Female King Arthur is the reason Fate franchise went to shit

Female King Arthur is the reason Fate franchise went to shit.
Prove me wrong.
Protip: you can't

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I would have liked to see a Fate/Prototype anime.

>went to shit.
This implies it wasn't shit at some point, which isn't true.

Put at least some effort, this is embarrasing.

Fate/Prototype is still just a draft at this point but yeah Proto Fragments is completed and getting Drama CDs.

Btw here is the Fragments corner in FGO Fes this year. Seiyuu's messages and signatures from left to right: Takahiro Sakurai (Arthur), Toyosaki Aki (Manaka), Hanazawa Kana (Ayaka)

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What is?

Fate taking over TM was what turned it to shit, with Case Files and Strange Fake being the only parts of the franchise that still vaguely cling to what made it good.

I think the very first fate game or thing started with that Saber so it was shit from the start.

you are right
liz is the only good thing about fate

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Great taste! Liz is the only reason I still care about Fate

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>x is why z is shit
Great discussion

So "Fate taking over the Fate franchise" is why Fate went to shit?
Are you even trying?

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Fate was always shit.

KNK and Fate zero are the only good entries in the nasuvewrse and only because one is the Butcher's fanfic.

>Fate taking over TM = Fate taking over Fate
I don't care if you're only pretending to be retarded, fuck off.

Butcher is trash and people who think he's any better than Nasu are just deluding themselves.

did Saber use excalibur in the end through the power of friendship or something?
I wouldn’t mind seeing the prequel novel translated, serenity is cute

Fate is doing better than ever, beating down its competition left and right in both official and unofficial works. The extremely loud minority can't do anything to stop it because they're delusional non-fans clinging onto their pirated VN for otaku cred

>Not owning the original PC version from even before RN
Imagine being this fucking casual.


Protorype is essentially Twilight set on the Fate universe, why would want to watch it?

Adaptation when?

>not FemNero, FemDrake, FemAttila, FemRaikou, FemOkita. e.g.
Genderbending real life not fictional characters ruined the series.
t. hisfag

Drake was supposed to be Elizabeth I in disguise until FGO retconned it. Yet another stupid fucking mistake.

No, that would be Nero. And then pretty much everything about FGO.

Fate was never about fighting for grails or about servants, this is what FGO gets wrong. What made F/SN good were the themes about morality and self sacrifice vs selfishness. Shirou's development, the exploration of his twisted worldview and his dynamic with Kirei and Archer. The best characters in F/SN are Shirou Emiya, Kirei Kotomine, Kiritsugu and Archer (nameless hero) for this reason.

This is also why F/Z is the only good direct spin off of FSN, because it understood what made F/SN good and built upon it.

The 3 main focal points of Fate/Zero are kiritsugu's morality (and how it contrasts with Shirou's), Kotomine awakening to his true nature (which finally made Gil an interesting character instead of the Saber orbiter/Psychopath, because all he was in UBW was a psycho), and Saber's idea of kingship vs Rider and Gilgamesh's.

Diarmuid Ua Duibhne (Zero Lancer) is handsome and charming and he reminds Arthur of one of her knights, someone she was very close to, she is in a good mood and lad banter feels right. Lancelot (Zero Berserker) is plagiarized from Diarmud's legend. Arthur treats Diarmuid Ua Duibhne different from every other servant because in a way they are not strangers. Lancelot and Diarmuid Ua Duibhne team up to fight Arthur a few pages later so even the people that are maybe not as smart get this spelled out for them.

Every other spinoff of Fate has always made the critical error of focusing on the idea of servants, and they've had some pretty cool ones like Vlad and Karna, but they all lack the thematic linchpin that actual makes the story worth reading.

Apocrypha tried to have a theme of salvation and how it is achieved, but neither Shirou Kotomine nor Sieg were good enough characters to make it work. And the side characters were either forgettable (every master save Sisigou), or wasted potential mostly relegated to pointless fights

can you stop spamming this post in every fate thread?

Fuck the King

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>This is also why F/Z is the only good direct spin off of FSN, because it understood what made F/SN good and built upon it.
>Urobutcher edge

It went to shit because it had a ginger as a protag. Gingers make everything go to shit.

>when it went to shit
That was after she became popular and they realized they could clone her and slap her face on a bunch of random literally-who historical figures.

OG Saber still is, and always was the best Saber.

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>Apocrypha tried to have a theme of salvation and how it is achieved.
This isn't completely correct. Apocrypha while touching on themes of humanity, justice, salvation, destiny, fate, and freedom isn't necessarily about these things they just add to the true central theme of desire. And how desire is necessary for people to be, well, people. Astolfo spells it out in his ending monologue that Apocrypha is about a story of people struggling to achieve, or in Sieg's case finding, what they want whether they succeed or not.
>but neither Shirou Kotomine nor Sieg were good enough characters to make it work.
Subjective in the longrun, they fall completely flat in the anime though due to 80% of their scenes and internal monologues in regards to the central them being cut.
>And the side characters were either forgettable (every master save Sisigou), or wasted potential mostly relegated to pointless fights
Again. This is the anime's fault as everyone has plenty of scenes fleshing them out and are very much hero's of their own stories with their own themes tied into their struggles and conflict which again were cut out in the anime to save time so it felt like there were all relegated to pointless fights because the anime never took it's time to establish necessary elements that made these fights more than just fights in the novel. There was a fair bit of wasted potential even in the novels but even at it's worst it's still miles better than most of FGO.

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>I'm just you.

Based King.

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The idea behind seiba might sound stupid but it's acceptable that she's androgynous and stopped aging thanks to pulling the sword. Then come the other genderbends like Nero that are just insulting.

This. The genderbend is less of an asspull with Arturia.

This. Saber had reasons for the genderflip and it actually fits nicely into actual Arthurian lore, giving it a sort of tragic twist, but Nero pretty much started the trend of 'haha dude why is he a woman now?' 'lol who cares she's cute!'

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Wrong Saber, bro.

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>mfw whore of babylon

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based chadwain. we dont deserve such a good sunbro.

Nero and Altera are pretty unforgivable, even design-wise. With japs I don't care as much, they can do what they want to their own history, whore out Musashi if you have to.

implying there was a point where it wasn't shit

Yes it was always good


Its to the point where I should start getting concerned for my mental health.


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Those some sick J's Saber

This fucking Nero gave birth to countless Saberfaces and genderbendings that made no fucking sense.

They might as well make Hitler a misunderstood saberface as well at this point since he is Nero 2.0 a crazy artist that fucked his country because he just wanted muh art, was killing people around him for power persecuting people for religious reasons and both ended up suiciding themselves when their rule became impossible.

As long as we get rape doujins, it will be fine.

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Reinhard or bust. I want to rape Reinhard.