, get some extra stuff from that maybe, but I can't find anything at all about actual screenings. Most I got was the movie got licensed for distribution in this country by the same people who distirbute the DVD.
>It seems like Good Smile only does multiple figs of series with a lot of staying power or hype behind them
I guess, but also, Youjo Senki is a very one-character show. There's probably a bit of a threshold to make another Nendo of the exact same character rather than another one, but even Visha is so far behind that she'd probably sell much worse.
>I've been noticing a lot more Tanya posting recently, which makes me a little jealous but also happy.
I feel the same way, even though I also can't explain quite why it feels that way.

Amazon are pretty much the worst, I'd try elsewhere if possible, constant delays in most countries for LN preorders. Still only delaying it by 15 days is pretty impressive for amazon, unless they do it again which they might. Technically the book doesn't come out till the 6th of august now, but that doesn't mean people don't have it yet.

I'm pacing my reading anyway. Realistically I could probably finish a volume in 2 days if I don't rush, but seeing how the next translated volume isn't until November, I've had to basically ration myself to a book a month.

>doesnt read it on release then marathon every released novel before the next one

Attached: Tanya normie.png (600x1000, 453K)

I might end up doing that. For now I've had the anime to fill time and the manga too, and now the movie aswell, but yeah... might just read up and then read again. Still waiting on figurines, too.
Images from Youjo Shenki make me kind of want a Tanya plushie.

I might also pre-order the scale (the one with her sitting casually in shorts) and the figma. I haven't entirely decided yet.
I missed the movie screening in my country, unfortunately. I was busy at the time, and didn't think to check Yea Forums for info. I just quickly searched about it and there was never any info on the general web, so I totally missed it. So my advice to you would be to keep an eye on Yea Forums if you think there's a chance you'll get a screening. I'm still mad at myself.
>I guess, but also, Youjo Senki is a very one-character show. There's probably a bit of a threshold to make another Nendo of the exact same character rather than another one, but even Visha is so far behind that she'd probably sell much worse.
That's actually a really good point. They don't necessarily have to cast a wide net, like with idol or harem shows, so they might be prone to make more of the singularly more popular character. Still, I'd wager there are some out there who wouldn't mind a Visha or Mary Sue figure. Not me though.
>I feel the same way, even though I also can't explain quite why it feels that way.
For me, its a true waifu phenomena. I really like Tanya. I've had other characters that I was interested in who are similar to her, but never quite the same feeling. She just pushes all the right buttons, perfectly. She's a truly interesting and wonderful girl.
I thank Carlos Zen for his hubris.

>For me, its a true waifu phenomena. I really like Tanya.
I really like her Seiyuu, so that might have something to do with it. And she got to do a lot of voice changes with Tanya, and a great ED song.
>So my advice to you would be to keep an eye on Yea Forums
I don't think I've ever seen discussion relating to movie releases relating to my country on Yea Forums

>I really like her Seiyuu, so that might have something to do with it. And she got to do a lot of voice changes with Tanya, and a great ED song.
Funny enough, Yuki Aoi's performance as Tanya is what actually made me aware of her, and the more I get to know about her as a professional, the more impressed I become. She has an insane career. She really did an excellent job as Tanya, bringing out and embodying the character. So I guess for me its been the opposite.
>I don't think I've ever seen discussion relating to movie releases relating to my country on Yea Forums
Well, I was already aware of the possibility of a showing in my country, although it was never officially confirmed. Its just that when the news came, it was found no where else but Yea Forums, at least to my knowledge.
Although at this point, I highly doubt we'll see another screening, unfortunately. The BD is dropping this month, so we'll see subs soon at least.

>Well, I was already aware of the possibility of a showing in my country, although it was never officially confirmed. Its just that when the news came, it was found no where else but Yea Forums, at least to my knowledge.
The company that licensed the BDs for the show also licensed the movie for distribution here, and they announce what movies they bring to cinemas fairly well. Their schedule from January to October is fully posted on their site, and Youjo Senki isn't on it. So I'm fairly sure it's a no-go. I'd have to even hope the subs would be English aswell, if it even happened.

>mind of a man
>body of a loli


>mind of a man
>body of a loli
>function of an attack helicopter


Attached: 1541121980400.png (634x857, 324K)

And don't forget the voice of an angel.


To any future volume nigs, do the Krauts ever find out the brits cracked their code's ass wide open?

I’d probably try to be really chill around Tanya so she’d genuinely like me as a friend

Nope. Rest of the war is actually pretty boring in the WN, and the WN ends right before things actually start to get interesting during the Jet Age.

Attached: 1552802249143.png (475x312, 34K)

I think you mean to say you would try to achieve your maximal economic value so she'd like you as a friend.

I was surprised by how many people showed up at my theater, but I guess I shouldn't have been. There were a few other theaters in town airing it, and the city will be hosting an anime convention later this month.

Sounds a little anticlimatic. By WN ending do you mean end as in it's ogre or it got put in hiatus for the LN?

Attached: Tanya Rex.jpg (1188x661, 75K)

thank you Tanya-sama! Again, again!

It's ogre. Tanya gets papercliped, works for the CIA for a while, and then becomes Big Boss.

I don't think he's sticking to the WN too much. Pretty major characters that didn't exist in it do now, aswell.
Also the CIA stuff always makes me think of that time Rerugen stumbled over some clues that Intelligence might have used Tanya in a covert op before her officer certication even happened.

Visha being added won't change anything. That was a change made by the editor/publisher; a similar change was made with Overlord and all we got out of it was a subplot that's gone absolutely nowhere. Visha doesn't even have a subplot, she just exists. As a good character, but her existence won't change the intended sequence of events.

CUTE duck

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I don't know. On one hand I don't really see him not making some changes, the way he talks in afterwords especially. On the other hand I wouldn't put it past him that he does have a massive autism boner for wanting to talk about Paperclip.

CZ's rants are surprisingly entertaining, all things considered. They, for me, make the LN the superior way to enjoy Youjo Senki.

So, how would you have translated the title?
Saga of Tanya the Evil is a mouthful and it's kind of inaccurate.
I like the Spanish title; Diario de Guerra (War Journal), but there must be better options.

Little Girl Chronicles, in reference to the WN's writing style

Good luck little duck

How about "Little Girl War Chronicles"? I think that conveys the plot a little bit better.

While "Tanya the Evil" is definitely a value judgment that doesn't really apply, not to the anime/manga but ESPECIALLY not to the LN Version of Tanya and the way it discusses morality at length, even the Japanese title isn't really that special. To quote the Afterword of the first volume of the LN: "I threw the title on there like I was drunk and they actually printed it."
I still just call it Youjo Senki though.

Pretty sure the (more) literal translation for Youjo Senki is just "War Diaries of a Little Girl".

Because thats not a mouthful
Just cut off the "the evil" part since its stupid.
War chronicles of a girl.

A literal translations works better. Some user a while back said that that title wouldn't sell; I dunno about that. I do admit that that kind of title would make me think of an Anne Frank scenario.

They deliberately chose Youjo and not Shoujo, though.

"That Time I Reincarnated As An Attack Helicopter"

What is the literal translation of the Japanese title?

Youjo = Young Girl
Senki = Military History/Record
Fix the ordering for grammar and it really is just "War Diaries of a Little Girl"

Little Girl Battle Chronicles


How about we use the new word in English language for the phrase "little girl"

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No, we already have a word for that. "Maiden."

"World War Loli" would certainly attract a certain niche audience with the title.

Now with the literal translation clarified, if they DID insist on giving it an English title because they felt the original wouldn't sell, and agreeing that "Tanya the Evil" is pretty bad, I think the obvious correct English title for the series would have been
"The Devil of the Rhine"
or perhaps add The Saga of to the front of that, still.

One of her nicknames would be good, I'd read a novel titled "Rusted Silver" or to that effect.

Saga of the Devil of the Rhine sounds a ton better but still has a massive isekai vibe.

>(The Saga of) The Devil of the Rhine
>White Silver
though my favorite would be to simply call it
>The Eleventh Goddess

Using one of her nicknames would be pretty neat. Which one to choose, the one awarded to her by her allies or the one by her enemies is a bit harder. Both sound pretty great.
And honestly, this series has so little to do with anime tropes that, bar the illustrations, you could just put it in a bookshelf in a library or a book store and most people wouldn't think twice about it. It is an interesting genre because it combines fantasy with a historical setting, but aside from that, take away the anime styled cover and it wouldn't be associated with Japan that much. Not that I dislike the art; the covers and artwork are all fantastic.

2x "of the" is impossible

Devil of the Rhine > Eleventh Goddess > Rusted Silver >>>>> White Silver

The nickname doesn't get used enough to call it The Saga of White Silver or something, though.

Saga of the Rhine Devil

There's also that whole thing with "White Silver" possibly being Mythril in Japanese.

i legit think it's the best isekai.
maybe am wrong.

So do I. Mainly because it doesn't have RPG mechanics. That puts it at the top of the list for me.

Diaries tale of the 12 years an 11th goddess atheist wizard loli maiden, Rhine Devil Tanyas chronicles : The White Silvers war chronicles saga; The time a 40y old man sucked off a cock to avoid conscription yet it wasn't GAY?!?

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i loved the fact that the mc used his loli cuteness to trick his enemies.
seriously can you imagine going to war,ready to kill hairy dirty dudes,instead you face a cute blonde blue eyed loli.
just that is enough to lower your guard for seconds,something tanya would defenetly use against you.

Since it's an isekai based on a LN it should be called "The person I fired pushed me under the train, then I pissed off God by questioning him so I was reincarnated as a loli in WW1 with magical aptitude".

i think i see the problem here, you are just projecting your insecurities. Tanya is a woman, not a man and Souls don't have gender. In other words, you are a faggot.

Does Tanya like boys or girls?

I maintain that it's really not isekai in the sense that genre has become defined and the term used. It just ended up in Isekai Quartet because it had the Youjo Shenki chibi spin-off like the others.
Also honestly the books aren't "light" novels. They're just novels.

But LN's with those types of titles are always shit.

I also like how she constantly moans internally about how she, as a minor and a woman, shouldn't have to deal with the shit she has to put up with.

How did this artwork even come about

They are light novels. There isn't enough content and the writing isn't good enough for a novel.

I wouldn't know, I always avoid them. Nice trips.

Tanya likes the free market. But the indication seems to be more likely girls.

Don't question perfection, user.

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If the Empire loses won't the Allies shred them with a Treaty of Versailles 2.0, leading to Hitler 2.0?

Also coffee.


Nah, it's isekai. A man dies, is reincarnated in another world with their memories, and their knowledge of current society helps them to survive and prosper in their new life. YS isn't escapist in the slightest and it differs in many ways from what people consider the archetype of isekai, such as the new life gained being far worse than the older one. However, it is still isekai. I would be willing to concede in your favor if Tanya had simply time traveled, but it's a different universe to our own.

I also see them as more novels than LNs, however, although that is also disputable.

If you compare the density of content to something like the Konosuba LN, they're worlds apart.
The writing I wouldn't say is poor. CZ just has a distinctly 'weird' style of writing.

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Reading the LN's the conclusion I come to is that the Empire could have won is they just did everything Tanya knew.

>the writing isn't good enough for a novel
Don't be ridiculous. A novel doesn't have that kind of standard; a novel can be anything that tells a story and is of a certain length, I believe, over 50k words more or less. Its quality doesn't make it less of a novel; it's like when people think that the word "art" is only applicable to what they consider good art.

If people could actually resurrect a lot of little girls lives wouldl follow that pattern.

The Empire would've won if Tanya's brilliance didn't lead to them leaving their borders. They have literally no strategy, and tactics without strategy is the sound before defeat.

I think the important distinction for me here is that isekai is "Well you ended up in this world now.... off you go." Or at least fairly loose.
Whereas Youjo Senki is a very defined conflict between the MC and Being X that is carried out across the existence in that alternate history world, and the stated goal of forcing her faith, which is also actively being worked on by the opposing force. The world isn't the point of it, so to say. The world is just set dressing. Whereas Isekai is usually all about discovering that world.

Could a man do this?

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Tanya would put down Hitler 2.0 if he ever showed up; she's seen this dance before.

She is a senior officer and a named mage in a fallen nation, she would barely be in a position to protect herself let alone stop an angry populace rallying behind 1 man.

god i wish it was me

I wonder how plausible this is. Could the Allies get away with raping and brutally murdering a Major, who is a minor on top of what, without a political shitstorm ensuing?

If they pin Arene on her. In the LN she even says "this will be considered an atrocity... unless we win the war."
If they pin Arene on her and go "well we did stuff to her and now we'll make her disappear, or you can raise a ruckus and we talk about Arene" it might work.

Depends how high profile the POW case is. Chances are if she was captured she'd end like the millions of other krauts after WW2 where they were designated as Disarmed Enemy Forces and left to starve to death.

I can't wait until she ages

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don't care, got to fuck tanya

Angry mobs can't fly, artillery can't turn that fast and small arms can't pierce her protective shells.
All there'd be left is Mages, and they likely all know her and either respect her or fear her. She'd assassinate him easily.

baste cunniseur

If you're willing to see Tanya's every struggle as an extension of her contest with Being X I can see it, but I think that once again that's overgeneralizing. Konosuba for example also has an end goal; slay the Demon King, and the group directly fights its influence with more frequency than Tanya does battle directly with Being X, Mary being the most physical their conflict gets. Overlord also has a defined goal; conquer the world, for example, and like in Tanya's case, elements from the old world are coming back to haunt the protagonist.
I honestly think you are splitting hairs, and I don't think that YS shouldn't be considered an isekai. Remember that isekai isn't a genre in itself; you could argue it is more of a setting or a structure to set a story in. Some isekais can be funny and others dramatic, for example; some are lenient on science-fiction, others on fantasy, and those are in itself capable of holding comedy, drama, crime, thriller, horror, action, etc.

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there was a Panzer II and the V1 rocket in the anime so the time must be around 1940-1944. Will she meet ww1 Hitler?

I hope she puts you on the front lines you degenerete.

Can anyone post the image with the sources used by Carlo Zen?

Hindenburg beat Hitler in the elections because of how widely popular he is. She could run for Chancellor and with the support
and approval of the High Command she'd probably win. And since she'd be younger than Hitler, she won't die out like Hindenburg did.
Or she can just shoot him; when not!Hitler attempts the Beer Hall Coup she can just fly there and shoot him dead like the policed tried to in the 20s (he was saved by a bodyguard using himself as shield).

You totally didn't read my post, dude.

Why would Hitler even exist?

Konosuba doesn't really focus on fighting the Demon King, though. Heck, the party kinda decides they don't super care about it at several points. It's more like an established "exit point" to go after, which at the same time still doesn't actually put an end to the show if they don't want to.
As for the intervention, I certainly see the world Tanya is put into itself as the challenge by Being X; as it was intended. It's a less advanced, war-torn, harsh world without comforts and starting out she's put there in a vulnerable form, and its generally the circumstances that force her into activating Type 95.
Maybe it's just the LN that I would draw the distinction for, since if you compare to the Konosuba LN, that one deals generally always just with what is happening to Kazuma, right then, right there, with some immediacy. Tanya takes on a grander scale, with a metaphysical or philosophical slant, when Being X is involved. It's not just about getting by in that world and in your immediate circumstances, it's actually more related to overarching principles like personal liberty.

You're completely ignoring all the environmental factors leading into Hitlers rise to power.

First of all, with the mix of WW1 and WW2, Tanya would have been paperclip'd years before Hitler 2.0 is in power. Second of all, there is no High Command. Post WW1 Germany was completely destroyed militarily and economically and the next time a brass unit that could support a political endeavor like that is when Hitler rebuilds the German Heer.

But the Empire isn't Nazi Germany; if the worst they've done is Arene then the Allies wouldn't be so harsh on them. Hell, the most evil country in the setting thus far is the Federation, the only totalitarian state involved in the conflict. If the Russians had got her then I suppose they could do what they did to her in that doujin as they weren't following the rules of war, but if the Republicans or any other did I feel they'd be politically screwed.

Forgot to mention the Empire in Youjo Senki is run by a royal family. You don't run for emperor.

Because It would be funny to have another Hitler fighting ww1 and becoming the perfect white Knight hero once again.

Like I said, it depends how high profile it is. She'd get Nuremberg'd for sure due to her high profile and high proclivity in military actions through the war. Or she can get employed by the CIA post-war, or she can be starved to death with the other several million soldiers that would be out of reach for the supply chains to feed as POWs.

Getting put on trial doesn't necessarily mean bad things would happen to her. She never gave the order to do the "questionable" things, she was just following instructions from higher up.
Sure, she wrote a lot of papers they based that stuff on, but that's just theory. She didn't tell them to do it.

Your points are very valid. Even so, they are not really an impediment to the story being considered an isekai, as its foundations are just that; a man from our world thrust onto another one. Narnia is an isekai, for example. I just think that the word "isekai" is stuck to an archetype that, while not lacking in truth, isn't absolute. The main condition to make your story an isekai is having someone from a known society thrust into a different one of the author's conception; you can go anywhere from there.
Your points prove that YS distinguishes itself from the mold in several ways, but it is still an isekai.

>She never gave the order to do the "questionable" things, she was just following instructions from higher up.
Do you not know what Nuremberg is? The entire point was that following orders is not an excuse.

Tanya would have been better if she had gotten no OP powers and been forced to sell her body at the age of 16.

But it's not WW2. It's not even WW1. The Empire is a modernized HRE.

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>ywn hail your supreme loli leader bathed in the light of the eternal flame while surrounded by thousands of your comrades

why even kill?

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That just sounds like you're re-using "fish out of water" scenarios to mean isekai, now, when you stretch it to simply be from known to unknown. In that case, Brave New World is top-tier Isekai.

Why such an arbitrary number? You can easily have vaginal sex at 7-9

Tanya would have been better if she had no powers, shunned the military and went into trading, then was put in a concentration camp with the other jews and gangraped repeatedly.
Holy shit why did I post this.

Loria pls go

I meant it differently; sorry for the confusion. If I'm wrong, let it be for the right reasons. Let's say that after the Empire's defeat, Tanya is stuck in Germany. She might or might not serve prison time, I don't know. However, it is likely that the public will know of her exceptional exploits, and as such, in the face of defeat, she'd definitely gain a following. Characters such as Paul von Hindenburg were well renowned by the German people during and after the war. My impression is that the Empire High Command, even after the war, might enjoy some of that faith. One of the two main generals (I forget their names) might even be supportive of Hitler's 2.0 political campaign. The other could get involved in politics; again, Hindenburg was president of the Weimar Republic. Tanya could very well end up in a similar position because of both her competency and literally cursed luck. If she's involved in politics in any way, at the first sign of something akin to a Nazi party, you know she's going to look into it and try to stop it.
That's all I meant to say.

I am aware what it is, but the reason I put "questionable" is because in the modern understanding as Tanya has it, that stuff actually wasn't wrong. Arene for example basically assumed modern rules of engagement and procedures in terms of evacuating civilians and identifying non-combatants. So those things shock the Allies because they're "ahead of time", but the soldiers put into those situations are essentially experiencing the doctrine shift right then and there, which somewhat absolves them from their on-the-spot judgment. Essentially, no soldier had been put into the situation Tanya was put into before, so there was no standard of behavior to follow or cling to, and ultimately it would be her superiors that put her into that situation, which would likely mean clemency for her because she was required to "wing it." What the people condemned at Nuremberg did was fairly established as wrong already.

16 is the rough age where you get petite breasts while still remaining smol

I don't think that a Nuremburg will be necessary here; if civilian casualties in a single town is such a big deal, it's obvious we won't be dealing with the kind of bloodbath that would demand such a trial.

>Tanya is stuck in Germany.
I don't think that's a good assumption to make, judging from the Journalist reports 40+ years in the future that are sprinkled throughout the novels. Tanya's legacy are the concequences of her actions that trounce the boundaries of lawful warfare and war crimes. She is never named, which leads credence to her status as one of the probable large amounts of German expertise imported to the Allied nations post-war.

>civilian casualties
Enemy combatants.
There were no non-combatants in that town at the time.

Women start getting breasts around 10-11 and reach max height around 14

Not exactly; a fish out of water is less exclusive. A Japanese man moving to Spain in the 16th century wouldn't be isekai; it's still the same world, such a different society. Same goes for time travel stories; you could make a claim there, but I'm iffy on that if not opposed. When I think of isekai I imagine that the going to a different world is
>an actual different world; you can't just ship sail back home
>decisive in nature; coming back home shouldn't be an option by either worldly rules or narrative ones

I haven't read Brave New World, so I can't opine here; sorry.

I always felt like the reactions given by soldiers the reporters interview seemed flipped around from how they should be for that to be true.
The Allied people say stuff like "that's the worst joke I've ever heard" when they call her the Eleventh Goddess, but the Imperial soldiers go all "You don't know what it was like man! You don't know how hellish Rhine was!" like they're ashamed, somehow. Like they sold her out.

She's a pure aryan goddess; no way in hell she'd be lumped together with the jews

Funny that you used a Japanese man going to Spain and didn't just grab Miura Anjin/William Adams from actual history.

Right, of course; a slip of the tongue.

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I was thinking of the Japanese delegates that left for Spain and settled in, having descendants here to this day and leaving us the honest to God surname "Japón".

Tanya has stunted growth.

That's pretty gay, user.

Only in the manga. They claim the orphanage was poor and she's malnourished.
In the LN Rerugen investigates it and finds its well funded by generous donations. Tanya also says Mages get high caloric diets, so there's no reason she'd be stunted.

She uses magic to help her movement which doesn't give her muscles/bones/joints enough stress to grow properly

Maybe the constant exercise? I've been told that extenuating your body at a young age leads to stunned development. I tried lifting when I was 14 and that's how they dissuaded me.

During her duty on the Rhine Front she literally crawls across No Man's Land into the enemy trenches armed with a shovel and bludgeons a guy with it. I'd say she's getting a workout, if high velocity, high altitude flight isn't enough stress for you.

Sorry for contradicting you; your post makes more sense. I was going off the fact that she mentions that aerial maneuvers and exhausting even for the most experienced and skilled mages.

My guess would be the Meth. LN Tanya mentions they make her take Pervitin. The suicide bombing during her officer certification is entirely drug-fueled in the LN.

Maybe they use led paint on their wizard gear.
Or mercury in the jewel thingies.
Lots of american kids grew retarded from the led in gas.


Season 2 when AAAAAA!


>checked the release date the day after it came and went

Don't worry. I'm sure Being X was responsible for changing the release date. I personally preordered my tickets months in advance, and good thing to because (as I said) the theater was sold out.

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I've done multiple other viewings with fathom here in florida and the theaters are always empty.

Don't tease me user.

My theater was the only one for several hundred miles showing it.

I see an erected clit summoning a tongue.

amazon says vol6 goes out on the 6th

I want to marry Serebrykov.

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I want to tease her about her height and her lack of self control for headpats.

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Careful. That is a deadly weapon.


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