Are you excited for the new Dr. Stone episode Yea Forums?

Are you excited for the new Dr. Stone episode Yea Forums?

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I hope the new episode has best girl in it!


It won't, next week. This week is the minecraft episode with Senkuu smashing rocks together.
Next week Taiju fucks off and gorilla appears.

I can't believe he's dead.

E=MC^2 homies

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I'm ready for some asspulls


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Blame Tarzan

i just waiting until Gen come

Oh yeah man I fuckin' love science, can't wait for more dr. reddit so interedasting xD

dis show is 4 gays

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>Dr. Flop
no thanks

Good job missing the point of the hypothetical
Truly, a fucking mongoloid

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Why do you think he was in a bad mood all the time? Had to be pretty painful

This show makes no sense whatsoever.


A best girl appears

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I find it weird they left it like that, knowing what Gen looks like.


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>dude this test shows that the person you'd choose to save over everyone else is the person you value most over everyone else
>please buy my book
Gen a scam artist. Senku was completely in the right.
It also further proves that Senku isn't a selfish asshole and that he genuinely wants to save all of civilization once he gets revived.

based dr chads, fuck the shitposters

I can't believe ideal-universe Tsukasa is fucking dead

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What is this expression meant to convey?

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She wants to Cuck Taiju
>next ep spoiler

i can't believe nobody's watching this struggling show today because the panda is back

>cranky pedos were just cranky
It's ok

how is the anime going to handle pic related

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How do their eardrums not burst from having an explosion go off next to them?

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Too much talking.
Shiny monkey Senku part is fun but I want my gorilla.

Plot armor or they just covered their ears off screen. I'd expect nothing else of superhuman teenagers

The Worlds Strongest Primate High-Schooler has SSS-tier ear strength.

No, that's Ukyo

Probably skippable, I don't think it does much except foreshadow Soyuz being an outsider.

They'll cut it out and introduce the characters as they appear

Ukyo has SS,SSS,SSS,SSS-tier hearing
Tsukasa is just autistically strong

what a genius, he never took this off his neck because he knew he would be killed by another human bean by being hit right at that spot, senku truly is smart!
rest of the episode was great though, I wish this was about rebuilding civilization and not a fighting shonen

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>general happy music playing as the introduce each character
>pure deafening silence when they get to Soyuz for 5 seconds
>followed by more happy music and characters being introduced

He was afraid he'd rip out some of his hair.


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Good compromise

If you potentially had 2 lives would you throw one away if it meant a bit of extra pain?

They kept in the monkey bants, good episode.

Are you excited for the whooping I'm about to give you?

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Why is the stone age so comfy looking?

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Because you are not in it

But it is about rebuilding, from now on it'y gonna center about making real life inventions (with a bit of cheatcodes) to solve their problems.

I'm gonna admit I've shitposted this anime but to be honest I really find it entertaining. Shame it was just a flashback this week

>2nd person revived is a psycho sjw tarzan
should have just let the lions had their way

Next week is 2nd part flashback of Senkuu surviving then flashbacks stop. Maybe a few here and there for the duration of a minute or so. It's gonna have more crafting from now on.

I genuinely like Taiju and I am going to miss him when he disappears for the rest of this show

Emotionally guided anarcho-primitivist*

>there is literally a character named manlet

>I wish this was about rebuilding civilization and not a fighting shonen
It is, just keep watching

Kek, I hope you work on the anime

Good pacing so far, episode 2 was the only one that felt a little slow

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I think they had to do it to set up best possible endings

>no dindus
>no jews
>no problems
Weird coincidence amirite?

>Kohaku next week
>Chrome in two weeks
>Suika in three weeks
>Gen in four weeks
fuck, I'm not ready

He seems a lot more popular in general than I had expected, I remember manga threads were not favorable to him.

I like the VA and his screaming a lot, so maybe that's why. It adds a lot of personality to his character.

Dude really?

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Really what? This is a scene that shows what'll happen when his neck gets slammed by Tsukasa? Did you even watch the episode? This happens before he gets killed.

o my petrified neck

This anime somehow makes me feel proud to be a ningen...

Being reminded of what we as a species has achieved and all.

And then I go to social media and it reminds me anti-vaxx and flat-earthers exist. facepalming intensifies

and yet you spend the whole day watching anime and playing fornite
shaking my head to be honest familia

bye reddit

I swear the mc looks like Jaden Smith


He is a mix of Hiruma from Eyeshield and Ken from Sun-Ken-Rock

I'm more than ready!!!
Urgggggg fuck Taiju, fuck Yuzuriha, fuck Tsukasa

Yes, but because I want the villain to win.

Don't give Netflix any ideas.

Senku really needs some shark teeth and some automatic weapons.

I want to know more about Titan, he seems pretty cool

Oh boy, you'll love him. Shame he doesn't appear as much anymore.

He is completely irrelevant, I don't think he even has any lines. Only about 10 of the villagers actually contribute to the story, the rest are filler.

He has shark teeth in the joke panels frequently and he's working towards a gun that turns people to stone.

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Those ain't shark teeth, the fuck are you on about.

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Yep I know I read the manga, it’s just I realized that a ton of the characters on those pages haven’t even appeared yet, while some of them have been actually relevant to a point besides the obvious main ones. Like Kamari for example.
>fuck Tsukasa

I really like Dr. Stone. It has a interesting premise of rebuilding society, though I'm not excited in the shounen route it will take.

I thought that the girls looked really derpy at first, but they're actually kinda hot.

He look like Chrome's chad but retarded brother

He had proper shark teeth in ep 4 of the abnime, too lazy to go hunr for caps, just posted a joke panel from todays chapter

>shounen route

Carbo and Namari schoolshooter tier

It was like that in the manga too.

I expected his look was retconned in the manga and that's why he looks different

>calling the kid shovel
>no shovels around in the village

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Soft seinen boys, moe girls with shounen bodies. The ayy eyes are a running gag in the threads, I doubt everyone is bothered by it as much as they claim.
But then you have best girl

I mean, what elements do you have in mind?

How is that an answer to his question? Are you unable to name a single thing you're afraid of?

just because it's a shounen doesn't mean it has tournament arcs every 5 episodes, or WOW COOL SAKUGA FIGHTS every other episode

Does their high school follow the same recruitment scheme as the one in Danganronpa

Also shounen demographic doesn't mean it become a generic battle shounen if thats what you're getting at.

>her teeth are used as a shovel

Tsukasa went to another school.
Taiju isn't anything special, he just has a lot of stamina.
Senku is the only legit superhuman in that particular school as far as we know.

The concept of rebuilding the world is pretty neat, but I feel it's going to be more about conflicts with people than actually rebuilding the world. You can also start seeing it with Tsukasa. It's not going to be about Earth v Man like I think it will be but rather Man vs Man if it continues like this. Though mind you I haven't read the manga and this is just pure speculation on my part, I just see it coming together this way, either way though It's a great first 5 episodes, I just hope they stay on this path and don't deviate any further than they have.

Conflict is inevitable, but that's hardly the focus.


I don't think the anime will get to the big conflict in the next 20 episodes. It'll mostly just be comfy inventions and cool characters

I would have loved to see it go through them all in a similar manner as that one scene from Meet the Robinsons.

>all that naked Senkuu in this episode
But i just fapped!

Would you a scienceman?

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The conflicts that will happen with tsukasa and the guy behind the petrification will be resulted with crafting and modernization. However they will have an invention from the year 1800 for example, they're still in the stone age. Imagine playing civ 5 with cheats that let you unlock a development even tho you haven't went through any ages. The locals don't have time to adapt and put a conventional use to most inventions. However an invention could have a byproduct that makes peoples lives easier.
Think of it like this, during times of conflict humanity progresses the most.


based onion hair man is starting to grow on me desu

Do you think Senku showered often pre stone world?

He'll be less of an ass once the retard leaves. He'll remain smug and based.

Senku get's way more likable and based during the village arc

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Senku is second best character.

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imagine the smell

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>Dr Axe
lol no.

But Ryusui isn't anywhere on that page

>what a genius, he never took this off his neck because he knew he would be killed by another human bean by being hit right at that spot, senku truly is smart!

Why are anons so tsundere for the show?

kesiki is trash and just a shit plot device character

>next to the speedreader a new class of retard has been found
>the speedwatcher

Israel was spared from the stoneification, though

Fujo go home

>petrification bomb came from South America
>Nazi leaders fled there after ww2
Israel was nuked after everyone turned to stone, no one can save them now. Now even Senkuu.

>t. Man with incredibly shaky hands

But how am I a fujo when Ryusui is for Suika?

Shame they already have currency. Soon someone's gonna introduce usury and the Jews will final return.

>out of your friends which are you?

something makes me think he's probably not very good in bed

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Dr. Stone - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_17.45_[2019.08.02_22.24.14].jpg (1280x720, 244K)

>Top 5 Reasons Why Dr. Stone Will Be Forgotten in the Dust Bin of History

1) It was drawn by a filthy Korean. The art style is actually disgusting compared to even bad manga artists.
2) The characters are actually unbearable, like every single one. The closest ones that might have been likable are Kohaku and Tsukasa who have been ruined by the communist propaganda pushed by the manga.
3) It has no actual tension. No one ever dies. No, the stoned boomers don't count.
4) Everyone has superpowers for no adequately explained reason. This clashes with the main selling point of the series ("DUDE SCIENCE LOL!").
5) It is actually a Minecraft/Rick and Morty isekai. This undeniable statement alone pretty much destroys it on its own.


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He'll reinvent viagra if need be

What's this?

he was priming tsukasa retard

>Top 5 reasons you are wrong

1)You didnt read the manga
2)You didnt read the manga
3)You didnt read the manga
4)You didnt read the manga
5)You didnt read the manga

The bottom of the barrel.

I like Dr.Stone

>No argument

Why is Vinland Saga there? It's double Dr.Stone size


The monkeys had me dying

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bigger number is worse

>this is the average type of poster in these threads
I bet he hasn't even watched JoJo

black powder that is spread out in the open like that doesn't produce enough pressure to blow out eardrums, it's more of a flash and burn than if it was contained in a rifle barrel or packed into something like a grenade. Now if Senku covered the lid of that pot full of black powder tightly with animal hide and added a some kind of fuse then he would have had to deal with the pressure wave and all that clay shrapnel flying around.

Hairless monkey a cute

If this was a good manga, the blacks would try to attacked Senku right away. They would either try to rape him first and then tear him to shreds, or they would just tear him to shreds.

Kaseki is based you mouthbreather

>Boichi bad

>The characters are actually unbearable
No reason given

>communist propaganda pushed by the manga.
Tsukasa was the most commie character and got btfo. Stop proving that you didn't read shit.

>It has no actual tension
>I decide that's actual tension and what's not

>No one ever dies
>Deaths make stories good
Yikes, go read Akame ga Kill

>Everyone has superpowers for no adequately explained reason
That goes for every single anime

>It is actually a Minecraft/Rick and Morty isekai
>Rick and Morty
The only comparison that can be made between the two is that both are about science, but Rick and Morty sticks to magic disguised as theoretical physics while Dr Stone uses actual science (except for the stone stuff).

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Dropped it on Season 2.

No argument.
>No reason given
The anus is on you to prove they're good. It's a shonen. They have no redeeming features to speak of.
>Tsukasa was the most commie character and
and he's a power fantasy, the strongest male character in the universe who gets all the women.
>>I decide that's actual tension and what's not
Another non argument. Name 1 tense moment in this shit manga.
>>Deaths make stories good
>Yikes, go read Akame ga Kill
Strawmanning braindead shonenshit lover. It's the fucking stone age era. It's not possible for people to not die all the time. That's why it's not actually true to its premise. It's just yet another run of the mill lowest common denominator isekai in a magic world that has little in common with real nature.
>That goes for every single anime
Are you seriously mentally ill? All the good shonen (Hunter x Hunter, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Fullmetal Alchemist) explain the source of their superpowers and two of them do it really well, one at least does it.
>admitted to being a Rick and Morty fan

>and he's a power fantasy, the strongest male character in the universe who gets all the women.
Tsukasa is pure, stop spreading lies.

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nope he*s shit

Why does Dr Stone sell only 100k per volume? Maybe because its trash?

It doesn't appeal to normalfags. If good sales meant quality, people like Justin Bieber would never sell.

>It doesn't appeal to normalfags
But it desperately tries to. So it doesn't appeal to Hunterchads neither.

>Here's your Dr Stone bro

high impact sexual science

But that's not the mangas fault. Boichi and Inagaki just do their thing and even if it was One Piece tier popular they wouldn't stretch it forever. On the other hand, the promoters have an agenda to try to shift interest from battleshounen. Dr.Stone did nothing wrong.

>But that's not the mangas fault. Boichi and Inagaki just do their thing
Yeah sure. You're trying to convince me that a filthy Korean
>spits on the floor
is doing something for artistic value alone? If yes, then where is the artistic value?

>So it doesn't appeal to Hunterchads neither.
Of course it doesn't, dr.stone has good art and comes out weekly with no "Oh my sisters healing power"

I chuckled, what's the thing on his face supposed to be?

>No argument
You stated something and didn't prove it. Your only argument was "lol gook xdd"

>The anus is on you to prove they're good. It's a shonen. They have no redeeming features to speak of.
They're certainly not deep characters like in every shonen. However, most of them have an unique personality and do things that make them likeable in some way. For example, Ryusui is a jew tier capitalist with an energetic and unique personality but it's actually a good guy.

>and he's a power fantasy, the strongest male character in the universe who gets all the women

>Name 1 tense moment in this shit manga.
Spearfag stabs Tsukasa, throwing them into the river.
You could say it's predictable so it's not actual tension, but that would apply to most stories beyond shonen manga.

>It's the fucking stone age era. It's not possible for people to not die all the time.
The mortality rate was already pretty high before Senku came to the village bringing medicine and other important things for survival. One girl almost died from pneumonia. Even some Tsukasa underlings got killed, so there you go

I thought you meant exaggerated strength and things like that. But you were talking about actual superpowers? LMAO

>admitted to being a Rick and Morty fan
Brainlet tier comment right there. Knowing about a series doesn't mean you like it. You should know better than me.

The two locks of hair in front of his face. Minecraft skins are fairly restrictive in terms of customization.

I don't get the Korean hate honestly, are you a nip? Or just a bandwagoner?
I like the story + art. It's just something different. It's not trying to be the next OP or the best there ever was, just a comfy story.

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>like in every shonen.
Again with the projecting and strawmanning. HxH's main characters are all incredibly deep with the exception of one, which was badly written on purpose. FMA's characters are not as deep but still Dostoyevsky level characters compared to Dr.Stone characters. JoJo characters are a bit of both.

Didn't even need to read the rest of your post, this alone was enough to condemn it into oblivion.

I dropped it so no

I meant the black marks. There should be a naked Senkuu skin and then you dress him up in a leather tunic and it becomes his coat.

Probably meant to represent his eyelashes/petrification scars

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>HxH's main characters are all incredibly deep with the exception of one
You mean the generic shonen protag, the boy with a troubled past and the revengefilled boy.
Leorio is leorio, since I assume that is the exception you are speaking of.
Im not saying there is no depth to them, but I doubt hxh fans partake in books, cause if they did they would note that their characters are pretty basic, like most shonen characters. Hxh people just circlejerk more about their "perfect" manga

Different user
>get backstory on characters
>flip the fuck out screaming how it doesn't match some imaginary standards
Oh you

>Leorio is leorio, since I assume that is the exception you are speaking of.
No you stupid fuck. Main characters != main four.

Jesus man are you 12?

Apparently, you are.

Yeah, I should have put 'most'
>Didn't have any arguments against the rest of your post

>>Didn't have any arguments against the rest of your post
You didn't.

>Nothing happens the anime


Oh, you’re 13. My bad, sorry if I upset you

>No u

>"i need people throwing shiny energy balls to keep my attention"
Do you have ADHD?

So just Mr.basic revenge, Mr.basic revenge plot, and Mr.basic MC?
So I guess Gon is the poorly written "on purpose" then?

Basic revenge and basic tragic backstory*

I want to fuck Senkuu bareback in the forest like a beast.

Tsukasa you’re supposed to be sleeping

I'll have a Coke, then.

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Only have this Golaman

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>The Nether arc when?

Is this supposed to be a downside? Because comfy crafting and rebuilding sounds great on paper (and in practice)

Funny how nobody complained when they did the same thing in HxH.

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I like to think of it as Rimworld the anime although i havent seen Senku and the others complain about not having a table to eat on

But it has o my stone healing power.

>the Korean hate
Majority of gook work are shit but webtoonfags think they are better than normal shit manga.

That looks far more like iced tea than cola

For me, it's Don't Starve (Together) the anime. Wilson even has similar hair.

>Dr.Stone did nothing wrong.
Not popular enough. There's better serie that isn't really a normal battle shonen on the magazine.

now I want Dr Stone mods in Dont Starve

Yeah the Creeper arc was the highlight of the series. Can't believe they just let Tsukasa blow up like that

This. I always considered Dr. Stone to be reminiscent of Don't Starve, it just fits too well.

That's a good thing.

This isn’t a webtoon

>the fucking pride I felt from watching some autistic nerd with weird hair finally managing to light a campfire

this is when the manga became something special to me. so hyped for the village arc

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I mean because of webtoonfags people start to hate gook shit more

Suika giving me them Chao garden vibes

It's insane that Senku developing new stuff ignites the same sort of joy in me that I'd feel from some character getting a powerup in a battle shonen.

You know until that moment i thought he was doing some just as planned bullshit like moving/dislocating that nerve because he was planning on baiting Tsukasa to target him right there so he won't be hit by a fatal blow.

It WAS a bait move to get Tsukasa to kill him cleanly and painlessly. If Tsukasa had done something like slit his throat or cut off his head the revival method probably wouldn't work. So snapping his neck was fine for Tsukasa, who viewed it as a necessary action to kill a friend, and for Senku to pull off his bluff.

I feel as if I'm the only person on this board who actually likes the OP.

It's a solid 7 out of 10 (like a REAL 7 out of 10, above average)

ED's better though

ED music is fantastic (as is most of the OST) but the art feels like it was made in a rush, the filtered real life pics and CG rocket are terrible.

But developing new stuff IS the power up.

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Axed when?

Before HxH has an ending, that's for sure.

Because short hair is superior you loser.

Short hair is easier to manage in a world without easy access to shampoo and conditioner and Tsukasa wanted to make his threat credible.

Get off the internet right now or I'll fucking kill you.

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>dr flop

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They ruined Tsukasa's blow to Senku by adding that bullshit slashing sound

I would be if I didn't decide to start reading the Manga.

Honestly the Anime is going to flop big time once they reach the village.


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>Add a minute long meaty squish noise.
What the fuck.

So they all are products of 3000 years of inbred?

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Of course, how else would you explain the ayylmaos?

Yes. They all descend from 6 people.

did anyone make a stitch of the hypothetical Tsukasa, Mirai and Senku being friends?

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wow you guys werent kidding with the O MY STONE NECK


>reassembling statues
Yep she'd of touched so many stone dicks.

>just reached pic related

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More like Dr. Flop lmao

This scene hit me right in the feels, especially compared to Senku getting hit which was just empty and kinda pathetic for the viewer.

>a few pages later

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why are senkuu's gasps/moans so hot, my dudes??

Stone abdomen


would you?

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nah it's batteries. Senku has prongs on his pinky as a stun gun.

he needs to tone down on the girl character eye size a little they are freakishly big

Yea Forums really is full of bandwagon fags

I mean, this and Fireforce has a manga for quite a while and it was shitposted as mucha as now.

How do you like it so far, user?

It's alright but I don't see how it's going to be adapted for the Anime very well. That said I want lewds of all the grills to come out of this animu. hehehe


Reached this part now

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No, you fucking faggot.

Yeah this is getting out of hand. Now they want to get the petrificication beam to save Tsukasa, but earlier it was believed the original beam came somewhere from South America.

Does Chrome actually say "BAAAAAAAAD" like in the Viz translation? Is that going to make it into the subs when he shows up?

are we gonna see spics for real??

>but earlier it was believed the original beam came somewhere from South America.
So? They can't stay in Japan forever.

Yeah, that's correct. Which means they need to read South America to research the ground zero of the petrification ray and find out how it works, then bring it back with them. So they need a means of getting there.

Why is this show so stupid?

>So? They can't stay in Japan forever.
It's not confirmed yet, I still have reading to do.
Maybe, maybe not.


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woops forgot to spoiler it again

This nigga just got frozen.

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Okay it's habbening.

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Was this payback for the entire Stone War arc?

>I think I'll be wearing these from now on
>Never wears them again

He kind of destroyed them immediately after saying that.

Lol i'd say so. There's no way he wouldn't of been able to whip up a primitive anesthesia.

He's one of the most valuable people in the kingdom, I'm pretty sure he can afford to buy another suit.

this baka

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Magma and Yo are two sides of the same coin.
Or maybe the same side, displaced by 3700 years.


Did anyone notice the new antagonist knowing what is ice?

Oh right, nvm I'm dumb, he could have known about it during winter,

Winter presumably happens on that island too.

Huh, when people were talking about cryosleep i assumed they discovered some kind of government/etc facility that survived somehow.

What’s this post mean

It's not even cryosleep, he's just fucking dead. The freezer is just a vain hope to preserve his body well enough to maybe be healed by the petrification.

lol no. The plan they have is to freeze his body and then petrify it. The purpose of freezing the body is to preserve it.

>stick it in some ice
Fucking savage

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Tsukasa is dead. They're just hoping that preserving his body and petrifying it allows them to bring his consciousness back.

Imagine Ryusui snapping his fingers in your butt

>le smart science teenager

Hunter-lets are brainlets who think their series is the most advanced thing ever because the author traced a few real world images when it's really the same as every other shonen though.

Stone magic changes appearances or some shit

So am I supposed to believe that this fag will come back to life after his heart has stopped beating and his brain has been starved of oxygen for probably 10-20 minutes?

I'm gonna be fair, I love the manga but I really hate the anime's pacing

Anime time nigga. He's been out for less than 5.

Depetrification has a cure-all effect that can even reverse brain death. So long as the injuries aren't too extensive, it's almost a miracle cure.

On the contrary, the speeches, running away and trying to think of Senku's master plan would've definitely been longer than 5 minutes.

But most of his brain is already de-petrified and therefore won't benefit from de-petrification.

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Reminder that Ryusui is SSR-tier rarity, on the same tier of Suika. Recovering him is about as valuable as the stealth ops expert's abilities.

Missed the part where he isn't dead, amirite?

I just want to see Kirisame spread, she's not even in recent chapters, it's not fair.

1,2,3 ep: good
4 and 5: shit


But he is dead.

The level of doublethink in this pathetic commie faggot (You).

Shut up, Hickenlooper

He would have died, not dead

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I only hate gooks for inventing and proliferating the gooktoon format. Vile and disgusting.

I still don't know what this is, I'm very ignorant on the gookhating subject, can you give examples please?

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>antifa humor

Yes, because anarchists care about electoral politics

From what I gathered you hate the typical Korean character design? I agree it's different from Japanese, but what's wrong with it? Do you hate it because they're trying to do their own thing?

>not breathing
>heart not beating
>brain not receiving oxygen
Same shit.

No, the format itself is cancer. The long strips for phone reader convenience.

Listen Taiju I hate to break it to you but what people call love is just a chemical reaction that compels animals to breed, it hits hard Taiju then it slowly fades leaving you stranded in a failing marriage.
I did it, your parents are gonna do it, break the cycle Taiju, rise above, focus on science.

This man kept his consciousness alive for nearly four millennia through sheer, pure dedication to his waifu. You really think his love is going to fade now of all times?

You're taking word from Taiju, the village idiot. Clearly doesn't know what he's doing. In any case, he wouldn't have died instantly thus the 5 minute rule can be handwaved cause we can't tell exactly when he went out, if he did go out.

I'm trying to understand the hate. Not going too well.

Well it's obviously a matter of taste and if you like gooktoons I think you have bad taste, simple enough. I have no issues with normal format Manhwa like The Breaker

This series is basically pic related. Does the keikakku bullshit stop any time soon? Only picked this up for science world building.

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You really think Tsukasa would've failed to 'kill' him, and simply knocked him out? If that was the case then the stone 'twist' wouldn't have even needed to exist.

I don't have an opinion on gooktoons. I don't read manhwa either, the only thing weird about Boichi was the ayy eyes which are a meme anyway. Honestly gotten used to them. So I'm really at a loss when people instantly hate it cause Boichi is Korean. Actually prefer his male designs cause they look more masculine.

But he literally says it, in both manga and anime. Pass out first then die. If no stone neck he would've died regardless if he didn't actually die on the spot. Also in the manga the beginning of 6 months is portrayed as "life flashing before your eyes" trope.

You can pass out while still breathing, you realize? The plan was obviously that he would die from lack of a heartbeat/oxygen, not starvation because he'd be forever unconscious and unable to eat or some shit.

Let me spoil you, it's gonna take roughly 10 eps to make this, you'll end with a few byproducts. They'll never advance from the stone age as in, what you would see in civ games cause of rapid development won't leave people to adapt to new inventions. Will take 6 months in-anime time.

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What I'm saying, death was not instant user, that's all I'm saying.

>shell necklace in his hands

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I've just reached Ch103 of the Manga. They've built a motorised sailing ship and have reached another inhabited island.But now it looks as if they're all petrified. Except for the few that are on land. Shits getting real. But yeah just read the Manga if you care about the series. The Anime will take forever.

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Ooops I did it again. Forgot to spoil the image.

>leather bag full of blood
Terrifying and awesome.

Okay so now they've found some of the natives. Also might not be going to South America after all.

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You're about to meet best girl. 10-titty-kitty

You say that just as I reach pic related. Sad.

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I believe deep down she's a good girl
Also kitty>gorilla

>I believe deep down she's a good girl
>Also kitty>gorilla
Who is kitty? Also no, Gorilla/Lioness is mai waifu.

Kirisame is the 10-titty kitty and I love her. She's a good girl, I can tell.

wrong kohaku is still best girl


haha good post my /pol/ friend, i am a racist /pol/fag just like you, you striked comedy gold right there.

It's 10E9% obvious she's a good girl. And Mozu is a good boy.

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Mozu is gonna fuck gorilla and Kirisame will fuck Senkuu, you heard it here first.

>episode ended at Senku finishing the treehouse

I thought it'd at least ended to where he heard Taiju in his dreams. Wow. What bad time management, the anime is.

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Read the manga. The memes about the anime flopping are wrong but for the wrong reasons. It'll flop because of bad time management as you said.

>next ep titled 2 countries
>inb4 gorilla doesn't appear next ep
I can see it, they're gonna fuck it up

It's more likely than not that Kohaku will meet Tsukasa next ep and then end on pic related.

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AND thats a good thing

I would destroy the entire world for him.

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We'll get Senku finding Kohaku under the tree next episode and then freeing her the one after that.

I don't see how they can squeeze a solid fightscene with emc2 and senkuu fucking the retard off

It would be better to dedicate the entire episode to the rest of the flashbacks, Senku saying goodbye and ending with the flag. Then next week we can start with Tsukasa/Kohaku and end with Senku saving Kohaku.

Terrible, but you know they're gonna do this, no wonder this is such a flop, if I hadn't read the manga I'd hate it too

They've been pretty strict about ending at the chapter breaks so far, which is a good thing since it's really the only way to go once the intense crafting begins.
However, I've seen enough anime to know that the standard ending point for the next episode would be after the flag, and Tsukasa doing the "Who are you?", and then a slow pan shot of Kohaku from bottom to top holding the flowers with the music rising to a crescendo. Cut to black.

And they're gonna do that "drawn" filter with the flag. It's so tiring, why do they keep extending the worst ark? Don't they see the numbers?

The prologue was excellent.

Too slow, people want to see civilization building and waifus. That's what sells

>this is the kind of audience Dr. Stone has, emasculated loser males who think anyone with a sense of humor is a Nazi

>That's what sells
Not in stone's case.

Sold better than the prologue

>"I-i'm NOT racist, I'm just trying to be funny"
>using racist jokes unironically in 2019

I want to fuck Tsukasa,even if it kills me

If you're above the age of 12 Tsukasa won't want you

Rape it is

Do you think that you're actually funny reddit?

It's not like he did it on purpose. It's mostly luck.

>but I feel it's going to be more about conflicts with people than actually rebuilding the world.
Why do anime-onlies pretend like their feelings matter when they can just look up spoiler free plot synopsis from the ongoing manga?

>"He starts shouting buzzwords and things he doesn't like"
Let me tell you something junior, being racist apart from /pol/ and Yea Forums hasn't been funny in years because it was overused to the point it became cringe.

What would sex be like with all of the characters
All of them, including the personification of the poison gas and those nameless mooks

>All the good shonen (Hunter x Hunter, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Fullmetal Alchemist) explain the source of their superpowers
>Literally just willpower and fighting spirit bro
>It's a magical ether energy force in the world bro
>It makes sense bro

I love HxH, FMA and JJBA but holy shit shut the fuck up you have no idea what youre talking about.

Willpower/FightingSpirit is as abstract an energy source as the retarded logic you're bringing to this thread.

What makes you think either of them would want you? Rape is all the same.

Shut up magma

Why are they keeping the gorilla away from us?

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This episode explained E=MC^2 right?

It happened In the time frame. The episode left out how senku dug up Taiju after getting pissed about manual labor, but weirdly expanded on him chasing deer where it was a frickin panel in the manga.

After 3000 years there are so many new mutations that the inbred thing no longer matters.

>Let me tell you something junior
Yep, definitely reddit.

>I love HxH, FMA and JJBA
You like Chrollo, the FMA ending and part 6 or 5 is your favorite, although you pretend it's 7. Your opinion is invalid and you are very angry because everything I said is 100% correct.

Mantle is certainly a product of incest, recent incest

>he knows this much about reddit
Time to go back

A range between tender handholding with Ruri to getting your dick burned off with Sulfy.

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I have never been to your homeland. It's really easy to tell you apart from people/humans, based on your posting style and your pre-programmed soulless opinions.

>"I have never been on reddit I just know everything about it to the point I can indentify certain slurs"

>classic soulless husk reply

>he still feels threatened
It's ok user, you're safe.

i want kirisame to come back just so that one user who really likes her will be happy


Thanks user, she is best and I love her.

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>Kirisame, Mozu, and Amaryllis
At least one of those three is leaving the island with the Perseus and you know it.

If Kirisame doesn't go along I will drop dr.Stone.
>been following since chapter 1
Don't fuck with me Inagaki

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You can definitely tell how dead this series is based on the state of its wiki.

>Caring about wikis

Kohaku x Lab forever.

>please buy my book
>Gen a scam artist. Senku was completely in the right
Whats the difference where the question was written? It was retarded dodgy answer you mongoloid.

>retarded quiz closed question
>answering with an open answer
>everyone agrees the quiz is bs
Checkmate teen magazines

Wikis are mostly made of 3 or 4 extremely dedicated no-lives. Why would you need a wiki for something as straight forward as this anyway

It's weird reading a different TL of the manga without Gen's weird and cute pig latin.

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Why didn't Byakuya make one of the 100 tales be about how the fucking earth is round and rotates around the sun, along with multiple other planets?
That seems extremely important to me.

How would that help anyone?

Next episode

>still no gorilla
Next thing you know they're only going to adapt 2 chapters next week.

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prevents hundreds, possibly thousands of years of misunderstanding about the greatest frontier there is, and also potentially prevents people like Galileo 2.0 being labeled as heretics
Certainly seems more important than a tale about some pleb-tier anime. Shit, just make it tale 101.
You would think literal astronauts would think this is important information.

But either way stoned people would eventually wake up and tell them about it. Shit is not needed for survival of a small colony

It might be important on the grand scale, not for immediate survival. Also the momotaro story was heavily warped to talk about dangerous predators

Why doesn't Senkuu mourn his dad?

He cried at his grave what else do you want.

Senku is not the kind of person to waste time reminiscing. And he did mourn his dad.


is tsukasa gentle or rough?

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Very gentle. but just knowing he could break you in half is great.

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Do you think they brought some of the villagers we didn't get an introduction to to the cruise? Still can't believe Soyuz honestly. That twist was so satisfying

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Turquoise best mommy

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There's no way Kirisame will let them go from this humiliation. She's been in a bad mood ever since.
>inb4 Lab gets raped by Kirisame as an act of revenge against Kohaku
>gorilla gets cucked

>It is actually a Don't Starve/Rick and Morty/Survival Guide isekai

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Yes, there's scenes of both the light-clothed modern guys and dark-clothed Ishigami Village guys on the Perseus, in Boichi's classic "generic civilian" depiction that doesn't actually fit anyone in the village except maybe Ginrou.

Tsukasa is not for lewding, he is for being a tender provider and oniichan.

>beryl's sex hair

Attached: tsukasaundercut.jpg (1695x1821, 1.83M)

>isekai currently most popular themed anime
If Stoneman was an isekai it would be more popular.

If you would have told me a few months ago that the "team" getting things done in the manga was this blessed unit, it would have been a "ARE YOU SHITING ME" moment.

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I like how none of them can use choppusticksu. Attention to detail yaddi yadda.

I actually like this show, not because of the characters, but because its like a cooking manga in which you learn how things used for modern society could be created in a Stuaone Worldo.
It's comfy, you learn something, pretty and not as stupid as something like Food Wars

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>not stonu wurldo
Your weeb speak needs work

Honestly the manga has the best mutual bro moments I've seen. The highfives feel so good and the "no homo" scene with Gen was great

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This scene was very "moving manga"

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Why is Tsukasa such a sweetheart?

Because he couldn't be for his sister

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Too much love and not enough friends/family/baby sisters to give it to.

Dropped plotline.

If you mean dropped immediately in the next chapter when it's played off as a joke, then yeah

You know they're meant for eachother
>both have "ku" in their names
>Senku's laugh is "kukuku"
>their child will be named "Kukuku"
>Byakuya losing it in the other world
>10 billion IQ gorilla babies
It's happening

Why are there fat people? How do you even become fat in stone age conditions?

>thinking romance will ever pay off in a Shonen manga where blue balling is more profitable

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What's that disease called that Africans have that makes their bellies big?
Also 3700 years of inbreeding and fatty fish diet.

That's just their stomachs being swollen from being too hungry. Also the rest of their bodies still look hella skinny

Senku and Kohaku will end up together but only at the very end. Such is the curse of shonen manga.

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>inb4 Boichi does a special xxx chapter that won't be published in Jump
>gorilla ridding smug science man into oblivion
Or it'll just be off screened and then a bebi Senkuu 2.0 will pop out

I don’t like his undercut

Face is result of inbreeding, tummies result of starvation

>Faraday's Law
Was e=mc^2 too casual?

Is thiws sankaku?

>We are starving, help us Senkuu

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>not taking the chance to explain every detail of conception and the scientific joys of parenthood
Abe would be disappointed in you

>implying that's not automatically assumed
Why do you think Senkuu will be on the bottom, gorilla will get too heated/bored from his explanation
>proceeds to pin him down and ride him as he continues explanation for 5 hours

Dropped on episode 3.
Its shit

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Proof that this is male power fantasy isekai

So that's where the famine started that killed off most of the village

>power fantasy about fucking a gorilla

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Why is Senkuu so hot lads.

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>power fantasy
More like smart fantasy.

They made him more toned than he actually is

those guys were spearmen, you cant just them swords and expect to be proficient with them

Looks like an ape in this frame

Well, he IS a shiny naked ape, so you are not wrong.

Why the fuck did Ruri or any previous shamaness not tell the villagers the most important of the stories, the one that would have saved everyone a lot of time and pain had any other villagers just recognized his damn name from the story?

That story was meant for the priestesses' ears only.

I'm just glad Gen got his cola, that is very satisfying.

I love Suika, i can't wait to see her animated

what would they have done if Ruri died? They expected her to die at any moment but didn't even seem to care about having a successor lined up (well they kinda did with Kohaku, but it seems they stopped caring after she refused), just finding a village chief. Even if they got a village chief, the amount of time it would have taken for her to have a child, and then wait for it to be old enough to even start to memorize 100 stories, she would have been long dead.


Honestly, that the tales were able to survive in an unbroken chain for 3700 years with apparently no redundancy is one of the more unbelievable things in all of this outside of the petrification itself.
Hopefully journalist girl or someone is teaching them how to write in the village while the main crew is away.


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Chief Kokuyou wanted Kohaku to become the new priestess and inherit Ruri's role and learn the 100 stories, and she told him the same thing Chrome told Senku when Senku wanted him to stay behind on the sulfuric acid mission: "Either we both survive or this information dies with us. I will not be your insurance policy. It's all or nothing."

Kohaku got banished for this, and Chrome nearly died. But they did pull it off in the end.

I turned myself into weed, Taiju!

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Funnily enough they did use hemp in the manga and it did get them high.

>no jews
Eh, I have my doubts there were no jews in the space station. Maybe some of them are secretly jewish.

>Still not at the village

Jews have been obliterated, it's over user.
petrification came from south America, it was the Nazis that fled Germany post ww2, after the petrification was completed Israel was nuked off the face of the Earth.

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You sound like that dude who "watched" anime by reading wiki articles.

Is this a JoJo reference?

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Who reads wiki articles about shounen series?

They do the ORA ORA thing a few times in the manga. Everything is a Jojo reference, even this post.

What's his stand?

We're all apes user.

He kinda deserved it.
Guy betrayed everything he stood for as soon as Senku told him he'd save his littl sister

Boichis art is really something, it didn't feel this long to get to the village in the manga.

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