The Sorrow of Moldavia

The Sorrow of Moldavia

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anime and manga

It's back.

Sadpanda is not allowed Yea Forums, you sick fuck

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God's in his heaven, all's right with the world.

>panda is back
>finally someone uploads the patreon only doujin ive been waiting to fap to since last month
>just got surgery done yesterday for a double hernia


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Wait, it's back? The fuck happened?

what is it? I'll fap to it for you user


I'll also fap to it

its on the front page. a samus and megaman doujin by nisego. that fucking jew keeps his shit locked behind a patreon discord so it takes ages for stuff to get posted to panda.

Disgusting fucks. Anime is fine, but you people totally lost your fucking moral compass if you think cp is the same.

Thank god. Ex is so lame. Can't even find anything worthwhile. I've resorted to using nudes in isekai manga to get off to the past few days...

>implying what I fap to is CP

fuck of baitposter

Its gone again lmao

Other than loli or shota, its no different from e-hentai. So why are you all gung ho over the news on ex? Don't be fucking lying to me.

>loli or shota is CP

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oh fuck guys I was playing a violent video game earlier and the next thing I knew I was out killing innocent people. I don't know how it happened, I thought I was just enjoying harmless virtual entertainment but suddenly I started doing that thing that I knew was terrible in real life

Because e was supposed to shut down too, you cock sucking uninformed leech.

Since when Yea Forums is so fucking full of moralfags?

Its different. Once you watch porn, you let your dick do all the thinking. Reading/ watching any variation of CP is going to make you fantasize for the real thing. I suggest you turn yourself in to your local police before you get killed off the street .

As if nothing ever happened

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all the twitter and tumblr faggots that come here i guess

That's just kiwicucks seething

A huge part of exhentai's catalogue isn't even ero-manga, but safe for work self published stuff.
How is that not Yea Forums?

Please tell me they will allow newfags to register in the future

Stop projecting.

Don't listen to them user. They do't know the power of loli love.

Ever since we had a newfag mod make a sticky about sadpanda these fucking moralfags csme out of the woodworks.